The First Day of Summer

I wanted to get a picture of my favorite pump teacher for you because she is just that awesome.  The woman is in her fifties and is ripped, lean and lifts way more than I ever have.  She comes up with the most creative moves which always keeps things interesting…for example when I was trying the move below and somehow ended up on my face and the exercise ball flew to the other side of the room.

Photo 1

I did 30 minutes on the elliptical before pump and showered and got ready at the gym.  You know you need a new place to live when you prefer to shower at the gym because they have more counter space, warm water and you don’t have to worry about being attacked by snakes as you walk to your car.

I met up with the most incredible Toby for lunch at Cafe Rio after the gym.  Going to lunch at 11 a.m. is the absolute best time ever.  There was no line, the strawberry lemonade was fresher than ever and really is it ever to early to eat Mexican food?

Photo 2

Toby is my running hero.  This woman just got a 13 minute PR at the Ogden marathon a week ago Saturday.  She wakes up at FOUR-THIRTY A.M. every morning to get her running in because she has triplets and the cutie below and so she has to be done with her workout to take care of them by 6:30.  I will never complain again about waking up early to workout.

Photo 3

Toby, how about we make this a Tuesday tradition?

Photo 4

She also MADE the cutest little dress for my niece, a skirt for my other niece and a dress for the little girl coming in August:)


Now I am thinking that I need to run to the store to try out this brilliant idea….why haven’t I thought of this?

Screen Shot 2012 05 29 at 1 33 08 PM


If you are a pet lover you have to check out Cinnamon’s new pet link!


Completely random question but I am going to ask it anyway.  My goal this summer is to floss more (I know, I really reach for the stars) so I wanted to ask you how often you floss?!?!

Who was your last lunch date with?

Is anyone reading this a twin or triplet?  Anyone have twins, triplets etc. in their family?

Anyone else wake up at 4:30 to work out? Do you know anyone that does this?

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Curly’s hair is straight-up AMAZING in that photo. I have hair envy. Work it, little girl. Own those curls.


Thank you SO MUCH for mentioning the pet link up!!
My dentist told me that if I just couldn’t stick to flossing to try and use a water pick (sp?) She said it is fun and works pretty much the same!
My mom gets up at 430, but not to work out. She just gets up and reads and enjoys the “quiet” of the morning. I prefer the “quiet” of my bed I think! ;-)


So jealous that you get a summer break! Are you planning on going back to work or stay home with the baby? Cute cute cute dresses…love. I used to never ever floss, and then I went to the dentist for the first time in years and had lots of cavities. So now I floss every night…I’m kinda an all-or-nothing type person. I use the individual flosser sticks and found one kind that I like, so that helps me to do it.


I eat lunch between 11-11:30am everyday! And most days I start thinking about eating lunch at about 10:30am, haha.

I wish I could get myself up at 4:30am to work out. I’d love to be a morning work outer but I just can’t ever seem to drag myself out of bed!


Ah, those yogurt pops are such a good idea, I want to try that now! Lunch date, just went with my parents & sister today for my birthday… Greek salad, so good!

I wake up at 4:45am some days to work out. It’s early but it feels good afterward to have time to relax a little before starting my day :)


I love eating lunch that early! It’s the best!


I saw that yogurt thing the other day – brilliant!


I am awful at flossing. Brushing my teeth always gets done, but I always forget can’t be bothered to floss.

My last lunch date was actually with my mother. We don’t work too far away from each other so it was really easy to meet up.

I am not a multiple but always wished I was. I think having a twin would be awesome.

My alarm also goes off at 4:30am. I like to get my run in before the traffic gets crazy busy. I have been doing it fo so long now that anything after 5am feels like a sleep in!


I floss every night. Once you start doing it, it should just become part of your normal nighttime routine! :)


I floss the day before my dentist appointment, haha! Sad, but true. So I will totally join you on the summer flossing challenge ;) I don’t know anyone that wakes up that early to workout. I’m afraid if I ever tried it I’d either fall and get road rash from my treadmill or accidentally fling a weight through the window. A pre-caffeinated Jenny is a scary thing…


Haha generally, I do not wake up at 4:30 but I woke up at 4:15 this morning! I had to take the husband to the airport and wanted to run before it got too hot.

I used to never floss, until I created a 21 day challenge. We have a big whiteboard calendar and I vowed to floss for 3 weeks (which is how long is takes to create a habit). Every day, I drew a check mark if I flossed and in 3 weeks…voila, I floss nightly now.

Also, I’m curious like Jessica – are you going back to work or staying home with the baby this fall?


