Tangent Tuesday

I don’t know what is wrong with me but I really do love the treadmill.  Once I am out for summer break I don’t think I will use it very much because I won’t have to run before work when it is still dark outside but I am sure I will still sneak in some one-on-one time with the best bday present I ever received even when it is sunny out.

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6 miles with the gymnastic Olympic hopefuls (aka Make It or Break It).

1.  I found this string cheese in the bottom of my backpack. I put it in there for a snack when we went on a road trip on February 20th.  That’s gotta be good for ya.

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2.  Anytime I see anything about runners/running/working out/endorphins around town it makes me really happy and I chuckle to myself, even if I see it in a public restroom.

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3.  Remember how we were talking about sore legs the other day and what to do about them?

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Leigh mentioned putting her legs up on the wall and I LOVE that idea. Runner’s World agrees with her!

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4.  I have a doctor’s appointment today.  I am pretty sure I freak out the nurses and doctor a little bit because I am so excited to see them so that I can hear that heart beat.

5.   We went on a walk today for part of my stress management class and it was perfect outside.  How am I ever going to leave this place?

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6.  I know, I should have gone into modeling with my awesome posing techniques but this tangent is about something different.  The other day at my parent’s house I was cold and asked my mom to borrow a sweatshirt and she brought out this lovely purple number.

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I made this for her when I was in the 9th grade.  Complete with a zipper and a hood, I even impressed myself with my awesome sewing skills…let me know if you want me to make you one for the low price of $119.00 + shipping and handling.


Tell me some tangents about your day!!!!

What is the weather like for you today?  Anyone else experiencing perfect weather?

Can you sew or knit?  Do you enjoy doing crafts etc?

What was your run today?  How did it feel!?!?!

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That picture is pretty much identical to how it looks in the mountains of Montana today! LOVE IT


I ran two miles this morning and three miles in the afternoon. Now that I have rehearsal every night, I have to do my evening run around 4 pm…which is when the CLOUDS of gnats are out!!! I tripped headlong over a root because I had a gnat freakout and wasn’t paying attention. I was covered in dead bugs by the end. But it was a great run otherwise : p


I can’t sew at all! Brandon wants me to sew a button back onto his pants, and I’ve been procrastinating like crazy!! ;)


Please tell me that is Kayley hugging Austin — he can’t just be gone so fast! hahahaa Can you tell I haven’t seen last night’s episode yet?

Also, I’m super impressed with your sweater. I sew and all, but man, that’s amazing!


I did hill repeats in some perfect Wyoming weather. Every time I got to the top of the hill I would look around and think to myself, this place is awesome! The views were spectacular, the sky blue, the wind minimal, and the sun warm. It felt great! The only problem is that it took me 4 miles to warm up to a good pace and by then my run was over. Damn marathon training and tapering.


omg, please tell me you did not eat that cheese!!


Hahaha don’t worry, I didn’t.


Spun early this morning! And it felt awesome!!

Um, LOVE that runner’s sign!!


Haha, love the hoodie pose.


I don’t know how you’re ever going to leave either! Utah is SO beautiful! It’s a cold, rainy day here in New Hampshire :/


The weather here in Wyoming is, well nothing like Utah! It no joke seriously gag me snowed yesterday… I know, I know, ridiculous right?!
I have time penciled in for a run tonight with my hubby:) I was going to run yesterday but got sucked into a Zumba class. It was my first time but it was fun to mix it up and giggle a little at my amazingly awkward hip movements.


Do you take or teach stress management? HA! That pic is so gorg!!!


My tangent for the day??? I am having an awful day today; everything is going wrong in a serious way. I could bore you with the details, or I could just beg you to write another funny post that will brighten my day :) Pleaseeeeeee??
Btw, I am impressed by your mad sewing skills. I am afraid of sewing machines – is that weird??


KATE!!! I AM SO SO SORRY about your awful day and I am sorry I didn’t write another post:) let me know if there is anything I can do for you!


Guess what’s even better than another post?!?! A reply from YOU!!! Yay, made my day so much better. Also, you’ve put up multiple posts since then so I am a happy girl. Have a great day Janae!!


Do you guys know where you are moving yet? You crack me up!


Not 100% sure yet but somewhere in Cali!! I will let you guys know as soon as we do:) Have an amazing day Riley!


I remember in grade 5 we made pencil cases, but my mom actually made mine at home (oops!) and it was immaculate. My (mean) teacher came up to me and asked me to show the class how to correctly make a pencil case (because she knew I didn’t make it) and I was dumbfounded…I had noo idea how to properly make one. Haha, isn’t that terrible??


I will def try the wall thing!

The last picture has me loling!

-I ate about 10 reese’s pieces pb cookies today. So good, but probably not the best decision for my body. Oh well. I usually have a pretty good food balance.

-The weather was good. Warm, but not too humid. I have a feeling that’s about to change because I’m watching a storm rolli n.

-I can sew, not very well because I don’t do it a lot. I’m good at hand stitching and doing basic hemming. I sometimes like doing crafts. Baking is more my craft. I usually don’t have enough patience for other things.

