A little more about my job and a hole in my pants.

I haven’t talked about my work a lot on the blog but I guess now that I am done (after today) I can:)  I work at a charter high school with about 400 students total.  The school is only 4 years old and so this was the first graduating class with kids that were there from 9th to 12th grade.  The kids have a dress code (no jeans, no logos and no t-shirts etc…..business dress), the parent’s are super involved (which can be good and bad;), there are no vending machines and like I have mentioned before the kids get to eat from the best cafeteria ever where almost everything is homemade.

Because I teach 6 different subjects and have been there for the last three years that means that I have had almost every student in one of my classes AT LEAST one time, some I have had for all 6 subjects.  I really do have the best students in the world and I am going to miss them dearly.  Change is hard but at least I have one BIG change coming up that I can’t wait for.   I definitely didn’t get a money necklace when I graduated.


I can blame the pregnancy hormones for making me cry the entire graduation, the previous two years I didn’t have an excuse.

After graduation I made it just in time to catch the last 45 minutes of Billy’s game.  Yes, I am indeed giving you the peace sign.  They won 18 to 8!

Photo 5

At 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 24th I drove by Gandolfo’s and from that moment forward it was all I could think about.  Luckily, Billy is extremely easy going and allows me to choose wherever I want to eat for date night.  We had the whole joint to ourselves which clearly makes it very romantic even though we were drinking out of plastic cups and there were tv’s lining the walls.  Photo 1

Something sad has happened to me.  I cannot eat that much at night anymore or else I feel like my body is going to explode.  I miss the old Janae.  Instead of getting the large just for me we split the large Urban Cowboy.  Chicken. turkey. bacon, bbq sauce, lettuce, tomatoes and cream cheese.  It was incredible but I couldn’t even finish it…..I am hanging my head in shame as I type this.

Photo 3

You know what is really fun?  When you take off your pants to get into pj’s and realize you have a hole in the crotch of one of your favorite pants but didn’t notice all day long because you can no longer see past your stomach.

Photo 2

Thank you Hollister pants for enduring with me for 6 years.


What brand are your FAVORITE pair of pants?

Do you eat more at lunch or at dinner?

Did you have a dress code or uniforms when you were in school?  Where was your graduation held?

Tell me a little more about your job (if you can:)

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I need a money necklace! Your school sounds awesome! I think more high schools should be like that. 6 subjects?! How do you keep them all straigtht!

I’m a stay at home mom. I was a part-time tutor until my niece was born 10 months ago and then I quit my job to help take care of her too. Trust me, being a stay at home mom is hard work.

Sorry about your pants :( I have a hard time ever finding jeans that fit correctly. I am tall, and have wider hips but a smaller waist so nothing ever fits I prefer yoga pants :)

Have a wonderful weekend, Janae!


You are amazing to help take care of your niece too!!! Stay at home moms do the hardest work of all!! I hope you have an amazing weekend too Heather!


sounds like a super awesome school you work for!

Sad about your pants. 6 years really is a long time though of wear time =)

I do medical transcription from home! I get to be with my baby girl, so I am very thankful!


That is AWESOME!!! I might have to email with you a little more about medical transcription. I am looking for things to do from home!


I did that for about four years, but I had to get out of it. There are SO MANY people in the field. These business colleges and certificate schools and community colleges pump people through those programs so fast that the field is just flooded. (At least around here it is.) You had to price yourself really low to underbid the other ones, and it just wasn’t worth it. I wasn’t willing to work as cheaply as I was having to bid just to get the jobs.


It’s so interesting that you can no longer eat as much … I would have thought that it would be the opposite! Or maybe you just have to stretch smaller meals out throughout the day?

I’m a school psychologist. I’ve worked in school districts in Florida and Ohio. I’ve worked with all ages … pre-school through seniors in high school. I’ve worked with low, middle, and high socio-economic populations. But right now, I’m trying to find a full-time job here in Georgia. I have a couple of part-time positions lined up, but I’m hoping for something full-time in the fall! :)


I think she is just taking over my stomach room. Your job must be REALLY interesting! I sure hope you get that full-time offer this fall…how could they not hire you for that…you are way too amazing!


