That was HARD and more Brooke modeling photos.

NIKI MARTINS PHOTOGRAPHY just posted more of Brooke’s pictures and so I just had to put up two more.  I have already researched how to turn these photos into wallpaper and told Billy he needs to wallpaper our entire house with them.  

Brooke 5 680x450

Counting down the days until she is old enough to wear the best friend forever necklace that I got for us.

Brooke 2 529x800


I wanted to show you that it was SO COLD this morning that I was forced to wear my running tights (Under Armour) for the first time this year.  Now I know my skin has turned Californian because all of the other runners out had shorts on while I was shivering.. 

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(Picture pre-run)

Today’s run hurt in so many ways.  

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I headed up MY canyon but for some reason my whole body hurt.  I think the reasons for this were:

1.  I was crazy thirsty (breastfeeding requires drinking 58 water bottles a day I am pretty sure).

2.  I got a side stitch (strange because that never happens to me).

3.  A bug flew straight into my lip gloss and got stuck there and when I got it out it was still alive….ewwwwwwwww

4.  Turns out that eating ice cream 4 times a day isn’t good for your running.

5.  The high elevation is still sucking every ounce of oxygen out of my lungs (the scientific way to explain it).

I hit 11 miles and walked the rest of the way home because I was so over running.  It happens to all of us and at least the first few miles felt really good. 

The only thing you can do about bad runs is learn from them (hmmmm maybe sleep more and eat some vegetables Janae) and move forward.  For now I am just going to hang out with Brooke in her panda and cupcake pjs and read books.

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Little Mermaid will ALWAYS be my favorite Disney movie.


Favorite Disney movie?

Do you ever get cramps or side stitches?

Have you gotten out your running tights yet this winter?  What winter running clothes have you worn so far this year?

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Ariel for the win! That movie’s my favorite too. :) I even dressed up as her for Halloween this year. And I’ve had to break out the underarmour long sleeve shirt, pants, and coat. This 30 degree and below weather in IL is NOT my friend. It’s actually been getting a bit warmer though, so I’m taking full advantage of it!


OMG!! I love Brooke’s pjs!! So cute!!


hahaha… I wasn’t entirely sure those footies weren’t janae’s.


I’m soooo loving the photos. Beyond words. Seriously.
Looks beautiful where you ran…looks freaking cold too. Dang Utah.
Your awesome.


I adore those photos! Tough runs hurt, but the hurt is usually so good since it feels like you’re really working!
My favourite Disney movies are Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid!
It’s been freezing here for a long time- I’ve even had to wear two pairs of pants already!


haha. My running tights have been out since the end of September (although I’ve had 10 “last run”s in shorts — I thought that it would be the last day warm enough to wear shorts running — I was wrong. 10 times over. Not complaining!! ;) ).
Favourite Disney movie is the Lion King. I think. But Beauty and the Beast is an INCREDIBLY close second because Belle is the most awesome character ever devised and taught me that it was alright to be a bookworm. ;)
Those pictures of Brooke are stunning. They literally took my breath away. <3


So cute!!
Bad runs happen.. way to go with 11 miles! I totally think running in the cold makes it harder.. I hate living in Utah for that very reason..
I must move to california with you… Perfect running temps and elevation.
How can I talk Brent into that?


The pictures are amazing!! She is so adorable and precious.


I love the photos!

Pandas and cupcakes, two of my favorite things, haha!


Love the pictures (and Brooke’s panda pajamas!).

My favorite disney movie is a toss up between the Little Mermaid and Aladdin. Now I wish I owned some of them on DVD.

I definitely have my tights out. There is snow on the ground here, so I’d freeze without them!


I had two horrible runs yesterday & feel like I haven’t stopped thinking about them since. I’m sure I even dreamt about them. This post is exactly what I needed. Now if only my terrible runs were 11 miles. :)


It’s been around 15-20 degrees here each night this week so I got out the ear warmer, gloves and scarf. Brrr!!!


Love the photos of Brooke!! So cute!
It’s super cold here in New York… Running tights are being worn all the time now :(


Ack those pictures of Brooke are just gorgeous – I don’t blame you for wanting to wallpaper your whole house in them. And do you know if they make those panda and cupcake PJ’s in adult sizes? ;)

Little Mermaid is definitely a fantastic movie, but I think my favorite is either Beauty and the Beast or The Lion King. It’s hard to choose just one!


