My first speed work session post-baby and a playlist.

I knew I had one hour to workout, I knew I wanted to do some speed work and lastly I knew I didn’t want to think.   Basically I did a warm-up mile and then did a few minutes fast and a few minutes slower and repeated that for the hour. I hit 8 miles right at the hour mark and isn’t it awesome that my treadmill is so shiny you can see my reflection?  I buff and wax the tready every night before bed.  

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My brain was so fried that I couldn’t even read like I usually do when I run and so instead I made a playlist that was exactly 58.4 minutes for my run this morning… that last 1.6 minutes was really boring, I guess I could have listened to one of these songs twice but if you recall my brain just isn’t working correctly today.  I haven’t bought any new songs in a long time so these are oldish but I love running to them.  I am expecting some new song suggestions from you guys that are popular right now to help keep me hip and young. 

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I figured out the key to making my ginormous omelet stick together.  Cook it on low even though it takes more time (just snack on pretzels to help get through this tough waiting period).  I had tomatoes, zucchini, red peppers and red onion in there along with the best ingredient of all… bleu cheese on the inside and on top.  This was my lunch… ps I never take pictures of my bfast because it always really boring and usually the same thing everyday.

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Next piece of business to attend to:

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The grocery store for some things.  I always get stuck in the ice cream aisle for way too long.  I really wanted the above ice cream because circus animal cookies are in fact my favorite food but I did the selfless thing and got a flavor that Billy might actually like.  I will have to taste test it right now just to make sure that it is good enough to meet his standards.  

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Brooke wanted me to let you know that I found her favorite binky after searching the entire house and she is very pleased with me.   She made it clear that I better never lose this one again.

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What are some songs on your current playlist?  Any new song recommendations?

Do you have any ice cream in your freezer right now?  What flavor?

What was your lunch today?  Do you eat the same thing for bfast everyday?

I am working on a post about HOW TO INCREASE YOUR MILEAGE and I want tips from you to include in the post!!!  What has worked for you to increase your mileage?!?

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The ice cream with animal crackers looks amazing! Those iced animal crackers are like a drug to me.


They seriously are… I could (and have) eat the entire bag!


T.H.E. by Will I Am is a great pump you up song!


DONNA!! Thank you so so much for the song recommendation! I can’t wait to download it!


A couple more of my faves are:

Faster – Matt Nathanson
One More Night – Maroon 5
(search Running Cadences of the US Marines… I don’t know why but I LOVE them)
I am the Champion (B.O.B.)
Monster (Kanye West … be warned though, it’s EXPLICIT)

I love this post! I am always looking for new music!!! :)

I increase my mileage on my long run about 2 miles each week, then back down usually a little every other week. So it might go 20, 12, 22, 16, 24, 10, etc.


I’ve never seen that ice cream before, but it looks amazing! When we buy it, it’s gone in like a day, so we tend to stay away from it so we don’t get ginormous stomach aches.


I think it is worth the ginormous stomach ache ha!


Remember the Name by Fort Minor. (the clean version) I love the beat!! Feel Again by One Republic is another good one!


I forgot all about that song, thank you for reminding me… time to go get both of those!


See, Ross would prefer the animal cracker ice cream to the chocolate, where as I usually prefer chocolate. But not this time! That animal cracker one sounds amazeballs. Stop posting pics with food that I can’t get here! I already want to road trip there badly enough as it is and all that food and the pics of Brooke just make it worse!

We currently have just plain chocolate in the freezer. Ross made shakes with it and the candy corn oreos last night and then ate it in front of me. So rude, right?

I had a salad today. I made the one I posted on Instagram again (because I had everything and it sounded yummy) and topped it with some chicken for protein. I also didn;t have any of the candied nuts. Because what was left over of them on Saturday went directly into my mouth :)

I think I eat the same 3 or 4 things for breakfast every morning…I am lame like that.

