Night workout and the dinner from my dreams.

The doctor’s appointment went awesome yesterday.  Billy couldn’t make it but he was there in spirit.  Isn’t it funny how you wait in the waiting room, then the patient room forever and only end up seeing the doctor for 45 seconds?  I am exaggerating and usually they stay and talk for a little while but yesterday my doc was sure in a rush.

I did get the dreaded glucose test to take home for my next appointment.  They warned me that it was going to taste really really sweet but I don’t think they understand the tolerance that my body has built up for sugar….watch I will probably like the stuff and want more.

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After the doctor’s I came home and cut into the most beautiful and tasty watermelon ever.  If you live in Utah county (or Utah or any bordering states…it is worth the drive, I promise) please go to the Orem Costco and get the mini watermelons, I can’t even find a word to describe how good they are.

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Routine for when I cut a watermelon:  one piece for Janae, one piece for baby, one piece for Janae’s second stomach, one piece for the bowl and repeat.

Next up on the adventurous afternoon was a bike ride (I ran in the morning) while Billy, his buddy and his brother ran.  My SIL came with me and we had a blast…they are moving soon and I am really going to miss them!


We got home close to 8, they stretched and we talked awhile about upcoming races and before I knew it, it was time for the main event.

Pre-pregnancy I would have chosen chicken or fish any day over steak but now it is all I want for dinner and luckily Billy is happy to grant this wish for me.

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Just to give you an idea of where I eat my dinner every night: on the floor with my food on the coffee table.  The fruit was demolished before I could even pass the camera to Billy.  I wonder if he knew what he was getting himself into when I started my blog….’honey, can you take 49 pictures of me a day posing with my food?’

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For dessert we tried a ‘new to us’ candy that was awesome.  I love blow pop suckers and the little versions are even better….I accidentally swallowed way too much gum but it was totally worth it.

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What was the last candy that you ate?  What flavor of blow pops would you like the most…watermelon, blue razz, cherry or sour apple?

If you do eat meat…what is your first choice?  Chicken, beef or steak?  Non-meat eaters….what is your number one protein source?

Any afternoon or evening running lovers?  Anyone prefer going running later on in the day?

-Billy prefers going later on in the day but I am all about the early morning running!

Who were the last people that you went running with?

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I thought I would like the gluclose test stuff too–but it is really sweet and kind of syrupy (word?). The first gulp tasted good, but then it has a funny aftertaste–I had to chug it down;-)

I am a morning runner, but I only get to do that on Saturday due to work/daycare/husbands schedule. So I usually run mid to late morning. The last person I ran with was my sister and that was about 1 year ago!

Happy Wednesday! Enjoy the watermelon–it looks delicious–I can’t believe how red it is.


Syrupy…gross ha! Silly schedules messing up our running schedules ha. I am glad you get to go early on Saturdays though:) Come over for some watermelon Becky!


I love cherry blow pops! They are my favorite. Whenever I find the jumbo blowpops, I have to buy them!

I don’t eat meat, but I eat fish once in a while. I eat a lot of nuts, peanut butter, protein shakes, and tons of Greek yogurt. I need to work on getting more protein, though.

I like running in the am, but I ran three miles last night because it was the only time I could.

Have a great day!


The jumbo blow pops are amazing..they are huge. Thank goodness for greek yogurt, delicious and nutritious:) Glad you got in three miles yesterday!


Sour apple blow pops are my fav!! I’m not a big steak fan, so I always choose chicken or fish, although if it’s a really good cut of steak ill definetly snag some from my husband!


Yep, I used to always steal it from Billy too ha. Hope you get a sour apple blow pop soon:)


I am a chicken gal. I don’t eat much red meat.
I like to runin the morning, but I don’t have enough time to stretch before work.


ME NEITHER…it feels like such a luxury to actually sit down and stretch on Saturday mornings when I don’t have work!


I’m with you on the early morning runs….then you’re on a runners high for the rest of the day, and evening’s are free!


Nothing better than riding that runners high all day…if you run at night you just go to sleep and don’t get the benefits of runner’s high.


