Weight Gain and Pregnancy.

If you are a long time reader of my blog then you may know that I gave up weighing myself a little over a year ago.  Throughout college and up until last year I weighed myself every. single. day.  That silly number either made me super grumpy or super happy but most of the time super grumpy.

When I found out that I was pregnant I made a promise to myself: my baby’s well-being came first and I would do whatever it takes for him/her to be born healthy and happy. I knew that I had been very obsessive with numbers in the past and that the weight gain could effect me so I decided to not weigh myself while pregnant.

Best decision ever.  Each doctors appointment I go in and step on the scale backwards.  They write down my weight and tell me how I am doing, so far the doctor says that I am right on track with my weight gain (I have no idea how much that is).  Over the last year I also had to put on weight in order to get to a place that I could get pregnant and I still don’t know how much that was, I just knew judging by the mirror, how my clothes fit and my monthly cycle.  I wanted to focus on really listening to my body for these 40 weeks, hence the never ending eating of cheese in all forms and running purely for enjoyment when I feel like it.

I also don’t want to stress after I have the baby that I need to lose X amount of lbs. and instead just eat healthily and exercise when I can.

I really love the approach I have taken because numbers freak me out for some reason but this way I don’t even have to think about numbers and I can just enjoy all of the changes.

Sorry no pictures about above topic, I thought it would be awkward to ask the nurse to take a picture of me standing on the scale backwards:)  But instead a picture of me making weird faces for curly from when she was just little.

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And a picture of what you will find Billy doing 99% of the time we are over at my parent’s house.

IMG 3726


Question for women that ran throughout pregnancy:

Did your lower abdomen get sore (not painful) after running?  I am guessing I am having to use muscles that have never been used before to run now but I just wanted to know if other people experienced this too?


Scale lover or scale hater?

Did you worry about weight while pregnant or did you just go with the flow?


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My lower abdomen never really hurt during running. I was always afraid I’d have to pee though. ALL THE TIME. Especially since I was pregnant and running during January-March. I ran with a lot of tissue just in case I needed to pop a squat in the woods.

I did have a lot of pelvic pain after 37 weeks. I ran a 5k at 39 weeks and I swear, I thought I was going to have the baby right after. Nope. Still had to be induced.

Unfortunately, I hate the scale but I do weigh myself. I try to do it once a week — who am I kidding.


I wasn’t able to run through most of my pregnancy (high risk with twins) but I did get that same pain – it’s probably round ligament pain, which got worse the larger I got. You can get a pregnancy support band as you get bigger – it’s like a bra for your belly. :)


I am with you, the scale is not my friend. I stopped weighing myself a few years ago and it was the best thing I ever did for myself. I hear my weight at doctor’s appointments, but I just toss the number out of my head and force myself not to think about it. Works pretty well for me!


Ran all throughout my 2nd pregnancy.
Had to start doing interval runs after 36 weeks (felt like I was going to piss my pants).
No lower abdomen pain or discomfort until about that 36 week mark- hence the other reason for interval runs.

Good for you for not stressing over the pregnancy gain.
Your body will do what it’s designed to.


I stopped weighing myself too! I would put so much pressure on what the scale said, and wasn’t even worried about how I felt and looked! I haven’t weighed myself in months (until I went to the doctor- didn’t think about stepping on backwards, I’ll have to try that!!) It is really freeing, not to worry about what you weigh. I think that’s an awesome approach, and I think I will adopt that when I get pregnant!!


I have read about lower abdominal pain because I will randomly get it (usually mine does it more after a good workout) and I read that it is from the stretching of your ligaments that hold your uterus, but if it is continously hurting you should call your doctor. I also talked to my doctor about stomach workouts and she said to avoid crunches because they tear your stomach muscles so I would guess that could cause pain to. The best stomach workouts are planks when your prego (per my OB).

I have to say, I am very impressed that you aren’t weighing yourself during your pregnancy. I wish I could say that I have done the same but I was pretty obsessed with my weight before I got pregnant, so mentally I couldn’t stop weighing myself once I was pregnant. I had a hard time watching the scale go up for a while though and I’m just starting to feel okay with it. I honestly wish I wouldn’t have weighed myself at the beginning, I think it would have made things a little easier at first. That takes a lot of self control to not look at the scale! You look adorable anyways, you have nothing to worry about :).


I only weigh myself about once a week, just to check in and see how I’m doing – but sometimes I’m surprised by the number when I’m feeling thinner/heavier than it reflects. It’s just ONE measure, I don’t let it get to me!


My senior year of college I bought a scale and weighed myself obsessively. Each pound lost felt like a small victory, but if that number ever went up, I freaked out. I would punish myself by not letting myself have dessert, or go out with my friends on the weekend. I ultimately realized I wasn’t happy, and decided I would rather be 5 lbs heavier and allow myself certain indulgences than be unhappy at my lighter weight. I stopped weighing myself completely after that, and it’s one of the best things I could do for myself and my self image. Now my husband uses the scale almost everyday, except he obsesses over the opposite side of the spectrum- gaining weight! :)


I’m a scale hater too. I’ve been super obsessive about numbers in the past and it’s always been a struggle for me to the extent that I hate going to physicals and won’t let my mom come with me because I don’t like anyone knowing how much I weigh!! Good for you for sticking with no scale!! Just curious for future pregnant me, what do you say to them to explain why you’re getting on backwards?


I hear ya! I tell them I am super obsessive about numbers and don’t want to know:) usually doctors or nurses are the best at understanding. That way they monitor it closely and know that they need to talk to me if there is a weight gain problem.


Wow! I didn’t realize other people were like me – I ditched the scales about 2 years ago and listen to my body’s needs (and a lot of wants). I was on the other end of the spectrum when I stopped weighing in bc of discouragement (overweight and not budging down and not exercising). In November I had a check up – I heard the # and asked her for the first – what is it?

I lost 24 lbs in 2 years (no fad diets, etc.). I listened to my body and incorporated more working out. Since November – no scale for me and proud of it!!!


This is such a great post!

I am with you. I’m a scale hater. I definitely went through the same thing as you: weighing myself constantly, and that number completely determined my mood for the day. It was awful.

I found that once I ditched the scale and started focusing on how I felt and how my clothes fit (just like you said), I was SO much happier. I definitely still struggle on some days, but I always try to focus on the fact that I am healthy and fit!

