What would you do with 25 hours?!?

I got back to Utah at approximately 11:37 pm which is 5 hours past my bed time so this post may or may not make sense.

Even though I was only in NYC for 25 hours, I made sure to see my favorite people and eat my favorite food. After our Brooks meeting Meghann and I walked to Grand Central to meet up with runners/bloggers. (My biggest advice in life, wear comfy shoes to walk around NYC all day. Not that I have nine blisters to confirm that I make bad decisions in life.)

$4 for a slice of pizza the size and weight of the poodle I had in high school?!? Yes please.

Tangent: when my sister moved away to college I was crazy sad and my mom bought me a tiny, white, fluffy poodle to replace my sister (kind of kidding on the replacement part). She became my best friend and I named her Crystal. We would even go running together, best dog ever.

Back to the pizza, let’s zoom in to the artichoke, spinach and cheesy goodness. It is always a rude awakening to go back to Utah and eat Little Caesars after eating this.

NurysCelia and Jen!!!!

Catie and Sarah (Sarah designs and sells the cutest running skirts ever)!!!!

Meghann, Abby, April and Lish!!!!

And then I made them pose with me too. Love all of these new friends and wish we could have all talked for a year straight!

I finally got to meet Dorry!!! She was one of my first blogging friends ever and I have wanted to meet her forever. Added bonus: we both have husbands named Billy which means we were meant to be best friends.

Catie and I got to spend a lot of time together when I was in town for the New York Marathon. She is the greatest and we are planning to run Eugene 2013 (she is from the west coast and still has family there) together. Who wants to join us?

As we were walking to lunch we saw a Crumbs bakery and I made Meghann pinky promise me that we would stop on the way back.

I almost bought this assortment for myself but it is always awkward when i try to explain to billy the forty dollar charge on the credit card when i go to bakeries.

1000-1200 calories if you eat the entire container;)

Instead we split a key lime cupcake, not something we would normally try but we were feeling adventurous (and the fact that both chocolate and pb aren’t my favorite limited our choices). Glad we branched out because this was the best!

On the flight they gave out Biscoff cookies…do people really like these and why do they call them cookies and hand me something hard as a rock? Very deceiving.


Did you have a pet when you were a teenager? Tell me about them!

Have you ever tried any unique cupcake favors? Ever been to Crumbs? What flavor(s) did you try?

Would you rather have a slice of pizza or a cupcake right now?

-PIZZA. I want more!!

Ever met up with other bloggers?

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AHhhh I saw that cupcake in Meghann’s post this morning and now I want it even more! It looks delicious!!!!!!
I’ve actually never met up with another blogger :( This needs to be fixed!
Happy Friday! Have a great day Janae!


Looks like such a fun trip. I’m jealous of that cupcake! I have never been to Crumbs bakery.

I always had cats growing up. My husband is very allergic to cats so that ended my chances of ever having a cat again. Oh well, I guess I love him more than cats :)
Right now, I want a big slice of pizza with a cupcake for dessert :)
Have a great weekend!


I call Crumbs’ bluff – if there are 12 cupcakes and the whole packet is between 1,000 – 1,200 calories, that means each cupcake is 100 cals max…NO CHANCE! Regardless I would KILL for one of those right now!


HAHAH Sorry honey, I was being sarcastic….they make sure to let you know that each cupcake is 1,000 to 1,200 calories:) So worth it though!


I would definetly love a huge cupcake right now! I’ve been craving sweets for a few days and that cupcake picture just made my mouth water! Enjoy your Friday!! :)


Is each cupcake over a thousand calories? I don’t think that whole box could be…


I am sorry…sometimes my sarcasm is lame sauce ha. Each cupcake is over a thousand calories!


aww how fun! I’ve never been to a blogger meet up but it looks like you had such a great group! Definitely clicking over to their pages now.. thanks for the links! I love finding new running blogs to read :)


So are Crumbs cupcakes really worth the hype? Just curious because I went to Sprinkles cupcakes before (another well-known cupcake store) and I was greatly disappointed! I hope Crumbs lived up to expectations! ;)


I LOVE Biscoff cookies! They even make a cookie butter that is a PB like spread that tastes like Biscoff! Yum!


