Overcoming fears and motivation for weights

60 minutes of elliptical and stair climber.

WEIGHTS (for the third time this week).  I figured it out.  I understand why I finally have motivation to do weights:

1.  I don’t have a job anymore so it is a lot easier to fit in longer workouts and I am not rushing around the gym like a mad woman trying to figure out how I am going to fit in a workout and shower before work.

2.  I want to be strong for labor so that it will be easier.  It will help me to get back in shape after the baby too!

So, there you have it.  After 26 years of life I finally have motivation to lift weights.


About twice a day I am forced to face my fear of snakes.  They love to sit on the hot stepping stones (aka our walking path) during the day, it is the only path to get to our cars so there is no avoiding them.  I have started to call the snake ‘our pet, Slither’ which for some reason makes me not afraid of him anymore.  Now that I am seeing him as our friend/pet/welcomed guest he doesn’t scare me and I think he is kind of cute now.

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Lunch was eaten with the Billster at home.  He has a short day on Friday so we start our weekend partying pretty early.

I had a normal person sized salad (I can’t fit nearly as much into my stomach as I used to), watermelon and a toasted Einstein’s cinnamon sugar bagel with honey almond cream cheese.

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(I almost threw the toaster away when it burned part of my bagel, it was in there for like 40 seconds?!?!)

Tomorrow is race day and I wanted to wish everyone good luck at the Utah Valley Marathon, 1/2 Marathon and 10k!  If you have a second…wish Billy good luck in the comments mkay….PR city here we come:)

(Photo after running Utah Valley Marathon in 3:08, I was so tired that I couldn’t even keep my eyes open.  PS wearing a white top and drinking gatorade while running is not a good idea)

Utah Valley Marathon 26


Who is racing this weekend?

Did you get to eat lunch with anyone today?  Who?

What is your motivation to do strength training?

What time is your weekend starting at today?

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Good luck tomorrow Billy! You got it!


Nerd alert.


Hahaha this made me laugh out loud. :)

Good luck Billy!!!


Lol, cute!


It actually caused me a moment of pause. Then, yeah, I’m with Janae. ;)

Good luck anyway! Nerds Unite.


Hahaha I laughed out loud, too :D
You guys are SO CUTE!


You guys are too funny!

Billy – Good Luck tomorrow!

Janae – Why is one of your shoes off in that photo?


Hey you! I had so many blisters on that foot I had to take it off!


Good luck tomorrow Billy! Can’t wait to hear about your PR! I am running my first half marathon tomorrow, CANNOT WAIT!


DANI!!!! AHHHH I am beyond happy for you. I can’t wait to hear all about your amazing 1st 1/2 marathon and your PR too:)


Yippppiiieeee my weekend just started!!!! So excited to do a whole lot of relaxing! I hear ya on the strength training…. it’s addicting!


OH GOOD!! So happy your weekend started, enjoy every single second.


Hope you have a great race Billy!!! Can’t wait to hear about it.


Ah! I used to have those same orange obnoxious yet beautiful racing flats. Loved them. I felt like Halloween every time I put them on.


You look so amazing after that 3:08!!!!! I’d be a red, blotchy mess haha. Billy will rock it tomorrow. Maybe he can run a little for me, as well ;) haha


Good luck, Billy!! I agree with you–I am lifting more now that school is out for the summer and I have free time. Have an amazing weekend :)


GOOD LUCK BILLY!!!! And I love that one of your shoes is off in that picture


Good luck to Billy, and to you if you decide to run! I’m so sad that I’m not able to run UTVM, I had to cancel it due to to my shin splints =( But keep an eye out for my friend Krissy!


Good luck B$!! RUNRUNRUN!! Have fun tomorrow, y’all :)


Good luck, Billy! :)

My only real motivation for strength training is knowing that it’s good for me, especially as I get older. It’s tough for me to get motivated to strength train!


GOOD LUCK, BILLY!! I know you will get your PR :)


I would just not go to my car if I had to pass a snake every time. Maybe you should buy another stepping stone or two (I think they’re super cheap) and put them in the middle of your yard, AWAY from anywhere you have to go :)


You don’t need a dog now that you have Slither!
Good luck to Billy, and to you if you run one of the races.
My weekend started last night- woohoo! I love three day weekends!