While I’m not pregnant now, I do hope to have children one day and I definitely hope that I can adopt that same attitude as you: the baby’s needs come FIRST! :)

So excited for you!!! I love reading your pregnancy updates!


I worried about the gain, I am already heavy and I didn’t want to gain 50 pounds. I decided to eat what my body wanted. I mainly ate berries and pizza. I also worked out every day. I initially lost quite a bit of weight. Then I gained it all back plus 7. When V was born he was almost 7 pounds.


My lower abdomen hurt during pregnancy and I didn’t run :) There are a ton of ligaments that help hold the uterus in position, and I think I strained quite a few – especially with my second pregnancy. They make special support belt/girdle type things that “hold things in”, but I never wanted to spend the extra $$ on them. I have a love/hate relationship with the scale. Those numbers can totally make or break my day. I’m trying to lose weight, and I’m forcing myself to only weigh myself twice a week. Going from a 2-3 times a day weighing to twice a week takes a lot of strength, but I’m trying. I gained 40 with my son, and then 50 with my daughter (but after my son was born, I lost 60, so I actually weighed less with my daughter). I watched what I ate with my son the first 6 months, and then just kind of ate when and what I felt like after that. With my daughter, we had some issues going on (thought I had miscarried or that she was a blighted ovum), and I stress ate the first 3 months pretty hard-core. I think I gained most of my weight then! I’m still trying to lose the baby weight from her, and she’s almost 2! It’s all good though, my kids were TOTALLY worth not looking good in a bikini :)


I bought a scale for the first time a little over a year ago, mostly because it matched the other accessories in my bathroom (random, I know!)…and then I began to weigh myself ALL THE TIME, getting upset over tiny fluctuations. I altered my eating habits, began exercising excessively, and lost weight in a really short time period. I’m fairly small to begin with, so it was very noticeable, and a friend expressed concern for my well-being. Luckily, my boyfriend is the ultimate self-esteem-booster, and helped me realize that I didn’t have food or exercise issue before we got the scale. Right around this time, I moved, and the scale got packed away…and it’s still packed away. Now, I think mostly about how my clothes fit me, and I eat to fuel my running (training for my first marathon!), and I am definitely a lot happier.


Great post, girl! I weigh myself on occasion, but I’m not someone who lets the number affect my mood for the day … usually haha. But I think it’s great that you know what’s best for YOU and your body!! Love ya! ;)


I ran for about 5-6 months in my first (singleton) pregnancy, then very little in my twin pregnancy because I was freaking exhausted. You may find that the soreness is from round ligament pain. There is a ligament that runs to the side and under your belly. As the baby grows, you’ll feel more strain on this (sometimes it can even be a sharp, stabbing pain that can freak you out). I know of several people that used a maternity support belt (super sexy, of course! lol) that helped reduce the pain and strain a bit.


I don’t even own a scale! I’ll check in once in a while at my parents house, because they have one … mostly because I’m curious about the amount of muscle I’ve gained. I can see it in the mirror, but I like seeing the number go up and know it’s a good thing :) But I doubt I’ll ever buy one!


This is awesome girl! I also gave up weighing myself about a year ago and haven’t looked back since! Such a great move! You are going to have a great pregnancy and an even better life once he/she is born! You are such an inspirational mommie to be. :)


I appreciate your approach to gaining weight during pregnancy. While it’s easy to say “eating for two” all of the time, it’s just as easy to obsess over every pound gained. I did keep track of the scale numbers, but I didn’t freak out over each weigh-in because I knew that it was all for the health of the baby.

Also, I ran until I was 33 weeks along, and I did get some lower belly pains, especially in those later weeks. I think it was just due to the pressure of the baby and my body not being used to carrying the extra weight. My doctor was totally ok with me continuing to run, so I did. You may just want to keep an eye on it and if you notice anything odd (sharp pains, constant even after finishing the run) I’d call the doc just to be safe.


It’s awesome that you have found what works for you – love it. I still weigh myself once a month, the morning before my midwife appointment, so I can report the number to them. I don’t step on the scale at my appointments because they are usually in the afternoon, after I’ve eaten and I am fully dressed :) They are completely understanding about it.

As long as the pain is just a tightening that goes away once you stop running it’s probably just round ligament pain. But if you’re ever in doubt call your doctor – I’m sure you already know that :)


I started to use a support belt and that helped with muscle soreness in my abs and back.

I never weigh myself either and when I was preggo, I only peaked at the scale a few times. If you gain a normal amount of weight (25-30 pounds), you will be amazed at how fast it falls off. i was back to my normal weight at my 2 week appointment. There must be a lot of fluid in there.


I weigh myself about once a week because I can’t judge weight based on how my clothes fit or how I feel. If I go too long without weighing myself, I always think I’ve gained weight and start getting upset about it (usually it is just because my pants just came out of the dryer or something and fit funny or I am bloated, etc.). The scale kind of gives me relief from having to worry about how clothes fit, and I just make sure that I stay within a certain range. If I weigh myself and I am up two pounds, it doesn’t bother me, I just know to watch and make sure the gaining part isn’t becoming a trend.

I think if I ever become pregnant, though, I will have to stay away from scales, because it would probably make me angry to watch the numbers go up, despite knowing it was healthy and necessary.


Really smart to stay away from the scale. It messed with me a bit while I was pregnant, but luckily I was able to combat it. As for running, my low abs would get a little sore sometimes after a run. Nothing too incredibly painful, but a little bit. I think it’s pretty normal. I ran until 25 weeks when I did a half marathon and jacked up my hip because of the loosening joints (felt fine during the race… and then could barely walk afterwards). I’ve loved reading about your pregnancy! :)


Caitlin and Healthy Tipping Point just talked about running pain while pregnant! http://www.healthytippingpoint.com/2012/03/babyhtp-29-weeks.html

I just passed my one year anniversary of not weighing myself as well, amazing job girl!


