Guru’s, I used to be blonde and carbohydrate comparison.

Steak and Bleu Cheese Quesadilla that was beyond incredible, I would like you to meet all of my internet friends.  Internet friends….you seriously HAVE to try this quesadilla at some point in your life.  It is from a place called Guru’s and it is the third item down in the middle section of the menu and each bite will make you happy.

We also had sweet potato fries because you technically shouldn’t be allowed to go to Guru’s and NOT order those fries.

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Even better were the two gorgeous girl I got to go with.  We all love RUNNING and we are all moving away at the end of the summer to far away lands.

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Rewind to earlier in the day….. I have started to pack/clean/sort/give away things so that I am not trying to pack everything at 483 weeks pregnant.  I was doing awesome and getting a lot done and then I saw a spider and that was the end of that.  He is still lurking somewhere in my house which gives me anxiety.

Anyways, I came across a huge box of old photos and forgot about the stage in my life where I was platinum blonde.  That little boy is my nephew that is always on the blog, cutest chunker ever, we have been bf’s for a long time.

Photo 1

PS Billy had a gift card from a while ago to a rock climbing store (he loves to climb) and spent the money on THESE:


I have truly transformed him, he now chooses to spend any and all money on running products. In case you want my tips on how to brainwash your husband just email me and I will send them to you free of charge.

PPS (Sorry for the most random post in the world) I saw this stat in Running Times and thought it was really interesting!

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I think I fit in more with the Kenyan statistic…76% of my daily diet is definitely from CARBS!


What percent of your daily eats are carbohydrates?

What color is your hair right now?  Have you died it to a different color before?

Would you rather have chips and salsa or fries with your meal at a restaurant?

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You look so different blonde – I wouldn’t even know it was you!

I’m blonde, I’ve tried going going darker, my hair always fades and it likes being blonde.

I love carbs, but have tried to cut back on refined carbs and carbs in the evening.

I love chips and salsa and fries! Such a hard desicion. I’d probably get chips and salsa and then have Danny get fries, so I could still eat some :)


You look great as a blonde too, But it barely looks like you!

I could use some husband brain washing techniques–my husband hates running:-( (Except for when I am crabby, go for a run and come back happy;-)

I am probably around 60% or a bit higher for carb intake–I always thought I ate a high carb diet, but when I was trying to figure out carbo loading for my last marathon, I logged a typical day of eats and I was suprised how the little bit of protien from other foods besides ‘meat’ adds up (broccoli, yogurt, oatmeal, etc).

Have a fabulous friday Janae!!! Rest up for your race this weekend (or cheering if thats what your body/baby feels like doing instead)


Wow you look soo diff as a blonde- do they really have more fun ;)? I went through a phase of having blonde highlights and thought I looked like the shiiiz. Looking at pics now, yeah I was clearly wrong!


The carb intake and sources in other countries always fascinates me.


Wow, you look SO different blonde. I almost didn’t recognize you! You look so pretty as a brunette & blonde. Have a great weekend Janae!


I have brown hair. I’ve never dyed it, I’m too scared of those roots!


My hair is brown (naturally). I wanted my hair dresser to add some red highlights in it once and I guess I should have been more specific because she thought I meant the ACTUAL COLOR RED, like stop light red, instead of a natural hair color red. She had been doing my hair for 8 yrs so I thought she would know thats not my style ;) I think you are one of those people who can pull off blonde or brunette…but brownies unite!! :)


My hair has been super dark, which I love and it’s also been super blonde, which I love too – its fun to do both! I’m probably on the low end of carb consumption, not quite up there with the Kenyans:)
I’m def a fries girl, especially sweet potato fries.
Good luck on yours race this weekend, whichever you decide to do!


You look so different blonde! I have naturally strawberry blonde hair, but I’ve always secretly wanted to dye it a light brown just to see what I would look like. However so many people compliment my hair color that I’m too scared to color it for fear that it won’t go back to it’s natural state!


The blonde hair looked good!!! I’m brunette and only died my hair once. It was for a play, and it was dyed a darker brown to make me look Jewish. So…not a very exciting dye job, lol.


Your super cute as a blonde but I bet it was hard to keep up with! My swag bag had a citrus clif engery shot in it, going to see if I like them or not on my next long run, apparently they are a hit at your house! LOL!


