Increasing your mileage.

Since today’s post is all about running I thought we would celebrate with a picture of Brooke in her running shoes (they are just a tad big;).  By the way I know you all have it marked on your calendars but I thought I would remind you again that it is her SIX WEEK BIRTHDAY which is clearly a huge deal and I will put 6 candles in every dessert that I eat today (which will probably be 3-4).

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A few different people have asked me about how to safely increase your mileage.  This is one of those things (along with every question in the world) I am NOT an expert on but there are a few things that I think are really important to incorporate when you are wanting to run more miles each week.  

1.  Don’t try to mimic someone else.  All of our bodies have completely different thresholds and can only handle a certain amount of mileage.  I read blogs of runners that run 100+ miles a week but I am pretty sure my body will crumble into a million pieces if I go over 60 so I have learned what my limits are and don’t try to increase my mileage over a certain number.

 2.  Be patient with yourself.  You have your entire life to run so make sure you increase your mileage safely so that you can continue to run.  There is no rush when increasing your mileage so give yourself enough time to train properly.

3.  Make sure you are cross-training and weight lifting.  By building up your muscle mass and strength it will help you to run longer and prevent injuries.  

4.  Find a training plan and stay consistent with it!  Consistency is key, you are not going to be able to increase your mileage very easily if you are constantly skipping workouts and going long periods without running.  Finding a good training plan was the biggest thing that helped me when training for my first marathon, the plan I followed had me slowly building up my mileage and I followed it exactly.  You could use the Couch 2 5K plan, Hal Higdons, SmartCoach or find a book with training plans like THIS ONE.

5.  I think it is important (for MOST runners/new runners, not ALL runners) to wait to do speed work until you have increased your mileage. Once you have a good base then you can start working on getting faster but if you are just beginning running or just now coming back from an injury focus on increasing your mileage first and then your pace.  

6. If you are struggling with going longer on your runs, find a training partner that will motivate you and keep you on your toes.  The distraction of conversation will help big time!

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(I miss my running bff.  Picture after a TOUGH run and I couldn’t have finished it without her)

7.  When you are first starting to run it may be a good idea to do a walk/run program.  Maybe run for time rather than distance.  You could run for 5 minutes, walk for 2 minutes and repeat a few times.  Each week you could run for another minute or two and then decrease the amount of time that you are walking.

8.  Try your hardest to stay positive and work on your mental strength.  Your attitude about your abilities and running will make all the difference when you are trying to become a better runner.  I did a post HERE about this.   

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(I was a little too positive during my first marathon)


In this post I asked you guys some of your tips for increasing mileage and I absolutely loved reading your answers:

Candice said: “Remember to build it slow…it’s not smart to go balls to wall without properly building your mileage… Says the girl who ran a marathon with her longest run being a 10k…ha!”

Chelsie said: “I’m definitely a fan of the ‘only increase by 10% a week rule’ –would have injured myself otherwise.  I liked 1.  Running 4x a week with smaller increases to each run instead of 3x with larger increases.  2.  That my long runs were consistently one more mile than the previous week.  3.  Definitely have a shorter run to work on some speed work and a recovery run the day after your long run.  4.  Make sure your shoes are good for higher mileage running!”

Tyffany said: “I go slow… Just adding a mile a week or so depending on how I’m feeling.  I run about 4 times a week, so day one I would try to add a quarter mile and then a half mile on running day 2 and so on.  

Penny said: “If I want to increase my mileage I’d make a list of treats that I can reward myself like a big meal or a pair of new shorts… that always gets me going.”

Nicole said: “I found a good way to increase mileage (if you have the time) is to do 2x a days.  So if the plan said 4, I would do 3 in the morning and 2 in the evening.  Just an example.

Meghan said:  “I have heard a good rule of thumb is to build your miles by no more than 10% each week.  So if you run 20 miles one week, increase to 22 miles the next week.”

Kathee said: “I also keep it within 10% of the last week and I do my long runs very slow.  At least 2 minutes slower than my half marathon min/mile.

 Erica said: “I like having the set day of the week that the long run gets bumped up.  I like the mental prep and anticipation of the add mileage day.”

