What the Elites Eat and Tilapia

Two awesome things about this morning:

1.  At Brooke’s 5 am feeding as I was walking her back to her room she was sleeping and all of the sudden she started laughing.  Full on chuckling for at least 10 seconds.  It got me laughing and I know that both Billy and I were in her dream doing something ridiculously hilarious to make her laugh so hard.  Mom, this is not an exaggeration it really happened.

2.  Billy usually goes to school at 7 to start studying before his class at 10:30 on Thursdays but decided to sleep in.  Brooke must have known about this somehow and she slept in too.  I feel like a million bucks plus I got 2 extra hours with Billy.

Later on in the day during Brooke’s nap I got the good ol’ Jillian out to hang out with me.  I was going to run 4 miles and then do Jillian but judging by my history with strength training that never works and so I did Jillian first and looked forward to my run for that full 20 minutes (I only lift weights because I know it is good for my bones and it will make me a better runner, running is where the party is at:)

Since I didn’t get on the treadmill until later it was hot city but luckily my fan fit perfectly in my set-up.  Best part about this run was my sister called two minutes into it and I put her on speaker and it felt like we were running side by side together.  Man, I miss that girl.  Isn’t it awesome that my treadmill knows my name, we are close like that.

Photo 3

We had to hit up Safeway (a first for me, yet again another thing that Utah does not have) for a few things because we are having people over for dinner tomorrow night.  Brooke was wide awake and helped me make many very important decisions.

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Tilapia salad, toast with peanut butter and an apple.

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Random but I found this website where they talk about what the elites eat so I thought I would share with you Kara and Ryan’s eats because obviously if we eat exactly like them we will be able to run a 2 minute mile too.


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 Now I am craving nachos.

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and cinnamon rolls. 


When you do cardio and weights in the same day which one do you do first?  Have you heard whether or not one way is better than another way?

Do you like Tilapia?

Have you ever talked on the phone while you ran?  Do you like talking while you run?

What is the main grocery store in your area?

-I think Safeway because I see them everywhere.

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Safeway has the best Moose Tracks ice cream! :-)


AGREED!! The light kind is just as good as the real stuff!


Well now I have to go back and buy some Moose Tracks!


Safeway also has FMW on sale this week. You’d better go back to stock up on FMW and Moose Tracks! LOL


You made my day because you told me they were on sale and you abbreviated it. Thank you!


Kara has grilled veggies the night before? I cannot do that and I’m a veggie lover. I guess she finishes that fast that she doesnt have to worry about fiber, lol.


Seriously!! I don’t know how she does that… i have to cut out veggies for two days before a race!


Mmmm I love Tilapia–your salad looks awesome!

How cool that now you have a shopping partner?! That rocks. And she is seriously so adorable :)

Depending on your fitness goals is what you want to do first <–so if you want to build muscle, you'd want to hit the weights first. If you want to improve running, you'd hit running first. The idea is that because of muscle getting tired, you're more likely to make gains in whatever area first. But then again, if the weights are mostly upper body & you ran before, it might not matter too much. The verdict is still out–but most of the research points to that. Annnnnndddd I am a nerd….. ;)

Main grocery store–Smiths & Harmons. LOVE 'em. Can't wait for TJs to come!!!!!!


I knew you would know the answer. THank you so much Annette. You are an expert. Oh Smiths… I miss that place. Wait, TJs is coming?


YES! Janetha & Ashley told me–it’s coming to SLC in October!!


Oh the one in slc? For some reason I thought you meant Provo ha! I will send you tj stuff to get you through:)


I think I have the magazine where that came from! I totally remember reading it. Errr taking notes and tattooing it on my arm :)


I love tilapia, but mike hates seafood, so I rarely have it.

I definitely want nachos and cinnamon rolls now.

I like talking while I’m running with someone, but I’d feel bad for someone having to listen to my heavy breathing while talking to me on the phone while I ran.


Aw- I love hearing about and seeing little babies personalities!
Yup- I’m a full on seafood lover! Since my husband went vegan I don’t eat it nearly as often though.
I always run first, then do my strength. It sure would get done more often though if I did it before I ran!


This morning, I ran and I plan on doing my Jillian workout (39 day shred, holla!) tonight. I loooove Tilapia! Little Brooke is so cute in that shopping cart! I’m sure she’s very helpful :) Safeway is definitely our main grocery store!! We also have a Savemart that’s even closer, but Safeway has the best deals!


