20 WEEKS!!! 1/2 Way There!!!

Blurry photo award of the year goes to me.

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I hadn’t had breakfast yet and so I was in a hurry and didn’t feel like taking any more pictures.  Which bump is bigger…the bum or the tummy;)

Changes and thoughts this week:

-The running chafing is getting out of control…I need to bathe in body glide before I run.

-Other than the chafing, running has been feeling beyond great and I have been able to comfortably stick to the same pace of 8:24-8:34.

-TMI:  I keep getting nervous that I am going to wet the bed because I am so tired at night that it is a miracle I actually wake up every 1.4 hours to go to the restroom.

-I forget EVERYTHING.  I keep blanking out on student’s names or I tell Billy the same story over and over again because I forgot I already told him.

-The more and more that I feel the baby moving around the more real it all feels which makes me smile so big it hurts.

-I enjoyed swim suit shopping this week for the first time that I can ever remember.  Usually when I would try on swimsuits my thought process was that I needed to tone up, work my abs more or lose some weight but this time I was thinking how awesome it is to get bigger and bigger.  I loved it.

Recent craving that was fulfilled:

Photo 1

Other cravings:  Wheat thins, pineapple, and a philly cheese steak (which must be fulfilled this weekend).


What were some thing you craved during your second trimester (if you can remember:)

Who else is experiencing or experienced pregnancy brain?  Make me feel more normal okay;)

What was your favorite part about being pregnant?

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Cute picture :). I just did my 20 week baby bump picture too. My belly just popped out today and it makes me very jealous of your long torso! Haha it’s pretty fun to watch the belly grow.


yayayaya u look so cute!!

i feel like ive been forgetful too lately…hmm pregnancy brain is real maybe? i craved pickles big time a couple weeks ago but its kinda passed….recently i started buying smores poptarts for some reason (they’re delicious hah) but i need to stop! they’re so bad for u haha but amazing

congrats on the runs..thats an awesome pace!


Unfortunately I don’t think you recover from pregnancy brain. Case and point: Me. Will you be at YL tomorrow afternoon?


Yay I can’t wait to find out it is a boy..I mean if it is a boy ;)


Girl, you look gorgeous! And I totally have pregnancy brain – without the excuse of being pregnant. This week I blanked on two students names. RIDICULOUS. Pretty sure it is time for Spring Break! =)


Aww watching other people contiguity pregnancy makes me miss it! I also liked slurpees while pregnant especially piña colada ones- so good! I never really had cravings other than lots of fruit especially watermelon but I was pregnant all summer when fruit was at it’s peak. As for pregnant brain my son just turned 8 months and I swear I still have it. Enjoy every kick and punch because you’ll miss it. That was my favorite part of pregnancy. Knowing that I had him all to myself for that short time and knowing I was creating life! Crazy!


Have you told your students that you were pregnant? If so, how? Did they care? I’m a high school teacher and will hopefully in the semi-soon future have kids, so I was just wondering :)


I always craved Mexican food! And cereal. :) favorite aspect of being pregnant was feeling the baby move. “eating for two” was a fun excuse to get second helpings of every meal, though I’m still working off those extra pounds :) my pregnancy forgetfulness has yet to go away. You’re normal for feeling that way!! Yay, halfway!! Your precious baby will be in your arms before ya know it.


I craved fruit through my pregnancy. It’s a good thing it was summer and I got my fill!
I didn’t have pregnancy brain too much..it happened more after they were born. I tell people each twin took half my brain and left me with nothing! I am so, so forgetful now.
My favorite parts: hearing the heartbeats, the 1st ultrasound that I could see their little face profiles, feeling kicks and movement, finally being hot since I’m always cold, setting up the nursery and dreaming of babies being in it, buying baby clothes, being pampered by people and fun baby showers.


You don’t look pregnant at all! Just like you ate…eh maybe a whole pizza or something :-)

Too cute, thanks for sharing!


Yay, half way to meeting your new love!!
I craved steak, lots of steak and corn dogs.
My favorite part was feeling the baby move and kick. The coolest thing in the world.


Just a heads up, pregnancy brain WILL turn into mommy brain. I used to have such a good memory. The baby killed it all. My husband is so worried that when we have #2, it’s gonna get even worse! Ahh!
My favorite part about being pregnant was feeling her move around! My least favorite was getting up to pee in the middle of the night at least 4 times. Once the baby arrived though, I didn’t need to do it anymore!


I heard pregnancy brain is real, saw it on tv (so it must be true!;)) You’ll get some of it back, not all, sorry. I have three kids, feel your pain.


