When we first decided to move to San Jose for Billy’s law school I was really nervous.  I couldn’t even look at my nieces and nephews and think about moving away from them because I would end up in tears.  I couldn’t imagine living more than 10 minutes away from my mom and missing our lunches and froyo trips.  I was really anxious about trying to meet new friends and adjust to a baby, move and Billy being crazy busy with school all at the same time.  

I miss my family and Utah friends like crazy (and always will.. we are planning on staying in California forever) and have had a few breakdowns about being away from them but I actually really love it here and somehow my family is surviving without me (I was really worried about that;)  

Here are my top 10 favorite things about living in California.

1.  Brooke came right when I moved here so maybe that is why I love it here so much.  Her and Billy have Ca birth certificates, I feel a little left out.  Don’t mind my morning hair and my inside out shirt.

Photo on 10 1 12 at 9 45 AM  4

2.  Year round running weather on my outdoor treadmill or on the awesome 10 mile trail less than a mile from my house.   Added bonus is there are a trillion races here and I also want to try out some trail races too!

3.  Billy loves Santa Clara University.  He enjoys his classes, loves reading about all of the cases and loves the beautiful campus he goes to every day.


4.  Somehow I have already made really good friends… my mom must be paying them big bucks.

Photo 2

5.  Trader Joes, Trader Joes, T.R.A.D.E.R. J.O.E.S.  I know it is annoying to hear about this store from every food blog on the planet but I really love that store.  Brooke and I go there just to walk around and look at things more than I would like to admit.  

6.  Our apartment.  It is tiny but I kind of like it like that and it is so nice cooking in a real kitchen and not our old one that was built in 1908.  

7.  People want to come visit us here because there are so many fun things to do close by.  PS one of my very best friends is coming in ONE MONTH from today to visit us!

Wedding 6827

8.  I have been able to survive without Cafe Rio in my life (that caused major anxiety when I thought about moving away from Utah) because there are a ton of really awesome, delicious places to eat.

9.  The avocados alone are worth the move… they are really good here.  Oh and also the It’s-It factory is close by!  PS I finished off the bag of butterscotch chips that used to be in the spot in the freezer and I just put in a bag of sour patch kids to see if they are good frozen.

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10.  Living super close to the airport (Dear Brother, you better always stay a pilot so that I can fly home using buddy passes) to go back and see these rascals.

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What are some of your favorite things about where you live?

Who reading this lives in California or has lived here in California in the past?

How often do you go back home? 

-Part of the agreement for me moving away from the family was that I get to go home at least every other month (maybe I should tell Billy about this agreement that we had).

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My family are dotted around the world so I don’t get to see them much. I miss them tons! So wish we all lived closer :(


I love California – especially the weather. New York (where I currently live) is cool too, just not in Jan and Feb!

I get back to Australia once a year, sometimes 1.5 years because it is so far and expensive! I miss my family a lot so I love when they come visit me :)


Those are some NICE things about Cali! I agree-prob a lot more races there for sure–and such great weather.

We need TJ’s here SOOO bad. I need to find out the opening date for it, actually…..any ideas?

And umm… who wouldn’t want to be your friend?! You rock-so of course you’ve got tons of them already :) p.s. Brooke is adorbs.


Billy’s parents live in CA right? Did you two meet in UT?


Yep! They live in southern California and we met at school in utah!


I’ve lived in the Dallas area for 8 years and can’t imagine living anywhere else! I love the weather – even though it is super hot in the summer. I love the cost of living, the people, the shopping and restaurants, year round races. And I especially love that people here love football as much as I do.
I was born in the Los Angeles area and lived there for 10 years. I seriously think that is why I love the beach and warm weather so much.


I live in Eugene, Oregon….Track Town USA!!! It is by far one of the best places to live, if you’re a runner, you want to be a runner, you think about running, you fantasize about running, etc.

I used to live in California…Sunnyvale for a short period of time, and then Redwood City for about 7 years. The weather is awesome, the people and places are great and the schools are incredible. That being said, I do love Oregon…it’s SO green and lush. As much as I loved California, I will not return except to visit.

