Two Life Accomplishments and Dinner in a Pumpkin

I had two major life accomplishments yesterday:

1. I cleaned out every last morsel of my Costco sized crunchy pb jar and it wasn’t easy scraping the goodness off the bottom. I will not let any of that gold go to waste. PS Billy didn’t see how this was such a huge accomplishment…. men.

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2. I made my very first pie ever without burning myself, cutting my finger off or crying over ruining it.

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I really don’t think that granny smith apples are meant to be eaten in any other way than in the form of a pie loaded with cinnamon and sugar.

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Okay, so this isn’t a huge accomplishment because basically I bought a crust, threw some apples in and a bunch of crumble goodness on top but at least it kind of looks like I did something admirable. I used THIS recipe.

Each month a group of 6 girls gets together for a themed dinner. Last month we had Greek night and this month the theme was pumpkins and apples. The really cool part about it is that each month we are put in a group of new girls… I knew most of them already but had never really hung out with some of them so it was SO great to get to know them better.

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Have you ever eaten your dinner out of a pumpkin? This idea is PURE genius. There was meat, rice and spices cooked in that beautiful little pumpkin and I even ate the majority of the actual pumpkin. I can’t wait to make this for Billy.

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Speaking of Billy (I know I really don’t talk about him very much on the blog;) he had dinner on campus at a service project he was doing. I think Webster would define this as salad bar heaven:

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Don’t act like you don’t tell your husband to take a pictures of his food when he eats somewhere without you.

For dessert we dug into the apple pie and an incredible chocolate/caramel/oatmeal goodness bar.

Photo 2

Fall foods, I love you.


What are your weekend plans?

Favorite fallish food?

-Now it is dinner in a pumpkin.

What is going to be the absolute best part of your Friday?

-Lunch on campus!

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What a fantastic spread! Love the mini pumpkin bowls! And kudos on that apple pie girl. I would never be one to make my own crust either but I think semi-homemade is JUST as acceptable when it comes to a pie. :)


Holy yum- all this food looks amazing…especially those stuffed pumpkins & dessert! Enjoy lunch on campus! THe best part of my Friday was my run this morning and then a trip to the cinema this evening!


I have a 7 mile training run, a 10K mud run and a 5K color run. It’s going to be a TON of fun but very exhausting!

I LOVE fall foods. I have Beef Stew in the crockpot while I’m at work right now. Do you have the recipe for the pumpkin?? My friend has been talking about making that. I’m sure I could just google the recipe but I haven’t made it that far.

My favorite part will be getting out of work early, getting my daughter, and getting home to a cozy night and some beef stew.


What a great dinner party idea, fabulous way to meet new people and fun themes!

I have today off and then its shopping weekend with the ‘girls’ (as my todder say) my mom, aunt and sister!


I’m working overnight shifts this weekend — I’m pretty tired, so I’m not exactly looking forward to them. The best part of my Friday will be getting together with my running training group — I love how they push me to my limits and beyond!!
That pumpkin looks ADORABLE AND OH, SO DELICIOUS!! Definitely jealous!
I’m very, very glad that I had breakfast before reading this — otherwise, I’m positive that I would have been fainting and not just swooning from all the amazingly yummy-looking food pics!


Is this your first post with no Brooke pictures?? I am sure my husband will be shocked that I don’t try to show him pictures of a baby he doesn’t know after reading this :) The best part of my Friday is going to be catching up on homework, stuff around the house, and foam rolling/icing because I don’t have to work or go to school, yay!


No weekend plans yet, but the best part of Friday is that my boyfriend doesn’t work tonight!! (he normally does, so this is exciting)

Mmm this reminds me I should eat some pumpkin seeds soon!


I made some amazing pumpkin snickerdoodle bars the other day. They are so good!!

No plans for the weekend other than yard work that we’ve put off for months and months because of marathon training. That and lying around on the couch all day.


Love the pumpkin bowl idea. I’ll have to try that! Going for a run this morning, then off to work (TGIF!), then having my son’s 10 year old birthday party. Can’t believe he is already 10!


My weekend plans are grad work, running, grading papers, and working at a running store. Wait that sounded lame….I am meeting a friend for dinner tomorrow!

I am thinking way too hard about my favorite fall food….I can’t decide between chili or candy corn.