Aw thanks Janae! Can you come tell the schools that?! ;)


Eddie Bauer khaki’s. Or maybe my Nike track pants.
I actually think I eat more at lunch.
High School was business casual at least. No jeans. Collared shirts. Etc.
Job is boring. You don’t want to hear about it. Except that I get to work from home.

The Kidless Kronicles


Yay for big lunches:) That is really nice that you get to work at home!


My favorite jeans are Mavi’s! I always wear them until they have holes.
You would be a fun teacher, I bet your students loved you!
My job at the moment= my husband’s money because I am graduating today!!! :D




I was wondering what sort of wonderful school you worked at that had such a fabulous cafeteria! I can relate to the difficulty of leaving a job you love. I teach at the college level; so, when we left CO (temporarily!) last year, I had to leave the school I’ve taught at for the past 10 years. It is an excellent school with the best students and the best working atmosphere I’ve ever encountered, not too mention being in one of the most beautiful locations on earth. I still cried a bit to see the graduation pictures on Facebook this week, knowing that several of those students were once mine. I really do miss it and am hoping we can return in a year or two and I can go back to what I love. I now teach on-line since we are in a fairly remote location. Bleh. ;-)
The transition to being with your daughter and adjusting to life with a newborn is the best kind of excitement, though, and rewarding in an entirely different way. I hope that it helps with any sadness you have about leaving a job you love!


My favorite pair of running pants are my Lululemon Run Inspire Crop II pants. Regular pants are mint green jeans from JCrew! I think if you calculate my desserts I definitely eat more at dinner and I am starting my first 9-5 internship in a week! I somehow need to figure out how I am going to fit everything else (aka running) into my days :)


My favorite pants are me Aerie yoga pants, they are just so comfy! I would be sad if I got a hole in them. But then again they are so cheap I could just buy another!

In grammar school I had a school uniform. Jumper, blazer, awful shoes– the works. In HS I got to wear whatever I wanted which was a huge change after 9 years (K-8) in a uniform. But I really think the uniform was way easier, I didn’t even have to think about what to wear!


Aww, your poor pants. :) I’m sure you’re the most fun teacher they’ve ever had! My favorite pair of pants is from NY&Co, they feel like sweatpants but look like dress pants. Being a dietitan is awesome – I get to talk about food all day! :)


My favorite jeans are mid-rise skinny J Brand jeans…I’m getting all specific on you because I work for a company which distributes J Brand (along with other brands)! Do you think you’ll go back to teaching once your baby girl is a little older..or too far along to tell? Have a great Friday! !


My favorite jeans are my skinny jeans from Old Navy. They are soooo comfortable!

Do you have a job where Billy is going to law school?

As for my job, I work part time from home as a contract attorney. We moved 8 months ago for my husband’s job. I’ve been looking for a full time job in our new location and, hopefully, should hear TODAY about an interview I had this week. Thinking good thoughts!

Hope you have a great weekend!


That sounds like a really great school! Does this mean the school year is over? Exciting!


I also work at a charter school, but it s K-8 with 360 kids. I taught 2nd grade for 2 years and next year I am teaching first! :)

We have uniforms. Shirts have our school mascot and name on them. They are blue collared for K-5 and Maroon for 6-8. K-5 wears khaki bottoms and 6-8 blue. During the warmer months (like now) we have summer uniform. Each grade has a different color shirt – and they can wear any bottoms they want,except jeans.


When I lived in latin america the biggest meal of the day was lunch (which makes so much more sense because we need our calories during the day and not while we are sleeping at night!) and I meant to keep on that track when I got back to the states, but I converted back to the US big dinner thing because dinner is the only social activity I ever get with my husband these days.

And I didn’t have a dress code in high school except that it was the age where the super low rise pants and the belly shirt were in fashion so the teachers would make up lift our arms up to do a “belly check” and make sure we didn’t have too much skin exposed. I am SO glad that midriff tops are no longer en vogue.


My favorite pair of pants that recently broke(the button ripped out) were from forever21 believe or not! They were only 9.99! Score!

