Solving mysteries, a recipe and the WINNER.

I solved the world’s biggest mystery:  How to make going on boring errands fun.  All you have to do is make your husband drive and bring EL Fudge cookies with you and you will be guaranteed a good time. I always eat one side of the cookie off first so that the ratio of filling to cookie is just perfect.


After errands we went over to my parents’ house (because all 26 year olds hang out at their parents’ house a few hours a day) and I had a present waiting for me.  I think I look pretty good in it and this might be something we ‘share.’

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 Have you ever had savory crepes before?  I hadn’t until last night and now I know they must be a staple in my diet.  We went over to our cutest friends’ house for dinner and it was amazing.  

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For the savory crepes we filled them with cooked spinach, cheese, ham and a delicious garlic spread, I had a total of 5 of those ones.  We also had sweet ones with tons of fruit, Nutella and whipped cream.   See the orange deliciousness in the back?  It was peach nectar and it may be replacing water in my life from now on.   

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I met both of these gorgeous girls at the gym so I bet you can guess that our conversation revolved around running and spin.  We did talk a lot about babies too and as soon as we started talking about some of the fun (TMI) parts of pregnancy the boys went to the river in the backyard to go fish (catch and release).  Win-win for everyone.  

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This is random but my sis found an incredible blueberry and banana whole wheat bread recipe that I wanted to share with you!  I only have a picture of it before it went into the oven.  

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You can find the recipe HERE.


The Gatorade G Series Pro Kit winner is….

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Congrats Melissa! Email me ASAP!!!!


Have you ever been fishing?

 -Never but I really want to!

Found any good recipes lately?  LINK PLEASE!!! 

Ever had a savory crepe before?  What did you fill them with?

EL Fudge or Oreo?  Really think about this one because it really says a lot about a person.  

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Pshhh what a question- Oreos any day! I tried such a yum recipe off the Whole Foods app for a Mediterranean Garbanzo Salad- here’s the link: . I recommend making a huge batch as the leftovers tasted even better than the 1st time round…guess there was more time for the flavors to be absorbed :)


I can’t stomach putting a squirmy little worm on a hook or getting the fish off it, so I haven’t been fishing since I was little.

That bread looks good even uncooked!

I totally want one of those towels. Too cute.


I love savory crepes – in fact, the first real date my husband and I went on was to a French crepe restaurant. I make seafood crepes with crawfish, shrimp, and either scallops or crab claw meat. The base is a brown roux and I season with nutmeg, sherry, and cayenne pepper. And of course lots of scallions and shallots and garlic go in the filling! And butter!
Another good filling is thin strips of beef marinated in red wine and minced garlic, then cooked with asparagus. Actually I have a lot of crepes recipes – once I hosted a lingerie shower with a crepes theme and we had a several choices. Yummy!


It rains so much here fishing would not be fun! Also kinda snoring ;)

Those crepes look yummy!

I’m so excited about your new arrival and I’m pleased you are feeling brighter sweetie x


I’m always jealous of little kids with those towels? Maybe we should start a trend of adults wearing them?!
My husband and I used to fish all the time in summer (always catch and release, too). We even took fly-fishing lessons in the mountains. Now that he’s vegan, it’s definitely not something we do…lol!
I LOVE crepes, but only the sweet ones.
Have a fabulous day!


I went fishing ONCE and it was horrible! It rained and was cold and it took like 2 hours before I finally caught this little fish :-( I didn’t like it very much and don’t really see the appeal!
I really like this recipe for these no bake cookies! They are yummy and healthy! Plus they kind of remind me of those peanut butter cookies you like so you may enjoy them! Here’s the link:
Oh man I LOVE crepes! My favorite savory one is filled with chicken, broccoli, almond slivers and hollandaise sauce! YUM For a sweet one I love nutella and strawberries with some whipped cream!! :-)
That’s a hard question…but I think I’d have to go with Oreos-the double stuffed ones OR the birthday sprinkle stuffed ones…YUM! I do like EL fudge but there is never enough filling for me :-(
That towel is adorable! I can’t wait to see your little girl all wrapped up in it!


