I live in a very strange place.

Where in the world do I live?  Brooke and I went and snoozed by the pool yesterday afternoon in the sunshine in January?  FYI she has even figured out how to take off her velcro shoes.

I refuse to tell you how long I stayed in my running clothes yesterday. 

Photo  1

Billy getting his new grill is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.  I get a delicious meal, I don’t have to do any work and he enjoys cooking dinner on the grill….  the grill has done great things for me.  

With the fish we had brown rice (somehow I managed to mess that up and overcook it ((someone thought they were mashed potatoes)), salad, cooked spinach and bread.  Our friends also brought an incredible sweet jalepeno spread for our appetizers.  

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We did a really good job at having a healthy dinner but then the movie started and I don’t think it is right to watch a movie without at least two (or 40) treats to choose from.  

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The movie of the night was Pitch Perfect.  Hilarious.   Poor Billy thought that the movie would be about baseball because of the word pitch in the title. 

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We ended off the evening trying to be our own cool a cappella group.  

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I am going out for a long run today but I am very confused on how far to go since I have my half next Saturday… I guess I will just surprise myself and decide as I go.  


What was the last movie that you saw?  Those of you that have seen Pitch Perfect… what did you think?

What is your long run/race/workout this weekend?

How long does it take you to go from opening your eyes on a Saturday morning to going on your run?

-It used to be about 10 minutes but now it is usually 2.5 hours.

What’s the weirdest thing about where you live?

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I loved pitch perfect! So funny! It depends if we have somewhere to be or not… We like to lay around and do nothing for quite a while before attempting to run. Unless its summer you have to go early or you might have a heat stroke! Have a great Saturday!


Sounds like a great night to me! I wish I could snooze by a pool! We have yucky slushy leftover snow… not great for running. I thought Pitch Perfect was super funny! Happy running day!


I have Pitch Perfect in my Netflix cue–I am not one for musicals, so we will see how it goes;-)

Enjoy your run! Still no running for me:-( I allowed about a 1/2 hour before heading out for my run–I needed to wait for it to get light out. When Addy was a newborn it took me about 2 hours.

Weirdest thing: our town is so small it has a bar, but no church. (don’t worry I drive the 4 miles to the next town to go to church) ;-)


I have a race tomorrow…6 km and my first ever :)!


Good luck!! You’ll do great :)


Good luck!!! :)


Thank you both so much :)!


We are going to watch Pitch Perfect tonight. I’ve heard great things about it.
Brooke has the most gorgeous eyelashes!

PS- my 6 mos old gets her shoes and socks off too. It doesn’t matter what brand of socks and shoes, she will get them off.


I have my first 18 miler today. Because I go from in bed to outside running in 10 minutes during the week I give myself more time on the weekend. I’m usually out in about an hour. 41 minutes to go.


You are my favorite Aca-blogger.


I so want to see Pitch Perfect! My daughter and I are going to see a movie tonight and we’re trying to decide between Les Miserables and Silver Linings Playbook. 2.5 hours sounds about right for me too.


I loved pitch perfect! I recently watched it on a plane and kept laughing out loud! I loved fat Amy horizontal running- that might be my run for the day!!


We saw Zero Dark Thirty. But I have heard good things about Pitch Perfect!
No run this weekend. When I do run, it takes about an hour to get out of the house.
Dust storms have to be the weirdest thing. And that the temps can swing like 30-40 degrees in a day.

The Kidless Kronicles


I loved Pitch Perfect!!! And, I actually learned how to do the cup song that she did as her audition because I thought it was one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen!


I really love Pitch Perfect. Like Billy I thought it was about baseball. But, I actually got it for Christmas because I loved it so much!


Brooke’s toes in the last picture are just too adorable for words!!!! Eeep! She’s the cutest little munchkin!


I just watched Pitch Perfect tonight with some friends too! Such a funny movie and I loved all the singing too.
I went for a 7 mile run today after a couple days of rest. I struggled to motivate myself to run, so I didn’t go until late after lunch!
And the weirdest thing about where I live is that it can be boiling hot one day and then freezing the next!


I heard Pitch Perfect is funny but I haven’t seen it. Last movie I saw was Les Mis and it was wonderful, but probably not another one for Billy. :)


The last movie I saw was Parental Guidance. I usually like Billy Crystal, but it wasn’t that great.