I am designing a new label and will be launching June 1st! (ps I emailed you about it :))

We had no dress code in my school. It was pretty liberal so kids could wear whatever we wanted. I wish we would have had uniforms tho.

Happy FRIDAY!!!!!


My school’s only dress code was no short skirts and no spaghetti straps. Sooo strict.

I definitely eat more at dinner. Part of it is that I run at night, so I don’t want to eat too much before, but then I’m starving after. Tricky.

I work for Aspaeris marketing super sweet compression shorts :)


I have some Levi jeans I’ve owned since highschool that I love. I hate that they’re fading and wearing out :(
I’m a pharmacist in a pharmacy inside a hospital and I focus on transplant, oncology, HIV, Hep C, and discharge care. Usually I love it!


I work at a charter high school too! I coordinate a mentoring program there. I’ve been here for two years, but next Thursday is my last day since I’m starting a new job next Friday.

My favorite pants are any pants by Banana Republic. Reasons: vanity sizing, the pants aren’t super low rise, and they last forever!


Aww, it must be sad to say good bye to all your students. Are you planning on finding a new teaching job in California?

I don’t really have a favorite pair of jeans – I buy randoms pairs. I have a pair Seven jeans that I really love (and got from Marshall’s) and then a pair or two from Express. However, currently I am loving my Motherhood Maternity jeans!

Before being pregnant I ate more at dinner but now I am eating more at lunch and then spreading my afternoon/evening eating out so I don’t eat a ton at dinner and then go to bed. It seems to give me heartburn.

I did not have a dress code at all for school although I always wished we had uniforms. It would have made life so much easier.

I work in HIV prevention. It’s rewarding work but I am also trying to go back and get my nursing degree (I have a graduate degree in public health) so I may be changing fields soon.


Breakfast!! It is my all-time favorite meal of the day. I like it so much I stretch it out. First one at 5, second one at 9, Lunch around 12:30. I usually get my workouts in during lunch though. So if I run some serious distance….I find myself snacking after lunch.

We didn’t have much of a dress code. Nothing too short, too tight, gang/drug related, etc.

I can’t really talk about work but one day I hope to be in something health/nutrition/fitness related. Even if it’s only on the side.


Lululemon? Love the stretchy pants ;)
Probably dinner since we workout right before.
No uniforms…My grad was held at the local exhibition grounds in a huge pavilion, about 400 grads.
Well for the last (almost) 4 years I have been a Events Coordinator for a Chamber of Commerce planning out business luncheon, tradeshows, awards nights etc but recently I was promoted to Marketing Manager, so now I still oversee events but have a coordinator under me running them day to day, I also now do all advertising, social media, communications and branding. It will be a challenge because its a new position too but I think it will be really fun too!


I hate crotch holes!! The worst is when you notice one when you’re out in public and there’s absolutely nothing you can do. Talk about awkward.


I love my BKE jeans – they are awesome!

I teach at the school I attended K-12 (but now it’s a much bigger and nicer campus). It’s a small Christian school with about 800 kids total prek-12. When I went here, the only dress code we had was no holes in our jeans, no pajamas, no tshirts, etc. Now they wear uniforms (khaki pants/shorts, skorts, polos, etc) – I honestly wish we would’ve had uniforms when I was here because it would’ve made my mornings a LOT easier. I took forever picking out my clothes!


Wow, your school sounds awesome, especially the cafeteria. :)

There was no dress code at my high school and our graduation was held in the non-air conditioned auditorium. 10 years later and I can still remember how hot it was in there that day!

I work at a medical school doing research. The hospital cafeteria does not make nearly as good of salads as your schools!


I never had to wear uniforms throughout grade school, but we had a very lenient dress code (shorts/skirts couldn’t be too short).

I am an Registered Nurse. I work with kids with cancer and love my job!


We had a simple dress code: skirts and shorts below your finger tips, nothing sleeveless or that could show your stomach. I used to secretly wish we had uniforms because I couldn’t afford a lot of the label clothes other girls wore (it was a nice private school).


Awe what a bittersweet day for you! And a money necklace???

I’m still waiting to find my favorite pair of jeans, why is it so hard to find jeans??