Too funny about the flossing goal! I kind of did a similar thing the year before last and found that if I kept a cup full of those little flossers on my counter, I actually DO IT. So, I hate the extra waste, but the fact that I’m actually flossing probably makes up for it, right? Oh, and I floss every other evening.


I floss every night :-)


I think 4:30 is pushing it, at least for me. I’m sure if I absolutely HAD to I would squeeze it in, but 5:30-6 sounds way more appealing to wake up to.


Cute outfits!

I floss every night, without fail. I guess I am just a good girl like that ;)

And YUMMMM. Cafe Rio! LOVE that place.


Aww I love lunch dates! I’m never allowed to skip a morning workout after reading that Toby wakes up at 4:30am!! Holy cow!!


I actually wake up at 3;40 in order to get a run in and to work by 6:15. It’s not the most fun thing ever but worth it!


Hi Janae!

I recently started reading your blog, and I really enjoy it! I’m a twin, and twins do run in my family. My twin and I barely look related, but we ALWAYS get asked if we’re identical or faternal. I constantly have to refrain from answering scarastically “Do we look identical?”. Lol. I used to wake up at 3:45, but that was to be at work by 5am….not to work out. I’m not a morning person, but i do love working out before starting my day. Wish I had more motivation.

I wanted to share that I tried the turkey sandwich from Costco that you recommended awhile back, and I loved it! Thanks for sharing that!


wow I will never complain about getting up early ever again – 4:30 is dedication. And no, it is never too early for mexican :)


I thought I was cool for waking up at 5:30…fail. I have twin girls, they are almost 3.5 years old and can stop growing up at any time! :)


Aw, those little dresses and skirts are the cutest things ever! How does this woman find time to sew with triplets and another girl, and running?! Wow! I can barely manage to keep my kitchen clean!

I floss a few times a year…the week before I go to the dentist, and when I have popcorn stuck in my teeth. ha ha.

Last lunch date was with my husband!

I used to be at the gym at 5am when I had a full-time job but not anymore! Sleep is too important to me now!


I don’t think I could ever wake up that early to work out! I love to sleep too much.

Those skirts and dresses are adorable!! I can’t even sew a button and she made those. I need to step up my game! Thats fantastic.

Um, Yogurt pops?!!! How have I never done that before? I’m doing that asap.


I need to make that one of my summer goals too…I’m slacking in the floss department.

I have twins on both sides of my family! I always wished I was a twin growing up, but I don’t think my parents could’ve handled it haha.

During the school year, I have to get up at 4:45 MWF to train my PT client and get to work on time. Have I mentioned that I’m so thankful it’s summer?!?!?!


The BF flosses every night before bed. His dad was a dentist so he has really good oral hygiene. Me, I only do it when I have something in my teeth or before my own dentist visit. :-) That yogurt frozen is the best idea ever! I am so going to have to try it! I sometimes have not gotten to bed at 4:30am (i work swing shift) so getting up that early after going to bed is not for me.


I floss every night. Feels so good. I had lots of fabulous lunch dates last week while back in Rhode Island and Maine visiting family. It was relaxing, enjoyable, and something I don’t always get to do.


My cousin has triplets, now 4, and is a runner. I’m not sure what time ishe gets up but I am sure its earlier than I do. She does a lot of early morning miles to train for marathons, teaches elementary school and spends evenings with her family and raising money for cancer research.


I have a good flossing streak for a week or two at a time.
My last lunch date was yesterday at Ruth’s diner!
I have twin babies and it’s tough! I need to know how she has survived triplets! There have been a set of twins every generation in my family. Supposedly, it can run on the mothers side of the family.
4:30 a.m.? That time of day exists?? :)


I have twins….born on the 4th of July- so double cool.

Boy/girl twins too……age 13 (they rock)

4:30 a.m. is still night. I don’t get up with any time that has a 4, 5, or even 6 in it. :) (sometimes not a 7 either)
Kelly in Michigan


cute dresses! I work for a family with triplets who are almost 7 and man it is a TON of work! they also all have special needs, but i’m pretty sure it would be work with typical kids. twins run on both sides of my family too!


I try to floss every night but it ends up being every other night or if I eat something that gets stuck in my teeth.

My last lunch date was with my boyfriend. We went to the romantic panera :)

I’m a twin! I have a twin brother.

I get up at 4:50 two days a week. Not quite 4:30 but close!


I floss everyday. I started a couple of years ago and I love it. I read an article in the Wall Street Journal about how the best time to floss is at night after you brush.

