My dad will be here in 82 hours! I am beyond excited.  I can’t wait for him to meet Brooke and I have already started teaching her engineering and inventing stuff so that they have plenty to talk about.

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I am just one muffin away from pumpkin streusel happiness.  We bought two packs of muffins last week but started on the chocolate and decided to eat through those until they are gone and then open the next package so they didn’t go bad.  Worst decision ever.  As delicious as the chocolate ones are…  anything streusel wins in my book.

Photo 1 2


Speaking of bad decisions.  We are on this whole ‘food budget’ thing and I spent all of the money last week and we aren’t going to go shopping again until Friday.  Minor problem: I didn’t factor in my FMW obsession and I just ran out.  I have to break my streak and that breaks my heart.

Photo 2 1

It is a good idea to not wash your makeup off so that you have raccoon eyes.


Today was another 7 miles on the treadmill but I had to stop twice.  One time to feed Brooke and another time when the UPS man was yelling at me from below to answer my door because he had a package for me.  I asked if I could take a picture of him for the blog but he declined and so instead I will include a picture of my favorite UPS man.  I can honestly say that King of Queens is my favorite show ever.  

Kevin james

Okay, I didn’t actually ask him for a picture but I thought about it.  


My nieces and nephews new favorite game is ninja warriors.  I think they have pretty good form for ninjas if you ask me.




When Billy showed me this video it gave me goosebumps that lasted the entire day:


Can I pretty please have her voice?  I think I am going to put this video on repeat and listen to her all day.


I really tried hard to make an omelet but I have a tendency to add too many things and could not flip the thing and so it kind of turned into a pile.  It had green and red peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, red onions and 3 eggs.  Heaven. 

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Tell me about some tangents from your day?

Seen any good or funny youtube videos lately?  What was it?

Favorite muffin flavor?

Do you have a good singing voice?

-No but I really wish I did.

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I have been finding new blogs to read today. What are some of your favorites?
I do not have a good singing voice. But that doesn’t stop me!
Apple cinnamon. Those Costco muffins are to-die for!
Nothing on YouTube lately.

The Kidless Kronicles


Your nieces and nephews are adorable! Curly’s pose is my fav lol so funny! I haven’t seen any funny youtube videos lately, but some of my favorites include: Charlie bit my finger, Scarlett takes a tumble, and I am not really sure what this one is called but just type in “news anchor stomping grapes falls” and it should pop up… probably a little mean that I think that is funny, but it’s the noise she makes that makes me laugh! I’m terrible! :)


I love Charlie bit my finger!!!


I had to watch the grape stomping one more than once, and I laughed histerically every time. It may be horrible, but that noise is SOOO humorous! You’re not alone =)


Those are some pretty cute ninjas! It has been a really boring day but now it looks like we are going to get a bizarre wind storm (I’m in CT) so that will make my walk home more interesting:) I think my favorite muffins are lemon poppyseed, so I am also answering your lemon related question on your last post:) Although cranberry orange is a super close second. Muffins are something I am passionate about:)


haha i totally do the same thing when I make omelets. It ends up being a giant scramble of stuff rather than an omelet. Last summer I went through a muffin making phase where Sundays were muffin making days. My favorite was zucchini and walnut. Look up psy gangnam style if you haven’t seen it already ;)


Im a terrible singer. but i sing to torrance in my accents all the time. i feel like if i snig in an accent it feels better.
best video ive watched on youtube lately is the recap from Ellen of when Emma Stone did the dance dare. her dancing kills me and i laugh about it pretty much all the time now


My favorite new YouTube is the Navy spirit spot Gangham dance. My husband went there so I think it’s hysterical. :)

My singing voice is AWFUL. I only sing to my kids or when I am alone, lol.


I made cinnamon banana muffins yesterday and they’re delicious and almost all gone. I need to start tripling recipes just so things will last for more than 2 days.


I love king of queens! my boyfriend and I watch it together every day, its the kind of show I can watch over and over and over again and not get sick of it :)
my favourite muffins at the moment are these mini blueberry ones I made the other day ( but because fall is basically here I have started craving pumpkin spice muffins, I may have to answer that craving with a little weekend baking :)
well with Canadian thanksgiving around the corner…


wait. my sister was a camp counselor this summer and naturally she taught me to play ninja like all her little camp kiddies and can I just say its such a fun game!! you kinda look ridiculous but who cares anyway? Janae, if you get the chance to play with your nieces/nephews do it! also I’m glad I’m not the only one who has great intentions to make an omlette but keeps adding things to the pan…it tastes better all scrambled together anyways :)


I have a horrible singing voice, its super bad.
I love muffins, any flavor. I was actually wanting one today…lol.