Thanks so much for posting about this Janae! I also OBSESSED about my weight and I actually struggled in the beginning with what being pregnant was going to do to my body. It’s comforting to hear your mindset on the whole thing, I also do not have the nurse tell me what I weigh, and just ask to be told if I’m on the right track!


i love this. there is nothing i hate more than girls complaining about weight gain when they are pregnant. hello! where would you like the baby to grow?!? anyway. i liked reading this. i didn’t worry about it either when i was pregnant. and i am like you…if i get on the scale i am just annoyed. i judge by looking in the mirror and by how i feel. and i agree with not stressing about losing the weight. be healthy and active, but don’t freak out if you’re 3 pounds over baby weight. it is not that big of a deal. okay. i’m done. off my soap box :)


I actually love that you posted this and I think it’s such a smart thing to do, especially with a history of being overly concerned with numbers. Randomly, I do the same thing (not pregnant), but just at the doctors in general. I don’t weigh myself at home, and at the doctor’s I turn around so I don’t see the number. I prefer to just go by how my clothes fit, and make sure I’m eating a healthy diet instead! You’re going to be such a great mom, that little baby is going to be lucky to have you!


i had to gain weight in order to get pregnant, too. our bodies must know what we need more than we do, i guess. kinda sad to see women fighting the natural, healthy weight gain needed for pregnancy – there’s even a diagnosis of “pregorexia” now, SAD! anyway, i didn’t kill myself to get back to being super skinny after my daughter was born 1 1/2 years ago. it’s kind of awesome how motherhood can change priorities and wearing the smallest possible size clothes isn’t at the top anymore.
ps- some people wear support belts for their bellies while running. i never did, but had to stop running around 6 months and stick to weight lifting and elliptical until the 9 months were up. got some weird looks in the gym ;) hope you get to run the whole time!


I was exactly like you. When I got pregnant last year I decided nothing else mattered. I was blessed to get pregnant and I was going to blessed with a baby. I ran until I was about 18 weeks and then I felt like I was going to die so I did a lot of walking. The less I worried about the weight gain the greater I felt. My child was born 6 weeks early and was in the NICU for 2 weeks (she is now a healthy/chubby 4 month old). It is during those moments when you realize nothing else matters. The more I focused on my baby the less I worried about my body (which was freeing and an awesome feeling! first time in years I felt this way). I am finally ok with my body, it grew and continues to feed a baby. I can grow a human and for that I am grateful. The more I focus on her the happier I am with myself. Plus your boobs will get so big nursing it will make your waist look tiny and you will feel a little “pron- starish” then you will have a whole bunch of funny thoughts and conversations about your new figure. congrats on the pregnancy, i love your blog and am so happy for you and Billy!


I did run through my second pregnancy and did have some pain in my lower abdomen, some was round ligament, some was from the muscles stretching and being used in new ways. Get a maternity belt. They are gross looking, but help a lot, especially as you get larger. Also of help during the day are those Bella Band type thing. Not only do they cover any belly peeking under the shirt, they also provide a little support for your belly and lower back.

I understand about the scale. I gave birth both times with midwives because they place less emphasis on weight than most physicians. It is hard. Keep your good perspective.


during pregnancies I did not want to know my weight
A lot of it had to do with deny
deny of how big I was and how hard it would be to loose the weight
I would not look at the number and would ask the nurse to not yell it out loud because I was really embarrassed
I did not want my husband to know the number either…
now I am all good and I dont stress about it anymore


I’m a fellow “backwards stepper-on-er”
best. decision. ever.


Sometimes I swear you just always say the right things :) I’m not even pregnant yet but I am going to be always going on the scale backwards at the doctors from now on. I’ve battled the scale many times, and I’ve been too skinny, too heavy (in my own opinion at least) and then too skinny again about 3 more times. Throwing out the scale was a huge part of that. The number could ruin my entire day. It was really my starting to read healthy living blogs, like yours, that made my relationship with food, weight and exercise healthier than they have ever been. The hubby and I are hoping to have babies in the next few years, and I’ve already been thinking about the body/weight stuff. I really think the backwards scale thing is going to really help! This kind of rambled..but the point was, thanks! :)


Weight issues can tear you apart when you are pregnant. It’s so good of you not to check the scale. The worst for me was learning that my hips grew out and I could not slide my damn jeans over them. I do recommend Shrinkx Hips after birth over the Belly Bandit. But good luck! Health is the most important thing! : )


Never been pregnant so no real advice but I love how you weighed in at the doc. Don’t know if you’ve ever read Sweet Potato Queen Book of Love by Jill Connor Brown but she took the same approach to being weighed at the docs office when pregnant. (she talked about it in her first book I think — I dont know her personnally). For whatever reason I always thought it was a brilliant approach.


This is such a great post, Janae, thank you for writing it! It is *so* easy to fall into the trap of comparing your pregnancy weight gain against others. One of my friends gained over 10 pounds in her first trimester (when you really aren’t “supposed” to gain more than a couple), and then didn’t gain as much towards the end of her pregnancy. Conversely, I lost weight in my first tri because I was sick as a dog, but then I ended up gaining the normal amount by the end…I just listened to my hunger cues. Like others have mentioned already, since I exercise and didn’t gain a ton of weight I had zero problem getting to my pre-preg weight. Thanks for your updates, I love reading about HRG Baby!!! He/She is going to be so fast!


Scale hater!! I used to use it to predicate my mood and was usually in a bad mood b.c. it didn’t tell me the number I wanted. I gave it up and have been a happier person b.c. of it!


Scale hater! Stopped weighing myself 1 year ago–best decision EVER!!! I also did not weigh myself while I was pregnant. I went with the flow–I strongly believe that if you work-out when you feel like it, eat somewhat healthy (feed those cravings!) your body will do what it needs to.

I ran and ate what I wanted while pg, I didn’t gain a lot of weight (I don’t think) but my doctor said I was healthy and measuring correctly. Some people were cruel w/their comments–I am 6 feet tall, so I didn’t show much…they thought I was ‘starving’ the baby and ‘not giving it a chance’

I also didn’t stress about losing it afterwards, but it came off pretty easily (actually once I stopped stressing about it, it came off).


I just threw out my scales last week, once I realised I’m never going to be the weight I was before my babies were born. I’m not overweight by any means, it’s all about loving yourself and setting the example for my kids (I would be so upset if my son or daughter let weight control their lives like I have done). I had lower abdomen pain when I tried to run while pregnant, so I gave it a break and did a lot of walking, low impact aerobic and swimming. I have never eaten so well like I did when pregnant, because I allowed myself to eat what my body craved which luckily for me was mainly healthy foods.


So when I was preggo with #1 I threw our scale out. I did not want to obssess and I knew I would so we did away with it. Best decision ever.

