I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Race Recovery.

What happened to this mornings blog post?  I went to bed at 7:30 last night with Brooke (I normally write my morning posts at night) and I even chose sleep OVER GOING TO COSTCO… I am expecting a phone call 2 seconds after my mom reads this because she will be so worried about me.  Another thing leading me to go to bed so early was because of the FMW recall has sent me into a deep depression.  How could they do this to me?

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Thank you everyone for watching out for me and warning me on twitter and emailing me about this terrible news!!! 

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I waited 4 days to run (that is a miracle that I actually followed what I said I was going to do) and had a nice 7 mile easy run this morning.  I am going to keep my pace nice and easy for a while because according to this chart from Running Times it is a smart thing to do:

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I definitely felt like I pushed myself in the San Jose half so I will probably take the 14 days of easy running to heart before I try and do any faster runs.   From that same article:

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I guess that means I will be taking the WOMEN’S NIKE HALF MARATHON easy this weekend:)

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My cutest friends that we stayed with when we first moved to N. Cali had an extra bib for the half-marathon and offered it TO ME!!! I blacked out for 60 seconds due to my excitement.  I have ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wanted to do this race!  I can’t wait to run through the streets of my favorite city.  

I haven’t ran up a hill (I guess the city is kind of hilly or something?) for what feels like 12 years and I want to make sure I keep it at a recovery/easy pace and so I am purely doing this to enjoy every second so expect at least 500 pictures of the course.

In case you were wondering what I did this morning besides go for a run:

Photo 1

I am now a sheep expert.

Now to find something for lunch!


Anyone reading ever ran the Nike Women’s Marathon (or half)?  Who is running it this weekend?  

Anyone running a different race this weekend?

What race have you always wanted to do?

How long do you take off after racing hard?

What are you having for lunch… I need some ideas quick!

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I haven’t run Nike, but I just did another all-women race and loved it. Everyone was so nice and smiley and hugs and love.

And once, I found a machine part in my root beer. That is not a lie. And I called the factory to tell them (hoping that they would give me free root beer at least, and they just said thanks for letting them know. There was a part the size of my finger in that bottle, and they just said “thanks”! That was a rip off.


i’ll be there cheering on a friend!! i’ll look for ya :)


Yes please do!


I am meant to be running the full. I fly there tomorrow night. Only issue is, I have bronchitis and haven’t run in about a month. Help!!!


You will do great! I am sure that your excitement and hype will take over. Just keep running and don’t push yourself! You are strong and able! :) Go get it, girl!


Thanks so much, Whitney! I can’t tell you how much your comment and encouragement meant to be as everyone here (non-runners) keeps telling me I am crazy. And not the fun kind of crazy either! :) Fingers crossed! Even if I have to walk some of it, I just want to finish!! :)


You’re so welcome! How did you do? I have been thinking about you all weekend and hoping that the race went well! Let me know! I hope you did awesome! (and I’m sure you did!)


You’re fantastic! Thanks so much! I had a great race, but I decided to cut it short. I ended up doing the full loop of the park and then re-joining the half-marathoners to finish at 16.5 miles. I dccided it wasn’t worth risking my ability to keep training, since I have the Goofy to conquer at Disneyworld in January! This race is so much fun though – I’m so glad I didn’t listen to the doubters and ran anyway. A lot of that was thanks to your encouragement – so thank you! :)


I am so glad that it went so well! I really didn’t understand that you were planning to do the full! WOW- I am so impressed! 16.5 is amazing! I have heard great things about the Disney Full! That will be so much fun! :)

I am running my first full in March in California! :) I am running the Napa Valley Marathon. I am so excited, but so nervous! My training has been going really well, but I am still super nervous! It’s the biggest thing I have ever attempted in life!

I am so glad the race went so well! Proud of you! :)


You are going to kill it!!! I tried to get into it 3 years in a row but eventually gave up.

