Vacation Part 2 (of 2, silly jobs and school making us come home and be responsible)

Now where did we leave off…. oh yes, I spent the same amount of money on small bags of fruit that I make in two hours of work. I did graciously share two full cherries and a grape with Billy which is a huge stepping stone in our marriage.

Look how excited she is to see us!

We were able to meet up with the beautiful and speedy Lizzy for lunch! Lizzy is shooting for a 1:23 at the San Diego RNR next month, she’s totally got it! We hung out in NYC before the marathon lat November and I was so happy to be able to see her again.


Dear every restaurant in the world, Meals should always be served in a fresh sourdough bowl (desserts are also included in this arrangement).

We had the clam chowder from Boudin.


After lunch we just had to go to Ghirardelli. Billy and I shared a butterscotch sundae (please forgive me for not getting chocolate there) and Lizzy had a beautiful cupcake. Next time I go there I will be ordering the same thing but just add in a side of caramel to dip my sundae into.

Billy is laughing so hard because Lizzy and I are really funny people.

Don’t you hate it when you see a picture of something that you ate and it makes you want it again so badly that it hurts…. you are thinking , “no Janae that is just you that does that.” Awkward.

On a random note: I am still mad that we didn’t sign up for a Segway tour of the city. Next time or maybe I will just get my very own.

We ended the day going back to Santa Clara to explore and then walked around Santana Row which is in San Jose and has all of the best restaurants and stores on one beautiful street.

Anyone else running RNR San Diego? Have you ran it in the past….what did you think of it? Which races in the Rock and Roll series have you ran?


Would you have gone for the cupcake or sundae?

We are now sitting waiting for our next flight that leaves in two hours so please entertain us with stories about your day or funny jokes!


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being from San Diego my Dad and step mom have done RnR a few times So I’ve been to the finish line and its so much fun! I trained for the full two years ago and ended up with a stress fractured shine 5 weeks out :( this year I’m doing the half with some friends and shooting for 1:50.. 3 more weeks!

I would have gone for the sundae! Caramel is my fav


I LOVE Boudin!!! We have one here too!


I ran the Chicago RNR half last year and am signed up to run it again this year (if my knee is in running condition, fingers crossed). Last year my bf and I were aiming for a 1:45 and we were doing so awesome until his knee popped out at mile 7…so we walked the rest of it… I want to go back there and redeem myself this year!

And about the food thing- you are totally NOT weird. We’re all like that, we just don’t all announce it publicly.

Sundaes at Ghirardelli are the bomb.


wow, that auda


wahhh i clicked reply too early! whoops. meant to say that that sundae looks amazing!! give me a sundae over a cupcake any day :) and you look beautiful in these photos – love that pregnancy glow!


Always go for the sundae!


On any normal day I would say CUPCAKE, but I’m suffering from pregnancy aversion syndrom as well, so I’d pick the sundae too! Oddly, I cannot stand chocolate in any shape or form currently unless it’s hot fudge, so I probably would have asked for a fudge/butterscotch combo. Random fact: on our honeymoon flight to Europe we were graciously upgraded to first class and I was operating on zero sleep and actually was rocking my wedding updo. My dad had packed some of our wedding cake for me to bring as my carry on, so when they came by with sundaes for us as well I was in heaven at my “perfect meal”. They asked if I wanted hot fudge, caramel, or strawberry, and when I hemmed and hawed they said they could give me all three, and it was heaven!


Cupcake all the way! Or maybe I would have done both :) I’ve only run the Dallas RNR, but my Dad has done the Dallas, Savannah, and Nashville. He loved them all, but he liked Savannah the most because it was the first year doing it, so he was there from the beginning.


I think I am running RNR Providence in August!!

I think I would have picked the Sundae. With the cupcake. Crushed into it :)


I just signed up yesterday for RNR Providence! Never been to Rhode Island…I’m excited! Did you run it last year?


