New running fuel, boots and the perfect salad.

I chose to run on the treadmill this morning for three reasons.

1.  I went early and it was cold and still kind of darkish, I am a wuss and cannot handle anything but perfect weather.

2.  My sister was going to the gym and I have copied every move that she makes since I can remember (which is 3 years old.  Billy doesn’t believe me that I can remember things from when I was 3 but I really can).

3.  I wanted to prove that silly article about treadmill hate wrong and get in a crazy good workout on the treadmill.

I did 9 miles at a 7:40 overall pace.

I started at a 7.5 on the treadmill and just kept increasing .1 every mile.  For where I am right now with my fitness this workout killed me off and I had that feeling of wanting to die a little starting at mile 6 but I am glad I did it.

My new stretching set-up.  At least I actually did it.  

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I haven’t mentioned this on the blog but I have been testing out this fuel for the last few weeks and so far so good.  I really want to use it for at least a month before I do a review on it so that I can give you all the details on how it has worked with me.

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Brooke got all dressed up with her boots and we were off for lunch.

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Bangs washing is overrated.  I got to go with these two gorgeous girls.  The one on the left just got a FOURTEEN minute pr at the St. George Marathon (a 3:15!!!) and the one in the middle is the hardcore triathlete who did a half-ironman in August!!!  Love talking about being addicted to endorphins.  

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The one in the middle treated us to the best mexican food ever.  Really that guacamole was the best.

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I ordered the steak and grilled veggie salad and coated it in hot sauce, guac and that dressing.  It was exactly what I needed.  

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Now we are off to Costco to go print off Brooke’s photoshoot pictures and I am crossing my fingers that they have tons of samples because I need a snack right about now.


What running fuel have you been using? 

What type of weather or temperature forces you to run inside?

-Rain (not snow.. I like running when it is snowing) and when it is dark.

Favorite protein on a salad?

-Um… steak now after I ate that beauty.

Have you been good at stretching after your runs lately?

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What a great run!!

That salad looks awesome!


I completely agree on the rain/snow. There is something magical about running in the snow, but the rain?? Nope, that is just miserable and makes your hair tangled.

Your scarf is so cute! Where is it from?


Hey Hilary! Thanks so much, it is from Nordstrom and I got it last winter! YES about the miserable tangled hair!


I used Hammer stuff all of last year, but really love the Pacific Health Labs stuff. I really really love all their products.


Andy and I go to Sam’s Club specifically for sample day at least once a month! We don’t shop–just eat and leave. Haha.


SMALL WORLD! I know the guy that designed/created Vi :) He’s the husband of my realtor and we all live here in Estes Park, CO! Crazy!


NO WAY!! That is so so cool! He really is so nice! PS I want to live in CO someday!


I would love to run in the snow, but have no idea how to do that without ending up with soaking feet or a busted bum. Tips? Maybe a winter blog post?


That is a great idea! I will totally do one:)


Haha! it’s been snowy here since Oct, I would only get 3 months outside if I didn’t run in it!


Holy! I can’t imagine how fast you must look like on the treadmill. I made it to 6.7 today and felt like I was going to fly off the back. How do I increase the speed while feeling safe? I hate the treadmill, but it’s good for injury prevention for me. Not as hard as pavement.
Never have used running fuel. Can not even get the gels in my mouth. Taste yucky!!
I usually pick chicken for my protein.


It definitely takes time to get used to going faster on the treadmill! I think that our mind holds us back a lot and sometimes we fear the unknown… try going a little faster each day and build up your confidence about not falling off:) You can do it and GREAT JOB on your run today!


Ooh this post makes me want some Mexican food!


inquiring minds wanna know…do you eat your green beans right from the garden? I have been snnikcag on fresh green beans at work and there is a handful of people who find this to be unheard of….i say, uhhh it’s a vegetable, so why can’t you eat it raw???? I’m taking a poll!


I would kill for a great salad today. That looks delicious– and I agree that the treadmill article was way off base. Hubbs and I both agree that 3% incline is way harder than outdoor. Though we both run faster outside.


I love your outfit in the last pic! Where did you get that gray cardigan?!


Thanks Regina! It is from Forever 21!


Oh wow your motivation on the treadmill is cray! I can probably last about 1.35 miles before I’m over it. At least you had a great day to look forward to!! I love the free samples at those types of stores (we have BJ’s and Sam’s Club over here). I walk around and just keep picking up the good ones, usually dessert related, until my parents tell me we have to leave. Actually, my dad does the same thing so forget about my last statement.


I had a lunch date with friends today too. Truly the best. I must know where you guys went though because your salad looks so good. I am now craving it even though I am not that hungry.

I am decent at strecthing. I was RELIGOUS at foam rolling when I was training for the marathon and I have been craptastic at it since. I can tell too because I have been so tight = not good. I need to start doing it daily.

I swear everyone PR’d at St George this year. I guess it makes up for the really hot 2 yrs before. It makes me super jealous though. I have issues now when I think of weather on marathon day ;) I am with you. I don’t like running in rain. Once I was in the middle of a long run when a down pour happened. I kept thinking Ross would come and get me (I always tell him my route before I go). Nope. When I walked in the house drenched, he just laughed. I was most upset because I had washed my hair that day and then I had to wash it again. heaven knows how inconvenient it is for me to have to wash my hair more than 2x a week. lol.