Good luck tomorrow, Billy! I’m sure you’ll rock it!!
Janae, your lunch looked delicious! I should know better than to read your blog when I am hungry, you will inevitably have a picture of something I want to eat!! Good luck on your run tomorrow too–whichever length you choose!


I had lunch outside with my coworkers! We FINALLY had some sun in boston today which was much appreciated. Now it looks like the apocolypse outside- rain, thunder etc which is really hindering my plans for a run. My weekend starts in 30 minutes!! I also just one in an online typing race against my office which pretty much completes my friday :)


I just ate lunch alone. The BF isn’t home for lunch break from work yet. I BBQ’ed chicken. I don’t think I could ever think of that snake as my pet. I would send the BF after it with a shovel or something. The creep me out. And good luck at the race this weekend. You all are gonna rock it!


Yummy looking lunch! Thanks for the weights motivation…I need to hit up some iron a little bit this weekend :)

GOOD LUCK to Billy!! I hope to see a sweet PR on the daily mile! ;-)

Have a great weekend sweet friend!


good luck to the billster! he’ll do great! no snakes here in chitown, but i’m thinking that they would scare the mess out of me if i saw them weaving their way around my hood. just rats and bats here.


I’m on jury duty for the next few days, so I had lunch with my fellow jurors. Luckily they’re a fun group!

Oh man, I don’t think I could ever get friendly with snakes. They’re just all squirmy, gross, and well…snake-like, lol. Couldn’t do it.


Good Luck to Billy! He’ll do great! I don’t lift weights at all, but I really should…eventually.


Brat fry lunch with co workers today. Last Day! Whooooo hooooo.

Good luck Billy. Sleep with your spreadsheet of spits under your pillow.


Your comment made me laugh for 5 minutes….the sad thing is he probably will!! HAPPY LAST DAY OF WORK!!! What are your plans?!?!


GOOD LUCK BILLY!!! PR PR PR!! I’m sending good vibes your way :D
Janae, that bagel just made my stomach growl. I think our girls are going to be bagel loving, running obsessed, fruit eating ladies!!!, just like their Mommas!!


I have a huge fear of snakes too. Living outside Atlanta, GA we sure do have a fair share of them. So next week I’m flying to Alaska to see my family and run the Mayors Marathon in Anchorage. No need to worry about snakes, except, my nephew has a pet snake in is room!!! Just when I thought I was getting a break!! Hope your Hubby PR’s tomorrow, I’ll be doing my last long run.


Good luck tomorrow Billy!
Not only does my weekend start at 4:30 pm but so does my one-year maternity leave – yee haw! I’m not due until August 5 so I get to spend the next few weeks enjoying the summer with our 3-year-old son :)


I don’t lift weights all that often cause like you described, usually I’m racing around trying to get in as much cardio as possible before I have to either get to work or get home to the puppy… BodyPump is a fabulous class that’s helped me incorporate more strength exercises :P I do wish I did more and more often!


Run hard, Billy!! Everyone is cheering you on!!
I’m not running this weekend BUT I am seriously contemplating my first post-surgery run NEXT WEEKEND. Ahhhh 1st run since Septemberish!!


Good luck Billy! While you run your 1:20 or whatever, I’ll be running my comfortable 2:10 :) I’m excited for this race, Utah Valley is so fun!!


Good luck, Billy; can’t wait to hear about your PR! I love strength training and circuits! Have a great weekend, guys! Congrats on choosing a school and moving to CA soon. I can’t wait to hear about your journey!


Good luck Billy! Woohoo. And Janae that picture of you is adorable after your race… you still look amazingly pretty even after running your booty off, with you eyes closed , and one shoe! Can’t wait to read all about the upcoming race :)


Good Luck Billy! Don’t eat too many of those packets you just bought!

Janae!! I saw your name in the back of the Utah Valley Marathon 2012 book I got today at the expo for holding a record for your 3:08 run. You’re simply amazing!!


Good luck Billy!

I love lifting weights. Although right now I’m not doing much of anything other than take care of my 2 week old baby and two older kiddies.