I wish I could visit California more often. I was down in Sacramento for a baby shower in May. Before that, the last time I was down there was 2 years ago to take my daughter to Disneyland for her birthday. Prior to that trip, it had been about 6 years since I was down there. My next trip down will be in January…Tinkerbell Half Marathon for my 30th birthday! Wahoo!


I was born in Ottawa, and I really believe that I’ll live here all my life. I moved away briefly for university, but the moment I was back in town, I knew I was HOME. It’s a city (1 million people), but it lacks a lot of the hustle and bustle of other major cities — I think it’s because it’s so spread out.
But what I really love are the green spaces — so many, so lucious, so accessible and incredibly well maintained. I honestly think our city is incredibly beautiful. There’s always something to do — rain or shine — always something new to explore. I can’t see myself every moving away. That being said, I’d love to do a bit of travelling, but I’d always come home. Ottawa is where my heart is. <3


We moved here to California after the hubster graduated from BYU. We visit my family (1.5 to 2 hours away) about once a month. But my in-laws live in GEORGIA. So we have a standing Skype date with them every Sunday and see them 3-4 times a year. It works for us. for now :)


Good for you Janae! I bet there is a lot to love in CA. And don’t worry, I completely agree with your TJs obsession. I need to go again soon! When I moved for my hubbys law school and my grad program, we agreed we’d set aside money for me (and him) to go home regularly. It is just important to my mental health. I’d still love to move back home though.


I would love to live in California for the weather alone.

I live 10 minutes from my dad and stepmom, 20 minutes from my mom, brother, sister-in-law, and niece, and 15 minutes from my in-laws. If I ever moved, I would probably shrivel up and die. :)


I live in San Diego. It’s pretty awesome.


I live in Vancouver, BC and it honestly is the best place on earth! There are gorgeous mountains, the ocean, 4 seasons, running outside all year, amazing hiking trails, great skiing, great food, great people… okay I could go on and on but ill stop :)


I live in Cali and I love it!! So much to do, things to see, nice weather all the time!


I was born and raised in Santa Clara but now live in South Jordan. It really made me sad to read that your long term goal doesn’t include moving back here! I know we haven’t met (thats beside the point lol) but it still made me sad :(


I love that you love San Jose!!! I was born and raised there!! I only came to Utah to go to school and I ended up meeting my husband here who already had a job here….so we stayed! I miss it though! I remember 70 degree weather on Christmas morning and going out for a run! That’s such a fun thing that I didn’t realize was so priceless until I moved to Utah! Whenever we go to the beach, my husband always asks….”And why did you move away from here??….” He’s from Seattle so he understands the need to be near water too! ;o) Glad you enjoy my old stomping grounds! If you left the San Jose Airport on the main road and headed east, never getting off that road, you’d eventually be on Hostetter Rd. I lived right at the intersection of Hostetter Rd. and Morrill Ave. I love the rolling foothills! But when you come to visit Utah again, the mountains will feel like they’re falling on you because they’re so huge! ;o)


I live near there now ;) Running Penetencia Creek!


Sonia! That’s my mom and my sister’s name too!! So awesome! Are you from that area?? I went to Piedmont Hills High School… Do you ever run in Alum Rock Park?? I ran cross country and track in high school and we always ran there! I miss it!! :O)


Born and raised in Santa Clara. Haha. My sisters fiance works at PHHS. Go Pirates! Haven’t run Alum Rock yet. I’m a little scared to run Penetencia up to the park by myself.


Hi there–
Only always have lived in California. Now I live in Santa Cruz and went to Santa Clara University School of Law, just like your Billy. Campus is lovely…hope you enjoy your time here.


I live in Texas and my family lives in Kentucky, which is ~18 hour drive. My boyfriend and I came to the agreement that we would drive to Kentucky twice a year; one week at Christmas and one week in the summer.


California girl, born and raised. Lived in San Diego for several years for college (LOVE SD!) but live here in the Bay Area because it’s where all our friends and family reside. I lived in Hungary for several summers (hot as hell with beautiful thunderstorms) but my heart has been and always will be here in CA. So much to do and just a drive away.

I love being able to drive to Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Sonoma and even up to Arcata and the forests for some river rafting and hiking with my sister. And SD is only an 8hr drive south so it’s doable . Oh, and SF Giants are close by so baseball games!!