Pregnancy brain got better after giving birth but never went completely away for me. =(

Favorite part of being pregnant was feeling the baby move. Loved that. So much so that after giving birth, I felt… empty, hollow.


You look adorable. I absolutely had pregnancy brain and I think it got worse once the babies were born. I cannot remember anything. Seriously!

I loved the ultrasounds and feeling the twins move. I had a hard time feeling my daughter move towards the end of the pregnancy so every other day I had to have an ultrasound. They would give me juice and crackers to get her to move. Meanwhile, my son was constantly kicking and punching me. Now they’re 18 months old and they don’t ever stay still, especially my daughter.


Pregnancy brain is ridiculous. My most recent highlight was forgetting my appleID password and having to reset it. Except when I went to reset it I couldn’t use what I wanted because apparently that was the password I forgot. So I picked a new one…and promptly forgot what new one I picked. Awesome. The other little things-milk in the cupboard, keys in the fridge…all those fabulous things happen too frequently.

I ditched body glide for 2Toms Sport Shield. LOVE the stuff. No more chub rub issues which is my big pregnant running problem.

And my favorite parts are feeling the baby move and getting bigger. Love having a belly! Wait till baby gets bigger and the movements are really strong and deliberate…coolest thing in the world! I do love running while pregnant too-no pressure to perform, just out there running to feel good. It’s nice. :)


First baby craving: spicy Hunan chow mein. Second baby craving: RARE hamburgers. Third baby: chile verde burritos with guacamole. Fourth baby: deep dish pizza and sushi.

I forgot everything. And then when nursing, all your remaining brains leak out your breasts. My mind is shot now.

Favorite part was always the baby moving inside of me…definitely the BEST!

You look AWESOME, Janae! Just BEAUTIFUL!!! and so joyful :)


Feeling the baby move is definitely my favorite part of being pregnant! I am 36 weeks today. . . only 4 to go! I have had total pregnancy brain on and off this entire pregnancy. My husband loves me so much for this – ha. My cravings have remained about the same throughout the entire pregnancy – red meat, hummus, chips and salsa, cold cereal, fruit and ice cream. :)


I can’t wait to be able to go through the same crazy experiences that you’re going through! ;) Just a fun and special time!! And you look adorable. You still look just like I do after I’ve had a big lunch haha! ;)


Such a cute bump photo :)! In the 2nd trimester I was craving huge salads and in the last week of my pregnancy (YAY!) I am still craving big salads with mandarin oranges. Sooo good. Pregnancy brain is still happening to me, I forget half the stuff my husband tells me. Oh well, must have not been that important anyways lol


My babies are 20 & 16 so I have not been pregant for a very long time. I do remember totally forgetting everything and when my boss was pregnant we googles it and it happens to most women, Pregnancy Brain. The other thing people don’t twll you is your feet may never be the same size again. I gained a half size with each pregnancy and never went back.
Good luck you look great!


You look so cute!!!


I am not pregnant but had similar anxiety about not waking up to pee and thus peeing my bed after taking an ibuprofen pm the other night!


Haha I wake up that often every night to pee and I’m definitely not pregnant!


i love these posts. you are super cute. and wet the bed? I would totally be nervous too!


You look gorgeous, lady! I’m 26 weeks and still no real cravings :( One day soon, I hope! My favorite part of being pregnant so far is feeling the baby move around in there – he/she still has a lot of room and has been just a total and complete joy to me this entire time. I can run, eat, sleep and my hair looks amazing. What else could a girl want??


Oh girl … pregnancy brain is just the beginning. It’s preparing you for mommy-brain with is 1,000 times worse haha. I put my cell phone in the freezer the other day … just saying. ;) I craved French fries thru my entire pregnancy. I haven’t eaten McDonalds since haha.


I can’t believe that is the bump of someone at 20 weeks! That’s seriously MY bump after breakfast! ha! (Actually I’m lying…that’s my already-had-two-kids-bump-every-day. Maybe when you’re at 30 wks, it’ll be like my i-just-ate-bump.) Too cute! You will definitely have no problem losing the baby weight! ;-)


I lost many brain cells through my 3 pregnancies:) They say it really happens though, because all of the good stuff that your brain really needs to function properly, doing things like remembering stuff, goes to the baby. I’m still waiting for much of it to come back;-)
I craved fried foods all the way through. Mostly with my third, I just wanted healthy food. Pears. I could not get enough pears and bagels.
You are doing an amazing job keeping up the miles and fitness – you are going to be in crazy fast shape after you have this baby if you are still keeping that pace and the distances you do – exciting!


ITTY bitty little bump! i love it! SOOO cute!! P.S. When do you find out what it is!? are you dying!??