I get SO SAD when a favorite pair of pants can no longer be. My favorite types of jeans would be Paige jeans. Expensive but totally worth it.

How sweet of you to love your kids so much – it must make work so fulfilling for you!


when i was pregnant i would get fixated on one food for the whole day and would have to have it… i remember once it was apple pie. i really had to have apple pie.

i’m an accountant. exciting stuff.


aww i’m sure that was hard to watch the graduation! i agree, change can be hard, but i think it is good for us in a lot of ways too. :)
my favorite pants are my Lucky jeans! they fit me so perfectly.
i usually eat more for dinner… i don’t know why, it just happens.
i went to a private Christian school so we had to wear polos, no shorts, and our skirts had to be at our knees or lower. yeah, i don’t miss it at all. haha.


favorite pair of pants are my abercrombie flares..they’re my fat pants so even when i’m bloated they still fit ;) (every girl needs one of those)

i eat more at dinner for the most part….occassionally ill have bigger lunches but it doesnt happen that often.

i went to a REALLY small all girl catholic high school…200 girls and we had to wear uniforms. sounds weird but i loved it :) our graduation was held at church.

hmmm..i work at a technology company as an account manager…so i have an outside rep who does selling and I manage her customers…more customer service/organization oriented. its um..tedious at times, but my company is good to me and its stable and pays the bills! :)


That would be sad having to say goodbye to all of those kids!

My fave pants are the Levi Curve ID.

I eat more at lunch to get me through the long afternoon because I don’t get home until late for dinner.

No uniforms, but we had a dress code. Our graduation was held at the local university bball gym.

I word for a recruiting company as the business coordinator (processing invoices, job placements, admin work, and booking travel). I sit at the reception desk because they designed our office different from the others, so I’m often treated like a secretary…which offends me. Somedays I’m tempted to frame my TTU degree to let people know that I am educated, and I’m pretty sure I get paid more than a secretary would. And no, I will not fax that form for you because that’s not my job! Overall, I love it. low pressure, and my coworkers are great!


Gap Jeans.

I am usually starved for lunch, and eat snacks all afternoon, so I am not as hungry at dinner, but inevitably I eat a snack after dinner, too. I just eat a lot I guess!

I am a speech pathologist for a school district, and work with about 50 children from age 2 to 11th grade. It’s hard to see everyone grow up, but exciting too!


Awwww that sounds like a great school!! And your hole is hardly noticeable by anyone else, I am sure ;)


Sounds like a fabulous school. I always loved the teachers that taught multiple subjects … always thought I would like to be one, and get to know as many students as possible.

Enjoy your day! RIP pants.


Hahaha at first, I looked at that picture of you with the girl and thought, “what a strange ruffle on that shirt! Eh, fashion these days–I don’t get it!” THEN I realized it was DOLLARS. Hahaha. Amazing. I’d like fifty of those necklaces, please.

I work in publications, which is some sort of miracle because I only graduated with an English degree a few years ago. I’m so thankful I was able to find a relevant job in this dying industry, with the economy how it is. I love my job!


Aww darn…sorry to hear about your pants! Hole in the crotch is the worst!

I need me a money necklace!

I definitely tend to eat more at lunch usually because I work out in the morning so it leaves my metabolism fired up all day long. Dinner time I’m usually not as hungry so I’ll have a light meal.


I work at a tutoring center for kids who don’t read good and want to do other things good, too (<– I hope you get the reference).
I tutor kids with learning disabilities (ADHD, dyslexia, autism, etc.) one-on-one. It's kind of incredible to see a fourth grader (or any age) struggle through one sentence in the beginning of the program and then have him/her reading chapter books after a couple of months!


Happy happy last day!

I find I have a rotating biggest meal or snack time. Right now definitely lunch!! in fact I never even wanted dessert with lunch before and now it is a yes please.
It might not be at night, but you’ll find other times where you still can put it away Janae style……go with those times.


No joke – I ripped a hole in the crotch of some of my favorite pants from Hollister that I got about 6 years ago… I want to go back and replace them, but I’ve gotten old and Hollister scares me now.