I loved pitch perfect.. too cute! And my boyfriend thought the same thing.. I didn’t tell him otherwise until it started. Oops :)


Cooking rice is harder than it looks sometimes! Have a good long run today, I’m going to try to get some nordic skiing in :)


I’ve been wanting to see pitch perfect! And I wish I had a frill, or at least a George Forman!


I LOVE Pitch Perfect! Acca-scuse me? It’s hysterical! No run today – going to a pilates class in a bit :)


Haha I love your huge assortment of candy! My husband would be in heaven.


Just saw that movie with my boyfriend recently and we both really loved it! He admitted it was funnier than he thought it would be.

SO jealous you are at the pool in January, I’m cold over here :)


How did Billy like Pitch Perfect? I alllllmost rented it last night, but I was worried I was going to torture my husband through the whole thing. I plan to do some walking intervals on the treadmill today… I think. Or maybe a workout DVD? We’ll see. Good luck on your long run!


ok, now I need to see Pitch Perfect. After reading your post and all the comments I think I will love it!

I want to fall asleep by the pool. That sounds so peaceful.

Enjoy your run!


I wanna see pitch perfect looks so funny! My Saturday or any day for that matter usually takes me 2 hours to get going in my run. Gotta make sure Jackson is nice and happy:)


fun night! pitch perfect is too funny! fat patricia was our favorite part hahahah


The last movie we saw was This is 40!!!! Loved it, very very funny!! The weirdest thing about the town I live in that it just went Wet, meaning we were living in Footloose Times and that you could not buy alcohol here. You can now, but a lot of people are very UN happy. It takes me just a few minutes to get out the door for a run. So wish it was warmer here. Went out for nine miler starting at 32 degrees. Ran at a 8:20 pace, not so bad for a 40 something!!!


I loved pitch perfect. I watched it with my mom in the evening and then the next morning with my husband because I thought it was so funny!

SO jealous of your nap by the pool. It’s been so cold here in Northern Utah. WHich means I’ll be running on the treadmill and I can only manage a few miles on the treadmill unlike you :)


I watched Pitch Perfect for the first time during Christmas break and I ACA-LOVED it! :) And I may have watched the ending twice because I couldn’t get enough. Brooke looks so comfy and secure – what a true compliment to you! Hope you had a great run!


Aurg.. I am trying to decide how far to run today too. I am doing a half next weekend as well! I am thinking at least 8, maybe try to do 12???


It takes me 30 seconds to get out of bed to go run.. but 30 to wake up. I don’t have any time to waste in the morning if I want to get in my hour run.

I only run 6 miles and never do long runs in the winter months. I stuck inside.. so an hour is more then enough!

I’ve been wanting to watch that movie.. now I’ll have to see it.


I went to see pitch perfect in theaters by myself! I laughed out loud so much, I embarrassed myself! Hah!


Pitch perfect is the greatest movie of the year I think. I’ve seen it 4 times and cry for laughing each time. It has to be enjoyed with candy, that’s like a rule. Today was a long run followed by free lulu lemon yoga. Perfect Saturday!


Sounds like you had a really good time! That food looks delicious. I am jealous of you hanging by the pool in January! Very cool! Haven’t seen that movie. But poor Billy. He’s gonna have to get used to it with two girls in his life!


Oh gosh, I coach basketball for two little girls teams…Practice on Friday’s and then games on Saturday at 8am and again at 12. For the first few weeks I would get home from 8am game, run and shower before the next game but today I needed a break so I ran errands between games and will run this afternoon. I am still working my way up to a “long run” but for me this weekend will be 2.75 miles today and 3 tomorrow with my new partner (who bailed on me on Thursday so Sunday is her chance at redemption:))


I watched Pitch Perfect too last night! It was a good movie :)


I need to see Pitch Perfect – I’ve heard so many good things! Normally I’m pretty good about waking up and shooting off for a run, but this morning is going waaay different. Wuh-oh.


