She is not very happy with us.

I have a ridiculous amount of pictures for you once again because I have a disease known as ‘take a picture of every little thing that you do so that you can share it with your internet friends.’

First, Brooke wanted to show you how excited she was about her Sunday dress.   Second, it does not feel like October here.  It is going to take me a while to adjust to this whole feels like summer all year long thing.

Photo 2

After church Billy had to go to school to read (for some reason he has to go to school to read because he says I try to distract him or something when he reads at home).  Brooke and I went to my cousin’s baby shower.  They are also having a little girl and so Brooke will have a little buddy close by to hang out with all of the time.  I took a billion pictures at the shower because it was the fanciest baby shower I have ever been to.

DIY taco bars are always a good idea.

Photo 1 copy

Straight out of Pinterest.  I didn’t think that people actually did this kind of stuff in real life, I thought magazines and Pinterest were the only ones to have incredible party set-ups. 

Photo 4

Photo 2 copy

I pretty much piled everything onto my plate and the pork carnitas were my favorite.

Photo 6

Actually the dessert table was my favorite.  Sugar cookies are another thing that I always forget about but then when I eat them I get mad at myself for forgetting about them and not including more of them in my life.

Photo 4 copy

I had a few meetings in the afternoon and before I knew it we were all back at home and Billy was cooking up some salmon with our favorite soyaki marinade.  I told you baked potatoes were going to be making a comeback in my life.

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Dessert involved some delicious pumpkin pie white hot chocolate that a friend brought over.  Yep, definitely a winner.  The recipe for it is HERE.

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This is Billy trying to keep Brooke up for a little bit longer last night so that she wouldn’t try to wake up 5 times during the night like she did on Saturday night.  As you can tell, Brooke was not too happy about us attempting to keep her awake and taking pictures while we do it.   I have no idea where she gets these crazy facial expressions from. 

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Not sure if I am going to run, ellipticize, hang out with Jillian in my living room or stay in my pjs until 5 minutes before Billy gets home today.  I feel so lost without a race on the horizon, somebody sign me up for a race right this second.  


If you could suggest ONE race for everybody to do because you thought it was so awesome, which race would you suggest?

Are you a hot chocolate fan?  How often do you drink it?  Ever had any creative flavored hot chocolate?

What did you have for your Sunday night dinner?  Did you make it or did somebody else make it?

Sweet potato or white potato?

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As always, Brooke’s facial expressions are priceless!! You always capture her at the best times! I’m just dyinggg to do one of the disney races (particularly the princess one). And I’m sitting at the airport right now drinking hot chocolate/stalking blogs, so clearly I’m a fan. I tried the toasted marshmallow flavor once… it didn’t really taste that different.
Last night’s dinner was mac and cheese, courtesy of mom :)


As the risk of sounding like a cliche blogger, I am more of a sweet potato fan…especially with Greek yogurt or nut butter…or both ;)!


So happy to see the glorious baked potato making a comeback in your life, so yummy! Brooke’s face in the picture with Billy is too precious!

I could not recommend Gate River Run in Jacksonville, FL more! It is the 15k National Championships, as a killer expo, and bands at every mile! It is so fun to watch the elites doing strides as you wait in your corral!


As usual Brooke looks ADORABLE!!! That baby shower looks like fun and I love the taco bar!!
I love hot chocolate! I actually bought a bunch, but it’s one of those things that I buy and hardly ever use even though I love it.. I know kind of strange… and I looove sweet potatoes!! I could eat 10 of them in one sitting probably!!


Firstly, Brookes cuteness astounds me every time.

But I would definitely suggest The Disney Princess Half – it was just one of the best races/best atmospheres every – happiest place in the world plus the dressing up = heaven.

My sunday night dinner was so sad – I made it myself and just threw some microwaved veggies in with some quinoa and topped it with soy sauce. Lame.

Sweet potatoes all the way!

Happy monday and enjoy yourself!


I love that first picture of Brooke. She’s so expressive! For me, it’s sweet potatoes all the way. :)


I am currently trying to convince anyone who will listen to do Grandma’s Marathon next June!! I have never done it but I am going to this year and I have spectated it before and run parts of the course on training runs because I live in Duluth. It is beautiful and Kara Goucher won the half last year and she grew up in Duluth :)


Grandma’s is my favorite race ever! I grew up in MN but live in Colorado now and I try to go back every year to run Grandma’s (usually the half). It’s the best! Jade, you will have a blast and I also encourage everyone else to check out this wonderful race.


