Tangent Tuesday

Let the tangents floating around my brain begin.

1.  For the first time in my life I hated purple.  This purple weight dropped onto my middle finger during pump this morning and it hurt so bad.  Even though it was my own fault I almost dropped kicked the dang weight because I was so mad at it but realized that would probably hurt my foot really bad.  (Photo is a reenactment of this terrible experience and I didn’t know it was possible to drop a weight from five feet in the air on your own hand either)

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2.  As I was sitting next to Curly eating grapes last night I realized that I had eaten nearly 60 grapes in the time that she hadn’t even eaten one.  I looked down and noticed that she eats the skin off of her grapes first?  How could you have so much self control to eat the skin off? I shovel those babies in as quickly as possible.  Oh well, more for me.  Blurriest photo ever.


3.  My sister made me chicken fajitas for dinner last night and they were so good especially because the tortilla was the size of a large dinner plate.  I have probably mentioned it before but I really love sour cream.  Once this fajita was rolled up I added more on the side to dip each bite into it.

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4.  Ice cream companies around the world, this one is for you.  Do you notice that you don’t see very much plain white vanilla in the below carton of ice cream?  Do you see how there are a trillion little pieces of chocolate chip cookie dough in there?  That is how ice cream should be.  MORE TOPPINGS.  I want at least 3 cookies worth of dough in each serving of ice cream.

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5.  You know you are cheap when you cut your foundation open so that you can get every last ounce of make-up out of your $4.29 tube of Walmart make-up.

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6.  We have gone 8 full days without spending one cent on food.  Coming from a girl that spent a lot of money on food and lemonade every day, this is a ginormous accomplishment.  The only problem is that my meals are beyond random when eating at home.  A leftover hamburger and a waffle for lunch today?  Can I just use the pregnancy card on this one to avoid any judgements?

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7.  The one thing that is tempting me to break my challenge and spend money on food are these:

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Pure brilliance.


Brooks Running Shoe Giveaway HERE!!!


Tell me some tangents about your day!

Tell me about your workout today!!!  What do you have planned for tomorrow’s workout?

What is something that you have been doing lately to save money?

Sour cream lover or hater?  Other favorite fajita toppings?

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Being from Texas, we put anything on our fajitas that we can get. Personally, I like gaucamole, chicken, cheese, and tomato on mine. And I’m also a sour cream dipper. :)


That fajita looks amazing, and even more amazing because it’s dinner time and I’m hungry. I love sour cream and guacamole/avocado on my Mexican food. And jalapenos if there’s sour cream to balance out the spiciness.

I’ve been saving money by drastically reducing how often I go out to eat and how often I drink alcohol. I plan to spend that money on running gear and races. :) Cutting open the tube of foundation is a great idea! I never would have thought of that, but will definitely try it on any cosmetics I get in plastic tubes like that. No point in letting any of it go to waste!


Hi Janae! Long time lurker over here but I just HAVE to share my dropped purple weight story with you! In April, I was doing weighted crunches with a 5lb purple dumbbell and somehow lost my grip mid crunch with the weight directly over my face! Lots of blood and 13 stitches later, my forehead was all banged up and I have a big scar on my head to remind me to be a lot more careful when hoisting weights above my head! It must be something extra slippery about the purple dumbbells! :) Hope your finger feels better soon!


Those fajitas look amazing. I love sour cream!

I have dropped weights on my finger too – it hurts!

Today I took a Butts and Guts class and tomorrow is BodyPump!


Oh sad about your finger! :( OUCH.

That is super smart to cut open the top of the foundation…so what does that say about me that I love that idea?! huh, huh?! ;)

And YES to toppings on fajitas–I go greek yogurt, salsa, and bell peppers & cheese. YUMM.


Currently grapes with cottage cheese. Not sure I could ever thank you enough.

I ran 6 tempo miles today and went to body pump. I don’t like any of the classes tomorrow, so I will probably hop from around the cardio room and maybe do some weights. Expert planner here.