Pitch Perfect = Favorite Movie of 2012. The cup song from the audition is one of my latest obsessions; I went on to youtube and watched a tutorial on how to do it about…..30-35 times? OBSESSED.
My workout for today (Saturday) is going from couch —>kitchen–>couch. Tomorrow (Sunday) is ellipticaling and strength training (rowing!!)
Weirdest thing about where I live is the weather; a couple weeks ago is was 65 and sunny, then the next day it was 27 and snowing. WHAT???! Yeah, bipolar weather.
Enjoy your run!! :)


I have pitch perfect on the cue…can’t wait to see it!


I watched it last night too! It’s still in our dollar theater so we had a cheap girls night. We laughed soo hard!


How funny, I just watched Pitch Perfect last night! It was a RIOT. I’m so incredibly jealous of your gorgeous southern California January weather. NOT. FAIR.

It usually takes me longer to go on my weekend runs, but that’s just because I’ve got allll that extra free time, and usually depends on the weather too! This weekend I’ve got a 9 mile run around White Rock Lake, and I am SO excited for this scenic run!


I loved Pitch Perfect! I may have rented it from iTunes and watched it 2 days in a row…and am now addicted to that song Titanium. And I also now think I could start my own singing group, although my boyfriend doesn’t seem as on board with the idea.
I’m quite jealous that you’re out lounging by the pool. In Toronto they’re expecting -17C this week :(


I’ve heard about that movie, it sounds cute. I think I need to see it.

My run this morning was supposed to be 8, but I ended up doing shy of that thanks to following some random runner instead of the group I was supposed to be with. (I had a map in my pocket, you’d think I would have checked that).

It takes me half the day to go running if I have the option, but since my husband is gearing up for cycling season I don’t have as much leeway so he can also have time for his long ride. My runs end up being far earlier than I like.


Billy, Spencer is jealous of your grill! In our move from WA to NE, we decided to donate ours-less to move. So, we have been sans grill for months! He really wants a Traeger smoker! Have a great long run Janae! :)


It takes me waaaay too long to get on the go on Saturday mornings to go run.. case in point: it’s 2:40 pm here and I’m just getting ready to go now! I’m ok with it though, Saturdays are my lazy day. As long as I get my run in I’m happy!

That salmon looks yummy! I think I’ll have to try and make some this week :)


Hmm weirdest thing about where I live? The crazy drivers. I live in Atlanta, and some of these folks can NOT drive!


I went for a 4 miler this morning. Felt great!



Well I live in Minnesota, and right now it’s 40 degrees and sunny (strangely warm). The winds are picking up and they’re predicting that by 8p.m. we’ll have 35mph winds and the temp will be at about 5. So weird. So gross.


The wierdest thing about where I live is definitely the people you bump into at the Turkey Hill gas station.

At 10 PM. You’ve been warned. lol


I love that movie! It was so great! It really made me wish I could carry a tune! lol


I will be running in Tahoe for the weekend (as well as snow-shoeing tomorrow)!
It’s always sunny and cool in Saratoga these days, perfect weather for running. I’d have to agree that it’s weird because it’s January!


Janae, what is that dark scary plant looking shadow thing in the pool???


You know, I actually love overcooked rice!

The weirdest thing about where I live (to me) is that January is the hottest month of the year.


The last movie we saw was This Is 40. It was very good & kept me laughing the whole time.

The weirdest thing about where I live is the temperature range… it was closes to 70 last Sunday & yesterday it was 10. You have to be prepared for a plethora of circumstances at all times.


This is 40 was super hilarious! Maybe because I’m over 40….haha


The last movie that I saw was Pitch Perfect too! I liked it, but I didn’t think it was as funny as everyone was making it out to be!


The last movie I saw was The Hobbit.

I walked/ran 3 miles today…still rehabbing the achilles.

This morning it took me 3 hours from the time I woke up to the time I ran.


We watched Gone in 60 seconds last night – I’ve seen it a million times, but haven’t in awhile – so on it went

Today’s workout?? Eating whipped creme like A BOSS. I’m baking today :-)


Subscribe and watch my journey to running my 1st half marathon.. I’ll be showing you what I eat, how I train, and various Health benefits for runner and Fitness enthusiasts. Enjoy! Share with a friend if he or she is into being educated in Health & Fitness. Blessings


Is that fish you made that type you can buy frozen in a bag? I am looking to make more fish and do not know what brand to buy. Help.


Yes!!! It is from Costco and we have tried every kind they have and they are all so amazing!