-Not sure how my run was yet. I hope to get some of that in after my pole class tonight (depending on how much of a beationg my body gets there). But I did get new shoes last week and have only used them once. So I’m dying to get another run in!


I had a saucy spin class (the music was quite saucy). I don’t think I can afford your couture hoodies – sadly enough :(

NY was pretty cloudy today. But we have been spoiled lately and need the rain!


I have totally become addicted to Make It or Break It because of you :)))
Also I was wondering if you knew of anyone who was looking to sell their bib for the Utah VAlley marathon. I have found myself somewhat injured and need to take a little break, catch is I am scheduled to run the Windermere marathon in 12 days :(. I am desperately looking for a bib so I can give my body a little break and still run a marathon in the next month. I have worked my butt off and the thought of not running a marathon in the next little while is really hard to swallow.


STEPHANIE!!! I am truly so so sorry about your injury! I am signed up for the full, if you can buy a half bib I will totally switch you. I was planning on doing the 1/2 anyway!!!


That sweatshirt is awesome. I can sew, but not like that! Nice work.

I love my treadmill too, but now that I’m running outside the majority of the time, the TM seems harder. Oh well.

I ran seven miles on my own at lunchtime and then met up with a friend after work for an easy three with her and Bungee. It was great, but my garmin was all wonky so I thought I was running slow and it was really tough, but it turns out I was running way faster than usual.


I totally made a jacket like that in sewing class too! Except it was hot pink, waaay to big for me, and didn’t have a hood. I think I ended up throwing it away. hehe.


I LOVE the legs on the wall tip! I actually used to sit like that all the time when I was younger, why in the world did I stop??


I love your modeling !!!


In 1/2 hour (after work) I’m running in 89 degrees outside. Hope I survive!


Still recovering from my half- so no run today. I think I’m going to sit with my legs up against the wall all night so that I can run tomorrow- I’m getting antsy!!


My tangents:
-Almost have my cousin talked into running his FIRST half ever in June!
-Very rainy day here in Maine forced me onto the treadmill for the first time in months. Unlike you Janae, I dislike my dreadmill…
-My dogs were cooped up all day because of the weather. I let them absolutely tear up the yard and 10 minutes later they were both on the couch exhausted. Wet and smelly too :-) Gotta love the labs, easy to tire out!


Big news in my world…….I resigned from my current teaching job/school today. It’s such a HUGE blessing. In 2.5 weeks I will be a fulltime aerobic instructor/personal trainer and parttime secondary teacher. I will be at a new school in the fall and it’s seriously 58 seconds from my house. I am so blessed to be able to walk/run to school and the gym!
Regarding the weather, t’s already in the 90s here! LOVE! I got in a great 14 mile run in the heat today!
Oh, and I am a great knitter! I sell my stuff (mostly baby hats/booties and scarves). I just cannot sit still and knit, so I only do the projects on long car rides.


That’s my favorite yoga pose! I do it when my husband’s not around because he tells me to stop b/c he thinks I’m going to mark up the wall. (Okay, I do it when he’s around, too – I just find the pose much more relaxing if I’m not trying to tune out him telling me to stop…)


Made BLT’s and put a slice of avacado on there. Deliciousness.

Bike workout. Want to try on focus on three disciplines this month for the sprint tri the hubs and friends are doing next month. Don’t want to give up long run weekend though…..that’s my favorite day of the entire week.

Ever since my spring break beach vaca I have been longing for the summer warmth, we haven;t even had a couple of teaser days.


I need more details about this sprint tri..that is beyond exciting! Avocado on BLT’s, you are absolutely brilliant! Hope it gets warmer for you!


Love the poses!


You are quite the seamstress there! I can’t even sew a button back on clothes!!


Gorgeous picture of you in that sweatshirt! And the picture of the mountains and the blue sky is so beautiful, too!

I ran about 3.2 miles this evening, and it felt really good! I’ve been doing weekly speedwork for the last few months and I’m starting to see some real results, which is so encouraging!


No run today..but lots of swimming!
I have to ask. Does that zipper go all the up around the hood?


Perfect weather here today. And yesterday and all weekend. It’s been wonderful!

My run was okay. My knee is not completely 100% yet, but it’s getting there.


How does one even shop for a treadmill? Like what should you look for? Inquiring minds would like to know.


Janae… I love your model pose. Gotta love homemade projects…

I took my 5th graders to Nauvoo today for our field trip!!! I secretly hoped that someone in your family would be somewhere there, visiting too, in every new building we would go into! They would instantly be celebrities in my book! My kiddos would confirm their teacher is crazy as I ran up to them to get their autograph! !
So I had my first ever 18-miler this Saturday!!! It was awesome!!! My weekly runs are not so awesome. I am sore all week long :( Any advice to recover quicker!? I did fine until my weekly runs hit 7+ miles mid week. Then I was super sore.


