My 5 reasons to work out today and CREPES.

The second I arrived to my in-laws house I was surrounded by fresh fruit.  That blueberry crate below was full before I got to it.  I am always in charge of cutting the watermelon and act as though I do it to serve others but in reality I just want to eat half of it as I cut it.

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Whenever my mother-in-laws boys come back to visit her she makes ribs and homemade bbq sauce.  I also found a potato salad that I finally like, my MIL’s is crazy good and has hardboiled eggs, celery and onions in it too.

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Life with a dog around is automatically better.


I thought that I was full after dinner and didn’t think it was possible to fit in one more bite but then a crepe filled with dulce de leche ice cream magically appeared in front of me.  I am convinced that anyone can push through fullness in order to fit in a delicious crepe, I am living proof.

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It was another night/day of watching the trials and I got extra excited to see Jenny Simpson make the 1500 meter Olympic team.

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After all we are pretty much best friends.

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The race off to break the tie for the last spot on the 100 meter women’s team is on tonight.  Who do you think will win? Allyson Felix or Jeneba Tarmoh?


And to finish of the longest post of my life (sorry if your fingers are tired from scrolling down), 5 reasons to get out and get your workout on today:

1.  What better way to start your week than with a fresh new batch of endorphins flowing through your veins?

2.  You can.

3.  It is good for your mental health and helps us all be a little less crazy.  You know you will feel so much better afterwards.

4.  It is so much easier to get out for a run in the summer (unless you live somewhere with crazy hot temperatures) compared to the winter…no running tights/gloves/hats/thermals.  Just grab a tank, shorts and sports bra (or 3 in my case) and get out there.

5.  Run (work out) for those days that you wish you could but can’t because of injury, time or sickness.


Favorite crepe toppings/fillings?

What is one of your reasons to get out and work out today?

Last type of berry that you ate?

Do you own a grill?  How often do you use a grill?

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Awww Charlie is so cute! Your MIL looks like the best cook!

I don’t think I have ever had a crepe before–must try one;-) I last had blueberries–but honestly I can’t wait until its blueberry picking season–the huge blueberries at the store kind of freak me out.

The #1 reason to workout today is the gym has AC and our house does not–I am seriously considering spending the night there and sleep under a bench in the locker room.


I skipped working out yesterday – I was so sore – and felt like my day wasn’t complete! My mental health is my reason to workout today! :) The crepes look amazing!


Woo for Monday workouts- it’s what gets me through my day…otherwise I’d me a miserable grump ;)! I had one of those amazing speed sessions this morning which kill you during yet make you feel on top of the world once you’re done- 8 hours later and I’m still buzzing :)! I love Nutella & banana crepes..SO delicious- and crepes are so light, there’s always room for one!


the best crepe I’ve had yet was filled with nutella and bananas. it was very delicious (and obviously nutritious, right??) Enjoy your week full of delicious food, it looks great so far!


Haha Billy’s face! Those blackberries are suspiciously large.

I hope that Allyson Felix wins! I’ll be tuning in to watch!


Life is better with a dog around!
Great reasons to run- I can attest to #4! My favorite crepe is also with nutella and bananas or strawberries!


I don’t really care for berries….at all. My husband thinks I am so weird but I’m more of a veggie person. My parents gave us a grill as a housewarming gift last year and we use it all the time in the summer. It’s just so much easier and delicious!


Sometimes the best way to convince yourself to get out the door is to simply be grateful that you can. Not everyone is so lucky!


I so glad I scrolled down to #5! I just started running last year and I love it! I did my first half last year and was excited to do my second this year, but I got a metatarsal fracture at the end of March. Since I couldn’t put weight on it for a while and was in a boot I couldn’t really work out easily. I was in such a mental funk :(

But I am finally cleared to start walking without the boot/carbon fiber insert and using the elliptical and BOY have I been taken advantage of it. Being laid up for a couple months really made me appreciate my health and my body. Can’t wait to start training again!!


I just had a blackberry/strawberry and blueberry smoothie yesterday …YUM…so refreshing!!

Grill all summer …too hot to use the over for sure! ;-)


I love blueberries too!

The best crepe filling is bananas and nutella. I could eat a ton of them.


My reason to workout today is that I have the day off and soooo much time to get in a great workout :)


My favorite reason? Because I CAN! Reason 2? I want to rock my first marathon! Haha okay okay, I want to finish!


6. Run FOR all of the injured who wish they could :)


OK your 5 reasons to work out totally re-motivated me! I have been in a running rut and you helped to remind me of why I should!! :)


I have never actually had a crepe. Even though I worked at IHOP for 4 years.