I love chocolate chip muffins. Good stuff. Muffins freeze well, if you are worried about them going bad before you can eat them. My mom likes to buy muffins from Sam’s. The muffins are huge, so she cuts them in half and then sticks it in a bag and throws it in the freezer. I don’t have a great singing voice, but my kids love it when I sing to them.


I love carrot muffins, (kind of carrot cake’s boring cousin) but I still love.

My husband has better fashion sense than me and I made him pick which heels went best with my outfit today.

I have been known to run out and get a box of cereal just to keep a streak going.


I think my singing is ok, but my OH has invoked a “no singing along to the radio in the car” policy :(

My only random moment of the day was deciding that my post ballet class snack should be a cup-a-soup. I then raided the cupboards as I wasn’t sure I had any. (Luckily, I did – chicken flavour).


Omg..those muffins from Costco are the bomb. My mom used to buy them all the time! I haven’t had one in so long. My favorite was the banana nut muffin…or the chocolate…or the blueberry. So basically all of them. Never tried the streusel ones though!


Holy crap, Janae, that girl is freakin AMAZING!!! I have goosebumps all over. Oh I soooo wish I could sing. Wow. Telly Billy I said ‘thank you!’ for the video!

Tangent? I started my new job on Monday (!!) and tomorrow I report to my team (did HR stuff for the last two days) and I am so excited for tomorrow. It’s a totally different job than what I’m trained for, but I think it’s going to be awesome!


Yay for dad visits!! That girl is amazing. If you liked that video, you HAVE to check out this guy on the British X Factor. He is AMAZING:


Those muffins look awesome!

A tangent from my day: I really wanted sweets today, but we didn’t have any so I baked cinnamon rolls and they are AMAZING.


I have come to terms with the fact I cannot make an omlet and have named the goodness that results, “plarzar”. My entire family and closest friends know what I mean when I say I’m making plarzar. Veggie plarzar, sausage plarzar, cover it with cheese and it’s instant yum!


I love that picture of you and your dad. Makes me miss my dad who I have not seen in 6 years!! Those muffins look delicious, too. The pumpkin looks good, but I do love a warm blueberry muffin. King of Queens is hilarious!

No tangents today or favorite youtube videos, but I can sing and do it for a living. I have a link on the top of my website if you want to hear me sing :)

Also, your sister’s kids are so dang cute!


I usually go for chocolate muffins but last night my roommate brought me a donut muffin. It changed my life!


Carly is awesome — my favorite from X-Factor so far!


I honestly can’t remember the last time I had a muffin — need to get on that! But a really great cornbread muffin always hits the spot for me! (If anyone has any good gluten-free cornbread muffin recipes, please let me know!!)
I have THE worst singing voice. I don’t even try to pretend that it’s good. But I don’t try to hide it either! :)
Tangent from my day — Biking to the gym in the wet isn’t such a bad idea. You’re going to get all wet and sweaty there anyway. :)


ahhhh!!! i was watching x factor at the gym last week and honest to god had to stop running while she was on because i was borderline going to cry/thought i might fly of the treadmill she was so good. amazing


King of Queens is the best show, I always watch the reruns! It never gets old.

The picture of the kiddies is so cute, they make good ninjas for sure! Those are some awesome poses haha.


I agree with Hayley …. I had stop eating my Cheese Nips (gasp!) to listen to her. I DID cry (not sure why), she is amazing. I’m so glad you posted this. Might have mentioned before, but need to again, I cancelled my cable a couple months ago (double gasp!) and only miss it when I see greatness like this. So, please keep posting. Been watching a lot of NetFlix.

Love your omelet – I stuff mine full too. More goodness the better! Miss seeing Brooke pictures today…

You’re raccoon eyes are nothing compared to mine! I should send you a picture.

Back to my Cheese Nips.


Omg this is why I need a TV! I was tearing up on the bus watching that, she was amazing! I always wished I could sing, ever since I was little… Haha not a gift God bestowed upon me.


I agree, King of Queens is one of my favorite shows too- we watch it every night from 6- 7 on TBS…and I still laugh at the episodes even when I’ve seen them a million times :)
Girl, you are ROCKING your runs. I am amazed! I hope I can come back just half as strong as you!!
Ok, this post is lacking Brooke pictures….I’m missing her :)


Pumpkin muffins at Costco?!? It’s probably good I skipped right over the bakery yesterday.


