HOT run and the worst smell in the world.

I go through definite running phases.  One week I will only run on the treadmill because all I feel like is zoning out and watching Hulu and other weeks I just want to be outside and feel like I am exploring.  This week has definitely been a week of wanting to get outside.  Even though I didn’t leave my house until 11 a.m. and it was already 85 degrees, I had to be outside.

I decided to run to my parent’s house because I absolutely love being over there and have to take advantage of it as much as possible.  On the way there I passed by the park that I used to run around when I was in high school and decided to run a lap.  I thought that 3.5 times around was a mile… nope, definitely .45 miles each time around which means I ran a lot more than I thought in high school.  How did I ever run without my first Garmin in 2009?

Photo 1

I ran a total of 7 miles but with just about half a mile to go I had to take a shade break half-way through a huge hill.  I probably sat there for ten minutes just watching cars go by, drinking water and taking self portraits.

Photo 2

I arrived sweaty and more than ready to take advantage of their air conditioning.  You all probably think my sister is always nice and always a kind soul to me but today she did the unthinkable.  As I was laying on the ground thinking about stretching she brought over a huge bowl of steamed broccoli and it almost killed me.  This is the one food aversion that has stuck the entire pregnancy, the smell made me want to run all the way back home.

Photo 3

Luckily my mother solved my problems and took me to Which Wich for my biggest pregnancy craving.  I went with the ham/turkey/coleslaw and veggies combo.


Now I am just cleaning up around the house and attempting to pack a little more.  Something wonderful happened and I found a bag of Swedish Fish that I totally forgot about behind the bread machine.  It is a sign that I need to take a break from cleaning and sit on the couch with 3.5 lbs of goodness.

Photo 1


What is the WORST smell in the world to you?

Do you carry water with your runs?

When did you get your first garmin/gps?  If you don’t have one, how do you track your mileage?

What running phase have you been in this week?

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Beautiful photos! I always carry water with me on my runs. I’d rather have it and not need it than get dehydrated and feel awful. I agree that Garmins are amazing. I got mine in 2011 when I was training for my first half marathon and I have no idea what I would do without it. I tried a running pedometer for a few months but it just wasn’t accurate.


I agree about carrying water! Seriously once you have a garmin you can’t go back!


I don’t carry water with me on runs shorter than 6-7 miles. I should, but I usually run in the evening when it’s cooler and I am hydrated.

But, the worse smell has to be paint. I hate the smell of paint. Especially the heavy duty paint. Makes me want to vomit.

Gosh, I sound like a pregnant woman. ;)


Hahahah you are hilarious and pain is awful! Instant headache for me!


i love all the smells that people hate!

furniture varnish
tar & asphalt

anything that is chemical-y and (to me) clean smelling…

bad smells: several days old dead anything (roadkill)


I don’t carry water with me and guess by now I’m just used to runnin without water. I don’t have a garmin or gps either although I want one! I’ve run with my phone and used Map My Run but usually I just run routes I already have marked out.


I don’t have a garmin but I use Nike + to track my time/distance. I really want a garmin
How do you stand running in the heat? You are brave. I’d rather get up before 6 than run in the heat


I really do need to get up earlier but my bed is so comfortable:) hope you are having a great weekend!


Stay in bed as long as you can now because that little girl in your tummy will be your alarm clock soon enough. Plus, once you have kids you never sleep as soundly. Never.


SO TRUE!!! I am sure going to miss that little thing called sleep soon:)


I am having a treadmill week because I have a bunch of dvr’ed shows to catch up on, and I start them laying on the couch and after 20 minutes the treadmill is like a magnet to me.
This is really weird but I really don’t like the smell of chicken soup. Maybe because as a kid, I only ate it when I was already sick……but yeah, can’t do it.
Nice work on the 7 today, love the self portrait.


I bet that you connect being sick with that smell for sure! What shows have you been catching up on? I need some new ones!


I grew up in Florida, my go to rule is never to run more than 5 miles without access to water!
In the humidity it can be a safety issue. I was a little too ambitious and ran 10 miles without water once in the summer… let’s just say I’m glad I take Dean Karnazes advice and always take money on longer runs!


