Talking with my heroes: Part 1

Hello friends.  Just sitting in the airport (no internet I might add) listening to the Dixie Chicks (yes, I still love them and have a shirt that I wear from their concert back in the 90’s) while eating some McDonald’s oatmeal (which is surprisingly good, probably because there is more sugar in it than a candy bar).  If you haven’t noticed yet, I really like parenthesis (they help me to include all of my random thoughts that don’t fit into the sentence).

Things started off yesterday with a press conference with the Team Refuel Athletes at the launch for Chocolate Milk’s new campaign:  MY AFTER.  REFUEL.   Expect to see my new jacket for the jacket of the month, when I find something I like I stick to it.

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I think you know by now that I really love athletes, I want to learn every detail about them and I admire their determination, work ethic and passion so much.   Apolo, Sara and Chris with one of the new campaign posters. I love that the picture is in black and white with the chocolate milk in normal color.

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Apollo Ohno is an eight-time medalist in the winter Olympics and absolutely hilarious and friendly.  He is the most decorated American Winter Olympic Athlete!  Sara Reinertsen lost her leg above the knee when she was a little girl.  This did not stop her and she was the first above the knee amputee woman to finish the Ironman World Championship!  I will tell you a little more about Chris is a second.

What made the event even better?  Being surrounded with bloggers of course.

Monica, Me, SR, Kelly, Elise and Anna.  Billy was the official photographer, I really need to start paying him.  We have gotten to the point that I just look at him with the ‘can you take a picture’ look and he knows exactly what to do.  He even knows to take an extra picture when my eyes are closed in the picture, except he forgot that minor detail yesterday.

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Towards the end of the conference we were able to ask questions for the athletes to answer.  It was crazy to talk to them because they were all the friendliest people in the whole world except I did get to nervous to ask Apolo to feel his quad muscle…have you seen them?  They are pure steel from all that skating (and dancing with the stars).

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Chris Lieto, professional triathlete, took second in the Kona Ironman World Championships 2009.  He has won 3 Ironmans, he is known as the fastest cyclist in the sport and this all started when he was watching the Kona ironman as 25 year old and decide to try it himself and he got himself a bike.

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Here is Dara Torres being interviewed by E Network. She has been to 5 Olympic Games and won 12 Olympic Medals!  I never got to talk to her but she did smile at me and I think there was a wink but Billy says I was just seeing things.

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Okay, I loved talking to Chloe Sutton and she even told me she would teach me how to swim the next time I am in S. Cali.  I hope she knows that I am taking this offer seriously and that I am taking her to lunch afterwards.  Chloe has won 5 medals in major international competitions: 3 gold, 1 silver and a bronze medal.  She also competed in the 2008 olympics and is pretty much the coolest thing around.

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I wonder if she is wearing the bff bracelet today that I made her?

During the conference the athletes talked a lot about what their AFTER is!  After a workout what do these athletes do?  Of course they all understand the importance of refueling and they use Low-fat Chocolate milk because it is a an incredible source of nutrition, it is easy and it tastes great.  They do not add protein powders or anything else to it and just drink it the way it is!  Apolo caries a little lunch pail around with him to store his food and chocolate milk for after a workout!  Chloe loves to crotchet and refuel with hot chocolate milk after a workout and Chris refuels while checking his emails and getting caught up on life after an 8 hour bike ride!

Next post sneak peak:

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Why yes that would be Meb Keflezighi, the winner of the 2009 New York Marathon and 69 days later he won the Olympic Marathon Trials!


What is your AFTER?  What do you do directly after a workout?

Do you swim?  Any swimmers reading?  What is your favorite stroke and distance?

Do you still listen to any bands/artists from when you were a teenager?

-Dixie Chicks and Dashboard Confessionals, I will always love them.

Do you wear heels often?

-I wore heels last night for 6 hours (can’t remember the last time I wore heels) and my feet are killing today!

