Victory tastes really good.

Brookers (our new favorite nickname for her, it changes by the day) was still not feeling well yesterday morning and the only thing that would make her happy was going for a walk. Once she was asleep Billy walked back with her and I went on a 4 mile run. I didn’t want to be gone for very long.

I was really trying to get all artistic with the angle of this shot.

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I am sure that Billy was just reading on his phone while we were out on our ‘family time’ walk… or checking sports scores.

After a long nap she was back to herself again and ready to wear her beanie because it had dipped down to a freezing 62 degrees yesterday.

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Yesterday was a day full of Chopped watching which inspired me to take the most random ingredients in the kitchen and put them all on a plate for my lunch: a ham sandwich, leftover pasta and steak from Las Brisas.

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We did manage to leave the house for our favorite store, Target to get Bumbo. She is feeling rather independent lately and wants her own seat.

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My MIL finally made amends with me after she made lasagna when I was gone. I need to post this recipe because it was amazing.

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I always say that I don’t like playing games that much but as soon as we start I get really into it and realize that games are the best. We had a very close game of Picitonary last night and I was on the winning team.

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The losers had to make the winners milk shakes.

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Victory tastes real good.

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What is your long run/race/workout this weekend?

Favorite shake flavor? Did you have dessert last night?

Favorite board game? Do you like board games?

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Saving the long run for New Year’s day since a lot of friends are running the MR25, Newton Run tomorrow.


Long run this morning! I’m gonna say cookies n cream milkshake but I wouldn’t choose one if I had other options. Pictionary is a game our family likes to play together :-)


Chocolate is def the best shake flavor. I love watching chopped then throwing everything in my fridge onto a plate lol doing a 5 mile run this weekend!


I am running a 5K outside in northern MI in a few hours…26 and snowing! Anything with chocolate ice cream is a go for me. ;)


I’ll be thinking of you! We are running in the Detroit area this morning and it’s not much better!


It was actually 20! Brrrrrr!


I was the winner of a poker tourni last night, but feel most proud of eating an entire shrimp ring. yum.
I made peppermint chocolate fudge for the tourni using those peppermint marshmellows you had on the blog last week.. amazing!


That lasagna looks amazing! I think I can speak for everyone when I say we would love for you to get your MIL to share it with us :P I love shakes…strawberry, chocolate, and peanut butter! Last night we had our last family Christmas, so I indulged in yummy decorate-your-own sugar cookie(s) , as well as some hot chocolate with a 15 marshmallows to 1tsp of hot chocolate ratio! I think I’m going to do at least 4 miles this morning to shave off some of that sugar :)


I’m thinking 13 miles for 2013 on NYE!! Love board games, but no one else in my family likes to play….maybe I need to tempt them with a milk shake! ;)


Golden Grahams with a handful of chocolate chips on top. Kind of tasted like smores.


That sounds awesome. I’ll have to try it!


Dessert was chocolate- nothing fancy but delicious nonetheless!


15 miles… We’ve never run that far! It’s 25 degrees outside so it’ll be a cold one, too.
I like chocolate shakes (and any other shake flavor!).
I had Christmas cookies for dessert.
Love Brooke’s beanie!


I loooove the peppermint chocolate milkshake from Chick-fil-a. If CFA is around you need to try it! I get into games when I play. I say I don’t really care for them though. I got Catch Phrase as a Christmas gift in a white elephant exchange so I need to play it. I didn’t eat dessert last night. I actually turned down a piece of key lime pie. I am sick of desserts for awhile. Wow! I can’t believe I’m saying that. :) I went wild right around Christmas with all the yummy desserts available! Happy New Year!


I knew she would come through with another lasagna! :) Happy Weekend love!


Brooke’s hat…too cute!
My family and I LOVE board games. Every couple months we get together and have an all afternoon/late night game night. It’s always tons of fun.


I wish you would post the lasagna recipe! My brother and his wife are coming home from the hospital today with their new baby. I want to make them some lasagna for dinner, but can’t decide on a good recipe. I need a meatless one though, since she is a vegetarian. Suggestions, anyone?


We make a really good lasagna recipe, it’s healthy and vegetarian too!
1 package whole wheat lasagna noodles
1 jar tomato sauce (whatever flavor you like)
1 package natural ground Boca crumbles (like meat but its vegetarian and adds some extra protein)
1 (15 oz) container light ricotta cheese
2 zucchini (chopped up)
10 mushrooms (chopped)
~cook the lasagna noodles, saute Boca, and cook vegetables to soften. When they’re done layer sauce, noodles, ricotta, Boca, vegetables in a 9×13 baking dish (continue until you use up everything. Put nice looking noodles on top and sprinkle with cheese (optional) bake in oven at 350 for 30 or until top noodles are crispy and everything is hot


I just had twins and as good as lasagna is, we got sooo many lasagnas that I don’t think I will be eating it for a very long time to come. Something to think about…


Brooke’s beanie…ahh! So adorable! She is SUCH a happy baby!! Love her <3


Sorry is my fave board game. I gotta go do a 5K race later today. I wanted to PR but it is like 20-something degrees. I have a few other training plan miles to get in afterwards. 10-15 or so. 8 tomorrow.


janae, i just have to comment on two of the photos: brooke in her beanie (adorable, love that beanie!) and brooke in her new seat because i spied that knitted throw blanket in the background! does your MIL knit AND make excellent lasagna?!
have a great day!


