A speed workout and not a fun text to receive.

I think Mondays are always going to be my speed days from here on out, since Sunday is always my rest day I am more than ready to go Monday.  

I haven’t done 800’s (.5 miles) in a long time.  Like too long.  Like embarrassingly a long time (aka 1.8 years) so I set the treadmill at a 1% incline and went for it.

11.2 miles total  (after each .5 interval I did .5 at an 8:20 pace)

1 Mile Warm-Up: 8:34

.5 @ 3:14

.5 @ 3:14

.5 @ 3:11

Jumped off the treadmill to open the door for the UPS man.  I can see him from my deck and he let me finish up my interval before answering the door, he is a kind person.  

.5 @ 3:12

.5 @ 3:11

.5 @ 3:10

.5 @ 3:08

.5 @ 3:08

2.2 mile cool down…. Brooke was still snoozing so I took advantage of a longer cool down.

I really need to move that suitcase because I kicked it roughly 10 times and it almost made me fall each of those times.  I just used the timer on my phone for each interval and then typed the time in to keep track of everything.   I read on the good ol’ iPad during the recovery.  

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I texted my workout to Billy so that he could think I was cool by doing something other than what I do every day of my life (running at whatever pace I want to for however long I want to) and he told me good job followed by the worst words ever:


I guess he hates it when I get injured because I complain just a little bit and so he is trying to help me be smart with recovery.

Luckily, I had Brooke beside me holding my hand for those painful 15 minutes.  (I always wear a sweatshirt in my ice bath to help me from passing out from coldness).   

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Enough running talk, time to talk about food.  On Mondays Billy doesn’t have class until a little later so we were able to eat bfast together.  We had egg sandwiches and they were so delicious that I had one again for lunch.

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You guys were right.  The Naked Green Monster is actually really good and I feel like I ate an entire garden with my lunch.  

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Shortly after (= 3 minutes) I got into these Costco gems.  Pure Brilliance.  

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Ever taken an ice bath?  What do you do to make it less miserable?

-Sweatshirt, usually I have some hot chocolate and read blogs on my phone.  

Favorite type of speed workout?  Least favorite type of speed workout?  How often and what day do you usually work on speed?

Last thing you drank (other than water:)?

Thoughts on pb filled pretzels?

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I should probably incorporate speed work into my running but I am doing good to get a run in at all these days :/ Kudos to you! And an ice bath? I am impressed! ;)


PB pretzels = heaven! I drink unsweetened iced tea like its water. Zero calories & a caffeine pick me up. I was addicted to apple juice when I was pregnant but not do much anymore…


Wow! Awesome speed workout! Are you following a certain training plan for your Utah marathon? Maybe you could do a future post on goals and training for it? I know you said you normally do your own thing though. I am actually about to take an ice bath… sorry no tips they are just always miserable. If you take them more often the miserableness (it is a word…) decreases. Hot chocolate!!!! And pb filled pretzels are dangerous and short lived around here. So incredible.


The only time I can take an ice bath is if I’m reading a really really good book. It helps distract me. I usually just use a ton of ice packs instead.

The last thing I drank was green tea. I’m so healthy!


Ice baths suck. No matter what. But they are necessary. Sad but true. It’s helps to have that cutie with you for moral support though. (Now I want an egg sandwich!)


I’ve never taken an ice bath…yet. Once I get back into running and work on my speed (which will probably we your regular running speed haha), I’ll try taking one then. I like the sweatshirt idea because I’m a complete suck when it comes to cold water!!


Funny that I was currently eating these PB pretzels right as I was reading this! They are more than addicting! Great job on the speed work girl!


Ugh. Ice baths HURT. And thinking about jumping in one in this current weather (-2 degrees), no freaking way. But they do work, so kudos to you for listening to Billy! ;)

Brooke is adorable.

And yes, I do like egg sandwiches!


Those peanut butter filled pretzels from Costco are the best! I feel sort of ridiculous buying them though because my boyfriend can’t eat wheat and therefore that means the entire container is just for me. Ha, it’s a lot of peanut butter filled pretzels for one person!