That is a great idea to always have some cash with you during long runs! I will be doing that from now on!


Vomit is the worst smell for sure!! With 3 kids, I have had my fill of it… so gross!! Not to scare you or anything ;)


Oh noooooo!!! I keep forgetting about stuff like that, things are going to be changing very soon!


I used to HATE carrying things while running, but this summer I learned to carry water bottles while running. On today’s run it was 100 degrees out, and it’s been like that most of the summer. I had no choice but to learn to love carrying water with me!

I am such an old-school runner. I use a cheap wrist stopwatch, and track my miles on, and I calculate my pace on My teammates make fun of me so much for it.


I do this too!!!!!!!


I’m glad you’re taking a break on your longer runs! And I hate the smell of sauerkraut and gasoline!


I feel your pain…I used to sit next to the kitchen at my old job and this girl would microwave broccoli EVERYDAY! First off, the smell is aweful, and secondly, who eats only microwaved broccoli for lunch everyday?


Phew! That was probably SUCH a hot run! I’ve been running indoors lately because I can’t stand the heat, but once the weather cools off a bit, I’ll be out there!

Oh and the worst smell ever is kale baking in the oven. BLEH. the worst.


Worst smell is running by dead road kill…makes me want to vomit. Got my Garmin last year and before that I used mapmyrun. I carry water on long runs and if it’s really hot (most of the time). Nice run and glad u got ur fav sandwich! :)


I don’t carry water with me when I run. If I’m going further than 7 I do a loop that goes by my house and will have a water bottle waiting on the porch, I’ll pick it up and carry it the rest of the way. Otherwise I just drink water when I get home, I live, every time.


I’m horrible…I don’t carry water with me when I run. Where you do you keep all this stuff – especially the phone/camera part. I just bring my garmin and ipod nano because they attach to me haha.

I actually just got my first garmin watch last October – hubby got it for me for our anniversary. The fact that he thinks our anniversary is actually all about me makes me love him a billion times more haha.

I’ve only been on one run this week and it was on the treadmill. The weather’s cooled off and if I wasn’t so tired tonight, I’d be out there. But I also need to get packing, so I’m doing that tonight instead and then running in the morning…with some NEW running shoes I picked up! Woohoo!


Husband of the year award goes to him! Yep, anniversaries should involve getting running stuff!


I hate hot runs. They make me so uncomfortable and lately my head, face, and feet have been so so hot when I run and I hate it. Other than sitting in the shade how do you stay cool when you run?

I got my Garmin 2 yrs ago for Christmas. I use mapmyrun on my cell phone when I run too if I am running a new route so I always have a map with me.


The biggest thing I do to stay cool is slow down my pace a ton!!!!! I also pour water on my head sometimes and luckily I know the paths around here with the most shade which helps a ton! Hope you are having an amazing day!


The worst smell is the trash cans people sit out for days before our trash gets picked up in the neighborhood. When I’m running in the mornings, I try to hold my breath, but sometimes I’m too late and it wafts into my nose and it is brutal. Like you can smell it 100 ft before the trash can! Gross.

I always take water with me now because its so hot and humid here in the South, but I mostly use it to cool my head off. Nothing feels better than pouring some cold water on your head.


Oh I can’t even imagine running in that humidity! I am going to have to agree with you and the trash cans! Worst smell ever!


I’ve been wanting to run outside but its just been too hot! I’ve been taking water on my training runs. There’s a ton of water fountains in central park so I’m always safe :)


I seriously wish do bad that I could train for NYC with you in central park… Someday:) maybe I will fly out for a long run to prepare for Eugene!


Ummm can we please do a long run together before Eugene!? That would be awesome :)


Don’t ever let black beans go bad in the ‘fridge … not that I ever would let food go bad … but if I *had* it would probably be the worst smell EVER.


Oh girl…that would be awful! I will learn from your mistakes!


The worst smellin the world for me when I was pregnant with my first was cucumber melon lotion. It still gives me the willies, but it doesn’t make want to loose my lunch :)


I will never send you cucumber melon lotion! That stuff is potent…


FISH! It just immediately makes me want to vomit. I’m not sure why it does this to me. Especially since about once a month I get a craving for sushi. Doesn’t really make sense?