I love Disney movies!! My favorite would have to be The Lion King!!

When I first started running I would get side stitches a lot. Now that I have been running for almost three years it tends to happen if I don’t wait long enough after eating before I go for my run.

I live in Wisconsin so I have had to pull out the running tights, hat, gloves, warm jacket, and have even had to layer! I have also had to pull out the stroller blanket. I am so grateful for this item because generally I have my three year old that has to come along in the stroller. I hate running on the treadmill so I do whatever I can to get outside whenever it is possible!

Love the pictures of Brooke!! She is adorable:)


Belle is my fave, fellow book nerd!

Brooke looks so adorable, I can’t get enough.

The altitude is NO JOKE. I lived in CA my whole life and when I moved here I couldn’t do more than walk for a few weeks. I always forget this when I take friends who are visiting hiking… I think they think I am trying to kill them haha.


I love what’s happening the background of your pre-run photo. Curly looks like she is consoling Brooke! SO cute!

Brooke’s photographs are just ridiculously beautiful! I love them all so far. Keep sharing, please!

We all have those super hard runs from time to time. Especially at elevation! Sheesh.


I personally love Sleeping Beauty for the art, but I think. . . . The Lion King is my favorite.

I need to catch up on your posts. Brooke modeling?? Love the photos!

I do get side stitches quite a bit. I’ve heard two things: One, that your abs aren’t strong enough and need more support for running or Two, you didn’t hydrate enough. Perhaps the latter because of the breastfeeding.

I haven’t run in shorts. I’m afraid of my thighs rubbing together and dunno what would be a good shorts to wear.


Nice job on your 11 miler although it was tough. I have had a couple of rough runs lately where I’ve been tired and also got a side stitch. I think it has a lot to do with traveling and lack of sleep. It always makes the good runs feel that much better though.

I’ve only had to wear my tights once this year but have worn long sleeves and vests a bunch :)

I absolutely love the Brooke photos. So beautiful!


Where did you get her PJ’s??? I love panda bears and cupcakes! I need a pair of those in my size!


My favorite is Beauty and the Beast although the Little Mermaid is a close second. My winter running clothes have been out for a solid month. I wear tights and a long sleeve shirt as a base and go from there depending upon how cold and windy it is. I also would die without my neck warmer and headband/earwarmer.


Oh and those pictures are so sweet.


Oh my gosh that second picture is PRECIOUS and perfect…I can’t even stand it!!!!! You and Billy make cute babies, Brooke is probably the cutest baby in the world right now!


That second picture is absolutely precious!!

Hard runs like that really make you appreciate the good ones sometimes. You pushed through it and that’s pretty amazing. 11 miles is faaaantastic!


These pictures are overflowing with adorable! Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast for sure. I think I have seen each one at least 9000 times. I get side cramps every once in a while and they are completely random and awful. I have only worn tights once so far this winter but then over heated quickly so I think I jumped the winter-tights-gun. Back to shorts!


The Lion King.
No side stitches or cramps in quite a while.
Only long sleeved shirts so far.

The Kidless Kronicles


I can’t ever choose a favorite Disney movie!!! My top three are Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella! I love princesses.


OH EM GEE… your daughter is SO BEAUTIFUL! How brilliantly photogenic! Those pictures are so lovely!
Favorite Disney movie would have to be Aladdin. I like Abu and I used to think Iago (the parrot) was hilarious. I also want a pet tiger like Princess Jasmine.


I love those photos. Absolutely gorgeous.

My favourite has to be the Little Mermaid, too. Especially singing along all the way through :-)

It hasn’t been too cold here yet, but I’m a wimp where the cold is concerned, so I’ve already been wearing my running tights and long sleeved tops.


I got my first side stitch during my 3rd leg of Ragnar LV and all I can say is…IT SUCKED!


Lame sauce on the sucky run. But you get a gold star for doing it anyway and in the cold at that! Just think how awesome your first run in Cali will be after all this running at high elevation. I haven’t busted out my running tights. I am a wuss and unless someone else is going to run out in the cold with me, I end up running on the treadmill.

