The absolute perfect carbohydrate.

WOW, that is all I can say about the women’s marathon. I absolutely love this picture of Kara and Shalane, they gave their all and I love how good of friends they are.  It doesn’t matter how fast you run the marathon, I think we all feel the same way as their facial expressions are showing they feel after 26.2 miles.   


We got hooked up last night with TWO dinners.  I had another brother in town yesterday (3 brothers visited in the last 3 weeks, I am sure it is just because they know we are about to move) that had to leave by 6 and so we had dinner at 3:30.  Dinner at 3:30 is actually really nice, it gives you plenty of time to get hungry again for another meal later and even more time to have dessert.   My mom made her Russian Chicken, brown rice and veggies.  I basically drench the entire plate in that sauce.  

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Second dinner happened a few hours later.  The other day when we were buying the watermelon and walking out of Costco one of the employees couldn’t get over how fun it was that Billy holding the watermelon like that looked just like my stomach. I tried to convince Billy that it really does actually feel like I am holding a watermelon all day long and that is why I need 3 times as much candy and hourly back rubs but he wouldn’t buy it.  

Too bad watermelons don’t have belly buttons that stick out two inches because then we really would look like twinners.

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Another delicious Costco find that we brought to dinner were those croissants that are the size of a poodles head.  I have deemed croissants the best pregnancy food because they are so light and airy that they don’t make you feel full at all so that you can eat as many as socially acceptable and feel great.

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One of Billy’s best friends told us that he wanted to make his ‘summer salad’ for us before we moved.  I have brought up the conversation (I even tape recorded it so that I had hard evidence) almost every other day because I knew I would love this salad.  

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The salad had strawberries, chicken, almonds, fresh parmesan and a raspberry vinaigrette, it was even better than I imagined.  He also made homemade limeade and we drank it out of mason jars, I felt like we were living a Pinterest scene.  


New HRG BABY post HERE!!!


Costco lovers:  What was the last thing that you bought from Costco?  Do you ever buy stuff from there other than food?

How often do you get on Pinterest?  Ever made a recipe from Pinterest? How did it turn out?

What are some of your favorite salad toppings lately?

Ever ran a race in the rain like the Women’s Olympic Marathon yesterday?

-When I ran the Utah Valley Marathon a few years ago it was snowing at the start and then rained for almost the entire race. 

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you look absolutely adorable….getting close now!!!


We don’t have a Costco nearby. (Pause for a moment of stunned, sad silence)

I ran a half-marathon in the rain, but it was actually a nice distraction. That course and those conditions, yesterday, looked MISERABLE! I had even more respect for those strong, fast women.

Although your snow AND rain-filled race doesn’t sound like a picnic, either…


I thought Kara and Shalane should be very proud. I buy lots of things at Costco. Batteries, coffee, clothes, etc.

The Kidless Kronicles


You look so great, Janae!

I tried out a few recipes from Pinterest – confetti cake dip which came out awesome and cookie dough bowls which came out not so awesome but tasted great. And I’ve also made a mozzerella cheese stick recipe from Pinterest that came out yummy!

I love feta cheese on my salad!


I love pinterest. I make a lot of desserts from it, but I also just like scrolling through and seeing what other people pin.

You and Billy are so cute.


Costco has awesome workout tanks! They’re really similar to Lululemon’s cool racerbacks but they’re only 14.99. :)

I ran a half marathon in the pouring rain once! It was awful! I felt really bad for the full marathoners. I talked to one girl at the start who said she knew she would never train for another marathon again so she had to finish this one, even though it was a monsoon. I felt really sad she didn’t have a nicer day to fully experience!


Those tanks are the best! They are pretty much the only tops I run in.


I just bought those Beer Chips from costco. They don’t really taste like beer but they are so addicting. I ran a marathon in April and it poured rain for the last 8 miles. At least it wasn’t snow and rain though, that sounds miserable!


I am obsessed with Pinterest (although I have gotten better lately). I use it for nursery inspiration, but I have made lots of great recipes from there too. :)


The last thing I bought at Costco was a hot dog, and it was the best hot dog I’ve ever eaten, ever. We buy everything at Costco though: clothes, toys, appliances, toiletries, exercise equipment, house decor. The hubs even bought my diamond studs there. And I now I really want to find a reason to go to Costco today!


I bought a microwave at Costco a couples the ago when mine broke! Other than that I just get food :)


a marinated steak and sausages, they were heaven :) movie tickets!! 2 for $15, so much cheaper!!

Never been on pininterest lol….

I put rice on my salad yesterday, it was surprisingly delicious!!! The best salad I have ever made!!

Unfortunately no, I’ve always wanted to though!! Always hoped it would in my November races lol


I ran in a downpour this morning! It started at the end of my run and still had half a mile to go, but got completely soaked. It was like a quick monsoon. I was actually thinking about the women’s marathon yesterday and kept saying, “they can do it, so can I” LOL.


