I have failed you.

It was national donut day yesterday and I did not have a donut.  I can’t even tell you how embarrassing this is and how much shame it has brought upon my family but I will explain later why the donut thing didn’t happen.

My day started off with a 5.2 mile run.  The run was going incredible and then BAM those silly stretching ligaments/muscles/uterus starting hurting like crazy and I stopped.  My doctor said that this pain does not hurt the baby but can be too painful to run through and recommended getting a belly band…now I just need to find a good one.  Any recommendations?

After my run I did a driving test and before I knew it it was time to defeat this mountain of vegetables and toppings.  I don’t think you could name a topping to add to my salad that I wouldn’t like, all of the flavors blend so beautifully together.

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Ash and Megan go to the Pizza Factory almost every Friday and I finally got to crash their party yesterday.  This will be a new Friday tradition for me.

If I eat a large meal, lay on the couch and promise myself I am just going to be there for 5 minutes it always turns into a 2 hour nap.  I am starting to question how I made it through a full day of work without taking a nap just last week.

For dinner my parents took us to In-N-Out and they made it just how I like it….complete with an entire onions worth of grilled onions and grilled mustard too.

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We had to fuel for what was going to be a 2.5 hour dance recital (ps Billy rocks for coming to this when there was an ANGELS game and PLAYOFF game on last night).  My niece did incredible.  I am pretty sure I get more and more excited every day for my little girl.

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She taught me some moves afterward.

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Here is where the day went downhill.  We were going to go to Krispy Kremes after the recital to get a FREE Donut and so did everyone else in the valley.  It would have been at least an hour wait so instead we went home and I dug into some Christmas Swedish Fish.  I hate that I am still mad about the whole donut situation and how the candy did nothing to fulfill its void in my life.

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Long runs or races this weekend?

Are you eating out at all this weekend?  WHERE?!?!

What salad toppings do you SKIP when going through the salad bar?

How often do you eat a salad?

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I eat a salad every single day- either for lunch or dinner! I go topping crazy and manage to satisfy all my cravings :)! Raw onions never make the cut though- the idea alone makes me gag! Its my birthday on Monday so this weekend involves plenty of celebratory meals out :)! Have a great Saturday, J!


Long run on Sunday and I can’t wait. The forecast says it will be sunny and 65 in the morning and it has been around 86 so I’m BEYOND excited for cooler running weather.

Also I’m very excited for lunch with my best friend from middle school! We are going to the Chinese restaurant we always ordered food from for movie nights when we were in middle/high school.

I have a salad every day and love all the toppings except for raw onions. Caramalize them and I’ll eat my body weight but I will not touch them raw!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! You should eat two donuts today to make up for yesterday :)


I hope you have a blast with your bf from MIDDLE SCHOOL…that is so awesome. Enjoy your chinese food. Okay, caramelized onions are the best. Good call on the double donuts:)


Right now olives are on my no no list…pregnancy aversion.

Can I ask where you got your top? Is it maternity or just a bigger size? Also, are those your normal jeans (rubber band trick) or are they maternity?


THANK YOU…olives are probably the worst things in the world!! How far along are you?!?! SO EXCITING. The top is from American Eagle and it is a large (it was only ten bucks wahoo) and the jeans are normal jeans but they ride REALLY LOW and I just unbutton them when I sit down ha:) I also refuse to wash them because I don’t want to have to re-stretch them out! Have a great day Robin!


Your niece is adorable! I was in dance recitals when I was her age too.

I have a ten mile run this morning (leaving in an hour) and a charity/cocktail party tonight :)

Last night my hubby and I went out to Ruth’s Chris for our four year anniversary. We had steak, potatoes au gratin, sauted broccolini, cheesecake, and wine. Oof! It was delicious but a big meal. I need this ten mile run after that meal!


I have been DYING to go to Ruth’s Chris. HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and I hope you had an amazing 10 mile run!


