Our day in San Francisco.

I swear Brooke is smarter than a 4 month old should be.  She knows that San Francisco is OUR place and so she slept in the car to and from and stayed awake for the whole time we were walking around.  Can you see the Golden Gate Bridge in the back?

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Have you ever noticed how creepy old boats sound as they sway in the water?

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Alcatraz in the back.  Brooke prefers her hood on at all times, she is a little gangsta.


We really have a problem. You see there are at least a thousand different restaurants that we should try in SF and people always tell us that we should try and branch out but we refuse.  We dream about Alioto’s.

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The main reason we drove 60 minutes each way:

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Brooke was quite interested in what I was instagramming (I had to instagram the highlights of the day because if it isn’t instagrammed, it didn’t happen.  Instagram name: Hungryrunnergirl).

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I decided that I will be going back to school.  I will be studying the art of making bread into animal shapes.

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The hot chocolate obsession continued.  This one was from a cute little crepe shop and it was perfection.

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Our favorite hobby, watching the seals.

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We also went around Union Square, drove home in the rain and spent the rest of the day on the couch watching Home Alone.


Do you like clam chowder?  Crab?  Bread bowls?

Did you send out Christmas cards this year?  If yes, where is mine?

When was the last time you were scared?

What is the closest CITY that you live by?

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I was a waitress in Annapolis, MD so I LOVE crab soup, crab cakes, crab rolls, etc. So yummy!

Looks like you all had such a nice day! Brooke is very lucky to have such a loving and fun family.

By the way, I still blame you for my hot chocolate obsession. You were the one who got me hooked! I have it daily now :)


That is too funny about Billy! I hate being scared.

San Fran looks like so much fun! It’s on my ‘must visit’ list.

No Christmas cards sent out from this house. I am about 2 hours from Minneapolis.


Not a fan of seafood, but my husband is. I don’t know if he likes chowder, but he likes crab and crawfish.

The closest city we live near is Waco, which is about an hour. Dallas is about an hour and a half depending on where in the city we’re going. I love visiting the city, but I am always glad to come home where life is slower :)


That honestly sounds like my perfect day. I love taking road trips to explore fun new places. Unfortunately, northeast Ohio doesn’t have much to offer. Enjoy days like that for both of us!


I love that the guy was a professional! How funny!
No Christmas cards for us this year.
Closest city, Dallas. We live in one of the burbs. Wish it was as beautiful as San Fran.


The closest city I live by is Dallas and it is not near as awesome as San Francisco. I’ve been to San Francisco, but I was a kid. I would love to go back. Love your Christmas card!!


Looks to me like you had the perfect day!


Boudin has the best bread bowls. IMO. but I have to fly across the country to get my fix.


you left out dessert? You’re slippin’ Janae! Unless you count hot chocolate as a dessert in which case I’m seriously calling the authorities to check on the state of your mental health cuz we all know you count hc as your liquids for the day!

Looks fun. I’m a bay area girl, too. We love all the haunts you just mentioned and that bushman guy gets us every time, too. I often wonder how many fists-to-the-face he’s gotten over the years!!


Perfect family picture you guys! Merry Chistmas!


I love San Francisco. I’m so jealous that you live so close to such an amazing city!


The guy that scared Billy has been there FOREVER. His name is Bush Man! I remember him from my trip to San Francisco over ten years ago! So funny :D Those pictures look so great. It makes me want to go back for another visit!


I saw the Bush Man in 1999 ;)


This household is not scrooge, but definitely Christmas lazy. No Christmas card, and we are trying to decide if we want to put up the Christmas tree today or take a pass.

I have never had a crab sandwich that wasn’t imitation crab, but I like those, so i bet the real crab would be even better.
Never tried clam chowder.


Sounds like a great day! Thank you for sharing :)
I actually do not like clam chowder or crab but I like bread bowls!
The closest major city I’m near is Boston.


Umm the fact that the whipped cream didn’t slide right off when you tipped the cup means its good. YUM! You guys had such a fun day :) The closest city to me is Boston!


OMG this makes me so excited to see pictures from San Fran!! My boyfriend has been talking about a trip there for FOREVER and under our tree right now lies 2 plane tickets for us to go this summer. I can’t wait to surprise him and plan it out!! YAY!


It looks like you had another great trip to San Francisco! That Christmas tree pic is awesome – you guys look very nice and the tree is humongous! The closes big city to me is Boston and as I’m looking at the comments right above mine, I can see that this is a very common recent answer.


The picture of you and Brooke watching the seals is so sweet.

I am so excited to hear you are returning to school for a degree in bread animals! You are very ambitious! I am sure they must offer scholarships for those types of programs:)

P.S. The bush man in SF scared the heck out of me once.


Not sure if that is the same man behind the branches but when I went there 3 summers ago with my sister he was doing the same thing and it was hilarious.