Ohh I am suddenly craving some meat in my life, despite having eaten chicken for lunch today! Have you tried venison? It’s basically the most delicious meat out there :)! I am definitely a morning runner, no better way to start the day (clearly my endorphin rush for this morning’s run is still standing strong)!


I have never tried venison but now you are making me crave it even though I don’t know what it tastes like ha. SO HAPPY you are still riding the endorphin high….enjoy!


Ah! I am a much better morning runner. Yesterday I snuck in some swedish fish and peach rings. Mmmmm.


GOOD CALL on the swedish fish and peach rings…I need to get me some of those peach rings, so so good!


I had lemonheads, last night after dinner. I am a meat eater. But, chicken is my first choice. My favorite food in the entire world are roasted peanuts or wasabi soy almonds.

I am a morning runner. I am out the door by 5:30 a.m. which means that I run alone. I currently have 7:30 a.m. LR scheduled with a friend. We are training for a marathon. We do not run together. We start together, but our paces are not the same. I like seeing her multiple times on the trails. We do two out and backs to hit the hills and keep an eye on each other.


I haven’t had lemon heads forever….yum! Roasted peanuts are absolutely the That is awesome that you guys start out together and watch out for one another. Good for you to get out so early!


The last candy I ate was a Trader Joe’s dark chocolate bar filled with cookie butter. Delish! Definitely a morning runner- the longer I wait the less likely I am to do it! And the last people I went running with were thousands of strangers in my race!


Okay you win for eating the most fancy candy, that sounds awesome. Running with strangers is always a good time!


They have Tootsie Roll Pop minis like the blow pop ones and they are delicious. And definitely more fun to eat because they are little and you can eat more than one at a sitting:)


You have opened my eyes to a whole new world, I must try the tootsie roll pop minis today!


Last candy I ate was the old fashion Bullseye candy. It was delish!

I am deftly a morning runner. If I run later in the day I run the risk of heartburn. I hate getting heartburn when I run.

Chicken all the way

And I don’t even remember the last person I ran with. I always run alone. I guess it would have been my goofy race back in Jan. I ran with my sister!


Bullseye candy? I have never tried that….time to go buy some. Heartburn while you run….BOOOOO!!! I really want to do the goofy race someday, are you going to do it again?


Yeah it is way good. It is soft caramel with white frosting in the center. Its old fashioned candy. Its a must try!

Goofy was so much fun! You should deftly do it! I am not sure when I will do it again but I know I will be back.


I agree…Janae must try the bullseye! :)


If I run I always go with my sister :) I would much rather run early in the morning. I’m always so tired at night. I love sour apple!! Yum.


LOVE that you run with your sister, isn’t that the best?!


Check it out, all midfoot striking for the boys! Nice form.

I haven’t had candy in a while, but I did make nutella pretzel brownies last night that were amazing.

I don’t eat meat, but I eat seafood because it is so freaking delicious.


I KNOW…and they make it look so easy. WOW, your brownies sound out of control. Seafood really is so good but why does it have to be so dang expensive?


Cherry was always my favorite! Although I much prefer tootsie pops over blow pops – and I’ll eat ANY flavor other than chocolate. I’ve tried so many times to like the chocolate flavor… I just don’t. Haha


Agreed…I love tootsie pops so much, someone above said they have mini tootsie pops too!


I love running with other people…last run was with a few thousand folks in Orange County for the marathon, hehe :)

But prior to that, I’ve been doing my Saturday morning long runs with my friends!


HAHAH love running with thousands of strangers:) Seriously, you rocked that marathon!


I can actually run in the morning or the evening, both are good for me. I usually don’t have time in the morning (because I like to sleep longer :) so I end up running later in the day most of the time.

The last candy I ate was a Cardbury chocolate bar that I’ve been nibbling away at for a few days. Cadbury is the best!


Both are good for you…that is awesome!! Cadbury really is the best, it makes all of the other chocolate bars taste gross after you have cadbury chocolate ha!


We’re like you – I run in the morning, husband runs later. We’re compatible in every other way, though!