Never blame fro yo on your running problems though!! I am positive it can only make you better-at least that is what I tell myself so that I can justify eating it so much ;)

The bug in the lip gloss is gross. I gagged a little just reading it.

Mulan is my fave with little mermaid coming in at a close second. Us red heads have to stick together!

Those pictures are truly amazing. I would be buying frames already to hang them all over the house!

I am off to go for my run now. I will just pretend that I am super cool like you and running 11 miles.


Gorgeous photos! You two are adorable together. What a treasure to have!

Sadly I’ve had my tights out (on and off) for a few weeks. Guess it’s about time that we get that cold weather!


Love the pics of you and the Brooke-ster! Great running views!

I have worn my tights…the weather in TX has been iffy though, one day it’s in the 70s the next it dips down into the 30s! Cray.


I can’t pick a favorite Disney movie – I love them all and am so sad that my girls don’t want to watch them much anymore. At least they still love going to Disneyworld…I’m already counting down the days ’til we go again next October!!

We’ve had some cold days here in Wisconsin so I’ve already worn my ear band (with ponytail hole!), running mittens and new Under Armour fleece lined turtleneck top. Re: tights, I bought my first pair of CW-X compression tights (the stabilyx insulator model) and LOVE them. I actually look foward to days that are cold enough to wear them, because they are all I ever want to run in now! Seriously I feel like they keep my legs so energized, and keep my knees tracking properly…My runner’s knee issues have all but vanished since I started wearing them. They cost a pretty penny but are so worth it! Can you tell I highly recommend getting a pair?! :)


Congrats on getting to 11 miles on your hard run! What perseverance. Like you said yesterday maybe tomorrow will be better!

Brooke is such a cutie!! She is already is and will continue to be such a cutie.

It’s funny you mention this because I just decided to bring my run outside on friday. It hasn’t been that bad here for that long and it was rainy/ SUPER cold some days so I was just on the treadmill. I have thermal tights and long sleeve tops, but I got rid of my running vest because it never really did that much for me. I also have a nice Nike running rain coat that I just brought to school and love. It’s very breathable and not tight at all. It also covers just enough of my butt that I’m not worried about it riding up!


Beautiful photos!

I can’t possible pick a fave Disney movie. I love too many to choose. Being from Texas, I am also a cold weather wimp. I think my coldest run this year has been in the mid-40s, and I totally busted out the pants. Oh, and I get side stitches way too often. Bummer.


Beauty and the Beast…I was belle five years in a row !

I ALWAYS get a side stitch but run it off eventually. I guess I need to drink more water.

I ran 5 miles yesterday for the first time outside and busted out the tights. I forget how good it feels to run in the cold!


omg! cutest picture of you two!!
favorite disney movie has to be the Aristocats lol i had to watch it every night when i was little, my mom had to finally tell me to pick a different one because she got tired of it.


Brooke is one of the most gorgeous little girls I’ve ever seen and I’m not exaggerating. She is beautiful!!!


Absolutely beautiful!!!! Love it. And good job on the run!! I’m a baby with the cold weather too :D


Love the pictures!! She is so adorable! :)


Pocahontas!!! I get side cramps every once in a while, but they usually go away. I have gotten my running tights out a couple of times and I felt like a complete baby. The SoCal sun has made me a baby too.


OMG!!! The pictures are awesome :) she is absolutely adorable! I think the wall paper idea is genius ha! Also, please know I will never be annoyed by the baby pictures…the more the merrier ! Y’all are a beautiful family!


I love Disney movies!!! Little Mermaid, Fox and the Hound, Beauty and the Beast…I love them all!

That first picture of little Brooke is just stunning – I love it!


Beauty and the beast is definitely my favorite Disney movie.

I would never last that many miles on a day I felt that crappy- nice work. I feel the same way after I eat too much ice cream though. Or right now Christmas cookies! Lol. I have been running in tights for awhile now… We got our first dusting of snow the other day.

The pictures are adorable. I would want to frame them all…


Little Mermaid is my favorite too. I hate when I get side stitches! It usually happens when I stop to walk mid-run and start running again for stop to get water and start again.