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How fun!!! Wow, you must have been beside yourself! And no, I do not swim. I can doggie paddle, but that’s about it. ;)


Oh my gosh! What an awesome experience! I am so jealous you got to meet Apolo! I usually grab a glass of chocolate milk after a workout before heading into the shower. Gotta love those post-run rituals. And I sadly don’t know how to swim. Maybe some day I’ll learn….


Let’s learn how to swim together:) YAY for post workout chocolate milk!


omg this is absolutely insane! So cool that you got to talk to tall these amazing athletes. I have the biggest crush on Apollo Ohno haha, I’m sure I’m not the only one :-P. And Chris Lieto is kind of a huge hero of mine, I love that he didn’t really get started with the triathlete thing till later in life and now he’s an Ironman World Champion? epic. so epic. And of course recovery is JUST as, if not more, important than your training itself! I am sadly lactose intolerant, but I do like to get my chocolate milk on after training – I usually do chocolate soymilk, since it hasthe closest nutritional profile to real milk! But real chocolate milk is the best – I miss the days when I could drink it (this was before I was a runner, back when I was a ballet dancer I would have milk after rehearsals). Thank youuu genetics lol!


I could hook you up with Apolo:) I didn’t know you were lactose intolerant! I hope that you are able to drink it again someday!


This is so awesome Janae! I’m such a swim geek, so the pictures of Dara and Chloe are very exciting. The whole thing must have felt so surreal!


how amazing! You look fabulous.


Thanks so much Lindy!


So amazing that you got to meet all of them and interview them!!
It depends on my workout, but if I’m running definitely chocolate milk and foam roll. If it’s weights, I’ll usually have a shake or cottage cheese!
I barely wear heels because I’m super tall. I have a hard time walking in them too haha


They really are so hard to walk in….I almost died a few times! You and your weight lifting inspire me…keep it up!


That is so AWESOME! I can’t believe you were able to meet and talk to all of those sporty celebs! You should totally be an on-air personality! You look natural holding that microphone. Plus, from hearing your interview with Dathan from awhile ago — that was totally natural, too! Meb looks so short! Haha. Hope your feet feel better! :)


That would be a lot of fun…..maybe someday ha:) Meb was tiny, I just wanted to pick him up and squeeze him. Hope you are having a great day Sarah!


I was a competitive swimmer in my teens and have been trying to get back into the pool this past month (man it is so much harder now that I’m the super old age of 26) I have always been a sprinter- I’m 50 and 100 free all the way, but my second favorite stroke is butterfly.. It takes so much strength and rhythm- and always made me feel like a badass :) Looks like you had an amazing time! I can’t wait to see part 2!


That is SO awesome!! It will come back quick I am sure….dang it, we are getting old:) The butterfly stroke looks amazing, I love watching that one!


Wow I am so jealous and glad you had such a good time. Torres is (and has been) one of my favorite Olympic Athletes. She is just so inspirational!


I can’t believe you got to interview all of these people!! So awesome! :-D

Also, you look gorgeous in all of those pictures!! I am in love with your dress!!


Thank you so much Lauren, you made my morning!


APOLLO OHNO!!!!! I have the biggest crush on him :)
And I actually just posted about listening to music from high school (Bright Eyes and Elliott Smith) but I also still love Butch Walker, Belle and Sebastian, and, on occasion, my biggest guilty pleasure Linkin Park.


Linkin Park is my guilty pleasure too ha! I still love Bright Eyes:) I could hook you up with Apolo:)


Yesssss so glad I’m not the only one! They’ve gotten me through many many workouts! And re Apolo, please do :)


How cool you got to hang out with all those athletes!!! No joke, I was actually listening to Dixie Chicks on my way to work this morning and belting out “Wide Open Spaces” like my life depended on it…


AHHHHH That makes me so happy, I love that song….Dixie Chicks will never get old to me!


I can’t believe you got to meet all those athletes– what an amazing experience for you!!!


oh i just want to hug meb! he is so cute. and you should have said HI to Chris from us. We are good friends with him and his family. The hubs is on his BASE team. Great GUY!! But i bet he found you to be evem cooler, cause you are.


I love that all of these people are your friends because YOU TWO are famous too:) Meb was adorable, seriously so friendly. Hope you are having an amazing day gorgeous Lindsay!