I’m not a twin, but Mike is. I’m glad he’s not identical, though, because that would freak me out. I’d be convinced he and his twin would try to play tricks on me. He’s crafty like that.

My last lunch date was with my boss. Does that count? We went out to delicious Indian food.


Wow- Toby sounds like superwoman! Those dresses are adorable.
I’ve been known to wake up as early as 4:07 to get a workout in before work. It hurts, but it’s worth it if it’s the only time you can do it!
I floss daily and couldn’t go back to not doing it daily.


I just PINNED that yogurt idea – GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I floss every night. I have to! It just doesn’t feel done if I don’t.

My daughter was my last lunch date. She’s awesome!

No multiple births in my family. One at a time is all I can handle!

4:30 AM is a little early for me. But I do get up at 5:30 AM to workout sometimes.


I forgot to mention those clothes she made are adorable! Wish I could sew like that!


I am really bad about flossing every night. I don’t know why I don’t just do it after I brush before bed. I think I will also make it my summer goal :)

I wake up at 4:20 AM to run every morning. It was difficult at first because I love my sleep, but my body quickly adjusted. I love getting my workout done in the early morning.


What time do you usually go to bed, when you get up that early?!


I usually have intentions of being in bed by 9:30 but I normally don’t get to bed until 10:30.


Ouch, I don’t think I could function. You rock!


I floss 1x daily at night. Several years ago, I made it my new year’s resolution because my dentist was on my case. I stuck with it, and now I get praise from the dentist for flossing. And it drives me crazy to not floss before bedtime!

My last lunch date was with co-workers in the conference room at work today. Real lunch date was with my boyfriend yesterday after hiking!

My aunts are twins. One of them married a twin. They didn’t have twins, but their children are bound to, right?!

I could not wake up at 4:3o to work out, but my mom gets up around 5 every morning to work out. She’s one of the most energetic people I know!


I started flossing morning and night a year and a half ago and I haven’t had a cavity since! (I used to basically never floss) It was hard at first, but now it just seems gross/weird not to.


Those dresses are so cute but 4:30 is way to early to get up to work out! I don’t know if I could ever do that…

I only used to flow before going to the dentist until I met my husband. In his family they take forevvvvver to brush their teeth and then they even floss! So after a few times of brushing our teeth together I started flossing and haven’t stopped. I don’t always do it on the weekends but always do M-F :)


One of my good friends at work works-out at 4:30. She is a beast! 5:30 is the earliest for me!

I floss everyday, it bugs me if I don’t!

Last lunch date: Fiance at Panera:)


I had a lunch date today with my beautiful, four year old daughter, Ava. :’)


When I go to the gym I wake up at 4 AM to get there by 4:15 at the latest…. it sucks but my hubby has to be to work by 6 AM and I don’t like to feel rushed in my workout… also I have 2 kids so I don’t really have any other time to work out…. it is worth it though :)


OMG! what a great idea with the yogurt!! I’m totally doing that.
I have a 68 year old woman in my Crossfit class who does EVERYTHING and kicks my butt doing it. age is a number right?!


I am an identical twin! I love it, I always have an automatic best friend.

Those outfits are so so cute :)


oh oh oh! the key to flossing more is to little boxes of it eeeeverywhere (at your desk, in the bathroom, next to the couch–anywhere you spend a lot of time sitting). so that it’s easy to do it any time your hands are idle. i told myself that “flossing is the new nail biting” and i’ve totally turned flossing-while-TV-watching into a new habit! (…my poor boyfriend).

oh man, i spent the past 2 years of my life getting up at 4:30 a.m. so i could get a quick run in + 3 rides on my client’s horses (i’m a horse trainer) before class, and let me tell you, the sweetest thing about graduating (undergrad) has been promising myself that no matter what, i will never live in that routine again. sunrises are beautiful…but so are the insides of my eyelids.

you’re awesome janae!


I get up at 430 Mon-Thurs to run/take spin and or pump. Have to be home by 630 to get kids up and on the bus. It was a big adjustment when I switched from nightly runs to mornings but wouldn’t change a thing now. Friday is my sleep in day and then I work out at a more “normal” time on the weekends. It’s also great prep for those early morning races. It’s amazingthe the crazy things youbwill do when kids enter your lives. I can’t imagine giving up exercise but don’t like to take away from our family time so it’s nice to get it done whole everyone is still aseep.