Race that I’ve always wanted to do is BOSTON and I qualified this weekend!!! I am going to try to get in in 2014.


Congrats, Leah!!! That is awesome!!! :)


That’s amazing!! Well done, Leah!


Any excuse to go to SF works for me! I’d need pretty much the rest of my life off if I ever ran as fast as you did at your last race, so I am glad to hear you are taking it a little bit easy! (Fun fact – you watch how I met your mother right? Whenever my husband or I say “just a little bit” we do it in Dr. Sonja’s voice. It is my favorite thing ever.
I am running my first half marathon this weekend! I am so nervous – it is going to be COLD! 34 deg at starting time – I haven’t run in anything close to those conditions this whole training cycle because it hasn’t been that cold since last winter. Ahh!!!!
I would love to run a race in So. Cal. I really want to visit San Diego and that would be a really fun way to do it.
Have soup for lunch! I have been craving it like mad. Or grilled cheese. I just ate a gross (but free) lunch with a guest at work and then my real lunch was a yogurt I have saved for emergencies. And a million bites of the dessert provided:)


I love your blog and read it daily, but I have yet to comment!
I am six months pregnant and get so much inspiration from you to keep on moving during this time.
I have a random question for you:
Did you ever get Braxton hicks during exercise? My dr says its nothing to worry about as long as I’m not dehydrated.


Hey Brittany! Thank you for your sweet comment! I did experience that a few times but not very often, but it did happen sometimes! I totally agree with your doctor!


Good luck and have fun!!

I have always wanted to do some international races – I did a half in New Zealand and that was pretty amazing (although apparently pasta before a race does not translate bc when I asked where I could find an Italian restaurant, they had no idea what I meant! Too cute, esp in those awesome accents!). Lately, I have been drooling over London and Paril mary’s.

I take a week or so of no running and then ease back in. I usually only do 2 hard, long races a year, so there is usually a month or two of easy workouts in between training cycles. Works for me!


I’ve been trying to get into London for years!! Good luck if you decide to do that one. Paris is also meant to be awesome.


haha that is hilarious that that many ppl tweeted you after the FMW recall…I knew nothing about it! Crazy!!

I have ALWAYS wanted to race Big Sur! Maybe one day!! After the marathon I typically baby myself like crazy for a week (I ALWAYS get a massage, stretch, make sure to get plenty of walking in) then the following week maybe I will start back some easy running if my body is ready for that.


So jealous!!!!!! You will have a great time!!


I ran the race in ’08 and it wasn’t as hilly as I was expecting. I actually ran a race in Providence that was hillier! More hilly? Either way, enjoy the race and your Tiffany necklace that you’ll get. I liked how you got a finisher’s tee at the end too! Have a great run and be careful with your FMW!


Cate, what race did you run in Providence?? I live there! And yes– it’s super hilly!!


Hi Erica, I ran the RnR Providence last year… In the pouring rain! I thought Boston (not the marathon, just the roads in general) was bad with its hills, but Providence was worse! I would actually run it again though because I almost PRd and would love to PR on that course!


i am running it this weekend!! yeah!
i will be helping my sis-in-law finish her first full. we leave for SF tomorrow – so excited!


isn’t that the race where they give you a tiffany’s necklace at the end?!?!?!
so freakin’ jealous – take lots and lots of pics! good luck!
i’m running the Cannonball Run 5K in Greensboro, NC this weekend.


Yeah that’s the one!!! Good luck on your 5k and let me know how it goes!


Woo! That’s awesome you’re doing the SF Half! I’m doing a half in NYC (Central Park) this weekend. It’s supposed to be somewhat hilly so I’m not expecting to PR, but I’m sure it wont be as hilly as yours!


I bet that will be incredible! Please let me know how it goes!!!


Caroline – Central Park does have some good hills – It’s where I ran my first half!


Oh, and good luck in your race!!!