What job will you be heading to next? I personally stay home now with my two little monsters (hardest job I’ve had by far!), but before that, I was in marketing and customer service for The Apartment Guide (a nation-wide print publication. You might have it in your city). It was fun and fast-paced and I got to socialize all day. It was a blast and I miss it a lot. Especially on days that I realize the only conversations that I’ve had are about Dora the Explorer and Candyland and whether or not it’s okay to pee in the front yard. But things change, don’t they! Just like newly found holes in the pants! I’ve had plenty of moments like that! Usually mine consisted of realizing I had rotten formula in my hair just as I was stepping into a meeting with a huge client. Or looking for lipgloss in my purse and instead finding a half-eaten giant marshmellow. Joy. Good luck with the pregnancy!


That’s a bummer about the hole in your pants! I wonder if it could be sewed or not?

Favorite brand of pants…let’s be honest here…Nike

I eat more at lunch than dinner. I’m just not a huge dinner person.

I was homeschooled so I did school in my jammies each day!

I’m a freelance graphic designer…I make business cards, logos, illustrations, brochures, books, etc! Love it!


Janae, that’s incredible that you teach 6 different subjects!! There’s NO WAY that I’d be able to teach 1 subject to a bunch of teenagers, much less 6, I am very impressed with you! I’m sure you were one of their favorite teachers, the ones who are graduating are going to be very sad I’m sure because they’ve spent so much time getting to know you.

I work as an RN in a surgery-trauma ICU, so I see different stuff just about every day, but lots of car accidents, gunshot wounds, stabbings, bad surgeries and lots of other tough stuff that tests my limits of patience, awe, and understanding– I often find myself wondering things like, “how could someone do this to another person? or why on earth would that person go drunk driving?”


I went to public school in Anaheim, CA and no dress code. But that was so long ago. My elementary school now has uniforms and a 9′ fence around it. Crazy!

I just bought my first pair of Hollister shorts! They are so soft, comfy, short and cute!

I have a 4-yr old and 2-yr old. I’m a stay-at-home-mom and sometimes design websites and do photo shoots on the side. I used to do event photography at MC and ATV off-road races until two weeks before I gave birth for the first time. I love being able to stay at home and teach my kids. :)


I went to a small Christian school with a pretty strict dress code. If you got an “infraction” you would have to wear an oversized polo shirt for 2 weeks!

Favorite pants are AG Jeans and Hudson. Pricey, but worth it since I wear them ALL the time.

I used to be an Operations Manager, but managing people was stressful. Now I am looking to start my own business. Maybe something with imports/exports.


I’m dealing with the most horrible case of heartburn right now so I can’t eat much either – day or night. I hope you don’t have to deal with it as the baby keeps growing because it sucks!

I work in a Municipal office that also sells auto insurance and issues driver licenses. Not the most exciting job in the world but at least I’m able to read and comment on blogs while I’m working :) Only 2 weeks left though and then I start my one-year maternity leave!

Have a great weekend!


I don’t have a favorite pair of pants right now. I hate them all! Mainly because nothing fits me at the moment.

I usually eat more at dinner. Just because lunch is usually on the run &/or while working.

No uniforms for us, but we couldn’t show butts, boobs or bellies.

My graduation was held at the world headquarters of a church. All the public schools held their graduations there because it had the largest seating capacity of 6000. Well, all schools did until some were not allowed back after disrespecting the building in some way…

I can’t say too much about my job other than I am a safety advocate working for a government agency. And I love my job!


First off I’m really ticked I didn’t get a money lei but instead got a regular lei at my graduation, which was held on campus in our “great quad” which was basically this big outdoor stage with a huge grass lawn with a bunch of rows of chairs. It was held in the morning and it was awesome.

My favorite pair of pants are 7 for all mankind that I got from Costco (holla)!

That sandwich sounds pretty amazing, I’m sorry you couldn’t eat a large all by yourself.


Aww I’m sure the students are really going to miss having you as their teacher!!


My favourite pants are my Lululemon Lulu Pant II right now I think, though I also love Groove Pants and Dance Studio Pants. All the frontrunners competing for my pant-love are jogging pants/ gym pants haha. The second I walk through my front door I walk STRAIGHT to the closet to change out of dress pants and into joggers. In the priority list, joggers rank ahead of food even!