Sounds like your lower ab pain is similar to Round Ligament Pain. I would ask the doc but I had it post exercise and every now again as my tummy got bigger. Never totally terrible but enough to notice. Just muscles stretching to make room for the bambino :)


It is so funny that you quit craving as much sugar while pregnant and want salty stuff. I am normally a savory person but could not get enough sugar while pregnant. I could have lived off of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and root beer (I didn’t of course, I at least tried to get some nutrients)


i wish i could give up the scale. i think it’s my toughest addiction.


Good call on not weighing yourself. What does it matter? In December I had baby number four at home with a midwife an neither of us knew my weight at all during the pregnancy. We knew that I looked alright, felt fine, ate when I was hungry and kept running all the way through to 41 weeks. As for post partim your body should look after that too. Just this week I’m finally ravenously hungry (baby is three months yesterday) which is a sign to me that my body is back where it wants to be and now needs so help to stay there. I’ve been runnig since 9 days post (obviously not for everyone) an amount up mileage towards a half in May. It was Sunday’s 12 miles that pushed me into hungry and experience tells me I’ll stay super hungry from now until I’m done nursing. My advice, pregnancy is one of those things your body knows more about than your mind. Trust it and you’ll be fine.


i ran until 38 weeks and i experienced that lower abdominal soreness but it would go away after i ran. it wasn’t constant. my doctor told me that it was just the ligaments stretching and was totally normal. if it got painful, i was to stop, or if the soreness/pain remained after i ran, i should take it easy. my best advice is to just listen to your body – you know what’s best for you and your baby!


After your posts recently about body imagine and loving ourselves I decided to stop weighing myself and get ahold of some weird food issues. I am making my way through Intuitive Eating and haven’t been on the scale in a couple of weeks. I know pregnancy is in my future (sooner than later) and for my children’s sake, I need to get a grasp on better body image. I told myself that when I was pregnant I would step on the scale backwards too! Glad I am not the only one. Thanks Janae!!! You are going to be a great Mom!


Hi Janae!!
I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now and I gotta say I absolutely adore you! You always keep me entertained! By the way, CONGRATS on the pregnancy!! I just know you and Billy are going to be great parents!
When I was pregnant with my baby girl -ok, she’s 7 1/2 years now but always my little girl :), I also had a sore lower tummy region from running. My doctor told me it was no worries and most likely round ligament pain. All types of ligaments, muscles etc are stretching to accommodate the changes happening and that growing baby! Hope this helps! Have a great day. :)


Also, ligament pain is very real. A belt may help. I find them hot but it may help releive the pressure an pulling. Oh yeah, and just wait until abating in your side suddenly means a pain somewhere way out in front of you.


I never worried about weight while pregnant, and I ended up gaining exactly the same amount with all three of my pregnancies. I love what you are doing and I need to do the same. I need to go on how I feel and how my clothes fit. So much easier and less stress not looking at numbers. I didn’t run through any of my pregnancies, but the soreness you are talking about could be round ligament stretching. It’s common, especially in the first pregnancy, because your muscles are stretching out in a completely different way for the first time. I had it and with my second and third pregnancy, it was comforting knowing what it was.


Sounds like a perfect idea, making sure you are taking care of Le bebe without stressing yourself out!


Pregnancy was the only time I enjoyed food and didn’t “feel fat.” And my abs were never so tight! Dang I miss those days. So glad that you have a supportive Dr and hubby and nurses. I refuse to weigh myself now when I go to the dr. I just say “Not too fat, not too thin.” The nurses love it and know that I’m active and I’ve never gotten any grief from them. And when I had surgery, I did your little trick of getting on scale backwards so I wouldn’t stress over the number. I figured with being put to sleep, they kind of needed to know my weight. Breathe in breathe out and enjoy growing your baby.


I have always been a weigh every day kind of person … and like you it made my day or made me grumpy … even now I am unable to not weigh myself … I don’t know why as by looking at the mirror I can pretty much tell you accurately my day’s weight.

Oddly enough during my 2 pregnancies I did not mind the weight gain … and I gained a lot of weight and at 5’3″ well, lets just say even a pound shows :) … I still weighed myself but at that time did not care.

Congrats … again :) … enjoy …


Never had that issue. My biggest issue right now is that I have to pee 0.2seconds into my run. It.never.fails. I am running a 10k race this Sat and I am a little worried about it- but I will survive :)

I only weigh myself once a week, the same day, at the same time. But I don’t let me get to me. So far I am 20 weeks and have gained 6 lbs…everyone is different and carry’s the baby totally differently. You look so cute! Soon your lil’ pooch will start to grow! Woo hoo! Do you think you will announce if you are having a boy or girl?? We got a gender ultrasound at 16 weeks- you should search to see if any places offer that around you. Best $75 I have ever spent!


I swear, I can pee right before I leave the house, and still every step will make me feel like I have to pee.


I think it’s really great that you addressed this- I was wondering how you were doing! It sounds like you also have a really great support system that will keep you on track before and after too!


Yep, my lower abs definitely get sore when I run pregnant.

I weighed myself regularly during my first two pregnancies, and now my third too. We don’t own a scale though, so I stick to once a week or every other week at the gym. Plus side is that my midwife doesn’t weigh me ever. She knows I’m active and has been doing this a long time.


I didn’t run at all my first pregnancy. I was so nauseous for the first 3-4 months I could hardly stand. I did start intense aerobics classes (well, intense for me who had never done that sort of thing before) once I could stomach it. My second pregnancy, I ran up to 5ish months. That was a long time ago, but I do remember my lower abdomen getting sore but mostly the needing to pee thing. I finally stopped running because I did something stupid and realized I couldn’t trust my forgetful self anymore (didn’t bring water on an 8-mile trail run on a hot day).

The weight/scale thing…we don’t own a scale. I’ve never owned one. I’ve weighed myself once a month or so when I used to go to a gym. But when pregnant, I just got weighed at my prenatal appointments, and once a month (this is so random) I’d go to a nature center at a local park where they have a science exhibit that has a scale. So when I remembered, I would go check it out. Every pregnancy had a different weight gain pattern, but I ended up within a couple of pounds of the same weight at the end…always gaining about 40 lbs. I was lucky and able to lose it all between pregnancies.