I haven’t eaten red meat in….15 years? At least. I do eat fish and chicken, lots of eggs, Greek yogurt… I did go totally vegetarian for a while but I really did not feel well. I was careful with my protein so I’m thinking I was lacking some other vitamins and minerals.

I do hear about a lot of pregnant women craving red meat, though!

Last candy eaten was some Easter pastel candy corn – nothing better than discounted running fuel. :) I would go for the Sour Apple Blow Pop.

Last person I ran with? Can I pretend that I was running with the one other person I saw out on the trail a couple of days ago? :) I really do run alone almost all of the time.

(And today is finally New Treadmill Day! The other one I ordered a few months ago sold out, and so I am finally getting it today. I’m giving my brother my other one.)

Have a great day – and don’t become addicted to your glucose test. ;-)


15 years….wow!! I LOVE that you called candy running fuel:) You are so right. You can definitely pretend you were running with the person on the trail. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I want to hear all about your new treadmill….I AM SO SO EXCITED FOR YOU. Ha, I am worried too about the addiction to the glucose test:)


This is the one I got: And if that doesn’t work, it’s their Commercial 2150.

My last was a NordicTrack that lasted me 7 years, 3500 miles (and still does work OK). I figure that’s a pretty good record!

I am blocking the fact that we still have to put it together. :) It might not be for a while. DH hasn’t been hope much because of work, and I am not that handy. :-D


These little chewy cinnamon balls, soo good! I would have to say watermelon would be my favorite.
Chicken, or meatless sources like chickpeas! Roasted chickpeas on nachos are awesome!
I never minded running after work, it was when 90% of my runs would happen but ideally I’d like to run about 8:30am. Too bad my job gets in the way ;)
I ran in a mini triathlon on Sunday so I ran with lots of people!


I have heard roasted chickpeas are delicious. I REALLY need to try them! Silly jobs getting in the way of our running ha:) That is so awesome about your mini tri…..WOW!


Call your dr RIGHT NOW and ask them if you can eat 18 regular sized/flavored jellybeans (except the black ones) instead of drinking the glucose. They won’t actually give you the option it’s more like ordering off the secret menu at a restaurant… I did it with both of my pregnancies (my last glucose test was 8 wks ago!) after a friend let me in on the secret! And, yes, if they let you, you can thank me later!


REALLY?!?! I have never heard that…I am totally going to ask them, you are absolutely brilliant. Thanks so much Laurin!


I ate some dark chocolate covered edamame last night – does that count as candy?

I love chicken and fish, but when Daniel does steaks on the smoker, I forget that I like to eat any other type of meat. It is so juicy and tender, and you don’t even need a knife to cut it. It’s amazing.


Sure does count:) YUM! Um, so when can Billy and I come over for steaks made my Daniel? I will bring watermelon!


I had some mini-reese’s last night. and I would want the cherry blow pop flavor! I love those suckers, but I always spit out the gum because it gets stuck in my teeth.

If I’m eatting out: Chicken. If I’m home: Steak ( I don’t trust other’s to cook it the way I like)

Depends on the time of year. Right now it’s so humid that I prefer to run after 9, but that’s not too safe. On the weekends I’m all about the early run.

The last people I went running with…was myself. I prefer to run alone.


I hear ya…cooking steak at home is the best because you get it just the way you want it. I hope you are surviving that humidity, that does not sound fun. HAHA You are right about the gum in those suckers:)


The peach gummy rings…I saw them at the store, gave them to my 3 year old and told him to tell Daddy that, “the baby needs these.”

I’m probably usually a chicken, beef, fish person (in that order), but depends on whether or not I’m pregnant. Not enjoying chicken as much as I use to.

I run in the afternoon, because I’m too lazy to get up and run before my husband goes to work. But I need to change that-it’s starting to get hot.

I do almost all of my running alone and can’t tell you who the last person I ran with is.


HAHAHA I love your peach rings story, that just made my day. I don’t enjoy chicken as much as I do either now that I am pregnant…so so weird. I used to love it.


Mmmm blue razz blow pops are the best.. Plus you get to have a super blue tongue for hours after :) I wish I could buy those candy here, I would love them!