I’m a lawyer and my job is alright, though I sometimes regret not going into a health and fitness related job… I didn’t think through the whole thing about spending 10+ hours a day hunched over a desk (or the fact that I’m a super energetic person who likes to be on the go at all times). I like the job though and the firm I work for is really awesome. But if I ever win the lotto I’m opening a gym or fitness store!


I think that would be an awesome place to work as a teacher. It seems like you would have the oppourtunity to get to know your students much better since it is so small. I’m sure it was hard to leave!

My favorite pair of jeans is from American Eagle (Artist jeans). I’m looking forward to when I can wear them again :).

I think you already know this but I will still answer the question…I am a nurse at Primary Childrens Medical Center. I like my job but if I wasn’t moving I would probably look into changing units I work on for a new challenge. One of the best parts of being a nurse is that your options really are unlimited. If you get sick of working in one place, there are a million different places you can go. I would love to work in a busy Emergency Room. I work in the ER here sometimes and its hard since I’m only there about once every 6 months but I would love it if I was there on a normal basis. I like the quick pace and the fast turn over. And even though 12 hours shifts can be a killer, its so nice to only work 3 days a week!


Are you planning on going back to work after the baby is born?
I’m sure you’ll miss your work, but I bet it’s nice to be on a break :)

I know it’s better to have big lunch than dinner, but I tend to eat a big dinner. I just snack throughout the day though.. I’m a big snacker!


I didn’t have uniforms, but I sometimes think it would have been nice to not have to think about what I wore…I love GAP jeans. The flared kind. They just seem to fit me just right. I’ve never actually been inside a Hollister store or A&F – that one just smells SO strongly it gives me a headache just walking by! I am a health educator for a non-profit and spent 5 years doing community wide program planning for health events. Now though, I mostly write grants since I went part time last November.


I do new product development for cheese and butter products (including Cache Valley cheese). I must admit, I love love love my job most days. It’s really interesting and keeps me on my toes =)


That sandwich sounds absolutely awesome! It’s heartbreaking, but it will get harder and harder to eat normal food portions as your little nugget takes up more space. I was crushed when I couldn’t finish sandwiches in one sitting. Also, the heartburn gets bad if you eat too late or too much.


I would really love to know how you still fit into pants when you’re over halfway through a pregnancy!! You rock that crotch hole – I’d be like, “so what if I have a hole, I also fit into pants still!”


Hate when I realize that I have an unlady like hole in my clothing!


I think I eat more at dinner than at lunch, because I’m usually not home around lunch time. And I eat a big breakfast. Have a great last day, it must be quite emotional for you, teachers are the best!
Oh man, I went to an all girl private school when I was younger, which was super strict. No coloured elastics, only white socks, strict uniform with a blazer worn when necessary, no nail polish. Glad to not have that anymore!


i eat the most at breakfast! a massive bowl of oatmeal post-run and pre-everything else that slams me during the day.


I’ve always been a fan of American Eagle Jeans. They are stylish without being too expensive. I also really like Gap’s jeans. When I worked, I bought all my dress pants from Express. I definitely eat more at dinner than lunch. I usually don’t have time for a long lunch, with three little ones constantly asking for more food, to go to the bathroom, and I’m trying to feed a hungry 7 month old.
We didn’t have any uniforms in High School, but we had dress codes. Skirts and shorts couldn’t be higher than 3 inches above your knees while standing. Our graduation was at the Astro Arean in Houston. We had it there because my graduation class was 532 and with a lot parents, families, and friends attending, that was the only place that could hold that many. I’m a stay at home mom, but before that, I was a Spa Coordinator at a Spa. I loved the perks of that job.


You never fail to crack me up! I bet you will be sorely missed at your school, but like you said, this change is SO worth it! You and Billy are going to be extraordinary parents!!

BYU has such a beautiful back drop!


The bad news: your stomach is only going to get smaller as that baby girls pushes up on it! And the heartburn may only get worse (common, but hopefully you can avoid that unpleasant symptom).