Ahhh love that outfit! You are looking amazing! I am obsessed with pinterest! I actually make recipes from there all the time!


My first and only marathon was ran in the very cold windy rain. The worst part about it was trying to avoid puddles and by the end of the race I thought my hands might be frost bitten. It was definitely an experience I will never forget.
I love fruity salads, but lately I’ve been making my salads Mexican by adding avocado and salsa.


I woke up to watch the womens marathon yesterday and phew..what a race. the girl from Russia really had some spunk in her huh? It was really touching to see Kara help Shalane off of her knees after the race..probably my favorite moment.

We buy a lot of the same stuff when we go to Costco haha so i’m always getting a case of chobani, gum, and usually a tub of spinach. :)

favorite salad toppings in the summer are usually strawberry, blueberries…any fruit and i just throw it on there. too good.

I ran my first half marathon in the didnt really bother me, but my ipod was dead after that, haha


I go through phases with Pinterest — right now I can. not. stop. pinning.


What an amazing picture! Wish I could have been watching the marathon but alas I was out running instead! (and my parents don’t have DVR).
Pinterest is totally my go to place for finding new recipes – my husband loves that I have been cooking so many new things lately.


I’m a fan of Pinterest. I’ve made some recipes from it and most of them have turned out great! I’ve been cooking more since I joined Pinterest! I’ve run some races in the rain… Not that fun, but it does make me want to run faster so the race is over faster!


I loved all of the photos of Shalane and Kara, too. Shalane, Kara, and Desi worked their butts off to represent our country at the Olympics and I am so proud of how they performed. They put so much into training and really gave it their all. They make me proud to be an American.


I get these Chicken Pineapple Meatballs from Costco. SO YUMMY!


I don’t use Pinterest – I feel like I can’t get addicted to anymore social media!

I was bummed to see that they didn’t place – but it certainly makes me proud of them and appreciate the distance!


I’m a Pinterest addict. Downloading the app was not a good decision. It helps to pass the time while I proctor quizzes! I have made a few things but the baked mozzarella sticks were a huge hit!


We actually buy very little food from costco. It is our main place for toilet paper, paper towels, and dish detergent though!


Pinterest definitely does love those Mason Jars!


omg the marathon was amazing! pics of kara and shalene were amazing to see such great friends and competitors!

costco is for all my big items: diapers, toilet paper, paper towels, formula, love their salsa and fiber 1 brownies are yummy

favorite salad toppings are sunflower seeds and roasted red peppers


Hi! I just recently discovered your blog and I am loving it! I’ve read through a bunch of your posts, and I would love it if you could make another post about disordered eating. I just finished my freshman year at college and am about to start my sophomore year. I am still figuring out how to be comfortable in my own skin and how to stop the habit of freaking out over a 1-2 pound increase in weight. I would love it if you could write more posts about your own experience, how you overcame it, and advice you would give to girls like me :) I would love to hear your personal journey!


Hey Lisa!! thank you so much for commenting, you are so sweet. Great idea about doing another post about disordered eating. I will definitely do that. I am so sorry that you are still struggling a little bit and I am ALWAYS here to email with:)


I just got a Costco membership a little over a month ago, and oh my word, that place is amazing! We buy all our products that won’t expire (toilet paper, paper towels, laundry detergent, etc), dog and cat good, as well as a few choice food items. Our favorites are these chipotle chicken tacos and sweet potato chips.

I’ve made a handfull of recipes off pinterest and they’ve all turned out pretty good. I’m known for having some blunders in the kitchen but so far pinterest has not disappointed.


Um, I am obsessed with pinterest. You can get such fun recipe ideas! I made these panko crusted zucchini sticks last night with caramelized onion dip, amazing. The salad looks awesome, I love putting any fruit on salads, and dates!


pretty much half of the recipes i now make (okay, a lot more than half, i’m sure) are from pinterest! my hubby thinks it’s ridiculous, but awesome at the same time, because it’s literally the reason i cook for him, so he can’t really complain ;)

i can’t get over how CUTE you look, janae!!!! i’m so excited for you two :) you’re gonna be great parents!

that summer salad is pretty much a basic for me in the summertime. i’ll have one just like that at least twice a week. it’s so easy and delicious!! and, yes, summery! chicken, strawberries, walnuts, avocado and cheese chunks!

i LOVE costco. we got the strawberries and blueberries from there last time, and holy cow, that is a LOT of berries! i was in heaven.


I am pinterest way too much, I love it. I’ve made a few salads from there and they have turned pretty good but that is probably because I pick the simplest ones. But other non-salad recipes have been a disaster.


Love, love, love that picture! I saw it on Shalane Flanagan’s Twitter page last night. It was a great marathon! I’m still in awe at the pace they were keeping! So inspirational :)

I must try that chicken salad, it sounds dee-lish!


I’m sorry, not Flanagan’s site, it was Goucher’s page.