It’s happening right now, I have the day off work and so I’m reading blogs and drinking coffee in my bathroom instead of writing objectives and checking homework!


That pie looks delicious!!


Your pie looks awesome! We are part of a dinner club, too (couples for ours). It’s a lot of fun!

My husband is in Brazil right now. You bet he’s photographing his food for me! I didn’t even have to ask him to. :-)


I’m sad there were no pictures of Brooke, even in the background!
That pumpkin meal sounds tasty and the presentation is great!
I have to work tomorrow and then attend a wedding. Other than getting in a couple sweaty workouts, I feel like lazing around all weekend long!


I’m guessing you meant to say favorite fallish food….so that would be anything pumpkin. Anything.

Best part of this weekend will be setting up a lemonade stand with the littles. I know, I know, exciting right? Well after seeing how happy they were when we painted pumpkins last night, I figured I’d finally make their wish come true and let them sell lemonade.

You must enter my GIVEAWAY today. It’s an inspiring book by the runner woman who was in a terrible car accident. Great story. xo, Jess


we will need to make that apple pie when you come visit next month! we definitely need to plan a girls night when you are here. I like the idea of repeating pumpkins and apples. :)


I love theme dinners! This weekend I am going to the apple orchard, carving pumpkins, hitting up the dog park, and celebrating my grandparents 50th anniversary! I wanted to stop by the blog and let everyone know that I just started my own blog! Very exciting and intimidating! Check it out!


I love the dinner in the pumpkin and your pie looks super delicious!


Hopefully a run as soon as I finish with work!


Pumpkin is the bomb. My boyfriend totally takes photos of his lunch and sends them to me. Haha.


The best part of my Friday is going to be leaving work for the weekend. I’m not feeling work these days. :)


Going to get our photos taken for Christmas cards and having supper with blog friends!
5pm, when its the weekend ;)
I have it on my list this fall to make a pie. Not sure what kind yet might let my husband pick.


The potluck dinner you went to looks like it was pretty tasty.

The best part about my weekend is going to see a theater production of Pride and Prejudice. I’ve been looking forward to it for so long, I can’t believe it’s almost here!


Whole dinner looked wonderful and what a great way to get to know acquaintance:)

Best part of my Friday is finding out the sex of our baby!! Heading there now, so nervous but so excited!!

Tomorrow I am going to a fitness conference all day. I go every year and its always an awesome time with great speakers and really good trade show…shopping!!!

have an awesome Friday, Betty Crocker heh heh


Look at you miss Baker….major accomplishment.

My husband also sends me photos of his food when it is something I love. He gets food trucks at his school (MBA program) and has been begging me to come to campus once a week to eat with him. I need to do it! You guys are too cute.


great job on the apple pie my friend!! :) I bet it tasted as good as it looks! Billy’s spread looks awesome!

Best part of my Friday…Rocky comes home tonight!! He’s been gone for a couple of days on a business trip. 1st trip w/o muah! It’s okay because the guys he was meeting w/appreciated the quality time. :) Looking forward to Bingo night @ my son’s school, 10 mi. race @ Huntington Bch, soccer game, b-day party for my step-daughter (I’m making her a “One Direction” rainbow cake.) :) HAPPY FRIDAY!!! xo


Actually every year I make pumpkin stew…its beef stew made inside a pumpkin…so good


that pumpkn thing looks so awesome! genius!!! i guess same concept as stuffed peppers but a pumpkin would be better ;)
best part of my friday will be when i get off work i think, i cant wait to relax! It has been a crazy week!


Yum, I love all fall foods. I also love the rotating girls nights you have, seems like a blast! I’m psyched its Friday. Fridays are our chill at home nights. I cook a nice dinner, enjoy a glass if wine on the patio and watch a movie or play scrabble. Yes, this sounds like something 70 yr olds do but its the perfect way to unwind after a long week and we love it :)


how in the WORLD do you get the jar so clean on the bottom? what’s long and soft enough to scrape it that well…bread sticks? i waste too much pb and must know your secret.