Cool, so happy to hear you love Grandma’s! I’m definitely looking forward to it!!


I also agree on Grandma’s marathon! I have fun the half a few times, but I did the full last year and loved it! I have lived in Duluth for a few years now while my husband is finishing up pharmacy school and I love this city!


Really want to do the Disney Princess half in Feb – but cant find any girlfriends waiting to go! I should think all my non-running friends should take up running just to do it with me!

We are doing our first half / Disney race ever in just under 3 wks! So excited and hopefully my hubby will finally be on the mend to do it with me. {he has barely trained, that’s bad, right? :( }

Love a good hot chocolate but not so much a fan of flavored ones.

Brooke’s looks slay me btw – her look with Billy is hilarious!


White pumpkin hot chocolate? Yes please! :)


I love Brooke’s dress! The food from the baby shower looks great as well – I love tacos!! I would recommend running a Warrior Dash or similiar type of mud run. I know it isn’t a traditional race, but the adrenaline rush afterwards was so awsome, I wanted to go back to the starting line and run it again. I’m a big peppermint hot chocolate fan. I have big plans for making some tonight. Sunday’s dinner was potato bacon cheese chowder from a can (i’m on a liquid diet due to jaw surgery – it is miserable). I can’t choose between potatoes. I love sweet potato fries, but a baked white potato with BBQ pulled pork on top is one of my favorite meals.


I love hot chocolate. The local coffee shop has a mexican spiced hot chocolate that they will add a shot of espresso to. It is AMAZING.

That baby shower is ridiculous. My wedding wasn’t that fancy!


Brooke looks beautiful! And fancy shower is right! I’d love to have the money and creativity to host something so fun and fancy!
My husband made a delicious lentil soup for dinner last night. It was perfect since it’s way below freezing here now:(


I had sugar cookies for the first time in YEARS this weekend, totally on a whim and OHmygoodness were they ever fabulous!! I love re-kindling my love of certain desserts!
As for Sunday night — I did the cereal (Honey Nut Chex!) and protein pudding (blended banana and spinach mixed with chocolate protein powder) thing because I was exhausted!! Paying for it with being uber hungry this morning though!!
Sweet potato all the way!
Ps. Brooke’s church dress is adorable!!! Do they have it in my size? ;)


that hot chocolate looks amazing!! woah! and brooke is super cute!!


Brooke is always dressed up so cute!

I love Grandmas marathon–its a beautiful course and not too crowded.

I pick sweet potato, I think I o.d.’d on white potatoes growing up and in my early 20’s, I had one every day.


I would suggest the Get Lucky 7k in Minnesota if someone is looking for a fun race. Its not about the actual running but about the costumes and party after :)
I so have that hot chocolate on my pinterest and have been thinking of making it….looks yummy!
For dinner last night I had cereal….so lame….but I had the biggest lunch ever around 3.
I love all carbs so I love both types of potatoes but if I had to choose one it would be the sweet potato with brown sugar.


We love sweet potatoes in this house. In fact, I have one that I might have to bake for dinner tonight-thanks for that idea. I’m flying solo for the next few weeks as Josh is out of town so I cooked Sunday dinner alone.


Hot chocolate is amazing … my favorite is the mint kind!


Awwr Brooke looks adorable in that dress :D But then again, she pretty much always looks adorable. And I’m kind of jealous that it feels like summer all year long over there. It doesn’t feel like October over here either, but that’s mostly because it’s cold as heck so it feels a lot more like winter. One good thing about winter, though, is that it makes hot chocolate taste all the more amazing. I’m kind of a sucker for hot chocolate, especially either vanilla bean or white.


I am the same way about training/racing…I have NYCM in less than two weeks, and am already feeling lost without a race on the books after that! Ahhh! Racing kind of comes to a stop around here becasue it gets so cold, and I’ve kind of used up my running budget (if there was one;-)) on NYC, so I’m going to have to find little local ones to hold me over.
Love that baby shower theme – looked like fun!
Brooke is completely adorable!! Have fun doing whatever you end up doing today:)


Brooke is so darn cute!!!!! I have NYC in 2 weeks but I am worried because I have no races after that….I need something to train for!