Thanks! I’ll let you know how it goes, and I have run races in Central Park before, it’s definitely hilly! Like I said I know I”m not going to PR and I really haven’t been training super hardcore, I’m just going to treat it like a beautiful October run!


I’m running that 1/2 this weekend too. I believe the course direction is more downhill than up (at least the big ones…). :)


I’ll be running the Nike Half this weekend as well! I plan on just enjoying the race and scenery since I ran my best race 3 weeks ago. I’m excited to fly out tomorrow.


Ahhhh I hope we run into each other! Tell me about your awesome race 3 weeks ago!


I ran in Milwaukee, and despite the cold, wind and rain, I ran a new PR.


Oh no! Not FMW!! This is heartbreaking. At least you have the Nike half to cheer you up! lots of hills but im sure you’re going to have s blast. Btw I think your ‘easy’ pace is my full throttle sprint pace.


Oh no, this recall is terrible news! Such bad timing too because I just went out and bought 4 boxes this afternoon. I’ll have to check the UPCs/expiration dates and see if these were the recalled boxes when I get home.


oh my Goodness Janae! Thank you for letting us know about the FMW recall..I need to throw my box away…makes me sad :-(


My goal is to run the Nike 1/2 in San Fran next year. I’m jealous!!!

I’m 34 weeks pregnant and just got sidelined for the rest of my pregnancy because the baby is threatening to come early. I had a feeling that yesterday was my last prenatal run so I enjoyed the heck out of it, even after running through a spider web and scaring the guys behind me when I freaked out (pretty sure they thought my water had broken because I was swiping at my legs and yelling ‘oh no!’).


Yay for listening to your body and RESTing. I’ve always wanted to run a half. This want has become official as I rest up for my race this Saturday. Any advice?! I am in shape to run mid 120’s. SO anxious. Any advice??!


I want to run San Francisco, Chicago, New York and Boston. I might need to get through the backdoor in Boston, but I am running the San Francisco Marathon next year! I love running in big cities and traveling to them as well. Makes running a even more fun adventure!


AHH YAY!!!! you will LOVE it! now i’m sad we can’t do it together (while you are “taking it easy” haha) but maybe it’s a good thing because it might be my number! you will love being up there with that cute group! have FUN!!! xoxoxxo


Jane- I love your blog and have yet to comment! I just saw the FMW annoucement here and I started eating them because I saw you blog about it so much! My box is not affected by the recall. There are only certain UPC codes that have been recalled that you can check here…



Wichita marathon this Sunday! Incredibly flat and 60 degrees = perfect recipe for a PR?


My sorority sister/friend is running the full this weekend!! I know you’ll do great, I am so impressed by y’all…after walking up, and down, those hills last weekend I kept thinking to myself I have no clue how people could run a marathon (or half) or at all in this city! But, there were runner’s every where :) LOVE IT!



I’m running Nike this weekend too! My first half ever and I’m super excited.


I love your blog and Brooke is just too cute!
I ran the NWM full last year. Such a pretty course! It was less hilly than I thought it would be and there were so many walkers on the bigger hills, that I found you can’t really do much more than jog those parts. Did you know they hand out Ghiradelli chocolate squares at a certain point on the course? Yum!
I’ve always wanted to run a Disney race, so my sister & I signed up to run the Tinkerbell Half at Disneyland this coming January.


I’m doing the full, just got to SF! So excited!


Im running the Nike half on Sunday. First one ever hoping for a 2hr! And super excited for the expo on Saturday with Kara Shalane Joan and Allyson speaking!!!


Holy cow! Congrats on gettng into the Nike half!! I know another blogger that’s running it :) I hear it’s a great race. Definetly slghtly jealous but happy for you!

Planning on an *easy* run this weekend. First time running since the 1/2. we shall see how it goes. (my hamstring is still feeling a bit off)


I really don’t mean to hurt your feelings, but I will be surprised if you are able to take it easy in a race!! :p There’s also a big peanut butter recall right now, you should look into it.