I get this weird numbing feeling that starts in my collar bone and moves its way down my arm, and if I’m carrying something sorta heavy it’ll make it worse. So I stopped taking water with me, and just make sure I drink plenty of water after (all day) my runs.

I still haven’t gotten a Garmin. I measure my runs with car haha

Inside all week baby!!!

Check out my blog:)


My biggest one when I was pregnant was chocolate – it was really hard for me because I love chocolate. My chocolate love came back, every time.
I got my first garmin last year – love it, but am trying to teach myself to run more without it – tough!
I’m in kind of an unplanned cutback week this week, and am itching to run in the am big time!! Don’t know if it will happen though:(
Have a great night!!


I have run with a garmin before (my dad has one) but I found that I pushed myself wayyy too hard. I always wanted to run a certain per mile pace. I now just track time, and I can sorta estimate distance. Running so much means I can tell approximately what per mile split I’m running now..AWESOME!


Wow that really is so cool! You know your body so well now!


Who forgets about Swedish Fish? That’s just crazy!!
I always run outside. The only exceptions are when I’m staying at a hotel, I may use the gym there and run on the treadmill or when it’s super bad weather and I really want to get a run in I’ll stop by my parents and run on their treadmill.
I don’t carry water. My runs usually don’t exceed 4~ miles so I manage okay. I considered doing the water thing and got a camelbak and felt like I was going to pee my pants the entire time because of the sloshing.
No garmin. I use the MiCoach app on my phone and Pandora while I run.


Hahahah the sloshing wouldn’t be good for me either! I love pandora when running!


Steamed peas is the worst smell in the world! I don’t know how I ever ran without my Garmin. Even if i don’t care about pace or mileage I “need”


Broccoli is a pretty bad smell, along with yogurt.
I usually don’t run with water, but I’m trying to get used to carrying something on longer runs. The waist water holders just don’t fit me properly.


I only carry water with me when I’m doing a race and it has to be the bottle that goes in my hand held Fuel Belt…otherwise I can’t carry a big bottle in my hand. I know- I’m lame. I was super interested in getting a Garmin until I found out how expensive they were! :P So I track my mileage after I run at It’s a great site where you can share your workouts, log your daily food intake, find runs in your area, etc. You should check it out!


Just wanted to share with you that my mom had an aversion to broccoli too, when she was pregnant with me. I have never been able to eat it. It just makes me feel nauseous and I hate the smell of it. Hopefully you will get your love for broccoli back!


No way!!! I wonder if that will happen to my little girl!?


I just picked up a water belt to run with and I’ve loved it. It has saved me on my last few runs with the heat/humidity we have here.

Not a lot of smells get to me, although I can’t stand the smell of fish. On one of my runs a few weeks ago we ran past a dead deer, and that had to be the worst smell I’ve ever smelled. Something I hope to never smell again.

I run with my phone and use the nike+ app. One of these days when we get our student loans paid down I’ll convince my husband that I need a garmin.


Sweedish fish are currently my car ride snack :)
The green are my favorite!!

I’ll admit that I depend on my Garmin a little more than I’d like to, but I enjoy seeing all the numbers and how weather impacts my runs.


I will give you my greens an you give me your reds! I am going to have to copy you and put them in my car too…


OMG, if I had a scenery like that, I think I’d have to run outside every single day! AND, it’s 85 degrees here at the crack of dawn right now….so hot.

Broccoli has always stunk. Pregnancy just made you come to your senses!! haha.


That hot at the crack of dawn?!? How are you surviving?!? You are so right about the broccoli!


That totally sucks that you still have such an aversion to broccoli. I would be sad if that happened to me.
I carry water and chapstick with me on every run unless I’m running loops around my neighborhood.
I’m saving up for my first GPS. I’m hoping to get a Bia when the are available next year. For now I map my runs on Google Earth. I know it’s not super accurate but it’s better than nothing. It’s been awesome to use when I go on vacation and need to get a certain number of miles in, I just measure it out with the path ruler and then I’m off!


Hmmm the worst smell.. that’s a tough one. I hate the smell of sulfur. Ick!!
I carry water on hot runs but ever since my first marathon I have had no desire to run. I’ve been loving my gym sessions and I am going through a breakup with running :(


Oooh, surprise Swedish Fish is always fun!