My reason to go workout today is because I CAN. My foot is feeling much better. I even put the sneakers on for the first time in over 6 weeks yesterday and went for a 7.5 mile bike ride. It was over 100 degrees but I felt awesome. Second reason is because of my mental sanity. I am dragging at work…

I had blueberries in my oatmeal at 4:30 and strawberries in the greek yogurt at 8:30:-)

I LOVE to grill. I could eat grilled chicken breasts every day of my life.


Yummm you’re making me want watermelon so badly right now! Haha stop posting yummy looking food first thing in the morning, I read it first thing and it always makes me so hungry! :-D


My favorite crepe fillings are nutella and banana. Best combo ever!

I bought 4 pounds of strawberries from Costco yesterday so those will be my berry of choice for the week. Good thing they are quite possibly the tastiest strawberries I’ve ever had. :)

I got my boyfriend a grill a month ago for our anniversary and we love it. I’d say we use it 3-4 times per week.


I am actually on edge for this run off! It’s making me nervous for both girls!


Yay! so glad you made it safe! I remember being pregnant and trying to sit through a movie at the theater a 9 1/2 hr drive would of pushed me over the edge!
My favorite crepe filling? Greek Yogurt and berries
Last berry- Raspberries from costco! They are also huge and delicious.
Im going to workout today because its the only time of the day I will not have to clean up after thing 1 &2 :) and so I can be a good mom for the rest of the day!
endorphins = better parenting. its proven.
We grill almost everyday! love grilled peaches!


I hot a hot and sweaty 10K yesterday – I think I’m going to do some lunchtime yoga. I love crepes – I hadn’t had them in YEARS and the other weekend I did and I want more now.

Today is also fresh fruit shopping! Hooray!


Oh my gosh I wish I could run right now! I’m in yoga teacher training and can only run once or twice a week (it’s been so hard!). I will never take running for granted again! Also, I’m super jealous that you’ve been able to watch the olympic trials – I’ve been missing all of those!


This post is full of so many good points! Like yes, life is automatically better with a dog around (now that I am saying with my in-laws we have two!) and obviously the best reason to cut the watermelon is to eat most of it along the way (we just cut up a huge watermelon last night).
My reason to work out today was – it was on my training plan so I coudn’t skip it!


Favorite crepe toppings/fillings?
-I never had a crepe! I need to change that soon, especially because I’m a pancake lover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is one of your reasons to get out and work out today?
-I’m training for the Wineglass Marathon.

Last type of berry that you ate?

Do you own a grill? How often do you use a grill?
Yes. I don’t use it often. I’d love to try and grill some fruit and pair it with fresh fish!


Looks like we were on the same wave length as far as post topic go!! Ha ha. Made me laugh. Love all that yummy food! I wanted to jump through the computer and eat it!


I would say my extra 50 pounds is a good reason to get moving today…

If your husband enjoys BBQing do NOT let him find out about the Big Green Egg. It’s the best ever but so crazy expensive. And yes there is one on my patio, he can never ask to buy anything again….


sadly enough I dont eat too many crepes, but after looking at your pictures I might need to start…

hmmm one of my reasons to get out and run today is bc of marathon training!! also, because i had a ton of pizza last night, so i’m thinking this run will be pretty sweet ;)

last berry I had was blackberries too!! i LOVE them!

we have two grills, a charcoal one and a mini gas one…we dont use the charcoal one that often but the mini gas one is awesome and we use it at least 2-3 times a week in the summer…it makes dinners ridiculously easy.


Carmelized bananas!
To feel good about myself :)
Blueberries and strawberries yesterday morning.
We use our grill a few times a week, but my husband is the grill master :)


Got in my run this morning–a big deal for me, because I am NOT a morning person. I ran today for marathon training, and also to keep me sane, manage my stress…studying the bar exam is not conducive to stress-management!

I don’t have a grill, but I would really love one. My neighbors grill out all the time, and I have to try not to stand on my porch and stare at their food, haha!


My reason to workout today: We leave in Europe in less than 2 weeks. And I plan on eating A LOT while I’m over there. ;) Therefore, working out right now is very necessary in preparation!!

Those crepes look SO good! My mom used to make crepes, but it’s been several years since I’ve had them. I’m so deprived!


I am basically going to work out today to keep me from going crazy. Having summers off would result in extreme boredom and craziness if I didn’t exercise!!

Last berry I ate = BLUEBERRIES in my pancakes this morning!!

I have a grill and use it mostly for veggies! I’ve got to get creative. I see you always grill pineapple and I really want to try that!


Reminding myself to workout out for all those days I can’t or wish I can always motivates me! It’s such a good reminder to be thankful for the ability to exercise!