It’s like you’re famous! What a fun weekend!

I usually just drink a ton of water after a workout.

No heels for me. They make me hugely tall, plus they’re not exactly comfortable.


Wait…how tall are you?!?!


I’m 5’8″, which isn’t tall tall, but still makes me uncomfortably tall with heels taller than a couple inches.


Look like an awesome time. I love RER and SR! I never wear heels. I am 5’8″, so I already heel like a giant, but I don’t balance very well in heels!


I am a giant right there with you:) I towered over Meb ha. Hope you are having an amazing day Heather!


This looks like a fantastic experience!! I’m glad you’re having fun – I’m a parenthesis lover too ;)


Ohhh Dashboard Confessional is my favourite band from high school too! I rarely come across people who know them, let alone love em! Neat!


what an awesome opportunity! can’t wait for the next post.


This is great Janae! You look so happy in all your pictures! They couldn’t have picked a better person the represent them. So happy for you sweet lady!! :)

I still love Belinda Carlisle, old-school R&B & Paula Abdul (“straight up”) brings back good memories… (when MTV was cool!!).

I met MEB yesterday after the race!! He was just strolling through the expo area. I’m not going to lie I got a little start struck! He kindly allowed me to take a picture with him!! :) I think my face turned a little red from embarrassment! He was soo nice and very humble!! I wanted to treat him to an ice-cream but, he looked like he had to be somewhere…there’s always a next time right?!! :)

luv ya girlie!! :) xo


PAM!! Remember how you just ran a 1:34 half…you are absolutely incredible! Are you sore or anything? Did you feel amazing during the race? YOU SAW MEB…he is adorable right?!? Next time lets take him for ice cream. LOVE YOU!


AW thanks Janae!! I worked really hard for that PR! PR’s don’t come easy for me. I had to do all that fun stuff…mile repeats, 400’s, 800’s! BUT, it worked this time! I think I’m doing something right now!! :) I was soo happy that SR AND Nicole were able to PR as well! It made the morning feel so special!! I woke up a little sore, mainly the lactic acid that accumulated from yesterday’s effort. I did 6 recovery miles @ 9:14 pace. It’s exactly what I needed. funny how running takes away soreness FROM running. :) YES, Meb is so nice and humble. I could tell he has a good heart! luv ya too sweetie!! :)


For longs runs I always had a chocolate milk after :) For other workouts usually a protein shake with almond milk and any carb-y foods.
I just started swimming! I swim a (very slow) 500m once a week and need to improve my technique for a mini-tri I am doing in May.
Nickleback and lately I have been hearing No Doubt on the radio and started listening to them again.
I wear heels to work most days but am sitting so it isn’t too bad but for events and such my feet hurt the next day!
PS Your hair looks cute :)


WAHOO, good for you to get into swimming and you are going to rock your try in May! Good old No Doubt ha! Everyday you wear heels…you are my hero. Thanks for the hair comment:)


Love Apollo…I used all my voting for Dancing with the Stars on him. I have never voted since, he is my fav.

I wear heels and wedges quite a bit, but not as much as I used to. My husband is a giant (6’7) and I’m (5’5) so it helps to have a couple inches. I also have a deep love affair with shoes, so heels are here to stay.


HA…I am so happy you voted for him:) That is awesome that you get to wear heels, they look so good on….maybe I just need to get used to them!


Wow. I’m jealous, you must of had a great time! I’m a heel person. Love them. But recently I find myself in my Tom’s a lot. They are just tooooooo comfy.


Toms are my #1. You forget you are even wearing shoes with them on. Do you have the ballet flats? I want to try those out!


that is amazing janae! i am a huge proponent of parentheses in writing (sometimes they are just necessary..hehe)
you look gorgeous btw!


Thanks Mallory and you are so right (they just make writing more fun:).


Carnation Instant Breakfast!!!

That’s super awesome that you got to meet so many cool athletes! Glad you had fun.


What an amazing experience for you Janae! Incredible.