Katie said: “One tip I’d say would be to do plenty of relaxed runs. Don’t focus all your efforts on running high mileage.  Some of your runs just have to keep you loving the sport and your body prepared for the harder runs.”

Brooke said: “I increase my mileage by my training plan, but I’m starting to get a feel for if I know I can go further. I think being smart and feeling it out will help you increase your mileage.”

Whitney said: “What helps increase my mileage is something that might not work for everyone, but I do shorter runs during the week because I just can’t manage really super long ones due to work and just being exhausted.  I do my longer mileage runs on Saturday morning.  This helps me mentally because I know I only have to make it through one or two really long runs during the entire week!”


Below are pictures from different websites with great information and if you just click on the picture it will take you to the site for more info about this topic!

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Let’s talk about RUNNING GOALS!!! What are some of your goal distances and goal paces that are on your mind currently?

-I am shooting for a sub 1:30 half by February!

Are you currently increasing your mileage?  Why?

How old were you when you got your first pair of running shoes?

Who is your absolute all-time favorite running partner?

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Great tips! I’m currently working on running faster. I usually only do about 3-5 miles at a time, so I would like to be faster right now rather than increase my mileage.
I recently starting running with a group and I can’t beleive how much it helps. I recently ran my fastest 5k cutting off about 3.5 minutes!!

Love Brooke’s running shoes!


3.5 minutes off!! THAT IS AWESOME!! I totally agree, running groups are so beneficial for becoming a better runner!


random question. do you use a fuel belt? if so, which one? if not, how/why!?!


I have a few times. Usually I just plan my course to go by drinking fountains or I am on the treadmill and drink from my water bottle. As for fuel I just carry it as I run:) Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.


Just made your tabbouli from an earlier post cause i’ve been craving it ever since…SO YUMMY!!!


I am so glad you liked it! I am addicted to that stuff. Have a great day Julie!


I love how ghetto-fab the shoes look on Brooke!! Brookie-from-the-hood? No? haha. She’s clearly going to be a speedster regardless!
Running plans for me are up in the air at the moment!! I ran my first half-marathon with a 1:28:30 this past weekend, and I want to start going faster, but I’m not sure if that means backing off and lowering my 5k and 10k times and then building or building up my long-distance speed … I’m going to be talking to a coach about it in the next little while, and I’m joining a training group. Whatever happens, I’m excited for the future!!
I totally think you’re capable of sub-1:30 — seeing your marathon times of past, and knowing that your speed will still tend to increase until you’re 30, I totally believe in you. Fueling with candy and FMWs doesn’t hurt either!! ;)


Bahaha… ‘Brookie-from-the-hood’ just made my day! DANG.. your first half was a 1:28.. you are incredible! Teach me your ways! Yep, candy and FMWs always helps!


I would love to teach you or anyone else, but I’m really not sure how I did it … that sounds weird. I used to strength train a lot more before I picked up my mileage. I think I owe a lot of it to the strength in my legs. If I were to give tips on working up speed, it would be that — take back the mileage a bit for a few months (if your racing schedule will allow it) and concentrate on building those quads, hammies, calves, and hip flexors. (And obviously the core to keep from injury.) — But I’m super new to this, totally learning as I go and hoping for the best!! :)


This is great! Thanks for posting!

I have a 5 miler race coming up this Saturday and it’s my first one post injury. I have today after work, but since I’m coming back from injury I’m not going to race really hard, or at least that’s what I tell myself prior to race day :)

I like the 10% rule too. I plan to run a half and a full marathon early next year (fingers crossed on being injury free) and it will be my first for both! So excited :)


AHHH first race post injury, I am stoked for you! Good call, just run it and enjoy it, you will be back to racing and going for pr’s in no time. I am so excited for your future 1/2 and full marathons!


Right now I’m 32 weeks pregnant and hope to continue to run for as long as possible. That is my short term goal. Longer term goal = training for a 1/2 marathon in 2013.

By the way, how tall is your sister? I thought you might be the rogue giant in your family, but it looks like you guys all hit the height jackpot?


HEY ROBIN!! You are rocking your pregnant running, way to go! The sister is 5’10” I am actually the shortest of all my siblings (there are 5 of us).