The GOOD news: once she’s born, you will eat EVERYTHING in sight!!! Especially if you choose to nurse, it seriously turned me into a ravenous beast.

I love AE skinny jeans. So comfy. I don’t like Old Navy jeans, they just don’t fit my body well. Finding a good pair of jeans is HARD since we’re all built differently!


Favorite pair of pants are made by garage clothing. They make my legs look toned bc they hug in all the right places lol.

I definitely eat more at dinner which I know is a big no-no but dinner is usually a nice sit down meal where as lunch is a sandwich or leftovers!

Have a great weekend!!!


come out to california and be my teacher.


My favorite pair of jeans are Ava by Citizens of Humanity. Once upon a time ( its obviously a magical story) I was shopping at Nordstrom Rack and randomly came across one lonesome pair and decided to try them on. It was love at first fit


Are you going to be a stay-at-home mom once you have the baby :)? I feel like I missed a post.


I am happy to say that I have a job that I absolutely LOVE!!! I teach Elementary (K-4) Music at 4 different schools. Throughout the week, I see roughly 750 kids. I frequently will wake up in the morning, and think about how blessed I am to have this job!
My favorite pants would probably be my trusty, baggy black sweats. I also, really like this pair of Reebok capris that I bought to run in.


I usually eat more at dinner. It has always been my favorite meal.
I went to a catholic school so I wore a plaid skirt and white peter pan collar button down shirt.
I am currently an elementary assistant principal. I love the kids.


For some reason the pants that fit me best are the LEI jeans atbWal-Mart. I know…so embarrassing. But I don’t care because they fit me so well! We didn’t have uniforms in high school unless you count the unspoken dress code of jeans and flannel shirts (it was a serious backwoods country school). I graduated with only 60 people in my class some al knew each other and most of us had been together since elementary school.
I love my job: I’m a lab tech at a small rural hospital. I do lab testing on all manner of bodily fluids. Sounds terrible, but I love it.
I eat more at lunch and I don’t really know why! I’m just hungrier at lunch than at dinner. But when I work an overnight shift I could eat a horse! At 3AM hunger hits like mad. Unfortunately, I always ending up stuffing doughnuts or M&M’s down my throat! Why can’t it be a hankering for fruit and veggies in the middle of the night?
Enjoy your summer, Jane! You are an awesome teacher!


Asking me to name a favorite pair of pants is like asking me to name a favorite child. I’m really into jeans and spend way too much on them. My current favs are my white skinny Joe’s jeans.
In my previous life I taught 7th grade English and reading at a public school with a fairly large low socioeconomic population. I wish we had a dress code. It was heartbreaking to see the haves and the have-nots.
School lunches were bad too. Some of the kids didn’t eat as much at home so the meals served were high fat (plus it was before all of the attention to how bad school lunches are).


I’ve never seen a money necklace before. I really want one now!

Lunch and dinner are fairly similar for me. Lunch may be slightly larger. I have recently discovered that two breakfasts works GREAT for me. Ever since I started running in November I have been constantly hungry. Just 2 weeks ago or so I started adding in a second breakfast. I have my normal egg whites, oatmeal muffiny thing I make, and a banana before work at around 6:30 then around 9:30 I have some yogurt and a small bowl of cereal. Somehow that second breakfast makes me not feel the need to eat the house between lunch and dinner.

I work as a nanny. I have been a full time nanny for 7 years now. It is preparing me for my ultimate goal of stay at home mommy one day. It has been a very fulfilling job. Raising someone else’s child is not always easy but I love it. Basically I get paid for playing house.


A money necklace?! That girl was loaded with some money!! I worked at a dentist office when I graduated high school, and all of my coworkers put together a MONEY TREE for me! It had about $200 on it! AND got gifts. They most definitely spoiled me rotten at that job!!!

Baby bumb is wayyyy cute! So awesome your still able to run! My best friend is being induced on Tuesday and she hasn’t been able to run since she found out she was preggo! Hope your able to throughout your pregnancy!! :)


My favorite pair of pants is a pair of Express jeans that I found at Goodwill already hemmed to my size. This is pretty much a miracle, because I am both lazy and short and always cuff my pants because I don’t enjoy sewing.

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