I’ve lived in Southern California all my life (except 4 years in school in Boston), and I currently live in Santa Monica. Both my husband and I have family literally minutes away, which is why we will never move far, especially with baby #2 on the way! Let us know if you ever do a blogger meet up in the LA area.


I live in socal, I love the proximity to the beaches but I hate the extreme heat and lack of four seasons.


Im in Georgia. So I work in the city but live in the sticks. My subdivision rocks its set up to repliacte a 1940s neighborhood but its new so there are tons of trials, sidewalks, alleys and we have our own trail that holds one of the hardest 10 milers in the SE. I have yet to run this beast but its awesome nontheless!


I’m so happy to hear you like it here!!
I’ve lived in Cali (Fresno) my whole life. About a year ago we moved to the bay area for a job. The weather up here is incredible and I agree with you on the trails. There’s so much to do & see, I never get board.
I’m only a 3.50 hour drive, but don’t go back home near as often as I’d like.


I have to tell you that frozen Sour Patch Kids are the greatest thing on the face of the planet and that you will LOVE them! I buy a bag at the store and the minute I get home I put them in the freezer and force myself to wait about an hour before I eat them. Start in small doses, those babies are hard and will hurt your teeth but wowza they are GOOD!


I live in Chicago, while my parents and sister live in Houston, and I don’t get to visit them as much as I’d like…once a year (Christmas!) usually. But we talk on the phone all the time, so that kind of makes up for it.


Born and raised in Fresno, CA! I lived in Berkeley, CA while in college, and Santa Monica, CA after that. Best state in the union, if you ask me! :) But I live in the UK now, and really miss California!! Although I’m visiting my family this month and its toooo hottttt! So glad you’re loving SJ :)


I’m a (Bay Area) California transplant like yourself and while I think it’s a pretty darn cool place to live, I can’t say it will be my forever home (that’s Virginia!). It’s just so expensive and I want my neighbors to be a walk away not, an arm’s length :)

But until I eventually move back East, I am soaking up all the sun, Trader Joe’s, and In and Out Burger that I can!


I live in the part of California that doesn’t look or feel at all like the rest of California, maybe that’s why I like it!! My corner of Cali (the northwest one) gets buckets of rain fog and that keeps the population down. San Jose is too big for me!!!! :)


I didn’t know you were planning on staying in CA forever. I moved to CA from IL about 2 1/2 years ago. I noticed the avocados here in CA are WAY tastier than in the midwest! It’s crazy! I’m so glad you are loving CA. :)


So many reasons to visit California! :) I think I’d like the weather the most! My whole family lives within 3 hours of Pittsburgh, so I haven’t been west of Chicago.


Awwr Janae, it’s so great to hear that you’re adapting so well to your new place. I can’t imagine having done all that… moving, giving birth right away, being away from family… holy smokes, girl, I hope you see how strong you are :) Care to bottle up some of your positivity and send it my way? <3


I live in Cali! Born and raised, love it here! My son’s middle school is literally down the street from the It’s It factory. Love that ice cream. Plus they just opened up a retail It’s It outlet store. Aka my version of heaven.


Ah California sounds perfect! If I could transplant my family I’d be there in an instant! I just don’t think I could handle being an 6 hr plane ride away from everyone :( I love how close we are to so many weekend trip spots: Atlanta, charleston, Savannah, New Orleans are all within 6hrs of Tallahassee.


I’ve been trying to move out to San Diego because my boyfriend moved there after we both graduated from college. Being so far away from my family (who are in Illinois) has freaked me out because, like you, I love seeing them as much as possible. It must be weird knowing you’re going to be in CA for so long away from your family! For me it’s just a temporary thing so that helps me. There’s definitely good things about both places though. I guess it’ll be that much sweeter to see your family now!


I’m a California girl born and raised!! I grew up in the Bay Area (east bay) and LOVE it. We moved to Utah a year ago for my husband to get his MBA at USU. I wish we could move back to the Bay Area but it is not my hubby’s cup of tea. He is from Wyoming and wants to live in a small town! We’ll just have to find a good compromise. I do really like Logan though.


I live in California! I live in the city of the Angels! (Not Los Angeles, Anaheim). And Disneyland! I love living here and I could never live anywhere else. My favorite thing is being driving distance from so many places.