Important question: do you like key lime pie, and if so have you tried Ben and Jerry’s Key Lime Pie ice cream?? It is amazing :) I personally like it better than key lime froyo!


You have the most beautiful baby – seriously!


Oh that picture of your run is so gorgeous! I wish wish wish we had mountains like that here on the East Coast!!!!


I totally know what you mean about the run…good days & bad days. But the bad days make us love the good days / runs even more- gotta take the bad with the good!! :)
& good for you for just getting out there when it’s SO cold!
LOVE Brooke’s PJs- I have yet to see panda ones…I will have to be on the hunt for them. Right now G is wearing sheep ones :)


BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS! Can’t wait to see the rest!


Not a Disney fan. I was wearing tights at the beginning of September here in Minnesota and now I’m cross country skiing, so lots of warm clothes!! Love the pictures!!!


I love black and white photos of babies! Those are perfect and it even looks in that first one like someone got Brooke’s hair to cooperate!

Thank you for sharing the tough days along with the victories! We all have them and isn’t that somethin’ when you just gotta STOP the madness and walk home? I just do that, too, sometimes, what the heck!

You’ll have a good one next, has been my observations (and what you always tell me when I email you whining about a bad run). At least you don’t whine, you just take your licks and move on! An inspiration to so many of us.


The pictures are perfect.
Only you can have me laughing at your recount of why the run wasn’t optimal.
Thank you Janae, I totally needed that today!!


I’ve already raced in my tights! I’m a big wimp!


Gorgeous pictures! What a treasure those will be as she grows up!

I definitely wore my running tights a couple weekends ago for a race. It was in the mid 30’s and was SO cold waiting for the start! I kind of love running in the cold, it’s so refreshing!


Thoes modeling shots are BEAUTIFUL! And what do you mean copious amounts of ice cream is bad for running? That’s the secret!!!


I get side stitches ALL the time! Well, maybe not all the time…but a lot! They’re almost always on my right side right under my ribs. What gives?


Omg so true about the breast feeding! I chug water like crazy.
I only get side stitches when I take a long break from running and start up again.

And the little mermaid is my fav too! I think she is the prettiest Disney princess.


My favorite Disney movie is definitely The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast is a close second. I am running the Disney Princess in February and had to be Ariel. Brown hair don’t care ;-)

I got a side stitch so bad the other day while doing one of my long runs. I am blaming it on a new flavor of Gu i tried…no bueno.

No winter tights here…Florida winters are just a slight relief from the heat!


I am a Disney freak! I am a cast member and got married there last year! My fav disney movie is Beauty and the Beast!

I am very sensitive to eating anywhere close to running. If its been 2 hours or less, then I always get side stiches :(

I don’t have any running tights (which I guess is good cuz I mostly have running skirts) but I do have a couple of pants and shirts. So far, I’ve only a night marathon once with a jacket and then 2 weeks ago with a long sleeve shirt


Those pictures are just gorgeous!!


Mmm…you know, I got a side stitch one of my first cold weather runs recently. I theorized that the weather was increasing my exertion and throwing off my breathing, but I only have imaginary stats to support that.


oh man the sleeping smile from Brooke is just killing me! Now I have to chant *I do not want anymore children* repeatedly until baby craving subsides. Maybe just go snuggle with my 2yo for a while ;)

Modern Disney – Tangled / Old School 80’s-90’s – so hard to choose! May have to go with Pocahontas based on music along. Such a great score and songs! Although Tarzan has great music too….ack! CAN’T CHOOSE. Don’t make me! :)


A bug flew into your lip gloss?!! GROSS!! But seriously – you wear lipgloss while you run?!! WOW. Do you do full makeup for running too? If your amazing running looks are natural I would be totally jealous. ;) I tried makeup on the run once during the summer and my face started sweating and itched like CRAZY!! NOT fun. How do you do it?! lol

I’ve had to break out all KINDS of cold weather clothes for running this season and it hasn’t even gotten below the 30s and I’ve worn like 18 shirts at a time. (slight exaggeration but not much LOL) I belong in the tropics I am sure.


Brooke is so beautiful!!!!!


Your canyon is so pretty! As far as tights go, that’s old news here-it first snowed on September 26 and has been below freezing ever since! My legs have not seen the sun in far too long.