I’ve never taken an ice bath but I know it’d probably be good for the muscles after my long runs. I know I’d be a big baby though and want to get out right away. :)


I love all speed workouts – though I usually like shorter intervals better than longer intervals! Great job on your workout! I don’t know how you can manage to do speed on a treadmill! When Brooke gets a little older you can take her to the track to play in the grass (or the long jump pit if she is like my boys and can’t stay away from dirt/sand/mud) while you do speed.

I hate ice baths. I’ve taken them, but I avoid them like the plague.


I love naked green monsters! They can get kind of pricey though so I don’t buy them that often :( Other than water the last thing I had was a glass of wine. I mostly drink water though!


I take ice bath’s after really hard or really long miles. They SUCK. I normally get in full clothed including sweatshirt, gloves and a hat. I always have a warm drink and normally drag in the computer and watch a show on it to keep my mind off the cold.

Love the idea of peanut butter filled pretzels but they need to make gluten free ones ASAP!


Such fast sprints! Congrats! I have actually never taken an ice bath haha, but I’m sure I wouldn’t like it. Currently I’m drinking a chai tea before going to bed (it’s 11 pm here). I used to do speed workouts more, but kind of fell of that bandwagon recently… I should probably be more conscientious of those! Hope you are having a great day despite Billy being back at school!


I drink a beer in the ice bath and read a trashy magazine like People. Totally counterintuitive I know-but it takes the edge off. I immediately follow the rest of the day with lots of water and foam rolling. I need a cute baby to hold my hand in the bath. Sometimes my dog comes in and lets me pet her.


Nice idea about the sweatshirt! I drink coffee or tea or hot chocolate (anything warm!) when I make myself take an ice bath. It helps. Fifteen minutes is real discipline!


Oh, the dreaded ice bath! I might have to block my husband’s phone number if he ever sends me such a text! I do agree with the recovery benefits of ice baths — they are such a necessary evil. I wear a winter hat and sweatshirt and hold a hot beverage. Nothing makes them pleasant, though.

Great job on all the 800’s! Mondays are progression run days for me and speedwork is usually on Wednesdays.

Last thing I drank was a green smoothie after my run. Mmmmmm…


I love the green monster drink (but, I’ve never made one myself).


I usually drink hot cocoa or coffee while I’m icing my knee 24/7. My mom used to warm it up for me when I ran haha!
Also, peanut butter + pretzel is amazing. You should eat them with a handful of chocolate chips or crush them in a banana sandwhich YUM. You’ll thank me later!



I’m not sure I’d ever be able to force my body into an ice bath. Kudos on switching things up today!


I can’t do ice-baths…I go to our hot tub instead. My calves hurt so much today after my long run – I wore heels over the weekend and then ran. Never again. No more heels. You’re amazing for ice-bathing.


I wear a sweatshirt with a hood and crank the heat in the house. I drink HOT HOT HOT coffee and seat a timer…the timer really makes it seem not so bad. Then I let all the water out and take a hot shower. I need to incorporate some speed work this training cycle, I have never done it before…any tips? Oh and Brooke is so stinking cute! Love her! ;)


I wish I’d kept up with ice baths during marathon training, I think it really would have helped keep me from getting injured


I seriously don’t know if I could take an ice bath! Way to go on the speed work. You’re mighty fast!


Oh ice baths, strongly dislike! I am so bad about those. I get hour long massages monthly, do yoga stretches after EVERY run, and also wear my compression. I find that helps me stay healthy. I just can’t get with it on the ice but you are a very smart girl for doing so.


I HATE ice baths like more than anything. Sometimes I heat instead. Iike to be warm. I’ve heard it’s just as good. Also, I see nothing wrong with running an easy pace for endless hours every day of your life. Oh wait maybe not so smart if you’re training for a marathon but speed workouts are death days for me. I love that the ups man waited for you. That is the sign that he is a truly good man.


NICE return to speedwork! Very impressive repeats.

I hate ice baths. I’ve only tortured myself once with an ice bath. Usually after long runs I walk into the freezing cold ocean, which is just as bad but way more beautiful. :)


I hate doing speed work, so my favorite is whatever has the shortest interval and the longest recovery.

I would love those pb pretzels. So into pb right now, husband requested his own jar. My double dipping is grossing him out I think. You understand.