Another comment, another novel. have fun at Costco. Eat some samples for me :)


I LOVE Brooke’s little boots! How cute!

I’m not a fan of running the rain either… or the wind! I hate the wind.


I wanted to run on the treadmill today just to prove the article wrong too! I have actually been really good about stretching lately which is rare for me. ANd the best salad protein is ahi tuna. Nothing else even comes close!


Brooke is so sweet, I melt when I see her pictures :) I also love her boots- hehe do they come in adult sizes?? :)


I’m just now getting into the distances where I need to refuel. I’ve used Starbursts a few times, but I’m curious about legitimate types of running fuel. When it comes to stretching, it’s annoying sometimes, but if I skip it my body basically hates me. SO, I’ve been forced to be good about it lately.


I’ve actually been trying that Vi fuel too. Do you like it? I really liked the vanilla flavor and I’ve never been one for vanilla flavors. Nice miles on the tread. I’ve actually had to do a bunch of runs on there because it’s been so cold out!


Ah…I know that fresh salsa and chips anywhere!! My husband & I dressed up as Mountain West Burritos for the Halloween Half Marathon we ran in October! It is our new favorite place to eat & they have conveniently opened a location just south of BYU campus so it’s even closer to where we live….now we’re there even more often! So glad you were able to try it out while you’re here! I am a hard core running outside kinda girl, no matter the weather. I love the variety the weather affords me here in UT. Me and treadmills just do not get along for some reason?Once it gets below the mid teens, I do opt for staying inside however and doing something else that makes me sweat.


Ahhhhh you recognized it! I love that you guys dressed up as that for the half! I need to see a picture!


You are FAST friend. You showed that treadmill who’s boss. :) ha ha. I never stretch. I NEED to. One of these days it’s going to catch up with me.


Baby shoes are theeee cutest!

I’m a wuss with outside running when the weather isn’t great too. WIND is a big no-no, and rain!


I am terrible at stretching. I really only stretch my calves and my quads after I run.

I definitely run inside if it’s cold and rainy or snowy and windy.


I’m such a wuss when it comes to the cold, which is really unfortunate because I live in the land of ice and snow and it ends up being cold here more often than not… Anything below 10C and I won’t go outside if I can help it – I swear I can hear my poor bones creaking when I’m cold. Brrr. I’m definitely always down for a protein packed salad though… grilled chicken for me :D


I’m with you…the weather must be perfect! Chicken is my go-to salad protein.


My husband was just like Billy, he didn’t believe me whenever I told him about my childhood from when I was at least 3 years old. Until one day he asked my mom.


I live in South Florida so for me it’s the crazy hot temps that force me inside, which happen about 4/5ths of the year or more. When it gets cold i get really excited to run outside.

I literally NEVER stretch after my runs even though every week I tell myself that THIS IS THE WEEK I’M GOING TO START!

And I have never used fuel either but I just bought some gu gels, gu chomps and hammer gels to experiment with since my runs are starting to get longer. I’m looking forward to see if they improve my performance any, but I never feel like I need anything during a run, at least so far, I am just curious about them.


toast with almond butter and honey and sliced up banana is my fuel of choice :D
it has to be 40 degrees outside for me to go inside, or be raining and me not have anyone to run with lol
steak all the way!! wait….or salami…
i actually have been, although half way through i want to stop lol


I’ll run outside in anything except ice…I have a terror of slipping on ice! I’m in Tokyo at the moment for a few weeks with my family and my little boy and I are running here. It’s freezing cold, two years in California have made me forget how cold the cold can be! But enough layers and only my hands are cold!!


Brooke’s little boots are so cute it’s ridiculous!


9 miles so speedy! NICE work.

I love the boots. SO cute!!

I love chicken & beans or eggs on my salads. YUMM!


the boots are ADORABLE!! :)


I haven’t ran in the dark or cold yet – I don’t have cold weather gear which is needed in the winter here. (Could have handled the temp today but didn’t have the chance)

I have only tried Cliff Bloks and a Cliff gel during my half. Would like to try a few other things to see if I like something better.

I prefer Chicken on my salad – but it needs to be cold. I don’t like warm wilted lettuce. Yuck! :)


i hate running fuel, and it’s a big problem. i have really sensitive teeth and they all make my teeth hurt really bad. i’ve tried gu’s, shot blocks, and swedish fish but the first two hurt my teeth, and the fish always end up getting sticky and stuck together in a race. gross. it also doesn’t help that i have a super sensitive stomach when i run. ugghhhhh.

i refuse to run in WIND. there’s a better chance of me running in the rain than the wind. i usually do insanity on the days it’s too gross to go outside.

my fave protein on salad is egg whites or tofu. :)


So, did Brooke take that picture of you and your friends??


Love me some chicken on my salads! :)


If my stretching routine looked like that, I might do it more often ;) lol… yummy and fun-looking lunch! :)


I don’t need to run so bad that I’d run in rain:) And I do loooove steak salad.