Vanilla milk shake! <3


LOVE the picture of Brooker in her Bumbo. She looks very pleased with herself!

If your Mother in Law gives you her lasagna recipe, please feel free to share with your readers:) I am always on the hunt for an amazing lasagna to make at home!


I love watching Chopped and mint chocolate chip is my fav shake flavor!


Favorite board game = Scrabble! :)


A milkshake sounds so good right now! I don’t always like committing to games, but I’m all about Life. I could play it any day, any time.


Oooh that milkshake looks gooood :)

Long run this weekend = 12 miles.. slowly building the long runs back up again for the next marathon!

Best boardgame HAS to be Scategories. I don’t even know why I love it so much but it’s my fave :)


Brooke’s hair is getting so long! Baby’s first haircut soon?? :)
And I can’t believe how much she looks like your nieces! Her eyes look so much like little Curly!


I had a couple of Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels for dessert last night. So good!


My niece just got the same seat! She loves it!

My fav milkshake is mint chocolate chip & my fav board game is probably apples to apples! I love board games!!


Just a short 3 mile run this weekend. Still nursing the quad/knee.
Chocolate shakes. Definitely. But then there are the dairy issues.
We DID have desert. DH wanted brownies so we had brownies.

The Kidless Kronicles


As much as I love chocolate, vanilla will always be my favorite milkshake flavor… I just find the chocolate ones are never chocolatey enough for me. And my favorite board game changes a lot depending on who I’m playing with, but Scrabble will always hold a special place in my heart… and Monopoly, although I tend to get way too competitive with that one.


Scrabble, most def! I really like any game, especially if I’m competing against 12 year olds. Suddenly I get super competitive when I think a middle schooler is about to beat me at something.


aww i hope she’s back to herself completely – she looks sooo cute in her beanie!

I’m hoping for ANY type of run today, and I’ll call that my little victory. I’ve been slacking hard!


Billy’s pants are on top!! Orange isn’t for everyone.


awww I love her in the Bumbo! those little seats are so cute!
and Socal weather is PERFECT! I miss it so much and can’t wait to return to SD!
your walk sounds wonderful!
today I’m just running as far as my legs want to take me, and I’ve got an 18-mi run on my mind for tomorrow. :)
I hope you’ve been loving your holiday beautiful friend!


Love the Bumbo! My daughter is actually sitting in one as I type this. My new favorite shake is the Black Forest shake at Johnny Rockets. Although it’s more than $5 and I get about 2 sips after sharing with the kids. I really need to figure out how to recreate it at home.


Chocolate shakes with whipped cream are really yummy. But I have to say I was in love with Arby’s Peppermint Shake this holiday season!

Need to get a run in today, need to gear back up into more runs every week again. Been slacking lately.

I love a good game of Chutes and Ladders. Yup, I am still a 6yr on the inside.


My favorite shake flavor is strawberry! And I’m not usually a huge board game fan, but they’re fun when you have a fun group of people (and maybe a few drinks…). I can get very competitive with Clue though!


Best kids game: definitely Hissss- my 4 year old loves it and we play it all the time.

Best adult game: Settlers of Catan. Love it!!


I love that little heart outfit! Is it weird that I am and adult and would wear something like that? Actually today I just bought an knit owl hat to wear so yeah…..I may be adult fashion challenged:). I think Oreo milkshakes have to be my favorite. Apples to apples is a really fun game, especially with a big group of people. If you all haven’t tried it you should. When I play with my family we usually end up laughing so hard we end up doing the awkward laugh/cry/ can’t breath combo.


Brooke looks so big in her bumbo!! Adorable


Favorite shake would have to be a banana one at a falafel place in san jose


Agreed. We need to go together to get one.


Haha I love your face during the game! I’m sure the milkshake tasted all the more better after winning!


You are having such a great time with yours (Billy’s) family!! I would absolutely play any game that have milkshakes as the reward :)


That first picture of Brooke there is unbelievably cute! I hope she feels better!


I did 3.5 slow miles this morning-it was the first time I’ve ever run in snow as a displaced Louisiana girl stuck in Ohio, but it rocked! Cookie and Cream milkshakes are really the only way to go. I love board games-ALL of them. You have the cutest baby EVER!


Brooke looks adorable in that beanie. Glad she is feeling better!


I went on my first 16 mile run this morning. There was a couple inches of snow on the ground and it snowed on me the whole time. I looked like a snowman when I got home. Brooke looks quite satisfied in her bumbo. Autocorrect wants that to say bimbo. Good thing I caught it.


Brooke is so stinking cute!! I am on my way to CA now and can’t wait to run down by the beach. It will be a nice change of pace from the 20inches of snow in WI :)


My long run today was 14 miles with Mike. It was rough and we ended up in a bit of a snow storm. Oh well, we got it done.

I’m glad Brooke is feeling better!


I love playing games, especially when I win!

We had a bumbo for our kids when they were tiny too. Best invention ever. Even though both my kids are boys we actually had the purple one too – they didn’t have any boy colors at the store for a long time and I got too impatient to wait!

My dessert yesterday was taking my kiddos to limeberry – they had peppermint yogurt. It was super deluxe.

My long run this weekend was an awesome 10 miler with friends – nothing beats running with friends!


My long run is going to be 13 tomorrow! Ahhh love early morning runs(:


I’m so glad that we aren’t the only family that makes the losers do ridiculous things… we used to play games for the loser to do house chores. ;)


Omgsh, I love board games! Life is probably my favorite..but I’ll play anything ;)

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