JENNA!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this recipe. I seriously can’t wait to make it!!! Your savory crepe made me drool. Hope you have an amazing weekend!


I’ve never had a crepe in my life. But after reading about these. I think I need to change this soon!

My dad took by 2 brothers, sister and I fishing every year on the first day of trout. I haven’t fished in years but my hubby said he will take me this year. I’m pumped, but I told him I still refuse to touch worms, which cracks him up because I like to “clean” the fish.

I found this recipe that seriously made the BEST brownies i’ve ever had and they were SUPER easy. (Note- I topped them with m&ms and crushed pb cups)

EL Fudge or Oreo? I wonder what it means if I can’t pick one or the other. I am a fan of both! Fun fact…. with both I carefully scrape out the filling of all the cookies I am going to eat, eat the cookie, then eat all the sugar goodness at one time. What a rush!


Your homework this weekend is to have some CREPES!! You will love them. That is so fun that you would fish so much with your family growing up. Um… I must have those brownies ASAP! Your toppings sound incredible!


I HIGHLY suggest making these. They literally take 20 mins and are AMAZING!


That towel is adorable! You will definitely have to share :-)

And Oreo, no doubt!


When my family moved from Los Angeles to Washington state when I was 10 my dad sold his motorcycle and bought this dinky little boat. We went fishing a lot. I don’t actually like to eat fish so it was catch and release for me. I have great memories fishing with my dad.

As for the cookies… I’ll take both please.


That is sos cute he sold his motorcycle so that you guys could go fishing together:) Good answer about the cookies!


You just gave me such a flashback with those cookies. My grandmother, who passed away several years ago, used to have a Keebler elf cookie jar. She’d keep those cookies in it and eat one every night as a midnight snack!

One of my favorite summer recipes is this Jerk Chicken with pineapple mango salsa. Delicious!


OH MY GOODNESS!! That chicken sounds like heaven, thank you so much for the link and I WANT that cookie jar:)


Never had savory crepes before. The look delish.
I’m not a big fisher woman bc you have to be still and quiet and that’s not really my strong suit!


That bread looks amazing. It is now on my to-do list for today!


I’ve done all kinds of fishing all over the US! I love it! And I’ve had a few different savory crepes, one at an African restaurant (pre gluten free…) and then an amazing one at a gluten free restaurant in Colorado Springs, it was Mediterranean inspired but they had all different ones! P.S. I love that towel.


Oreo – I didn’t even have to think about it.
I agree with you 100% errands are more fun when you make the husband drive. I don’t usually bring cookies but I catch up on my blog reading.


Cookies? I’ll take one of each-

Just wanted to drop a note saying you inspired me to sign up for my first race, ever. 10 mile monster dash in October (and now another one for my work in September-a 10K)

Thank you thank you thank you!


AHHHHHH LEAH!!! I am so so happy that you signed up for your first race. I need to hear more details, I really am beyond excited for you!


Mmmmmm crepes. Those look so good!

Probably the toughest decision of my life (I apparently need to make more decisions) would be choosing between and oreo and a el fudge cookie. Unless they are both double stuffed. Cause ds oreos are the bomb, but ds EL fudge cookies – I do not care for.

My kids love their hooded towels. Just yesterday they were running around after their baths and playing ‘super heros’ in them :)

My new favorite recipe (I made it last week for the 1st time & then made it again this week cause I was craving it so much)

But tonight I am making these together. Probably one of my favorite recipes.


That bread sounds delicious!!!

EL Fudge or Oreo? How could you pick?!?!? If I HAAAAD to choose, I’d say EL Fudge. Of course, now you have me craving an Oreo, so who knows!


You are seriously incredibly lucky to have an amazing family and groups of friends. One thing I always notice is how genuinely happy you seem in all of your posts. I feel if everyone had your attitude and optimism, we’d all be in a great place.

Also, those crepes are making me salivate! :)


Anna, your comment absolutely made my day. WOW, thank you so much. Come over for crepes any day!!!!