I love strawberry clif shot blocs. I pretend they’re square swedish fish and get really excited about eating them during a run. (Real swedish fish I save for refueling–they’re too delicious to be eaten while running.) I’ll usually also take one mocha clif shot gel thingy late in a long run for the caffeine and because I think the sugar hits my blood faster in gel form. (Sugar hitting blood faster=always a good thing.)


We are running soul mates! I will seriously not run in rain or snow or the least bit of unpleasant weather. That is why winter is all about the treadmill and I really don’t have an issue with it.


What’s it take to become a sublime exdnuoper of prose like yourself?


That salad looks like perfection to me! I love salmon salads, chicken salads, and steak salads. I’m not picky. :)

I love GU gels – the chocolate seriously tastes just like frosting to me.


Is that a new brand? I’ve never heard that name before. I usually go for shot bloks, although recently I haven’t done any fuel-worthy running. Soon, hopefully!

I don’t really mind running outside in any kind of weather, but I definitely agree that rain is way worse than snow. I guess wind can be pretty awful too.


Oh my gosh – those boots!!! So adorable. Just when I thought she couldn’t get any cuter. Baby girls are the best!


I’ve never tried any running fuel before! But then my longest race is a half marathon…maybe if I ever run a full I’ll give it a try!

During MN winters I cut off outdoor runs until it will only run outside if I am going to run with someone….otherwise if it’s under 30 degrees, onto the treadmill I go!


Ok, totally not related to running, but quick question about Billy/law school – Did he wait a few years between finishing his undergrad & starting law school? I’m still tackling the “when” question – if you’re able to answer, great …if not, no worries :) thank you!


Hey!!!! He went straight to law school after he graduated from BYU! Let me know if you have any other questions!


very basic question about fuel that i have wanted to know for a while but too lazy to google so thought i would post it when i read your post… at what distance do you start using fuel? i am starting to train for my first half marathon and the longest distance i have ever ran was 11km.

thanks in advance!!

ps this is my fav blog ever


Hey!!!! It totally depends for me! Today I had it before my run because I didn’t have time to grab Bfast and I needed energy! Anytime I run over 70 minutes and or it is a hard workout I take some fuel in! It will help your performance in your training and make you stronger:)


thanks for the reply- was so helpful… ill let you know how it goes :)


Great progression run! I always have to do those on a treadmill (except I start from 7.1mph. You are crazy fast, girl!)
Cute boots on your little one :)


Grr the weather forecast is telling me we might be getting snow soon, that means it’ll be time for the gym because I dont own a treadmill :(

I’ve never tried any type of running fuel.. any suggestions??


Loooove rotisserie chicken on salads…and cheese ;)


I love a sliced boiled egg on salad! I haven’t been running much, but living in the cold North, I’ll take a treadmill over outside most days. Maybe Brooke will be a dancer because she helped you stretch so much :)


great job on the run!! ugh, take that treadmill haters!! hehe. actually i started to LOVE doing my tempo runs on the treadmill because it keeps me pace honest and i can force me to get those legs moving…oooor suffer the consequences of getting spit off the backend. :P


I take your treadmill expertise much more serious than a silly research article:)
I love the Roctane in blackberry flavor and the powerbar energy blasts, swedish fish…interested to hear about this fuel you are using.
I hate running in the rain even if it is warm rain. I even got a cute rain jacket, but that still holds no motivation.

Glad you get another precious week with your cute family!


Janae , hey what Mexican restaurant did you eat at ?


HEY!! It is Mountain West Burrito! IT IS AMAZING!!!


hey , i work at children palace, in the orem mall
you should come check it out !



I used to run inside if it was below 30. But, now I live in San Francisco and have to deal with rain. Seriously, I’ll take cold/snow over rain for days-on-end any day!


When I do fuel Pre-workout, I like the Clif Shot Blocks because they taste like candy! Post-workout is always choco milk, so good, and healthy too :) Lately I’ve been loving shrimp and tilapia on my salads.


That’s interesting to hear, and doesn’t sound right to me. I’m not a huge fan of the treadmill (some days I flat out detest it), but it always seems like I’m working harder because it’s forcing me to run at a certain pace (better for speed work, I think). My treadmill has been neglected lately, and I had planned on using it on icy/subzero temp. days. However, I couldn’t resist bundling up and heading out into the winter weather with extra caution. My new plan is exactly what you’re doing: when I have a little one, that’s where I’ll be getting my run on. I always said that’s the best part of a treadmill. When you’re done, just step off.

I love to run outside regardless of weather…my own pace, scenery, fresh air. :-)


Best running fuel ever = clif blocks! I love them. Post-run, I love sparkling flavored water for some reason. Not the sweetened stuff, though. I know it’s not recovery fuel, but it hits the spot!
I run the treadmill in the mornings during winter. My town is small and dark, so it’s the best option. I have Netflix to get me through it.


I typically don’t fuel while I’m running – unless it’s in the actual race. (Is that weird?) Then, I’m usually having some sort of gummy candy or GU packs they distribute.

Proteins….steak….shrimp is a close second!

I’m such a bad stretcher….I’ll end up in a stretcher!

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