I am trying to put together a play list for Saturday so I will be checking back to see others’ reccomendations. Pretty much I like happy/upbeat/dancing type songs to run to. You would think I was 13.

8 miles in an hour = you are awesome!

I think foam rolling EVERY DAY has been the key to increasing my miles with out getting injured.


MUHAHAH my plan is working perfectly, I have been posting beautiful food to MAKE you come visit me:) Oh girl, that salad looked amazing! I am so so stoked for your MARATHON!!!!


to increase your mileage, remember to build it slow.. its not smart to go balls to wall without properly building your mileage..
Says the girl who ran a marathon with her longest run being a 10k… ha!


THANKS CANDICE!! You are the best!


I love Everybody Talks by Neon Trees. It’s a fast song to keep you running.


Kris, thank you so so much! I can’t wait to check this song out. Fast songs are my favorite!


Favorite ice cream flavor lately is caramel with seasalt! Yum! I eat the same breakfast smoothie everyday except before a race. I sometimes change the flavor but that’s about it. Lately I’ve been making one that was inspired by a Carrots N Cake smoothie that she calls gimgerbread… delicious!


Um.. that ice cream sounds amazing!!!!!


My current favourite song is ‘Dog days are over’ by Florence and The’s so good for running.

I have a tub of gingernut ice-cream in freezer which I plan to eat after dinner if it’s not too cold tonight.

If I want to increase my mileage I’d make a list of treats that I can reward myself like a big meal or a pair new shorts…that always get me going.


Thanks Penny! I need to get that song! I think you need to eat the ice cream whether or not it is cold outside! Thanks for the tip PENNY!


I ran Saturday to this and just kept repeating it like 10 times!!
Hall of Fame by the script.
Since you were a teacher I think you will love it!


Thanks so much Denae, I can’t wait to check this song out and I LOVE putting songs on repeat:)


I’m a cookies ‘n cream girl all the way… sometimes strawberry is a close second, though.

I always have to eat breakfast at work, so it’s normally a Van’s waffle with pb & banana on top. And maybe a few spoons of pb on the side. ;)

LOVE Brooke’s headband!


Your bfast sounds GOOD!!!!


I love this post! Yay for speed work, my favorite! I can’t wait to read your suggestions for building mileage because I am pretty sure I have been doing it all wrong. I would like to know if it is normal for your legs to hurt incredibly badly after a long run (like can’t get in the car without expletives badly) and also how to fit in speed work while increasing mileage.
Brooke looks very happy to have her fav binky back. She is adorable.


Thanks Irene! I am pretty sure I build mileage all wrong too:) I don’t think it is normal for it to hurt crazy bad after a long run… have you ever tried an ice bath after your long run? Do you foam roll? Those both help me with my soreness level big time!


Not to butt in on your convo but I just did 22 miles yesterday and I’m not sore at all today… however for the first 5-6 hours after I’m done, ugh. I’m so stiff and achey. I stretch big time and hit the foam roller and some frozen pees for a while. Also elevate my legs up a wall for about 10-15 minutes at a time. Also I try to overdose on protein and I really think it takes some of the ache away faster. Hope that helps! ;)


Donna! Way to go on your 22 miles wahoo!! GREAT TIPS!! Thank you so so much!


Thanks Donna- I keep meaning to try elevating and icing but I’m usually trying to find food and can’t think of anything else right afterwards! I foam roll, but maybe I’m waiting too long. Does it have to be right after you finish your run? I appreciate all the help I can get – especially from high mileage ladies like you two! 22 miles – way to go!


I run with a group on Sundays so I have about a 30 minute ride home from wherever we run from. I usually stretch as soon as we are done running for a few, then I go home and stretch some more and roll on the foam roller, eat like a pig, then ice and elevate (before or after a shower). I think they only thing that you really NEED to do while your muscles are warm is stretch.


I think I must be hopelessly out of touch when it comes to music. I’ve literally never heard a single song on that list!


Ha, no worries… they are really random songs!