Your blonde hair looked really good!! How lucky for you that you can be cute as a brunette OR a blonde… That doesn’t usually happen!
I don’t think I’ve EVER had steak in a quesadilla… I think I’m scared I won’t be able to bite off a piece of the meat with my teeth and I’ll look like a dork with big pieces of steak hanging out of my mouth!
I’m very salsa picky – so it would depend on how good the salsa was! :)
Happy Friday!


I think this is my first comment!! You look so different as a blonde!

I think i get 50-60% from carbs?
My hair is red – more like an auburn. I have never dyed it but everyone always thinks it is dued b/c it’s a unique color. I hated it when i was younger but I have learned to love it :)
chips/salsa or fries? Um, both?? Actually probably the fries. French fries are my downfall!


I eat a lot of carbs! I would say at least 60% if not more some days.
My hair is medium brown, kinda close to my natural color but not as mousey. My natural color is pretty dull. I have been every color from very blonde, red and dark, dark brown.
Chips and salsa!
I have never, ever tried bleu cheese, I am kind of scared to…


chips and salsa definitely! Im not a big fry person.
You look SO different blonde!!!! My hair has always been dark brown. the only color change ive done is highlights in the past! ive never really even changed the cut of it. im sorta boring with my hair :)


The blonde is cute on you, you can totally pull it off! I had blonde hair for a while… It looks awful on me, I am dark(ish)-complexioned so it looks so unnatural.. But I found that I had more fun as a blonde :-P

Your transformation with Billy is complete, I remember when he didn’t run, then surprised you by starting to run (btw, that was the sweetest thing ever!)Very cool that he’s an addict now just like the rest of us!


Chips and salsa all the way!
I love your hair dark, but blond looks great too! That’s hilarious that Billy spent his money on gels instead of new gear!


I have dyed my hair every color! I’ve been a blonde, a red head & a brunette! My hair is currently in its natural state. Being a brunette is much easier to keep up!

& while sweet potato fries are my absolute favorite, I may have to choose chips & salsa when given the choice bc my husband is obsessed with chips & salsa!!


So, I’m kind of in love with/fascinated by Kenyan runners. Have you heard of or read the book More Fire? If not, you should. It’s all about Kenyan running, how to be a better runner, etc. It’s really good and I recommend!
I too was platinum blonde for awhile-but now I’m back to my more natural brown. I like it either way! Have a great Friday, Janae!


I have to say, you are absolutely adorable!!
I have brown hair but I actually dyed it a vibrant plum/dark purple this year with a dye that washes out in a little over a month. I’m a university student and wasn’t looking for work at the time so it was so much fun to just be a little (more) odd for a while. :D


I did not touch my naturally blonde hair until I was 22. My hair was past my hips, and I was asked to model in a hair show, which I did on the condition that I could get a major haircut. So I modeled my natural long hair for three days, and on the end of the third day, they cut it to my shoulders and gave me highlights. I loved it and have never been back. Since then, I’ve had red, very dark, almost black, maroon streaks, purple (my favorite, it was almost black, with just a tinge of purple) and very blonde. In fact, I have an appointment for a change tomorrow! :)


I tried to convert my husband to running and instead he converted me into a cyclist. Oh well;) I’d say I fit in with the American percentages on most days. My hair has been every color of the rainbow but for now it’s pretty close to my natural brunette color? but who knows since I’ve been dying my hair since I was 13. And fries All. The. Way.


i’m a carb monster and i’m totes not afraid to admit it…i love me some carbs. When people tell me they are low-carb or no-carb I just shake my head and my heart breaks a little inside for them. I’d prob change my diet around if I wasn’t a runner but luckily, I am and hopefully always will be ;)

I’ve dyed my hair every color under the sun…black, blonde, red, pink, blue, purple, green :) The blonde really messed with my hair though since i did it myself and my hair got so dried out from it…took my hair years to recover. now i just stick to reds mostly. my natural hair color is dark brown.

thats not even a question for me, fries hands down. although chips and salsa hold a special place in my heart as well ;)


Love your blonde hair- but I think the brown suits you better :)

I eat a lot of carbs too- I’m always trying to fit more veggies and protein in, but I just love any form of carbs so much!


chips and salsa and every meal for ever. does it get any better?