We had 2 dogs and 3 cats growing up! Only one is still with the family + 2 new dogs :) we are an animal loving family! And now the hubs and I have a dog and a cat. I’ve only met one other blogger in real life! We both ran a half marathong at the beach where my parents live – she was so nice! I’m so bummed I missed out on your meet up! I live a short 30 min train ride away from the city! So do-able but stupid work! And I love crumbs!! We have one 2 min from my house and I used to think that if I ran there ate a cupcake and finished my run it would all cancel out! I loved all the Brooks stuff you featured! All my shirts from the RnR marathon are mens smalls and I love the fit!! I want to try the shoes but I’ve been an asics person for SO long!!


I had one dog as a kid, but she died when I was 13 or 14. I’m making up for lost time with Bungee, now.

I’d totally go for pizza and a cupcake right now. Key lime sounds awesome.


I love finding new running bloggers- thanks for all of the links!

Looks like you guys had fun– that pizza looks so good!


I have a maltese puppy named Cody. I love him. He’s adorable!!

I would rather have a slice of pizza right now cause I think I OD on chocolate last night… or every day of my life.

and outside of the “normal friends”, I haven’t met up with any bloggers but I’m excited to meet up with you when I head back into Provo with the baby clothes! :)



I spoke with Dorry last night on the phone, she said you were just the most amazing woman ever! That i believe! she is too. THis makes me happy.

I’m all for that cruise.


Let the cruise planning begin! I need to get down to visit you next!


Looks like it was an amazing whirwind of a trip – that pizza looks amazing!
To ask me to decide between a cupcake or pizza would be like asking a parent to decide which of their children is their favorite. The only acceptable answer to that question is both.
I think I have been to a Crumbs once although I cannot remember what I got, so it probably wasn’t a cupcake (maybe it was just a cookie?).


I would rather have a piece of pizza right now, even though it’s only 8:40 am. I love it. Then I’ll try one of those lime cupcakes. So, both.
I have never met any other bloggers, but one of my bffs is a blogger. So, of course I’ve met her. It seems like I may be the only blogger from Michigan! I’m sure I’m not, but it seems like bloggers typically come from the west.


“1000-1200 calories if you eat the entire container;)” – that`s what I was going to say. In that case you SHOULD have bought them, really! ;)


I love Biscoff cookies!


I have had several fish (guppies!) and a Roborovski hamster. No poodles, though I absolutely love them!

Hmm…I had a rocky road cupcake once that was delicious. I’ve never been to Crumbs (eek, can I still call myself a real New Yorker?). I’m a big fan of Moxie Cupcakes, based in New Paltz, NY. Their mini cupcakes are the cutest (and soo delicious).

Right now…pizza! I recently tried pizza with vodka sauce and now I’m like…whoa, what have I been missing my whole life?!

Nope, yesterday was my first time, and it was awesome!


I am thinking about doing the Eugene Marathon in 2013 also! I live in Portland so its just a hop and a skip for me! If I do it we have to meet up and chat it up like cray cray :)


I had a little white toy poodle named Fluffy who died when I was a Junior in high school and then my Senior year we got a black toy poodle named Sophie. Now I have my own red toy poodle, Teddy! I love toy poodles :)


We had many different cats, but my cat was Princess Daisy, it was a love-hate relationship – she hated me (and everyone else) and I loved her.
I usually go for anything with PB and chocolate for fear I will not be happy if not. haha Last Christmas I had another favorite – Gingerbread!
Pizza probably, I am not a huge cupcake person.
Yes a couple times but I want to meet more! This summer a girl that lives about an hour away is trying to plan a larger blogger meet up, I cannot wait!


I don’t like biscoff cookies that much, but I LOVE biscoff spread- if you haven’t tried it, you must immediately!!

So much fun yesterday (my first meet up too!) and I have been dreaming of that pizza ever since I left!


I love NY sooo much, I’m so jealous! I’ve never been to crumbs, but looks like I definitely need to go there next time I’m in NY ;D
I’d take the pizza right now.. I’ve been craving some! Even though it’s only 9 a.m. haha.
I’ve met Meghann and a few other bloggers before actually at the Disney Princess Half Weekend. I want to meet everyone!!!


Ah! Janae! Can you come back for another 25 hours next week??? Or maybe I should just return the favor and come to Utah for 25 hours!