The song One More by Superchick is my all time favorite running song! I could listen to it 20,000 times over and over! For increasing mileage I go slow.. Just adding a mile a week or so depending on how I’m feeling. I run about 4 times a week, so day one I would try to add a quarter mile and then a half mile on running day 2 and so one :)


TYFFANY!! Thank you so much for the tip and for the song, you are the best!


8 km in an hour is way too fast for me!! I’m trying to get faster but I just can’t seem to be able to do it? On the treadmill I just pump the speed up to go faster, but do you have any tips to get faster outside? I usually run at 9 miles/hour (I think, in kilometers it’s 5:30-6 min/km).
Brooke is the cutest!!!!


HEY LAURA! Thanks for your comment:) Here is a post about getting faster, hope it helps!


I meant 8 miles, whoops


We’re all out of ice cream :( But when we do get it, we’re cheap and buy the boring gallons, but make up for it in all our mix-ins.


That is a brilliant idea… I need to invest in mix-ins. Now you need to go get some ice cream for your freezer asap!


Kelly Clarkson = fabulous way to end a playlist!! Your coolness factor just leaped an extra eight steps in my eyes. (Don’t worry, you’re kinda crushing the field already…)
I always have the same thing for breakfast. haha. No shame there. If it gets your day off to a good start, why change?!
No ice cream in my freezer right now, but I have THE most awesome pudding in my fridge. I bought it Saturday and can’t believe I still have three cups of it left!!
As for increasing my mileage, I just finished training for my first half marathon (ran it yesterday!!). I’m definitely a fan of the “only increase by 10% a week rule” — would have injured myself otherwise. I liked 1. Running 4x a week with smaller increases to each run instead of 3x with larger increases. 2. That my long runs were consistently one more mile than the previous week (that way, I knew that I could go out, hold the same average of the previous week, and then just hold on for the last mile and I would have a strong run). 3. Definitely have a shorter run to work on some speed work and a recovery run the day after your long run. 4. Make sure your shoes are good for higher mileage running!!


HAHAHA Thank you Chelsie and I am so happy my coolness factor just went up. Can I come over for pudding? That sounds awesome. Thanks so much for the tip!!


Kind of off topic but did your calves get a lot tighter while running in your third tri? I’m 32 weeks and have been waking up with more calf cramps at night, and my legs also seem to stay tighter after runs lately. Compression socks are not helping, any tips?


They actually didn’t but a girl just emailed me the other day about this same problem!!! I will start researching to see what the problem is, that is crazy! Have you asked your doctor? Eat more bananas:)


Everything on your blog always looks delicious, but especially today!!
PS I was talking about all the food; I don’t want to eat your baby haha, but she’s pretty darn adorable today too!!


BAHAHAH You better not want to eat brooke ha!


I had a PB&J sandwich for lunch today, on soft white bread. HEAVEN.
And I have rice krispies most mornings for breakfast which I am SOOO bored of!

Your daughter is so adorable, she is a lucky girl to be so loved by you and Billy :)


Thanks so much laura and pb & j really is the best!


Here are a couple songs on my current playlist:

Lose My Breath by Destiny’s Child
I Kissed a Girl-Katy Perry
Candy Man-Christina Aguilera
Stronger-Kelly Clarkson
One More Night-Maroon 5
Pound the Alarm-Nicki Minaj
We Run The Night-Havana Brown


Ahhhh you are the best!!! Thank you so so much for the songs!


Hahahha, this is completely random, but as a now longtime reader, I needed to tell you that I just had to Google image “piece of pepperoni” for a project at work and was surprised to see you and Billy pop up! Billy is at Costco too. :),or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&biw=1687&bih=970&wrapid=tlif134852351457010&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=AtZgUKe-MbGx0QGB0IHQBw#um=1&hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=BtZgUMD8K4f40gH4u4HYAQ&ved=0CEUQvwUoAQ&q=piece+of+pepperoni&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=584d25efe1fea026&biw=1687&bih=970


Oh my goodness that is hilarious! You made my day!!!