I can NEVER run without my garmin. I bought it last summer just before I really started training for my first half marathon.. Just doesn’t seem right to leave it at home and not wrapped on my arm


I am the same way! I have a pretty sweet tan line from mine now ha! Hope you are having an amazing Friday!


Im a total weekday treadmill person, weekend outdoor run person! I always carry water with me when I run, but do not have the appropriate running gear for this so am usually awkwardly running with a huge bottle and juggling it between arms…ridiculous!


Janae, I just bought a pair of brooks silence shoes per your request. I’ve only worn asics, so this is a big step for me! This is the second day I’ve ran in them and on the ball of my left foot I keep getting a blister! Are they the wrong fit for me or should I break them in more?


Hey you!!! Bummer about the blister! I think that breaking shoes is kind of a myth, you shouldn’t be getting blisters! Can you return them and try a different shoe?


I don’t have a garmin and I don’t really track my mileage much right now, I just go by time – I don’t like obsessing over weekly mileage especially since I’m not training for anything right now and have no real reason to.

Worst smell…. hmmm… I’m gonna go with burning rubber/burning hair. Makes me gag every time.


Please be careful not to get too hot while running it is definitely not good for baby.


The worst smell to me ever is probably a bad fast food joint. I can’t handle the overly greasy/processed food smell. I carry water on my runs if it’s warm and over a certain distance. I just got my very first GPS watch for my birthday, July 1st, and I don’t know why I ever waited this long! Before this I always used That site is pretty great. My running phase is the same as always, if I can be outside I will be. I’m not a good treadmill runner.


Love your happy snaps! Your mum sounds like such a sweetie :-)

I got my Garmin last Christmas – amazing!


That photo at the top is incredible!! We’re coming to Utah on holiday – I can hardly wait to run with views like that!!!! And I always want to run outside – I can’t bear treadmills!!!

Worst smell in the world…my son’s poo!!! And wait till your baby starts solids, it only gets worse.

I carry water for all my long runs – ie over an hour!

And I don’t have a garmin yet…I have an iphone and Nike Plus! It’s okay but I’m hankering for a garmin.


The smell of cilantro makes me want to run a marathon away- can’t handle it! I was in a running funk this week- wasn’t feelin it all and just ran once! Ready to get back in action on Monday!


oh my goodness. life pre-garmin!!!! i got my 1st in 2010 — when we got engaged!!! I told Kevin I wanted an engagement Garmin instead of a ring… I got both!! lol


I don’t carry water because I don’t run very far. Yet! But I do carry water when I hike. Generally, we hike up some pretty hilly trails and tend to go longer than my runs.

I don’t have a gps. Yet! I use But a Garmin is on my lists of wants for sure. Of course, every time I think I’m going to buy a gps, one of my daughters outgrows something crazy like shoes, so there goes my gps. But I know sooner or later they will stop growing and I can get my want vs. their need. Darn kids. ;-)


I don’t have a gar mind/gps watch so I just track my route before or after my run on I actually think cauliflower smells worse than broccoli…..or boiled cabbage. yuck! Although I do love me some cabbage soup haha


Janae, what kind of running glasses do you wear? I need to get a pair so I stop squinting through 99% of my run! :)


The worst smell in the world has to be thee sweat of 20+ Bikram yoga students in the middle of class on a carpeted floor. I swear, I gag when I have to lay face down on my towel. I seriously stink. :/


I can’t go over how well your training is going during this pregnancy! WOW! I’m so so so inspired Janae! Baby girl is not a broccoli fan is she??


I can’t handle perfume…esp the very flowery kinds


I was in an outside running phase last week, but trapped inside because of storms and insane humidity. Hopefully this week will be better.

That is an awesome find behind bread machine.

This weekend, I went to the Yankee Candle outlet and ended up with a migraine for the rest of the day.


Poop. Any type of poop. I HATE IT! When I have to go to the bathroom in public, and I walk in and smell poop, I immediately walk out. I think I’ve walked out of 1,000,000 bathrooms since I’ve been alive. I HATE POOP! Its disgusting!

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