Our Adventure to the Golden State

My sweet dad offered to take us to the airport this morning at 6:45 (bless his heart) and the thing that woke us up was my phone ringing as he was calling to tell us that he was there to pick us up. I acted as though we were almost ready to walk out the door and took approximately 2.3 minutes to get ready and grab all of my stuff.  Oops.  Hence the half-asleep face, bed hair and fake smile as I am asking myself why I decided to stay up so late last night:

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We flew out of the tiniest airport I have ever been to.  They only have one non-charter flight a day, one gate and you have to walk out to the plane.  They did have a vending machine in case people get hungry.  We first flew to Denver and had a 3 hour layover and then flew out to Cali.  We fly using buddy passes (my brother is a pilot) and so we always end up with layovers and having to take a bunch of different planes to get somewhere but it is TOTALLY worth it…$$$$$.

My breakfast on the plane (along with orange juice that I spilled all over my computer keyboard).  Once again my computer survived a near death situation.

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Billy was very productive during our layover and showed off his artistic side by drawing on his iPad because that is much more important than studying for his finals that start on Monday.  He made sure to clarify that he was drawing the picture purely from his own creative mind and not from what was sitting directly in front of us.


For lunch I had Quizno’s and Billy had Panda Express.  My sandwich was exactly what I needed and I can honestly say it was worth all $9.83…especially after I loaded it up with $4 of pickles/banana peppers and jalepenos.

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We are going running around our favorite lake in just a few minutes and I can’t wait.  It has the perfect little trail, it is FLAT, beautiful and covered in trees (shade is my best friend).  It is about a mile around and so I get to run with Billy’s mom while he will be lapping us….he will get in 2 laps for my 1 lap.

Picture from this last summer at the lake.  Doing a thumbs up is always cool.

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Check out this awesome giveaway HERE for a chance to win New Balance gear for Spring Training!!!

Another awesome giveaway is over at KAITLYN’S BLOG for some sweet sunglasses!


What do you usually end up eating at the airport?

Are you good at waking up on time for things?  Do you ever sleep through your alarm clock?  Do you use your phone as your alarm clock?

Do you live by any lakes?  Rivers?  Ocean?

Anyone else getting in a late afternoon/evening run?

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I SO miss living by Greenlake in Seattle! It is my absolute favorite running place: there’s trails, water, a track, and plenty of ducks and puppies to look at! But now all I have is a tiny lake and a huge, boring reservoir.

I’ve got 6 miles to get in tonight. I don’t want to, but I’m bribing myself with Popchips. Per usual.


I looove running near lakes! So much better than on a road.
I feel like I always have early flights so starbucks or dunkin donuts always satisfies my coffee needs :) If not, then whatever is there!
I am very good at waking up for things. I use my phone and I get up the first time it rings usually or I snooze a couple times.
I live near the ocean! One thing I love about Florida.


Have fun!!! I’m in Calif so yes, we sort of live by this huge ocean called the Pacific ocean!! :)
Got in a morning run so no evening run today which has been the norm lately!!
My daughter is usually up by 6. I wish she had a snooze button!!


I am always late for everything. I hate getting up in the morning, I would rather go to work or class at 2 am.


Starbucks and pb&j’s from home! It is my go-to flying meal.
I set two alarm clocks – first my actual alarm and 5 mins later a alarm on my cell – kinda paranoid I know. But I almost always wake up 5-10 mins before the first alarm.
We have two awesome lakes within 20 mins of us and a river that runs through our city.
No run today, but a walk after work!


I’m glad you made it there safely!


Oooooh CALI is so pretty!!! Have a fun run :) I love running by lakes so much! So enjoy it for me.

I usually pack for food at airports–just b/c the $$$ is crazy there. I bring sandwiches, fruit, carrots, and nuts!


Your Subway sandwich looks EXACTLY like mine when I order one! Great minds think alike! ;)

Have a wonderful run you beautiful mama to be! <3


Sheesh. One brother a pilot. Another a doctor. Besides the obvious benefits (of which there are too many to count)…no pressure there. Any mechanics? That’s where the REAL benefit is ;) ooh. And plumbing.


HAHAHA I know…they took all of the smart genes and left me with nothing. My dad is pretty good at fixing cars so he has the mechanics side covered:) Have an amazing day Tess!


I use my phone as my alarm clock but I usually have to set three, with the third one being the time I actually want to wake up. I always end up turning the first one off while I’m still asleep and I never remember it. So I set two more just in case :)


What lake are you running around? Is it in RSM? If it is next time you go I would love to meet up – I will let you practice pushing a running stroller with my daughter :)


AHHHH LORA!!! HELLO!!! You live here? I am extremely jealous! It is RSM lake and we will be there tomorrow…COME!