I’m 7 weeks and it took me over a year to get pregnant – I truly believe that slowing down my workouts and putting on about 8 – 9 lbs did the trick. I had to come to the realization that I’d rather have a baby than be in my idea of “perfect” shape.

And YES, my lower abdomen is always sore after I run now that I’m pregnant! It’s the weirdest thing. I think b/c so many ligaments are stretching down there…


best approach ever! numbers are not important, overall well being and JOY is!!
You are awesome mamma to be!


I am a scale-lover I guess..I do weigh myself every morning, but it’s not an obsessive thing to me- just a morning ritual before I hop into the shower. I just like to know where I’m at. My weight will fluctuate 1-3 lbs from day to day and week to week, but it’s amazing how good your body is at maintaining a healthy weight if you take care of it! But good for you for cutting it out if it was becoming unhealthy


Hey Janae, Your attitude is awesome. I’m loving all your pregnancy updates! If you have a minute, you should check out my blog for some fun news of my own. :) :) :)


Thanks for this post. I have been thinking a lot about this recently since I am interning at an eating disorder clinic. The focus is on intuitive eating and listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. I have been trying to be better at this myself. I also stopped weighing myself last year because I could tell I was getting a little obsessive with it and would let a number dictate how I felt for that minute, hour, or day. I was not ok with that. I think that is a great plan to eat based on how you feel, exercise based on how you feel, and not worry about numbers! Your body knows what it needs and if you listen to it, everything else will fall into place.


Good for you Janae! I think some women become obsessed with the pregnancy weight gain and then they are obsessed with losing it! I think you are doing the right thing. Make sure that baby and you are healthy!


I struggled with anorexia for a few years and as a result messed up my body enough that I had to go through fertility treatments to get pregnant (I was well into recovery during my treatments). During recovery I gave up the scale in order to learn how to eat well, trust my body and obsess less. I am SO thankful that I made this progress b/c now at 35 weeks pregnant weight is not an issue. Sure I feel “big” but in a totally “I love being pregnant and big” way, not in a “I feel fat” way. I do watch the results of my weigh in at each dr appointment and praise God it has not freaked me out in the slightest. I live each day making choices that are best for my baby and me and I therefore trust that my body will do its thing and gain the weight necessary. Freedom!


At about the same time I stopped weighting myself as well. It was effecting my day and my mood. I wasn’t enjoying my life and I knew it had to stop. Best decision ever! I just hope I can do the same when I am pregnant. You look awesome!


Mine hurt after running while pregnant, especially during the night for some reason. It seemed like the longer distances I went, the more it would hurt. Even a few months after I had the baby, I would get that pelvic pain after long runs.
I wanted my weight gain to be right around 25 lbs total during pregnancy and would stress those weeks where I would gain 3 pounds! I learned that it all varied so much, not because of gaining fat, but gaining fluid, water retention, baby/placenta etc. In the end I gained 26 pounds and lost it within a week.
It’s been fun following your pregnancy and I like to hear of other people who run while pregnant. Where I am from, I still had people saying daily, “should you be running while pregnant?”


So proud of you, Janae. I know too many girls who’s main focus is weight gain during pregnancy, and unfortunately one who’s had multiple miscarriages — we don’t know that it was her weight, but she was severly underweight while pregnant. Do you baby good. :)

I don’t own a scale, and haven’t in seven years. It turns me into an awful person. Why do I need to know? SO MANY factors go into the “number” — water weight, whether or not you’ve peed, the time of the month. No. Too much. I judge myself based on how my body feels. I know when I’ve gone overboard with sweets and have gained a couple pounds, I don’t need some smartass scale telling me about it.

So proud of you. :)


I weigh myself in the morning and at night. I try to tell myself the #s don’t matter, but they definitely do.

I’ve been fighting with myself over health. I’d like to toss the scale, but I’m not sure I trust myself. I’m a former fat girl, and I am afraid the second I stop watching I’ll go back.

I’ve been at a healthy weight for 10 years. I think it’s time to trust myself.


I think you’ve got an awesome approach! My lower abdominals did bother me more as I got further along in each pregnancy (3 of them) and I also started contracting quite a bit whenever I’d exert myself. I had to nix running but that only made me MORE excited and motivated to do it again when pregnancy was over! You are already an amazing running mom, whether or not you run up until d-day or not!


I love the idea of not seeing what the scale says at the doctors office but because I am doing all my prenatal care and delivery with the midwives at a birth center, I weigh myself and tell them. But that’s gotten to be the only time I weigh myself. I am 24 weeks and the baby is growing great, so I eat healthy foods and listen to what my body and the baby are saying.
As for running I switched to walking and the elliptical about 6 weeks ago because I noticed so many changes in my hips. They feel loose and unsteady. With that and becoming quite the klutz, it’s probably safer I don’t run, especially like I use too with both our dogs.


It still surprise me, how lot of ppolee have no idea about Kinovelax Diet Plan (search on google), although many ppolee get good results because of it. Thanks to my cousin who told me about Kinovelax Diet Plan, I’ve lost lots of weight with it without starving myself.


My lower abs were so sore from about 20 weeks on — even with my 2nd pregnancy when I wasn’t running! I think it’s totally normally. My hip pain is what killed running for me though – I could deal with the other stuff!

I stressed about my weight the first pregnancy. Not that I DID anything about it, but I still weighed myself regularly and had a hard time giving up that “control.” I didn’t care AT ALL with my 2nd pregnancy (and french fries were my BEST FRIEND) and you know what? I gained exactly the same amount. I definitely learned that your body is going to gain what it wants to – and if you stay active you’ll loose it very quickly!!


I don’t weigh myself anymore. Throughout my teens and into my early twenties that was a numbers game that just messed with my head. Now I go by how my clothes are fitting and how i feel, to judge where I am. I think you have a great approach with this pregnancy; what will be will be.


