Cream Cheese Chicken Chili

Can we just start the morning off by talking about how Brooke’s hair can now almost fit into a ponytail?  I tried braiding it earlier in the day but it didn’t quite work, give it another month or two and I am sure it will be long enough for a french braid.

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You know when you miss people a lot and so you decide to make food that reminds you of them and after each bite you are reminded of an awesome memory with that person and then you start talking to them out loud even though they aren’t there and people look at you really strange?  (Can you believe I passed a college English class after I write sentences like that one?  I can’t either)

This soup reminds me of my sister because she used to make it for me all of the time.  We got the recipe from Megan and it is killer!  It is called ‘Cream Cheese Chicken Chili’ and we follow the recipe exactly but we add an extra can of tomato soup and we get the spicy rotel tomatoes instead of the mild.   We invited some friends over to join in on the chili loving.

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The reasoning for this amazing gathering:  MODERN FAMILY.  The premier was on Wednesday night but we all made a pact to wait to watch it until Thursday night so we could watch it together.  I was tempted all day on Thursday to just watch a little bit but filled the void with How I Met Your Mother episodes until I could finally watch it.

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After Modern Family we watched The Office from last week and it was hilarious!  Nothing like sitting around laughing your head off while eating apple crisp.  I decided that since I was on this whole fall foods kick that I had to make apple crisp for dessert.  I have never made apple crisp before and I probably shouldn’t have experimented on my friends but how can you go wrong with apples, oatmeal, butter and brown sugar?  Betty Crocker to the rescue.

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My friend brought me my VERY OWN dish of candy corn and peanuts and she even said I didn’t have to share with anybody.  I can’t wait to add a few FMWs to that bowl and some milk and eat it with a spoon for breakfast this morning.

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Please note that Brooke spit her pacifier out and is reaching for the candy at the ripe old age of 43 days old.  It must be a hereditary thing.


What are you most looking forward to this weekend?

Any Modern Family fans?  What did you think of this weeks episode?

What are you having for breakfast today?

-I already told you.  That was not a joke.

Favorite Fall Food?!?

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have i told you how amazing you look with that baby in your hands!?!?! motherhood suits you, lady!


HEY YOU!! Thank you so much! I can’t wait for her to fit into the little shoes you sent, they are way too cute! Hope you are having an amazing day and next year I want to go to fitbloggin with you, you looked like you had so much fun!


Aww that looks like a fun time, and how nice that she gave you your own bowl of candy corn! I need a personal sized bowl so I don’t eat the whole bag at once! And Brooke does have long hair! I still looked bald in the pictures from my first birthday!


My hair was crazy thick and long as a baby too…so was Sophia’s so that was pretty cool to me considering she’s adopted. :) Love me some MF…turned on the tv just in time for the premier. Not a fan of candy corn and I actually just pinned that recipe (or similar) yesterday, I’ll have to give it a try. I can’t say that I’ve ever made food because it reminds me of someone…or heard anyone say that. Ha! Only you Janae. :) xo, Jessica




OMG Brooke looks identical to Billy in that last pic )! Favorite fall food is butternut squash!


Ah LOVE that child’s hair. Seriously, she is one lucky baby. ;)


Wow her hair is getting so long. I forget how fast hair actually grows until you have a child because their hair grows and doubles in length so much (does that even makes sense LOL)
this weekend I’m going to my alma mater so I’m pretty pumped!


I had a Toaster Strudel, my husband hates them but I can’t get over them even at the age of 23.
I’m looking forward to my first double digit run of 10 miles this weekend! I just hope to fit it in before Monday.


That chili looks amazing! Favorite Fall food is pumpkin anything. Have a wonderful weekend!


I adore Modern Family! That Manny is the funniest thing!


I love him too!!!


I’m looking forward to my first half marathon this weekend!


AHHHHH GOOD LUCK EMMA!! Enjoy every second, you are going to do amazing! I want to hear all about it!


That chili looks awesome and I’m not even a soup fan!

For some reason I feel the need to store up my favorite shows like Modern Family and “save them.” I know, I’m weird, I don’t get it either


Brooke has more hair at 47 days than I did at two years. Super jealous. I loveee Modern Family. I crack up for the entire 30 minutes. And my absolute favorite fall food is butternut squash. I get giddy when I find new recipes for it.


You just made me want to go buy some butternut squash. Pass along any good recipes when you find them!


target shirt? i’m wearing the same one in grey today haha.

i had almond butter/banana oatmeal today for breakfast. good stuff!!