Last summer the hubs and I both were training for a marathon, so if we both wanted to run that day, I had to get up at 4:30, to be home by 6am for him to run. We also would start our long runs that early to avoid the heat. Funny story, my running partner (not the hubs) works and lives on a college campus. I arrived at her house one Saturday morning around 4am to do our long run and her neighbor thought I was the pizza delivery person. We laughed at the ridiculousness of that and ourselves running so early for at least 5 miles! :)


4:30!?!? She’s my hero too! That’s an amazing woman!


OMG…it’s funny you mention the flossing issue. About a month ago I had a filling break out of my tooth (TMI…I know!) Since then I’ve been SO freaked out about my dental health that I’ve been flossing religiously. The funny thing is that I actually like it now! I feel weird if I miss one day. And that’s my story. ;-)


I floss so many times a day I can not count. Seriously…I have floss everywhere. In my car, purse, gym bag, kitchen drawers, bathroom…it is an obsession!
Sometimes I get up at 5:30 for my workouts..but no earlier than that!!


4:30 a.m.?! WOW, Toby is amazing!! Wow!! I floss every other day. Did you know that it can actually make your heart healthier too? So random but cool!


Just the idea of triplets makes me go a little crazy. We have twins, which is crazy plus two. I love the yogurt pops! These ideas need to be on billboards or in the school curriculum.


yep, I leave for work at 6am, so get up at 4:15 or so to do yoga or run. Once i get home from work I have all the kids’ activities, plus homework and dinner to deal with, so I never can find the time. So early morning it is!

I think that is common for a lot of working moms…Or moms with small kids whose hubbies leave early for work.


I occasionally wake up at 4:30 to run, and it is tough! Toby gets some major credit for doing that consistently!


My last lunch date was with my boyfriend and I totally want to try those yogurt pops sometime SOON.
I floss more frequently around the two weeks before my dentist appointments… so I floss every 6 months or so, haha.


When I lived in Argentina I accidentally learned about freezing yogurt by putting in the back of my super-powered fridge. What a happy accident. I love freezing yogurt — it makes a tiny container last way longer and feel like ice cream.


Hi Janae… I seriously never comment on blogs, but I had to make an exception today to tell you that I not only woke up today at 4:30 for a 5:00 Cross Fit class, but I also have 11 year old twin boys. Do I win something? Ha!!


HEY ANNE!! Thanks so much for commenting! AHHH You wake up so early, you are incredible. TWIN 11 year old boys, that is so fun. You definitely win a bag of swedish fish from me:) You better go to bed early!


I floss everyday. To overshare, I floss in the shower. Something about warm water makes the chore more tolerable.


This may sound weird but I floss twice a day usually. My mom is a dental hygienist so I grew up with her nagging me to floss. I have a little reach and floss thing too so it makes it super easy!
For some reason I could never wake up at 4:30. Make it 5 a.m. and somehow that makes me feel a lot better.


My alarm goes off at 4:20, Monday through Thursday. I work 7am-5:30 pm. It’s tough, but very worth it. I love my sleep, but it’s word that I have more energy when I run in the morning, and I have more patience when I run. Usually.


Ick, not 4:30 for me, I do wake up at 4:59 to get to spin classes twice a week though, yah random time, I have weird OCD clock thing going on. I floss every single day, usually twice a day its just become a habit since I was about 6.


I had lunch with my dad and my sister today. My sister and I didn’t have to work this afternoon, so we met him near his work!


Wow Toby is amazing- the only time I’d get up at that hour is for a flight! I have a lunch date with my bff today- definitely a great way to break up the work day!


I have a twin!!!! She is my best friend and I wouldn’t know what to do without her. We both run a lot and recently ran our first marathon together. She’s faster than I am but stayed with me during the race and helped me soooo much. My goal was to get under 4 hrs…but she helped me do it in 3:50. She stayed with me even when i cursed at her during the race…I think it was around mile 18…I get cranky when I’m tired. But yeah…she’s the best <3 <3

Oh and we both love your blog!


this is such a cute story :)


Thanks :)


How sweet! I hope u always stay best friends. :)


Those yogurt pops are definitely a great idea! Would be a perfect way to help cool down now that it is ridiculously hot right now!


Flossing!!! I only ever did it until it was 2 days before my dentist appt ;) I must be honest, my hubby taught me to floss!! Over the past year I have totally changed…now I floss every single night with him, and it’s suddenly just become a habit for me. I am at a stage where I HAVE TO floss though, my teeth are VERY VERY prone to cavities no matter how clean I keep them. But yes, just start doing it together with hubby in the evenings before you go to bed…;) Make it fun!


Geez, I wish I could have 1/2 the energy that Toby has:) Love the clothes she made, a very loving thing to do.