HEY JULIE!!! That is so cool that you went to Nauvoo…I went when I was little and it is awesome. I bet your 5th graders absolutely loved you!! CONGRATS on your 18 miler, you are incredible. I strongly believe in ice baths after a long run…they hurt at the time but they help with recovery so much. Plus, chocolate milk after a long run helps speed up your muscle recovery. Let me know if you try these things and how they go! Great job!


I am the worst stretcher BUT I always do that elevated leg thing (probably because I can just watch tv or eat while doing it!). I swear it makes my legs feel 10000x better!


I am super impressed with the jacket you made! Wow!


I’m so impressed that you made that hoodie, most of my attempts at sewing involve duct tape or staples! (not kidding, I hem pants using staples)

I had the very best run today :) We did speedwork on a track with a large group and I ran with 2 people who are faster than I am, which pushed me to run harder than I usually do. They’re also some of the most fun people to run with! Our speedwork involved airplane arms and bumble bee wings haha :-D


i do not want to be the one to break this news to you (if you have not heard it yet that is) but they canceled make it or break it and it is almost done :( im crying inside so much


I heard the other day and it broke my heart. Can we please go through this mourning process together…..what are we going to do without it?


im glad i wasnt the one to break your heart and make you cry… none of my friends watch it and i have no one to be sad with :( They are missing out- although i have got them watching pretty little liars which you should watch if you arent already. It just starting getting better and I totally hate that we arent even going to see them go all the way. I am interested to see how they end it though just sad its


aah i was going to comment about this, I am so disappointed this week is the last episode of make it or break it!! I love that show, i watched 2 seasons on netflix in an embarrassingly short period of time. And why just stop after an 8 episode season?! They won’t even get to go the the Olympics…
Pretty little liars is great also, I second that recommendation

I wish I loved running on the treadmill like you do. I love running outside but really struggle with running in the heat, so i’m miserable running in the hot sticky spring/summer months.


Love sewing and crocheting; love clothing design even more! I designed and made my wedding dress.


It’s pretty perfect weather here today. Upper 80’s with a nice breeze. However, Tennessee is always humid!

I emailed you the chocolate lab pictures!!!


So impressed you made that sweater!
Today was a perfect day…24 Celsius, which we haven’t had since last summer. It was amazing.


Weather here is a little hot for my taste.
I cannot sew, but I wish I could. I just registered for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Pineapple Classic 5K with some church ladies and we’re planning on making some costumes! I hope the costumes don’t fall apart at the first obstacle, haha.


GREAT weather here too. I went on a walk during work (took a quick break) and felt so much better and more energized!

Hope the baby doc appt went well!

I can NOT sew–so I am impressed!


I wish I could sew like that! I can’t believe you made a sweatshirt, thats awesome. I love other crafts and DIY stuff though, like things found on pinterest. Love me some pinterest. Haha.

Rainy/cloudy weather in NYC today so not too nice unfortunately. Its been rainy alot lately! Boo.


I have started doing the legs-up-on-the-wall trick and I think it definitely helps keep my legs from feeling like lead after a long/hard run.

I knit randomly… I’ve been thinking of doing it again, but should probably wait until we get stateside since we are about to pack up for our move in a few weeks!


I just noticed that its the SERIES finale of MIOBI next week. I’m so bummed! I want to know what happens at the Olympics and whatever happened to Emily after she got pregnant!


My 3 mile run was a little rough today. Yesterday I tried Jillian Michaels’ Ripped in 30 and I’m so sore.

You better work that purple sweater! Sashay Sante. LOL


i call my treadmill my baby and until i actually have one i will regard it as such…luv me my tready!! :)

oh my gosh, honestly, that modeling pic of u is priceless. :)


Haha, your sweatshirt is a trillion times better than the one I made in grade eight! Mine was Club Monaco style (remember them?) with no hood, no zipper, just plain “forest green” with mis-matched ribbing on the cuffs. I did sew some couch covers last year which turned out much better, so I’ll refer to those as my sewing skills e
example from now on!

PS- move to Australia! Heaps of good law schools out here, I promise- the edumacation is the tops!


oh my word you made that! way better than I can do…I’ve always wished i could sew, but I can’t! I’ve had far too many disasters, including a shirt that I had to cut off, cause it was too tight to remove!haha:)

But I do love crafty things!

Weather in Cape Town is just right…70 degrees, blue skies, and a cool wind (and it’s winter here!)

Just got back from an hour pregnant lady jog (21 weeks!) felt good- but getting slower by the day! oh well!


Weather in Cape Town is pretty nice and sunny, but still chilly. We are going to Johannesburg this weekend and it’s supposed to be warm and sunny during the day, but chilly at night.

I used to sew too but I haven’t for years…I want to try quilting again. You should start sewing for baby…


I doubt the doctors think you are crazy. I think they might think you were crazy in you weren’t excited!


You probably make the doctors and nurses smile.
Also, that photo is gorgeous. I’d find it hard to leave that space too… But the earth is beautiful everywhere :)


janae- you are absolutely the cutest thing ever and i love reading about your running thru pregnancy. ;-) keep up the great blog.


Hahahhha love the hoodie. I think we made a gym bag/duffel in middle school haha!

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