I like Vicious by Kate-Spalding Rockwell Promises by Skrillex. I too love Swedish House Mafia, Greyhound is one of favorites of theirs.

I had left over chicken bake and then a can of Chef Boyardee cheese ravioli for lunch followed by grapes and string cheese snack.

I increase my milage by my training plan, but I’m starting to get a feel for if I know I can go further, like I’m running my first 10 miles on Saturday. I can do it because I can get to 8 and ran 5 this morning with ok time and felt alright (knee issue) but I think being smart and feeling it out will help you increase your milage.


I am big fan of running to mash up songs by Girl Talk and DJ Earworm.


I usually listen to the Songza or Pandora app when running- lots of 80s music lately!

That ice cream looks SO good- I was really bummed when Circus Animal cookies ceased to exist for awhile. Luckily they came back!My breakfast is boring- almost always an english muffin or toast (always with PB).

For building mileage, I have heard a good rule of thumb is to build your miles by no more than 10% each week. So if you run 20 miles one week, increase to 22 miles the next week.


My ultimate favorite band is a group called Skillet, and I love using their songs when I do my workouts; a few of them in particular are:
– Hero
– Monster
– Awake and Alive
– It’s Not Me It’s You
Also, from Family Force Five: Keep the Party Alive
And DC Talk’s Jesus Freak

There are many others, but those are my workout chart toppers!! :-)


I LOVE Skillet!!! My 9 year old and I pump their music when we’re trying to get motivated to do something. Newsboys also has a few upbeat songs, too. Shine was always one of my favorites, but it’s kind of older now.


Actually, Shine is one of the songs on my list, I just forgot to mention it!!! Another Newsboys song on my list is Breakfast!! So many good songs to choose from!! :-)


I agree! Breakfast was always a favorite of mine, too! Have you heard Toby Mac’s new album? Mac Daddy has a great beat. <3


i literally just started freaking out (and actively drooling) about circus animal ice cream!!! i must get my hands on some. that was also extremely kind of you to get a flavor billy would like and money smart not to just get both flavors. simply amazing. we have some vanilla bean ice cream and raspberry sorbet.

i had homemade nachos with chips, sharp cheddar cheese, chicken from chipotle, salsa and sour cream! amazing.


I just downloaded Philip Philips, Imagine Dragons and I can’t remember what else.
I just ate the last little Chocolate Chip ice cream on Sat.
I rotate between just a few things for lunch. Today was a turkey burger and veggies straws.
I found a good way to increase mileage (if you have the time) is to do 2x a days. So if the plan said 4, I would do 3 in the morning and 2 in the evening. Just an example.

The Kidless Kronicles


I love Imagine Dragons.


Circus animal ice cream!? Whaaaaaat? Here I was all satisfied with my box of vanilla/caramel fudge ice cream and you had to go and show me up. Thanks a lot ;) I’ve really been loving Maroon 5’s One More Night and [slightly embarrassingly] Justin Bieber’s As Long as You Love Me. If that fails, then I always have Disturbed or Godsmack to fall back on :)


I’ve been loving The Fighter ever since it was a theme song for the Olympics!


Great last song to end to!! I love ‘Scream’ & ‘Whistle’ & ‘Fly’ & ‘Down’ to run to!

ICE CREAM is the bomb! YUMM.