I have always wanted to do that race – so fun! I am jealous. Can we run it one day together?

That picture of Brooke is adorable, as usual. I love those smiles! Don’t they just make everything better? I could be so grumpy and those smiles would cheer me right up!

I love how so many people thought of you when they heard about the FMW recall. lol. At least you know that people have your back. I don’t ever watch the news, so I hadn’t heard about it yet. I probably should…but watching it just depresses me.

I am thinking you need another grilled PB/Jelly/Banana sandwich because that sounds friggin delicious to me!


Oh no! So sad to hear about your FMW! Good thing you have lots of friends looking out for you. ;) I really do admire the way you’re handling your recovery after your race last weekend. It will definitely pay off! What a fun opportunity for you to do the Nike Women’s Half this weekend! Enjoy!


You have me all confused! I don’t know whether to be super happy for you that you’re running a race that you’ve always wanted to do, or sad about the Mini Wheats! I’m gonna go with happy just because it’s more fun. So excited for ya!


I’m sorry, I had to giggle about the FMW recall…that’s awful for you. Good luck on Sunday!!! It’ll be fantastic.


I’ve always wanted to run a disney race but I live in Vancouver, BC so its a bit far for a race… but maybe some day

I normally take about 3 or 4 days off from running after a race and just focus on weigh training or sleeping :)

I am in the mood for quick comfort food so I just tossed a sweet potato, some broccoli, chickpeas, onion, zucchini and mushrooms with melted coconut butter and fresh rosemary and its roasting away in the oven, smells like heaven!


I ran it last year with 4 friends and had a GREAT time! I’ve had a host of injuries since then though…foot surgery, broken toe, etc. So, no racing for me! I’ll be curious to hear what you have to say about the organization of the race…it was sort of a mess last year, but Nike insists that they made things better. That being said, the view and the atmosphere was fantastic. Have fun! :)

I had leftover curry for lunch. Amazing and so spicy it made my nose run.


Good luck and have fun!!


I totally tought of you when I saw the FMW recall! Thats too bad. Good thing I buy my kids the generic FMW…. :)


That race sounds awesome! And I am so sorry about FMW – Horrible news!!

I am running the third leg of the Baltimore marathon relay this weekend!
For some reason the Miami half marathon sounds awesome!
A few days but then again I’ve never raced longer than a 10 miler
Lunch today was an amazing salad with goat cheese, chicken, blackberries, strawberries, mandarin oranges and walnuts. YUM.


I took two of my kids to Krispy Kremes for brunch/field trip. We all sampled so many that I doubt I’ll eat until dinner and then it will be a salad. Having a major sugar crash headache. Have so much fun in that race.


Oh My word! I am running that this weekend as well (first FULL marathon!) and I thought of you when I saw that Kara Goucher is going to be speaking at the expo on Friday!!
When I saw your pics of San Fran when you visited last weekend I was curious if it was close to you or if because Billie is on fall break you would be able to go to the expo for a bit?
Best of luck in the half, don’t worry the hills wont be that bad (this is what I keep telling myself as I have been having minor panic attacks all weeks when I have realized that I am actually doing this!!!).
And most importantly, remember to have fun and enjoy the feeling of pavement passing your feet :) (when in doubt smile, and only put music on your playlist that makes you smile)!


A recall on FMW!? This is awful! Luckily, I buy the TJ’s brand so I’m safe. Phew! Close call!

I’m so excited for you to the NWHM! Have fun!!


I am running the half this weekend as well! It will be my very first half and I am so excited/anxious/nervous for it to be here! Good luck and have fun! :)


does that runners world article mean I should not head outside for a run right now like I’m planning on doing? My shoes are laced… garmin finding signal in the window… I CAN’T TAKE IT! I HAVE TO RUN! Maybe a run/walk?