Guacomole FTW. Sour cream hater. Unless it is IN something, like cookies or cake.. I wish I was eating that ice cream with you right now. Yum!


I am currently *eating* grapes with cottages cheese. Kind of an important verb? In that sentence to add.

Also, I am glad you were OK after the weight incident. I had a friend who did that on her foot and needed stitches :( Hope you are having a great day!


that photo is making me crave fajitas! yumm. i totally cut open my foundation when it’s almost gone too… glad i’m not the only one. ;) to save money, i try to use coupons (when i remember), nix the cable tv, only buy the necessesities + one “extra” item at the grocery store each week, and go out for dinner only every so often.



1. I walked 5 blocks to Home Depot this afternoon, carrying a 3 foot long fluorescent light bulb, sans package or bag. They collect burned out bulbs, and 5 blocks was too close to drive…

2. Rewarded my efforts with a stop at Yogurtland. (Don’t worry, I sent some yogurt-thoughts your way. Hope you like candy toppings too; I can’t usually bring myself to adulterate my yogurt with fruit.)

3. I just put salt & vinegar potato chips on my turkey & cheese sandwich. For crunch, and zing.

Today’s workout: 3 recovery miles this morning, walking errands, coaching a few hrs tonight…

And in my world, fajitas get salsa, but never sour cream. You can have my share. :)


The only bone I have ever broken is due to dropping a weight on my finger!


-sad about your finger!! in a though, talented? how did you manage to do that? ;)
-I’m impressed by not spending money on food for 8 days, mainly because I don’t know if I could do that either! I spend a lot of money on food, probably too much at times, I’m thinking of trying it and seeing how long I can go without…I’d have to get really creative too!


I love chicken fajitas so much….and veggies one. My favorite add-ons are avocado and salsa. And don’t feel badly about cutting open the foundation. I did the same thing with my moisturizer just the other day. :)


I use that same makeup and I am not gonna lie…I am gonna take your lead on this one and cut it open when it starts get low! I’m a sour cream hater…sorrryyyyy


I have stopped buying clothes and other misc. items online,and slowed down going to starbucks and buying every nail polish bottle I see.

workout today was 8-100M sprints, kicked my butt!!! Going to run 4 miles tomorrow and do some strength training and abs

I hate sour cream (lactose-intolerant), love to put guacamole on mine :)

Check out my blog here: http://runningsprinkles.blogspot.com :)


Abs and arms tonight and legs tomorrow!
I have been avoiding malls and tracking what I spend more. Spending money can be too easy sometimes ;)
Not a sour cream fan but love lots of guacamole on my fajitas!


Ever since I found out my husband was buying $2.84 Gatorade’s at the gas station daily (he is a landscaper and works out in the heat), I had to hunt for CHEAPER drinks for him. If I find out he buys one now, I fuss and frown because I have been buying them (for every work day) at the grocery store for .79!! Um, hello. That is the ONLY way to go.

We also were screwing ourselves in our 20year old apt thinking that cutting the air off or to 80* when we were gone was good. Um, no. It would run constantly all night when we would cut it to 70* for bed. I’ve been advised by several people to try to keep it one temp all the time. we keep it on 76 and turn it to 74 at night.

We make a list, but still struggle to not spend $100/week at the grocery store. It’s SO hard bc we cook alot. Been trying to use more noodles etc to make it last for left overs.


We are trying hard to save money too, the whole not spending money on food/drink outside of the weekly grocery shopping is a challenge for sure! My husband BBQd a HUGE turkey on Sunday so we have turkey meat for days.

I have totally done the same cut the tube trick before. There is so much more left in there that you can’t squeeze out. I think I will be doing this tomorrow morning with my shampoo / conditioner. The phrase “waste not / want not” is my new motto. I think I might be driving my husband crazy – what else is new…


I must have those Popsicles. Sour candy and Popsicles have been my big pregnancy craving, so this is a match made in heaven for me!