Worst ice bath ever was right after the Catalina Marathon (which you MUST do by the way). My loving sister kept going to the hotel ice maker right outside our door to fill me up as I sat in the sad cold water (still had on my dirty clothes from the race). Then as she was pouring in the ice I realized I saw something else floating in there with me – dismembered pieces of a GIANT cockroach from the ice machine. Yuck. But it worked and I was not sore at all the next day, even spent that night out on the town drinking and dancing the night away.


I put on music and jump in front of the space heater immediately after. Hadn’t thought of drinking hot chocolate too tho, good idea.

I no longer do speed workouts -or run much more than a ‘jog’. I got burnt out running in high school and college but the last thing I drank was hot chocolate made with Ghirardelli cocoa, almond milk + honey.

We buy the costco brand pb pretzels for making trailmix during hiking/camping season.


Favorite Speed Workout: Fartleks(usually do them on a track). I also oddly like 1200 repeats :)
Least Favorite Speed Workout: 800s. It’s a love/hate relationship :p

Its been too long since I’ve done a track workout. You’ve inspired me. Tomorrow I will do it!


I’ve never taken an ice bath before…

I’ve been loving Crystal Light in my water lately. I knooow it’s the best for you though. oops!


I could eat that entire container of PB filled pretzels. That is one of the 1st things I do when I get to my parentals house – straight to the pantry and grab a handful of the deliciousness that is.

I try and do speedwork once a week, but that doesn’t always happen. I like 800’s because they are long enough that when you do a few (with recovery in betwee) you can go far-ish and it goes by really quick. But they are also short enough that I know I can really push it and still hold on for those few minutes. Mile repeats are the death of me.

I usually take my phone and read blogs, check instagram and twitter when I take an ice bath…but I haven’t done that since training for my marathon. Maybe that Billy is on to something and I should still be doing it so these shin splints I have will go away completely. Hmmmm.

That Brook sure is cute. Wait until you are only and she comes in there while you take an ice bath…my kids always would and they thought I was crazy. Also, on that note, I should probably start locking the door when I take a bath.

Awesome job on your run! You are a rock star!


I’ve never really taken an ice bath – I just showered in really cold water. I don’t know if that does anything at all? :-)


I love intervals and loathe tempo runs – ice baths are the best. I think I’m the only one who likes them! I whip up some hot chocolate before I get in. Pure bliss!


What a good hubby to suggest that – even if that does mean feeling cold for the rest of the day. Blog reading is what I have done during an ice bath too.

This is the 3rd post about speed work I have read tonight – maybe a lesson I need to hear. Trying to get my base miles up though and was thinking about hold off on this time of training for a bit. Is this a bad idea?


Ice baths = sweatshirt, socks, a hat, and hot chocolate or tea. I watch netflix on my phone and sometimes my husband is nice enough to sit beside me and watch it with me and tell me jokes.


ugh i used to dreadddd ice baths in college. like tear up at the thought of them. but i know i knowwww, they are great.


When I take ice baths, I text people and try to stay busy with that. I can’t help but watch the minutes go super slowly by, though. NOT. FUN. And I could go for some peanut butter pretzels right about now. Never had them, but I like dipping pretzels IN peanut butter, so it would make sense that I’d love the filled ones as well.


Yum, love me some peanut butter pretzels! I have never taken an ice bath. I am a huge wimp and not sure I would last longer than 2.3 seconds.


You’re right-peanut butter pretzels are pure genius!


Thats awesome girl! Great workout! So is there a post you’d rec for hill training on the treadmill? Im running my first half post baby and need to do hill training as it is thru central park in ny. I, too, run on the treadmill while my baby is napping (in an odd place as well; our basement dungeon) and need to do hill training there. I live in philly so even if I ran outside the hills are non existent really here….anyway you seem to know your treadmill shit, so I thought I’d ask. It is apparently a mix of “rolling hills” and some bigger ones.


My tips for surviving an ice bath.
Run the tub full of cold water, get in with your sweatshirt on. After you get used to the water add the ice. Sip warm beverage.


You are brave!! I can only make myself do ice foot baths after a long day in rehearsal. Can’t imagine sitting in one! Terrifying!


My favorite Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is Chubby Hubby … which includes peanut butter filled pretzels. Love love love!! :)


Yay for speed work! And you did a serious amount of reps. Great job!!!


I work on speed on Mondays! …except mine are not 11 miles long! You’re amazing!!


