Are you getting enough?

It has been a while (at least 8 days) since I posted a picture of myself from my computer while running in our beautiful back room.  We are going to be featured on House Hoarders next week, tune in.

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When my alarm clock went off this morning I was exhausted.  There was no reason to be so tired (um, hello 2 naps on Sunday and I was in bed last night by 10) but I told myself at least a dozen times that my best weeks ever always start with a Monday morning run. Just knowing that my whole perspective on life would be better by getting out of bed got me up and I knocked out 7 miles.  Call me addicted but running makes my brain work clearly.

You can thank me later for telling you this, season 3 of Make It or Break It (a dramatic show about teenage gymnasts) is now on Hulu.  My sister teared up when I showed her last night but we vowed to save the first episode until we had enough time to watch it together while eating Salt and Vinegar chips in our pajamas.

Photo 1

When I got to school this morning I realized that I had forgotten my computer charger which = I can’t do any of my lessons, grading, planning etc. so I was forced to go back home during my prep to get the charger.

This rocked because 1. Billy was home doing homework so I got to spend 7 extra minutes with him and 2. I passed by Subway and had to turn around to pick up lunch with a gift card.

When I ran on the treadmill this morning I watched last week’s Biggest Loser.  I forgot that I hadn’t seen that one and was super stoked to watch it.  As ridiculous as their product placement is (Subway, Newman’s, Yoplait etc) throughout the show it really works because it FORCES me to go buy the product.


I ordered the Black Forest Ham with every topping possible except for olives.  PS speaking of Biggest Loser…how do these contestants avoid injuries when doing 6 hours of cardio a day?!?!


Billy is the best at filtering for me what I should read.  He goes through all of the news, websites etc and always sends me what he thinks I would be interested in.  This makes it so I don’t have to read as much and can spend my free time napping:)  He found an awesome article perfect for ENDURANCE FEMALE ATHLETES!!!  (Source)

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Basically it is telling us that exercise can block the absorption of iron in our bodies.  Their advice is to NOT take your iron supplements (or iron rich foods) in the first 6 hours after a hard workout.  The article also makes sure to mention that it is a GREAT idea for many female athletes to keep their iron levels up by taking a supplement or consciously choosing iron-rich foods!

Some Clinical Signs and Symptoms of an Iron Deficiency: (Source)

-Decline in athlete’s performance

-Ice craving



-Difficulties in concentration

-Inability to exercise at previous levels of intensity.

You should go see a doctor if you are experiencing these symptoms.


Do you take iron supplements?  Have you ever had an iron-deficiency?

Are you a hoarder or are you good at getting rid of stuff?

Do you get all the veggies at Subway (or other sub shops) or are there some that you skip?

Where did your latest run take place?

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You are tired because of the tiny little super runner you are growing. Have you scheduled the first family 5K yet?

I HATE stuff piled up and am always trying to get rid of something or find somewhere to put it. Drives my husband crazy at times and I am sure I have tossed stuff of his. Oh well… ; )

My last run was wonderful, 8 miles on the Santiago Truck Trail – loved it!!!


HAHAH You are right…yep first family 5k is on Saturday! Come on over and clean out my house. WOW..I want to come on that trail with you!


I have never even thought about iron deficiency… clearly I don’t take supplements.
I am not a hoarder, I like to get rid of everything that we have not used. I think if I had my choice, we would have a skillet a towel and a few clothes.
The husband has to monitor what I try to give away to goodwill!


HAHAHA Come clean out our back room please:)


I have no idea if I get enough iron … but I don’t have any of those symptoms, so I’ll take that as a good sign. ;)

I think the product placement on Biggest Loser is so funny. Could they make it ANY more obvious? I don’t think so. ;)


That’s funny that you posted about iron deficiency, I don’t know if I am deficient, but was just thinking today if I should start taking an iron supplement, hmmmm. I think I might look into it. Very interesting! Thanks for sharing:)
Have a good night!!!