No this will be my first year! Feel free to email me if you have any questions/need recommendations for Providence- I go to school there!


That soup in a bowl looks so delicious!!!!! I’m thinking about doing RNR Chicago this year during my marathon training, it’s just so expensive!


When I was a little kid, we walked in and out of the ghiradelli shop multiple times so that we’d get lots of free chocolate samples at the door. It was awesome!

I ran the SD RnR half last year, and was really unimpressed with the course. Tons of it was on a freeway, so I ended up with a swollen ankle. But, it was really organized.


I’d normally choose a cupcake, but that sundae looks awesome! I’m running the full San Diego Rock ‘n Roll. It will be my first full so I’m nervous. I just did my last 20 mile training run this weekend and it went pretty well, but it was hot here in San Diego. I’m hoping for cloud cover on the day of the race.


Sundae over cupcake any day for me! The photos of your vacation makes me want to book a ticket to San Francisco now!!


I’ve done the San Diego RnR full and 1/2 a few times and love it.. but maybe just because it is close and I don’t have to factor a plane ticket into race expenses? I randomly decided to sign up for the 1/2 yesterday. I’m shooting for a 1:35. (i like ambitious goals but not training plans… or planning in advance! keep your fingers crossed for me!)

My fav RnR race so far is New Orleans! Gorgeous course, city, super flat and the best places to indulge post race :)


Ghirardelli can be such a hot mess sometimes. Sundays there rock though!


Here is a story for you:

In the summer, I work at an outdoor drama in Ohio called Tecumseh! It’s about a Shawnee leader who tried to create a confederacy of Native Americans to fight together against white encroachment. All of the men playing Native Americans wear wigs, and they do a lot of fighting and running, and riding horses on this outdoor stage in the woods. Well, one night, my friend was running onstage for a battle, and as he passed a tree his wig snagged on a branch! So all his hair came off without him even noticing, and he ended up doing the whole fight scene without it! I do believe it altered the dramatic effect of the scene. ;)


SEGWAY TOUR? I am so down. Also I do the same thing. Don’t worry. And seriously, everything is better in a bowl of bread, and especially whatever sandwich it is she got because that looks soooooo yummy.


Yum, yum, yum! I now TOTALLY understand why you weren’t hungry later in the afternoon :-) So glad you guys had fun and enjoyed the Bay Area! Tim and I love Ghiradelli square- and dontcha just love that freebie chocolate they give out in the gift shop? Please tell me it’s not just me that goes in multiple times, hoping the candy lady won’t recognize that she already gave me a chocolate minutes ago…Same story at See’s candies…shameless, I know… :-) Safe travels home! :-)


Oh my god. I am so jealous of this epic meetup! It looks like so much fun!


I’d go for the cupcake. Gosh it looks tasty.

I haven’t done any of the RNR races but I want to do the one in Phoenix next year. My brother lives in Scottsdale so I’d have some place to stay and its a good reason see my brother, sister-in-law and my niece.


I am running the RnR SD as my first full marathon with my boyfriend (it’ll be his first full too), my dad and my uncle (who have ran multiple marathons and even an ultra).


Yay, good job going to Ghirardelli!!! ;) I’m so jealous! I definitely would have gotten the sundae … and maybe the cupcake for later. ;)


It is great seeing all your CA vacation pictures! Did you get out to Alcatraz? That is my favorite thing by far to do in SF. Looks like you hit all the right things – Boudin, Ghilardelli, Lombard Street, Fishermans Wharf, etc. Funny you made it down to Santana Row, the cars on that street are usually insanely nice, haha


I SO vote Santa Clara! (And I love Lizzy’s blog!) Glad you enjoyed SF so much – the weather was gorgeous this weekend! :)


I’m *hopefully* running the Chicago RnR half marathon in July and am so excited! I hear the RnR series is fantastic and I hope to experience it during my first ever half marathon! As long as my pesky running injuries don’t get in the way :(


Gah! You are making me want to plan another trip to SF! I went for work when I worked with a tourism company so we hit up all the places you are posting about – I think Chris and I need to go back…so I can show it all off to him!

