It was just one of those days….

Both of our alarms went off at 6 this morning, I wanted to run and Billy had a paper to write.  We looked at our alarms, laughed and fell back asleep until 7:20.  Luckily he still finished his paper in time and we decided to go to yoga tonight and run a few miles before.  Win-win-win.


I have a pretty low stress job (except for when I am on the freeway onramp with a 15 year old driving) but towards the end of the year it gets kind of hectic with all of the grading.  During my prep I worked until I was seeing double and realized I NEEDED a 5 minute break.  I pulled out the snacks and watched a few minutes of Up and before I knew it I was back to getting things done.  Probably one of the best movies on the planet and it was a quick energizer to help me to continue working.


PS Pink Lady apples are the best.  PPS so are hardboiled eggs.

After eating my snacks I had to put lip stuff on because heaven forbid I go 45 minutes without a new layer of it.  I remembered that I could use my new Aquaphor.  In the swag bags from the 1/2 marathon they gave us mini Aquaphors….best idea ever.  I don’t know if you are supposed to use it on your lips but it is one of my favorite things…feels so good.

DSC 0743


Last night when Billy was working on homework I decided to be really productive and surf the web (do people still say that) for way too many hours.  I came across this and absolutely loved it:

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Screen Shot 2012 05 07 at 8 27 31 AM

My absolute FAVORITES from the list that I can relate to 100% are #s 1, 2, 5, 6, 17, 20, 22 and #7 will be happening today.

Which items on the list can you relate to the most about being a runner?

Do you have some to add to the list?  You might be a runner if….

Do you have a stressful job?

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20 is so true! I’ve seriously never thought of an injury as “damaging my body”-only as a roadblock to running!!




I use Aquaphor on my lips too. I love that stuff! I love #15 on the list. Running is my time to clear my head. I’d probably need therapy if I didn’t do it. I have a super stressful job. I’m a real estate finance lawyer and am always juggling lots of projects with tight deadlines. I enjoy it most of the time, but sometimes do wish I did somethign that wasn’t always so intense.


I totally agree with #1-4 … hilarious! ;)


Haha I love this list!

#4 and #6 are so true for me! :)

You might be a runner if….your feet are covered in blisters and you have a toenail (or two) missing. (I hope that’s not just me!!!)


My dermatologist gives me new Aquaphor every time I am there and I hoard it. Best stuff ever.


Oh I can relate to SO many of those items on that list. Number 20 is my ultimate one right now. IT Band? Internal inflammation? Who cares… I want to run!!

Other big ones for me include: 1, 2, 4, 6, 14, and 24 (I have post-its in my shoes for number 24). What a great list! Glad to know I’m not alone in my crazy runner ways :)

You might be a runner if you debate for days or weeks about which running shoes to buy! (This is me.)


loving the list!


Things I can relate to on that list – ALL OF THEM!!

Oh those pretzel crisps are sooo good esp with hummus or laughing cow.


i am obsessed with aquaphor. It is the only way to keep my lips not chapped! You can use it for other things also, but it is a life saver!


I have been using Aquaphor since I was 15, it was one of the greatest gifts my dermatologist could have recommended. I have them every where in my car, in my husbands and in all my purses. You can also put it on other dried areas. It’s like the duct tape of lip stuff. (you know how you can use duct tape on almost everything?!)
My prep time boils down to two 30 minute periods, one happening to be lunch where I scarf my food down, try and do grades, make photo copies and plan for what I’m doing after lunch. If I don’t have recess duty I get an extra 20 minutes which is absolute BLISS!! I think I need a new teaching job. I now wake up at like 3 in the morning thinking about what in the world I’m going to do, or how I’m going to get Career Day planned- ARG!
#1 and #5 are so me on the list.


I love that! #1,3, 15,17,19 for me!
Also love the above toenail one, very true!
At times it can be stressful, but most days it isn’t :)


I can relate to most of the list. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen someone out running while I am driving and I wish it was me out there. I would much rather buy running shoes and clothes than anything else!
I also love Aquaphor. I had to gobuy some after my half yestersay due tosome bad chafing from my sports bra. My post race shower was the most painful shower ever. After several applications yesterday and last night I feel so much better! I have nevertried it on my lips. I will have to try that now too.


Number 1 for sure, and number 18, except I don’t neccessarily look for races but always ask around, talk to the hotel clerk, or google for local running routes.

You might be a runner if… “you hear the words ‘bloody nipples,’ and instead of sparking your imagination, it sparks a memory of some poor dude you remember seeing at a hot, humid marathon once…”


hardboiled eggs are one of my favorite snacks! :)


So true about putting away and doing chores. I am always too tired for that but yet I can always find energy for a run! :P


ah! I still haven’t seen up. it’s been on my to-watch list for soooo long. thanks for the reminder. and I love hard boiled eggs. sometimes I worry they’re too smelly to take to work for snacks, and then I remember I don’t care.


I love those types of lists. My favorite is number 1.

I’d say you might be a runner if you know the exact mileage and names of streets of several different routes near your home.

Yes, my job can be very stressful, but it is also the most rewarding.