The first thing I do post long run in drink something and read your blog, which spills into searching all stuff running related because the endorphins have me believing for a short while I am a wicked fast amazing runner!!


ERICA!! HEY YOU!! That makes me so happy that you read my blog after a long run:) You are the best and you ARE wicked fast!


A shower and a smoothie. In that order. I don’t swim except floating a bit on vacation. Anything from the 80’s is fair game in music. I don’t wear a lot of heels except for boots.

The Kidless Kronicles


Always, always Chocolate Milk after a workout! I am obsessed with Chocolate milk and thought I’d died and gone to heaven when I found out that it’s the best thing you can drink after a workout. I still worry that people are pulling my leg b/c it’s too good to be true, but I’m not asking any questions, I’ll take it. I also try to eat protein (fish or meat if I can) as soon as I can after a hard workout.

I can finally say I’m a swimmer!!! It was the one thing I couldn’t do for triathlon and I want to do triathlons so badly (they just look so badass!) so I joined a masters swim team (did I mention I couldn’t swim the length of a car when I signed up?) I think the others felt bad for me because I was really, really terrible at it. But I kept at it and I can now do full laps of the pool and am improving! The other swimmers were unbelievably sweet and encouraging and spent lots of time giving me tips, teaching me drills and encouraging me when I felt frustrated. Triathletes/ swimmers are as awesome as runners!!


Good girl with your chocolate milk! It does seem to good to be true ha! WAHOO for being a swimmer, seriously triathletes are so hard core..that’s YOU!


What an awesome weekend you had! I love the Dixie Chicks too- “Cowboy take me away” was our wedding song! :) I very rarely wear heels anymore. I wore them almost every day in high school, stopped in college, and started again when i first started working. Now i am mostly a boots and flats kind of girl.


That was your wedding song?!?! One of my favorites! Boots are my favorite too! Hope you are having an amazing day Lauren!


Chocolate Milk! Once BodyPump Brian filled me in on the chocolate milk thing last summer, I’ve been all about it! I love chocolate milk, so it’s an extra treat that my body gets so many benefits from it! After chugging that, I ice up my legs and grab my Macbook.

No swimming for me.

Yes! I listen to the boybands (o-Town, BSB, Nsync) and the pop princesses (B.Spears, Christina). Love them! I even went to the NKOTBSB concert last summer! Nick Carter fo lyfe!

At work I’m usually in wedges so it’s not hard on my ankles and knees like heels…but when I go out on the weekends it’s heels all the way.


Love your AFTER! It really is such a treat, I can’t get enough! NICK CARTER FOR LYFE….that just made my morning…thank you for that! Wedges are definitely a lot easier to walk in!


how cute do you look???

can i have that jacket? i loveee it and am pretty sure i need it….


Thanks Kelsey! We can switch off weeks of wearing it, like Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants ha (was that the name of the movie?)


what a FUN weekend you had! :)

i love love love chocolate milk after long runs…its absolute perfection. Im typically not hungry after my runs, but I like to have something to eat within an hour of running so i always force myself to eat something anyways!

i’ve loved britney spears since i was 14..and even though I listen to mostly alternative/rock/indie music..I will always love her :)


I like your description…PERFECTION:) I will always have a thing for Britney too…I even dragged billy to her concert! Hope you are having a great day my dear friend!


I love swimming — that was my sport! I joined the local summer team at age 5 and moved on to year-round competitive swimming after that. I swam until I was 16 and had a knee injury + school pressures and decided to call it quits. I played water polo for a year in college and still swim for fitness now. I was a distance freestyler, meaning I swam the 500, 1000, and 1650 (and their respective long-course equivalents).


TEACH ME TEACH ME how to swim Meredith. You started at 5…taht is awesome!


in the fourth picture down is that Andy Baldwin (?) from the bachelor?!

I think he looks familiar but can’t really tell!

P.S you look super happy in all the pictures, you can tell you had an amazing time!


SARAH!! THAT IS HIM!!! He was really really nice and super funny! Thank you so much Sarah and hope you are having a great day!