Today’s workout was a 2,000 meter swim and I felt like I was drowning the entire time. Might need to rethink that upcoming tri. Tomorrow’s workout, back to my first love, running!


You’ve officially made me crave fajitas and want them for dinner tonight. YUM! And those sour patch popsicles… oh my… I’m not on a no spending challenge so I may have to go purchase those. Although, I am trying to save so my clothing shopping has definitely been cut back. This last weekend I even cleaned out my closet and took all the stuff I don’t wear or want to consignment and made a $100! :) Tonight’s workout is a run and tomorrow is track work. My half marathon training has officially begun!


Salsa Salsa Salsa I’ll eat it on a fajita, heck I eat it with a fork!
I am trying to cut back on my fro yo budget. It is absolutely embarassing how much money I spend on fro yo.


I love sour cream and you have to try it with the Hint of Lime Tostitos….so beyond yummy…trust me! I love guacamole too…Mexican food is so delicious….along with Indian and Thai. :) hope your finger fees better soon!


I love fajitas! lots of guac and salsa for me. good for you saving so much $ on food – we shop at Trader Joe’s for the best deals, and I’m so lucky that my job provides lunch every single day! snacks, too. all free. sorry you hurt your finger!


I tried the strawberry lemonade from mcdonald’s today but I didn’t like it. It’s so sour at first and then way too sweet. I thought I would love it, I’m so disappointed.
My workout was 4 mile run + Pop Pilates leg workout. It hurt so good!
I’ve sworn off buying new clothes to save money, but it is so hard. I think I’m going to give up very soon.


So I have to say I stalk your blog on a very regular basis! I love it, I must say that I was WAY sad to learn that you and Billy came to work to visit while I was on vacation, so that mean you have to come in again before you guys move! So how about I buy you those Popsicles,,,,that way you don’t go against your no buying food thing haha!!


Ran 4 miles today and I plan on 6 tomorrow.
I bought some salt water taffy and it was delicious.
My hubby surprised me a bought a piece of art for above our bed. We have been looking 5 years for the perfect piece to put there……AND THIS IS IT! Woot.


today’s workout consisted of an easy 3 mile run on the TM. the 100+ temps outside would have been deadly…


Sour cream is good, but avocado’s where it’s at!! ;)


I can’t think of anything else right now except those popsicles! I don’t know what it is about them but I seriously need an entire box right now, perfect for summer!


OMG for real!? Sour Patch Kids POPSICLES!!!??? A dream come true! I eat an entire bag of Sour Patch Kids when I go to watch a movie.


My sister eats grapes like that! When we were kids, she and I would have contests to see who could peel the skin off the grapes fastest (she always won).

I only put salsa and guac on my fajitas…and this post has be craving some fajitas right now!


I used to eat the skin off grapes just like Curly but then I realized I could eat more if I spent more time eating and less time peeling. But if I only have a few grapes sometimes I still do it so I can pretend like I’m eating grapes longer :)


I love your posts LOL! Lets see tangents…hmmm.. Here goes:
1. While I was supposed to be working today I was reading blogs & umm… reading LOL
2. It is sooo HOT & HUMID here HAHA!!
~Workouts: I walked/jogged today after work & my allergy shot; felt great. I’m so amazed at my progress! Tomorrow- I’ll be with my trainer & she’ll kill me :-)
3. Those Sour Patch Kids Popsicles AHHHH!!! Sour Patch Kids are one of my fav candies :-O
Save money: eat out less & make my own coffee/tea. Saves $$$$ :-D. And cutting open the foundation… I’ve been doing that for years LOL! So funny! I do it with lotion and such as well. ;-)
I absolutely love sour cream. Yummy! On fajitas I love salsa and guacamole and all kinds of stuff. Yum!! Those look good!


I keep seeing these Popsicles in our grocery store and try so hard to walk by and not purchase. Has anyone tried these yet? Are they as amazing as they look?


