The reason for my tough run

New workout clothes are one of my favorite things in the whole world.  LOVE GROWN sent me a sweet new comfy and light top that was perfect for running in 85 degrees.  I don’t know what my deal is but I am choosing sleeping in every morning over running at a time that the sun isn’t beating down on me.

The biggest bonus of new workout clothes is that it means I can prolong doing laundry one more day each laundry cycle.  This is especially going to come in handy soon when I don’t have my parents’ beautiful laundry room to do laundry in and instead have to PAY to do laundry at the apartment laundry mat.  Maybe I can find a nice couple in our future neighborhood that wants to adopt us and we can do our laundry at their house.  

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Today’s 7 miles were tough.  Like I always say (after the run, not during because I am usually grumpy during tough runs) it is those tough runs that make all of the other runs feel so amazing.  Plus, you feel pretty bomb diggity when you finish a tough run.  

I haven’t had a wrap in years it feels like (don’t look that up in my blog archives because then you know that what I just said is a huge exaggeration) and the chicken club with bacon and avocado was meant for me to eat today.  Chips and salsa on the side always help in the decision making process.  

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I am trying to fit in as much friend time before I leave. I have known these girls for 12 years and I am going to miss them like crazy.

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Don’t worry, I have already scheduled a hair trim (does it count as a trim if you are taking off 8 inches of damage?) next week.  I mean it has only been 7 months since my last trim, no big deal.  I think I am going to color it really dark too:)

Gotta go, time to watch the Olympic Women’s 10k while eating my favorite animal.




What was the last new piece of workout clothes that you got?  Do new workout clothes motivate you to workout more?

Did you watch the Women’s Gymnastics? What did you think?  Have you seen any track events yet? Did you watch the 10,000 meter?

Anyone else have a tough run today or recently?  What do you think the main cause was for your tough run?

-The heat but I just can’t convince myself to wake up early for the last 3 weeks before never being able to sleep in again.  

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How crazy was the 10k finish by the winner (don’t wanna spoil it for anyone here)?!?! I love your shirt…where’s it from?


OH MY GOODNESS!!! Seriously, her kick was incredible. I re-watched it ten times ha! The shirt is from American Eagle and it was only ten bucks. They have the best t-shirts. Hope you are having an amazing day Allie!


I’ve never had a wrap (weird, right?). But lately the idea has been sounding pretty delish! I might have to grab some wraps this weekend so I can try it out.

I bought two Niki running tops. One on clearance for $14 and the other is a Red and Blue USA olympics one. Gotta rep america!
They don’t motivate me to workout, but they do motivate once I’m there. I always wear sleeveless on my arms day. So when I lift I can watch mu muscles move and it motivates me not to whimp out.

I’ve missed all of the olympic events so far. I know, I need to get it together.


GIRL, I am going to make you the best wrap in the entire world. You NEED to have a wrap asap, they are so delicious. GOOD deals on your running tops, they sound adorable. I do that with my arms days too!




Seriously, her kick was out of control!! We really need to have an Olympics watching party!


I have been having to wait for prime time to see most of the events. Every. Is and then I catch something on at my parents house live. The gymnastics was awesome!


The wrap looks so good right now (doesn’t help that I didn’t eat lunch…). I missed the women’s 10K. :(




I just watched the 10k…and to avoid spoiling anything – the gold medal winner’s finish was INSANE!! She is so freaking fast!!


My last tough run was due to God-knows-what. I still wanna know what the logic/pattern is in that. Everyone I talk to agrees when it “should” be crappy (hot, tired, overtrained, sore) it usually is GREAT, easy, I-coulda-done-another-seven and often when the pieces are all fit together to be GREAT (cool weather, fed, hydrated, new shoes, etc) it’s grueling torture.
Now I longer fight through tough runs. I stop, run/walk and just GET finished, but don’t endure the torture end of it. Sometimes stopping for literally 5 seconds and then starting back up again lets me go further, faster and longer. So, I’m happy to report, NO more torture treks for this gal!


Janice, that totally happens to me too sometimes. Everything is perfect about the run and it should be the world’s best run ever but it is awful. I think mentally we just aren’t in it some times and that effects everything about the run!I definitely stopped a few times today for just a few times and you are right, it helps so much!


I just went on a workout clothes bender! I went to Tj Maxx and they had both my fave running shorts by Puma and my fave workouts tanks. I may have bought several :)


I really need to hit up TJ MAXX asap, they really do have awesome stuff!


It’s so great you’re still running, and super impressive you’re doing it in the heat!
I just bought a new top for my ironman and it fit all my requirements- it’s pretty, has back pockets for my fuel on the bike, and is sleeveless for the heat.
I was so unimpressed with the Canadian feed for the 10 km. they didn’t show it until there were only 8 laps left! Amazing finish though!


Thanks girl! ABBY, I am stoked you found the perfect top for your IM. YOU ARE MY HERO!!! They only showed the last 8 laps? That is rude!


I love the love grown shirt! So cute :)

Loved watching women’s gymnastics, it is my favorite event to watch! Gabby Douglas of course is my fave, cuz she’s the bomb dot com.

Great job on your run! When I grow up and get prego I want to be still rocking out my runs like you :) Tough runs really do make you feel stronger and appreciate the amazing ones so much more.


Gabby really is the cutest, most talented little thing in the whole world. You are so sweet and Chels, I KNOW you will be running and working out through your pregnancy because you are hard core like that!