I use the 8track app to listen to playlists people make for working out and then download my favs. Its an awesome app if you dont have it…music for every mood! And as far as increasing mileage….i keep track on dailymile to hold myself accountable and crosstrain/rest is always great!


the ice cream aisle is a total time suck! what do i want? regular? slow churned? light? froyo? sherbert? gelato? GREEK? AHHHHH


Hey Janae,
I just wanted to let you know that I have started following your blog as a class assignment (best assignment ever btw) and I think you blog is the best! I really like how you ask questions at the end of your post to get the readers involved, way cool and something I haven’t seen before with other blogs :)
Keep up the good work!! :)


My new favorite is “RISE” by the Flobots. I also like Flo Rida music. Keeps me moving. I’m a sucker for popular music and love running to it.
Increasing miles I also keep it within 10% of the last week and I do my long runs very slow. At least 2 minutes slower then my half marathon min/mile.
My husband keeps vanilla ice cream in the freezer at all times – he likes canned peaches on top. I eat either coconut milk or almond milk ice cream. Any flavor is delicious!


AHHHH! Where did you get the circus animal cookie ice cream? I need it like, right now.


No way, Circus Animal Cookie ice cream!! I have got to try it.
You are so fast!!
I eat the same thing every day. Toast, a banana, water & coffee.
I just updated my playlist last week.
My current favorite is Maroon 5, One More Night. The whole album rocks.
Now I want to run just to listen to it.
P.S Brook’s only about a month old & she’s already threatening you. Ha!


I love the band Youngblood Hawke! Running to “Forever”, “Rootless” and “We come running” :-)


I usually just look at the apples itunes top 100 chart and just download some of those songs. We have mint chocolate chip ice cream in our fridge right now! definitely my favorite.


Janae- love all the posts and pictures of Brooke! My due date is 6 days away and im still chugging away on the treadmill! Provo misses you!


Janae, you are awesome. This is the first time I’ve ever commented on your blog, but I’ve been reading it for several months and I just love how upbeat and happy you are (it also makes me feel good knowing that at least someone out there has a bigger sweet tooth than i do;)).
As for ice cream, I don’t think there’s any in our freezer right now, but my roommates and I did go to the Creamery on Ninth on Saturday and after about 15 samples, I settled on Earnestly Chocolate. Divine!
Lately my favorite song to run to has been Runaways by The Killers.


I had moose tracks ice cream in the freezer until last nights snack attack hit me… it is no longer with us ;)
I alternate between a smoothie and porridge for breakfast and lunch is new everyday, mostly just leftovers. Today’s lunch was a snack plate of sorts with tons of veggies, hummus, crackers and an apple


Just wanted to know you and your awesome blog motivated me to hit the elliptical after work today! I had only done a short strength training session this morning and a slow walk during a work break and I knew I still had plenty of energy to burn before going home and making dinner. Thanks for the inspiration!


omg I would totally eat the frosted animal cracker ice cream!


Good Time by Carly Rae Jepsen & Owl City is my current jam. Super happy and upbeat. Love it.


OKAY your lunch looks amazing, as does that ice cream (okay.. BOTH those ice creams). Brooke is looking more and more like a real little girl and less like “a baby”, if that makes sense.

Super excited to read your post on increasing mileage! After having about a year off running almost entirely (after a few post-marathon injuries), running regularly again is proving TOUGH. I’m having a really hard time building up my endurance, and find myself struggling to run even short distances without stopping… majorly depressing!


I’m kind of obsessed with the Jimmy John’s unwich. Basically, any of their sandwiches in a lettuce wrap. They are delicious and JJ’s delivers to my office.

I will be indulging in Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkin ice cream this evening! :)


Animal cookie ice cream?! I need some of that!!!!


A rocking playlist AND some delicious ice cream!? What could be better? haha :)

One of my favorite ways to get a reboot after a good workout is drinking some chocolate milk, it’s great for restoring nutrients, try it out!


Um, circus animal cookies are in fact my favorite food too. The greatest cruelty of my life is that I only learned about them two years ago. Oh wait. That’s only the second greatest cruelty, because apparently that ice cream is only sold in California and Nevada. WHYYYYYYYYYYY?


I definitely agree with everyone else who suggested Maroon 5 “One More Night.” After reading some of these comments I just had to go out for a run! It was so nice outside too. Chilly at first even.