Eeek! I don’t think I’d ever be able to take an ice bath. I’m the biggest wimp when it comes to the cold, and the idea of sitting in ice cold water gives me shivers just thinking about it. PB pretzels give me the heebie jeebies as well, but that’s mostly because I’m allergic to peanuts :P


You are amazing! Just reading that speed workout made me want to lie on the couch! How fast were you running when you were doing the .5 speedy interval? I need some variation to my runs so my body doesn’t plateau. Ice baths are so hard for me to do! 15 minutes of pure torture! :)


I have never taken an ice bath. Foam rolling is torture enough for me… but um HELLO PB PRETZELS. They are crack for me.


You do intervals on the treadmill? Crazy. Ugh


Never taken an actual ice bath. But I get in the shower while it is still cold and let it run on my legs.
I used to do 1/4 mile intervals. I thought they were fun and made the time go by fast.
I don’t see the big deal about the pretzels. And wouldn’t it just be cheaper to buy pretzels and peanut butter and dip away?

The Kidless Kronicles


I do ice baths after long runs (usually anything over about 13-14 miles) or races half marathon or longer. I find it makes a huuuge difference in my stiffness the next day!

I’m an even bigger wimp.. I’m one of those people who is ALWAYS cold, no matter what. When I take an ice bath I wear a hoodie and a hip-length winter coat and fold it up over my stomach. Sometimes when I’m feeling extra wimpy, I wear a blanket around my shoulders too :) I have to watch youtube videos or read a magazine when I’m in there, otherwise the time goes by too slowly :) It’s less agonizing when you’re distracted! Brooke looks like a pretty perfect little distraction!


I’ve done the ice bath thing a few times…and I, too, bundle up with lots of layers on top – and tell myself that if I did the workout, I can CERTAINLY do the post-workout recovery-aid (after all, at least I’m sitting down, right? right?).

Currently drinking some milky coffee (latte sans foam, since I’m just too lazy to do the foam thing). Also been drinking plenty of lime juice. Not quite as nutritious as green juice, but: YUM.

Not really feelin’ the PB pretzels, though…but put some chocolate in them, and I am SO there!!


I actually love ice baths. I played soccer in college and it was a part of our workout routine. I always found that it wasn’t so bad if you actually go all the way in (like to your neck) because then your whole body just went numb rather than having half of your body be cold and the other half be warm. We also had little neoprene toe covers that we could put on to keep our toes from freezing.

Reading a magazine or talking to a friend (on the phone) would probably help distract you! Brooke seems like a really supportive/distracting ice bath buddy, though!


I’ve never taken an ice bath. I know runners that swear by it, but I’ve just never brought myself to do it!


Dang! Nice workout lady!!!


great job on the speedworkout girl!! :)

ya, that was a pretty horrible order to get from billy, buuuut he knows it’s for ur own good. i’ve been forced into ice baths too…i hate them, but sometimes u just have to suck down that medicine…hehe.


I love the ice bath….it took a little while, but now I think about it while I am running….sweatshirt, coffee, and my phone are musts!


I actually went and got the green monster after your last pic of them! I forgot how much I love them! And honestly, doesn’t peanut butter go with everything??!


About the PB filled pretzels and everything else you eat with peanut butter, it breaks my heart bc my 21-month old son has a severe anaphylactic allergy to peanuts… One of my top 3 favorite foods. So no longer is anyone in my family allowed to eat peanut butter and we can’t even have it in the house. It’s a terrible thing!


That is so so so sad!!!!!!!


Ice baths are so good for you, and so awful feeling, and should be a bigger part of my life. I do however ice my shins and my knees after every. single. workout. And many mornings. It’s made a big difference in my injury prone life

As for Peanut butter pretzels, i just bought a 26 oz bag of the same brand, and finished them in 2.5 days. I don’t know if this means i should immediately go buy some more, or never buy that size bag again…


Go buy some more:)


nice speedwork mama:) I was wondering if you do any speed work, but then again, you just had a baby;-)
I love speed work, especially on the treadmill. I did my first 400’s workout last week, it was 12×400’s, that was a good one! I had never done it before. I did a ladder workout before that – that was fun, and hard. I don’t know that I have ever done the same exact speed workout twice, I’m always mixing it up!
I just tried kombucha for the first time! Yum!!
and, I would prefer chocolate filled pretzels:)


I have a love/hate relationship with ice baths. They definately make the next day a whole lot happier but those first couple of seconds are killer. You gotta just sit down quickly and get it over with!