Aww you three make the sweetest little family!! Looks like a fun trip… now I must convince Ryan that we need to take a cute little fam roadtrip and take lots of pictures :-P


what a FUN family day!! so great to see your photos!
i like your scarf, janae – looks handknit?!
lately, i have been asking strangers to take photos of/for me, too…i have not yet found a professional, and the results of my asking have been hit and miss!
i did send out xmas cards and the closest *big* city to me is toronto. i would love to see san fran some day!


Ahhh I want to go to SF so badly! I’m moving to San Diego soon, but California is such a crazy long state that SF is almost 8 hours away. Not cool. San Diego’s still pretty cool, I suppose, but I still want to go to the bay area.


Yay for roadtrips! I can’t say I’m the biggest fan of clam chowder, but I fully support taking a drive to get some good food :D


I’ve never had clam chowder. Yup, you read that right. But I can put down some sourdough bread bowls. Yes, that was the plural.

I ordered my Christmas cards from cardstore.com (AMAZING deal and FREE postage!) and did a little newsletter insert. Your card? Must have gotten lost in the mail. ;)

Last time I was scared was when we were watching a Redbox movie. I think it was called Apparition.

Closest city is LA. But we rarely go there. It’s an hour away and everything we need is here in the suburbs: Costco, Trader Joes, Target. There’s just no reason to drive to LA. Plus, I don’t do we’ll with one-way streets and having to pay for parking.

I remember one time my husband was startled by a possum in our yard and he jumped and yelled and I was dying of laughter. So stinkin’ funny. I’m cracking up just thinking about it.


Oh how I love SF!!! It is most definitely one of my favorite cities to visit. I have to laugh at the “bush” guy because last time we were there he jumped out and totally scared the crap out of us. Let’s just say, he earns every dollar he makes for this. Pure comedy to watch him do it to other people!!


Ugggh Now I NEED some hot chocolate :)


Next time you’re in SF got to Bi-Rite for ice cream! I live for ice cream & it’s the best I’ve ever had! http://biritecreamery.com/


I went to school in SF, best city ever!! I miss it. The branch guy s awesome and I could watch him all day long! Of course, I like my clam chowder from the Ferry Building :-). So jealous you are only an hour away from there! Enjoy and great Christmas pic!


San Francisco is SO fun but that guy behind the bush is SO mean! I only say that because he got me good too. Despite the fact that I knew he was there. Tricky fella.


your pictures make me MISS San Fran.

that guy on the crate has been there for years! He’s definitely scared the sh!t out of me a few times. ;)

love the Christmas ‘card’!


Bread bowls are so delicious. I have never had clam chowder. I never really liked the smell so I couldn’t bring myself to try it and now I can’t since I am allergic to shellfish. So I will just have to live that one vicariously through you ;)

Yes I sent Christmas cards and you got one! There was an awesome deal at Cardstore where they printed, stuffed, addressed, stamped and sent my cards all for $0.39 each – that is cheaper than I could have even got postage! Holla!

My dad used to looove scaring me. In fact, he still will do it. Last time I was at my parents house filling up my water bottle at their drinking fountain (yes, they have a drinking fountain in their house) and he stood right behind me (I didn’t see him) so when I turned around I screamed and fell to the floor. I am not dramatic at all. No wonder he still does it.

I am so jealous you are close to such a fun city! Your day looks fabulous and Brook looks adorable and you look amazing, as always!


Brooke always has the best facial expressions!

I loved clam chowder as a kid but I don’t really like seafood anymore–if I think about it too much, it freaks me out.

We thought about sending Christmas cards but then nixed that idea when we realized we didn’t want to address the envelopes…laziness!

I live right next to Minneapolis!


Oh my word you have reminded me how much I LOVE San Fran- Boudin’s tomato soup + grilled cheese with sourdough mmmm.
But the bush man terrifies me- I have to cross over as I am so jumpy and I hate it!


Yes! The bush dude! We were warned about him when we were there but never saw him! People pay him to jump out at others…hilarious, as long as it isn’t me!

I spent a few days there for work but seriously hope to head back sooner rather than later!


I live in LA now but went to Berkeley for college so I LOVE SF.

That bush guy is a legend!! He’s gotten me before. A trip to Fisherman’s Wharf is not complete without bumping into him!


I live in SF and would strongly encourage you to explore other areas beyond FW and union sq. The city has soooo many good restaurants. You would probably love the marina area of union st and chestnut st. Golden gate park is awesome–tons if playgrounds for when Brooke is older!


As a SF resident it kills me to see you guys only going to Fisherman’s Wharf! I know I risk coming off a little snobby by saying this but there are so many fabulous neighborhoods with way better food and prettier sights. Fisherman’s wharf is just so … Well … Touristy :) Next time, take a stroll on Chestnut and/or Union streets. They are a short hop from Fisherman’s wharf and oh so cute!