This morning is 10 miles, stayed up to late last night so now I am really tired! Not nearly as gung-ho as I usually am! How did I miss national doughnut day?!


I think we should both celebrate national donut day TODAY!! Hope your run was awesome!


I think it is so crazy how curly looks just like your sister and your other niece looks just like you!


HAHAHA I totally agree….the thing is that curly’s personality is a lot like mine (my sis is pretty shy but curly is not;) Have a great day Caryn.


Janae, your niece is so cute!! That outfit is precious! I have a 75km bike ride tomorrow that I am super excited about! Hopefully I will go to eat out after I’m done! Hmmm I usually skip any meats and anything that makes my breath stinky! I have a fear of eating things that have a heavy onion or garlic flavour because I think it will make me stink for a week!

Hope you have a great weekend!


AHHH SO EXCITED about your 75 km bike ride, you are going to rock it and you better get a good meal after. Biking makes me hungrier than running. Good luck and I can’t wait to read all about it!


Wow- Billy does earn points for going to the recital and skipping those games!
I hope your pain stops once you get a belly band.
The hubby and I are just getting ready to go on a long bike. Barring no mechanical issues and no rain, we hope to go for 120 km.


Omg… I actually considered emailing you about doughnut day but then was like “she’s probably had 3 by now”… Haha!


HAHAHA You should have….next year:)


Curly is so cute! I think you should go get donuts this morning ;)


I think you are BRILLIANT. Let me just tell Billy to go get me some!


No long runs this weekend (or for a while for that matter!), still recovering from this stupid injury. But I will run something to keep the RW Run Streak alive!!

I didn’t have a donut either!! I actually totally forgot about it if you can believe that! Boo I stink!


6 mile “long” run this weekend! and too bad about the donut… but good thing they don’t cost much in the first place! Lol but just not the same. If it makes you feel better, I didn’t get one either! But that’s because I can’t eat gluten. so sad.


What a little cutie! She looks so happy about the recital- I’m sure she was PERFECT!! That is really awesome that Billy went with you….& yay for the Angels win!! Who are you guys rooting for in the playoffs?
Hope you have a great weekend! I LOVE your shirt- so cute! Xo


HEY YOU!! We are rooting for Oklahoma City. What about you guys?!?!? You are so sweet! Good luck with studying and eat some delicious carbs okay:)


So are we!!! I LOVE OKC this year..and really want them to win! I hope they do..although it’s not looking too good :/


I actually thought about you when I realized it was donut day- I didn’t get a chance to get one either. You both look so cute dancing :)


That sounds like a great day! We have 8 more days left. I’ve been having those cramps too when I workout. I know it’s not serious but they hurt.


SERIOUSLY though….what is the deal with them?!?! WAHOO for 8 more days!


I did not get a donut yesterday either, how about we pretend today is National Donut Day and get one?!
I am hoping my husband takes me for lunch, craving Subway!
Olives, my top hated food. haha
I eat a salad almost every day, if not one for/with supper I will have one at lunch.


I eat a salad almost every day. I put so much blue cheese and pine nuts and craisins on it that it defeats the purpose of salad, but oh well. It’s worth it for that salty, sweet, crunchy combination.

I was sooo bummed last night when my sister told me that it was doughnut day. I couldn’t believe that I missed it. To console myself I looked up when the next important holiday was and it turns out that chocolate ice cream day is on the 7th. I will be celebrating!


Long run yesterday, so I did 25miles on the bike this morning.

I want pizza this weekend. Greasy pizza!

I always skip any salads with mayo….don’t like them!


Oh I am a huuuge fan of salad beasts for lunch and sometimes dinner! I didn’t do a long run today but did go on a long run bike ride! It was nice to switch it up a little bit.


