31 Weeks Pregnant

A cheesy picture just for you.

DSC 1990

31 weeks changes/thoughts/ideas/craziness:

-I just realized that I don’t love (or like) the taste of water anymore.  I used to chug the stuff but now I really don’t remember to drink it which I am guessing is a bad thing.  I just need an infinite amount of lemonade packets to add to my water and then I would for sure remember to drink it.

-Saturday will be my last 1/2 marathon during the pregnancy.  Not because I want to stop doing them but because I can’t find any in our area after this one on Saturday.  Hopefully I will do one or two more 13.1s on my own.

-Billy and I both like a name.  I have liked it for a full 48 hours, this is a new record.

-She is 3.3 lbs and 18 inches (according to the internet which means it must be true).  HOLY COW!!

-The above statistic is probably why I only like laying down, standing or running…sitting makes me feel everything is really cramped up.

-Three syllables for you:  Lem-on-ade.  Actually, you know what sounds really good right now?  A lemon bar dipped into lemonade with a piece of lemon meringue pie on the side.

-I am positive my feet are growing.  See above picture.  My feet are overtaking the flip-flops.

-I was stuffed after one piece of pizza the other night.  That broke my heart.  I miss my old 1/2 a pizza days.  At least I was hungry again for more 90 minutes later.

-A friend was telling me how fast my pregnancy has gone by but I feel like it has been going on for at least 12 years.

-We are still waiting to get the ‘big things’ until we are in Cali and so I have an important question for you moms:

What are the most important things that we will need in the first few months (keep in mind our budget is around $4;) so just the things that we REALLY need).

Did your feet grow when you were pregnant?

Do you feel like your pregnancies went by fast or slow?

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My first pregnancy felt like it went so slow but the 2nd and 3rd flew by (probably because I was so busy with my kiddos). It always seems fast to other people though, I think the part that seems really fast is once they kids are here, before you know it she will be in school!

I would say you definitely need a jogging stroller, a crib and something to let the baby sit in (like a bouncer -my boys all loved the boppy bouncer). I know some moms would say you definitely need a sling/carrier so you can hold baby and be hands free, personally I hardly ever used mine but it depends on your personality and how fussy your baby is. Also, a dresser with a changing pad on the top is so nice to have as well.

My feet never grew while pregnant but I have a lot of friends who’s feet did grow and they say they never went back. The good news is they only grew with the first pregnancy and stayed the same after that.

You look adorable!


31 weeks looks great on you! My feet grew. Good news, the went back to their original size. Bad news, I didn’t think I was going to be pregnant again and got rid of all my pregnant lady shoes! I like the equipment question because I feel like we had a little sample of everything having 3 babies at once. So, for me, my essentials would be a boppy, a bouncer and a bumbo. But keep in mind I did have 2 extra babies than you will have, so my reasons for liking all these might be skewed. And don’t stress about thinking you need a crib right away! Tiny ones sleep great in pack n play bassinets. Unless you already have one. Then, that’s great!


The 1st one dragged, but she kept me so busy the 2nd flew by.

I couldnt drink water during the 1st trimester with either pregnancies. Terrible, I know. I too usually chug the stuff, but just LOOKING at my water bottle made me want to throw up!

You should do the hobbler half with me July 7th. K? Great!

The first little bit they don’t need much at all. Diapers, a muslin swaddling blanket (since it will be so hot) and maybe a bouncer or a swing to put them in while you shower (if you ever get such a luxury).

I have said it before (so has everyone else) but I’ll say it again. You are the cutest pregnant Chicago there is!


janae! i know absolutely nothing about babies so i can’t answer your questions, BUT i have important info for you regarding this lemon kick you’re on: i don’t know how you’re feeling about pancakes these days, but if you’re still a fan and if you have a chance this weekend, you MUST give these a try–http://allrecipes.com/recipe/sunday-morning-lemon-poppy-seed-pancakes/. topped with lemon chobani perhaps? ;-)


Hi Janae!
OK. I LOVED my bassinet. My 2nd slept in the bassinet for quite a while… I loved it because it had wheels and I could roll it into my room at night but have it out in the living room during the day. A lot of people I’ve talked to don’t love the bassinet, but I love sleep. And I’ll do whatever I have to, just to not have to get up and go all the way into my baby’s room to nurse, change diapers, plug binkie in mouth, etc.
SWING. My babies all LOVED the swing. It put them to sleep or calmed their fussiness. I would HIGHLY recommend it. Unfortunately, my 3rd grew out of the swing at 2 months. Sad day.
BOPPY. Love it.
“HOOTER HIDER.” If you’re nursing, this is a must. GREAT for church and really anywhere public. Much better than using a blanket.
FREEZER MEALS. I realize this isn’t something you buy… but I would highly recommend making some meals ahead of time (ones you can freeze) so that all you have to do is throw it in the oven. My mom stocked my freezer, so I was especially happy to have them since the ladies from church brought me lasagna 5 days in a row. No joke.
Good luck!!! I wish I was having my 1st baby all over again! So exciting!


What is it about lemonade? It was also my beverage of choice while preggers. Poor hubby forgot to bring some home with our take out one time when I was 8.9 months pregnant… he did not have an easy evening that night.