Want to hear something funny? I was watching the trials last night, and Craig was sitting next to me..and I don’t know why but watching the trials, especially the long distance races for track & field always make me MISS track & field SO much. I loved it, and always had Olympic dreams. (I mean who doesn’t?!) So Craig looks over at me during the 1500m & he’s like ‘H are you tearing up!?’ Haha! I’m so lame, but it was making me all emotional. I’m totally blaming it on the hormones though! ;)


We have a hand me down grill, but will be purchasing a new one this week as a late father’s day present cause ours sucks and we use it a lot. We used it for last nights kabobs & will use it again tonight.

I slept in today with the plan of working out later do as to be well rested for my race on Saturday (I wad obviously really digging for am excuse …but I WILL work out!)

I had strawberries in last nights homemade fro yo. So good.
I am hopping in my car right now and will be there in approximately ten hours for a crepe just like yours. That looks/sounds divine!


I am working out today because I will be spending over twenty hours traveling to Switzerland tomorrow starting at 2:30pm. Yuck! At least I end up somewhere amazing.


Life with a dog is so much better!

I think since it’s the 4th soon and I read this post, it might be time to finally build that grill we got for Christmas and have a bbq this week.


whoa, neato that you got to meet her. so i bought a watermelon on saturday and my goal is to finish it by tomorrow. we will see.


Yummm to those blueberries! And I still have not had any watermelon yet this summer. I need to change that!

The last time of berries I had was strawberries with strawberry shortcake for my mom’s birthday last night!

And my #1 reason to workout today is because I don’t have to work until 1 so I had all morning to get in a good workout!


I love berries so much…raspberries I think are the best, pureed and with champagne :) For crepes, it’s all about nutella and whipped cream. I’m hungry just thinking about it.


I love crepes with berries and whipped cream…yummy. New pregnancy craving? ;)

I worked out today because I was not going to be weak and lazy.

I just finished off a blueberry/strawberry/blackberry/cherry smoothie.

We’ve just started using our grill more…grilled pizza=deliciousness


Haha I was literally in need of some motivation to get my butt to the gym. I already have my workout clothes ON I just need to get up. Thank you for giving me exactly what I needed, hahaha


Best crepe ever — Nutella with bananas and strawberries!!! :)


Life is totally more awesome with a dog around. I’m hoping to have two around soon!!! My reason to workout today — and most days– is I love the energy. And I’m working on getting faster! It’s motivational!


I feel completely opposite about the summer vs. winter… I’d rather run in the 30s or 40s than in the sweltering heat. I’m in PA and it’s been humid in the 90s, I can’t even imagine what it feels like down south!

The last berries I ate were raspberries. Sometimes the crunchiness of the seeds grosses me out, but I ate them mixed in some Chobani with some granola and it was great!


I’ve never actually had a crepe but from what I have heard I would love it! My reason for getting out and working out today is because every time I do I always feel better. The last berry I ate was a strawberry but I really could go for any kind of berry right now. :) We usually BBQ at least 5 days of the week in the summer and probably 2-3 days a week in the winter. We love to BBQ!


AHHHH, that run off is going to be insanee!! I cannot believe there was a true tie and that they are training partners! INSANE


I love that you match the watermelon in the photo haha!


Hi Janae,

I loved meeting you this weekend! You are just as adorable in real life as you are on your blog :)


Those berries look sooooooo good! ANd those crepes look AMAZING!


The weather out in Norcal is BEAUTIFUL today, so I’m going to head to the bay trails to get my run in. The San Francisco Marathon is in 4 weeks!

I dominated a Costco sized strawberry basket in three days this week! So delicious.

You also have to try Fraiche Yogurt in Palo Alto if you get a chance this week! Best yogurt ever. (there’s also a pinkberry and yogurtland on pretty much the same street…)


I took a walk this morning to shake out my long run from yesterday! And speaking of crepes, I enjoyed one in Vancouver, BC, last week for vacay…filled with dark chocolate and coconut. Was it good!!!


Thanks for this post. I very nearly bagged my workout due to intense heat/humidity. I only got 4 miles in, but I’m glad I suffered through them!!


Question! Where did you get the dress you are wearing in that interview!! SO CUTE!!!


That potato salad looks really good! Would your MIL be willing to share her recipe?


I want that crepe!

I worked out today because I could & I should!

Last berry was a strawberry. Yummy!

I don’t own a grill and I don’t know how to grill. But I LOVE grilled pineapple!!




I am an equal-opportunity crepe eater. I eat all crepes with all toppings!!!

Does the tri-berry-flavored GU I had yesterday morning during my long run count? =D Assuming it doesn’t, the last berry I ate was strawberry (mixed in with a mango-banana-orange smoothie!) LOVE summertime produce!!!!