YES! Lots of things were sore! haha! Here’s a little TMI for you… My pelvic bone- like.. down there- was SO SORE. Like- it felt like I got kicked in the crotch! Turns out its called pubis symphisis (sp?) and I had it with both pregnancies! YOWCH! I also got a TON of Braxton Hicks contractions when I ran, but my doctor said that as long as they stop when you stop – its safe. The peeing, the braxton hicks, the pain, the unbalance and awkwardness, the lack of speed and endurance.. working out while preggo is hard work- but TOTALLY worth every single bit of it!!! You and your body (and your healthy baby!) will thank you for taking such great care of yourself! And as far as weight gain– good for you not worrying about it! Seriously! I gained 20lbs in 20 weeks with both pregnancies- but by 40 weeks- I totalled out at 28 lbs. Everyone gains differently. I happen to pack it on in the beginning of pregnancy and then barely gain at the end- lots of people are the opposite. Your body will come back! Congrats again!!!!


what an awesome idea – I gained sooooo much weight while pregnant, but don’t worry it comes off. I never ran during pregnancy so I am no help.

Billy will be a great dad!


i weighed when pregnant but only bc I wanted to make sure I was weighing enough. The health of the baby was the ultimate concern. I weighed only at my doctors’ visits.


I gained 60lbs with my first pregnancy, took a little easier with my second, and now I’m in with third. I actually do have a weight limit that I’m trying not to go over. Not for any reason other than I was being really unhealthy with my first one and I don’t want to repeat that. Easier said than done though. I’m going through a craving of sweets right now! Arg!

I’ve been running the entire time and so far my only discomfort is the feeling that I have to pee with every step. Also my stride is way off, and I think it’s because the belly acts like an outward pendulum and it’s throwing me off.


I hate the scale. The only time I get weighed is when I’m at the doctor’s office, and even then I don’t look. My fiance recently asked me if I wanted to register for a scale for our wedding, and I said “no, thank you”!


I agree with that others have said. Round ligament pain is probably what you are experiencing. I had it too. It started by hurting only after running. Then it happened while I was running which sidelined me from running. I couldn’t handle the pain. So I stuck with exercises that didn’t cause me pain.


I did the same thing during my pregnancy and it was one of the best decisions I made. Especially, as you said, after the baby (babies – in my case!) is born. I just had a goal to have my clothes fit again … I didnt obsess over numbers.

As for the lower abdomen pain, get a belly band. There are some really scary looking devices that I shied away from, I used the BeBand from Target until I got really big and just that little bit of support took the pressure off of my lower abdomen.


My first pregnancy was unique because I was carrying my triplets. It was an obsessive goal to try and gain 75 pounds before they came. So I weighed myself every other day. It was amazing how much they sucked up! I had bacon and whole milk for breakfast every morning, but still barely managed to gain 40 pounds by the time they were born. But now, with just one in there, I never weigh myself. I trust myself at this point and listen to what my body is telling me about food and hunger and when I need to move. The doc hasn’t said anything one way or the other, so it must be working. Sounds like you are doing the same!


Hi my friend!

Yes, I do remember my lower abdomen being sore while running. Some days I’d feel it more than others. But, I don’t recall it being too much of a problem.

Scale hater. I judge by how my clothes fit & Rocky is a good mirror for me. He’ll tell me…”you’re losing your butt, so you prob. need to eat a little more fat & protein.” He’s prob. smart for not saying the opposite. for example…”are you SURE you want that apple pie because your butt, is looking a little more puffy than usual!” :)

When I was preggers with Ryan I was a little too concerned with weight only because of our wedding. We had our wedding when I was 8 mos. pregnant. With Rissa & Royce I was more comfortable & less restrictive. I ate what I wanted & stayed active. They were all very healthy 7 1/2 lb. babies! :) xo


When I was pregnant (both times), I didn’t run that much, but I did work out throughout both pregnancies. Whenever I had some type of new-to-me pain, I called my doctor’s office to check it out. They would explain what was going on and I’d go back to life. Maybe talking with a nurse at the OB’s office would help?

I am a scale hater. I read how people use the scale to keep in check, but I’m one of those people who weighs multiple times of day and it makes me crazy. I didn’t weight for years before pregnancy, never knew my weight during pregnancy, and didn’t weigh after pregnancy. That said, I started weighing again when my youngest son was two. It took several years, but I finally realized it was making me crazy and I had to give it up. No matter what works for other people, I just can’t be reasonable about it. I know it’s a machine and I’m giving it power, but I just feel better when I work out and my clothes fit AND I don’t know that number.

Also – My pregnancies were great w/o knowing the number. I also managed to fit back into pre-pregnancy clothes w/o the scale. I just need to trust myself that my natural love for exercise and healthy eating balances out the indulgences. Good luck :)


This is a great post and I love that you don’t check your weight. I think that’s a great route to take, especially if you have been obsessive in the past. I have friends who have been obsessed with gaining as little weight as possible and I think that’s sad.

I gained a little over 40 pounds with both pregnancies (!!) though I didn’t look it the second time around and was running/spinning up to 7.5 months. My problem seems to be I the first tri BC of major food aversions to things like veggies and chicken. I have to continually eat salty carbs to quell the nauseated feeling…..ICK. So I am currently in that stage now and getting up at 4:30 a, to run is a struggle right now! Hoping to gain a little less than 40 this time. I did lose all of the weight and then some both times by 6 months post partum and my babies were very healthy which is what is most important!


I am a scale hater but somehow I still get on the scale. Its a habit I need to break ASAP.


I weigh myself, but usually it’s for novelty. Like, how much weight did I gain from morning to night (basically, how much water did I drink).


I have scale issues but I have overcome a lot. I do weigh myself about once per week since I would like to lose just a few more pounds and then I do it about once per month. I used to weigh myself every day and it drove me crazy!

Good for you about not looking at your weight while pregnant. When I was pregnant I only checked it when I was at the doctor. I was the same as you–doc just kept telling me I was on track and that was good for me.

just something interesting about pregnancy and weight gain (true story): A friend of a friend gained 30 pounds during her first pregnancy. This is a totally normal weight gain and she didn’t pay much attention to her weight- just knew she was feeling good and her doctor said she was on track. When she was pregnant with her second baby–she watched every calorie/every piece of food and monitored everything. Guess how much she gained? Yep, 30 pounds. So, lesson learned…when you are a healthy person in general, you are going to gain the amount of weight your baby needs to grow.


i really like your approach to not knowing the # on the scale. i have never cared about #’s and never weigh myself. but once i was pregnant and had to get weighed so frequently i think i became a little obsessed. i am naturally thin and have a great metabolism. my mom did not gain a lot of weight with either of her pregnancies. i only gained 17lbs with my son last year. and i am happy about that but not happy about how i would get so obsessed with that number. i def. ate everything i wanted (including ice-cream literally every night) but i wish i had relaxed more and focused on the baby.