#25, The day I had a root canal, I looked at the dentist and said, “now it’s ok to leave here and go on a run right?”

#7 and #17 happen most often though.


I LOVE this list!!!! I am definitely with #10 – running is a way of life, not just a hobby!


I think the big one that is definitely missing on this list is:

#1: Your family and friends are still amazed with how much you eat at every.single.meal (and at all hours of the day)


#1!!!! I was just trying to convince husband he should become a runner last night…for the 1-billionth time, and he said something like “I don’t think you understand how much it doesn’t sound fun to me…” and I was like, No, I DON’T understand…I don’t understand how you can come and watch my races and not wish you were out there!! I don’t understand how everytime you see a runner – in real life or in a movie, you don’t just have this DYING URGE to run! Haha… :) And #17 for sure…


The first one is totally me!! I’m always jealous when I see people out running, even if I’ve already gotten my run in for the day! I agree with Shauna, that you have routes planned out. I have 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 14, 18, and 22 mile routes memorized from where I normally run!

Another one to add (that I recently did) if somewhere is close enough to run an errand, you’d rather just run than drive. I ran to the post office to mail a package a few weeks ago because I was too lazy to drive…haha!


Hahahaha I definitely relate to a lot of those! Love this!


what a great list! Love it!!!!


I love #20.


Love those!

#24 is my favorite. Is it wrong that I keep an Excel spreadsheet for my running shoes to track the miles?…


I use Aquaphor for my lips! I buy the twin packs of the little tubes at Target or Bed Bath and Beyond :o)


I hear ya about the end of the year… it always gets so crazy. Between the kids wanting to be outside, and ME wanting to be outside, our classroom is like a zoo. Hope tomorrow is less hectic for you!


I agree about the running clothes/fitness clothes! I now gravitate towards the fitness gear versus ‘real’ clothes. What can I say?! they’re just better! :)

LOVE hardboiled eggs!


I LOVE aquaphor :)


I love that list! Especially #22. Sometimes I feel like my life revolves around running. And I definitely have a low stress job at the moment: I work at a running store! Great for my little obsession :)
Starting this fall I’ll be student teaching (stress!!) and I can only hope I’ll juggle teaching and running as well as you do!


I absolutely love this list, just couldn’t agree more with all of theses things.


Great list! A few I’d add:

– Wear shorts in sub-freezing temperatures to go running
– Took a faceplant while running but continued on undeterred
– Used a telephone pole/bush/sign as a finish line and raised your arms in victory as you cross.

I totally relate to #24. I’ve done sensitivity analyses on my shoes to forecast at what point I would need to buy new running shoes based on my selected shoe rotations!


OMG, So funny. At work, I put aquaphor on babies butts to prevent diaper rash. You can actually use it for just about anything, but it’s sole purpose for my job to to apply to butts…and you saying you didn’t know where it was for but it felt great on your lips made, me giggle a bit.


I use aquafor on my lips instead of chapstick all the time. Btw, I used it on my kids’ butts too, seperate tubes of course!


I do not cry at movies but UP puts me in hysterics! I can’t even watch it because I just sob! But… I do have a student that reminds me of the cute little boy in that movie :)


This is too funny! I can deftly relate to a lot of them but the one that sticks out the most in my mind is #2. I design clothing for a living and so you would think that I would rather buy fancy clothes but NO WAY! I would rather spend all my money on workout clothes :)

PS Pink ladies are deftly the best!


Totally #2. I need new clothes, but always end up spending my money on running gear and apparel instead!


I can definitely relate to the one about sneakers costing more than dress shoes. I pretty much won’t spend more than 30 on dress shoes, haha.

I’ll add on, you might be a runner if…you check your phone when you wake up to see if anyone commented on your daily mile account. :)


That list is so true! The more I get into running, the more I am #2. I would spend so much money on clothes. Now it all goes into running clothes and shoes. I spend more time in that gear so why not?


I love Aquaphor! I use it on my lips all the time! I also love that list! This weekend I voulenteered at 5k and then ran 9 miles the next day. My co workers think I’m insane! True story- I’ve never seen Up because I can’t make it past the first 5 min! I was sobbing to hard!!!


Aquaphor is also awesome for diaper rash prevention and sore breastfeeding tatas. :)


Too funny! All that stuff with your shirt was the EXACT same stuff I got in my bag when I ran the Thanksgiving Gardens half. Your shirt is way cuter though!


Okay, pink ladies are nice (by the WAY you should check out the pink lady apple website, it’s run by the pink lady foundation or something…it’s so cute) but I do have to say I think Jazz apples are the best variety. They taste like pink ladies, but are bigger and SHINIER!


Love love that list!!! I always get so jealous when I see people out running while I’m driving even if I have plans to run later! Us runners are such a special breed! Ha :) thanks for sharing!


this is terrifically awesome and so true. I def relate to the joy of buying running clothes instead of regular ones, too tired for chores, and the weekend report to others. ha.


I feel #1 on the days I’m not running! I always see runners when I leave our neighborhood in the mornings and I get so jealous and wish it was me out there.