IT IS!! We are twinners. I am obsessed with their clothes!


LOVE Modern Family! Those stuffed animals on the roof had me dying.

And after nearly giving up on The Office last season, I have to say, I’m impressed with these first two episodes.

This weekend, I am most looking forward to having a yard sale with my family. Trying to get rid of lots of stuff before I move in a few months. Also — 6 mile run tomorrow. Yeah!


Oh my goodness… that part was beyond funny! How do they come up with all of this stuff.. geniuses. I can’t wait to watch this weeks episode of the Office. Have fun at the yard sale and your run!


We watched Modern Family last night, too! So funny! That show is the best.

I had cheerios and a banana for breakfast. I am so boring.

This weekend, I’m excited to run my first marathon of the year!


AHHHH I am so stoked for your marathon! I am going to live through you:)


I thought the episode was hilarious! My favorite part was the hangover drink.
Pumpkin overnight oatmeal.
It would have to be homemade soups and grilled cheese!


BAHAHAHA seriously, that part was so funny! Can I have some of your bfast?


Haha I think you were subconsciously thinking of the candy corn when you got dressed—your shirt kind of matches it! :)
And favorite fall food is SQUASH!!


I think I did too… I was probably trying to hint to my friend to bring them for me!


This is weekend our 6th wedding anniversary. Yay so we’re going to dinner if we can stop arguing long enough about how many moving boxes we need to move across town. :) And my 12 miles as hard as I think it will be.

Not into many shows, no time with two kids, photography and running and everything else. I watch Parenthood though. I love that.

Breakfast – egg whites with feta and sun dried tomatoes. Brooklyn will probably demand half of them. :)

Fall food – well it doesn’t feel like fall here until November but I love pumpkin anything.


I had FMW and as I was eating them, I wondered what your soggy to non-soggy FMW ratio is? Or maybe I’m the only hog who shovels 2-3 FMW pieces in my mouth at a time?! ;) I prefer at least 1 non-soggy to every soggy piece….in case you were wondering!


I am so glad you think about these important things too:) Don’t think I am weird but my ratio is 3-0. I too eat 3 at a time but I like them all soggy… is that weird? I am going to try your ratio!


Did you dress to match the candy corn intentionally?


Subconsciously I must have:)


LOVE! Modern Family! That’s one of the best TV shows out there right now. However, I don’t know if I’d have the courage to watch it in a big group of people. Here’s why: It seems like all Modern Family episodes are just hilarious, both with the blatant dialog(usually stuff that Phil says) and then the subtle things in the background(IE: the big stuffed animals on the “dancing car”? Okay, maybe that’s not that subtle) that just make me belly laugh, and then, out of nowhere I am smacked in the face with something that makes me tear up. This week, it was Jay’s reaction to finding out that Gloria was pregnant. UGH! I get teary just thinking about it again! And I am not usually this emotional! Thanks A LOT Modern Family! :)

Did you see this week’s “The Office” episode?? My friend! plays Roy’s brother Kenny!! He was in an episode a few years ago when they were at a bar when Roy finds out Pam kissed Jim. It’s so fun seeing him on that show! :D I won’t mind if you tell everyone you know a movie star. ;) His name is Mike, just in case they challenge your claim.


I didn’t see this week’s episode but we are going to watch it tonight!! AHHH I can’t believe your friend is in it! That is the coolest thing ever! I can’t wait. Oh my goodness…the dancing car part made me laugh so hard! I got all emotional too and that same part!


Brooke is one smart girl – candy corn is the BEST thing about the Fall.


That chili looks amazing – I think I’m going to have to try it out this weekend.


I have got to make that chilli! I bookmark it every time you reference it.

This weekend I’m looking forward to my workouts, going to the movies, and hopefully shopping with Jes.

I loved this weeks episode! It was great how they picked up right where they left off, then did the speed up to get caught up with current times!

Today I had rice krispies, 1 piece of bacon, and 2 pieces of cinnamon toast.

I don’t think I have a fave fall food. I need to work on that.

I totally get what you mean about eatting something because it reminds you of someone. My grandma eats turkey sandwiches w/ miracle whip on wheat. So when I get really homesick I start to eat that too.


That chili looks amazing…going to try it. Even though you carried her for 40 weeks and pushed her out, the photo of Brooke grabbing for the candy corn is 100% confirmation she is yours!


HAHAHA I am worried I am going to have someone that is going to find my candy stash and eat it in a few years. I will have to buy a lock or something.


I will be making that chili asap! Nothing like a hot bowl of chili with a ton of tortilla chips!