Love savory crepes!! Just had one the other day with lox & cream cheese! It was delicious!!

As for El Fudge v Oreo – definitely depends on my mood :)


Crepes are the best!!! They are my all time favorite!
I’m not a fan of Oreos so I’ll go with the Fudge cookies.
I’ve been fishing before, it’s really fun!!!


I used to fishing with my dad all the time when I was a kid. I still go with my husband sometimes but usually let him do most of the fishing while I soak up the sunrays lounging on the boat. :)

El fudge, but I didn’t have to think about it.

And I love crepes! There is a place on OC, MD that has the best crepes. I like strawberry and cinnamon apples in mine with some yummy chantilly whipped cream.


That sounds like my kind of fishing trip:) Good answer with the cookies. UM…can I come eat crepes with you at that place you were talking about?!


We have a pond by my house where we used to fish when I was growing up. Whenever we’d have family over for my birthday the boys and I would go and fish. One time there was a bigger fish in the pond (I don’t remember the type, but it was REALLY strong) and it actually pulled my Uncle into the pond. Definitely one of the more memorable birthdays :D


Oooh that bread DOES sound delicious! I love savory crepes<–we had 'em on our honeymoon + sweet ones.

What a fun night you all had :)


I have been twice!! I’m not sure if I liked it haha must have because I don’t remember hating it.

Haven’t FOUND any, but have made some up :)

my crepe had salsa, chicken, some kind of cheese, I think other vegetables, and roasted (with herbs!) potato wedges. so so good….


I would totally hang with my parents for hours if I lived that close to them! Loving your present you got, lol. I am an Oreo fan myself and crepes are yummy.


I absoultly love those cookies!! I’ve been adding some recipes to my fuel page on my blog. They’re pretty good, if I don’t say so myself!


I have never had a savory crepe. I love Nutella crepes though. And actually, I haven’t had one in over a year. What is going on with me?

Also, I think Oreo? But Cookies are my favorite food group so its hard to choose. The best ever cookie is and m&m cookie.

Glad you’re feeling better from your sick day the other day! :)


Without a doubt, THE BEST BLUEBERRY MUFFIN you could ever and will EVER EAT!!!!! I TELL NO LIES! Browned butter..are you kidding?! Make these now…you’ll thank me! :)


HOLY COW. I have to go into the kitchen right now and make those! AMAZINGGGGGGGG!!!!! Thank you so much Megan!


Congrats to the winner!! I haven’t had an ELF cookie in ages – but I know I used to love them!


Savoury crepes are amazing. I have a really good French friend and she makes them all the time, with ham, cheese and a fried egg. Perfect!


Those crepes look awesome! I’ve only had a crepe twice – one was strawberry and one was chocolate!

My husband and dad love to fish. My kids like to also, but they’re impatient and expect the fish to jump out of the water right to them :)

I’m not a big Oreo fan, so I like EL Fudge better. I haven’t had them in forever though. My hubby likes to keep them in the fridge and eat them cold.

Have a great weekend!


I EAT THOSE COOKIES THE EXACT SAME WAY!!! ahhaha, that is amusing to me. but you’re right. that ratio needs to be juuuust right!

ohmygosh, i need a duckie hooded towel in my life, too!

yummm, i love crepes! fun fact: they’re pronounced “crep” (ryhmes with “step”) not “craype” which is how most people in the us pronounce them. :) my hubby always makes fun of me when i say them correctly. i can’t help it! it’s french!! ;)

and thank you for that recipe! i’m totally making it!

i made an asian chicken salad last night that was DELISH!! just mix cabbage (in shreds) (or you can just buy a bag of pre-mixed cole slaw- same diff), romaine lettuce, red bell peppers, shredded carrots, and chicken (after it’s been cooked on the stove) in a bowl. for the dressing, mix 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 4 tbsp vinegar, 4 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp (to taste, depending on how sweet you like it) sugar and whisk together. add crunchy asian noodles on top. SO GOOD!