I’m the same way with my subs–all veggies except olives. Oh, and extra mustard please!
I used to be iron deficient. Back in high school, at a time I was underweight and over-exercising. Fortunately I don’t have that issue anymore!!
BTW I love how you’re still running through pregnancy. My mom did the same thing when she had my brother and then me. I’m sure we caught the addiction while we were in the belly :)


I also wonder about The Biggest Loser contestants and how they keep injury free. I often see them running, but there is a lot of biking and rowing in there as well. Very interesting. That reminds me, I need to catch up I’m a few episodes behind!


High calcium foods can also limit iron absorption. So basically, you have to find a time when you aren’t coming off a hard workout OR eating ice cream! Its a logistical nightmare!!! :-)


GOOD TO KNOW, I had no idea…this is going to be tricky! TWO MORE WEEKS JAKE!


I was hospitalized last month with a critically low blood count- due to low iron, as it turned out. I spent a night in the ER getting 2 units of blood to boost my levels, and now I’m on iron pills for a couple of months until my body gets back on track. All of the symptoms that drove me to see a doctor line up with what you describe, except for the ice craving– fatigue, inability to match normal exercise intensity, etc…I was short of breath just walking up my stairs!

Definitely keep an eye open for iron deficiency… I eat well, and a lot, and I was STILL low.


Frances, that is really scary! WOW, I am happy you are okay now and keep me updated!


Our hoarders episode is probably airing after yours!
I had to take iron pills when I was pregnant and that was it.
Funny, I always crave subway after biggest loser, too!


Take it easy with the working out.


Thanks for your comment but I am going to continue doing what my doctor says is more than okay for me.


I have really low iron and am taking a supplement. I am trying hard to take it daily because it doesn’t work on casual basis! The thing is- you shouldn’t take it at the same time as calcium because it blocks the absorption- so I don’t take it in the morning because I drink coffee- then I forget. No good!

My run this morning was in beautiful central park, NYC! :)


I take this hideous, ginormous iron supplements that require you to take 4 in the morning and 4 at night to get the daily value. Seriously?! I never take that many and I know I should just break down and buy something a little more manageable, but I’m too cheap. Can’t throw away something perfectly usable just because it’s nasty. *Hoarder alert.* :)


I am with you on getting in a run early on Monday, it helps my brain too and sets the tone for the work week :-)

My subway sandwich, I have it down to a ‘T’ – 6 inch turkey on whole wheat with cheddar, toasted…lettuce tomatoes pickles black olives jalapenos and mustard. TMI?


I have had an iron deficiency before, but not to the point where my doctor suggested supplements, although I’m feeling a lot of those symptoms so maybe I should look into it! Haha and I love the product placement on Biggest Loser, remember when it was all about Quaker Oats and Extra gum?


I was told that drinking tea whilst eating iron rich foods inhibited iron absorption. It’s a bit of a pain as I usually drink tea with breakfast. I take a multivitamin with iron most mornings too – I wonder how much actually gets absorbed?!

Last run was my half marathon. Need to let the legs recover a bit more before embarking on any exercise :-)


I had major iron issues in high school but luckily going on birth control and taking a tablespoon of liquid iron a day really helped. One thing that I learned too when getting your iron checked is to get the ferrotin (spelling?) levels checked on top of hermatacrite (sp) because that level is more important for runners and is a better indicator. My hermaticrite levels were always pretty normal but my ferritin levels were always tanked so it’s important to get both checked:)



Do you have Hulu plus or are you watching season 3 on the free Hulu?! I’m obsessed with this show but it keeps telling me I need Hulu plus to watch season 3 on my iPhone? Do you know anything about this?

Also…be careful if you ever take an iron supplement. It can cause some serious bathroom issues…trust me!


HEY YOU!! We just used regular hulu last night to watch it. I hope you get to watch it ASAP!