Ahhhh Robin, I’m 32 weeks pregnant too!!! Yay for keeping up with running!! That’s also my long term goal too!!!!


I want to start working on my speed and finally add in a lot of strength training. Last weekend I was finally able to break 2 hours in a half marathon. That is enough to spark my desire to increase my speed. I’m really into the half marathon distance and would like to continue focusing on that.

My favorite workout partner is me! I like my alone time during a run and not worrying about going too fast or too slow for someone else.


JESSICA!! Congrats on the sub 2 hour half marathon, what a huge accomplishment. I am loving the half distance too! Yep, I like myself as a running partner too, we need that alone time!


I am increasing my mileage in prep for the Philly marathon in Nov, yahooo! Hoping for a PR, so that means low 3:50s for me. it will be a challenge!

I was 14 when I got my first pair for freshman yr XX. That was 21 yrs ago!!

I have different favs for different reasons – I love running with my hubby cause I always wanted a spouse to run with, but it is not his fav, lol. I love easy runs with my sis when we chat and chat away. I love runs with my friends Carrie or Melissa bc I know they will push me. And even though it sounds silly, my Garmin (Garmy) is one of my favorite training buds. I talk to him like he is a person :)


I have one more week to add mileage. I’m running 12 on Saturday but while 11 was hard I know I’ll do it. It really is amazing how you build up to it and intervals, hills and strength help a TON. I think 7 miles was my hardest run and now its no big deal.

That picture of Brooke made me laugh out loud…in the waiting room of my car dealer getting service. I don’t know but I ran my first x-country race in 2nd grade and got beat at the finish line. I’ll never forget that.

I run alone but have fun boot camp group ive been training with for 5 months.

I run alone but I have a super fun hoot camp


I’m currently at JFK waiting for my next flight to Berlin to run my first marathon on Sunday! no goal pace anymore, just shooting to finish :)


These are all great tips! I’m running about 3 miles 2-3 times a week but my goal is to get to 5 miles. I guess I’ll get there soon enough. : )


Great tips! I followed a training plan from Runner’s World when I was increasing mileage to run a marathon and it worked really well for me. I plan to run another marathon not this December, but next. I plan to use the same training plan, but maybe with a bit of increased speed. I’d like to get a better time.


My running goal right NOW is to make it to Boston injury-free next year, unlike this year. I have learned that I end up injured if I run more than 4 days a week regularly. When I trained for my 1st marathon and BQed, i was running 4 days a week with the occasional 5th day thrown in randomly, always being an “easy” run. Every marathon since, I’ve tried to run 5x week, every week, and have wound up with some injury every single time. I have now backed down to 4x week and am feeling so much better.

I agree. Everyone has their own threshhold and we need to find our own. We can’t copy other people because we might end up hurt. Blogging comes with some pros and cons, and one of the very few cons is that I sometimes compare myself to others running back to back marathons, or putting in 70 mile weeks, and that just can’t happen for me. Like you said, my body would crumble!

I could really use some running partners! I am a solo runner and lately think it would be nice to have a buddy. :)


I am currently building miles now and love the tips. Right now I’ve really been a fan of the 10% rule. My boyfriend is my favorite running partner. He is much faster than me so he pushes me to work harder. Also, I have teeny feet so Brooke and I could probably share those shoes haha


Love her running shoes! Adorbs! Thanks for the tips on increasing mileage. I love to run, but have never done more than a 10k. I fantasize about doing a half someday and need to figure out how to get there.


I am running a marathon weekend after next and I am shooting for a BQ, sub-3:35! I think it’s a bit of a long shot (I’ve never done much speed work and my PR is a 3:46) so most importantly I just want to have fun, be proud of myself, and be grateful for whatever my body gives me that day.


hahaha love the pic of Brooke w/her shoes! What a cutie.


Here is a bird’s eye view why HHO kits fundamentally can not imovpre fuel nation:The laws of scenery state that you can not make or ruin energy. You can only convert it. Every time you convert an energy form, a part of that always goes to heat. That heat is lost.A car in essence converts the energy available in gasoline to kinetic motion + heat.Converting kinetic motion to electricity then to hydrogen and then back to kinetic motion incurs many further heat losses.HHO can not work.