Also, I went to law school and know that $ is a little tight during those three years. The vendors at Fisherman’s Wharf jack up prices for tourists. Venture to almost any other neighborhood, and food prices will go down (well, depending on what kind of restaurant you’re eating in, that is). Okay, now I’ll step off my soap box :) You guys are adorable so I just want to make sure that you really get to appreciate the city!


I live just outside of Milwaukee which is big enough but I am from a big city so the closest CITY is Chicago. That’s more city than Milwaukee is to me.

I hate it when people jump up and scare people on purpose. I’m not a good person to play pranks on. It makes me angry.


I love SF!! one of my fav places (and it’s where my husband proposed to me!) All those sights are so familiar…and yes, we would pick eating clam chowder on the street over a restaurant anytime, it’s so good!

I still have my holiday giveaway, come see what’s in store!


Sounds like a perfect family day! You and your family are the cutest!


I visited that pier once when I was 19 and will never forget having the clam chowder in a bread bowl. Your pictures make me want to go back again and very soon! The family pic in front if the tree is priceless! The closest city for us is Minneapolis which is 3 1/2 hours away. Happy weekend to you and your family! :)


Heading to SF tonight for my husband’s holiday party. SF + getting all dressed up = perfect night.


Everything tastes better in a bread bowl! I hate being scared so I’d probably act a fool haha


I’m a big no-breadbowl-person. Every time I order I think it’s going to be so awesome, and then it’s not. It’s just too much bread for me!


you guys take the best family pictures! looks like a great day out!


I’m in SF now for work!!! If you come back before wed, please organize a fro yo meet up! I’ve always wanted to go to one:) I am definitely going to try that restaurant too!


Your side bangs look GREAT in that 2nd pic! (well all these pics but especially the 2nd one) ;) You’re making me want to get mine cut again!


Sounds like a perfect day! Sounds like I’ll be seeing you real soon;)


You guys are the most beautiful family out there!

I’ve never had clam chowder but I love crab and bread bowls. Yum.

I live in Madison, WI which is a small small big city {if you get what I mean!} but the closest CITY I would consider a city worth visiting is Chicago <3


I love that picture with the gigantic tree! Looks like you had a great day :)


Those are actually California sea lions – not seals. ;) I’m a Marine Scientist and had to let ya know because you never know – Brooke could be a Marine Scientist in the making! Start her early!


Your baby is the cutest! It seems you had a really good time.
I love seafood in general


Uuuuummmm I vote you all do this exact same thing on the 15th or 16th of January when I’m visiting San Francisco and have to entertain myself while I’m at work! Sadly I can’t eat at Alito’s though… stupid gluten.


closest city i live near….sacramento, then SanFran
last time i was scared, about 5 minutes ago, i walked into the bathroom and my manikin doll head scared the crap out of me
i love brooke, she is always so happy :)


Your husband totally looks like Chris Carrabba From Dashboard Confessional in the 6th picture!!



HA! Bushman is STILL there! I remember him from when I was a little girl!


I do send out cards, and would send you one if you want me to send you one. I have extra.


Mmm, I love clam chowder! And the Boudin breads are too cute!


I have eaten at Alito’s and was pretty disappointed. Your street food looks a billion times better than the lunch I splurged for there! :)


So FUN!! I love that place and I love Home Alone :) Brooke is really good at smiling for the camera, what a doll!


Never eaten soup out of a bread bowl but it looks pretty genius to me !!


I love San Fran!! The closest city to me is Indianapolis. Not near as exciting. I love all your pics!


What kind of camera do you use? Your pictures are perfection! I need to get over the whole “using my Iphone for my blog because it’s way easier and I’m lazy” thing. :)


I LOVE YOUR NAME:) haahah I use my iphone most of the time but in this post I did use my real camera! Here is the link:


You must go to the Ferry Building http://www.ferrybuildingmarketplace.com one time. MUST.

When we went a few yrs ago, we happened upon it, and found it was filled with cute little food shops. We bought some bread/cheese/drinks and such and then went for a drive north of the city and ate our picnic fixins’ on the side of the road. It was such a great afternoon.

Also just south of SF is the city of Burlingame which is a nice quaint little town with a great downtown walking area.


I love clam chowder. It’d be a shame if I didn’t since we live in New England.

Those bread animals are ridiculously awesome.


Alioto’s is our favorite too!!! So yummy!


I love San Francisco. It was only about 4 hours from where my husband and I went to college so it was a nice vacation spot for us. If you haven’t done Alcatraz you definitely should. It’s totally worth it!


janae!!! hahahahahh i died when i read the brush man scarred billy! i need to tell rob is going big time tease him. one day rob and i stood there for at least 45 minutes watching him jump out at people and we laughed so so hard. i love sf <3

also, you look like a model in all these pictures, gorgeous!


I love the picture of Brooke in her stroller AND your Christmas card! :)


Haha, I love the bush man at Fishermen’s Wharf.

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