I never step on a scale, for the same reason! In fact, I hate going to the Doc cuz they make you stand on a scale- never thought of standing on it backwards before- or just NOT looking at the darned number.


I tried to keep running with my 2nd kid, but i freaked out about whether my body temp was getting too hot (how should i know if it was or not!?) and decided it wasn’t worth it to me to worry about it, so i only walked. About weight gain: one book i read (the author had 4 kids) said she thinks our body is designed to gain a certain amount of weight no matter what we do during pregnancy. She exercised with one pregnancy and was on bed rest with another but still weighed about the same at delivery time. I think maybe there’s some truth to that ~ i started off about 10 pounds less with my 2nd pregnancy than my 1st but just gained more so at delivery time with each, i weighed within 3 lbs of the other. Later it’s so fun to say something ridiculous like “I gained 48 lbs with my last pregnancy!” [true story!] which no matter what makes you look so much skinnier later! You can be amazed for getting that weight off (ah, well, i got most of it anyway! ;-) I also liked doing the monthly pic of my belly. Just remember the whole “9 months up, 9 months down.” We deserve that 9 months (or more!) to lose the weight! We didn’t gain it overnight, and most of us don’t lose it overnight either! You’re doing great!


With my first pregnancy I ran all the way up until the end. Towards the end, I would only run on the treadmill because I looked like a freak show running around with a beach ball in my stomach.

At the moment, I’m 7 months pregnant with my second baby. The doctor ordered me to stop running a few weeks ago, due to severe pelvic pain. Since then, I’ve been sticking to walking, bike and elliptical — that’s allowed.

During the first trimester I ran a 50K ultra and at 6 months ran a half. I really thought I’d be able to run again, full term during for this pregnancy, since I’m in better shape, but the pelvic pain is so strong — it’s not worth it. Good luck, I hope you can run the entire duration of your pregnancy.


I think it’s great that you know how you respond to the scale and choose to stay away from it. I never worried about what I ate and the scale while pregnant. I’ve lost all the weight and am at the thinnest I’ve ever been. (Healthiest too!) I wasn’t a runner while pregnant, but I know that ligaments are stretching and I felt pressure on my lower abdomen, but that could be because I had to pee constantly!


Good for you regarding thoughts on weight gain during pregnancy. I am also 5’9″ and weighed about 135 when I became pregnant. I was worried about gaining enough, but not too much while pregnant. I ended up gaining 12.5 lbs and had an 8 lb 4 oz boy. The doctor was never concerned with the amount I gained as it was steady throughout my pregnancy. Listen to your body and it will tell you what your cargo needs.

I had some tightness sometimes when I ran while pregnant…but never anything too bad. I will say, my son has tons of energy and my husband has always said it was because I worked out throughout pregnancy. The kid is quick! In fact at 4 1/2 we just had him complete his first 5k for charity this past weekend (walk/running). He had a blast!


I am going through the same thing. I was anorexic/bulimec all through high school and college and finally got over it. It’s been ten years and I really thought most of those feelings had disappeared. However, they really don’t! I don’t own a scale at the house but now that I’m pregnant they weigh me at the doctor’s every time I go. They said they could weigh be backwards but I didn’t think it would be a problem. However, at my last appointment I had gained 8 pounds (for the first trimester) and the midwife said, “Whoa, that’s a HUGE jump. You’re gonna need to slow it down a bit.” It took all my self control to not break down in tears. I had been fine with the weight gain but guess I wasn’t ok with gaining too much weight. Now I can’t stop stressing about what I eat. If I drink a glass of chocolate milk I wonder if it’s making me too fat, if I go out to eat I feel like I should just eat salad, etc. I am still mad at the midwife for saying that, especially since my OB records clearly state that I had an eating disorder. So, now I feel like I should tell them the next time I go that I don’t want to know my weight anymore. It’s crazy how fast those feelings come back!

Also, I have a lot of lower abdominal pain and my midwife said it’s just poop. Haha! She said that since my digestion system has slowed down my food moves a lot slower through my intestines and that a lot of the cramps/pain I was feeling was just poop cramps. Of course, you should definitely say something to the doctor/midwife at your next appointment or even call them. My midwife asked a bunch of questions about what I was feeling before she decided that it was my intestine that was painful and not my uterus. So, it never hurts to ask!


Recently my lower abdomen does get a little sore when I run. My upper is sore too, like I had a hard ab work out the previous day.

I have a love/hate relationship with my scale. Like you, I refuse to obsess over the numbers while pregnant. I’ve weighted myself twice during the pregnancy. I let the doctor track my weight who says I am doing just fine in the gaining dept.

I am just going with the flow. I have also started to prepare myself not to worry about stressing over what I need to lose once the baby is born.


Good for you. i love that you just go by how your clothes fit and not by a stupid number. I tend to get obsessive about things like that too!!! ps would have loved to see a pic of you backwards on a scale lol


I had major ligament pains to the point where I couldn’t really walk. It felt like I had done way to many ab exercises. I had to take it easy after that. Just listen to your body and you’ll do great!


If you breast feed it will help the weight melt off…at least it did in my case. I gained a little more weight at the end than I intended, but overall listened to my body. Am happy to say that I’m below my pre-pregnancy weight & little man will be 6 month’s old in a couple of weeks. I’ve had to be consious about what I eat & trying to get activity in, but don’t feel deprived & have kept up my milk supply so far. You’ll be just fine! You’re a great role model for others:-)


My lower abs always got sore after running while prego. I ran up until 8 mons preg. Its just muscles moving around and the band stretching to make room for the little one. My Dr. said no worries.

I’m Paige, by the way. Love your blog.


Your choices, your attitude………such an inspiration!


hi- i’ve never commented before, but love your blog. You are so funny! I live in AZ like your brother.
I didn’t run when I was pregnant, but same thing- I think it is just your stomach stretching out- Fun! You have such a smart perspective on weight/and pregnancy. Very healthy and you will be such a good example for your child, expecially if it is a girl ;) That is what I am thinking you’ll have!