I like these points!! I’m currently not running because of pregnancy (I think I say this every time I comment on your posts lately haha), and a poopey hip flexor so I can’t wait to get back to it, but I will remember to start slow so I DON’T irritate my hips again!! I feel really good today and was almost tempted to run, but I think I’ll wait a few more days, just to be sure I’m in the clear. My goal is to have my first half marathon post-baby done by the time the baby is 5 months (mainly because the half I’m looking at running is in that timeframe ;) ).


This was really helpful Janae, thanks so much! I couldn’t agree more that what works for some people does NOT work for everyone. I have tried SmartCoach and Hal Higdon plans and got injured with both.. They were too much too fast for me. What has worked miracles for me are Jeff Galloway’s training methods and plans. Whenever I run I run with an interval timer I got on Amazon. I set it for 3 minutes:1 minute and run 3, walk 1. This has also helped me to avoid injury when increasing miles. For me personally I must be extremely careful with any increases, but I’m okay with that because I’m happy just to be out there running!

My current goal is just to finish my very first 10 miler! It’s in about 3 weeks and I am very excited!

I was about 14 when I got my first pair of running shoes, that’s when I joined the track team in high school.

I don’t have a running partner :( I really want one! I can’t convince anyone I know that running isn’t crazy and I’ve been looking for a group that is right for me but haven’t had any luck. Maybe you could write a post about finding groups!?


At 27 weeks pregnant, I’m just trying to hold on to what little mileage I’m still doing, but I’m looking forward to being able to build back up in the spring. I so wish I could find a long run partner, but it seems like everyone I know does long runs on Sunday morning, and we have church. Maybe one day…


I have had several time goals for a while. But not sure I enjoy the pain enough to meet them.
I am increasing my mileage. I jumped from 3 mile runs to 5 mile runs and am enjoying it.
I have two favorite running partners and they know who they are! I do NOT run with my husband.
PS: The 2x a time suggestion that I posted did come from an article in RW. Here it is:

The Kidless Kronicles


I am super excite to run in my first race ever!!!! I’m running a half marathon in 2 1/2 weeks. I can’t wait. My main goal is to finish and feel like I did my best. If I can do it in less than 2 hours I will be ecstatic!


My current running goal: I’m training to run a half marathon in January (Tinkerbell!). Through the week, I start with a quick 1 mile, then I either cross train or work with weights, usually Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. On my weekend run, usually Sunday, I do my long run, where I go until I feel like I’m ‘done’ and then push myself a little farther. I can’t wait for my Garmin Forerunner 10 to come in the mail, so I know exactly how far/fast I’m going. Anyway, instead of working on speed work, I’m more concerned with upping my mileage.

I have always worn tennis shoes, but my first pair of actual running shoes, I didn’t get them until I was 17 (in Basic Training). It was a requirement the first week of Basic, for everyone to get sized and measured and try out REAL running shoes. I had no idea how much it matters to have shoes that are right for you, ya know? I had just always thought that if you buy the right size of any pair of New Balance, you were good to go. Bwahahaha, I was so wrong. Now I’m obsessed with running shoes. I find a pair that I love, and go back and stock up so I’m never without a perfect pair.

I have two favorite running partners. My best friend, Jessica, is always encouraging me to keep pushing, without hurting myself. She is a more advanced runner than I am, so sometimes I feel like I’m holidng her back. My 9 year old daughter, Nicole, is my other favorite running partner. She is becoming interested in running with me, which is nice. When I do my shorter runs, she can keep up with me, which is impressive. When I go for my longer runs, she hops on her bike and talks to me the whole way. I love that girl! I have a feeling you and Brooke are going to be the same way. <3


Those running shoes are so freaking cute! I have no idea when I got my first pair.


brooke is so, so cute in her shoes!! i love that photo!
my best running buddy of all time is MY DAD!!! we ran our first race ever together (1990!), our first ‘thon (although we raced separately) and we did training runs and race outings for years. dad’s getting back into running after a few niggling injuries, so i hope we can still do some future runs together!
GREAT post, janae, very sound info and advice!