New baby needs? I’d say a bassinet/cosleeping/pack-n-play type arrangement for your room, especially if you nurse. Tons of bibs, burp cloths and onesies. Depending on your location, if she’s an August baby it might be hot enough that you won’t need to dress her in much. I had cute outfits that I never even took the tags off of because my girl was an August baby and we were in South Carolina at the time!


You need a swing, a carrier, and a jogging stroller. We just got a BOB on craigslist that is my new best friend! I have a Moby style wrap I really enjoy. My little one hardly ever sleeps in his crib.
My pregnancy went by slow and my sister’s was fast. I think other people’s are always faster (something about not being with the growing child every second of every day I guess).
:) it’s so exciting! I’m sure you’re counting down the days :)


you look amazing girl!! look at that cute baby belly of yours! I would have to say one of the things that a lot of people get that {in my opinion) is a changing table. because honestly, you can change your baby anywhere, and a a table just for changing takes up space. A nice dresser is great though for clothes. One of the things that saved my life was a baby swing, they have an amazing one a babies r us, that helps to sooth them. bouncer is great, bassinet, BUMBO {check ksl), you guys are going to be terrific parents to your sweet baby girl! youll be surprised how much you can do with just love alone, and not all the little nik-nats that you might think you need : )


You’re too cute!

A Bobby pillow was a must have for us. Lots of onsies and receiving blankets. And a Moby wrap!


Boppy pillow not Bobby. (Who’s Bobby? And why did I have his pillow?!)


My mom always likes to remind us that after her 3 children she went up at least a shoe size and had to buy all new shoes!


The same thing happened to me with no liking water… Only I’m
Not pregnant. When I moved after I got married, just didn’t have the craving for it anymore. Chugged diet coke like it was going out of style. Then the doc told me I was 9lbs heavier. What the crap?! And I had a “heart thing” scare, so I cut out the caffeine and am addicted to water again :)


you need a pack and play, the one that has a bassinet. I also recommend either a travel swing or one of those seat that vibrate

Does your sister have anything you can borrow?


I definitely felt like my pregnancies went on for an eternity! And, my feet DEFINITELY grew! With my first pregnancy they grew so much that because they didn’t fit in my shoes correctly; I got an ingrown toenail and had to have it cut out. Owwwwww! It was VERY painful…. just stick with the flip flops.

It may not seem like a necessity, but for me having a swing was the best. I’ve heard of some babies not liking them, but my daughter loved it. She would stay in a good 30-45 minutes each morning, which gave me a chance to brush my teeth, drink my coffee and get breakfast going.

Good luck! You look great by the way!


You look gorgeous! I have no advice, but I think it’s funny how addicted you are to all things lemon right now! ;)


My first pregnancy flew by, but this one is taking years! My feet have grown for sure!

I would say what you need (or at least what I needed) are a bouncy seat and/or a swing to put baby in when you need to be hands free, crib or bassinet, swaddling blankets, and a LOT of burpcloths and onesies. Don’t worry so much about getting “real” outfits for her because you will get so many as gifts. My little girl didn’t even get to wear most of them!


My co-worker said her feet grow with pregnancy, too – just a reason to go on a shoe shopping spree! You look absolutely gorgeous! :)


You’re the cutest!!!


I’m 14 weeks pregnant and I only want to drink lemonade too! Thanks for asking this question. I’ll be checking back and keeping a list of what people suggest… they’re doing my work for me! :)


I would say a pack n’ play with a infant/bassinet attachment. They are a lot cheaper than a crib and you can use it while you nurse next to your bed, then you can use it as she gets older by taking the bassinet attachment off. That way you can save $$ on a crib till later=)


Ok things I could not live without right now (I’m first time mom and my girl is 7 weeks old).. . Aedan and Anais swaddle blankets, breast pump (ok these are freakish expensive. . . I was lucky and got my sisters hand me down), Boppy pillow and white noise machine for the babys room. Also a crib. You can do without an actual changing table (although it is convenient) if money is tight. :) Good luck!


you look so beautiful! i’m glad it’s summer- i’m 34.5 weeks and my feet have definitely outgrown my shoes, so i’m so happy for flip flop weather. i will be stalking your comments for baby product recommendations now.


5 kids here, including twins, so I’ve got a little experience. LOL. So much is personal preference, but I never used a bouncy seat or a changing table. A boppy was nice, but for several of my kids a pillow worked just fine. I didn’t have a rocker in their room for nursing, no wipe warmer and no fancy Bumbo seat. Jogging stroller, swing and bassinet were our staples. We needed a high chair at about 4 months. Good luck!


I’m the same with water! I add a little lime juice and that helps me stomach it.

As for needs…some clothes, some diapers, a carseat, and a place for the baby to sleep. All the other stuff is extra really. I know that you would get lots of use out of a jogging stroller.

You look super cute!


I could not do without a sling, I loved the convenience and I really loved holding my baby more, but with my hands free when needed. I hated strollers because they are so bulky trying to go anywhere, especially down store aisles, yuck. This, of course, does not count a jogger stroller for your runs :) I agree about the pack n play and/or bassinet. The crib waited for later. 3 kids and I never had a changing table. Of course, maybe I never realized how amazing it would have been. Swings are great, but take up quite a bit of room, so if you are tight on space a bouncy seat works well too for those times like showering and making dinner that you need your baby to be safely entertained.