Oh my gosh you look so different with blonde hair! Still gorgeous though :). I’ve highlighted my hair blonde and died it dark. My natural color is kind of a gross dirty blonde color so I prefer having color in it haha. Now it’s blonde again and I’m loving it!


I bleached my hair blonde for about six months. I liked it but it destroyed my hair and it took about a year to repair the damage.


I don’t think I would have recognized you as a blonde … but it looks really good! I am a blonde, hence my blog name ;)


Straight out say I prefer you as a brunette. But that’s just my opinion.

What percent of your daily eats are carbohydrates?
— Probably ~55%? At least it was when I was tracking (which I haven’t in the last few weeks).

What color is your hair right now? Have you died it to a different color before?
— I’m a fellow brunette, although I want to be red. I’ve never dyed mine before but now might be the time as my brunette is now showing more strands of silver.

Would you rather have chips and salsa or fries with your meal at a restaurant?
— Fries. Sweet potato fries. Always. I will get any meal that comes with sweet potato fries. I actually think I should start ordering salads and sweet potato fries instead of burgers.


I love the blonde!


You look totally different as a blonde! I love your dark hair. :) My hair is its natural light brown color, but with blonde highlights. I am putting in a blue streak underneath for the summer.

That quesadilla looks amazing!!! There is a local pizza place here that does a black&blue pizza that is incredibly delicious.

Have a fabulous day, Janae!


You look great with blonde hair and your nephew…I could eat him with a spoon! So adorable!


Wow blonde hair really suits you! I’ve had my hair dyed every color under the sun! Love red the best but it’s too hard to maintain so I’ve settled on black. (I’m a natural light brown)

I honestly don’t know what I would choose between fries and chips and salsa! Probably the chips and salsa lol.


Chips and Salsa!!
Oh gosh, I think I have died my hair every color in the book. My fave…pink in high school. My family just loved that! Ha ha
Love the blonde hair…super cute!


Wow – I didn’t believe the blond part of your post title until I saw it! I looked cute, but I definitely like it better brown :-) My hair is brown and I’ve never dyed it – I’m scared to!
And while I love fries, especially the sweet potato variety, I’d have to choose chips and salsa!


You look great as a blonde!! But, I prefer your natural color. :)

I love chips & salsa w/mexican food and love sweet potato fries w/a turkey or veggie burger. soooo good!!! :) luv ya & miss ya! xo


you look so different as a blondie! you can totally pull off both the blonde and brunette look! i’ve been platinum blonde to dark brunette and i think every color in between within the past several years. i’m currently happy with my subtle blonde highlights, and i’m sure it will stay like for years to come! going back and forth gets so expensive!
and i need your tips to brainwash my husband into liking running…


Oh my goodness, I can’t believe how blonde you were!! I actually think you looked really cute, but I think I love you as a brunnette even more!


I love chips and salsa or chips and quacamole.

I don’t eat a lot of carbs, I eat more fruit and healthy fats I think.


Haha I think I fit in with the Ethiopian stats. Or perhaps I skew the American stats by being a major outlier.
I love your brunette hair :)


I can’t choose but I LOVE some sweet potato chips & salsa. Try it and be prepared for a NEW craving.


I used to have awesome red streaks in my hair – crayola red. Both times I did it coincided with my husband’s deployments, so I think I subconciously needed to change something drastically.


I LOOOOOVVEEEE Guru’s sweet potato fries. and the food there in general.

If you count fruit than probably about 90% of my diet is carbs…oops….

I’ve only ever dyed a small strip of my hair red. Other than that I’m a hair virgin.


My hair is dirty blonde with blonde and pink highlights because I’m awesome like that.

You with blonde hair just looks so crazy, not bad, just SO different.


You look so different (but good) blonde! I have never ever colored my hair. I’m a total hair virgin. I barely ever style it, I usually throw it up in a bun or ponytail, so lame.

I love sweet potato fries but chips and salsa is just as tasty, I think it depends on what you’re eating it with.


I knew deep down I was really an Kenyan! ;-)

If I have to choose? Fries.


I’m really blonde (for me) at the moment because my husband keeps encouraging me to do more highlights…I will do it for a while and then I will be ready for a change and go dark again. I feel more self conscious about my skin with dark hair…weird.

I would have to say fries, especially sweet potato fries.