next goal: 3:35 marathon so I can run Boston!! I didn’t really pay attention to how my mileage was increasing— just followed a marathon training plan- Run Less Run Faster. Favorite running partners? it’s a tie: my sister and husband. Except my sister is in UTAH…and I’m not. boooo


My next goal is a sub 25 minute 5K. Not sure when. Maybe by spring?? :)
I’m increasing my mileage on principle…lol. I’ve been at 8 a week for three weeks and it’s time to move on if I want that 5k. (I got stress fractures when I first started running and I’m trying to be more careful this time around).
I got my first pair of specifically for running shoes when I was 19.
My favorite running partner would have to be my husband (though I’m too slow for him most of the time. Only every now and then will he take it easy for me. Lol :))


Thanks for this post, it seems especially poignant today after a not so great 10 miler this weekend and a great 5 miler today. Over the weekend I was struggling and ready to give up!

My current running goal is to FINISH the Philadelphia Marathon. It will be my first full, so while I’d love to do it in under 5 hours (and really, really love to do it in 4:30)…I don’t know what the experience will be like for me and so my main goal is to enjoy it and to cross the finish line!!!

My favorite running partner is my BFF from college Erin…but she is speedier than I am so I can usually only keep up for a few miles and then I see her when she circles back and passes me again! Despite that she keeps me believing in myself and motivated and I am exponentially thankful for that.


ahahahaha I took one look at Brooke in her little shoes and said out loud at work “Oh My God” and then I didn’t read anything else you wrote hahaha went right down to the comments! Just have to say she’s so beautiful, and pretty, and adorable and her little mouth is so cute! Of course her shoes are awesome too!!! Happy 6 week Birthday Brooke!!! Okay now I’ll go read the rest just had to say that!


Awesome post chica! Lately I have just been focusing on the quality of my runs, more so than the quantity. Like you said, you have all of your life to run and pile on those miles. Right now my body is comfortable (and injury free) with 30 to 40 miles per week along with cross training. I am inspired by those that can do 100 miles/week but certainly I am not at that point! And I’m okay with that. I think balance is key more than anything else.


There is a misconception that the calaiyttc converter hurts MPG and performance. While this is true to a small degree, it is not like it used to be. By using a high flow cat, you might pick up two miles per gallon. But do not remove this or gut it as the ECM has to have one there to keep the car from going into limp home mode or shutting the car down completely.Exhaust manifolds can create an unneeded amount of back pressure, so tubular headers will also give better performance.Now the above two items are not that cheap to replace, to improve a car in these two areas can cost from 200 dollars on up.Some spark plugs do increase MPG’s and performance, according to dyno results done by Grassroots Motorsports there can be a marked improvement.Also the grade of oil can produce noticeable results, switching to a 10W-? from a 30W-? would help. If the car is built to be able to use 5W-? the results will be even better.Don’t labor under the misconception that if horse power is increased that the MPG’s will suffer! The thing is that most of us will drive to take advantage of power and not to increase MPG’s. So along with modifications and changing the air filter as well as running about 3 lbs more air pressure- drive smarter. Instead of powering into a turn and braking at the last minute, lift the throttle sooner and let the car slow down by itself. The cheapest modification to make to improve fuel economy is to change ones driving habits!


My favorite running partner is myself. Close 2nd, my mom.

My running goal right now, is to maintain a solid base so that when I pick out that next race I am ready to train for a PR.


These are all great tips! Thanks, Janae!
Yes. I’m slowly increasing my mileage to build up to my marathon in the beginning of December. Then I’ll have a little break and then do it all over again for the Big Sur marathon next April.


I was increasing my mileage but now I’m in TAPER TIME!!! And I don’t know when I got my first pair of tennis shoes… I probably have had tennis shoes since I could walk but I never bought shoes specifically for running until this past year!


I’m so stoked that my silly comments made it to your shortlist of readers’ comments.

I love that your approach to running is about having fun and not beating yourself up and it makes me feel better about myself for not having a ‘Do or Die’ approach to running.

I have a question about the tern of new runners- does it include amateurs who have less than 10 races under their belt?


Oh I just love that picture of Brooke in her little (big) shoes! And thanks so much for the tips, Janae! I’m not currently doing any running, but I’m always leaving myself open to the possibility that I might get back into it so I’m definitely saving these tips for when that happens.