You only use some of these things for a few months, like the swing or bouncy seat, so borrow what you can.


I was all about the baby sling…so much easier to pop her in that than lug around a stroller or the car seat. Her dad used the baby bjorn as soon as he got home from work every day. He would do chores around the house (vacuuming, dishes, cooking dinner) with her strapped in…it was pretty cute. He wanted to mow the lawn with her in it once, but I had to draw the line somewhere.

Also a place to sit. My daughter was not in to the swing, but those little chairs were good for her. And I never used a playpen or bassinet. She went straight to the crib…she was a loud sleeper, so I was getting no zzz’s between feedings until I moved her in her own room/crib on day three at home.


Diapers, onesies, moby wrap, and a crib.
Seriously..that is it!


1. Try the lemonade flavor Mio. That concentrated sugar free liquid stuff. It’s really really yummy. And doesn’t leave that chalky texture that the powders do. Plus you can make the flavor as light or strong as you want.
2. My feet grew with both my pregnancies. I went up a half a size with each one and they never shrank back to my pre-pregnancy size. My husband did not appreciate the need for replacement of all my shoes two times.
3. All you really need for the first few months: a crib or bassinet depending on where you are going to have her sleep as a newborn. A bouncy seat and/or swing. I wouldn’t get the big stroller to go with the car seat carrier. Just get the snap-n-go frame that holds the car seat. You can’t really put her in a jogging stroller until her head control is stronger around 6 months. None of the good jogging strollers recline. But when she is big enough for sitting upright in one I highly recommend the Bob Ironman stroller. It’s worth every penny! I agree that a Boppy is nice, but a regular pillow can work just as well.


If you want to save cash you can get a pack and play and use that as your crib for awhile. We have one and a crib and I always put the baby in the pack in play for the first few months. A boppy pillow if you plan on nursing, diapers and wipes. Babies don’t need as much stuff as the stores tell us they do.
I hate water everytime I’m pregnant. In the first trimester I honestly can’t drink it without throwing up, its a nasty cycle. Now I can drink it if its ice cold but lemonade has been a staple for me this time around.


Oh and you can use a bumbo instead of a high chair for quite a bit too. Why don’t I just throw you a Blogger baby shower?!?!


My must haves are swaddling blankets, a swing, carseat, pacifier and a wrap (I like Moby and Ergo) .


I feel weird adding a comment to the baby column since I am still a while away from starting a family, but I have to say I LOVE reading about your pregnancy and it makes it a whole lot less scary since you are so honest and relatable.

On the shoe thing…my sister in law’s feet grew in her pregnancy and I got so many shoes that didn’t fit her, it was amazing. She let me borrow so much stuff when she couldn’t fit. I still get compliments on a particular pair of flats.


My shoes are tight as I am typing this. I squeezed my feet into them anyway. I think they are falling asleep though, from having the circulation cut off…

My sister has had two kids and I’ve watched what they have done (and hope that I have absorbed everything) and these are the things I would recommend:

*Diapers/wipes – obviously (I like The Honest Company for disposables)
*swaddling blankets – really helps comfort baby
*cuski (http://www.cuski.co.uk/) – this is the best thing EVER and can be found on amazon
*bouncer – helps comfort baby and is good for when you need to shower, etc.
*some type of stroller or baby carrier (I like ergo and bob stroller, but bob is not $4.)
*car seat – obviously

That’s probably good. I slept in a drawer with blankets for three months when I was an infant, so a crib is probably not necessary. My sister’s second daughter had really bad acid reflux and actually slept in her car seat until she was 1 year old. Also, my sister and I never changed her kids’ diapers on a changing table (I lived with my sister until her second kid was 7 mo old). We just pulled out the changing mat from the diaper bag and changed them around the house (floor, sofa, bed, etc.).

I think you will do just fine. You don’t need 80% of the baby stuff that you are made to believe you MUST have. And it’s not like you are moving to Antarctica – you can easily buy something quickly if you feel you need it!


You look gorgeous!
I have no babies, so no advice! Good luck in your half this weekend. I think it’s awesome you’re running so many while pregnant.


Our son is almost 4.5 months old and the swing has been the best thing EVER. He will only sleep swaddled and now that he can roll over, he has to sleep in the swing.

The only “real” necessities are diapers, wipes and a lot of love!! You will do great. And seriously, stop looking so darn cute!!


you look great! no baby advice because i don’t have one. :)


I know it feels like you’ve been pregnant for such a long time but it seems like you just announced that your were pregnant to me!
I can’t wait to see her and find out what her name is! Exciting stuff!!!