Ahh I so agree with your ice cream statement, I wish they would put more cookie dough in rather than 1 cookie throughout the whole container. Obviously that is the best bit!
Today I did a body blitz class followed by 1/2hr tight n toned class. My gym has fun names for their classes :) tomorrow I will do an ultimate cycle class.
I’m also trying to save money on unnecessary food purchases! I may or may not have just bought a large jar of nutella though..
Sour cream is ok but guacamole is about a thousand times better :)


Oopsy wrong link


I do the same thing with my makeup hahaha!!! On the food front I’m seriously impressed with your money-saving – I spend soooo much money on food and I should really take a leaf out of your book here. I bet you never thought someone would say that to you about food haha!


Iced Coffee gets me, from Starbucks, love the stuff! Try to cut back, but don’t usually succeed…my best kept secret at saving money from spending it on food…lock myself in my room LOL!


Aw, I hope the color purple isn’t hated for ever. It’s MY favorite ;) haha

Cutting the foundation open is GENIUS!


I love sour cream on things, but I usually sub Greek yogurt to get the extra protein.

I’m saving money by shopping at Marshalls instead of Macy’s. What, that doesn’t count??? Actually, we are saving a lot right now since we don’t have to buy fresh veggies – we just pick them from our garden!

I ran 2 miles this morning then worked elementary cheer camp (80 kids!) and then taught shred tonight. Tomorrow is a training day, and I’m teaching a Zumba class.


I’ve been going to boot camp this month- and i’m loooooooving it!! Today was a rest day because yesterday i went a little workout crazy and did boot camp, pump, and cx works all in one day. i’m excited for boot camp in the morning though- it is doing wonders to my self confidence and body image. hoorah!

You would fit in well in Ukraine, we eat sour cream with EVERYTHING. no joke. there’s a tangent for you.

Fajitas sound amazing right now, i’m drooling at my desk at work…but i don’t think i’ve made them since i became a vegetarian 3 years ago.

Money- ugh i’m always trying to save… but it’s SO hard, and i hate seeing how much i end up spending on food. Usually when i go grocery shopping i try to only buy the things that are on sale, it helps a bit.


I do that with my foundation too! You bet I’m not wasting an extra 6 days worth of foundation, so sir. I suck at saving money at this moment, and have spent at least something everyday. Yikes. I need to control this. I’m definitely not much of a sour cream fan, I always preferred ketchup. I think I’m actually going to take the week off working out because my doctor thinks I have adrenal fatigue, so I’m NOT excited about that at all. Hopefully I last. I’m already antsy and its day 1, not good.


That ice cream looks divine! My workout today was a Tabata workout with jump lunges, pushup knee ups, mountain climbers and a scissor sit up thing..I also did an arm workout. Tomorrow I had planned to be a rest day for my bday but I may do something in the morning for fun :):)


Oh, I want fajitas now!! I love topping mine with chipotle sauce.


wow, that is the funniest and best lunch ever. 8 days without buying food?! you should go on survivor or something!


I’m like that with queso, not sour cream. There can never be too much cheese! And I am now making chicken soft tacos tomorrow night thanks to this post. We’ve been meal planning and shopping for the whole two weeks at once in attempt to save money and I think it might be working a little. And I just started the couch to 5k, second day is today!


Sour cream is the best!! We always keep it stocked in our fridge.

I’m not sure what my workout is today. I’m going to try to go to my running group, so that means whatever the run is, it’ll be FAST.


8 days with two of you, that is impressive! It’s always nice to actually eat the food that’s already in your house, rather than hoard it for “emergencies” like I do haha.


I have to agree with the ice cream tangent. If the ice cream is supposed to be flavored…for example the caramel cone i just bought at the store…and it does not have more than 50% STUFF in it, then it is a waste. Damn you skinny cow I should have known from the name you might let me down.
I am saving money by NOT getting my nails done. I used to get acrylics filled every two weeks which was 70 dollars a month!!! that money could EASILY and more appropriately be spent elsewhere…like date night with my husband! so no more nails for me! there are, however some fun colors I experimented with on my own at home! yay for glitter!!

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