The weather sounds pretty awesome! That’s probably the #1 reason why I don’t want to stay in Chicago… So cold. It’s growing on me though, I love all the different neighborhoods, and there are always new places to try and discover and there’s always something going on!


NorCal rocks :) except for today b/c it is BRUTALLY hot for some reason and I had to go to the DMV…so not fun.


I’m so glad you love it there, I’d feel awfully bad if you were having a hard time. It sounds like a fun place to live. As you know I’m in Phoenix which has been a nice central place because we are within driving distance to Utah, Rocky Point Mexico, California, Vegas and Lake Powell. I will miss it a lot. :( Hope I don’t regret our move back to Utah. I’m SO nervous…we’ve been in AZ for most of my adult life…12+ years. Billy’s campus does look beautiful and your clearly good at making friends. xo, Jessica



I love living in my small town community! I love living here because it’s near my parents so when my married siblings come home to visit, I’m already here to see them!! :)


i’m glad you’re loving california :) i was born and raised in los angeles and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else! my favorite part is definitely the amazing weather (it’s 100 degrees here today in oct., so crazy!) and being so close to everything (the beach, the mountains, etc.)


I live in SF and I agree with you on all those things– Trader Joes, avocados, year-round running weather and It’s It’s!! I’m so glad you adjusted well and like it here!


Hey, Janae Jacobs
Ashlee Parker,
How are you ?
Well am doing well ..
I just read the post about how you miss Cafe Rio
And i guess sometime, you and your hubbie should take a road trip to the Los Angeles Area and go to Cafe Rio , there are about 7 Locations Down there ..
Well Best Of luck
Ashlee .


I’m know how it feels to live away from home and family. I’m originally from Germany and moved to the US 7 years ago. All my family is back in Germany and there are many occasions I miss them. But as you said, there is a lot of fun stuff in US. Good job in staying positive!


I actually just moved back to my home state after living away for three years. I just couldn’t handle it. I missed seeing my niece and nephew, missing birthdays, missing random family dinners, etc. I tried so hard and made friends, joined groups, had a great boyfriend, great job. But in the end, I was still unhappy. So, I am glad you’re adjusting well. I just wish I could have been one of those people.


Being so close to so many hiking and running trails. I didn’t have too many safe places to run back in NC.

The Kidless Kronicles


Wow! It sounds like you live less than a mile from where I used to live! I agree with you about all your points about the food and easy access to the airport. The produce is THE BEST here. You have to drive out through Gilroy for the garlic and locally grown produce at the stands on the side of the road. Get some delicious peaches that are being harvested right now. They are even better than any kind that can be bought in a store!

Oh and next time you go through HWY 152, be sure to stop at Casa de Fruta. Fresh produce, dried fruits, nuts galore in any flavor you can think of and chocolate covered everything! (droools)


I love Casa de Fruta! Such a great place to take the kids in the middle of a long drive!


I’m so glad to hear how much you love where you are!

Daniel and I are planning on moving away from all our family in a little over 18 months. It is going to be SO hard, but I know God has great things in store for us in other places! It’s really not all that far away, but I know it will be an adjustment not physically hanging out with our family very often.

Oh, and one of my favorite things about the place we are moving – TRADER JOES!


I think the weather is just perfect where you are! I live down south from you in the Monterey area and it’s a bit chillier here. Perfect for running actually.

I lived on the East Coast for 8 years and I really missed Jamba Juice. But now I miss Cracker Barrel!


This is so cheesy but you’re really such an inspiration for dealing w/ times of change. I’m not at all surprised that you’ve made friends so quickly. I wish nothing but the best for you, Billy, & Brooke!


I love this list!

And I personally think going to Trader Joe’s often is important- best way to find out about all of the new items!


I’ve been to CA twice (southern and then northern) and I would move there in a hot second if I could. I love everything about CA. The food, the weather, the coast….it’s all just a dream! :)


Ha! I just drove past the It’s-It factory the other day and thought of you. Love this list. My family lives far away too and I wish I had a pilot brother!


