Good runs and bad runs… they are all rocks.

I found my new favorite way of thinking about bad runs and awesome runs from A Life Without Limits by Chrissie Wellington:  

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“Some sessions are stars and some sessions are stones, but in the end they are all rocks and we build upon them.”  

I love thinking about it this way.  I didn’t really mention it on the blog (okay, I did a million times) but my Utah runs were hard, not so fun (unless my sister was with me) and really frustrating.  My poor mom had to listen to me get home from my run everyday and talk about how frustrated I was.  It was crazy difficult for me to even keep my ‘easy pace’ while I was there.  These hard/bad runs are really easy to get frustrated over but we have to realize that they are an important part of training and make us stronger.  When I read this section on the airplane on my way home it all made sense to me.  The great/awesome runs where we feel really speedy and like we could run for hours are just as good for us as the really hard ones where we feel like we need to lay down on the side of the road are.   We take those hard or awesome runs and build upon them to help us reach our goals.    


I think I am having sympathy pains for Billy.  I feel like I just spent the last 3 weeks of my life studying and taking tests and so that I am justified (and it is necessary) that I stay in my pajamas all day and be even more lazy than I usually am.

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Instead of getting up and going running we woke up late, read books, set up our new space heater (it actually gets kind of cold here in the mornings) and other really exciting things.  

This is what happens when Billy goes grocery shopping by himself.  A pack of sparkling mineral water, two Costco boxes of cheez-its, oatmeal and Ghirardelli.   Clearly all that someone needs to survive.  

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For lunch we had tortilla soup because it was raining outside and soup is the only option when it is raining, it just feels right.   We just started watching a show called Flash Point.

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We have the jogging stroller out, my shoes are ready to be put on and it stopped running.  Time for a Jacobs family run (that just feels good writing it).

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Was your last run a star run or a stone run?

Jogging stroller owners… what kind do you have?

Last soup that you had?

Do you make your own oatmeal or use the packets?

-Packets… maple and brown sugar is our favorite.

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I love Cheese its!!! I love eating Trader Joes Apple Cinnamon Instant Oatmeal, it is the best! Have a great run!


I’ve totally missed seeing brooke while I was away for a couple of days. Adorable!

I’ve only recently started to really embrace and be very OK with hard and unpretty runs. Such a great piece of the article as a reminder!


I’m gonna say in between a star and a stone haha. I managed! Right now I have a joovy zoom and it’s been great! Def cheaper than bob. I am a packet person… banana bread all the way!


Last soup I had was my own beef and vegetable soup. It was surprisingly delicious (I just threw in whatever I thought would work) and very hearty!
Love the blurb :)


I loved reading Chrissie Wellington’s book. She is a huge inspiration. And her mental toughness is something I envy!

This was a great post for me to read right now because my last run was a huge stone for sure. I ran a hard 10 miles on Monday and then had an easy 6 on the schedule for Tuesday. The easy 6 was one of the hardest runs I’ve had in a looong time, even though I ran it super slow! My legs were so tired and sore, my mind wasn’t focused and my heart just wasn’t in it. I stuck it out and finished the run and was ultimately glad that I did.

I have a BOB and a BOB Revolution (“double BOB”) because my littlest ones are 16 months apart in age. I have to say, however, that I value my “me” time so much when I run that I rarely ever ran/run with the stroller. I used it a ton for walking around the neighborhood, though.


My last run was somewhere in between–I enjoyed the fact I was running…but it felt hard.

We have an ancient jogging stroller…but I just WON a Mountain buggy…I can’t wait until it gets here and test it out…although in the winter might not work so well. I might just have to run with an empty stroller;)

We had chili at my in-laws last night. I am totally on a soup kick right now.

We make our own oatmeal. My current favorite is with peanut butter and chocolate chips.


Flash Point was such a great show. I saw every episode and thought they were excellent.
Thanks for sharing that excerpt… I might just have to ask for that book for Christmas!
Bad runs are no fun… But when I think about them later I find I’m so much more proud of myself for finishing them than for my great runs!


My last run was pretty terrible. I felt like I was sucking wind the whole time. I’m pretty sure it was because I didn’t wait long enough between lunch and running, though, so I can only blame myself.

Billy’s grocery shopping style cracks me up. If Mike was on his own he would just have the ingredients for PB&J.


Yay for sleeping in and lazy mornings – they are NEEDED some days!

Ross makes fun of me because I always make soup or chili on rainy days. He said I am the only person that he knows that cooks according to the weather. I will make sure to let him know that I am not alone ;)

My last run was this morning. It was an in betweener. I took it pretty easy – usually Wednesdays are my speed day – but I have been getting shin pain and I would rather not be injured, so I am playing it safe.

Packet oatmeal is just wrong. I like the flavor, but I hate instant oats. The texture is like mush to me. Old fashioned oats all the way.