I am having a major carb day today…ice cream for lunch. I’m a picture of health.


This makes me want to pull up pix from my blond days!!! Too too funny.

Carbs?? Time to go eat some…


Girl I love your freaking hair! Especially your bangs! I’ve been trying to do the side bang thing but how do you keep from moving it out of your eye all day?? I feel like my forehead gets greasy from constantly touching my bangs. And BTW, how is it even fair you look great with blonde or brunette hair!?


IMO you look MUCH better as a brunette!

I think I’ve had my hair every color possible (except jet black), but right now it’s dark brown. I kinda like it like this. I think I’ll keep it awhile. :)


Yum that ‘dilla looks delicious!

I have gone through many phases as well – dark red, brown, really blonde highlights, an unfortunate orange tinge, and now back to light brown (my real hair is black haha).


I NEED to find out the ways you brainwashed Billy! My boyfriend hates running! HELP!
I’ve always been blonde :)
Fries all the way!!!


You look great as a blonde, but you are beautiful brunette! You are lucky that you can go either way. I dyed my hair back to my natural brown for a short time…no one really commented that I looked good that way, except my grandma who told me to go back to blonde. Once I dyed it back to blonde, everyone sighed in relief :)

I would much rather have chips and salsa than fries. Chips and salsa are my weakness.


Chips and salsa! I’m a Texan after all…

I eat lotsa carbs! I do get overloaded on ’em though if I eat them too much. Lately all I have wanted to eat is protein!! MMM eggs!


I’ve only been reading your blog a few days and was already thinking, man!This chick eats a lot of carbs!!! I was thinking this as I was reaching down deep to get the rest from the bag of my Dark Chocolate Chex Mix. I’m not normally heavy on carbs, but when I’m pregnant for some reason I do crave them quite a bit. I feel ill, though, if I give in to the craving too much or without a good amount of fat and protein, so I still tend to limit my carbs. But I really just wanted to write and tell you that if you haven’t had it – I think you’d love the Dark Chocolate Chex Mix as a late-night snack, even if you and chocolate are no longer on good terms :)


Well, then you are the perfect endurance athlete!! I have a feeling after baby girl you may tackle an IM, yes?

Blondes have more fun?? :) I think you always fun regardless of your hair hue!!

Chips and salsa….and guac!!


I am and forever always will be blonde. I had ideas to go dark, but got really scared and just don’t think I ever could. I’ll deal with the needing highlights every few months – it’s worth it (plus, my roots are only dirty blonde, so when it grows in, it’s not horrible).

I’m a carb-loader too. It’s so not a bad thing – quite the opposite ;) To Kenya I go! haha


I wish I looked that good as a blonde. my mom and sister both have blonde hair and blue eyes and I was always jealous. now I’m happy being brunette, but wish I had the OPTION to go blonde. It washes me out too much. Or so I’m told.


I’ve always been blonde yet I had the bright idea to go dark a month before my wedding. It is so weird looking back because I don’t feel like I look like myself in any of my wedding pictures. I’m blonde again now though. :)


I am not exactly sure what the percentage of carbs in my diet would be, but I imagine it would be pretty high; I know I don’t get a lot of fat or protein on a day to day basis.

Right now I am a brunette, but for most of my life I have been various shades of blonde. I think I prefer the brunette, but because my hair is naturally quite light, it is a lot of upkeep.

I don’t really like fries, so I would probably go for the chips and salsa.


I could definitely use that email on tips to convert your spouse to a runner! I love to run and would LOVE for my hubby to do it with me, but so far no such luck :-( Tell me your secrets!!!!!


OK, you look like a different person blonde


AH! You have a runaway spier now too?!?!?!! Sorry!
Hmmm, probably 60%. It probably because I love chocolate just so stinkin’ much! =)
Auburn. Yep, I died it black, didn’t suit me very well. lol So I went through bleaching and redying….tough stuff. My hair is still paying for all I did to it. :(
Hmmm, whichever is gluten free. If both are, then sweet fries! If regular fries, I’d take chips and salsa. :)


Wow you look so different as a blonde…but I have to admit I have been there too. When I was 21, I bleached my hair blonde from a box…I was a dancer for a NBA team at the time and my mom told me that she could always find me from the top of the bottom section because my hair was so white lol

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