I had a freaking awesome chocolate chip cookie sundae at Ghilardelli and a delicious baked potato soup in a bread bowl….should probably go back just for the food! :)


yum, yum, YUM. I would have been all about that sundae!


Wow, she’s such a speedster!!

Those palm trees are so beautiful…As you know, I was just out in California last week (LA and San Diego) and I miss the beautiful trees and scenery already :)

Glad you had such a wonderful vacation, good luck with the transition back to real life!! It’s been tough for me getting used to reality, but it’s not so bad ;)


Running the RNR San Diego full next month. Raising money for awareness and prevention of Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating in Athletes. You can find out more on my site : )
looks like you had some fun!!!!!


I would have chose the sundae. That looks delicious.

On a side note – I love the way that little girl is looking at you in the first picture. Almost like she’s thinking, “That girl must really like fruit to take a picture with it.” awesome :)


I just had the berry sundae at ghiradelli last night and I have been wishing I was eating another one ever since I swallowed the last bite. I may miss that sundae, but I am so ready for this vacation to be done. Back to my own bed, with my family’s routine and regular food….or just another vacay with just my husband this time :)


Your post almost made me cry I miss the silicon valley so much! We used to live in Sunnyvale and go to Santana Row all the time. There’s a really fantastic tapas place near the corner by the movie theater that makes the best guacamole! On a side note my husband is an IP attorney. He didn’t go to Santa Clara, but sooo many of his coworkers did. Great school!


I so would have gone for the sundae! The cupcake looks amazing… but I loveee ice cream! My failed blogging attempt even revolved around it. I gave up on it after 3 posts …but if you want a good laugh you should check it out! –

And I just did my first marathon with Rock and Roll – the Country Music Marathon in Nashville. I thought they did a great job and signed up yesterday for the RNR Providence half in August! Can’t wait!

It looks like you guys had a great time in Santa Clara! It looks like a great city!


ummmm, I would have had both the sundae and the cupcake, but shared with my hubby so as to not be a piggy, ha ha!


I leave on the East Coast and whenever in Northern Cali I must get sourdough from Boudin. So good!


If I’m not mistaken, it looks like you went to the new Coldstone Creamery! That place is great, and they have to sing if you tip them. I had diennr there recently (hehe), and absolutely loved it :)


Oh sourdough bread, I need some now. You have got to stop with all the food stuff. You already made me got get an apple fritter donut the size of my head a few weeks ago, you are evil.

Cupcake for sure. I was obsessed this weekend and even went to Sprinkles but there was a line out the door and even I draw the line at waiting 20 minutes just for a cupcake. People are crazy.

Just posted a race report from my trail 25K this weekend if you’re still waiting and bored. ; )


Totally the sundae as I am allergic to chocolate but I adore cupcakes so if there was another flavor of cupcake I am SO in. *sigh* I miss San Fran.


I did one San Fran trip about a year ago and went to the same places! Ghiradelli’s brownie sundae is yummy, and I think every soup should come in a sourdough bread bowl.


I am running the RNR San Diego!!! It will be my first half ever, I just started running in January so I recruited my mom(who has run multiple half’s and full marathons) to run with me! I am so excited!!!


I did the inaugural Seattle RnR marathon back in 09.

I would have gotten the exact same sundae as you guys. And that picture looks so good I almost licked my iPad.

A joke I heard on Ellen today: what did one ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing, he just waved. :D


I’d go for the sundae. Love caramel, but not too much of a chocolate fan.

I ran Rock ‘n’ Roll St. Petersburg (Florida) in February. I LOVED it. It’s my favorite race so far, and I’m already signed up for next year.


Wow that sundae looks AMAZING! MMM now I can’t stop thinking about it. Sounds like you had a great time in California. Not going to lie, we really wish we were going to California not New York!