I need that hot chocolate in my life ASAP. Yum! Last night we made some chili to celebrate our first night in the 40s. I am sooooo happy fall is finally here. And I love all potatoes, sweet, white, red…I don’t discriminate lol :)


Love potatoes, all kinds! I think twice baked potatoes are my #1 favorite though.


I don’t know about the race. I guess it would have to be m first and because it is at the beach. OBX Half Marathon.
I do like hot chocolate but forget to drink it. Peppermint HC is good.
Dinner was made by my sister and it was meatballs and kielbasa in the crockpot. And I made bread pudding.
The Kidless Kronicles


Hot chocolate is so good! I might make some right now :)
I’m loving the photos of Brooke! She is just the cutest!
It’s hard to choose which potato… It depends on my mood!


Any Disney race! They are awesome. You have to do one. So worth it, and we drove 1600 miles to go.
Love hot chocolate, in the winter probably a couple times a week. After Eight is my favorite flavored kind.
Pumpkin Black Bean soup, I made it.
Sweet potato for sure!


Hi. Happy Monday.

Brooke is priceless! You’re going to love looking back at these pictures of her later on. You capture so many good moments!

Last night, I have leftovers that my boyfriend brought that his mom made the night before. I loved it! It was ribs, baked beans, and coleslaw. So good. I even have more left for tonight.
I cannot pick between sweet potatoes or white potatoes. They are both very good. Last week, I did have a wgite potato everyday for lunch with cheese, spinach, and salsa.

I like hot chocolate in a k-cup from the Keurig. The night we’ve been having here are great for it.
Have a wonderful day!


Haha! Brooke is so cute – I love her facial expression in the photo with Billy! We had spaghetti with homemade meat sauce, salad, and bread last night. Our friends from church invited us over, and it was sooooooo good!


I love hot chocolate! That’s so creative. It’s definitely getting to the time of year where it’s going to start making a comeback in my life!


um, pumpkin pie white hot chocolate?!?! That sounds amazing, and that party looks so cute, very pinterest! Haha I’m so not that crafty/creative. And I understand where Billy is coming from… I can barely focus on reading with my computer in front of me, let alone other people!


So sorry for the unsolicited advice but regarding Brooke’s sleeping- I’m also a new mom and have been reading a lot about infant sleep. I read that if you put your baby to bed earlier they will actually sleep through the night better. I was so surprised to read that because it’s totally not what I would expect! I always thought to do what you did – keep the baby up later and maybe they will sleep better at night. But apparently that just makes the baby too overtired and is counterproductive. I haven’t actually tested this out yet so I have no idea if it actually is true. I have a 5 week old who sleeps and wakes up whenever he wants and we don’t have him on a schedule or anything yet. Just thought I’d pass that little tip along!


Thank you!!!!! I need all of the advice I can get!!!!!! I will be trying this out for sure. Let me know if it works for you.


Katie, I think you’re right. We were having the same problems w/ our daughter when she was 8 months old. She’d wake up every 2 hours all night. It was madness. We started keeping a really strict eat/play/nap schedule and bedtime routine and putting her to bed at 7:00 and it worked like magic. She is 10 mos now and sleeps for 12 hours, 7 to 7. like clockwork. I think most experts will say babies aren’t ready for a schedule until they are 4 months, when their sleep rhythms are more developed, but it does work!


Wow!!! 12 hours of sleep. That is amazing, I can’t even imagine what that must feel like, LOL. We aren’t trying the schedule quite yet but we’re definitely doing that when we hit the 4 month mark. It’s so good to hear that it worked for you!


Sunday night = homemade pizza night with the boy. we each make it our own. Something I always look forward to. I make sure I have enough for leftovers because it’s that good. ;) As for my choice of potatoes, I could live off of sweet potatoes… nut butter and dark chocolate too of course.


Oh, man, taco bar. That’s awesome. In my dreams…
My plate would have looked like that but the guacamole would have covered the entire thing.
Sunday night for dinner I made shepherd’s pie for the first time. Seems kinda silly to make the two dishes (it was made with light ground beef with tons of veggies plus mashed potatoes) separately then put them together, but it worked.