I live in California!! Love that at the most, I’m only about 2 hours away from everything, except LA lol….
and it helps that there is so much to do in California, always a race going on, always something to do do the holidays, speaking of which!! you must go see Apple Hill!! Homemade GIANT caramel apples, homemade apple juice, pick apples from the orchards, pick yourself some pumpkins, and get yourself some delicious fudge from the fudge factory, I highly recommend you take the trip :)


I go home to Florida probably 3-4 times a year. It’s hard being away from my mom, but I also love where we’re living right now. :)


sour patch kids are so not good frozen.. I super love candy.. and those are one of my faves.. and seriously put them in your fro yo.. the sweetness from the yogurt and the zing of the sour patch kids are uhmazing!!!! buuuut you have to eat them right away because when they freeze they are like rocks.. no chewy heaven.. sigh.. def let us know what you think about them frozen =)


Sadly I have NO idea what an It’s It is…but it looks like they involve ice cream…which makes them necessary to try at some point :)
Billy’s campus is beautiful!
I was JUST thinking this weekend of HOW perfect Brooke’s arrival was- I mean down to the day. She has some good timing!!
You were such a BEAUTIFUL bride- I love all of your wedding photos! You are so stunning!!


I didn’t know the its it factory was here! I have lived in Northern California my whole life and I love the hiking and being outdoors in the amazing weather! I have always wanted to live in another state though so maybe one day!


I’m so glad you love it in CA! I lived there when I was very young {I don’t really remember it} and I went to visit a couple of years ago. I loved it….the weather was beautiful!!


I’m so glad you are feeling more at home in CA. You defintely had a lot happen of major life changes in August, but made the best of it! I have visited CA, but LOVE the southern US. I am a true southern girl and can’t imagine living anywhere else. I am close to the beach, have 90 degree weather for 1/2 the year, beautiful scenery/trees, great parks/trails/hiking, etc, etc. I grew up in a major city about 4 hours from my current city and I am majorly homesick—still! I probably only get to go “home” once or twice a year due to my packed schedule.


I’m so glad you’ve adjusted so well! I didn’t move nearly as far, and I didn’t do anywhere near as well as you have :)


I’ve been living in China for the past 8 years and even though i don’t love it – it gave me a chance to travel around Asia and see most of countries here. Right now typing from Ha Long Bay, Vietnam!
Love California and i can’t wait to move back to the US in two years!
I go home (Poland) every summer for couple of weeks to see my Mom and sister who visits from England. We are all scattered around the world! They come to visit us in China once a year too, but still miss them so much.


Love your top ten! I seriously can’t get enough of the pictures of Brooke. She is such a cutie!!! :)


I just moved to BYU and so I don’t go home until thanksgiving:(


I think it is great that you are embracing your new home…but really how can you go wrong with a beautiful daughter, great hubby and running friendly weather.

I am originally from Montreal, Quebec, Canada which is an amazing city but I now live and consider home Calgary, Alberta. Calgary is an amazing city- friendly people, minutes from the mountains to go hiking or skiing, very athletic city (you can pretty much find a road race almost every weekend during the spring/summer and fall, loads of jobs, lower taxes, and the list goes on. Not so good aspects- very cold winters (puts a damper on my running outside) and coming from Montreal, Calagry’s shopping is nowhere near as good as Montreal. Being said, I try to get back to Montreal to visit friends, family and get my shopping fix.


I didn’t realize you were planning on living there forever, that is nice to get settled in then! I move on THURSDAY and I’m SO nervous! Excited to be with Randy but nervous to leave my family and actually make the move (and terrified for the flight alone with a 6 week old…). Reading this made me feel a little better though and helped me know that I will be okay there!


This post is so encouraging… I moved from the Bay Area to Utah a year ago to be with my hubby and I miss home so so much. I love Utah and all it has to offer but I’m having a hard time with the ‘living here forever part’ I’m so glad that you are loving your new life and have such a positive outlook. =)


Love this list and it’s inspiring to see you truly embracing change! Although you can’t always change your situation, you can change your approach towards it!


awwww, i’m SOO happy u are settling right in!! have to say that i think Cali is an awesome place to live..the state is lucky to have the jacobs. hehe :)
and it’s-it’s…i don’t care wat ur problem is, u bite one of those and the world just seems a little better.


Oh my gosh is that the Vasona/Los Gatos trail? If so, I am so jealous. That is one of my favorite places to run ever. So glad you love norcal :)


I live in Clovis which is right by Fresno. Hot in the summer but fairly mild winters. Lots to do. Lots of places to run. Not too far away from anything. Good place to raise a family.