I love tilapia! How do you cook yours?


I just pan fried it with seasoning salt on top:)


Love that your treadmill knows your name and says welcome to you when you start your run. How fancy!
I do cardio and weights in the same day a lot of the time, and mostly weights after cardio. That’s pretty much because when I’m training for a race (in my mind) the cardio (running obvi) is the most important thing to get done, and if weights fit in after that then great. If not, not a huge loss.


I’ve discovered the main grocery store around Chicago is probably Jewel-Osco. There’s also Dominicks. I hadn’t heard of either until I moved here. I prefer Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods though! (and of course Costco when possible…)


haha I grew up in Wheaton (a chicago suburb) and when I moved to indiana and kept saying we could run to Jewel to get this or that, people thought I was crazy…


I always do cardio and weights together! Unless I run outside and don’t make it to the gym, in which case weights just don’t happen. I do cardio first, and use the weights as my “I’m still moving around kind of” cool down.

Tilapia is okay. Swai is the best fish ever. Ever.

I like to chat while I run, but it kind of makes me feel like I’m not working hard enough / being lazy.

I have no idea what the main grocery store is, but I live within walking distance of a Fred Meyer, so that’s where we do most of our shopping.


I can’t imagine how hard it must be to do a quick grocery shop with such a cute baby! People must stop you ALL the time!


Are you able to buy groceries online? I find it the most convenient and efficient way to do my shopping. Although they do charge delivery fee but it’s worth it because I don’t have to go there and stand in the queue plus I only buy what I need. When I went to Vancouver I can’t stop going to Capers because they have the best salads!


I usually do weights first.

I think the Safeways out by us are called Dominicks. I usually grocery shop at Meijer, Jewel, and Target.

Have a great afternoon!


I love love love safeway they have the best food. Sadly here in Utah all that’s near my house is Smiths = not the same…

Brooke is sooo cute!


Nachos have been my post-race thing as of late. I had them last week after my 20 mile run, I lobster nachos after my Disneyland 1/2 the week before and I’m pretty sure I’ll have a bucket full after my marathon next week.

Nachos are life.


Brooke is yummy. That is all.


Funny you should ask — I was eating tilapia while reading this post! haha.
As for weights first vs. cardio first, it depends what you want to achieve. If your intention is to build muscle — weights first (keep the weight heavy and lower rep totals) so you’ll be able to tax yourself as much as possible there, and cardio after. If you’re looking to build endurance, cardio first and keep your weight sets after lighter with higher reps. :)


Wings are my post race (or even long run) treat!
I think I would personally run first and then do the weights. But I have no science to back that up.
I don’t eat fish. Safeway and Fry’s around here.
I don’t talk on the phone while on the treadmill. Not sure I even could. And I definitely wouldn’t do it at the gym, even if I could. But you are on your own porch, so chat away!
The Kidless Kronicles


I love tilapia and always will, but if you are queasy I suggest you never watch the Dirty Jobs show about fisheries and how tilapia are raised. LOL


I always do Cardio first, and I love tilapia. But I heard they eat only poop. http://www.cheftalk.com/t/34790/tilapia-yuck-like-eating-a-rat

I eat them anways.


Yep, that is what I was referring to in my comment (before yours). GROSS. But I still eat them. LOL


If I am doing cardio and weigths, weights will definitely be first, I don’t want to be all sweaty while I do my weightlifting. Janae, make sure you get a safeway card to save some moola. I live in Utah, but have shopped at safeway while on vacation and it can save lots.


I tend to do cardio first because after weight training I get really lazy and just stop caring. I’ve been doing cardio/weight training in that order for so long that once I finish any weights, I’m mentally checked out.


According to Livestrong slide 15,
“If you perform your strength training before your cardio work, you’ll burn more fat while you pound the pavement. In a Japanese study, men who did the workout in this order burned twice as much fat as those who didn’t lift at all.”


Oops, website cut off.



Wegmans…most of them are like grocery store malls :) If you are ever in the northeast, check one of the larger stores out.


Brooke is so cute! Super, super cute.

I run and after I do weights. I find if I do weights first it tires me out and I have a harder time with my run. Is that just me? IDK.

I go to Super Stop and Shop for my grocery needs.


I always do Cardio first, and I love tilapia. But I heard they eat only poop.
I eat them anways.