I have a horrible voice, but have always wished I could sing… oh wells.
As for youtube clip, you must watch Charlie bit my finger.
Tangent.. I think I could survive on just cereal, frozen yogurt and rainbow sprinkles.
as for your current food budget issues… your dad is on his way just tell him you neeeeed fmw and everything and anything else :)


Oh my goodness, maybe I need to start watching X-Factor. That girl is amazing! Unfortunately my singing voice is pretty much the opposite :)


I saw that girl on the X Factor, too! SO good! I really wish I had a good singing voice!! Those muffins look DELICIOUS. Please do share just how delicious they are when you finally open the package, because I juuuust might have to convince my hubby to buy them when we go to Costco next. Which is going to be very soon, especially if they are as good as they sound/look.


And I watched that video 5 times… and forwarded it to several people… and bought the song off of itunes.


1. A friend from church bought me avocados (three for one dollar!) and I’ve been eating them on everything!
2. The avocados are causing me to eat a lot more than usual because everything tastes so much better.
3. I will do Bikram yoga tonight.
Great job on those 7 miles!


I loved King of Queens! I actually have season one on DVD. :) I saw that episode of X Factor too and that girl was amazing. Have fun with your dad!


I have an okay singing voice. Not great but not awful. The only 5 minutes I have ever seen of X Factor was when that girl was on. Absolutely amazing. Have a great time with your dad! :)


I am right there with you on King of Queens. I remember watching every single episode when my husband and I were dating. It was our weeknight show and now we own all of the seasons of DVD. Such a great sitcom!


I love your costco obsession. We went last weekend and ran into my sister and mother-in-law. I think it’s a great place for a family reunion because you can get some soft serve and a huge slice of pizza. I bought some running gloves there last week! My brother is so much like Doug from king of queens that it’s hilarious. They even look alike.


Oops and also have you ever had a coffee cake muffin? Seek one out if not! My fave


I have tried a million times to make an omelet and it always ends up just being scrambled eggs with everything mixed together because I can’t get the flip either! lol


I have always said that if I could have one talent it would be the ability to sing. As of now I sound shockingly similar to a dying cat when I “sing.”


That girl is awesome awesome awesome! Wow, thanks for sharing the youtube video! I sang in a gospel a capella trio but since having a baby and working fulltime didn’t have the time anymore. I sure can’t sing anything like that girl though, woowee!

Excited for you that your dad gets to come meet Brooke and see you and Billy soon! Have such a fun time with him!


Omg those muffins look amazing!!!

Well, here’s a tangent for sure- I chipped my tooth last night FLOSSING. Sheesh, trying to do something good, haha. Luckily I was able to see my dentist and it was a piece of an old filling, whew!


Your omelette made me laugh! That’s what mine turn into. A big pile of stuff loosely held together with egg.


haha heres my tangent…I forgot to turn off the car headlights, so when it was time to go to my substitute training meeting the car wouldnt turn on. So I hopped on my bike in my nice clothes and raced (bad bad breaks on the bike) and raced there. THEN on the way back got honked at by a million people and asked my neighbor I did not know to jump my car……..

……what a day. :)


I recently watched the Psy-Gangnam video and I found it hysterical. International videos are just funnier to me for some reason probably because they don’t translate the same. I love pumpkin muffins or chocolate chip muffins!


Hahaha I love that you thought about taking a picture of the UPS guy ;)


King of Queens is my sister’s favorite show too. Her husband gets mistaken for that actor all the time. He got sick of explaining to people it isn’t him so he has actually signed autographs as him before.


I love raccoon eyes. I also make awesome omelet piles.
So cool that your dad is coming!


My omelets always fall apart too, I always try to shove way more veggies in there than those poor eggs can handle so it just turns into a veggie scramble.


I looooooooove Costco muffins. And I sing and teach voice for a living! :D


WOW. That video is amazing!!


I’m no fortune teller but something tells me your nieces & nephew are going to kick some serious “ninja” but in yoga!


My hubby swears I sing off key on purpose. :) Sometimes I let him think that. :) If I had some FMW I’d send them your way in a flash. Yay for your dad coming to visit!


I love, love, love the King of Queens! It’s my feel-good show – I could watch it over and over again!


That girl is spectacular! As a mom, it made me tear up watching it. How amazing!!


omg I love costco muffins and they are usually 2 for whatever. They stay fresh and are huge. I canceled my costco membership last year and I miss it so much.
I rarely watch X factor but caught that part the other day. That girl was amazing!


Tell me about some tangents from your day?
Did my morning C25K training with my good friend. Saw the stars as we rounded the track at 5:30AM. We are on week four of our training and I felt rather victorious that I was able to run 5minutes strainght. Yes baby steps compared to your 7mile run…. but we are doing it. :o)

Seen any good or funny youtube videos lately? What was it?

Grab a kleenex.

Favorite muffin flavor?

Do you have a good singing voice?
Yes, I have a good singing voice. I have been watching The Voice and loving all the talent.


Love the video!! She made me well up!!


Ive recently become addicted to the king of queens!

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