My husband and I live in Oceanside, CA and LOVE going to the beach on Camp Pendleton. However, I love the beaches from when we lived in Pensacola much more!


JEALOUS of your beach runs…I may have to come join you:)


I live in Montana which has HUGE lakes. Come visit? :)
Have such a great time on your trip!
Oh and you CAN BET that as soon as I’m healed from surg I will running around all the MT lakes near me!!


Done and done, I will be there next weekend for a lake run together:) Have an amazing day Ali!


I’m usually a Subway man myself. But, if I can’t get myself to pay $20 for a sandwich I always travel with a box of ‘Good n’ Plentys’. The best travel snack there is … road or air! Haven’t tried by boat yet, but I’m sure they’re still the best.


I haven’t had Good n’ Plentys FOREVER!!! I hear you on Subway, you can’t beat there incredible $5 foot longs!


welcome to Cali!! hehe. :) at the airport i always either bring my food or go with a turkey sandwich, boring i kno i am…lol.

hey, tell Billy he keeps working on his mad art skills i may have to come beg him to post on my blog! ;) have a great rest of ur day!


HAHAHA I will ask him to do some art for you:) WE ARE HERE…I feel like we are so close to you now:)


wow- what a tiny airport!
I am good at waking up on time because I set multiple alarms… haha!
I live by several lakes and run by them all the time, super pretty!
Have fun!


I try to stick with Chick Fila when I travel because I can almost always trust it to be the same goodness I get at home.


Starbucks. And if I HAVE to be up, then I seem to wake up 5-10 minutes before my alarm. Sort of a gift I guess. There are some lakes around. Haven’t had my running mojo this week. Hope to get it back in time for a long run on Saturday.

The Kidless Kronicles


I use my iphone for an alarm and I almost always wake up before it goes off. I like it that way tho because then I feel more rested if that makes sense?

I live next to the east river which is on the east side of Manhattan and the west side of brooklyn where I am at. I will run along that river as well as the hudson river which is on the other side of manhattan. Whoa that was confusing right.

I don’t like to eat at the airport. I try to avoid it if I can and just bring my own snacks. BUT if there is a TCBY I am deftly getting it with m&ms :)
Have a great trip!


I searched EVERYWHERE for a TCBY and couldn’t find one…BOOOO!!! I am so jealous of where you get to run:)


have a great trip!!!


Late afternoon beach run. Boo, headed home tomorrow! You are lucky your trip is just starting.

I almost always get a starbucks fufu drink in the airport.


NOOOOO you are headed home?!? I am glad you got one last beach run in today:) Just come to Cali now and hang out mkay?


So fun you’re in Cali!!!! I am counting down the 14 days until we get to hear the gender!!!! I think girl. I’m just chilling at PT on the traction machine. Still no go to run. Blah!!!! Are you holding that water bottle I told you about in your picture!? It kind of looks like mine but I can’t tell. Have so much fun in Cali!


Have fun in Cali!!!


I’m totally jealous you’re in Cali right now. That’s hilarious you guys slept in. Whenever I have something important to do in the morning I sleep really crappily the night before because I’m always paranoid that I’ll sleep through my alarm. I’ve used my phone as an alarm for 10 years. I wouldn’t even know how to work a regular alarm clock now.
I live a few miles away from a big river. We wakeboard on it in the summers. It’s awesome.
Hopefully I’ll be doing an evening run if I can get these stupid hives all over my body to go away. The itching is killing me!


You look so excited in front of that plane!! lol I am probably one of the few people who actually loves airport food. I’m not in them often, so I always find it sort of exciting. Plus, I usually get Quiznos and I would probably give up my first born child for those sandwiches.


i love the two-string-cheese choice you always make.

i am just over 1 hour from the ocean, and i cannot wait to drive to it ALL THE TIME this summer. :-) i always have much bigger ambitions than what actually happens each summer… but several day trips are still better than none at all.

and as for airport food… i’ve done oatmeal, i’ve experienced au bon pain, and i always go back to the chickie & pete’s cheese fries. <3 it's all about health food…


So b/c I am a super creeper….where is billy going to law school? Isn’t April 15 the date that you have to say yes or no by? I am secretly hoping you come to Michigan and billy can study law with me! Go wolverines! :)


HEY ERIN!!! You are not a creeper at all. We still aren’t sure but we are going to a brunch at Fullerton to check it out and see what we think. I think Michigan would be a blast…off to go convince Billy!