Sweet potato for sure!!!
That looks like a fun party!


Mmmm that taco bar looks amazing! I loooove guac.


There’s a hot chocolate race my friends and I are hoping to sign up for in January! I think they have a 5k and 15k and at the end, lots of chocolate and hot chocolate. Pretty much a girl’s dream. :)


Aww so is she happy in her super cute dress!!!
that baby shower is so fancy, it does look like it just jumped out of pinterest!
I need some cookies in my life right now, this traveling thing is putting a damper in my usual unlimited access to sweet-treats!…I love decorating sugar cookies at Christmas-time with so much icing I can’t tell that they aren’t loaded with chocolate chips or peanut butter :)
I’m in Napa right now and it’s POURING rain…is it rainy down in the bay? I will be in SF this week :)
AND I AM SIGNING YOU UP FOR A RACE…you know which one!!! ;)
love you J!


I am running the princess half in Feb, my friend had done the full marathon there and told me they are the best races to do! I am doing it by myself but would love it if my friends also were runners :).

Dinner was chili the recipe is on my blog it has pineapple in it sounds weird, totally good!

Sweet potato fries, regular baked potato all day!


Mexican Hot chocolate is really good! I love sweet potatoes and white potatoes but I’d go with sweet potatoes


I totally know what you mean about being lost without a race. It is so hard to get motivated to workout when you’re not “training” for something!


Well, I did it, Janae! I actually ran my first half marathon this past Saturday. It was in Middle TN along the river and it was CRAZY HILLS but amazing.

Yes to hot chocolate – I think my favorite ones were Mexican hot chocolate (it had almond extract and cinnamon) and this other one that had cayenne pepper in it. Amazing.

I love both sweet and white potatoes, but sweet potatoes are definitely my favorite.


Ahhhhhhh congrats! You are beyond incredible! I really am so happy for you!!!!


I’m training for the Davis Lucky 7 half marathon in March. I’m also pacing a friend in Girls on the Go in Feb in Sacramento.


That dress is SO CUTE!!!


omg, the facial expressions! I can’t!!! Too cute :)
What a gorgeous shower – beautiful.


Surf City USA, February 3rd!
Hot chocolate (actually chocolate everything) and sweet potatoes all the way.


You can always run the Santa Barbara half or full marathon on November 10th…. It would be a bit of a road trip but Santa Barbara is so beautiful, it’d be worth it! ;-)


DIY Taco bar sounds very good right now!

I like sweet potatoes most of the time, but sometimes I have a huge craving for a regular baked potato with butter and sour creme.

Last night I had leftover gourmet veggie pizza from Papa Murphy’s. It was pretty tasty.


A DIY taco bar sounds right up my alley :)


What an adorable baby shower setup with so much delicious-looking food!


As for my one race suggestion…how about a one race company suggestion – Brazen Racing. Now that your in CA you should check them out. Every race is fantastic, Sam and Jasmin treat every runner like family, their shirts and medals are amazing, and the pre race coffee and hot chocolate, and post race food – pie, cake, brownie bites, It’s It ice-cream, etc. will make you run even faster just to get to that finish line food!
Our family has been racing with them for 4 years now, and have LOVED every race.
But, if not a Brazen race, then the best is Napa Valley Marathon. Shirts, duffel bags, medals, great expo, amazing views, and a few hills but net downhill.


That shower looked amazing and I would be excited as Brooke if looked that cute in that dress! My favorite hot chocolate ever is raspberry hot chocolate. They just installed a hot chocolate machine where I work and it is DANGEROUS and sometimes I have it multiple times a day :/ . I’m totally addicted. I am starting training next week for my first half in 6 years (injury led to shunning running for too long which turned to laziness) and I’m so excited to start so I can imagine not having something to train for reading all the recaps and excitement! I am a white potato fan but I like sweet potatoes too. I made Sunday night dinner but it was a major fail, oops


I haven’t done enough races yet to suggest one, I’ll let you know after my four half marathons this season. Yep, hard to get used to no fall huh? I remember the first year I moved to AZ, I was filling rebelious on Thanksgiving so I wore a long sleeve tee…let’s just say I was a total sweat ball. I am not a hot chocolate fan, I’m good for only a couple sips, it’s yummy, just makes me have an upset stomach. My three year old several years ago, went to our new neighbors house twice daily or more for hot cocoa. SO FUNNY. We would wonder where he was and the neighbor eventually told us what he’d been doing. Of course he was too cute to turn away so she always made it for him. LOL. Now I sound like a totally absent mother. Oops.
Love white potatoes, dislike sweet potatoes very much. Last night our friends had us over for taco salads, corn bread w/ honey butter, pretzel/raspberry salad (have you had this?) and cake…though I was strong and only had one bite. Have a happy Monday!!