Hey Laura! You do need Hulu Plus to watch it on your iPhone but it should work fine on your computer. Hope this helps!


I’m glad another fellow preggo is still eating deli meat :) I get everything except for tomatoes at Subway, and always get extra pickles and black olives.
Too much iron makes me sick to my stomach, which is why I can’t take traditional multi-vitamins because the make me sick within minutes of taking them. I’m not sure what that means but I’m thankful I found a pre-natal vitamin that I can tolerate.


Um, I think you’re the first person over the age of 18 that I’ve found who watches Make it or Break it… It’s my guilty pleasure! I used to do gymnastics so I think that’s part of why I love it, but I think it’s so good!


I have never taken supplements and being that i do not eat red meat its always kinda a concern but my tests always come back ok – its the box of spinach I eat weekly ;)
I am almost too good at getting rid of stuff!
I don’t get onions or olives.
I ran 6km last weekend with my husband around our neighborhood :)


Oh! I love Make It or Break It. I think I am going to miss some of the old characters though!


MIOBI!! I was seriously devastated when they nearly cancelled the show last year. I am SO happy it’s back. I’m not even embarrassed. TEAM PEYSON.


Did you know that during the month of April (I think), Subway is doing buy one get one FREE on their breakfast sandwiches (before 9am)!!!


I had no idea! Thank you so much, I will be there in the morning:)


I am a vegetarian so my iron levels get checked by my doctor on a regular basis and oddly enough they are always fine. At subway I usually skip the olives, I am just not a fan. I do not consider myself to be a hoarder as I do house culls frequently but I do have a enough boxes of (treasured) crap to sink a ship.


If it was up to me there would be zero clutter in my house. However, my husband keeps everything!!! It drives me crazy! Sometimes when I have had enough of all of the stuff I just start getting rid of it. I get rid of small amounts at at a time so he does not always notice :)
And I love biggest loser but always laugh at the obvious Subway and Yoplait plugs! I remember when they were pushing the flavored gum..


I am pretty good about my iron intake but did not know that about waiting 6 hours after your workout. Good to know so thanks!

I get rid of stuff no prob. When you live in a small apt it is easy to throw stuff out because there is literally no room.

I don’t subway that often. But when I do, I get a lot of veggies too minus olives. I like olives by themselves but not on stuff. Its weird I know.

Just signed up at a new gym in my hood so my run today took place on the treadmill. Oh yeah!
Oh and btw I woke up super tired today too even tho I had plenty of rest over the weekend. Maybe its the universe or something ;)


I am anemic. I do not take iron supplements. They are too hard on my tummy. I try to eat iron rich foods instead.

I hate clutter so I am pretty good at getting rid of unnecessary items.

At Subway I get a veggie sub with all veggies mines the peppers (green, banana & jalapenos).

Latest run was through a neighborhood/area called The Railroad District.


Ahhh I didn’t see the latest Biggest Loser – must.see!!

My last run was on the treadmill too.. It was so cold out that I had zero desire to be outside so I ran inside on the TM and watched the incredibles instead. It was pretty awesome!!

Thanks for the info on Iron Deficiency – I didn’t know not to take supplements within 6 hours of working out but will remember it!!


That’s too funny — when I was little I used to order ham with only black olives! Best. Sandwich. Ever.


Mmmmmm…Subway. Sounds like dinner to me. Oh, and I am the iron-deficient girl extraordinaire (yay, colitis flare-up). But I can’t take iron supplements–gotta get stabbed with the IV bag to get it back up. Spinach is an excellent source of iron, btw. which brings me back to Subway. I’m on my way!


Hi! Long time reader and first time commenter! I had all of the symptoms above (except craving ice) a few years ago and ignored them…and then finally had bloodwork done during a routine checkup and my iron was very, very low…no wonder I was so out of breath and tired after running for just 30 minutes! I went on supplements twice a day and also took a B complex and it took a few weeks to kick in but made a huge difference! All female runners/athletes should have their iron checked once a year! It’s very common but also very easy to treat, and I became a much faster and more efficient runner when I corrected the problem.