Love those pictures! Especially the one of the two of you…Brooke looks perfectly content :) I’ll whine about the “cold” CA weather, but still haven’t gotten out the pants. I don’t have a fav Disney movie, but Pixar’s (which I guess is technically Disney now) Monster’s Inc. is my favorite kid’s movie.


Gorgeous pics of Brooke! Lion King will always be a Disney favourite for me!


I used to LOVE The Aristocats when I was a little kid. Over and over and over and over! I haven’t seen it in years though. But I love all Disney movies, especially Disney/Pixar movies like Toy Story (mega cryfest during Toy Story 3<–I am embarassing).

I got a side stitch during the Turkey Trot which was super frustrating. I had been running with my sister and had to let her leave me in the dust :( I had to walk for what felt like forever because of it!


Um… I LOVE you.
I never get side stitched thank goodness.
Those pictures are AMAZING.


I just posted about having a bummer run today too! I’m sure tomorrow will be much better for us :)


oh my gosh, i’ve been meaning to tell u that i’m ASTOUNDED how well u’re running considering u’re back up in UT! altitude kicks my BUTT!! isn’t it crazy how even tho u’ve lived up there for so long, now that u’re living at sea level, those lungs are in for a cold slap of altitude reality for those visits?? lol. but seriously, u’re doing so well! :)

okay, little mermaid, i swear, is my fav pick too. no joke, growing up i wished i were a mermaid. and a close second fav. movie was Splash. :)


I’ve had my running tights out for awhile, but I’m a HUGE baby.

Every now and then I’ll get a side stitch/cramp, but for me I’ve found the best thing to do is to drink some water (I’ve gotten to where I’m always carrying a water bottle) and tighten up my core muscles. For some reason, that does the trick!


I’ve been running in tights/pants for a while now! If it’s under 50 degrees I wear tights/pants, and if it’s under 45 I usually wear a shirt too. It’s worked pretty well for me.


It was 23 degrees this morning in Ohio. I don’t even like walking into work when it’s that cold so I’ll stick to the treadmill in those conditions!

Have you seen the cheap way to make giant blown up photos on Pinterest?! I’m thinking Brooke collages all over your walls!


I believe I have only posted once or twice on your blog. FYI: I love your blog! :) and think the pictures of Brooke are so adorable. I found this on another blog and thought you might be interested. Shows you how to blow up pictures at Staples, Office Depot, or Office Max mount them all for about $13.


Wow!!! That is so awesome! Thank you so much Elizabeth!


I have been getting side stitches on my races all year, when I am really putting effort into it (trying hard to get that PR). It really sucks, and walking for a bit is the only thing that will make it go away for me. Pinching it hard calms it down a little, but I have to walk to clear it up. bummer!


We are kindred spirits!!! I LOVE Little Mermaid too!!! TOTALLY MY FAVORITE!! :)


I can’t wait to see more pictures of Brooke from her photo shoot! Curly and Brooke photos are the cutest!


Janae! Funny enough, I JUST posted a butternut squash recipe that I made the other day! I am eating leftovers right now. YUM.
Brooke is one beautiful bambino. I wanted to make her my screensaver, then I thought that might just be creepy. hahaha.


Such beautiful pictures!! I absolutely love the one of the two of you!


I love the Little Mermaid and Cinderella!

I rarely get side-cramps/stitches. I hear ya about the ice cream pre-run….that has been my demise too many times to mention…… (won’t stop my love for ice cream).

Thankfully, in southern CA, you don’t really need winter running wear. However, I’m going to Seattle twice in January….kinda worried about freezing my buns off!


Childhood fave was Beauty and the Beast, but I now also LOVE Tangled!

I had a really bad run today too and I think this post made me feel a little better about it. I need to get some more sleep and eat some more veggies haha.


Your photos are so beautiful! I am not sure that I could pick a favorite Disney movie, but The Little Mermaid ranks right up there for sure. :)


Love Little Mermaid so much! I’m also a big Snow White fan. I am a wuss about the cold because it just doesn’t get that cold in NOLA relative to the rest of the country but I have worn my tights to boot camp and capris while running.


…Why were you wearing lip gloss while running?


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