I learned with baby #1, that there are just a few basic things you need for a newborn. I mean really, the just sleep a ton, poop/pee and eat every 2-3 hours! If you could only have a few things, I’d say diapers, wipes, lots of short and long sleeve onesies, a pack n play, a baby bjorn/sling (I like my bjorn), nursing pads/pump/tons of burp cloths and ointment for you :) Oh, and at least a bottle or two, as I loved that my husband did one of the many feedings for bonding time with Sam.
We added a bunch more things in as the weeks went on, but that’s about all you need for such a new baby.
We now have… bouncy seat, swing, jumper (hangs from the doorway for their entertainment) and one of those fun bouncy jumper things where they sit in the middle. Oh, we also had a playmat-those are good for such small babies.
Anyway, I could go on and on. Lots of what we have came from KSL.com-that place is awesome if you don’t want or have a lot of money to spend. We use it a lot!

Also, I need more lemonade anything, too. Ha!


I, too, reccomend the jogging stroller but that is a purchase that can wait a few months since you can’t use it until they’re about 6 months old.

I would get a humidifier (lifesaver!), crib, and a regular stroller…I took lots of walks in the regular stroller with my babies. Oh, and a breast pump (if you’re going to nurse.)


Boppys are great especially if you plan to nurse. I’ll just say that in my opinion, don’t spend a ton of money on 0-3 month clothing because she will probably live in a onesie or jammies most of the time. Your best bet is to stock up on the bigger stuff. I learned that the hard way and have tons of boy 0-3 clothes that are almost brand new. The good thing is that new babies don’t require a lot, just a lot of attention :)
My feet get huge when I am pregnant. I swell so bad, it’s awful. My first pregnancy was so slow but the second flew by because I was already busy with a toddler.
You look fantastic! I am so inspired by you. I’m running my first 5k on Saturday and I am so nervous and excited! Been running for 2 months now and it is so therapeutic. I never knew I needed it so much. Thanks for helping me stay motivated :)


Too funny! My feet grew with my first pregnancy too! I went up
About a half of size!
Things you need-diapers,diapers,diapers and my kids
Both liked the bouncer and the swing


I was told the only things you really need are car seat, diapers, some clothes and a boob haha but of course there are so many things that you will want. We purchased a number of things and really tried to not go over board with the wants versus the needs. Not sure what we will end up finding are the most useful but baby should be here soon (I’m 37 weeks) so I’m looking forward to finding out what we really needed.


Babies don’t need much at all when you first bring them home! All you really need is a car seat and a place for them to sleep:)
I actually have some stuff to pass on if you are interested (I’m in the bay)… We have a bassinet and pack n play that are “gently used”. I also have 700000 tons of baby girl clothes. (As I write this I realize how creepy this may be as I’m a complete stranger to you! Ha! I feel like I know you from reading your blog all the time)
Anyway, if you’re not totes creeped out and interested, shoot me an email :)


I think you can wait on the jogging stroller (highly recommend the BOB revolution!) unless you get the caraway adaptor since you can’t run with the baby until she’s 6 months old. Definitely wait on a highchair! Look for a bouncy chair and swing at yardsales and I loved my baby carrier – an ergo with the infant insert is great.


I meant to type car seat NOT caraway!!

Also, I’m not a fan of the bumbo seats, they are not very ergonomic.


Get a bassinet, a swing, and a Boppy.


You look amazing!!


You should totally do the Hobbler half on July 7 it’s in springville!

I have a BOB stroller and I love it! If you want to run with her before she’s 6 months I’d definitely get the car seat adapter. Lots of swaddling blankets, sleepers (basically what my daughter wore the first four months of life) are a must. Also the book Healthy sleeping habits healthy baby really helped me figure out sleep schedules and when they change and I loved it, it was super helpful, I still use it to figure out my 2 1/2 year old.


I’m sure you are going to get a ton of comments regarding the big question here! So I’ll add another comment to it – HAHAHA.
My mom always told me that the only thing you really need when a baby is born is diapers, a carseat, and love. I never believed her until I had AJ. Sure all the other things are nice – the swing, a stroller, a cosleeper, etc, but in reality, the only thing (in my opinion) that is necessary is the carseat. AJ slept in the cosleeper but half the time he was on me or in bed with me b/c that’s how he slept best for the first few weeks. I didn’t take him out of the house for the first 2 weeks so there was no need for anything else. Honestly. Since you are moving, don’t stress about all the other stuff. You can slowly build your rooms of stuff (b/c they will slowly take over your home – trust me – haha). Your little princess will need all the diaper stuff, some onesies, pjs, a blanket, a carseat, and YOU. Also not sure if you are going to bf or not – if you are, that makes life even easier =) LOL.
If you look quick at the pic, you wouldn’t even know you are pregnant.
Good luck this weekend, you hot mama! =)


Didn’t answer the other questions. Bad Michele.
My feet stayed the same during pregnancy and then actually shrunk a 1/2 size afterwards. Sucked for my hubby (since he pays the bills) – but awesome for a new shoe collection. Holla!
First pregnancy went on forever. I couldn’t remember what it felt like to not have a watermelon in my belly! This time it’s flying. Like holy crap, we are going to wake up one day and have 2 little rugrats. LOL.


A safe place for baby to sleep, diapers and wipes, a few comfy sleepers, a stroller, bottles and formula (even if breastfeeding, you might need backup), and a carseat. Oh, and sleep! Good luck with your move, it will all fall into place!