I am also pregnant – almost 8 months and still running! It gets so much HARDER and I am a lot SLOWER but I’m still out there, doing 5-6 miles a few times a week (down from a lot more just a few months ago) and cross training on other days. Keep it up!


I’ve never had an iron deficiency but my Mom did. I remember her craving ice in the worst way. So weird!

I’m an all veggies girl except no olives! I load up on extra spinach and pickles, too!

My last run was outside yesterday for an easy 4. I’m debating if I want to run on my treadmill in the morning or use the double jogger. Hmmmm….


I have to take iron supplements to avoid becoming anemic. This is just my body make-up; it happened before I ever started running.

As for Subway: everything but onions. Onions are gross.


I have to take iron supplements… double what is the norm for most women. I was vegetarian for a long time and didn’t take any supplements during that 4+ year period which created a huge deficit in iron and B Vitamins in my body. Now I take them every morning.

If you take your iron with a citrus (orange juice is the easiest) it will help to absorb it!


I have that same question about the BL contestants – though I guess some of them do get injured (though it seems like more of them would) – that guy this season has a tibia stress fracture and I remember a green team girl a few years back with a hip stress fracture.


Awesome hoarding pic. I used to be anemic – but I eat iron rich food and have had normal levels nice! Yesterday was a 15k in Central Park -rest day today!


after my first marathon, the first meal I ate was a spicy Italian with all vegetables and extra jalapenos. Its the only way to go!

And yes, proud member of hoarders united as every time I move its been to a bigger apartment.


Im one of the lucky iron deficient people. It started before I started running. Many many tests later and they still don’t know why and even with supplements I need to get checked regularly, can no longer donate whole blood and sometimes had to get infusions. Could be worse :)
I rarely get subway but all I usually get us lettuce, carrot, cucumber and peppers. I’m fussy, what can I say!
My last run was a 10km race around our city’s river on Sunday. Rested the legs with a windtrainer session last night.


I was going to donate blood one time and they told me I was like 0.1 above the anemic level… which is weird because I had no symptoms. They gave me a pamphlet that said I should eat more beef or something :)
My last run was in Sacramento (the SacTown 10 race) on Sunday. It was a glorious morning, and I ran the 10 miles in 1:16:22, which I was super thrilled about.


I LOVE Subway, especially their breakfasts if I haven’t had a chance to make one. I get every veggie they have basically – but I don’t know if I’ve ever met a veggie I didn’t like. Being able to add all those veggies to their breakfast sandwiches is what got me hooked on AM subway for a take out start to the day.
Now I want Subway!

I was also just thinking recently about how so many of the contestants on BL don’t get injured more often with the amount they work out (many of them having not really worked out much or at all before). It’s crazy!

Oh, and hoarding is totally underrated, or so I tell myself when I look at our apartment right now… :-)


I don’t do any supplements. I ought to though. Prenatal vitamins are great even for us non-prego people.
I am super great at getting rid of stuff – or at least putting it in the back of my car thinking I’ll donate it. 3 months later I usually get around to it.
My last run was my Tough Mudder on Saturday. It was the hardest physical activity I have ever done but I had a blast and would do it again in a heartbeat.


P.S. What I want to know about BL contestants is what happens to the extra skin? Some of them are losing 150+ pounds and that comes with a lot of loose skin. I wish they’d do a follow up on that.