Good Luck “Billster the Speedster!!!” :) go get ’em!!!! :)

love the last pic of you Janae! :)

I got reacquainted with weights today. I took a strength training class today at my gym. I have a weak upper-body & 5 push-ups were enough for me! It’s all the motivation I needed to come back & incorporate strength into my regimen. I’m looking forward to incorporating more activities & getting out of my comfort zone…maybe, I’ll even try some barefoot stride just for fun! :)

Good luck to you too Janae!! Wishing everyone a fun, safe, speedy race weekend!!!! :) xo


Good Luck Billy!!!!!!


Good luck to Billy tomorrow! He’s going to rock it!!

My lunch today was eaten with hundreds of people waiting for my flight to Chicago at the airport. Sadly, no one I actually knew.

I’m not racing this weekend, but I am volunteering at a race for the first time!


Good luck Billy!! I’m looking forward to reading the race recap!
And my motivation to lift weights is the music that they play in BodyPump – I love it! …And I love how strong I feel afterwards!


Good luck Billy! You’re already lucky to have a cutie-pie wife … but good luck in your race.


Good luck Billy! I’m running the half, soo nervous!


ahhhhhhhhhh that snake picture gives me the shivers soooooo bad!!!!!!! I had to crawl up on my bed!!!! Haha!! You are SO brave!!!!!

Good Luck Billy!!!!! Can’t wait to virtually celebrate your PR!!!! :):)


Running a half marathon in Lake Placid this weekend!

Good luck to Billy in his race :) You’ll do great!


Good luck, Billy!


Good luck Billy! I love when people in blogland are running races- I get almost as excited as when I race! It’s living vicariously

I don’t have a weekend- lots of OT for the next few weeks. Gots to pay for our treadmill and our trip to San Fran for the 1/2 marathon at the end of the summer! :) It’s all so worth it!



I am running the NYRR women’s 10k in the morning! :)


GOOD LUCK BILLY!!!!!!!!!!!


Good luck on your race tomorrow! I’m running a 5k tomorrow over here in Pennsylvania!


Best of luck, Billy!!! Can’t wait to read all about it!!


I’m searching for my weightlifting motivation this spring! But my new shoes have been motivating me to get out and run!!!

No races this weekend, but I am hoping to get in a good Saturday workout outdoors before the heat and a relaxing/challening yoga Sunday AM!


whoa whoa whoa. You might be overcoming your fear but you GOTTA put a warning when a snake picture is coming. Scared the living bajeezus outta me!


Good luck billy! I am running the uv full in the morning…I am beyond excited and nervous! My sister is running her first half, after losing 80 lbs. since feb. and my other siblings are running the half and full also. It will be their first race. It will be amazing…hope to see you both at the finish line!


good luck Billster!


Good luck Billy!! My motivation to lift weights is to get my money’s worth since I’ve paid a personal trainer! Jokes aside I love seeing myself get stronger, watch my body change and I just love a good post-weights burn!


Good luck Billy! You are ready for a new PR!

I am still trying to find my motivation to do weights. Have a great weekend Janae!


GOOD LUCK BILLY!!!!! cant imagine he will be anything less than total domination:) have a fun day friends! hope to see you:)


I am a much more dilligent weights woman in the summer when I can slow things down. I tend to wait until the weekend to get in two REALLY good weight workouts during the school year.


My weekend started about 9 a.m. yesterday morning – I love summers! I ate lunch with my mom, cousin, and a friend. It was delicious!

I hope Billy is running like the wind right now! :)


Just got done with a half marathon – it went really well considering how my training has gone this year. It was an awesome day.

Good luck Billy!


Good luck Billster!!! :) Can’t wait to hear how FAST you run this!!


I ran a 10k in Central Park today!! I had to get up at 6:15a – after going to sleep at 2:30a that was pretty rough! But still ran my goal time!! & got to see Desi Davila!!

Good Luck, Billy!


What is your regular weight lifting routine? Would love a post on the topic.


Omg I hate snakes, I don’t know what I’d do if I saw one on my way to my car!


Oh no….the snake thing….I cannot even express how much I am PETRIFIED….to the CORE of snakes. I could not live in hot places I guess. lol. I mean, they can be anywhere , for the most part…but hot dessert places; negative. Now , the only ‘sort of sight’ I can stand is a teeny tiny green garden snake. That’s okay. Bigger than that? Heart-attack!

Sorry for the rant. Speaking truth. :-)

that lunch looked yummy. I like bagels very lightly toasted, just like ‘sunkissed’.

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