I think I’d go with that pizza we had yesterday! It was so delicious!
I’m pretty sure Eugene 2013 is going to be the best, most fun time ever!!! I promise to bring a whole box of rainbow cookies!


Airplane cookies ( okay they aren’t cookies but rocks as you say) are horrible! That pizza looks amazing! I had two rabbits when I was a teenager. The were named Carmel and Mo. They were Holland Lops. I’ve never met other bloggers, but it seems it would be fun.


I have a major sweet tooth, so I would 99% of the time choose a cupcake over a slice of pizza.
Have you tried TJ’s cookie butter? It has the same flavor as those cookies but in a smooth, peanut butter-like consistency. It is divine!


2 words: Biscoff spread.

Biscoff cookies are ok….biscoff spread is AMAZING. I put it on bananas….and anything else in my house.

SERIOUSLY! so good.


Aww, what happened to Crystal? Is she still around now? She sounds so incredibly sweet.

I am a little confused by the 200 calorie variation on those cupcakes! That’s quite a bit, should I ever visit NYC and decide to eat the whole lot :P



We went to Crumbs on Tuesday night for our anniversary. The cookie dough cupcake was AMAZING!

I am actually going to meet another blogger tonight so we can have a slumber party and run a 10mi race in the morning! Fun!


awww, looks like you had a blast! next time you are in NYC I need to get up there to meet you!

crumbs cupcakes are amazing..im glad you went with a full fledged cupcake rather then the mini ones :)

we’ve had so many dogs and cats growing up…we had a german shephard, and then 2 chihuahuas and then finally the one I bought myself when I was 19 (nacho) and now my sisters chihuhua (nina)…always a full house of pets with us. we’re huge pet lovers!

after seeing all those pizza slices, i would definitely say pizza!


those cookies are only good if you dunk them in something like frosting, coffee, or hot chocolate.


Eugene is an awesome race! I ran it for my first time this year and I am from the area! I really enjoyed it!


I had a Samoyed dog named Cody when I was in high school. He was a huge fluffball and died the day before I left for Peace Corps. So sad. Now my parents have two Samoyeds and I am adopting a 5 year old Samoyed next month.

I have been to Crumbs a few times in DC. My favorite flavor is Caramel Apple. They are usually too big to eat though so I savor it for a few days.

Right now I’d rather have a slice of *good* pizza. I love pizza but my husband hates it so I feel like I don’t get enough of it. It is so yummy in my tummy.

I have not met any bloggers before. Back before blogging existed and you met people in chat rooms I made two very good friends and met up with them. Back then people thought it was freaky and weird but both girls were super nice and we had great times together. We have since drifted off but at that moment in life their friendships were exactly what I needed.

And I LOVE those Biscoff cookies! I find them so good – way better than peanuts!


Girl I had so much fun meeting you and all the other bloggers!! I am still learning my lesson about wearing comfy shoes while running errands in the city. I always want to wear something cute and regret it later. Somethings never change ;)

Ah ok I am totally in with you and Catie for the Eugene. That sounds like one amazing race. We can all wear cute skirts and have a blast!

Yay for Fridays! Wished you lived here cuz we could meet up all the time. I am sure we would have lots to chat about it. Have a great weekend!


Yeah! Eugene! Lets do it!
So great meeting you :)


My Mom refused to let us have pets as kids. I ended up finding a stray little kitten in barbed wire when I was in 10th grade and I forced her to fall in love with him. She even came up with his name, MEATBALL! She totally loves him, even though years later she says she doesn’t. :)

I actually (am totally a chocolate person) love lemon cupcakes! They are light and fresh and delicious. Next time you’re in NYC you’ll have to try the mini cupcakes at Baked by Melissa. They are bite size but then you can eat like 20 of them and try so many different flavors!


I got my first dog almost 4 years ago. Jameson is a chocolate lab, I finally convinced my husband to get a dog because my oldest daughter was heading to college.
Love Crumbs, anything with pb is my fav. Although our local cupcake shop does an apple pie one that I love.


What a sweet mom you have to buy you a dog when your sister went to college!! :)


How can you not like Biscoff cookies??

this makes me question our BFF relationship… ;)

glad you are home!
next week- we have dates!


I haven’t met other bloggers yet, but that would be so cool!
I think choosing between that artichoke and spinach pizza and a cupcake, I’d go with the pizza.