We are getting a new Cafe Rio opening up down the street and I cant wait to give it a try:)


flossing is always a new year’s resolution for me. i’d say i’m good for 1-2 times a week. i want to do it at least every other day. but when it’s that or falling asleep, it never, ever wins.

last lunch date was with my boyfriend. :-) we sneak away together to get pizza or sandwiches at least once a week.

i don’t think i would wake up at 4:30 to do anything… and i really can’t think of anyone! i used to get up at 5:45 to go to the gym. but i put the kibosh on that, and go to nighttime yoga classes instead (you know, when i actually go). :p


Oh yes. Any time I have 8am lectures I have a 4.15 start! I can barely manage for a couple of days a week so kudos to Toby! What a machine :) I have a mad friend who gets up at 3am to write her Phd thesis before her kids get up at 6:30am and once they are at school she teaches for the entire day! Crazy!! Anyway, I’m totally going to try the yoghurt idea with chocolate yoplait! Good luck with the flossing…that is one goal I consistently fail on!! :p


Against all better morning judgement I get up at 4:20 every morning to get to the gym, get an hour workout in and get showered/dressed before heading to work at 7. It’s nice to come home at the end of the day and feel like I can just relax instead of worry about getting a workout in and also helps me to make sure I get the workout in if last minute after work plans come up.

I am NOT a morning person but here’s the best way to explain it: I have to wake up at 5:30 for work and THAT sucks. So I’ll be miserable whether I wake up at 4:20 or 5:30, might as well get my sweat on!


I’m guilty of the 4:30am workout– only because of my job! It’s not fun waking up, but once you start sweating, it’s so worth it! I love getting home from work knowing my workout is already done :)


4 years ago my cousins found out they were having twins. 2 months later another cousin found out they were having twins (same side of the family). 2 sets of twins, all girls and born within 2 months of each other. We’re currently holding steady at a 100% chance of having twins on my Mom’s side of the family. I’m officially terrified to have children!


I have triplets that just turned 3 and a 6 year old. There is no way I could get up that early to get in my workout, my sleep is too precious! I sometimes run when the little ones are napping or wait until the husband is home. As long as I can get in about 3 runs a week I’m happy!


Ha ha–did the ball really go flying?! Well, you are getting used to a new imbalance in your body with bay girl! :)

Looks like summer is in full swing…savor every day with that beautiful family of yours!

Triplets and running?! And, 4:30?! AMAZING!!


i set my alarm for 3:30 so i can be running by 4. i do it so i can spend my evenings with my husband, who works a very early shift and therefore goes to bed early….if that’s not love, i don’t know what is!

it does feel pretty good to be DONE at 5am though!


I keep floss picks in my desk at work so I floss pretty regularly- haha!


I wake up at 4:30! Hello open machines, no weirdo looks from people, and a FREE afternoon to do whatever I pleaseeee (after that daang job is done with).



I floss every night before bed and occasionally in the day if I feel like I should! I wasn’t a big flosser and started two years ago and now my teeth are better than ever! Good luck :)


I wake up at 4:30 a couple days per week. Have to be back by 6 for husband to go to work (we have 2 kids). Couldn’t do it everday but a few days/week isn’t bad


I wake up at 4:30 to run 2 days per week and wake up at 5 on Saturday. (I get to sleep in a little.) I had a mommy/daughter day with my daughter- lunch and shopping!


im a twin! :)


The absolute earliest I wake up to work out is 5:30. But, I am kid-less, and suppose I would rather wake up in the dark to get a run in for some “me time” than not run at all.

A note on flossing – I starting flossing daily last year and I was SO excited to go to the dentist because I thought he would be really proud of me – turns out, I flossed too hard and actually tore some of my gums. So I got in trouble at the dentist. I was so deflated. Lesson – floss gently!


I started flossing this year on a regular basis because I had 7 cavities for the second time in a year, and when they worked on them, my gums bled so badly they made a huge deal about it. I have the start of gingivitis and have to use a prescription (read: $21) toothpaste at night.
It avoids cavities, and especially since you like sweet stuff it’s probably a good idea to start doing. Brushing doesn’t get all the sugar and food out of your teeth alone…I’m amazed (and grossed out) at what flossing produces every single day!
I still hate it though.


So I’m several weeks behind on my favorite blogs (that is what happens when all the littles are home)! There is no super heros here….just a mom trying to stay sane by getting her workouts in!

Thanks for hanging out with Peachy and I and lunch! We definitely need to do it again! Hope the dresses fit on the cuties! Thanks Janae!!!

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