I’m looking forward to spending time with Andy this weekend!

Today’s breakfast was blueberry frosted mini wheats with almond milk! Have you tried the blueberry ones? They’re pretty good!

Favorite fall foods = candy corn, applesauce, apples, and soups!


Hi there…I just wanted to let you know that I just recently started reading your blog from way back…(I have VERY long boring workdays) and I love it! I love your attitude and bubbliness! I just had to comment to tell you, that even though your pictures are always so happy and pretty; the ones after Brooke, they are just different. You just look SO content and peaceful. And it is amazing how that shows through in pictures. You are very blessed!


Katie! Your comment absolutely made my day. Thank you so much! It is crazy how different I feel after having her, life has never been so good. I hope you are having a great day and that your workday is going by quickly!


Hahahaha. She is SO your daughter ;)


Awwww Brooke is sooo cute! ANd yes, she is VERY much your daughter. Haha. Love it.

What a fun evening–that chili sounds delish!


She does have all kinds of hair! So cute! My sister is coming to visit this weekend! Can’t wait!


Have so much fun with your sister!!!


Oooh I’m a total Modern Family fan! I’ll definitely be watching it this weekend :D


Haha Brooke is very much her mother’s daughter. But can you blame her? I’m sure candy tastes way better than a pacifier. But what are you going to do when she grows older and you have to share?!


Haha I love that last photo!

Modern Family was great – although at the end, when they fast forwarded through the ENTIRE SUMMER?!?!


Agreed… it didn’t seem like something that show would normally do!


Ohhh I want to make apple crisp now!! YUM!
I also need to watch both Modern Family and the Office! I’ve been slacking in my TV watching lately!
I’m looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning! And then doing my 20 miler on Sunday!! Well, I’m looking forward to eating and resting after my 20 miler… haha


i am looking forward to the last few days of sunshine in portland, oregon this weekend before our rain and dreariness sets in for 9 months! looooove me some modern family but we haven’t watched the new episode yet.

for breakfast i had a significant amount of my husband’s smoothie, some granola and some eggs.

favorite fall food-all things pumpkin and spice! particularly pumpkin spice lattes and pumpkin bread! mmm i’m actively drooling.


happy friday!!

oh my goodness! love brooke’s hair and all of her cute facial expression!! she’s is adorable.

i want to make anything that requires roasting, braising, or cooking for long periods of time in a crockpot or oven. and…pumpkin whoopie pies. i can’t wait to make those too. : )


Ahh candy corn and peanuts…you know you are to blame for me being hooked on that, right?


Well my daughter is 20 months and Brooke has more hair than her. It’s just not growing. Even with pink clothes and a sweet girly face she gets called a boy.

Sad story…I got to the end of Friday Night Lights last night on Netflix. What do I do now? I really want to have about 47 more seasons and watch Tim Riggins kids play Panther football. Is it bad that I am sad?


I have to say that I am new to your blog (found you a few months ago after doing a search on how to become a faster runner) and I am addicted! You are gorgeous, hilarious and an amazing mother. Brooke is beautiful, comgratulations! There is nothing better in this life than being a Mom!
I am a stay at home Mom to 3 and I began running about a year ago. I am old, turning 38 next week :) I dont know what I was thinking! But I love it. I cant wait until my next run and read anything I can get my hands on about running! You are such an inspiration. I have my first half marathon next weekend. Any advice?


Ahhh hi Lin! Thank you so much for your comment!! It made me so happy! You are not old! 3 kids… That is awesome! Can you email me and we can talk all about your 1/2! I have too much to say for a comment ha!


Her hair seems like it’s growing SO FAST! So cute!!! :D She’s rapidly losing her punk hairstyle though!

Breakfast was rice crispies and almond milk and a banana. Yours sounds more exciting!


Her hair is getting so long!!! :) And what a sweet friend to bring you that mix. I still need to try it! I have 4 bags of candy corn (!!) so all I need is some peanuts! I’ve never seen Modern Family, but plan on getting into it, after hearing from EVERYONE about how good it is. Yay for FMW! :)


-I love Modern Family, it’s such a fun show to watch! I really liked this last week’s episode…I have a prediction that Gloria will give her baby to Cam and Mitch (totally a guess, but we’ll see!)
-favorite fall food is definitely apples


You should start watching the new normal too. it’s hilarious!!!

AND I LOVE C^4 from meg’s blog. . .it’s my go to football pot luck dish!!!