My husband flies a lot and will get upgraded to first class occasionally and I always beg him to bring me home as many cookies as possible. I love biscoff! Try the cookie butter, the crunchy kind, it’s amazing!


Fun meet-up!
That pizza looks delicious! Something is up with your tastebuds if you were able to share a cupcake!
Although I have SUCH a sweet tooth, I’d go for pizza right now.


Mmmm…. I want a cupcake. Cake is my favorite thing in the ENTIRE universe!


Mmmm I love NYC pizza!

I’m not a fan of Crumbs. My favorite in NY isn’t actually a NY-based cupcake shoppe – I love Sprinkles! I love their red velvet (best I’ve had), banana, chai, peanut butter chocolate and some of their seasonal varieties!


Your whirlwind trip looks like it was a blast! I’ve only been to New York once way back in high school, but I still dream about the pizza!


Didn’t go to Crumbs, but I LOVED BabyCakes!!!

You’ll have to check that out next time!!!


Whoa that cupcake looks good!!! And YUMM to the pizza :)


hahaha, i laughed because i loooove those biscoff cookies! My dad travels for work a ton and collects them on flights and brings them to me :) i have a whole container in the cupboard!


I will give you mine from now on too ha:)


I LOOOVEE BISCOFF COOKIES!!!!! :) I sometimes buy an entire package of them at the store! They are definitely hard and crunchy but I love them as a little sweet treat. Now that you think I’m nuts, I’ll redeem myself by saying that I would take a Crumbs cupcake ANY day!


HAHAHA I love it…I will definitely give you mine from now on:)


He couldnt stop swohing people. As they arrived he took his guests to the kitchen to look at the cake Thank you so much!It was absolutely delish and there was hardly anything left to take home


Sounds like a fun trip! You have me sold on trying one of the Key Lime cupcakes when I head that way later this year!


We have a pizza place like that near my college! That artichoke one looks amazing!!!


OMG, when I went to college, my parents bought my sister and tiny white poodle to replace me. How strange???


I LOVE New York. It is such an exciting city! There is nothing like a good dose of over-crowded awesomeness . Those cupcakes look to die for!


I recently had a Mohito cupcake-it was pretty much amazing!


OMG, I LOVE Biscoff cookies. It’s the only thing I like about flying Delta. Though, I have been able to find them in my local grocery store lately, so now I don’t have to fly Delta to get the cookies. They are so so good! I’m a fan of cinnamon-ish goodness. :)


Slice of pizza! I love cupcakes but they usually have too much icing for me!

& I had a guinea pig when I was younger named Elektra. I was weird lol.


We just got a crumbs in Boston! I had red velvet but there was one problem: NO CREAM CHEESE FROSTING. That is a sin in my book! I would definitely go for pizza right now since I haven’t had it in far too long. I had a cat named Teddy from the time I was 3-18! My favorite cupcake ever is a banana cupcake with nutella frosting and filled with nutella. It is incredible


The New York TImes just published an article on how lame flying is compared to what it used to be that discussed the Biscoffs at length! Personally, I think Biscoffs are delicious, but I think you have to be a coffee drinker – they taste delicious dipped in a cup of coffee. Well, delicious compared to pretzels or nut mix or any other free airline snack.


I’m having a pepperoni pizza bagel from Einstein’s… it’s like the best of both worlds. :)


How fun! I love cupcakes too and have great bakery near my house. I love their Stuffed Berry French toast and Red Velvet Raspberry Cheesecake cupcakes! I really want to run the Eugene Marathon too!! I love pizza and cupcakes so I can’t decide which one I want more!


Too funny, my parents bought me a dog, a Golden Retriever, when my sister went away to college. I played up how lonely I was without my sister and it worked!


Biscoff cookies are so good!!
I can’t believe each cupcake is that many calories! I mean I guess I can, but I love cupcakes and never really thought of their calorie count! Yikes!
Ps now I want pizza so bad right now! And the hubs and I already planned on chicken for lunch…. Hmmmm that might need to change


I had a cat named Milton who I loved, he passed away last year and I miss him everyday! :*) He was huge and orange and fluffy, like Garfield! :)

I always want PIZZA! Of every form but nothing wrong with a good cupcake either!


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I have not met up with any other bloggers, but would totally love to! I might get to if you run Eugene 2013, I’m only like 50 minutes away from there! So you should TOTALLY run it!