I lived in California from when I was 3-10! We moved in 5th grade to South Carolina and I had no clue where that even was haha! I currently live in Charlotte, North Carolina now and I love it here, but the West Coast is so cool!

We are actually heading out to California this Friday for our 2 year wedding anniversary!! We are SO excited! We’re flying into San Francisco and then driving up to Sonoma and Napa!! I haven’t been back to Cali since we moved and the hubs has never been, so it’s going to be an awesome trip! I’m counting the minutes until Friday!


Check out Ledson Winery in Sonoma (very good wines). And the Del Monte Hotel and Girl and the Fig in Sonoma Plaza, expensive resturants but amazing food.


I live in California (SF east bay) and love it! Originally from Chicago but here for 7 years and staying. Favorite things definitely include the year round good running weather, beautiful outdoors, and food–cheese in particular. Glad my baby-to-be will have a CA birth certificate, too :)


I’ve never been to California but really want to go! Right now I’m currently living in Tampa, and like San Jose I love the fact that you can go out for a run during any time of year (even if it means having to wait till 10pm in July/August). I also like that the beach is 25 minutes away, Orlando/Disney/Universal is about an hour, and there is always something to do on the weekends even if it is sort of a small city. Being away from family is tough, but seems like you’re strong and doing okay!


I lived in Cali for three years and I love that area so much!!!! We were in San Diego county which is crazy but beautiful…


Reading your blog has been really helpful to me in the past couple weeks because I just got married and moved from Chicago to Houston for my husband’s job. I’ve been having a hard/lonely time lately because I really miss my family and I haven’t met a ton of people here yet! Also, I’m pregnant and I can’t run at ALL during my pregnancy due to complications :( :( :( This post reminded me that I’m not alone and to stay positive and instead of thinking about all the reasons I hate living in Texas I have to remember all the reasons I love it here! Top 3:
1. The weather…let’s be honest Chicago weather is basically awful 75% of the time.
2. Living near extended family I never really got to know before.
3. Marble Slab Creamery…the BEST ice cream in the whole wide world.

I only go home every 6 months or so which is a big fat bummer, but I definitely appreciate my family more now that I hardly ever see them!
Anyways great post! Thanks for sharing!


I love living in Southern California because of the weather and the ocean views I get to see on a daily basis. Life is good.

I lived in Northern California while I was in college (St. Mary’s College – the arch-rival of Santa Clara!!). I did enjoy NorCal for the fresh air and nature-feel, but home is here.

I am fortunate enough to see my family at least weekly. I live only 10 miles away from where I grew up and Family dinners on Sunday are a MUST!


I’m an Ohio girl transplanted to Pasadena, CA. I miss home, especially my friends and family, but I love it out here. Minus the recent 100+degree temps, the weather is awesome! So is the scenery. It’s nice to look out my windows and see mountains in the background. I’m from Toledo, OH, and it’s soooo flat there! And Trader Joe’s is definitely the icing on the cake! I thought I would miss the seasons until I went for a run around the Rose Bowl in FEBRUARY, and I wasn’t all bundled up and running in snow!


I’m new to the Bay-ish area, too. We moved out to Livermore in January, but it has yet to grow on me the way you’re warming up to San Jose. First of all, the weather is so phenomenally hot!… But there are a ton of races around, like you mentioned, and there’s plenty of parks and open space out east… I’m not convinced CA is a forever home for us, though. My heart belongs to Colorado.


I love being 20 minutes from the beach. Our sunsets (in Florida) are pretty rad too.


I live in NC- the best part of that is we have a little bit of everything. We have the beaches and the mountains and the weather is nice all year round, minus a few sticky hot months in the summer.

I have never lived in CA, but would love to visit- if for no other reason than the awesome races that they have out there. I fear tho, if I visit, I shall never return to the east coast because CA is so beautiful! My family is dotted all over the east coast, from Northern VA to Southern SC, so… I would miss them oh so terribly if I were to move too far away!


Hey there! Do you know if they make any pluginms to asist with SEO?
I’m trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted
keywords but I’m not seeing very good success.
If you know of any please share. Thanks!


Yes! Finally someone writes about butt lift procedures.

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