Apple crisp mmmmmmmmmmm


I love modern Family but I actually haven’t had a chance to watch this weeks episode! It’s funny because I have yet to buy candy corn this year, and you’re already on like your second bag haha


I love the candy corn peanut combo… I make it too but I also add M and Ms. We call it Halloween trail mix! And according to my husband the correct ratio is 1 candy corn, 2peanuts and one m&m!
For breakfast I had a fiber one bar and a latte! Happy Friday!


Just about every night I sit on the couch & read your blog. You make me laugh out loud (literally!), and every time I laugh, my dad says “Are you laughing at Janae?” since he’s so used to me doing it now :)


Hahahah your comment made my day! Thank you! Ps I love your name!!!


I I had toast and pumpkin bread!! Carb loading baby.


1. I am in love with Brooke! I shall never have a baby girl because I don’t think they could ever compare to the cuteness of your baby. Seriously, LOVE!

2. I love modern family!

3. You are flipping gorgeous and I love the fact that your shirt matches the candy corn. :)

Have an amazing weekend Janae!


Do you use Campbells condensed tomato soup or another kind? I want to try this!


Hey Jen! I just use the store brand of tomato sauce! Is that what you mean?


oh, it said tomato soup so I didn’t know if you were using condensed soup or regular. Sauce is better because I already have a can :) I want this in my belly NOW, it looks so good!


I am so excited for my son’s 3rd birthday party tomorrow followed by a Utah State football game. Its going to be a good day.
We love Modern Family but are a bit behind so we’re currently watching last season on DVD.
I had oatmeal with peanut butter and blueberries this morning.
Favorite fall food has to be pumpkin chocolate chip muffins.


Fav fall food: apple anything, cider and apple crisp and caramel apples! This wkn relax before twin cities marathon next wknd!


I am most looking forward to running the color me rad 5k tomorrow with my girls!!! They are 5 & 7 and this will be their first 5k. 2 miles is the furthest I have let them go previously but this race is just all about fun so I think they will be fine doing run/walk for the whole thing. Super excited! :)


best food & best company! thanks again we love you guys!


I’m not looking forwar d to his weekend because I have a chem exam on Sunday! Yes classes on Sundays- no good!

LOVE Modern family! I was cracking up when they had the stuffed animals on the car hahaha.

Haven’t tried the candy corn/peanut mix- but I will get some peanuts this weekend. I’ve been loving the candy corn pumpkin things lately!

That picture of Brooke is hilarious- she’s going to be a sugar lover just like her mama.


Brooke keeps getting cuter and cuter!!! My daughter’s hair was just like Brooke’s, I have a picture somewhere of her in pigtails at 8 weeks. It’s awesome.

I LOVE Modern Family!!!!!


Yum, that soup looks good! We made something similar last year for a soup cook-off, and it came in 4th place out of 20+ soups. Something about cream + spices = win!


The thing I’m most looking forward to this weekend is watching as much seasons of Greys Anatomy as possible… I’m sick so I have to stay in :(. I haven’t tried MF yet but I will when it finally comes to Netflix! For breakfast…. BROWN SUGAR FROSTED MINI WHEATS, they are amaaaaaazzzzing. Faveforite fall foods gotta be soup, or candy corn. Question for you.. Have you ever watch Greys Anatomy?


We have the same tv cabinet! Hey IKEA!!
Janae you look great – just beaming with happiness (I’m guessing its only partly the candy corn ;) )


I love Modern Family, but I am a few seasons behind, so every year I buy a season on Black Friday for cheap. I am halfway through Season 2, so funny! Can’t wait to buy season 3.
Love The Office too, Jim and Pam are my favorites and Erin and Andy crack me up!


You already have so many friends!!

We looove Modern Family, The Office.

Fav fall foods = pumpkin errything. Starbucks pumpkin cream cheese muffins make the top of the list, but I never get there early enough to snag one before they are gone.


Ack somehow I missed this post. I don’t like missing your entries. :)

I think V was about 3 months old when he grabbed my sandwich while it was in my hands and moved it to his mouth. It was so funny


Weekend highlight: one of my best girlfriends got married :D

My husband and I *loveee* Modern Family!!! I think it’s gonna be another awesome season :)

Breakfasts lately I have been all about the ‘cake, peanut flour pancakes to be exact!!!


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There’s certainly a great deal to know about this subject.

I really like all of the points you have made.


This design is wicked! You certainly know how to keep a reader amused.
Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to
start my own blog (well, almost…HaHa!) Fantastic job.
I really enjoyed what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented
it. Too cool!

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