Looking forward to the men’s marathon!


You and Billy are just the cutest couple!That Russian chicken looks yummy! Recipe, please!


You are so so sweet! Okay, the chicken is so easy. She mixes a jar of apricot preserve with a jar of Russian dressing and then cooks the chicken. It is delicious. Let me know if you try it!


LOVE Costco! We buy too much stuff there and I would say about once a month it’s more non-food stuff than food. Just to name a few things, cat litter, allergy medicine, vitamins, toilet paper, paper towels, the list goes on! I get on Pinterest every day. It’s an obession! And I’ve made quite a few recipes from there. My favorite salad toppings lately are fresh sliced strawberries and feta cheese. The first marathon I ran in 2010 (Portland) was exactly like the Olympic Marathon. DRENCHING rain! We wore plastic bags over our shoes and bodies while we waited at the start to try and stay dry but it was useless because as soon as we took them off we were soaked. It actually kept me pretty cool during the whole race and I didn’t have any chaffing because it kept the sweat rinsed off. I think the spectators were the ones that hated it the most. :)


Haha “living a interest scene” <—LOVE it. <3

You look super cute. And I am so excited for ya!

Costco finds: huge block of pepper jack cheese = amazing. And that summer salad sounds ammmmmmmaaazzzing!


I couldn’t believe I missed the marathon coverage, but I haven’t been by the TV much lately, so I had to settle for browsing the photo gallery on When I came across the post-race pictures of Kara and Shalane, I could have cried. Not only are they the most badass women alive, they are so adorable and supportive of one another – I love it so much! Somebody’s gotta make that into a poster.


Haha, it’s a total Pinterest scene!!


I’m loving sundried tomatoes in salads…even better when feta is involved!


Love Costco! Was there last week, we buy a lot of our stuff from there, Jess gets his gas from Costco and we almost always buy TVs from there. Diapers from Costco will become your BFF! :)


that is a cute watermelon pic!

I probably get on pinterest every day. I’ve tried 3 recipes: 2 were really good!

I love seseme sticks. That added crunch really makes the salad about 10x better than it already was!

Nike Women’s 1/2. it was aweful. One of the girls on my team (I rean with Team In Training) got hypothermia from it and was hospitaled for 5 hours. Luckily she was fine.


Hey! Just found your blog and I really enjoy it. Good luck with the last few weeks of pregnancy. I grew up in MA, so I have logged countless miles in the rain and actually enjoy running in the rain. I have run a lot of cross country races in the rain and the 2007 Boston Marathon, the year there was a Nor’Easter the same day as the race! My only complaint is blister management.


i’ve tried a few recipes from pinterest and they usually come out pretty great (never as visually please though…ever).

my favorite salad toppings right now are sunflower seeds, cranberries and tortilla strips!


I LOVED when they both finished running and Kara helped Shalane to her feet… walking with arms around each other…. it’s really what running is all about… I think anyways :)
I get on pinterest once or twice a week and have tried a few recipes that have turned out great and are now on my “make again” list :)


Hmmm…Costco….looooove Costco! I always thought Costco for 2 people was sort of a waste, until I finally moved in with my husband (we spent a long time in a cross-country marriage), and was sold. We’re in Cali, so bring home pounds of berries and other produce every week. Plus, of course, cereal, milk, juice, yogurt…

But we do also go for the HBA items now and then. He’s a dental-cleanliness freak so, much to my chagrin, insists on purchasing 6 or 12-packs of dental floss. We also buy contact lens solution, razor blades, and laundry detergent there. As long as we trade in our little sedan for a pick-up truck, we should be able to haul everything home…

I once ran a HUGE 3.5 mile race (Chase Corporate Challenge) in Rochester, NY in a veritable DOWNPOUR. It was a road race, and the rain was coming down so fast that the streets were flooding. My sneakers were soaked in about 4 seconds. I was thankful I decided to run in a bra top, because my shorts were absolutely waterlogged. Water was streaming off my face so fast that it wouldn’t have mattered if my nose was running or I was drooling; no one would have been able to tell! I have never run in conditions like that, before or since.

I don’t Pin, ’cause I’m boring like that….


Hey, so this is the first time I have seen your blog and I’m glad I have found it. I know you don’t feel it when it’s you, but you are such a cute pregnant chick. I had both of my kids in August and so I’m sure you are dying of heat right about now. Last year at this time I was totally in your shoes. Good luck!


Hey Jessica! I can’t wait to check out your blog! So you understand the crazy heat and pregnancy combination. I feel like I’m constantly eating ice cream or in the pool because I go crazy it’s so hot! Yay for new blog friends!


That pictures is so incredible! I had tears in my eyes waching Kara lift of Shilane after the race. It was amazing! My first tri was in the rain and it was TOUGH! I loved every minute which is why I’ve done 4 more.


i love your outfit, that belt is so cute!

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