I love Naked Juice! I just tried their new chocolate banana protein shake…sooo good!!


Peanut butter pretzels- yes!

I’d be afraid I’d drop my phone in the tub if I took it with me to read blogs! you are a brave woman.


I listen to Bruno Mars when I take ice baths—he makes me happy!


Way to go, 11 miles on ol’ treddy! You’ve inspired my speed workout for this week, wish me luck!


Is it weird that I love veggies but hate them in juice form? Greens aside, you are a speed demon- great run!!


An Ice Bath. Hm. Quite honestly, the way my legs feel today after yesterday’s long run I think I could have used one of those. Thank God you have Brooke there to hold your hand! I remember being put in an ice tub to my knee when I had surgery, but the thought of covering my whole bottom half is a little daunting. Thank you for the mention of wearing a sweatshirt. I wouldn’t have thought of it and it might be a lifesaver!


You can read while running at an 8:20 min/mi pace?! Amazing! :) I like 800s until I get to about 5 repeats, then I’m a wimp, though not during this training! I’m determined to get to 10! Last thing I drank was tart cherry juice. Supposedly it’s good for inflammation and therefore a good running recovery drink!


Do you read Wasatch and Beyond? Jake wrote a really good post the other day about injury prevention/recovery from an elite POV. He seems to think (and I’ve heard it elsewhere) that we don’t need to do an ice bath after EVERY hard session – some inflammation is good, because that’s what makes our bodies adapt to the training stimulus!

I think that sounds great – less ice baths! Awesome! There’s also a Marathon Talk podcast saying the same thing, but I can’t remember which episode.

I’m trying to pretend that I’m a middle distance runner for summer (in Aus), so I’m currently doing 2-3 speed sessions per week, plus hill sprints and a tempo. It’s tough, but I’m absolutely loving it! I recover better from intervals than I do from a long run. Weird.


Nice job on the speed work and I’m congratulating you even more on the ice bath. I HATE those. The first time I did one, I made my husband hold my hand haha so I’m glad little Brooke was there for you:)


Oh.. speed work. I’m a newbie to it. Have only done 800’s once at a workshop. Ha.
Ice bath- never. I’m too wussy. You are one brave woman. :)


Hahahaha! I love your comment about the Naked Green Juice. An entire garden with your lunch – you are too much & I love it :D
I love Brooke’s face, she’s like, “Mom, it’s ok, I’m right here with you on my comfy warm blanket in my comfy warm clothes.” ;)


I always throw my sweatshirt and beanie in the dryer for about 5 minutes so they are nice and hot to jump into that dang cold ice! :)

Nice paces lady! Decreased each interval too – good stuff!!


I’ve never taken an ice bath and the only way I ever would is if a) I’m on fire or b) someone makes me (by holding me down…)


I could eat nothing but PB filled pretzels for the rest of my life and die happy. Seriously.


You are SO speedy! Jealous!


I have never taken an ice bath. How do you do this? haha Do you normally just run cold water or actually put ice in the bath??!! This TERRIFIES me! haha I HATE being cold and think I’d hate this! I need more info!!!


I love ice baths but loathe the first minute or so. Having a shirt or something on definitely helps. I like to have music and something to read, or even watch if something on my iPhone (stream Netflix if I’m on wifi).

PB filled pretzels…amazing. If only they could work chocolate in there too…


Oh my, PB filled pretzels are so good!!!


PB pretzels are great on the run fuel!


Sorry, I can’t read. That was your recovery pace. Please delete. :-/


Hey Matt!!! I don’t think I explained it very well ha! Sorry about that! Hope you are having a great day!!!


Yay, welcome to the Naked green monster club!! I hope you survived your ice bath!


People have probably already said this, but wearing socks makes ice baths SO much more bearable for me.

I can’t get near those peanut butter pretzels-they are insanely addictive!!!


I have actually never heard of anyone running that fast ever anywhere.
Please share your superpowers!





I love those Anderson p.b. pretzels. I use to eat them when I would go on my long runs in Illinois. Then I moved to Arizona and everything is so dry so it made it hard to eat them running outside in AZ. I would end up drinking all my water before my half way point. Oops!
Nice job on your 800s. You rock!

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