Leaving the hospital.

Once upon a time we were supposed to move into our new apartment on a Wednesday night.  Instead I decided I would rather snuggle with my little girl than do boring things like moving.  We are only staying at the hospital for 24 hours (read:  law school drained all of our money and so we are being cheap) and we were going to go to our new place and sleep on an air mattress because we don’t have a bed yet tonight.  My cute aunt who lives in the area would not let that happen and so we are lucky enough to go stay at her house.  

Brooke is already so easy going that she likes the idea of bed hopping for the next few days.  

Photo 1 2

Remember how for the last thirty-some weeks you heard all about how my life revolved around eating for two people?  Well, now just readjust to hearing about how breastfeeding requires at least 9000 calories.  Billy, I can’t wait for you to bring me trays full of food every 3 hours once we leave the hospital.  Your professors will understand.

Photo 2 3

Eating lunch with my mom just like the good old days in Utah.

Photo 3 2

PS Brooke thinks that we live in a different hemisphere and that we should sleep all day and party all night.  I am actually more than okay with this schedule, it makes life interesting.  

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One word….BEAUTIFUL….and the baby isn’t that bad looking either :)
Seriously for having just had a baby you look amazing, motherhood is agreeing with you. I am sure you have already discovered that you didn’t know how you lived life before her. Enjoy every minute!


I was waaay more hungry breast feeding than pregnant. And thirsty all.the.time.

You are such a great mommy already.

Having days and nights mixed up at first is totally normal. I just remembered to always be as quiet as possible when I needed to feed her in the night )( so hard to do when all you want to do is love them/talk to them) & keep the lights dim ( just make it as boring as possible) & soon she will switch.

I am glad you have somewhere to stay and are surrounded by family. That little girl sure is loved.


Megan has an EXCELLENT point! We made the mistake of entertaining ourselves during mid-of-the-night feedings with the TV… and that made our 1st think it was playtime and she would stay awake a min 2 hours… we went the quiet route the 2nd time… much better!!


Awww what a gorgeous photo of u and your baby :-) my heart is full for you :-) Reading your story has made me so excited to meet my little man in a few weeks :-) love to you all x x x


Oh goodness how sweet. I love your positive attitude in what some would consider a tough situation, your parents did a great job with you! Yes your appetite is just getting started, breastfeeding turns you into a major eating machine. And you no longer have the little kido taking up all the room in there. Brooke is beautiful and I pray that these first few months are all you ever dreamed of.


that picture is so sweet!!!! you’re so lucky to have such amazing people in your life :)


Hahaha I always try to find good excuses for tr ridiculous amount of food I eat even though they usually don’t make sense to anyone but me. By the way Brooke Lin is about the cutest little girl name out there good job!


Congrats! She is beautiful :)


Every picture of little Brooke is so adorable. You could post a million and I don’t think we would get tired of looking at that cute little face. I love your happy and positive attitude about everything.


ah so cute! yes, 9000 calories for sure! more hospital food and pudding x400


She is so gorgeous!!! Can’t wait to hear more about life as a new mom :D


She is such a cutie!!! I am SO excited for you guys <3

ENJOY the trays of foooooooddd!!!


She’s gorgeous just like her mom! :) so glad you two are doing great and going home! :)


Congrats!! Look at all that hair!! So pretty.


Yay!! Congrats!!!!!!!! You are going to have the best time with her!!!


That is so great that you have family there in this huge moment!! Good luck with everything the first few days!


CONGRATULATIONS! I am SO excited for you!!


Perfection ~ it all brings happy tears to my eyes. I cant wait to see the pictures of your nieces and nephews holding their new cousin:)


omg Jannae I am FREAKING OUT!! SOOOOO EXCITED for you. You make it seem so EASY. You are incredible. She is adorable. I want to meet you both and take you out for 1000 calories soon!!!