Forget all the other Costco goods. I know what that little bag on the end is. The dark chocolate covered pomegranate seeds! Yum! I may have asked Santa for a bag in my stocking – and I am not sharing!

Have a great family run!!


I ran a Reindeer Run 5K on Sunday and it was my fastest time yet! A star run for sure! I got a Bob jogging stroller a couple months ago and I love it! I have 3 kids and I can’t believe I waited so long to get this stroller-it’s the best!


I love Flashpoint! Even though it did take me a full season to realize it was filmed in Canada :) Hope you enjoy the show!


Cheez its and Ghirardelli are all I need in life to be happy. Billy and I would get along great! Gahhh I’m so excited for you and your family run! That is literally the cutest thing I’ve ever heard :) There are pictures of me when I’m a baby and my mom took me running. I think I used to like looking at the ducks? I was a cool kid.


Last night’s run was a stone. I’m hoping to get out of work for a midday run in SF and it’ll be a star :) The stones make the stars all that brighter (kinda cheesy but it is true). Enjoy your family stroller run!


How fun…a family run! I love it. Have a great day :)


My last run was about 7 weeks or so. Hurt my foot after my last marathon and had to take a break. Don’t have a stroller since my kids are all grown now. And or dinner I am making lentil soup and quesadillas. Surprisingly my whole family likes it and its healthy. Enjoy Billy time off school :)


Ugh! Perfect timing! My last work out was a total stone. I was supposed to be doing 12 miles with 6 at tempo and *supposedly* my HR was never to get above 165. Ha. My HR topped out at 185 in the first mile of the tempo and I couldn’t get it below 175. I felt miserable but made myself finish. It will be a good rock to look back on during mile 24 of Boston. Thanks for the perspective!


Thank you so much for sharing that quote! I have at least one “bad” run a week and I’m going to remember that and share with others.

I really, really wanted a BOB but ended up with a Joovy Zoom that I got brand new on Craigslist for a really reasonable price. I love it. Compared to the hand me down jogging stroller I had been using, it’s AMAZING!! Like you, I do a ton of treadmill running while my little girl naps but I do get outside when I can with the stroller. I think you’ll find it’s good to mix it up with the treadmill, stroller running, and alone running outside. My 2 year old told me yesterday that her favorite thing to do with me is “race and get coffee”. Gotta love it.


Ever since I hit my 26th week of pregnancy some of my runs have been pretty tough, this little guy is starting to get heavy. However, on Sunday I had an awesome 10k run. Everything felt good and flowed…ahhh I love that feeling. If we didn’t have bad runs we’d never have anything to compare our good ones to. Tough runs makes us strong runners.

I haven’t used it yet but we bought the BOB running stroller because we’ve heard so many great reviews. I’ll let you know once we test it out (few weeks to go)

Enjoy your day with the two Bs:)


Was your last run a star run or a stone run? It was a star run! And I can’t wait to run tomorrow. I finally got the okay to run from my doctor this afternoon!!

Last soup that you had? Pesto Veggie at Panera. It was just okay.

Do you make your own oatmeal or use the packets? I make my own. So much better!


I’m reading Chrissie Wellington’s book right now as well. I absolutely love it! She is very inspirational and makes me really want to amp up my weak triathlon training.

My last run was a treadmill run and it felt like a stone for sure. Slowest 3 miles ever. I’ll be running inside more and more now that it’s snowy season. I’m too much of a klutz to run on snow and ice!

Last soup – homemade pasta fagiolli


Wow that sounds like a great morning, Brooke’s pjs are so cute. Is this your first run with the jogger? I have 3 boys and have a double BOB jogger, it is the best baby gift in the world. Most my runs are either on a treadmill during nap times or outside with the jogger with at least 2 of the boys. I rarely run outside by myself anymore but as long as I run I don’t care! Hope your run was awesome. Can’t wait to hear abut it!


That quote gave me chills! So true! I’ll remember that for my run tonight! I hate running at night so mentally, I’m already not in it! Have a good family run!


I love that stars and stones quote…it’s really important to remember! Try not to stress about hard Utah runs – altitude is a killer but that’s why athletes train there, because it makes them stronger. You’ll find California so much easier, you’ll be so much fitter.

I’ve been running with the stroller for the past two weeks as we’re away from home and it’s not been that much fun. Fun to be with my little running buddy but harder running. But I know that they’ve been rocks for me to build on and I’ll be fitter as a result. Altitude will be like that for you!!!