I’d definitely go for a cupcake and sundae- when on holidays, I indulge!
All of your pictures from this trip are amazing. It looks like an awesome place!


Cupcake for sure, I’m a sucker for them! Especially chocolate :)


I’m running San Diego and I’ll be lucky to break 2:23! I haven’t done it or any other RnR before, but it’s right down the street so I figured why not!


Did you try those Trish’s Mini Donuts that are in the background of your first picture??!!! They are my fav food on Pier 39 – covered in cinnamon and sugar! Yum!!! Hope you didn’t miss them since I know you have been craving donuts!!


I’m running the RnR Philadelphia in September, it will be her first half, I’m SO excited to run with her!

Hands down the sundae!


I haven’t ran any of them, but I will someday!!

Sundae all the way! With chocolate. And caramel. And whipped cream. And nuts. =)


I totally would have gone for the sundae! It looks amazing!!


I’m doing RnR San Diego! – the half.
I did the RnR LA Half in October on Halloween (which is now their “Halloween Half”)
I’ll be doing RnR Arizona (hopefully the full) in January, since we just moved to Phoenix.

oh, and Sundae. all the way. I always visit Ghiradelli for a hot fudge sundae (with coffee ice cream) when I am in SF.


Since I just knocked off a bowl of fro yo with numerous toppings, I have to say that I am in Sundae mode. I love sundaes with vanilla ice cream, hot fudge sauce, warm caramel sauce, whip cream, nuts and extra cherries ( I always ask them to drizzle extra cherry juice over the whip cream.

If you had asked the question two weeks ago I would have definitely chosen a cupcake. I love Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcakes. I’m also a fan of the orange flavored hostess cupcakes as well.


Agreed about the sourdough bowls and sundaes any day…although I’m not so sure I want to share :)!


Lizzy & Janae got to hang out?!? So jealous!! Glad you had a great time!!


So glad you had a fun time in SF! Santana Row is my favorite. I always go with my Mom and my sister when I am home.

I did a Segway tour in Atlanta and it was the BEST IDEA EVER. Here is the post and the priceless photos.



Definitely the cupcake. Last time I ate a sundae like that was the night before the Disney Princess Half and things did NOT go well.

The Kidless Kronicles


There’s a historical segway tour around here. I think I should just go on it so I look as freaking awesome as those guys!

You guys look like you had an awesome trip!


What a great time you & Billy had!! :)

So happy you were able to connect with LIZZY!! Lizzy is a great lady! She’s such an inspiration & positive motivator on daily mile. I hope to meet her before San Diego R&R next month. She sure is a speedy one!!! :)


Gah! I grew up in Los Gatos and seeing Santana Row made me so miss it! Definitely move to Santa Clara. I was crazy to leave LG and move to Provo….and you’d be crazy to not move there. So glad you guys had such a great time!


I think I would’ve gone for a sundae!!! I’m on a MAJOR ice cream kick right now (even more so than normal).


I am so jelly you got to hang with Miss Lizzy!! LOVE her! :-)


I’m running the San Diego RnR full next month, and it’ll be my first marathon!! So excited!!!!


Yay! So glad you loved NorCal :) It’s where I grew up and I miss it at times. Bread bowls from Boudin are the best!

I have run the SD RNR full and half and I am not running it this year. In fact I am not sure that I will run that race ever again. I hate running on the 163 freeway and getting home from the finish has been a complete disaster the past 2 years. I hope for everyone’s sake that they have resolved that issue. Sorry to give the negative feedback for those that are running it this year! It is a fast course and Balboa Park is pretty! I am local so my opinion is going to be so different from someone visiting :)


Boudin is the bomb! I can’t eat gluten and I still love it, they have killer salads. I like the one with apples, feta, meat, and walnuts


Oh fun! So glad you got to connect with Lizzy too! Wow, a 1:23–that’s some speed!

Ugh, I’m back to reality today–why can’t we just continue to hang out in Cali?!

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