I loved Pitch Perfect! We saw it in theaters and then I rented it the other day from Redbox and watched it while running on the treadmill (I feel like they should do a 1/2 marathon where you watch a movie while you run, like a drive in race). It was much easier to wake up this Saturday morning since it’s in the 60s here than it was last Saturday when it was 7 degrees- gotta love Colorado! So jealous of your pool time!


I see those reese pieces girl!

I really wanna see Pitch Perfect! A friend of mine just saw it last week and went crazy recommending it to me.
Last movie I saw was Jack Reacher – not baaad, but wouldn’t go back!


Oh man, I am obviously in the minority for not liking that movie very much! The singing parts were amazing but the rest was sort of eh. Maybe it needed more singing?
My long run was 2.5 miles. Not too exciting, but it was my longest run since coming back from a stress fracture, so that is good!


Me, alone? It takes me about 3.2 minutes to get out the door. Me, PLUS my husband? At least 15 minutes. We have two bathrooms, so don’t ask me why. I have no idea.

We cranked out about 7 miles on the trails yesterday morning. It was pouring rain, and we had the (usually very busy) trails to ourselves. I can’t figure out why more people didn’t realize that this is the coolest possible way to get your run done in the tropics…


Haven’t seen Pitch Perfect yet, but plan to very soon. Hmm possibly tonight!

On long run Saturdays I usually wait about an hour to head out. I actually run better at the end of my day though during the week. I think it maybe has to do with the fact that I have more energy from all the food I eat during the day :) I did a very slow 5 miles this morning.

Weirdest thing about where I live is the weather. I’m in west Texas and it never stays the same temp for long. I wore long sleeves and a scarf all bundled up yesterday. Ran in 38-43 degree weather this morning, then the temp go up to 68 I believe this afternoon.


my sis just borrowed Pitch Perfect from her friend and i want to see it. i’ll no doubt be singing, much to the dismay of anyone within earshot.

hope u had a great long run…watever it worked out to be! :)


My daughter started watching Pitch Perfect last night and I though I would just fall asleep. She went to bed and I stayed up to the very end. What a cute movie!


I loved Pitch Perfect!!!! First movie I watched on my iPad!! Not a huge movie buff simply because I can’t sit still long enough or I fall asleep during the first five minutes. (Honestly…..can be the best movie ever and I can’t stay awake anytime day or night.)
The weirdest thing about where I live is the name of my town….Bad Axe.
45 min. From when I wake up at 3:45 to when I hit the road at 4:30am. Just enough time for 1.5 cups of java.
Decided to do long run on Friday for 10 miles instead of Saturday per the weather.


LOVED Pitch Perfect! Can’t wait to hear about your half! I am running my first half in May!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


We watched Pitch Perfect last night too! I thought it was really funny and loved the accapella music. (I used to be in choir in HS.)

Long run was 5 miles with my Team World Vision team. :)

I’ve been getting up early (read: 7am) on Saturdays to get to my group run at 7:30, and that’s only because I’m co-captain so I guess I should be there. :) Normally my long runs on Saturdays would be done in the afternoon or evening. I am NOT a morning person.

What’s weird about where I live?? I don’t know. I think Rancho Cucamonga is awesome. Maybe the name is kinda weird though. Most people who aren’t from So Cal stumble over the pronunciation.


Pitch Perfect = SO FUNNY!


Haha Awe poor Billy!


AWE, look at her toes!!!!! :D


hahaa! i’m the same now – it takes FOREVER to get out of the house when you have a baby. They’re too cute to put down! :-)


Zack thought the EXACT same thing about that movie. No joke. He was like “wait… I though that was a baseball movie…?” hahaha ohhh, boys.



I watche pitch perfect Friday night with my roommate! So so good!!


HA did Billy really think it was about baseball? That’s hilarious. Kinda like how my sister and I went to see Django and the whole time she thought we were going to see Gangster Squad? She was so confused the first 15 minutes of the movie.
Did Billy get a Weber grill? When my dad got that he was SO EXCITED. Heck, so was I. Grilled food rocks.


I’m OBSESSED with Pitch Perfect. My bestie and I watched it during our holiday break and I’ve decided I need to buy it.


I LOVE Pitch Perfect!!! :)


Haha I love the last photo! That movie was great, so many fun songs!

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