I just ran for the first time today in over 2 weeks because of my IT band. It wasn’t awesome, I felt off and had to stop at 3 because I could feel my knee twinging…




I made chicken stew today because it was cold and I agree– lousy weather = soup! I have a BOB jogger, but had a Baby Trend that we just gave away. I love the BOB. I just wish that mine could have a carrier attachment like the Baby Trend did. I couldn’t take Fiona for runs until she was able to sit on her own at 6 months because I only had the BOB with me. I do like it’s storage pockets underneath and behind the seat. I walk to the market each day and that helps me stay on budget– limited carrying space!


It’s so cold in my house tonight, so that soup sounds delicious! Of course, I’ll probably just end up bundling up in a bunch of blankets while eating ice cream haha. Makes total sense, right?! ;)


I needed to read that quote. So true for running and life.

I only eat oatmeal like 5 times a year, but when I do it is maple brown sugar packet.

The three of you deserve some lay around time!!


I used to eat packet oatmeal, but I like mixing my own flavors so now I use plain oatmeal.


I have a BOB Revolution SE jogging stroller. Can’t wait to use it…but being that my daughter is only 5 days old, I may have to wait a little longer. It’s been in my car for weeks, ready to go!


This post came at the perfect time. I had such a horrible run today, only doing half of what I set out to do. I ate too much crap beforehand and felt sick the whole time. I’m training for a race, so I was NOT happy that I had such a bad run because I’m trying to be really good about keeping to my running schedule. You could say I definitely learned to be smarter about what I eat before a run. My plan is to make up for it on Friday by running the extra miles, which really won’t be a big deal since I have a short run planned. Great post!


My last run was so long ago that I don’t actually remember, but probably a stone one. Took a break from running to do Insanity and so my pace is terrible! Last soup I had was for lunch today: Trader Joe’s Roasted Red Pepper & Tomato aka awesome. For oatmeal, I do both, but more often I use the packets. I like the apple/cinnamon ones. If I make it myself, I put pumpkin butter in it :)


I had a single BOB IRonman and then a BOB Duallie REvoltion. Best things ever! My boys are 4and 6 and I still push them in the jogger.


I’ve had a few rest days bc of sore shins so I can barely remember my last stone or star! But I can’t wait to have a star soon! Glad you are enjoying some lazy, family time :)


LOVE that quote/idea! I had a stone session at the gym a bit ago, but I am determined to turn the next one into a star!

Last soup: enchilada soup.

Have FUN!


I never knew they played Flashpoint in the US! thought it was just in Canada.. cool!

I eat steel cut oats, but when visiting the US I get those banana creme ones that come in the mixed pack only ( with strawberries and cream etc) but I leave the rest.. hah.


Last run was definitely a stones run. It was last Monday and I felt sick only about 2 miles into it. Woke up with the flu the next day. UGH.

We have a BOB. I LOVE it. =) Haven’t gotten a double yet. Super expensive and there’s no point having one in the middle of winter out here = )


My last run was definitely a stone…a very heavy stone. But those rough runs make me appreciate the good runs even more.

Homemade wedding soup – love it!

I make old-fashioned oats and like to mix yogurt in with it as a sweetener. When eaten before a long run, I add chia seeds for extra energy.


I just have to say that when I saw that you mentioned watching Flashpoint, I started cheering!!! That is seriously one of my favorite shows!! My sister-in-law introduced me to it last year, and I have been a fan ever since!!! :-)


I haven’t had oatmeal in a very long time… probably because I’ve only had the packet kind and they get kind of boring after a while. Maybe I should try making some for real!

I love that philosophy of the star runs vs. the stone runs. Very inspiring.


Joovy Zoom 360 :) I researched A TON of jogging strollers and for the price (significantly less than a BOB) the Joovy is a great stroller! I’m due in 5 weeks and I may or may not have taken it for a test run around my neighborhood. It’s awesome. AND you can get a carseat adapter so you don’t have to wait until the baby is 6 months to run with them! Seriously, I’m a HUGE fan of the stroller.


Also, if you are looking for more of a racing stroller, they have the Joovy Zoom ATS which has a bigger front wheel that stays fixed. Also, read great things about that one.


I made chicken pot pie soup last night. I always make my own oatmeal. Last run was my 4th run post injury so for that I say star!


I love the rocks/stones analogy, so inspiring!

Mmm soup, I love that on a rainy/cloudy day too!


Today was a star run b/c I was with my dog and 2 good friends! I had creamy chicken chili a few weeks ago (you make this soup, also). I make my own oatmeal! I like it thick and the packets just don’t do it for me!


Ahhh I’m SO glad you posted that quote from Chrissie’s book, I have it on my eReader, but the only downside to reading something on an eReader is that it takes FOREVER to locate a good quote in the book after you read it!!! I spent forever trying to find it (unsuccessfully) a few weeks ago.

I love that quote because it’s a reminder that even amazing world class athletes like Chrissie Wellington have good runs and bad runs, just like anybody else (though her bad runs are still lightning speed compared to my fastest run!!) it’s comforting to know that even the best of us struggle sometimes too!