I love this list! #2 is so me and I just went through #20 recently with a foot injury. I have a VERY non stressful job. I get paid to run! I run with dogs. I got laid of from my management job. I managed a dog boarding kennel and decided to take time off and work part time and I am SO happy. I am a dog runner/walker.


19 and #24 resonate with me.

I don’t have a stressful job yet but I am in nursing school. This week I got to watch babies be born! As an added bonus the OB performing the C-section just finished running Boston. I really wanted to pick her brain about running during the surgery but “professionalism” won out. I may be switching my OB/GYN though.


I’m a big fan of #19 and #20 Just found your blog! Love it!


Oh dear, definitely number 20!!

Since I am getting back into running on a schedule right now, I’m trying to take it easy and actually listen to my body so I don’t get an overuse injury like I did (multiple times) last year… But holy crap, I just want to RUN! But at the same time, I’m terrified each time I head out that my shins are gonna start screaming at me or something.

Hmm… I guess that is why non-runners think runners are so crazy, huh? lol


Laughing so hard about the getting annoyed by walkers on the treadmill! I have so done that before. Kinda mean, they are getting in shape too, but I can’t help it sometimes!


I’m a teacher as well (7th grade), and I totally understand how the end of the year is! Since I teach English and reading, I usually have a LOT of writing assignments to grade. Today during my planning period, I graded 50 essays. I thought I was going to go blind. Luckily, I found a mini dark milky way in my desk drawer and it brought back my sight and my sanity.


You know you are a runner when most of your holidays are based around races.


I just did that this morning, set an alarm for 6 am and snoozed until 7 lol
Sometimes though, you can’t be productive when you are not getting enough sleep!!


HAHAH at #20! I’m seeing the podiatrist tomorrow and hopefully will get cleared to get the foot boot off – aka no more stress fracture!!! Fingers crossed :)


I love that list! I have thought about number 20 in my head plenty of times in the past 5 months with my hip injuries!


When you take off your shoes for a pedicure and you feel like you have to explain the state of your feet.

Or…When you have to pick dark colors on your pedicure to mask the black toenails.

Anyone?? Please tell me this isn’t just me.


Love the list! A couple more….

– You’ve converted your couch potato friends into runners/marathoners. Maybe at first it was so they could run away from all the running talk, but now they are hooked!

– You have considered or have went to the bathroom in a public location with NO facility or provisions. A runner has got to do what a runner has got to do.


Who doesn’t love a good list? We all love to identify with something, with others like us, don’t we?!

My job is kind of stressful because I write for a place that is all about medicine, so I need to get it right. More stressful, though, is trying to do Masters degree while working full time! I miss the days of being a student and a waitress…


All of these are SO true. I agree totally with: #2) I am going to buy myself a present for finishing deadlines and I’d rather buy running gear than other clothes, #3) my sneakers were almost double the price of my most expensive heels, #6) I love a clean shirt, #8) its raining on your run>? embrace it!, #9) all my time wasting is on runner’s blogs, not fb, #17) people get really confused that I enjoy running, #18) Im going to be in San Fran in sept and the first thing i did was check races, #20) HATED not running when I was mega injured, #23) my mum is so shocked im packing running gear for San Fran. Um… I’ll be there for 10 days?! OFC.

You might also be a runner if… You start enthusiastically describing recent running results (even ones you weren’t involved in at all) to people who Do. Not. Care.

I have a horrible stressful masters degree study- does that count?


I love the movie UP, except the first really sad depressing 20 minutes! Yesterday when I needed a brain break, I watched 20 minutes of Angel.

My job isn’t stressful, just busy…which I guess could be the same things sometimes.


I LOVE that list! I had to laugh hard about #3 because just last night my husband joked that, while I was grading, he was looking at my ‘porn.’ A Road Runner Sports shoe sales flyer came in the mail yesterday and he got to it before me! Doh! I told him he was lucky I chose to spend my ‘shoe money’ on running shoes versus Manolo Blahniks or some other fancy thing.


Ahh – love that list!! What website is that from? I never think twice about spending $100 on running shoes — but balk at the thought of buying other shoes that cost that much.

Up is such a good movie – still makes me cry even though I’ve seen it 8000 times.


I use Aquaphor on my lips, I love the minis and keep them in my purse and all over the house and on my desk at work. I love that stuff, I also use it on my hands and it helps make my runner’s feet more presentable. Just put some on your feet and then sleep with socks and your feet will love you for it.


#1 is totally me!! Every time I see someone running I’m like “I wish I was doing that” or “I should be doing that”!!


I love lip gloss, I apply it at least 20 times a day. Apparently putting on a lot of lip gloss makes your lips drier in the long run. Oh well. I still haven’t seen Up! I need to get on that


I relate to all of these. Definitely 5 and 15. I was in Portland Oregon for a conference and did the Cinco De Mayo Half this past Sunday (2nd in my age group, thankyouverymuch!) I missed the guest speaker from Nike. Oh well.

I am actually in a lot of trouble at home about #21. My husband thought I’d finish staining some flooring while he was away, but I ran 12 miles instead. My priorities, training for this past weekend’s half, were much much different than his!


I love that list! I was actually driving some guests today and there were so many runners out. I was so jealous. :-(

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