Not gonna lie, I cannot wait for your next post! MEB!!!!! NO WAY :D How cool is that?!
And I still love the Dixie Chicks too- I have all of their CDs & frequently listen to them in my car. I especially love the “Fly” CD- such good songs! Whatever happened to them, they need a reunion! :)
Chris takes EIGHT hour bike rides?! HOLY MOLY! That is just amazing!! I think my butt would probably fall off! LOL! Does he eat during his rides or stop & eat? I’m fascinated!
What a FUN event!! Can’t wait to read more! Hope you have a good Monday! Xo


AHHH we need to jam out to Dixie Chicks together and if they have a reunion concert, we are so going together. I seriously can’t imagine 8 hours on the bike. I am pretty sure he eats as he rides!


dashboard confessional! I havent whipped them out in a long time, they are a good one! :)


I am so happy you got such an amazing experience!! I saw a photo of you interviewing CHRISSIE on RER. Can’t wait for the recap!!


AHHH She was amazing, she will totally be in the next recap!


Jealous of your picture! I love Apolo Ohno! One of my favorites and he won Dancing with the Stars! So much fun!


WOW what an amazing experience! So happy for you!

I love to swim, but not competitively or anything. In the summer I swim laps for a lot of my cardio. So funny – when I was getting ready this morning I was singing Dixie Chicks! I still listen to a lot of bands that I loved in high school. At my grocery store, they are always playing 90’s teenybopper music – Hanson, NSync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears (the OLD stuff), and sometimes even Spice Girls. It makes me so happy!


That is awesome Natalie, I think I will be joining you in the summer for swimming! I need to start shopping at your grocery store!


Wow, that looks like it was a fun event!

I love the Dixie Chicks too – can’t help but sing along to their stuff. They are one of my karaoke gotos :)


I swim, but actual swimmers won`t call it that way. I like back stroke most, but only do it when I got a lane for my own. That is, because I can not stay in a straight line and am scared of hitting someone else. Usually I stick to breaststroke. I have no idea how to do freestyle (or actually I do know HOW but if I try, I drown ;) ) and I can also not do butterfly.
Sometimes this is what I will do after a run, simply because I finish right where I park my car, which is on a pool`s parking space. Also that`s where I can shower before classes and since I won`t pay five dollars entry for showering only, I make myself swim. Usually somewhere between 700 and 1000 meters, because I don`t have much more time.


I have ran into people when I share the lane with them so many times….I need to wear a sign that says BEGINNER:) I drown with freestyle too! Wait…5 bucks to shower?!?! That is ridiculous!


I love the jacket you’re wearing and you look so pretty in the dress in the last picture! Sounds like such an amazing experience!!


Thanks so much made me blush:)


Always a good job right here. Keep rolling on through.


Awesome experience!! Love the pix. I think you have convinced me to transition from strawberry to chocolate milk. Yum!


What an amazing weekend!! Looks like you had a fabulous time!

I still listen to the Dixie Chicks too. And Hanson. Shh.

I would love to do an IronMan someday. Just how awesome would that be!


OH MY GOODNESS! I can’t believe that you were able to meet Apolo! I bet you guys had a blast! :)


Yay Meb!! You look like natural interviewing him! So cute. I love those killer orange jackets too. I love heels. Wear them to work every day! :)


How awesome Janae!!! You are totally famous. I’m glad I can tell people I know you and that you think I’m cool enough to have yogurt with! You looked gorgeous in all those pictures! How awesome to interview such amazing athletes. I need to start drinking chocolate milk after my runs now. I don’t swim, but can swim. Not that well. I hate doing the head turn while doing strokes because I hate getting water in my ears. Maybe I’m just not doing it right. Ran 6 miles on Saturday! My heart didn’t feel tired, just my body. Felt horrible after and got a fever and the chills after my run. After some drugs and some rest I finally felt better. It was weird. Love you girly!


DARCEE!!! You are so hilarious. THank you so much and GIRL…you ran 6 miles….you are rocking it! HOLY COW!!! I am so sorry that you felt so bad after, that is not fun. YES, start drinking low fat chocolate milk after your workouts, I swear by it!