A 2 minute mile?! That’s insane!


I was just exaggerating a little bit:)


Uh oh! Now I’m craving nachos too! :-s


I always do cardio first.


I think the picture of Brooke in this post is one of my new all time favs.


Tilapia is awesome with some lemon pepper seasoning! I also broil veggies with a spritz of olive oil and garlic/onion powder/seasoned salt. It goes so well with it.

Plus I love all seafood.

I love seeing you shopping at all my old favorites out there! I also like to hit up the farmer’s markets. The produce is so good along with the other bakery goodies sold there…and some even have samples!


When you do cardio and weights in the same day which one do you do first? Have you heard whether or not one way is better than another way?

Cardio and then weights.

Do you like Tilapia? Gross. I hate all seafood

Have you ever talked on the phone while you ran? Do you like talking while you run? Girl, I can barely breathe and run at the same time LOL!

What is the main grocery store in your area? Kroger


Main grocery that I walk to at least once a week is Trader Joe’s. Then the other one that’s a little further is Safeway.
Your first awesome thing made me smile. How great to wake up to a chuckling baby :D!


When you do cardio and weights in the same day which one do you do first? Have you heard whether or not one way is better than another way?

It depends, Bodypump is my main form of weight training. If I take an early morning class before work I’ll try to run beforehand. If I take pump after work, I’ll try to get in a run before work (and then maybe run a mile or two before/after pump or take another cardio based class along with pump… i’m lucky that my gym offers lots of classes and there’s usually a cardio based class before/after the pump classes). It seems like I’ve heard different opinions about whether it’s better to do one first over the other. I just do what seems to work for me.

Do you like Tilapia? Yes, but I hardly ever eat it.

Have you ever talked on the phone while you ran? Do you like talking while you run? Hardly ever. I don’t know how you do that! I also do most of my runs solo so I’m not used to trying to talk while running.

What is the main grocery store in your area? I’d say it’s a tie between Kroger and Publix. I prefer Publix! Like A LOT!


If I do weights and cardio on the same day, I have to run first otherwise my legs are too tired to do it! And the grocery store we mainly have here is Hy-vee. I love it! Grocery stores are one of my favorite places :-)


I always try to do weights before cardio–I’ve read that’s the most effective order too.


I love tilapia! In fact, I had it for dinner tonight with roasted veggies. :)


I Pinned the Kara pre race meal. :) I love tilapia…did you get that at Costco? They have the best frozen lime crusted tilapia. You’ve got me wanting a new treadmill….and a big fan!


If I got to go to dinner with an elite before a race you bet I’d pick Kara. Muscle milk and olive oil pasta?! Gross, Hall, gross.

I do like tilapia since it is not too fishy, but it’s so low in fat that I have to add another fat source or I’ll be starving.


cinnamon rolls make everything right in the world. :)


I do Pilates instead of weights…I should probably do both. :)


I usually try to do body pump and do cardio after to get it done and checked off my list:) My sister who is a trainer always told me that it is better to do weights first but I kind of don’t remember why?? Something about not using your sugars first on cardio if your going to do weights…or maybe I made that up:) Huge fan of Costco except I must limit my visits or I go way over our grocery budget.


I try and run & lift weights on separate weights but if I am doing it on the same day, it’s weights then run…otherwise I’m too tired to lift!


I’m the opposite of you, if I don’t get the cardio out of the way it’s no happening haha


I cannot talk on the phone while running but love talking to a running partner. Weird? Publix is the main grocery store in Florida and I have never found a supermarket that can compare. I love it! I switch up the cardio/strength order depending on my moods but usually do cardio first.


I’ve always heard that if you run first, then do weights that you won’t be able to lift as heavy/long because you’re tired already. But if you lift first then your run might suffer and you are putting too much strain on your muscles if you don’t refuel well after lifting.

So if I have both in one day (which I do 2-3 times a week), I just make sure I have time to eat well in between and don’t do them in the same “session.”


My first Safeway experience was when I moved from NJ/PA to MD, now I see them all over the place here haha.


mmm, fish on top of salad, yum.

And cinnamon rolls.

Breast feeding plus running is really the best combination ever.


Speaking for myself at the moment! Although I’m not a fast / great distance runner at this point yet!


I loved to read while I am on the treadmill! I shut the bonus room door, so my 2 year old can play, and read my kindle and chat with her! The perfect way to run!

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