Your belly is so cute! I totally had pregnancy brain when I was pregnant too. I don’t remember specific cravings from my 2nd trimesters, but I was just hungry all the time when I was pregnant. I ate a ton of mexican food. My favorite parts of being pregnant were feeling the baby move and how much more relaxed I was. I’m normally really type A and high strung, but I chilled out when I was pregnant – my husband loved it!


Thing I loved the most: Feeling my little one move.

I think i’ve said this before but I craved peanut butter toast and OJ. I could have had it for every meal. I also craved fruit like it was going out of style. I told my husband the next one has to be born early fall or late summer so we can get fruit for cheap. I craved berries of all kinds but only bought them occasionally due to the cost. 4.99 for raspberries. No thank you.


I had horrible pregnancy brain…the best example was probably when I lost my cell phone for an hour or two… I walked up 3 flights of stairs to the lost and found in the building, had them call it…and I felt this strange buzzing sensation on the back of my calf…oh yes I had lost my cellphone in my boot. My husband has not stopped making fun of me for it yet. Lol.

You are in good company!


Cute bump! I found a great deal on a maternity swim suit and can’t wait to float away the summer :) My current craving, which I feed daily, is a mix of cottage cheese, chickpeas and olives but it has to be those dirty rotten canned black olives – no others will do!


burgers, hot sauce, and iced tea.


this will make you feel better….i am experiencing pregnancy brain and i’m not even pregnant. ha.
you look amazing janae!!!!


With Mason, I craved spicy food. With Taylor I craved Oreos. With Peyton, I craved cupcakes. I had pregnancy brain with all of my pregnancies. With Mason, I drove to Target and got out of the car, walked right into the store all while leaving the car running with my keys in it. Thankfully, I realized this right as I put my purse in the cart. I laughed so hard, I had tears coming down my face. My favorite part of being pregnant was finding out the gender. Then we would really start planning and having fun. Plus I loved referring to our baby by name.


I love that your pregnancy pace is my normal run pace. You’re such a speedster. I’m glad you’re still loving running!


Gosh darn you are such a beautiful pregnant woman! I just saw my best friend who is due July 31st and it is such a fun adventure to be involved in :)


If it makes you feel any better, I forget things all the time, tell the same stories CONSTANTLY and misplace my keys and garmin more than should ever happen to one person… Oh yeah, and I’m not even pregnant! At least you have an excuse ;)


The forgetfulness gets worse after the baby is born.. well I’m not going to generalize, for me it was like that..
I think it’s just a build up of lack of sleep and constantly thinking about stuff related to the baby (even when I’m not around her) that takes the focus off of what’s going on around me..? I don’t know. I’ve heard it a lot though, that once you become a mom, you become forgetful.. I would like to think of it this way –>there is something so important in your life that everything else matters a little less than it used to ;)


You look fantastic!


Ha! I love that bathing suit comment. AWESOME!


Your running pace is AMAZING!!! I started my run out super slow yesterday. I almost beat myself up over it…but it just means I need to get out there more and get that pace back up. Until then, I might cry a little bit still lol


During my first pregnancy I craved Kraft cheese slices (aka fake cheese) and Martinelli’s sparkling cider :) I couldn’t get enough. A co-worker of mine made those gross cup-o-noodles EVERYDAY at lunch and to this very day the smell makes me want to blow chunks :) I can’t remember what I craved with the other child, oh yea LOVED those Big Stick popsicles, do you know the ones? The are swirled with orange, red and yellow…YUM!! My little koko liked to scare me A LOT and wouldn’t move for long periods of time, I would eat one of those and he would get to moving. Apparently he liked sugar :) I loved watching the wee babies move around, you probably won’t see that until you are bigger. My babies didn’t have much space so I could just sit there and watch as they moved around…it was kinda freaky but cool! I also liked to push Kobe’s foot when he would try to bust out of my side with his foot. It’s so blasted weird to have a little human in your body…I loved it!! You look so adorable, that baby is so lucky to have such a great little mommy :)


I totally craved any bread product … Especially bagels.

Pregnancy brain doesn’t go away. I had my baby a week ago and I still have it :)


Corn dogs and chocolate milk. Crab salad made me hurl. So neat to read other people’s! Isn’t the body just a funny, amazing thing?


Nothing. No cravings here. I only had strong aversions to just about everything. I was finally able to eat most foods again by about 24 weeks but I still haven’t regained my love for coffee, sweets, or gum. I’ll be 37 weeks on Saturday and am just wondering if those things will return to my diet after baby gets here.

We joke about pregnancy brain in my house but I don’t think it hit me. I hear it’s more prevalent when you are having a girl ;) (although my guess is you’re having a boy like me!).