I’ve never actually had a crepe before. I’m more of a pancake or waffle girl. And a grill is next on our bigger purchases list for next summer, pretty excited!


We grill constantly in the summer. It’s so easy to grill pork, chicken, etc. Turkey burgers were last night’s choice!

Ran this morning because I am one pound away from my weight loss goal. Also, I just don’t feel right when I don’t go for a run 4 or 5 times a week (I can’t even believe I’m saying that!).

I had berries today: blackberries, strawberries and blueberries!

Don’t think I’ve ever had a crepe!?!?!?


gonna leave work early and go for a run – gotta run off this case of the mondays!


i loooooove your reasons to work out!!! you’re so motivating, thank you Janae!! it made me feel so good this morning, because i did get my workout on! and right when i woke up! (which, by the way, is my goal for july… i know i’m a post late, but whatever lol) i’m going to get up every morning and workout RIGHT away. there’s no better feeling and way to start the day!

the hubby and i just went to COSTCO today, and got strawberries and raspberries!!! needless to say, i’ve already put a dent in them ;) but that picture of you and the watermelon is really making me regret not getting a watermelon too. sigh.



One reason I like to work out is that showers feel so much better after a sweat session. ;)
Have a great week!


Favorite crepe toppings/fillings? I went to France my senior year in HS and loved crepes. I like everything from cheese and bacon to strawberries and nutella to caramel and pinapple.

What is one of your reasons to get out and work out today? To eat mexican food! I’m having dinner with a friend and can never say no to chips and salsa :)

Last type of berry that you ate? Yesterday. Strawberries.

Do you own a grill? How often do you use a grill? I don’t but my parents do and I love, love, love it :)


What a stellar post!! I’ve been struggling to gear up my motivation after my last marathon, so I printed out your list of five reasons to run and taped it to my mirror…I bet it’ll work magic! Thanks!


I am so glad it helped! I always struggle after a big race too! Keep me updated with how you are doing!


love this post!


Great reasons to work out! One of mine is that I know I’ll regret it if I don’t! I just had strawberries and blueberries with some vanilla yogurt, delicious! But not as delicious as that crepe looked, holy yum!


Crepes: yes please! Sweet, savory, no discrimination here!

I run because I can. Honestly, sometimes I don’t want to go, or there is something else I could/should be doing. But then I think of the people (young and old) who physically CANNOT run and I think “shut up and run”! I also feel amazing afterward, but that isn’t always enough to get the shoes laced up.

The last berry I ate was a blueberry, but I love love love them all.

We do own a grill but it’s a charcoal kettle grill (hubs insisted) but I want to cook it myself so we never use it. My dream grill would be gas with a little burner on the side. Someday…

Great post :)


Crepe fillings – anything with cream cheese and fruit!!

Ate blueberries this morning.

Grill – at least twice a week.


My crepes MUST have sugar and fresh squeezed lemon juice, just like my very first one in Paris 8 years ago. SOOOO good!!
I had strawberries and blueberries, together, another sooo good thing!
I haven’t grilled in a while, shame on me
I sprained my ankle the other day so I’m benched for a while. boo


Greetings from South Korea- my friend and I are both English teachers here and buddied up to make sure we got out for a morning run today. We later found out we both read your blog!! Awesome crepes btw.


Wow! South Korea! That is so awesome. So cool you have such a great running partner. How long are you there for?


Thanks for the response! Contracts for public school teachers are a year so we’ll be done late February but we’ll probably both stick around for another year or two!
The running/workout culture is completely different here… well, for women it’s non-existent! Most Korean women don’t want any muscles (it’s frowned upon) so they resort to walking and *maybe* carrying 2lb weights. When my running buddy told her colleague she was running a half-mary, they worried for her health and said that she was too weak, just because she’s a female. Yeah…so imagine the stares when we’re weight lifting in the gym or running with a sportsbra, tank and shorts outside. Anyway, love reading your blog!


WOW, that is so awesome that you plan on staying for longer. I can’t imagine living in a culture that thinks women are too weak to exercise. You two are setting an awesome example that we are strong and should run and lift weights:) WAY TO GO!


I love your 5 reasons to run list. They are absolutely true!!


Everything edible in this post looks so incredibly amazing!!!! I laughed so hard when I read what you wrote about cutting/eating half the watermelon because I did that exact thing last night! :)


Oh my godness, all of that food looks so delicious! I love blueberries and watermelon together! I think that was my last fruit combo.

My favorite crepe filling is probably strawberry/banana/Nutella. Our favorite farmer’s market has a crepe stand that specializes in that combo!

I made sure to get my workout in this morning because I’m ONE DAY away from being done with the Runner’s World Summer Running Streak!


WOW just what I was looking for. Came here by searching for Dogs

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