Ok so there is a 1/2 marathon on July 14th at the Young Living Lavender Farms in Mona that is only $35!! If you are wanting another one you should look into it. I think it will be small, but should be fun! (here’s the link http://www.youngliving.com/en_US/company/farms/eventsClasses/2012HalfMarathonInformation.html)


I felt like it went on forever as well. And I actually enjoyed it, till week 41… Everyone kept telling me “enjoy it all goes so fast” and I guess I was worried the pregnancy and infancy would fly by and I would feel like I missed it all. But honestly it never felt like that. I feel like it has been a nice slow progression and despite working and a crazy schedule I feel like I have been able to soak it all in and not miss a moment. Just now as she is 17 months I am starting to miss the tiny baby stage.

Feet started big, ended a tad bigger but I still wear the same shoes.

Supplies: Pack-n-play with the little bassinet on the top, she will be fine in that for quite some time. Moby wrap, best $40 I ever spent. It is super confusing to put on but just look up videos on YouTube and you will figure it out. Bouncy chair, your savior for taking a shower! Swaddle blankets – large ones. This one is tricky all the ones in the store seemed really small and could only wrap a barbie doll. Luckily my mother-in-law made some really large ones and I couldn’t live without them. Get lots so you don’t have to worry about laundry 24/7. Burp clothes, lots. Coscto box of wipes, they are the best. Car seat. Breast feeding cover for when you are out and about. Water and snacks for you. When you are breast feeding you need to be taking in water and calories all the time. Have a stash set up next to where ever you plan to feed and chill with her. Boppy pillow or My Breast Friend. In the very beginning I liked the My Breast Friend cause it snaps onto you and it was super easy when they are super tiny.

What can you do without: crib, dresser, changing table, wipes warmer, swing (big maybe some love it some hate it), activity mat (just a blanket and a few toys can work), pump and bottles (unless you want billy to assist in feedings) all the cute picture perfect nursery decor items (so expensive and not needed)

Unsolicited advice: If you can find it in your budget I highly suggest having newborn photography done. Find a photographer the specializes in newborns and have them come to the house as soon as you are home from the hospital. I was obsessive with tracking everything to help me stay on a schedule with her and it helped so much! Total Baby app for my phone was a lifesaver tracks feedings, diapers, sleeping, meds, everything. Ask – everyone everything. All Moms have different theories and I found to keep asking questions helped and I eventually kinda wove bits and pieces from everyone together and found what worked great for us.

Sorry I know more than you asked for….just so exciting and fun! You are going to have the best time.


Pack N Play…it can serve as the crib in your room, and it’s good for traveling too.

Hooter Hider if you are nursing.

Car Seat and Stroller….you don’t need a jogging stroller quite yet because they aren’t supposed to be used until the kiddo is around 6 months. I agree that the snap in one with the car seat works out well.

Swing or Bouncy Seat…My boys loved the swing, but my best friend’s children loved the bouncy seat. We had the papasan one, and it rocked!

Moby Wrap or any other type of carrier.

Oh, and some sort of season of television to get yourself hooked into during the middle of the night feedings. Some are against having the television on, but it was a LIFESAVER for me during the first few weeks of middle of the night feedings.

Watch for the babies r us sale. If you know of anyone who has an old car seat, stroller, high chair, and other things, that is not usable any more, you can trade it in during their sale to get a discount off a new one.


dont have any little ones, so no baby advice…BUT, i made these: http://www.bhg.com/recipe/layer-cakes/lemon-souffle-dessert/ for my dad on fathers day, and while i’m normally not a big lemon fan (dont shoot) these were uhhhhh-mazing…like to the point where my dad was lucky there were any left for him. they are super duper easy to make to, so i suggest you put some of your lemon fervor into these :)


nae! oh i just cannot believe how excited i am for you girl. especially to have a baby girl.. they are just too much fun. first of all, you DO NOT look 31 weeks pregnant. man alive, you do pregnancy very well! i will tell you a few things that I could not live without. they are not suggestions for you because every baby and every mother prefers different things… but maybe if you hear the same thing over and over, you can start collecting them. ready for a novel?

-the first thing, that nobody told me about that i discovered on my own, and that i COULD not live without were baby swaddlers. i have yet to find a newborn that doesnt like to be swaddled- the hospital tried to teach me how to fold up rowans blankets so that they became swaddled, but for the life of me i could not figure it out, and rowan would always kick out of it. so i found a CHEAP package of swaddlers (that velcro) at target and they were a life saver! (and i whole-heartedly believe thats when rowan started sleeping through the night at 3 weeks old!)

-the other thing was a poncho type cover-up for nursing. honestly, i got about 4 different ‘hooter hiders’ from baby showers, and i never used one of them. they just didn’t cut it for me. too many embarassing moments with the hooter hiders in public. i just got a poncho that covered front and back!

– i returned all the newborn clothes that i got for rowan. only because when they are so tiny and new, im guessing they dont think its very comfy to be in jeans and dresses (etc). rowan lived in onsies, and jammies, and one or two comfy outfits for when we went out, until she was 3 months. and they grow so fast the first few months, why spend money on an outfit they will hardly wear.