Haha seriously the only topping I skip is beets. Which makes me sad because I love Dwight from the Office :)


Hey! I don’t usually respond on blogs, but I’ve been reading yours for a couple months now..forget how I found it, but was excited to find a pregnant runner to follow. I’m a couple weeks behind you in my pregnancy (I’m due early sept). It’s my 2nd, but man is this one different! Any way, my point was to tell you about ‘the Ultimate Maternity Belt’, which I had to turn to a couple weeks ago when my back decided it had had it w me and my working out.. Not a huge deal, just a wake-up call that I am, in fact, human and I do need to scale things back a bit while I grow this little baby boy.. So after I could walk again, I’ve been using that belt for running and crossfit and it helps a lot. I know you mentioned your issues being more w the ligament/muscle cramping vs your back.. I can’t say for sure if this helps w the cramps. I have those some, but nothing too bad. Anyway, you can just google search the belt and find lots of places that sell it. Mostly it helps to remind me to keep my form in check and fight the urge to go all sway backed out there, but it’s good support, in general. Good luck w everything!


HEY SARA!!! Thank you so so much for commenting and yay for pregnant runners! I love that we are due pretty close to each other. I had that SAME wake up call the other day…why didn’t we know we were humans before:) Thank you so so much for the suggestion…off to google it right now!


Your little niece is too stinkin’ cute. I can only imagine how adorable/hilarious your own little girl is going to be!!


Curly says talk to the hand auntie!


BAHAHAH she totally does! I LOVE IT!


I wish I ate at least one salad a day, but it’s getting to be about 4 times a week.
At the salad bar, I usually try to skip over the bacon bits or all the high-calorie dressings… but I end up getting a lot of raisins or other something to replace it :P


We have our annual Burns triathlon party with our college friends this weekend. I am so excited! Friends will be here in a few hours, race is tomorrow morning.

Salad is a daily staple in my life. My body is so used to it I could use it as pre race fuel and not even have a single fiberous effect. I love salad.


Your niece is absolutely adorable! I love salad, I definitely eat at least one a day. My favourite have roasted veggies in them, like broccoli slaw and zucchini, sometimes kale thrown in there. Sorry you missed out on free donut day, boo


I skipped the long lines too! Only because I was on the car myself. If all of our family had been in the car, I would have been easily talked into it. 1 hour for one donut not worth it. One our for six donuts, closer to being worth it. I think that’s still less than minimum wage if you calculate the value of your time, but for real, I was just going to sit in the couch for free anyway.


Your niece is adorable!! I eat a salad for breakfast every weekday!


Long runs or races this weekend?
no races this weekend, but some time on the treadmill today. lets just hope it doesn’t blow a fuse 3x like it did on thursday!
Are you eating out at all this weekend? WHERE?!?!
probably not, we have some leftovers we need to eat up.
What salad toppings do you SKIP when going through the salad bar?
i always skip olives and cheese…yuck!
How often do you eat a salad?
occasionally….whenever there is a salad bar, always. at home, not so much!

btw, love your stripe shirt!


I am so obsessed with how adorable little Curley is!


Lately I’ve been eating a salad about 4 times a week! The hospital I work at has an awesomesauce salad bar!! Usually skip the green olives, cucumbers, and peppers. But LOAD up on any fruit as toppings! Just getting over Bronchitis, but had to complete day TWO of my running streak, so two miles was my “race” this morning :) The hubs brought home steaks last night, so we ate in! Tonight.. We shall see. I can’t tell you enough how absolutely adorable you are pregnant!


I didn’t get any donuts yesterday either! I was furious with myself ><


I wanted a donut so bad yesterday, but we didn’t get any :( My 3 year old wants me to make some today.

Your outfit is super cute. Where did you get the shirt?

I love salad, but I definitely skip the peas…

I’ll see what the run is this weekend. Pregnancy is already taking a toll on my body and I definitely need some sort of support belt if I’m going to keep running.


That is hilarious because I saw that it was doughnut day and actually thought to myself “Janae would be having a doughnut”!!!


BAHAHAHA now you can just think that today instead…I am changing the national holiday to June 2nd:) Have an amazing weekend Chrissy.


I love salad and will sometimes eat it every single day. I also love putting everything I can possibly find on my salad….and strongly believe goldfish are the best topping ever.