Another one maybe you can try out is Ne-Yo “Let Me Love You.” It’s really upbeat. I’ve been on a country kick so my other suggestions might not exactly be what you’re looking for. :)


Way to go on the 8 miles! I change my breakfast up, but usually go through phases of eating the same thing. Lovin’ the new Pink song, Blow me one last kiss!


Great playlist! I still listen to old songs from college because I rarely buy music on iTunes lately haha


Whoa! Going to have to check out all the tune recommendations from your readers and your playlist!! That looks like it will take a good hour or so :) Ever heard “Sandstorm” by Darude? It goes for about a minute at a good pace then seems to almost stop, and it builds back up and is super motivating. Does the same thing later in the song all the way to the end of the song. Check it out, and I don’t think you’ll be disappointed :)
My mom gave us some cheese last night — by Laughing Cow, those round containers of cheese that’s wrapped up in little triangles and is soft. I hate that stuff usually. But this one was called “Light Blue Cheese” and was AMAZING. It didn’t look like blue cheese, or even taste like it really, but it was just super yummy.
Other tunes I’m liking:
Fighter – by the Glee Cast
Somebody that I Used to Know – also Glee Cast
Loser Like Me (Glee)
oh ok and one more from Glee – a mashup of Halo/Walking on Sunshine


“Home” was the right song at the right time during my last half, and now I cannot get enough of it.

Breakfast: That’s what I call eating before i go to bed. But I have yet to prove that this isn’t the best system for my body so I am sticking with it.

Tips for increasing milage: I like having the set day of the week that the long run gets bumped up. I like the mental prep and anticipation of the add mileage day.


I just got a new treadmill but I think the speeds must be a little different because my usual 8.0 mph seems way faster on my new one than my old one. I tried running it this morning and about died.


I haven’t had time to read through everyone’s comments yet (but I will, because I love finding new music too!!) so someone may have already mentioned this one, but Imagine Dragon’s “Radioactive” IS MY FAVORITE!!! I get so pumped, even if it comes on at the end of a 16 miler, I’m like YES, I’m so awesome!! haha I also just discovered Alexa Goddard’s version of “Turn My Swag On.” PLEASE download this one, it makes me laugh and totally gets my swag going ;-D

I need that circus animal ice cream…though right now I’m enjoying Edy’s/Breyer’s “Pumpkin” :)


I have about 3 or 4 different breakfasts I eat, so they’re really never too exciting either but it’s always my favorite meal of the day.


We moved to Northern California in January and some friends in our ward introduced us to Thrifty Ice Cream. It is amazing and they only sell it at RiteAid. They have the Circus Animal flavor too! You should definitely try it :)



I NEED that ice cream flavor. Frosted animal cookies are my favorite food by far ever and I am obsessed with ice cream. Why oh why would you post this… I might just have to get up and drive to the store to go get some even though I am a broke college student :)

Congrats on your first speed session!!! I bet it felt good just to unwind and run fast!!


OMG! I have had that Circus Animal ice cream and it is AWESOME. Now I want some :)


Ok, I am loving these suggestions for running music so I’m inspired to give some myself, even though I already commented above. I think we might have similar taste in music, Janae! Some of these are explicit, just fyi:

I love:
Little Bad Girl (David Guetta featuring Taio Cruz and Luda)
All I do is Win (DJ Khaled featuring luda…hmm, theme?)
Forget you (Cee Lo Green)
The Great Escape (Boys like Girls)
Feels like Tonight (Daughtry)
Gives you hell (All-American Rejects)
Dear Rosemary (Foo Fighters)
Wild Ones (Flo Rida)


I’ve really liked running to Don’t Wake Me Up by Chris Brown. Nice and upbeat.

As of last week, I decided to start building up my mileage because…why not. I usually shoot for 20 miles per week, but I have the time so I might as well! Plus, I really want to run a marathon someday so this can just be a really slow training process…sure.

One tip I’d say would be to do plenty of relaxed runs. Don’t focus all your efforts on running high mileage. Some of your runs just have to keep you loving the sport and your body prepared for the harder runs.