– we bought a stroller that can become a double stroller later for baby #2. i think its a waste of money to buy a single stroller- you’ll just have to get rid of it when your second baby comes. you should look into it.

– rowan loved her baby swing and her bouncer.

– i never changed her once on her changing table.

anyways, those are just a few. sorry for the novel ;) i hope you are feeling well and good luck the next few weeks- they probably will go pretty slow. but you just look amazing, i cant get over it!

love ya girl,


1. You look fantastic.
2. My feet are growing as well I swear and
3. I also feel as though I have been pregnant for 20 years!


I forgot to mention in my post and it’s obvious…a jogging stroller. We also scored a BOB duallie off KSL.com a couple weeks ago. I wanted to make sure that when baby #2 comes next month, I’m able to start walking and possibly running (i am NOT a runner!) so it was important to get a good one.
And, I haven’t read through everyone’s comments, but from day one when we came home, we had a white noise/sleep noise machine in Sam’s room and he still has it in there 2.5 yrs later (he asks me to turn it on now for naps:). Drowns out the noise you guys make and I really believe it helps them sleep. You can find them anywhere…Walmart, Target…


Oh, and by the way, I’m 99% sure that two weeks after you have that babe, you won’t even be able to tell your were pregnant from looking at you on the outside.
You look amazing…and so tiny with that bump!


You look adorable. You need sleep and plays or onesies. a LOT of wipes, a wubbanub or 2, binkis, your boobs, lotion, soap, a 3 pack of swaddle me blankets, dipes, a bouncer or swing, you DON’T need a crib for a long while if you have a pack n play, just a few pack and play sheets, car seat (obvie) ergo baby carrier with infant insert, and PADS!! LOTS OF THEM!! the lady kind. Go to Costco. Buy a lot.

You’ll probably not get much bigger, I didn’t, and we’re built super similarly.

Me @ 38 weeks. http://www.flickr.com/photos/breakfasttobed/7420932742/


haha I love that cheesey pose! You are still looking so awesome! I’ve heard that pregnancy makes your feet grow, and that probably scares me more than labor itself! I’m already sportin’ a size 12 (I am 6 feet tall), and that size is already hard enough to find! Sidenote: I’m on a lemon kick right now so I love your lemon-filled thoughts!


You will need diapers – lots of them and baby socks that stay on the feet :)
My feet didn’t grow during pregnancy. Just my butt. :)


You should run the mt timpanogos half in July!


We bought EVERYTHING imaginable for our first baby…then we smartened up for the second. Since it’s summer you need only three things:
1/LOTS of onesies,
2/ several binkies’
3/The Snuggle Nest
We didn’t even use a crib for the first 8 months because I was breastfeeding! Don’t forget the diapers and wipes… and keep running Janae! You are AMAZING :)


We only had the bare necessities because we are military and I didn’t want a ton to store and move all around. The only big things we bought were a car seat, a crib, and a jogging stroller. We have the Chariot, and it is awesome for running, biking, and everything else!!! I never felt like I needed anything else, but I feel like it’s better to buy the bare minimum. Then if you feel like you REALLY want something else, you can always buy it at anytime.


My feet grew 1/2 size with each pregnancy. Now my baby is 17 (I have three biological children) and my feet are a SWEET size 11. Plus they are super narrow. Finding running shoes was definitely a challenge.
Babies need very little! Diapers, jammies, some thin blankets to wrap them up like a burrito and you are set. Breast feeding rocks and is cheap and easy. Stroller for walking and keeping your sanity would be the best purchase. Of course a car seat is not an option, you have to have it. I see some of the stuff people buy their babies now and I am amazed. Where do they keep all that stuff?? I had my kids when I was poor with my husband in school/starting out. We got a diaper bag from the hospital, I made my crib set, used a crib going around the family and even used baby nightgowns my mom used for her babies!
Good luck girl! You are doing awesome! Who cares about big feet – as long as they work.


Janae, I skipped everyone’s comments so I don’t have any idea what anyone else said. I’m positive they all gave perfect advice. What I will tell you though, is that my daughter and her husband moved to Pitt for ONE year of grad school when she was newly pregnant. They were both in grad school and they had a budget of $4 too! They had no money so it was ~what MUST we have?~. I found a running friend ONLINE in Pittsburgh and asked for her help and she gathered a bunch of mom’s and they scrounged stuff for her. It was pretty awesome. They survived on a Pac n Play, breast pump, car seat (obviously), bouncy seat and they ended up buying a little high chair that sits on a chair. They used rubbermaids for his clothes (they were moving back and didn’t want to haul a dresser), and changed him on the floor (which I always do anyway on a blanket and they still do it, it’s more comfortable for me). So you really don’t need much.


I saw someone else mentioned doing freezer meals and I totally agree! In fact now I’ve started making them every Sunday for the week because it’s pretty much impossible to make a meal for a newborn. I actually just posted some of the necessities on my blog but ab ball and swaddleme swaddles for calming the baby for sure!


You look fantastic! I’m only 22 1/2 weeks and feel like my belly is almost as big! haha.