I have always flown using Buddy Passes. My dad has worked at Continental (now United) since I was a little girl. It’s a great perk, but I didn’t appreciate it enough growing up. If we got bumped from a flight or if it was overbooked, I wasn’t the happiest person to be with during those moments. I guess I was too excited to get to where we were going. I always get a bottled water at the airport. It depends where we are flying out of. Houston has a couple of restaurants in their airport, so if I’m leaving IAH, I’m dining at Pappasitos (TexMex)in the terminal before we leave. If I know I have to be up at a particular time, my body will usually wake up before the alarm. However, I still set the alarm because I hate being late. I get weird anxiety about it. There are a couple lakes about 20 miles from. Growing up, I lived in Houston, which is an hour and a half from the Gulf of Mexico. So we spent a lot of time at the beach. I did my run mid morning today. I had my own little cheerleader (3 year old daughter) encouraging me the entire time.


Thanks for the shout out! I am up and at ’em in the mornings. Very rarely do I miss alarms. Lots of rivers to swim in around here in Wyoming, but I grew up on the ocean in Rhode Island and I definitely have a hard time being landlocked. My dad lives on a lake in Maine, so that’s a great compromise. Do you like that geography lesson I just gave! (sorta)


we live off our buddy passes too! sooooo worth it! enjoy!


I’m a sucker for Starbucks lattes at the airport!! I LOVE sipping a yummy coffee while catching up on blogs while I wait at the airport or on layovers – you feel so un-rushed and free to surf the net guilt-free without feeling like there’s something more productive you could be doing!

Tonight I ran with my new Learn to Run group for the first time – it was fantastic!! I can’t believe how inspiring it is to help people get into running and to share your love of it with new runners!


is that santa margarita lake? My parents live there and it makes me miss home :/


HEY YOU!! KRISTIN…it si RSM lake! How in the world could you move away from this place? COME BACK!


I concur – thumbs up is always cool and mandatory for any blog picture expressing happiness :) I even got one during my bone scan ;) lol

and I like right beside Lake Ontario!


I aalmost never get Starbucks, so I treat myself at the airport. Then I sit in the plane and try not to pee for the entire flight.


Glad you made it safely!

We live less than an hour from the TN river, and we have several lakes nearby. I just wish I lived near the real beach! :)

You can read my story about my fastest run ever today on my blog at http://www.southernfitfoodie.com. I think you would be impressed! ;)


I got a good 5 and a half mile run today. Slow because I feel a cold coming on, but it was still good to get out there!

I’d love to run around a 1-mile lake. Kinda like a big track but with better scenery :-)


I got in a five mile run after school today – the weather was perfect: sunny and 60 degrees. Plus I think I found the winning pair of running shorts that I will wear for my first marathon. :)
Hope you have fun in CA!


I hope you were able to get to Costco for cottage cheese and grapes, and TJs for your favs there!


I live about 7 miles from the beach. I love going down there and running on the path along the water. My favorite season is coming, SUMMER! I love to go down to the beach and hang out. Beach volleyball games are always going on. I wish I could join them sometimes.


Best airport food I’ve ever had was nachos at the Charlotte, NC airport. Wish I could remember the name of the restaurant!

I usually can’t sleep much the night before I fly. Always afraid I’ll oversleep.

We have several lakes near us and a couple rivers. The ocean is a few hours away. Wish it was closer!


Now you are making me crave nachos big time ha! Hope you are having an amazing night Shay!


HOLD UP WAIT A SECOND! Where is there a Panda Express at DIA? Concourse A? Also my mom is retired from being a flight attendant so I have passes until I am 23. What a beautiful, beautiful thing those passes are. However sometimes I hate flying standby…


I need to find a family member who is unsure of their career path…and convince them to become a pilot! HAve a great trip!!


How long are you going to be in Cali?
I hope you have a great time here :D

That’s totally how I am, I’m always running late.. I wish I was as fast as you at getting ready!


It’s official. You are the cutest preggers person ever!


It’s so funny, I am so bad about turning off my alarm in my sleep, but I sill manage to get up on time. Thank goodness! When I go on mission trips, I NEVER sleep the night before. I run down the list of items I need 1001 times and then do it again. ;)

Have a great day!!


Do you think the advertising inrdstuy needs this ad to be good so that it can prove that it’s possible to make a great piece of film that hasn’t been inspired/nicked from somewhere else?I’m with the tea lady on this one.


We have an airport like that by us. It’s great because it’s never busy and it’s SO much closer than the big airport.

I live about five miles from Long Island Sound, which is kind of like the ocean. I love running by the water.


I live near the James River in Williamsburg and it is the most peaceful place to me. I go there all the time.

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