This sounds like such a great time! I’m making a pie with my mom tonight although ours will be of the chocolate variety. That pumpkin idea is SO cool!! Wish I was creative enough for stuff like that. And the oatmeal chocolate caramel bars look delicious :)


I can’t say I’ve ever seen the dinner in a pumpkin, but I have seen it served in an acorn squash. I’m intrigued by the pumpkin idea now! Very cute idea. My favorite fall food? Oh my goodness, that’s so hard for me to decide! I love pretty much any pumpkin baked good and don’t even get me started on my love for chili and soups.


that pumpkin dish looks incredible!!

its a pretty busy weekend for me..its both my mom and kevin’s birthdays. so i’m going to be all over the place. BUT i will squeeze in a longish run tomorrow morning :)

best part of my friday is I think i’m going to get the new iphone, woohoo! Its been forever since i’ve upgraded so i’m psyched.


What a fun dinner!! I’ve never eaten out of a pumpkin but I have eaten out of an acorn squash!


Weekend plans: Tomorrow we’re going to see Resident Evil 3D and to do some much needed clothes shopping.

Fall foods: I love pumpkin pie! But strangely, I’ve never really been a fan of apple.

Best part of Friday: The moment the work day ends. It’s been such a long week!


I’m obsessed with everything fall… honestly, it’s the best! I’m so happy it’s Friday, my best part is that I get to work from home today which is HUGE (get to work in yoga pants ;)). Happy weekend!


This weekend is a very busy one for us! My oldest daughter has her first homecoming dance tomorrow night. I am working for a couple hours starting at 5:45 AM so I can enjoy the rest of the day. Then giving her a manicure. Taking her to get her hair done, then meeting up with her friends for pictures and dinner before the dance. I am one of two “chauffeurs” for the evening. Perfect way to spend my birthday! I am threatening to buy a big hot pink taffeta princess dress to wear for the evening. I am only half joking. My daughter is mortified. Life is good!

Then we have a baptism on Sunday and a family party to celebrate it and my birthday.


That pumpkin idea is amazing!! My parents are coming to visit me this weekend!! My plan is on dragging them to trader joes so they can buy me delicious groceries :) I’m beginning to end my mourning over watermellon season being over, and starting to enjoy delicious fall fruits like apples and pumpkins!!


Yes, yes, YES to Fall foods and kudos on the apple pie :D I’ve never made a pie from scratch, but I definitely enjoy eating them. Last weekend my mom baked up this flakey apple cake and I think that just stole the show as my favorite Fall time food. I’ll be going to visit again on Sunday, so I’m hoping she’ll decide to do it again ;)


oh that apple pie looks yummy! might have to make one tonight!

weekend plans: animal blessing festival, church and running!

favorite fall foods: soups

best part of friday: work half day!


-I have the day off today so the best part of my Friday is getting to be home and do whatever I want! :)
-This weekend I’m running a half marathon–excited!
-Random Question, Janae–my husband and I just recently moved into a new city, just like you and Billy did…I’m wondering how you found so many great groups of people to hang out with already?! I’m sure Billy meets a lot of people through classes/schoolwork, but is it through your church or something? You have so many fun things to go to already and that’s been a struggle for us is just meeting new people to spend time with while still working full-time.


Lots of great eats! I’m going home to see my family this weekend!


All of that food looks amazing!!! I am actually making a pumpkin dip this weekend and serving it in a pumpkin!!!

Weekend plans – Big birthday party for my 5 year old son – lots of friends cming and some out of town family members are surprising him, plus we surprised him by renting a bounce house, he is going to freak!!

Does pumpkin spice latte count as a food??

My parents flew in this morning and are surprising my son by picking him up at school early, he is going to lose it!! Hearing about his reaction is going to be the highlight of my day :)


Halloween howl 3k race tomorrow (I’m 9mo pregnant and decided to walk the 3k instead of doing the 10k lol). My friends and I are all walking it with our kids and are dressing up can’t wait!
It’s my anniversary on Sunday so might go out for a nice dinner or lunch.
My favorite fall foods are definitely pumpkin baking, chili and pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks!


That dish in a pumkin looks so cool. It would sure be great if your friend could share her recipe:)

Once fall appears it is all about soups and chili. Love them and our budget loves them too:)

The best part of today is 1st: going to the gym 2nd: baking pumpkin bread and 3rd: sewing:)

Have a great weekend….PS: is this the first blog post you made without a picture of your little angel?


I have a pair of those pot holders (mine are in blue). :)


I am totally impressed by that peanut butter jar! I am running the Des Moines half marathon on Sunday!!!!!


Getting all the peanut butter out of the jar is a HUGE accomplishment. I can never get mine so clean.