~31 weeks! Yeah! My first son was born at 31 weeks and weighed 3 lbs 8 oz so I bet your little pumpkin is close to that (he’s 14 now and perfectly healthy).
~My feet grew 1/2 size when I was pregnant with both boys.
~My pregnancies went by SLOW.
~You only need the basics. One thing I would suggest that I used all the time was a Baby Bjorn baby carrier (grocery store, sporting events, vacuuming, etc). Loved it!


Baby Bjorn definitely! all 4 of mine lived in mine. i am laughing about the lemonade. I would buy the frozen concentrate from Minute Maid and eat it out of the can. I know! It was crazy and kind of gross….


Pack ‘n Play with the ‘newborn napper’ attachment. Both my kids slept in that next to our bed for the few months, then still in the pack ‘n play without the napper attachment for the next several months. Neither used the crib in their room until they were probably 9 months old. I also wouldn’t waste money on a changing table. We bought one for our 1st, and used it *maybe* 3 times. It was way more convenient to change him on the living room floor or the couch or wherever we happened to be then to lug him upstairs every time he needed a fresh diaper… and with newborns, thats a lot, lol. A boppy is nice, but a plain ol’ pillow works fine, too. The one thing I would spend some coin on (if you plan on nursing) is a good breastpump. I used a Medela Pump in Style, and it was a lifesaver. Great to pump with before a run if little one isn’t ready to eat!


You look fantastic!

For the first few months a bassinet or pack n play for her to sleep in, and a newborn boppy lounger is fabulous-like $30 bucks for her during the day (if you ever want to put her down!) You can get a changing pad (alot cheaper than a table) and put it anywhere, we too were on a tight budget and very limited on space. And I would save on the jogging stroller for now because if Im remembering correctly your not supposed to put them in one until they can hold their head up on their own so you will have a couple of months. Burp rags, diapers, wipes, onesies, recieving blankets and sleepers. And of course a car seat, I would recommend one that latches on the top of the buggy, mine didn’t and I had to put her inside the buggy when I got my groceries and therefore I had no room for my food!


Oh yeah, I agree with Sarah B. I also used the Medela Pump in Style. It will be your best friend – completly worth the money, very portable!!!


pregnancy goes by SO SLOOOWWWWW.

my feet grew, but go back down several months after.

absolute NEEDS for baby: onsies(seriously, they don’t wear anything else for a while), diapers, wipes, binkys, bottles (just in case), SWING!!!!!! swaddle blankets, the BIG ones.

oh, and some hand mittens or they will scratch the tar out of their face. baby socks work just as well. :)


you are so tiny. what does your doctor say? i think it’s great you’re still running a lot, but it worries me too. i just hung up my shoes at 38 weeks. are you eating deli meats though?

i’m sorry to be that nagging commentor. ugh. i’m annoying myself too.


You are not annoying at all! My doctor says I am measuring fine and I have gained the right amount of weight. I am tall, about 5’9″ and so I am not showing as much as a shorter woman would. Hope you are having a great night.
38 weeks…ahhh you are almost there. GOOD LUCK!!!

About the deli meats, that is something my doctor said is fine for me to eat as long as I am eating them at the correct temperatures.


The BEST lemon bar, hands down http://www.ourbestbites.com/2008/04/creamy-lemon-bars/
You can thank (or curse?) me after you’ve eaten the whole batch in one sitting! I must have eaten a ton of these while I was pregnant!


Every baby is different but I would say invest in a cool mist humidifier. It provides a little white noise to help the baby sleep and is a lifesaver if your little one ever gets a little congested :( We still use ours all the time and our little girl is 9 months. The only other thing I can think of besides the obvious stuff is zipper pjs. They are SO much easier to get on and off than button pjs.

Good luck moving so close to your due date, you are brave!


Ugh I think the first baby always feels like the longest wait,(and weight…) I thought I was going to die if I carried Gracie for one more minute, and I know that sounds awful but not to anyone who has ever grown a human being in their stomach for nine months and can’t breath, eat, sleep, or really do much of anything anymore. That and every time I looked in the mirror I reminded myself of a giant donut. Which I sort of loved. Not post pregnancy though, that was the hardest part. Nobody really tells you until the very end that you aren’t going to pop the baby out and squeeze back into your skinny cords. You probably will, and I hope you do, but for sure it’s sort of disappointing for a couple weeks while you get back on the bike so to speak. Oh baby things you will not ever regret buying. Do NOT buy any sort of swing or bouncer or rocker until the baby gets here. Every baby likes something else, and we seriously owned everything except the one thing Gracie ended up loving for a long time- her swing. She didn’t like the vibrating bouncing chair, or the bumbo, or our rock and play thing, or even a bouncing in the door thing. Just the plain old squeaky swing. Swaddle blankets. Buy them. Instead of changing your babies crib sheets every .32 seconds because you will have to from spit and poop and things you never want to imagine that become the most wonderful thing in the world once your child does it… Just put down a waterproof mattress cover and those giant pads they give you when you leave the hospital and switch out the blankets. Some people swear by noise machines but we sleep with fans and that helped grace a lot since I guess it mimics the in utero sound. None of that fancy shmancy heart beat water falling white noise. Because if your baby gets used to it then you can’t ever ever ever leave home without it. And that’s a huge inconvenience. A really good quality diaper bag! Get one that is cute and waterproof so you can clean it out if milk spills. I wish I had invested in a nice bag. Also, do not buy a giant space enterprise stroller for like five hundred dollars. You will hate packing it into your car. Get a great jogger, and an umbrella stroller that’s lightweight. Sorry I wrote a novel. Enjoy your experience it will go by like a flash once she is here. Soon you will be racing her all over the house trying to figure out what baby proofing even means and reading more articles about what color poo she should have than you ever thought possible. Best of luck.