Thanks for the tips…so many great ones that I see what I’ve been doing wrong. Love the Nike’s…and her long legs. :) I’ve never had a running partner, I like the alone time. I am training for my next half so yeah, I’m trying to up my miles again.


I’m training for my second half marathon right now so I’m slowly increasing my long runs each week…Honestly though, since I’ve run 13.1 miles before (my pdr) I’m starting to crave a longer goal. A full marathon sounds absolutely terrifying but I can’t get the thought of reaching that goal off of my mind!


I don’t have any goal paces right now! It’s all about the mileage for me for now. In a few months I will probably take a break from building mileage and start to work seriously on building speed. I’m shooting for 10-15 mile long runs before I take speed too seriously… but I may start to not very seriously run a little faster just for kicks. ;)

First pair of running shoes at 19. I also only started running just before I turned 19.

My all time favorite running partner is my boyfriend! Sometimes is is sooo hard to get out the door, but once he’s out he’s awesome. He played varsity soccer in high school and he can run forever, so he keeps me on my toes. :)


Wow Janae, what a great post!! Thanks for writing about increasing mileage first, then work on speed. I’m building back up from an injury and I’ve been wondering about that lately.

I got my first pair of real running shoes when I was 29. This month marks my 3rd year of running. Whoop whoop!!

P.S That pic of Brooke is in my top 4 favorite pics ever!!


I really like ” running and walking for women over 40: the road to Sanity and vanity” by…the first woman to run the Boston marathon. I bought it when I was 30 and it helped me become a one hour runner.

Then I used a 3 day per week training plan to train for my second half, and it was awesome! My body can’t do more than 3days a week.

I’m not running until I stop nursing or get a better bra.


I am increasing my mileage post-baby, too! My little girl is five months now, and I am training for a few halfs this fall and at least one marathon in the spring.

I used to only run three days a week, but we moved to a runnable neighborhood and bought a treadmill, so I am up to five days now. I would like to be at six, but it’s a slow process.


Marathon: sub 3:10
Half Marathon: sub 1:32 (maybe a bit faster…we shall see)

Increasing mileage slowly now that I am no longer pregnant =)

Favorite running partner -> hubby…but we don’t get to run together much these day…as much as I would love to run with him (esp on the long runs), it means more to me to have him watch the kiddies so that I can get the mileage in that I need to.

PS. Great post…you brought up so many great points =)


Really enjoyed this post!! I am currently increasing my mileage for my first full marathon effort in mid-November. I will be doing my first 20 miler ever in a week and a half and I am both excited and scared!!! I have simply been focusing on increasing my mileage and after this first marathon I can hopefully work on speed! Love the blog and congrats on the new baby!!!


This is amazing!!!

Happy 6 weeks!!


OK that picture of Brooke in her running shoes is absolutely priceless!! And Janae do me a favor and go peek at my blog when you get a second … I have some news I’ve been wanting to tell you!! ;)


Good tips! I’m increasing my mileage as of recently because I figured, why not? Since I’m not training for anything in specific, I can slowly increase my mileage and hopefully not have to worry about injuries as a result (like you mentioned). If I can stick with it, I’d like to think this is my super early training for a potential future marathon.


Goal 1: Recover from my injury ;) and NOT GET ANOTHER ONE!
Goal 2: Sub 19 5k (2008 ran a 19:10)
Goal 3: Sub 1:30 half (actually I really want to go sub 1:25 but I am scared of disappointing myself. There. I said it.) (2007 ran a 1:29:4?)
Goal 4: Run a marathon!! Actually I want to run sub 3:00 for a marathon :) I am excited to actually try and train once I can run again….its been years since I did anything but random not-pushing-the-pace miles. I would LOVE to accomplish all these goals in the next 12-14 months, but I dont know when Ill even be able to run again so we shall see :)


Holy cow I was mentioned! Yay! And all the advice is great, some great tips I needed to know! :-)


You rock – a sub 1:30 half by February! You are an inspiration – and I know you’ll nail it! My goal right now is to run a sub 2:00 half sometime next year… my PR is 2:06. So close – yet so far away!