Girl, Brooke has cuter dresses than I do!!


MUST RACE!!! – Catalina Marathon. I promise it is amazing on every single level. The course is beyond gorgeous, the people are great, the town is cute and small and totally taken over by runners. It is trails with tons of ups and downs so nice and challenging. It is on a tiny little island so you are forced to make a weekend trip out of it. Or better yet do the 50 miler they have over there and get twice as much fun.

Husband BBQ’d amazing try-tip for our bbq brunch party yesterday and I made tons of other yummies. Can hardly wait to go home for left overs.


Oh my gosh, Brooke’s dress is adorable!


Sunday night dinner for us was homemade pizza–A LOT of it. I ran a half marathon yesterday and my hunger is out of control!


hahaaa!! that is the BEST pic of Brooke :-) I always smile when I see that little lady :-)


Love hot chocolate! Peppermint hot chocolate is my favorite.

We had family over to celebrate my birthday. Mexican menu! My mom made everything and it was delicious!!

Sweet potato are the best.


oh my word.. poor Billy looks exhausted in that picture.. and baby girl is freaking hysterical!! Whatchoo talkin bout Willis??


Bahah! love her facial expressions. So much!

That party looks super delicious. And YAY for hot cocoa!Mmmmm!


Brooke’s facial expressions are priceless. It’s great that you’re capturing so many photos because she will love seeing them when she gets older. And deciding between sweet and white potatoes for me is like deciding between my left and right leg. I love them both!


Okay, Brooke’s little sundress is ADORABLE!!!! :) And I love the taco bar idea! ALWAYS a good idea! We made chicken pozole for dinner last night, and it was sooo delicious! It was our first time, and I’d say it was a success!


She looks so adorable in that dress in the first pic! Also, that hot chocolate flavor sounds delicious. I can’t wait to have some real pumpkin pie soon. I can’t believe I’ve gone this long into fall without eating some!


That party is so pinterest-worthy! I agree, I did not know people could actually throw parties that look like that in real life :-)

I am a HUGE hot chocolate fan! My BFF (since Kindergarten!) and I have a tradition to drink it every time we get together.


The Birkie Trail Run and Trek in Hayward, Wisconsin!! Such a fun trail run, and huge homemade meal at the end. Seriously the best!!

For cross country skiers – the actual Birkie is amazing too. Largest xc ski race in North America!


Oh my gosh, her little dress is so cute!

I love peppermint hot chocolate!


I think you should do the Woodside Ramble on Dec 15th (Inside Trail) in Woodside (near Redwood City) because I’m doing it and it’s my first trail run!!!


Happy Monday!!!

I would suggest the Color Run! Fun for all levels…

Hmmm…sweet potatoes fries are my favorite!!!!


Such a creative baby shower! Wow, I’m planning one right now, but that puts my ideas to shame! ;)


I’m so happy you asked for races to do!! I shall stalk the comments section for a half marathon.
I’m not a fan of chocolate…we can still be friends….right!?
We are so behind the times, we just got a microwave last week and our freezer is full of stuff from Costco so we were simple. Chicken taquitos, and other stuff I can’t remember.


ahhhhhh I’m NOT a baby person but I’m obsessed with Brooke! That picture is the best!!


I just ran my first half marathon yesterday!!! I did the Detroit International Half Marathon. For the half (and the full) you run across the bridge to Canada and through the tunnel back. Pretty cool, and a relatively cheap marathon. The best part was running across the bridge and seeing the sunrise.
And I second the idea of the the Hot Chocolate 15k – I haven’t done it, but my friend did the one in Chicago and had a blast. :)
Oh, and did I mention that I ran a half marathon yesterday! I’m pretty proud of myself. Reading your blog is inspiring – thanks for sharing!

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