The dinner in a pumpkin is a very clever idea, I might have to try that.


Wow, what a great idea and congrats on you first pie!! I totally want to have a monthly dinner theme group, now.. I also was wondering if you could share the recipe to the chocolate/caramel/oatmeal goodness bar they sound amazing??

Amanda :0)


Yes! I will text her to send me the recipe! Hope you are having a great day!


Based on that peanut butter jar and my own love of candy corn as one of the BEST fall “foods” I had to post this recipe I found – homemade butterfinger bars made with peanut butter and candy corn. Sign me up!


Oh what a fun idea for a get together! :) Fall foods are the best…:)


Wow, that peanut butter jar really IS amazing!!!

I’m going on an awesome hike-should be fine! Besides that, decompressing from school/work overload!


Weekend plans include an 11 mile run and then Nothing. The best part of Friday will be hitting up the grocery store and then a lot of nothing!
Or putting dinner in the crockpot.

The Kidless Kronicles


Apple Pie with a HUGE scoop of vanilla bean ice cream! Nuff said.


My weekend plans involve studying wah :( I lovvvveee pumpkin pie, then again who doesn’t!


Those stuffed pumpkins look like such a good idea! I have a busy weekend unfortunately. I need pie!


I must say I am so jealous of all these fun groups of girls you keep finding – very cool!

I am baking a GIANT apple crisp for a party we are having on Sunday. I am trying to tell myself it’s for my guests but it is totally for my own enjoyment.


where did you get your purple pants. I’ve been looking for a good purple or plum colored jean for a while.

This weekend, I’m going to San Jose (I’m from LA) to watch the LA Galaxy/ SJ Earthquake game on Sunday. I think I’m going to be right around your neighborhood. Hopefully, I’ll run into you!


Oh fun!!!!!! They are from H&M!!!! Travel safe!


First of all… no Brooke pictures?!?

Second… Where did you get those purple pants? I love them and have been looking for a cute pair of colored jeans!

Third… I need to find a salad bar like that! Delish!


Haha there will be Brooke pics in the next one! They are from H&M!!! Have a great day!


Where did you get your purple pants?? I am looking for that exact color :)


H&m! I love them!!


Where can I find a recipe for how to cook dinner in a pumpkin? I didn’t even know that was feasible :-)


I know… So cool! I will ask her for the recipe and post it!


WHat a fun evening! I love the idea of dinner in a pumpkin!

And yes, totally guilty of telling the hubs to take pics of his food for me ;)


What a fun dinner idea! Everything looks great!


thats it, im going to law school. the salad bar sealed the deal.


Aw, I love the idea of dinner in a pumpkin! I’ll have to try that out this fall!


That’s the second stuffed pumpkin I’ve seen today! I totally wanna make one soon, stuffed pumpkin > stuffed peppers :P

P.S. I finished off a PB jar this morning, it was glorious haha!


Dinner in a pumpkin sounds delish. What a fun idea!


That PB jar is IMPRESSIVE! I can never get it that empty!! I definitely think that’s a celebration worthy accomplishment!


that all looks great! and dont be crazy about asking your husband to take pictures of his food…my boyfriend already knows that ANY time he has something good/interesting/unique to eat he must follow the description with an actual photo no matter where he is


Love the jeans Janae!


I love that group dinner idea, it sounds like such a good way to get to know people. :) and those mini pumpkins are adorable.


I’ve never ever made a pie before, either, but it’s on my fall to-do list this year!! :) Looks so yummy, I’m definitely making an apple pie! That food in a pumpkin is SUCH a cute idea! Never heard of that before! I love that you get to meet new girls each week and have themed parties! I wanna come!! :)


My in-laws are in town this weekend.
The introvert in me is slightly stressed out about it. I could use a looooooong run and some hibernation this weekend.


I’m so impressed with your baking skills! I haven’t attempted a pie yet, but you’ve given me the motivation to try!!


The ONLY thing I can do in the kitchen is, I’m always impressed by people’s baking/cooking. Go you!! haha :)


I’m in love with your pants!!!!!!!
Mmmmm your pie looks delicious. I’m impressed:)


Speaking of fall foods, thought you should know my wife made caramel apple cheesecake bars last night. Amazingly delicious……


Yum!!!!! I need the recipe!!!!


Themed dinners, that sounds awesome! I may have to suggest that to my girlfriends….

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