The best thing we ever had was Infacol, a British medication for trapped wind. My little man had bad trapped wind and was so unhappy. One mouthful of this and he was a different baby, it was incredible. If you have any British friends, get them to post you some. Otherwise let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

Great blog. I’m new here but I love it, and I’m a Bay Area runner, you’ll love it here!!


Hi Janea- you look just gorgeous! Can’t believe you’re going to have a baby in just a few weeks!

It is true that your feet grow during pregnant due to a hormone released, Relaxin which relaxes the body in order for the baby to pass through the birth canal- sometimes it’s permanent, sometimes not!! :)



stock diapers now!!


I have not had children yet, but am planning to soon. First on my list was a BOB, however someone told me to look into the Chariot brand instead. So glad I did. We will be buying one when the time comes. They are AMAZING! They convert from running to a bike trailer in one simple step. You can also but skis on them (if you ski). A great stroller. :)


I can imagine that your feet feel/look bigger! Imagine your weight increasing and squishing your feet… they will get wider because of the increased pressure, and their surface area will increase! Yay :)


You’re seriously the cutest pregger woman ever! ;) you’re all belly!

When I first came home with my daughter, all I used was a bassinet that was easily rolled from the bedroom to the living room, *****nipple cream!!!***** (seriously, can’t live without the stuff..assuming you will breastfeed…), a swing or bouncer, soft blankies, clothes, diapers, wipes, A&D, burp clothes, baggies to store breast milk in and bottles for those times that Billy wants to feed the little nugget ;)


Bigger feet mean better balance and a faster runner, right? :)


Frozen lemonade:

1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup sugar
1 cup crushed ice

Blend all ingredients together in a blender until smooth. Enjoy!


OH MY GOODNESS….Jenny, thank you so much. I am drooling just reading about the frozen lemonade. Can’t wait to make it!


I just dropped by to get caught up with your world and I wanted to say – YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL! I’m enjoying reading your pregnancy updates! Have a beautiful day. :)


Thank you so so much Sara:) Hope you are having an amazing day!


I know I’ve commented this before but, you are the cutest thing ever! I just cracked up while reading this and it really cheered me up. You are such a positive person, and I wish you all the best!!! <3


I hated being pregnant and it lasted 41 weeks…ughhh! After my guy was born, I was sooo happy and felt so much better. Those women who say pregnancy is awesome are cray-cray :). My newborn musts are – Boppy Newborn Lounger: love it and it’s only $29.99 and sleep sacks. Sleep sacks are awesome for midnight diaper changes, you don’t have to be awake enough to do snaps.


Pregnancy seemed to last a long time while I was pregnant, but looking back it doesn’t feel like it did. I was never that uncomfortable; it wasn’t 100 degrees outside yet. My feet didn’t swell. I was able to still work and run and generally feel “normal” (or as normal as I could).

My must have newborn list includes:
(1) “Ottoman” (The Boppy Newborn Lounger) it goes with me everywhere – I even carry it on a purse stap to the office);
(2) diapers and I wouldn’t bother much with clothes – the first month or so she wore a diaper and when we went out a onsies;
(3) bibs (this may be a bottle/formula thing – I’m not sure), but it cut down on our laundry – she would soak the front of whaver she had on, with a bib, you can take it off, let it dry or toss it in the wash and you don’t have to change her clothes, wipe her down with a cloth . . .

And so you get the full idea, right now, my daughter (a little over 10 weeks old) is sitting in her “ottoman” which is sitting on my desk (which probably isn’t recommended) by my laptop, wearing just her diaper and a bib (I think the 10 pack was $12 at target)


While my feet didn’t get bigger…each pregnancy made my hair darker and curlier…the third especially…hairdresser had to go to a whole new chart….amazing!
I’m not sure if you plan to or are able to breastfeed…but I highly recommend a Medela breast pump if you can. They are expensive but compared to the other ones on the market they are a godsend. I couldn’t have survived without the extra sleep that it allowed to have my husband feed our children in the middle of the night on occasion, allowed me to give them the best food and immune boost for a year and it also allowed my husband to bond more closely with them. Not to mention the occasional girls night out!
Good for you that you look so radiant!


sooo im 30 weeks now and YES i swear my feet are bigger. i can tell in my running shoes…they’re like, super snug..almost uncomfortable now! my hands are puffier too..haha i guess in general im a bit puffy these days. you look great! :)


Oh my God, you are so stunning. I am only 19 weeks and I get so angry when I get full so fast! Though apparently I am getting enough food as my lovehandles are growing at a rapid rate. I DIE for lemonade and if my feet grow, I will also die. Or at least have a funeral for my shoes.

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