Beautiful pic of you two! So happy for you. Have a restful night! ;)


love, love the picture of you & your baby girl! sooooo precious! she’s a doll! she’ll grow so fast & your world is forever changed & blessed by your lil’ princess. You’re already a great mommy Janae. So happy to hear that you decided to breastfeed. So, soo good for her & YOU!! thinkin’ bout you!! luv you! call me when you have a minute. xo :) :) :)


Congratulations, you two, she’s adorable.


Congrats! You and Brooke look healthy and beautiful! I am beyond impressed by how relaxed you are about all the changes in your life right now. I would be a mess! Please teach me your ways :)


She gets cuter and cuter every time I see her. You can come live here – I have a bed with your name on it!


Oh Janae, I am soooooo happy for you and Billy!!! Brooke, formerly known as Baby HRG, is adorable but of course she would be with two great looking parents!!

I loooooooove the fact that this girlie already knows how to party rock! Hilarious!!

Enjoy your Mom and your beautiful baby girl; YOU look FANTASTIC, by the way!! You made childbirth look waaaaaay too easy!!

Take care…and eat good. Cause you definitely need the calories now that you are still feeding two!


I am so glad that you have a place to stay! I was really worried about what yall were going to do when I remembered you saying that your apartment wasn’t ready. Glad to have family around and I am so glad your Mom made it there! You and Billy are truly blessed and Brooke is so beautiful! I can’t wait to hear all about your baby story!


Congrats! She is so beautiful!


What a beautiful little girl. Yep, newborns love to Party at night for the first month. Also a second yep, to breastfeeding makes you HUNGRY!! I hope you are able to get your new home set up soon. You are such a trooper with all the changes happening. I love how you are able to roll with the punches that life throws at you. You inspire me :)


Awwww!! I love all of these updates! I’m just so unbelievably happy for you and Billy. I never knew that I could be so darn happy for people that I’ve never even met before hahaha!!

Enjoy every single moment! :) :)


You said it perfectly, so I am going to just say ditto!


I had a blah day at work, but coming home and seeing that picture of you and your beautiful little girl totally brightened my day, so so precious!


Gosh, I’m just bursting with happiness for you guys!! I love the name, and well, she is just the sweetest, cutest baby! :)


Exciting!! It is always so special when you have multiple generations in the same room… :)
Enjoy your beautiful girl!


That is such a beautiful photo of you both. Congrats and can’t wait to read more
post of the lil bub :)


So so sweet! I gave birth to our 3rd at a Birthing Center (in the tub, no meds) and we left 6 hours later! I have to say, I enjoyed doing that much more than staying at the hospital 48 hours (like I did w/ the other 2). Get in lots of cuddle time and lots of kisses! Enjoy every second!


Congratulations she is beautiful!!


My breastfeeding hunger made any pregnancy hunger look like child’s play. And, there is a recipe for oatmeal chocolate chip cookies that is supposed to help lactation, so basically you now have an excuse for someone to bake for you and to eat cookies during your middle of the night feedings!


Haha I’m sure feeding his wife is a totally legit excuse!!


Congratulations!! She is so precious and I am incredibly jealous! While of course I love my life (even with a non-existent man and no kids – does billy have any brothers?? kidding, sort of haha), you seem to have such a wonderfully supportive husband and family – I wish you all the best!!


That’s a great attitude to have, you have plenty of time to try and get baby into a sleep pattern. You both look content and healthy which is really awesome! Good on you for giving breastfeeding a go, I did it for 8 months and found it difficult at times but I’ll never regret it.


Beautiful!!! Don’t worry about Brooke having her days and nights messed up most babies do in the beginning. My Livi did and now she sleeps beautifully all night! Yes, Billy needs to feed you and Brooke everything and anything you two just have to have!


I wish I had an excuse to consume 9,000 calories daily like you do and an awesome husband to bring trays of food to me. =P
That picture of you and Brooke is so sweet!


I love hearing all about her! She is too cute. You and Billy are going to be such great parents :D


You guys are rockstars. Best wishes with the relocation!