I am so sad about the donut, too! We have no place here that participated in free donut day, at all. In fact, if you want a donut here you have to settle for grocery store donuts. That’s just not right.
I did a fun 5 mile run today that I had no expectations for whatsoever, and ended up demolishing my 5-mile PR by a good 20 seconds per mile. I’m so giddy, it’s ridiculous! 5 milers usually fall into the category of “too short” for me, since it now takes a good 3 miles to warm up. Happy day!


i am going to maggiano’s tonight for my birthday dinner!!! :-) everything vegetarian i can order is cheesy and creamy and just delightful. i can’t wait.

i had a salad yesterday, which is one of my favorites… i don’t know how they make it so delicious. it’s just super crispy lettuce, red onion, cucumbers, tomatoes, and gorgonzola balsamic vinaigrette. i know it’s the vinaigrette. but i don’t know how it’s so satisfying.

i think your salad + toppings looks perfect. the cottage cheese at salad bars always sounds like a great idea. i haven’t gotten to experience a salad bar in too long! maybe i should seek one out soon.


My goodness that girl is cute.

… and I know I’m not the first commenter to say this … but I thought of you when I heard it was National Donut Day, too!


I did my first 5 miler this morning (5.1 actually), and it went amazingly well! :)
We ate out last night downtown at bluesfest – they have all the carnival type foods set up, and Daniel and I split a footlong corndog and some bbq nachos.
I skip the olives and a lot of times I skip shredded cheese and croutons.
I eat salad almost every day!


Oh sad!!! If it makes you feel any better…I didn’t have one either! ;)


I did my last long run before the Provo Valley Half. Are you still planning on running it? I hope to see and Billy there, me and my SIL are running it together, our first half all because I started reading your blog, thanks for the inspiration=)


Hey you! Your comment made my day! You guys are going to rock it! Billy is still doing the half and I will probably do the 10k:) we have to meet up!!!!


That is an awesome salad, I love it!
I went out for a 7-mile run this morning and it somehow turned into 10. I think it’s the birthday cake and ice cream I had last night for my brother’s bday that gave me some extra energy.

Enjoy your weekend, Janae!


I’m going to a mexican restaurant in boston tonight! I think I eat a salad everyday but I don’t know if I would call them salads or just mounds of veggies :) My favorite salad bar is definitely Whole Foods and I always skip any of the raw veggies (minus peppers) because I hate them, olives and peas. Anything else is fair game!


No long runs or races for myself, but I volunteered with some friends/coworkers at a mile fun run for kids! We ran 7 miles total in one mile rounds with kids of different age groups and we made sure they stayed on course and were safe and encouraged those who needed it! So fun!


I missed out on getting a donut too, Janae! I am super sad!!! Have a great weekend–go buy yourself a donut even if it’s not National Donut Day anymore :)


I am going out to dinner tomorrow night for P.F. Changs. I am so excited. It is going to be an AWESOME dinner filled with LOTS of yummy sweet&sour chicken, rice, and dessert – YES dessert!

I didnt get a chance to partake in donut day, but I would of if I could.


I don’t eat a lot of salad because I hate lettuce. I know, I know it’s weird. But salad minus lettuce is delish. I always skip radishes, lettuce (obviously), raisins, & beets.


9:40 here on Saturday night, and I am thinking about a salad right now! Never eat donuts, blech…. OK, almost never.


I ran the most fun race this weekend – The Color Run! Basically you get a different colored powder thrown at you at every 1k and you come out looking like a rainbow. It’s awesome! I highly recommend trying to find the race in a location near you…you’ll love it!


I worked at a race this weekend, but no long runs or actual racing for me.

I didn’t really leave the house on Friday, so I didn’t get a donut either. My excuse is way lamer than yours, so don’t worry :).


You are the cutest preggers lady :)


A lot of thanks Shook, I had produced an excellent deal of enjoyable composing your posts also

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