The women’s 10k was really impressive I thought. As well as the woman’s 800m swim! Can you believe a 15 year old won that? What do you do as a 15 year old with a Gold Medal?

Congrats on you run. I agree-I always tell myself I’ll feel 100X better after!


I didn’t see the 800m swim:( I am going to have to find it and at 15 I was still playing with Barbies. I can see you be in the Olympics… 2016!!!


I watched the 10,000 today and it was amazing! I am a teacher too, so I’ve been able to sit around watching plenty of Olympics. Most of my new workout gear comes from races and I’m always pumped up to show off a new accomplishment.


The best part about being a teacher is that we get to have the summer off to watch the Olympics this year:) I agree with the new race gear! Hope you are having an amazing day Laura!


I love that you ALL are wearing stripes!!: )

I HATE laundromats…it’s why we must change condos and get one with a W/D. Asap! haha


I didn’t even notice that ha. Girl, it is AUGUST…. you know what that means:)


I hate paying for laundry. The. Worst. Thing. Ever. I don’t exaggerate at all ;) hahaha but I do hate it!


Me neither ha:) Laundry is bad enough without adding on to it that you have to pay for it!


Watching the 10,000m was so exciting! What an amazing last lap!. I am so excited that the track events have started because it gets the retired track runner in me excited and back in the mood to run!


What were your favorite events to compete in for track?


I loved the 400m and 800m in outdoor and the 300m and 600m in indoor! Now I mostly do sprints as part of my regular workouts and occasionally go for a 3-4 mile run.


That is AWESOME Tiffany!


that wrap looks delicious.

i love that you and your cute friends are all wearing stripes!!! twinners!!

i LOVE new workout clothes! the more neon (and pink!) the better!! absolutely they motivate me to workout more. which is how i can convince the hubs to let me buy them ;)

ohmygosh, women’s gymnastics is my favourite event every year. this one was no exception. AMAZING!!!


Heat is always the cause for my tough runs!


New workout clothes definitely motivate me! I bought some new workout tops a few weeks ago, and they were majory motivation before our trip. Of course, since coming back from our trip, I think I’ve worked out a grand total of 1 day. Pathetic!


I am a sucker for new workout clothes.. I bought a super pink workout tank last week and today I was having a crappy day so I bought a new hoodie :) New hoodies make things better.

The womens gymnastics was amazing!! There were some really phenominal routines and Gabby Douglas was brilliant. I was a gymnast for 8 years so I LOVE watching it!


Personally I think work should be cancelled during the track and field events… who do I talk to about that? :)


Every run seems to be a tough one these days, but that’s just from being ridiculously pregnant!


Having new workout clothes or running shoes always motivates me to workout. The women’s gymnastics has been awesome. I’m going to be sad when it’s over, but maybe then I can get to bed at a decent time. I haven’t caught track yet, but I really want to.


oh i am loving these cute belly pics! maybe i need to get preggers and hang out with you. haha.

Go olympics and YEA LOVE GROWN!


I got a few new UA tanks that I adore. New running stuff always motivates me even more to get out there and get my sweat on. I missed the 10k but I will find a way to watch it!! :( Usually the heat/humidity make my runs difficult but I try to not let it get to me because I can’t control the weather, lol. That wrap look delicious! :)


Last January I got new shorts !! It does motivate me, makes me want to workout so I can wear them :)

I can never stay up late to watch all of the gymnastics haha I missed the 10K :(

My shins make the run difficult :( for some reason they have been bothering me lately. It’ll go away eventually :)

Where is that wrap from?? I looks sooooo GOOD!!!


I haven’t ran in a few days, so my next run will definitely be a tough one. :-/


I missed the 10k! But I have the marathon PVR’d on Sunday!

Btw..I purchased those brooks pure flow runners u were talking about! Best shoe purchase I have ever made! They are seriously gonna motivate me to get out the door running. I’m currently 6mo pregnant and had to stop running so I’m saving them until after the baby is born.

Have a good weekend!


Jill!!! I am so so happy you love them! They really are the best!!! Congrats on your pregnancy and please keep me updated with how you are doing!


I LOVE new workout clothes! I swear my runs are so much better when I wear something new. It’s like a boost of confidence, energy, and excitement. My wallet weeps but my heart is happy every time I buy something new to run in :)


I looveee new workout gear but the ironic part is that my favorite gear is the ones I have had for years…tattered and with holes :)!


peach chicken salad! i know you’re a salad/fruit lover so should be right up your alley.


I watched the 10,0000 M and was shocked …those ladies put running in a whole different category…simply amazing! I may have to bring a bell with me on runs and start ringing it towards the end to see if I can motivate my legs to kick like that. (Yea, who am I kidding right? ha!)

I love getting my hair highlighted….such relaxing ME time…enjoy!


You and your friends are adorable! You know, you are my inspiration. Every time I cannot even move from the couch, I open your blog and after 5′ I m outside running. Thank you.


haha I get my hair trimmed before going home because my mother always makes passive aggressive comments about it… she’s pretty good at those. The last time I trimmed my hair was… hmm. March. Oops. haha


I definitely had a tough run today. I raced 4 miles in 90% humidity. I’m really not looking forward to tomorrow’s long run in the same conditions!

I love gymnastics!


Hey love! Heard you aren’t supposed to colour your hair (especially dark) while pregnant? I’m sure you know better than me, it could just be a myth!!


Thank you so much for letting me know! I will ask my doctor at the next appointment! You are the best!

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