Congrats Janae!!! She is just beautiful.

And I wish Billy the best of luck in law school! I just graduated :) It’s not as bad as everyone makes it seem! (Although my husband is pretty happy it’s over ;) )


You planned that perfectly …..just in time to get there and get your mom back with ya!! Some exciting days are certainly ahead for you all.


You are such a blessed lady…. I’m sure you know this! You radiate happiness and love and your daughter is lucky to have such fun and loving parents! You and your family are such a beautiful example :D


It’s so wonderful you have all that support from friends and family it certainly is helpful! I’m sure you, Brooke, and Billy will be fine no matter where you are. Loving all the updates and can’t wait for more. Hope Billy’s first week of school is going well!


Aww, so cute! Congrats again! Love the name. Just so adorable!

I had a baby a few months ago…just try to rest rest rest as much as you can over the next few days…it’s SO HARD and I completely admit that I failed miserably at it, but looking back, I’ll be doing it differently for the next baby!

And…the next few weeks may be very tough, but you will get through it! It helped me to talk to my mom, my sister, other mom friends…everyone has been there. They were the hardest of my entire life. All of the emotions coupled with the lack of sleep and HORMONES can pack a punch but you can handle it. All moms are HEROES in my book.

Good luck!!!! Keep on posting because I love reading about everything! ;)


Oh, and my son had his days and nights mixed up, too! My ped told us to try to keep him in bright sunny rooms during the day, talk to him, expose him to everyday noise (a trip to Baja Fresh?!) and then keep the nighttime feedings and activities quiet and in darker rooms. It takes a few days, but it seemed to work. Ah, babies! :)


Such a gorgeous pair of ladies! So happy for you!


Sweet sweet baby! What a great picture! :) Can’t wait to see the next post :)


i know you’re insanely busy but i’m selfishly so glad you’re taking time to post! love getting these updates!


Congrats Janae & Billy, and welcome to the world of running and food, Brooke! ;) You can come to Florida and camp out with me, Brooke’s first trip to the beach? Ha!


I LEAVE FOR TWO DAYS AND I MISS THIS. oh my gosh congratulations, what an adorable daughter that is going to be the next speedy demon on the pavement. I am so happy for you!!!


Beautiful photo of mama and baby. :-) You are doing so well Janae with all that you have going on, I’m in awe!


How long is your mom staying? Will Curly and the others be coming out to visit soon?


She’s still gorgeous! You’re doing great Mommy, hang in there! The sleep thing gets better soon. That or you get too delirious to notice ;) I’m glad your mom is there to help out now. My biggest unsolicited advice: If you have any trouble with breastfeeding see a lactation consultant and don’t settle for alternatives. Sometimes it takes lots of learning and tips/tricks for both of you.


Oh and don’t worry about leaving the hospital at 24 hours. After my second baby was born we were practically running away at the 24 hour mark. They wanted us to stay until then for the PKU test but we had the car loaded, everyone dressed, and were literally standing in our doorway glaring at the clock for that heal stick of a test.


THe hair just cracks me up. I love it. Get some sleep kiddo! e


She is the most precious thing ever! Congrats, again! I think we are all in love! :)


It’s crazy how excited I have been for you and your sweet family, and I don’t even know you! You have such a great attitude and you sound like such an easy-going new mom. I’m sure it will serve you well in the months and years ahead. Hugs from Georgia!


Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!!


I want to get in my car and drive to Cali just so I can see you and Brooke. and snoodle and love on her.

she is ADORABLE. i love her hair. and how do you look so wonderful just after childbirth? amazing.

miss you.


Janae! I’m so happy for you. I think HRG mom looks so happy too! I remember when I had Logan and I never thought I could love something so much….it actually hurts to love your child – it’s the realization that your heart now resides outside your body :)

I can see the love in the post and I hope you continue to feel great….I wouldn’t have wanted to be bed hopping after vaginal birth OUCH :) xo


Congratulations! She’s beautiful.