The big goal is my BQ. How many months/years/marathons this will take? I do not know, but that’s the goal! This last weekend I made a smaller goal of running a half in under 1:50 (and I got to run the last 2 miles with a running celeb!)! The best race EVER! As far as increasing mileage, I’ve been following the 10% rule with miles, but got carried away with intensity. Oops! A 1:30 half… that’s soooo fast! You can totally do it! Love Brooke’s shoes :)


Hey chica, I haven’t read your blog in awhile but so excited to see your little one. Many congrats to you! She’s gorgeous. :)


Great tips!!

My current goals are 1) sub 25:00 5k; and 2) a sub- 1:55 half marathon. I just did my first marathon and I’m planning on doing another in the spring!

I’m not currently increasing mileage.. In fact, I’m kind of doing the opposite! I spent all summer building mileage for the marathon and now that it’s been done for 2 weeks, I’m letting my body have a rest before my half marathon in 2.5 weeks.

My fave person to run with is my friend Erin. She and I met because we run the exact same pace and in every local race we would be running side by side after a few mins. We’ve become super close since then and do a lot of our training runs together!


My goal is to run a half marathon in under two hours. My last one was 2:00.08, so it was kind of a bummer to miss it by 9 seconds :)

I signed up for another half on October 27th, so I am hoping to try again:) I just found out the 2 hour pacer is a friend of mine, so I am hoping she will push me to the end if she has to!

I increase my mileage by one mile per week when training for a longer race. Then I do one run that is half that distance for a speed workout. The other two runs (I run 4x a week) are half longest distance but slower.


Great post. And your Feb sub 1.30 HM goal made me laugh…I’m going for a sub-2 hrs HM in October. I’m very excited and suddenly very scared about it!


My best running partner ever is my current running partner who is helping me train for a 3:35 marathon. Both of our fingers are crossed that we can do it, but our long runs together have made this training cycle waaaaay more fun than my last one.


Shooting for a 1:25ish half for the NIKE half oct 14! EEEK!!!!
Not increasing mileage anymore…taking it easy. Starting having IT band issues a month ago but didnt take it easy like BILLY did …so I’m kind of still dealing with that. :/ oh well
Got my first pair of running shoes in junior year of high school. :)


Brooke is so adorable. Look at those long legs. Those were made for running!

To answer your questions:
I’m shooting for a sub 3 in the marathon. I hope to get into CIM via time trial. However my last qualifying race was just over two years ago so I may have to beg for a bib with my name on it. It was a 3:05 at the Nike women’s marathon in SF (October). CIM’s qualifying time cutoff is 2 years prior to the 2012 race so technically I don’t meet the requirements.

I AM currently increasing my mileage. I’m currently at 50+ mpw and trying to get it to 75 mpw. Two years ago I was at 100+ mpw so I know I can do it. But like you, I want to do it right! I too suffered from a stress fracture last year and that totally threw me off in my training for the majority of the year.

BTW, you are so lucky to have such an awesome family! I’m the only runner in my family so they don’t exactly get it, but they tolerate my craziness.


Great tips as always, J! Althoguh 10 miles is my PDR, it took a while for me to build up to that distance. Like you said, consistency is key…slowly building up my mileage ensured I stayed injury-free and it also made the distance less daunting over the weeks!


I’m not planning on increasing my mileage for a while yet, but I’ll definitely be keeping this post in mind when I do!
Right now my goal is to either get my average pace down to 10 min/mile and do a 5k in under 30 minutes… I’m getting close! 35:22 is my best so far.
My favorite running partner is by far my dog : ) He is SO excited every time we go for a run, and is always willing to slow down when I need to or pull me along at the end when I’m dragging my feet.
Btw, Brooke is absolutely adorable with that spikey hair and wide range of facial expressions. I love reading your blog!


Lando, my dog, has been my only running partner and I love. Sure, he’s tried to take me out on numerous occasions by lunging after a squirrel, darting infront of me, knocking my leg out from under me or completely putting on the brakes when he senses something he doesn’t like. But, he doesn’t complain (mostly) and he lets me know when we need to speed up or slow down. Great running buddy :)


You MUST frame that photo of Brooke in the running kicks. Classic!

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