Ugh, I hate bad runs. That is a good analogy though; I’ll try to remember that!

As for a jogging stroller, I have the BOB and I adore it. We also have the weather shield, so I can use it year-round, even in the midwest in cold and snow.


Good run yesterday, good cycle today, hoping for a great run tomorrow!

I’ve got a BOB and LOVE it! That thing goes through anything and everything. Snow, sand, dirt, over trees. The best thing we bought when the kids were ready to run with me!


I have a double chariot. It’s a beast and I love it. Only problem is it doesn’t fit in my car so I can’t use it for road trip runs :(.
Last soup was red pepper black bean.
And I make my own oatmeal. I find it tastes better.
My last run was a week ago and I was struggling every second of the way. So it was a stone run for sure.

I think I might purchase that book or put it on the Christmas list. I’m intrigued!!!


-wow, I love that quote about runs! it’ll definitely be on my mind the next time I have a ‘bad’ run…
-I always make my own oatmeal–it saves a ton of money and is so much healthier.


Phil & Teds jogger stroller! I love it and people always ask about it too…it’s very stylish! :). P.S. Brooks kitty pajama’s are the CUTEST!!!


We have the BOB and I love it! So smooth and easy to use although it looks intimidating. We’re having soup too. It’s cold and rainy in SoCal.


I LOVE soup. The last soup I had was a roasted pepper and tomato soup from Trader Joes. I have oatmeal for breakfast every morning. I make mine with water to cook with. I then add raisins and a splash of milk. I have too much sugar in my life so I stopped adding any brown sugar. Raisins and brown sugar in oatmeal is the best!


I totally feel you on the hard runs here, my lungs are on fire when I run here now! It is so annoying! Glad you and Billy are back together :)


Have you tried the Ghiradelli Double Chocolate Brownie mix? I’m not much for boxed mixes, but it is sooooooooooo good. I found it in my WinCo (does San Jose have those?) grocery store aisle next to the other mixes.


Your daughter is so cute! She is a pro at posing. And I love her name. ;)


Love the stars and stones analogy! I need to read that book – it sounds fantastic!

I used to run with a jogging stroller all the time when my kids were younger, but I sold it last year. I kind of miss that time with them, but at the same time it’s so much easier to run without them!


awesome quote there and it’s funny, i’ve got the same kinda outlook going but i call them slog-fest runs and unicorn runs…lol. :P


Cheez-its are where its at…the Costco size is really the only size!! :)


Flashpoint is awesome!!!


Love this mindset for running. I don’t have very many star ones to be honest. Can’t remember the last time I had soup.
The boys dig the packets.


I love that quote!!! So glad you shared it.


Last soup I had was dinner last night…it involved some barley, chicken thighs and veggies- yum!


My last run was a stone. I haven’t been feeling well this week (sinus infection) and so I tried to run on Tuesday and it just was not that great. I felt weak and just bad, but hoping that today will be a better run. I am feeling better and hoping that taking time to rest will have helped!

Glad you are home safe and you get to relax with Billy! :)

PS. I LOVE Brooke’s cat outfit!!! LOVE IT!!!


I was able to get in a solid 7.55 mile run on the treadmill- my longest treadmill run so far. I have a love/hate relationship with the treadmill so accomplishing this and having it feel good was a star run for me!

I have a Schwin jogging stroller. It actually isn’t even mine. When I started running a neighbor let us use it and over time seeing how much use we were getting out of it told us we could keep it. It works and is better than what we had but I would love a really nice one. My little guy is 3 so it doesn’t make sense to put the money out there since he will grow out of it before too long.

The last soup we had was chicken and barley chili. It is one of our go to meals for the long Wisconsin winter!

I make my own oatmeal. Quaker Old Fashioned Oats, a little bit of brown sugar, slivered almonds, raspberries, and some milk. It is my favorite breakfast that I eat almost everyday- year round. It is also one breakfast that doesn’t bother me if I run shortly after eating:)


My last run was with a running group at one of the Sports Stores here in Boston. It was great to run with new peeps, but whooa, they were FAST! I ran fast and loved it, although could not wait for the 3 miles to be over haa!

Last soup was my homemade taco soup.

LOVE CheezITs, in fact, I had a serious addiction to them and no longer buy them.
I have been CheezIt free for 2 years and not sure if I am happy or sad about that!!!


That’s the same jogging stroller I used as a nanny! It was fantastic – so simple and none of the fancy gadgets so many strollers on the market have. Plus, the baby loved it, so it was a win in my book. :D


I love Chrissy. Did you see that she retired?
She’s smart, eloquent, and funny! I love her smile :D


I live in downtown Toronto and Flashpoint is constantly being filmed on my street!

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