I don’t have any tips about increasing mileage, but as a real running newbie, please don’t feel like you can be too basic for me. :-) Looking forward to it.


What an awesome playlist. I think you have an awesome taste in music – some of those songs are my faves. :)


My playlist is full of Pitbull lately!


I always get so inspired when I ready your blog. I’m excited to become a better runner as I keep it up. You are amazing!
I just ran the Big Cottonwood half on Saturday and DID NOT train enough for downhill, I can barely walk and its Monday! hope I’m back to running tomorrow=)


While I’m reading this I’m having vanilla dark chocolate chunk topped with a ton of fresh strawberries and whipped cream! It’s divine!


Shhh…. I have to whisper this one, but… I added ‘Grease Lightning’ to my playlist today.


Thank you for the playlist – I am so desperate for some new tunes that I’m going to download all those now.

My current faves are: Some Nights by Fun (which is INCREDIBLE) and alas, Call Me Maybe. Try ‘Relight My Fire’ by Take That, the UK’s loveliest man-band!!!!


Love reading thru everyone’s suggestions! I update my playlist on my blog every Friday; here’s my latest list if you’re so inclined :)


I’m cracking up because we just registered for some of those binky’s. Glad to know it’s Brooke approved;)


Hahaha love that last pic of Brooke…lose her binjy again & it’s gonna be trouble with a capital T ;)


Yes!! Please post on mileage building! I seem to be stuck at about 25 miles max a week, with my longest run a slow 8ish miles. When I start trying to add-(slowly, like snail pace) I start to have achy knees and feet, and wind up having to take a little time off and so begins the whole process again.


great job on abusing that tready this morning!! way to go…i’m just sorry that darn play-list let you down for the last 1.6 min’s. ;)
okay, i HAVE to get on this animal cookie ice cream, seriously, how have i never seen this before!?!?
have a wonderful night girlie!


I love those binkys and keep trying to get Clara to take them but she won’t. She’s a NUK girl through and through. Ha! Funny how they have such preferences, over things like a pacifier, at such a young age. I can only image what it will be like when middle school hits. HA!


Brooke is already looking bigger in that picture!! She is so adorable.
I can’t wait for the increasing mileage post – it’s something I’m working on right now. The main thing I’ve done is to go slow. No injuries!


That is one beautiful baby!!! You are so selfless…I love it. You are such a great example of selflessness :) I would have gone with the flavor that I wanted, that’s just how I roll!


What helps include my mileage is something that might not work for everyone, but I do shorter runs during the week because I just can’t manage really, super long ones due to work and just being exhausted. Then I do my longer mileage runs on Saturday morning. This helps me mentally too because I know I only have to make it through one or two really long runs during the entire week! :)


That looks like the most amazing ice cream ever (and I live in a world where we have Tillamook everywhere). I went to a froyo place last weekend where they will blend your creation into a shake. when I finished my chocolaty goodness I had soggy animal cookies at the bottom of my cup. I was in heaven!


I’m always looking for new runnings songs!! Love this post! I like “No Church in the Wild” by Jay Z/Kanye for those parts of the run where you want to feel like a bad ass for a few minutes. Also anything by Coldplay has surprisingly good cadences for running! And Bloodbuzz Ohio by The National. And Pinwheels by The Smashing Pumpkins….I could do this all day but I’ll stop there!


Intervals! Run until you can’t anymore, walk as a rest, and repeat!


I LOVE awol nation, SAIL! One of my faves!


There is a baby boutique here in Idaho Falls that sells the binkies that Brooke likes. Message me if you would like me to mail some to you. Those were the only ones my babies used too! I think they are like $3-5 a piece.



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Thanks a ton!


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our services. They need to bash a decent film to get credit
and commendation junk movies to demonstrate how
they are diverse, tsk-tsk they are only a pack of elitist simpletons.

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