Favorite part about being prego by far is feeling him move all the time. Just wait until you hit weeks 24-end of your pregnancy. Those kicks and movements just get more and more pronounced and you can actually feel where babies behind, feet, head, etc. are! It’s the BEST.


I still can’t believe how teeny you are! I’m a little jealous :) I’m short so there’s nowhere for a baby to hide and I start showing around 12 weeks.
I craved steak and pasta during both of my pregnancies when I nit the second trimester. I totally suffered from pregnancy brain. It was really frustrating sometimes but most of the time I just kept telling myself it was temporary. Unfortunately I’m not even pregnant now and I swear I still have pregnancy brain!
My most favorite thing about being pregnant was feeling my baby move. It’s almost magical and after I had my second baby I was ecstatic about our new babe but a little sad I wouldn’t be feeling her kick in my belly ever again.


After you have the baby, it will be called mommy brain! You think it’s bad now! I can’t tell you how annoying it is when preggos complain about how fat they are. You’re not pregnant everyday, so embrace it! I am so glad you are excited about getting bigger.


One night while I was pregnant, I craved root beer floats. When I woke up in the morning, we had all the makings for a root beer float. My hubby woke up extra early to go to the store and buy the root beer and ice cream for me.
Your baby bump is so cute!


First of all, you have the cutest little baby belly! I’m remembering that about half way is when I realized that I was unrecognizable!
My craving was pizza. Only pizza, all the time. That was one of my favorite parts of being pregnant. Which led to the unrecognizable part. But, we’re all good now. And I still love pizza!


It sounds like you are getting “pregnancy brain” ! unfortunately, pregnancy brain turns into “mommy brain” so you never really get your memory back. I still forget words that I want to use that are normal everyday words. It is all worth it though!

You are looking great at 20 weeks! I can’t let my husband see your blog he is already getting baby fever!


Oh yeah! The most important part! The pregnancy brain! I never went away for me! In fact, after #2, it’s worse! Oh well! Wait, what was I taking about? :-)


I don’t know why, but I just found this page!!

You look great girl! I think it’s super cool that you are letting us be apart of your’s and Billy’s journey! :)


I can’t wait to find out if it’s a boy or girl!!! When is your next ultrasound?


You look so adorable with your little baby bump! Wow halfway through almost there. Can’t wait to find out what your are having!


Yay for halfway!

I totally am with you on the brain fog. I keep wondering if I can blame typos and oops’s on pregnancy. Doesn’t seem right but those hormones…


You should do some sort of contest on baby’s predicted stats :) I predict boy!

Ps you look fab!


I am seriously not one to really care about the pregnancies of random strangers on the internet, but your updates make me so happy. The way you describe your pregnancy and baby is just so touching. It makes me want to be in the same boat! So happy for you, and you look fantastic.


I didn’t crave anything my whole pregnancy. Such a disappointment. Eventually your stomach will constantly feel full which is another disappointment.
My favorite part of being pregnant is having people offer to do things for you. I sometimes forget that I should vacuum and can climb ladders and stuff again.


I’m glad the chaffing thing is happening to ou too! Yikes! You look great.


Congratulations on reaching the half way point mama! You look fabulous, you don’t even have a bump – I think it must be the long torso. I am only 5’2 so I showed very early and consistently have people commenting on my “hugeness” throughout the pregnancy!

I didn’t have specific cravings, just more of everything. I was ravenous throughout the 2nd trimester. Actually throughout the entire pregnancy pretty much! Now that I am at the end (my DD is tomorrow!) I have less hunger/appetite but am way more into dessert, candy, ice cream etc.

Pregnancy brain, I have it for sure. I used to turn the broiler on in the AM to melt cheese on my toast, but I had to stop after I kept blanking on whether I turned it off or not. Just in general, my brain is mush now. I am a useless employee haha.


You look absolutely glowing!

Ps. I just spent the last 18 minutes catching up on all of your pregnancy posts… so so so happy for you & Billy.

P.P.S. I went and read the post about giving up weighing yourself and at the end of the post you suggested we (your readers!) give up something that doesn’t make us feel good about ourselves… so I’m going to give up the scale & facebook. Thanks hunnie :)


Oh, pregnancy brain. Yes, I lost my keys TWICE. Um, I never remembered anything…

What did I love about pregnancy the most? Feeling the flutters — the kicks. I still get phantom kicks and then I’m like, “OMG, am I pregnant???” HAHAH.

You look great!!! And you are so glowing!!!


I can’t believe you’re already halfway there!! :) I bet you’re so excited!! :) You look as cute as ever!! :)


I still cant believe your pregnant. SO exciting!

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