My favorite cupcake is Cookie Dough. I’ve been to Crumbs – don’t love it.

Would you rather have a slice of pizza or a cupcake right now? – Cupcake always!

Ever met up with other bloggers? Hmm, yea, you, yesterday! Good times. :)


I’ve never met up with other bloggers. Most of them live on the complete opposite side of the country! Looks like so much fun!


Love Crumbs and love Sarah. How cute are those running skirts she makes? Looks like a blast!


I’m glad you got to meet up with everyone in New York! And those cupcakes look amazing! Is that really only 1,000-1,200 for the whole box!? Haha I’d eat that!


I”m not buying 1000-1200 calories for the entire 12 pack.. no way hosay! That would be 100 cals or LESS for each one.. a homemade one is around 300 with icing.. but I can’t see it being that many cals for just one either.. ugh.. this is ganna bug me.. I”m ganna go research it.. I’ll be bock..


I was just joking ha…each cupcake is 1000+ calories!!! Crazy huh!!!


Looks like you had a fun time!!

I am part of the Brooks Inspire Daily team. What is the difference between that and a Brook Run Happy Ambassador? I’m so curious! :)


There are certain foods I don’t like to know the calorie count for, and cupcakes was one of them. Thanks for ruining it. :)


Oh no!!!! I am so sorry!!! They are too delicious to skip so forget this silly information!


I love the Apple Cobbler cupcake from Crumbs. SOOO GOOD!


I had a black lab named Max – the greatest dog ever! Luckily my boyfriend and I are getting a puppy this summer/fall so we’ll have a mini Max around! :)

I’ve been to Crumbs in NYC and I LOVED it. I wasn’t that big a fan of Magnolia. My favorite flavor is from a place in Northern California and it’s a SNICKERDOODLE cupcake with cinnamon cream cheese frosting. It’s SOOOO good!

PS – I want to run the Eugene marathon next year too!


I def want to try Crumbs and will one day! I tried the place from DC cupcakes over the winter and that was pretty legit, yummy!

I have just started blogging and would love to go to a meet-up. Hopefully that will also happen on day and we will all eat Crumbs cupcakes and chat it up!


I am a frequent flyer on delta and i hate biscoff cookies. I bring gobs home for my kids and husband. However, in response to an earlier question this week, I do get upgraded a lot and they have twix and pretzel m & m’s in Delta first class. I had 3 (small )bags of the m& m’s on a 5 hour flight last week! Plus some twix. And a brownie. Ok, and lunch. The movie was really bad.


First bagels and now pizza?! You’re killing me with food eye candy!

I got a cat from my parents for my 17th birthday. He was a runt tabby that I named Pobrecito. He was awesome! Sadly, he had a heart condition and died when he was only 10 years old.

I’ve never been to Crumbs, but we have a couple great cupcake shops here. I always try something new. My favorite so far is Pralines & Cream.

Slice of pizza or a cupcake right now? Cupcake, please!

Ever met up with other bloggers? No, but hopefully someday!


I am not a fan of Crumbs. I had it once, 4 of us split 4 different cupcakes. The best was key lime, and I don’t even like Key LIme!


I got the Trader Joe’s Cookie Butter, on your advice, then… I found…. Biscoff Spread. It’s cookie butter that even comes in chunky style! And it’s available at all our local grocery stores. It’s even better that TJ’s. It’s so funny that the airplane cookies are so hard, but that cookie butter…. OMG.


I live in Oregon!!! I will definitely train for the half-marathon in 2013 if I can meet you for the first time!! ps when is it because I go to byu in the fall and I want to know if school will even be out by then? I want to run a half for the first time in the next year and running my first and meeting you would be awesome!


1. I love that you got to go back to NYC!! These NYC posts make me miss you and NYC so much. I had such a blast in November with you. Can’t wait to do it again one day.

2. I would love a huge American cupcake and a tall glass of cold milk right now. I think it is funny that so many women are obsessed with the calorie count of the cupcake(s) and are trying to figure out if you were joking or not when you spit out a random number. Sometimes men are so much cooler than we are. :)

3. That is super rad that you got to go to this Brooks conference-thing in NYC. You are the perfect ambassador for them!! You look adorable, Janae!!


You must try the biscoff spread! I am certain you will be in love ;)

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