Amazing Janae!!!!!! I will cheer you on in spirit!!!! Enjoy your run this weekend :)


SO jealous that you get to do the Nike Women’s Half!! I have wanted to do that race for such a long time but I never win the lottery. Have fun. :)


I’m going to be there!!! Yay. I would love to meet you :)


Seeing your pictures of Brooke always get me so excited for my baby girl! She is coming in January and I can’t wait to meet her.


I’m doing the full!!! And I’m going to find you and secretly have you pace me at your “easy” pace. ;) When are you going to the expo? Please say Saturday afternoon.


I am running the Cactus Cha Cha 5k this weekend. Just for fun.
I want to do one of the diva races where firemen hand you champagne at the finish line.
I don’t take too much time off. I will walk the days after a race and then start running again when the walking doesn’t hurt.
Had french toast for lunch. Gearing up for a 10 miler tomorrow.
The Kidless Kronicles


First, have SO MUCH FUN!
Second, I was just coming online to see if you’d seen this article:



I think that’s one of my favorite Brooke pictures to date :)


Oh I am so jealous you will love it and have so much fun I am sure. Wish I could come run with you because I think we would have an absolute blast together!

Okay this has nothing to do with this post but I have a blog post topic for you. I have been dealing with really, really, like debilitatingly (is that a word) bad IT band pain since TOU. I was always that person that totally said “oh people that complain of IT band pain are total wusses, how bad can it really be?” Yeah well I learned my lesson because it is awful!! Let me get to my point here…..I know Billy was dealing with it for quite awhile and was wondering if you or him could do a post about it. Is he still having problems? How did he get over it and what kind of rehab did he do? I haven’t been to a doctor (I am cheap) so this is a self-diagnosis but I’m pretty sure it’s what I’m dealing with.

So sorry for the longest post ever but I sure do love you girl! :):)


OMG! You’re doing the NWM!!! It’s going to be great :)
My friends who have done it have nothing but awesome stories to share :D
I hope to do it next year with a student discount.


YAY! That IS exciting news!! I know 1 person who is doing it–Linz is!

Brooke is cuuutttteee!

Sorry about the FMW recall. How sad?!?

I think Boston would be fun to do one day :)


OMG!!! I am also running the Nike half this weekend and cannot believe I will be running with one of my most favorite bloggers ever! Youwere a huge inspiration to me as I trained for my first full marathon this past winter/spring and continue to encourage me with your love for running. Good luck! I’ll be looking and cheering for you. :)


I did NWM (the full) and it was RAINING towards the last 8 miles of my race. Despite the portapotty stop along the course, I totally PR’ed and placed 4th woman overall (8th overall). I didn’t know how I placed until I got home and saw the results online. D’oh!

I so want to do NYCM. I’ve never been to the city so I want to see it all in a race AND have the great eats afterwards!


Eek!! I just finished a box of Frosted Mini Wheats!!! :/


I’m running the Nike Women’s Marathon this weekend! I fly out tonight. I’m a little nervous about the hills but hopefully my altitude training will work to my advantage.


ooooh, have fun at the NWM. It’s won of my favorite races because the course is scenic and it’s empowering to run with so many strong women. Have a blast.


Oh my goodness!!! I am so excited you are running the NWM12! I ran the marathon last year and it was the hardest and best race I have ever done!! It is hilly, but so beautiful! Have fun & enjoy your Tiffany’s necklace!


I’ll be there friend!!! Would love to meet up!


I am running my 1st half on Sunday in Northern MI…..70% chance of rain! Yikes! I would love to do a Disney race, they sound like so much fun!


I did the NW full last year! It was super hilly! Going down kills your quads as much as coming up does, so if your goal is to take it easy, take it extra easy! Also, as a head’s up, the start line area is beyond congested so I would avoid checking a bag if possible and hit up the local Starbucks if you need to use the bathroom. I’ve done a ton of races of all distances and had never seen such a crowded, confused, cluster of people!! Good luck!! Too bad you aren’t doing the full since they pass these out around mile 22: http://www.ghirardelli.com/store/new-dark-truffle-squares-stand-up-bag.html?cid=google&gdftrk=gdfV21281_a_7c516_a_7c4542_a_7c303166&gclid=CKGon5Wc-rICFQme4AodyQ0A5A


I’ll be there too!!! I would die of excitement if I saw you! :)


I think we are planning a meet up! Could you come?!?