It really is the best way to eat cookies! I didn’t know they were pronounced like that…good to know!!! That Asian Chicken Salad is making me drool. THANK YOU!!!!


oh, and oreos. always oreos.


When I was little we would go fishing. I had a pink pole. I don’t think I ever caught anything though.

Here you go:

They were both a huge hit at work!

I’ve never had a crepe at all! But they sure do look delish!

Oreo. Can I get a mint oreo? Is milk included? If no milk, then I’ll go with El Fudge. I haven’t had those in forever!


Love crepes. Savory, sweet, they’re all good. You’ve ever gone fishing! There are any great places to fish in Utah. Growing up, i went all the time with my dad. Now I love taking my own children fishing!

Oh, and El Fudge all the way. In my humble opinion, Oreos are highly overrated.


I’ve only ever had a sweet crepe, but it was amazing!

I will always choose EL Fudge cookies over Oreos. Have you tried freezing them? Amazing!

I’ve been fishing once, on a man-made pond in my cousin’s yard when I was like 10. I caught a 16″ catfish! My husband and his family always do a “fishing” vacation, so I watched them fish a few summers ago. It was pretty entertaining, and made me wish I had a fishing pole!


Oreos all the way! =)


Oreos! There are so many kinds to pick from- mint, pb, double stuffed, chocolate, golden- yummers!

Speaking of crepes- look at this
I found this recently, but I haven’t been yet.


You’ve never been fishing?! Please come to WI so you can come fishing with me!! So fun!! Although a boy has to come because I refuse to take them off the hook. I’m a fake fisherwoman. :)

Those crepes sound delicious!!


Hahaha I absolutely love that picture of you in the hooded towel.. SO stinking cute


I love crepe parties, so fun!


EL Fudge!!!


I’ve gone fishing and hate it! You have to be super duper quiet. I couldn’t hold up. Well, I guess if your in a small boat you have to be silent. Its hard and you have to be patient…which I’m not…at all.
I’ve never even heard of EL fudge before…maybe Canada’s doesn’t have them?
Yum, those blueberry banana breads look incredible!


Brandon and I split a savory crepe when we were in France. It just had ham and cheese in it. Simple, but really delicious!! :)


I am so jealous of your vacation but YOU deserved it more than anyone!


EL Fudge. For. Sure.


Those savory crepes sound great…..I’ve never had one. I would go with an EL Fudge, unless I had milk and then I’d have to choose an oreo. Have a great weekend!


Ham and cheese crepe IN PARIS! Nomnomnom! You would LOVE the food in Paris. Teeny tiny portions but it’s only so you can eat a ton of variety. Plus, you would love their brunch stuff b/c it’s typically a fresh baguette, ham, cheese and fruit. And you just pull off chunks of each. Not sandwiches. No utensils. All finger food!

Oreos for the win. Especially Double Stuf.


Oh my goodness, I must go eat in Paris. That sounds AMAZING, all of my favorite foods and finger foods are even better. I hope you are having an amazing Friday Mendy!


Ok so we need to amend this no fishing thing….especially with a purple fishing pole :)

And second here is what I am thinking–a double stuff oreo in the middle of 2 El Fudge cookies–Double the stuffing, triple the cookies……I think this prolly says something like I am going to go into a diabetic coma early in life but lets face it, that is one of the reasons I balance life out with savory crepes and running ;-)


I had savory crepes at my wedding shower and loved them but totally forgot all about them. This reminds me I want to try making them!!


do you have the savory crepe recipe?


OH my goodness – my sister and I LOVED EL Fudge cookies growing up. We thought it was so cool when we would get them in our packed school lunch. I totally forgot about them. Enjoy your weekend!!


This isn’t so much a recipe but it is something that is now a staple in my life. Making mini pizzas on soft tortillas. Here’s a link to my post about it.
Not sure why I never thought of it but it takes like 8 minutes to cook and they’re delicious with so many options!


I’m so glad you used my whole wheat blueberry banana bread recipe! I’m always trying to come up with healthier versions of classics. Check out my latest recipe, an avocado chicken salad recipe (with no mayo!).


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