I love seeing your awesome runs throughout pregnancy…it gives me hope that I’ll be able to continue one day when I’m pregnant!
I’m a total hoarder, but we hide it well! Just don’t open our closets or drawers…


These studies are interesting. I’m an Exercise Physiology major and we do tons of discussions about the effect of training on blood. (My professor is one of the best exercise physiologists in the country). Many times physicians think that people who exercise regularly are anemic because their hematocrit levels appear to be lower due to an increased plasma volume (and thus lower Oxygen carrying capacity). This is especially true for those who have just started exercising. So I do believe that some of these cases of low iron levels are misdiagnosed. But, I think I’ll email that article to my professor to see what his research has shown. :)
I’ll agree that the product placement in the biggest loser is ridiculous, but I’m so addicted to that show that I don’t even care. :)


Ohhh I’m severly chronic iron deficient. I cannot absorb iron in any form and have to take iron via IV. I can tell when I’m running low and have to make my IV appt. Low iron is a terrible feeling and given how much energy I need daily, I need my iron!!!
I’ve never seen Make It or Break It–I’ll be watching it on the t-milly soon!


I have never been checked by a doctor, but I was feeling really out of breath and fatigued while I ran. My friend suggested that I might have an iron deficiency. So I started taking additional iron with my multivitamin and I felt a huge difference! I wasn’t sure if that was the reason but then I went for a week without taking iron on accident and went right back to feeling fatigued so I knew that was the key. I was so puzzled why I was feeling sick (I even thought and kinda hoped that I was prego) but as soon as I got back on my iron schedule I felt much better. So now I never miss a day… but I didn’t know that about the calcium so I will definitely be more aware now:)
I think the funniest product placement by BL was the Extra Gum. It was so pathetic I just laughed and laughed, but you’re right it totally works. I have to admit that I bought multigrain cheerios right after miss Jillian told the contestants to eat it haha!


I’m fantastic at getting rid of stuff- I probably do it a bit too often.. I can’t stand clutter or random stuff without a place, it drives me banana sandwiches! However I don’t really buy stuff all that often so that I don’t go broke after I chuck a bunch of stuff out the window!
I haven’t been to Subway in forever- but back in high school there was $2 Tuesdays- and you could get a foot-long for $2! Those were the days.. now I can’t even buy a loaf of bread for $2.. I miss those days!


I love your treadmill pictures! That’s so fun that you got to run home during your planning period…I’m sure Billy was happy, too! He might just start “accidentally” taking your computer charger out of your bag now!

Iron deficiencies are no joke….mine was so bad that I had to be hospitalized and get a blood transfusion. I am so afraid of ever being deficient again that I will likely take supplements for a looonnnng time.

I definitely get every single veggie at Subway…except the olives. I can handle and partially enjoy about 3 bites of olive and then the rest have to be picked off so I just avoid them.

My latest run took place tonight! Just a nice and slow 4 miles to wind down after work. :)


I have Crohn’s disease and a long history of anemia (at my sickest my blood counts were at 6… normal is 14-16. My “doing good” is 12) and I’ve been on iron supplements for almost 10 years now and switched at the beginning of this school year to a new one (per a gyn who specializes in people with digestive and blood issues–basically so that I can have a hope of getting preg in a few years). I’m actually glad that you posted this because I take an EXTRA iron supplement during “shark week” lol to help with the loss of iron that way AND I’m a runner. So having to space out 3 iron supplements throughout the day is going to challenging!
And I saw the post about calcium rich foods–screw it, that damn pill is likely just going to have to suck it up–greek yogurt (morning), g yogurt or cottage cheese (midday) and ice cream (night) every day doesn’t leave much room for other planning. + workout. Those pills will get taken and they will like it!
But another thing to mention (quickly, I promise) is that iron supplements are easiest on your stomach (the first time I took an Fe pill I projectile vomited it 1 hr later) when taken with Vitamin C so make sure to swig it with OJ!
Have a great night!


I always wonder how they don’t get hurt after 6 hours of cardio too! I wish they would do a “behind the scenes” at the Biggest Loser ranch. How much time spent icing, getting massages, refueling with food, sleeping on the most comfortable beds, etc?!

I don’t get every single veggie at subway. I get spinach, peppers, onions, and banana peppers, yum!


I am pretty much obsessed with getting rid of stuff and being an anti-hoarder because clutter makes me anxious!!