I would LOVE to! I come into town saturday midday and am staying down by the square! Just let me know where and when, and I’ll hopefully be able to be there!


Brooke looks positively captivated and entertained by the sheep :)

Hope SF has some half marathon-perfect weather! Wish I could come out to cheer but kid duty has me hanging out at home this weekend. Love how you’re recovering wisely :)


You have to tell me how the NWM is!! I am so jealous! I live on the east coast so I was thinking about entering the lottery at the end of this month for the inaugural D.C. NWM half – but it’s so expensive! I want to run it so badly, but at $160…I’m not sure if I can swing it this year. :-( Have fun running it!!


Oh no not FMW!!
Que the sad trombone.
Good luck running the Nike half!! Your going to rock it girl.


I’ve never seen a chart like that about recovery time! I’m running a half marathon next weekend and realize I should probably take it easy for at least a few days after the race…thanks so much for sharing that!!


I have run the Nike women’s half and it was a blast! Have so much fun!


I’m running it for the first time this weekend (the 1/2)! So excited!! Kara Goucher is speaking at the expo on Friday & Saturday afternoon!


Brooke really looks like “straight” in that last picture :)


So many recalls lately! Lunch today is PB sandwich, scrambled eggs & veggies….perfect!


WOOOO!!! I’m running the nike half this sunday tooo!!!!!! :)


I ran the full NWM last year. It was amazing… lots of hills but the scenery was beautiful:) however, the Tiffany’s finishers necklace was the best part:) good luck and have fun!! i wish i was running it again this year!


You should try Kashi Cinnamon Harvest, I swear it doesn’t taste as healthy as it looks! I love FMW too, but after discovering the Kashi I’ve been eating it everyday for a year except my occasional frosted flakes or raisin bran.


That’s one of my favorites! I vote with Theresa- try it! :D


I hope you have a great time at your race!

Btw: I was just looking through my reader und thought this is maybe interesting to you: http://fitnessista.com/2012/10/candy-corn-popcorn/
I am seriously considering to import Candy Corn for the price of a small fortune because you made me so curious about it! :)


i totally read this post before i went to bed last night. i proceeded to have a dream about the box of generic fmw i got yesterday at the store. in my dream i thought, no way, i dont get the real deal, so im safe to eat them. but low and behold, metal fragments in my cereal. so random. : )


I’m running the NWM Half too! It’s a great race (although really hilly!) but so much fun! Hope to see you!!


Yeahhh I will be running the half too! I will keep my eye out for you : ) Great race due to the Tiffany’s necklace, but the hills are killer.


AWESOME!! Have SO much fun out there!!! Can’t WAIT to hear the recap!!


You were the first person I thought of when I saw the FMW recall! Yes, I am completely aware of how creepy that sounds. I embrace it.


Ahhh I saw that too and thought of you!!!


In the meantime while you can’t eat your FMW you need try TJ’s version, get the maple and brown sugar frosted wheats… i’m obsessed. so good. try them, i promise you will love them :)


AHHH!!! SO JEALOUS! That’s one of the races on my ‘MUST RUN’ list. GOOD LUCK JANAE! You will have your two biggest fans cheering you on :D Little Miss Brooke & Billy- I hope she wears her ‘My Mom’s Faster Than Your Mom’ onesie!! :)


First off holy cow about the Frosted Mini Wheats! That’s is crazy!

Second…congratulations on getting to run Nike! That is awesome! You are so lucky to have an awesome friend to give you the bib!


Good luck tomorrow! Mandee from you say it best and I will be looking for you!!

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