I’m trying to remember what the last candy I ate was… Probably Skittles? They’re kind of my default. I think probably the jelly beans I found in my boss’s office.. Haha I ate all the good colours then put them back :) It’s a good thing I have such a cool & understanding boss!

I prefer running in the evenings. I’m not a morning person at all.. I wake up about 30 minutes before I have to be at the office and I’m a savage sea creature for the first 2 hours – can’t even think. All my energy comes at night, so I like to get my run in then. Even on the weekends I’m no good running until afternoon. I wish I could be a morning runner!


Love the super blue tongue and people asking why your tongue is blue ha. Oh my goodness, I loved hearing that you gave all of the gross colors back to your boss, you are hilarious!
What about races….how do you feel about running in the morning for a race?


i loved the glucose test!! i remember when i got it and my sister told me “most people hate it because it’s so so sugary, but i eat a lot of sugar. so to me it’s just like a regular drink.” i died. then i tried it and liked it! i hope you do too :)


HAHAHA I am going to be just like you, I am sure of it.


The glucose drink tastes like a really sweet Kool-Aid, in my opinion. It wasn’t that bad and since you love your sugar you will probably enjoy it!

I was JUST like you during pregnancy. I always wanted red meat where pre pregnancy I would have selected chicken or fish any day of the week. Just goes to show those “experts” that not every woman craving red meat during pregnancy is having a boy. I had my little girl 7 days ago! You are going to LOVE being a momma! You will fall in love in 1 second flat. :)


What is it with the red meat thing?!?! AHHHH CONGRATS BRITTNIE, I am beyond happy for you! Clara is the most beautiful little girl in the whole world!


last candy I had was lemonade mike and ikes last night…i’m trying to keep candy out of the house for a little bit as I recover from 20 pounds of easter candy we just finished..haha! (and I NEVER thought i’d say i was tired of easter candy)

first choice of meat is usually chicken but i’m more of a fish eater in general. that being said…there are times where I REALLY need to have a good steak and then its the best thing in the world. but those times are pretty few and far in between.

its hard for me to decide. I like sleeping in sometimes, so evening runs can be nice but i think im gonna have to go with morning runs…I love it the best when its just getting to be sunrise and barely anyone is out. so nice and peaceful.


AHHHHH I FORGOT about lemonade mike and ikes, that sounds SO good right now. Ha, congrats on finishing all the easter candy, you are too cute. I hear ya..sometimes you just NEED a good steak or a good burger.


I am a morning exercise all the way. Of course, I teach both times of day, but I prefer the morning. I also do my personal workout in the easy morning.
Seafood is my preferred meat choice, only because I live on the coast so it’s fresh! Chicken is next. I hate red meat. Yes, I know…. How do I read your blog when I hate red meat and candy and I can’t eat any dairy (yogurt, cheese, all…), yogurt, fruit, or wheat! Our insane love for exercise is definitely our bond! ;))


You are a 3 a.m. exerciser…aka middle of the night:) I am jealous of all your fresh fish! Hahaha I am so sorry to post all of the things you hate. Pregnancy has made me so weird and I think that after I won’t love red meat so much!


Definitely morning! Far less pedestrian and car traffic, quiet streets, and sunrise please.


YES, YES, YES…I agree with all of those reasons. You are making me crave a good morning run right now:)


On the weekdays I love an evening run cause it helps me pound out all the stresses of the day. On the weekends i LOVE a good morning run while Chicago is still sleeping so I have the streets to myself :)


That is so true, a good night run really helps relieve stress! I want to go on a run with you in Chicago…I bet there are so many beautiful trails and interesting things to see in the city while running!


I’ve never heard of blow-pop minis!! Need to find them now!


I’m usually a chicken girl, but sometimes a nice steak is good! I had steak last night :D My favorite is definitely filet mignon. I’m more of a morning runner but lately I’ve been working out late in the day!


They let you drink the glucose test at home, then go in? I wish they would have let me do that!! I had to take it at the office then sit around for an hour. I had such a sugar rush that i could barely sit still!!