Ha! Biggest Loser really does have the most ridiculous product placement–subtlety is clearly not in the producer’s vocabulary!
I have never had a legit iron-deficiency but whenever I have my levels checked they are always borderline low. I always make sure to take my vitamin to keep it from dropping more!


That’s interesting because the only time I ever craved ice was while pregnant. I wonder if my body was telling me something.


I’m always scared that something is going to happen to me and then people are going to come to my apartment and they are TOTALLY going to think that I’m a hoarder. I’m not. I promise. I’m just messy…and live by myself…and don’t have the motivation to always clean. My view is that if this is the worst of my problems, I’m golden:)


Ok I know I keep commenting on every single post but I seriously had to comment on this one. I have the EXACT same question about the contestants on Biggest Loser and how they stay healthy. I’ve thought about this for quite some time…especially because they show them running a marathon but don’t show any real training leading up to it. Most of the contestants can’t even run 3 miles and then BOOM they are supposedly “running a marathon”

SO…drumroll…I saw Tara from season 7 at a marathon expo and asked her. She said, “all the cross training and workouts we did trained us for the marathon.” UMmmm incorrect Tara. I mean there is NO way that time on a spin bike and an elliptical can train someone for running. Us runners know that the only way to train for a running race is to…uh…run. They’ve got to be following at least a 16 week training program, progressively building their mileage, and just not showing it…right? RIGHT? You can tell that this keeps me up at night ;-)


In the past year or so, I don’t think I’ve missed a single Monday morning run purely because it’s only the best way to start my week off! I am Subway’s worst topping…I want every single topping (except olives) and you better believe I will let them know if they are skimping with the portions :)


I just finished running on the treadmill in my apt garage. I watched Gossip Girl and listened to my iTouch. I’m a newbie in the running game. Im on my way to charting some miles really soon.


I am embarrassingly behind in all news and current events, so I need someone to filter through it all and send me the good stuff! Lucky girl!

I’m a total hoarder because I can’t let go of the memories attached to things! Plus, I COULD use it again, someday, maybe! I mean, who doesn’t foresee a future use for a fake whip made out of garbage bags?!?

I always get almost all the veggies, except beets. Here in Australian you can get beets on your sub- blech! I also skip the avocado because it is a slimy mess!


Biggest Loser – is tonight the makeover session? Can’t wait.

I donate platelets and am often told my iron is too low. I usually try not to run a few days before a scheduled donation, but that’s hard for my OCD self to do. I have some of the symptoms you mentioned so I may need to look into an iron supplement. I’ve taken them randomly before and can’t say I noticed a difference, so should probably stick with it. Thanks so much for sharing.

Subway — Total Veggie —->and don’t skimp on my veggies…’s a veggie for crying out loud. Some Subway’s are awesome about this and some are stingy with the veg’s! ;)


I was diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia sophomore year in college… I was training for my first marathon and thought I was just worn out and tired but when the doctor’s did lab work they found out my body was completely depleted of iron [no stores, nothing]. I tried taking iron supplements but they messed with my stomach so I ended up having a few rounds of IV iron infusions that helped a lot but the side effects weren’t that fun- metal mouth, stinky peet… TMI, sorry :P


I love make it or break it! I just saw the first episode of season three on hulu yesterday…must watch ASAP!


I have had an iron deficiency in the past so I make sure to take a supplement. It is good to take it with orange juice or any juice with vitamin C it supports absorption.


My first year in college I tried giving blood and they told me that my iron count was too low. I started eating a LOT more spinach and other dark greens, and it seemed to help a little bit. I now take a multi-vitamin that has 100% of my daily iron needs.

Daniel and I like to get rid of stuff, but we somehow still have way too much!

I usually get most of the veggies at Subway – I never get olives, and I don’t always get bell peppers.

I am running tomorrow for the first time in quite a while! Say a prayer for me!