Janae, I am a longtime reader but infrequent commenter; however, I HAD to stop by and say how much I loved this post! You have such a healthy attitude toward food and I wish more bloggers would express this instead of focusing on calories. I’ve turned to calorie counting to try to lose weight in the past, but being a VERY numbers-oriented person (ha, check my latest post for more on that), it just became incredibly stressful for me to try to get all the numbers to line up. I weigh myself once a week or so, just to make sure there’s no long term weight gain trend (I ignore the extra pound or two up or down because that’s just water weight, unless it shows up consistently), and like you, I use the fit of my clothes to determine how my body is doing. Besides, if you lift weight and build muscle, you’re going to weigh more from that anyway!

I also think this philosophy is great for running and working out – though it’s hard not to want to track the numbers there.


I had a LOT of lower ab/groin pain in the beginning. I was told by my doc that the pains were round ligament pain and that the pains were not dangerous to me and the baby. Basically, it was all my tight muscles stretching out to make room for the baby!! They went away in the middle of my second trimester and running got more comfortable as I got futher into my pregnancy!! Good luck momma!


I did have some pain in my lower abdomen and I decided it was probably best not to run anymore and that was actually confirmed by my doc yesterday at my appointment…i have something a little off…and running…jumping could cause harm. As long as you feel good while running and it is soar and doesn’t HURT, i wouldn’t worry about it but if you do have any concerns you should call your doc … you are so healthy i am sure it is jsut growing pains :o)


Scales are a dangerous thing- I haven’t weighed myself in about a month because it makes me crazy too. I used to weigh myself at least 6 times a day way back in the day.. and like you said- the number dictated my mood. I tossed the scale out and didn’t have one for a few years and that helped… out of sight made it easier to lose the habit.. I’m glad that your doing well and growing a healthy little runner :)


Awesome posting! Thank you!
I have a random question that is kind of unrelated to the scale question but is related to the topic of food and weight. I find that I am greatly influenced by what/how much the people I am with eat…I always want to eat less than the person I am with instead of eating how much I know is right for me. Have you (or anyone else out there) struggled with this?


I did weigh myself, only at Dr. appts, and my goal was to only gain 25 lbs. With both pregnancies I gained just under 25 lbs. Just remember I am only 5 ft tall so 25 lbs was a lot, I was a big ol’ ball. You could just ball me up and roll me down the street. I didn’t watch what I ate though, I did however walk 4 miles EVERY single day up until the day I had the babies. Of course, by the time I was due it took me 5 hours to walk 4 miles ;) I KNOW for a fact that staying active helped with my recovery. I had c-sections and my recovery was so easy compared to a lot of friends/family that have also had c-sections. I was back to walking right away. I didn’t run because I hadn’t discovered my love for it at that point. Good luck…I can’t wait to hear what you are having :)


You are such a great role model, Janae. Would you be willing to write a post about how you gained the weight that was needed to get your period back while also continuing to run consistently? I am struggling with that and would love to get your advice!


I, too, would love to hear any advice you may have about your approach to getting your body and cycle “ready for a baby.” That is where I am currently at, and unfortunately, don’t have many close friends or family who love to workout like I do – so they just suggest to stop running. (I think they are from Mars. We don’t speak the same language.) Running, swimming, and spinning make me happy, so I don’t want to quit – but my husband and I are ready to start a family and I’m committed to do what it takes to maintain a regular cycle and make my body baby-friendly!! Don’t expect you to share anything too personal, but would appreciate any tips or insight. Also, please give some serious consideration to moving to and/or visiting Iowa so I can prove to my husband there are, in fact, others just as obssessed as I am with running and cottage cheese. I have shown him your blog but I think he still believes you are fictional. Ha!


I gained 45 pounds while pregnant with my daughter (she’s now 9 months). And every time I got weighed at the dr., I would feel anxious. But you know what? It was all gone without much effort in about 4 months (almost 30 lbs in first 1.5 months alone) AND I ran a 3:12 marathon at 5.5 months post partum which was a 12 minute PR for me. So if I could go back, I wouldn’t have worried one tiny bit a about weight during pregnancy. I think your approach is fantastic. Enjoy your pregnancy!


my lower abs sometimes feel sore…not too bad though. im a little behind you though so maybe that’s why? (17 weeks) who knows. i know around this time u might be getting round ligament pain (or something? hah) so maybe thats it.

i try not to worry too much about the weight gain stuff. i noticed i was checking myself out the other day and feeling frustrated that i looked “fatter”….thats not good!! so im trying to keep myself in line. its obviously just an adjustment…but an exciting one :) as much as i fear gaining weight sometimes, i cant wait for a big old baby belly!! :)


My lower abdomen hurt off and on through my pregnant running career. It hurt most around 14-20 weeks but then got better from 20-30 weeks.


Go with the flow… your body knows what it needs when….especially when pregnant.

I’m 4 weeks post partum and I ate everything I wanted in pregnancy and gained a healthy 12kg. I am continuing this “unrestricted eating” now and the weight is falling off (thanks to breastfeeding!!)

I’m with you – a scale hater. As long as I fit in my clothes I know all is ok. Just focus on a strong and healthy body and keep a healthy relationship with food by ENJOYING it.

Good luck with your pregnancy and savour every minute. Its the best!!!!!


Hey Janae! I read your blog all the time, I love you! I just am really struggling with my body image right now. I had to gain weight about two years ago and I still struggle with it. I have a healthy bmi about 21 but I still really struggle. Like did you ever have issues with pictures? Like I NEVER want pictures taken of me anymore and I have a hard time letting myself hang out with friends. Its hard to not want to constantly be tiny like I used to be. I was just wondering if this ever happened with you. BTW , YOUR GORGEOUS. and does self tanner really work? You look great! I’m afraid I would look like a carrot! ahah


HATE the scale. My widwife didnt give me the option of HER weighing me- I have to do it myself in the bathroom a couple minutes before the appointment. The first MAJOR jump in the scale almost made me cry- and I texted my husband immediately. I told my midwife the number afterward and said I didn’t want to weigh myself anymore… her response was wise and the same as yours- I am within the normal range for my BMI and I eat healthy, so what does a NUMBER matter? Especially if my son is healthy and growing?

A pregnant gf also reminded me “this is the one time I can be the fat kid and get away with it” … AMEN!


I love that you dont weigh yourself either. I gave up the scale a long time ago and it was the best decision ever.


I definitely stay away from the scale. In the past, I allowed the number on the scale to determine my mood and worth. Now, I love to say “A number does not determine my mood or worth” and “Scales are for fishes!”

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