OH MY stop that watermelon is to die for. I just tried to grab it through the screen. I fear when I am pregnant my strange craving which I already have will just turn bizarre. Eating dinner on the floor is totally acceptable in my books.


I like to run twice, 5 in the morning, and 2 as a warm up before weights or XT at night. I’m getting used to my double endorphin shot each day.

That glucose test is not my favorite. Refrigerate the blechy drink. Over 5 kids I never had the same glucose sample …. a cola, orange, and sprite flavored drink, then the last two times I was “prescribed” a banana with a side of 12 ox apple juice, and I think the last one was a large quantity of grape juice ….. and then the sugar fog and blood work ensued. Much easier on me when I was able to eat real food. GL


PB M&M’s. Watermelon, definitely.
Definitely beef. Ribeye’s.
I like to run mid-morning until it gets too hot.
Probably Jenny.

The Kidless Kronicles


I recently got the mini watermelons from our local Costco and I can’t stop thinking about how good they were! I picked up one from a grocery store the other day and am hoping it turns out to be as good. I gave up eating beef so I typically choose chicken. I can’t remember the last candy indulgence I had, which is good so I won’t get the craving to go get some ;)


I’m not sure if she would, but I’d be happy to ask her. She wrote a very detailed toirutal for this article, on how she made one of her images. You can view the toirutal by .


I need to buy watermelon!!


Chicken is my first choice, usually but I crave beef sometimes.. like “I need the in-n-out burger RIGHT NOW!” Maybe I’m lacking in iron :P
Oh yeah, the glucose test is fun.. the sweetness is just not pleasant in that drink!


What was the last candy that you ate? York Peppermint Patty. One of my favorites!

Non-meat eaters….what is your number one protein source? Just one?! I can’t pick just one! Nuts, yogurt and avocado just to name a few.

I’m with you, I prefer early morning running. I like to get up and run before I start thinking about everything else that needs done that day.

Last people I ran with is my new running/training 10K group yesterday. So fun!


The Blow Pop minis look great!
I prefer running in the morning, but I start work at 7 so generally run after work. On weekends though, it’s always first thing in the morning.


I have that shirt!


HAHAHAHA, Janae, you are hilarious!!!
I think my boyfriend feels the same way about being my photographer for my blog. He’s now accepted his role and always takes a couple pictures for me to choose from ;)


I don’t think Brandon knew what he was in for when I started the blog, either. He just loovvves having to wait to eat until I take a picture of his food!! ;)


I chuckled reading your watermelon cutting. Florida has some good watermelons now too. Running seems easier in the mornings.


I have to ask, on your dinner plate – is that a biscuit or a weirdly shaped piece of pineapple? haha


My #1 protein source: BEANS! 2nd Tofu (which is technically a bean if you consider its source, the soy bean).

Last candy I ate: Sour straws. I don’t know if they’re called that but they’re delicious!

I think we need more belly pics by the way! :)


Morning running HANDS DOWN! I’ve started to enjoy a mid-day run every now and then too… but, evening runs kill me! It’s just SO much harder to get the legs moving after a long day at work.

I had some skittles today and they were AMAZING and made me think of you! ;)


I enjoy getting my run done early in the morning. Although, I slept in this morning so I will have to go on an evening run. I always feel slower and tired when I run in the evening.

I use to prefer chicken but lately I have been making an effort to eat more steak. I struggled with anemia throughout high school and college so I always worry about my iron levels.


Oh my gosh, I LOVE that you brought up blow pops. That is the only candy that I have been craving lately. I don’t know what it is all about, but I just can’t get them out of my mind..especially the grape. Yum!!
Let me know how the gluclose test goes- I’ll be thinking of you. I HOPE you put it in the fridge!! I heard that is the secret to being able to get it down.


The last candy that I ate were Swedish Fish. Yummers! I love blue razz blow pops.

My favorite meat substitute is TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein) I use it to make taco meat, chilli, enchilada meat, sphagetti sauce.

I love to run at night on my treadmill and through the neighborhood on Saturday afternoons.

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