Breastfeeding is the best excuse to eat all day. ;)


She’s gorgeous, you’re gorgeous…I can’t believe you just had a baby! You’re amazing! What a sweet little one. Glad things are going well for you all. So many major life changes for you guys and you’re handling it all in stride! Congrats to you all. :)


Congratulations, Janae! She is beautiful!

Enjoy all the food you want :)


Awww y’all are going to be so happy!!! I just love it! She is gorgeous!


She is amazing and so cute !!!! Yes eat up while breast feeding!!!


I am so impressed you left the hospital already. She is adorable and you look amazing..just remember during the feeding..3 weeks and the pain goes away…just 3 weeks


OMG! Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly like your blog anymore, you had Brooke! She is so beautiful! I can’t wait to see more pictures and hear about your mommy adventures!

And your running video while in labor? I love it!


WOW. The first picture is beautiful. I’m so happy for you mama!!


I remember keeping a stash of trail mix and some of my other favorites snacks next to my bed when I was breastfeeding. In the first couple of weeks, I was always hungry when I nursed at night, so it definitely came in handy. Glad that you get to be surrounded by family.


Because my work blocks your blog (BOO!) I missed these posts and I was just dying for news! So happy for you and excited for your little family! Your little girl is beautiful just like you.


So happy for you and Billy! She is so beautiful!!! Enjoy every sweet second of this precious time, you will be busier than ever but when it gets overwhelming just keep in mind this is a phase that will pass way too soon! And you look amazing!


Every single thing is going to fall into place. I was telling my husband about your blog and how much I love to read it (even though I don’t have as much time as I used to… and sometimes have to catch up on 10 posts at a time) and I was saying to him that even though I don’t really know you, I really like you. I truly wish you and Billy (& Brooke) the absolute best <3 . I can't wait to read about all your little adventures together. You're going to be a amazing mama!


Loving the updates! She is so dang cute and you guys are just so great at rolling with the crazy new living situation. Hope you are recovering well!


I love the first picture, so beautiful! You have a great aunt, hope the move goes all well!


I cannot begin to tell you how beautiful your daughter is! You’re such a champ! Kudos to you and Billy! When I saw in my reader that there were 7 posts from HRG, I just KNEW that the little baby was here! Again, congrats and love love love that little girl!


congratulations!! Brooke is so precious and happy she is healthy :) please bring her to New Zealand to visit me xoxo


May she always be healthy and happy.


She is SO beautiful!! What a little angel.

For me, breastfeeding brought about intense cravings that I did not have while pregnant. Think super INTENSE. I am also WAY more hungry than compared to when I was pregnant. Our pediatrician told me that breastfeeding is equivalent to running 5 miles a day. So once you start running again you can just add 5 miles automatically to your daily total. :)

SO excited for you guys!!


I’m so glad your mom is out there with you and you don’t have to spend your first night at home on an air mattress!! You guys are too cute.


I just love little Brooke- please keep posting pictures:) She is too cute..and looks so content just hanging out with her Momma!
Enjoy your time with YOUR Momma! I hope she is staying for a while :)


That spread of food looks amazing to be coming from a hospital! Your mom is too sweet! I can’t wait to hear all about the Janae and Brooke adventures ahead!


Congrats on your beautiful new baby girl!! Such an exciting time! I am also a first time mom expecting in January. I love love love your blog and can’t wait to hear more about being a mom! Congrats again!


I love it tok and congrats to you ! Being a mommy is the Best job !!


Love your posts, congratulations on the new baby and cheers to having a new baby who already likes to party all night Hahaha :)


I ate like a machine while nursing. I couldn’t get enough food or water.
Enjoy it!


Congratulations! I am so happy for you and Billy! Also, could you look any better for having just given birth? You look great!


Congrats – its been amazing reading about your journey.


Congrats J and B!

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