If you have those symptoms or your blood test shows you to be anemic, make sure the doctor is checking ALL your vitamen levels. I have anemia cause by a B12 deficency not by a lack of iron, but I had all the same symptoms.


Wow thanks so much for sharing this Janae! I have been concerned about my iron levels lately and this was very helpful. That Billy is definitely a keeper. :)


You are too cute :D
& I love Subway. Yum!! Especially the parmesan garlic bread. Delish!!


woo! an article from my alma mater!! Go Noles!!!

Anywho.. I sincerely hope I’m able to keep up my mileage like you when the day finally comes that we decide to add a little bambino to our family!

And as for the biggest loser – all that newsman’s own dressing made me want a salad.. i’m enjoying it this season but man the drama!!


The last time I got my blood checked, my iron levels were HIGH. The doctor wasn’t very good, because he didn’t explain to me why that was problematic, but he did tell me that I shouldn’t take iron supplements (thanks for the advice, buck-o, but I don’t take supplements anyway) and to not eat red meat. I think I’m going to go google what high iron does to a girl!


Haha, are you sure you didn’t forget your charger on purpose? ;o)


yes!! i’m not the only one who watches make it or break it! i’ve been a gymnast for 18 years (I’m a senior in college and down to my last few practices…), and that show is just so ridiculously addictive lol. I haven’t seen any of this season yet, though– some major catching up will have to happen after the semester is over!


Cari!!!! You are a professional holy cow! What will you be doing after college? That show is seriously incredible….enjoy:)


After college I’m going to grad school for a Master of Arts in Public Leadership :). But as far as exercise/sports go, I’ve really gotten into running this past year! (did my first half marathon in September) Also, I think I’m going to train to become a BodyPump instructor this summer!!! It will be kinda weird not doing gymnastics anymore, but I’m excited for what’s ahead :)

p.s. love reading your blog– so fun!


I always wonder about the BL contestants too! I still need to catch up on last week and this week now but didn’t one of the guys have a stress fracture? I’m surprised they don’t get injured more often. It seems like the minute I think about increasing my miles something starts hurting…


I know I’m a little late to the game (about 2.35 years late, to be exact), but I couldn’t help commenting on this article because I had the exact experience you’re referring to with iron deficiency. P.S. Is it weird that I’m reading your articles from 2012?

I had low iron throughout my college years and took a supplement every day. Fast forward to winter 2013, when I began to be feel SO fatigued during running. This was no ordinary fatigue– it was felt strictly in my legs and what started as dull tiredness became a heavy burn in a matter of weeks. My 40+ miles/week quickly turned to struggled 2-3 mile runs and then strictly to elliptical workouts and, I’ll admit, a lot of frustrated tears were had after attempting to run and not being able to. I couldn’t understand why this was happening and tried multiple things to remedy the pain (more stretching, less running, antibiotics to fight an imagined lung infection, a visit to my ortho doc, complaining, crying, acting crazy). Finally my doctor ran a blood test and my iron stores were almost empty! A normal ferritin level (ferritin is a big molecule of stored iron in your body) is anywhere from 50-200, and mine had plummeted to 2. Basically, I had reached the lowest of anemia levels. My doctor quickly put me on a 4-day treatment of iron infusions and literally within 1 week I was back running like normal. It was insane! I can attest to all those symptoms above, including the weird craving for ice- I was seeking out ice to chew on like a mad man. Looking back, I could see where the symptoms had shown elsewhere in my life including calf fatigue when walking (especially up stairs), and even lack of concentration at work. My doctor said it was pretty amazing that my body had let me stay active for this long without feeling the symptoms, which is proof to just how well regular running keeps you in shape.

To this day we still don’t know why my body wasn’t absorbing the iron supplements, and now I stay on top of my iron by getting blood tests every few months. If it dips too low, infusions help bring it back up. Reading the article you posted might really help to explain what’s causing my lack of iron absorption, and I’m going to show this to my doctor the next time I see him!

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