Forget everything else – let’s talk about your pretty, pretty hair in those pictures. So wavy and shiney!


Susan, you are so nice…thank you so much!


Love DC and still listen to them!
I’m a very bad swimmer, doggy paddle all the way. But I love being in the pool.
I used to wear heels all the time, but am scared to now w/ my 9 mos old ( in case I trip and fall)
Also I’m just learning about this chocolate milk thing to refuel ( I must live in a cave). Is there a certain kind of choc milk? Intrigued…


There is no way I could chase after a 9 month old in heels ha! The best type of chocolate milk is low fat, so 1%. We buy the milk and mix it with hershey’s syrup…it is cheaper that way:) We first heard about it from the BYU cross country coach a few years ago and there team is always in the top 3….it really does help aid recovery quickly. Let me know what you think!


I swam from age 6 through college and loved it! My teammates were and still are some of my best friends. I swam everything but my best events were breaststroke and IM.


WOW…teach me how to swim! That is awesome that you are so close with your teammates still.


come back out to cali! i miss you guys.


I know. Give us a few more months and before you know it you will be training me back into shape and babysittying. I will watch marni for you in exchange.


This is so flipping awesome that you got to do this! How amazing to chat with all those incredible athletes! And I love your new jacket! So cute!


Love your outfit & awesome experience! My after is usually breakfast- no wonder it tastes so delicious!


Big fan of both those groups, I love jamming out for old times sake to them! The events looks really cool!


you teach me how not to fall off of a bike, I’ll teach you to swim. I’m actually a lifeguard! (not active) I love 500m free and 100m breast stroke. I detest the butterfly. (it’s just not natural!) You look GREAT in your dress. I do NOT wear heels often, because I always have someone small to chase or carry down the stairs. I wear Toms or Minnetonkas or keds or runners most of the time. It’s sad, really.

Was it awkward being taller than Apollo and Meb?


Done and done, seriously….if we end up in law school over there, I am taking you up on that offer! I need to look up Minnetonkas, I have never heard of them. Ha, it was a little awkward with Meb because he was short and SKINNY, I felt like I could eat him. At least Apolo was pure muscle so I didn’t feel too much like a monster next to him.


Looks like so much fun! You looked fabulous btw :-) My favorite after is recovering with a banana and most recently started drinking chocolate milk! I enjoy the silk almond dark chocolate milk as well, it’s delicious! Can’t wait to read about Meb!

I know what you mean about heels…I wear them only when I have to!


Thanks Chels!! Heels really are so adorable but it has to be a VERY special occasion ha!


What a wonderful experience.

NOT a swimmer here, I grew up in the ocean every day which is strange but I am not a good swimmer and have no desire to tackle a tri.


I am jealous you grew up in the ocean….I hope my kiddo gets to do that too:)


SO FREAKING COOL!! I am totally getting your autograph next time I see you and am so incredibly jealous. You look absolutely stunningly gorgeous btw.


Yay! It looks like such an awesome night! You are officially the awesomest running blogger I know! :) I’m not a big swimmer, but I love cycling! And I definitely drink chocolate milk after running, particularly after longer runs. On miles of about 3-5 miles, I usually won’t need anything more than a banana after the fact, but 5+ plus miles, and the chocolate milk comes out!



You are ridiculously adorable. That is all.

Ok, that’s not all. You’re hair looks AMAZING too. :-)


Wow, looks like an amazing time! Ahhhh :) And geez, you are absolutely glowing, so gorgeous girl! Can’t wait for the next post!


Thanks so much Lilly!


Janae, I am so incredibly jealous. But you are ever so deserving of that opportunity. Amazing :)

AFTER-If I have chocolate milk, I down that. I tend to just lay and die in the living room floor. Not the smartest.

I used to swim competitively for 13 years. I hung it up after high school. Sometimes I regret it as I could have been a full-ride to most colleges but everything has panned out. The 200 fly was my event–I’m crazy ;)

Dashboard is outstanding!

I tried to wear heels for the wedding I was the MOH in this weekend but my feet were so swollen and HURTING from my first 20 miler I did that morning. Running > fashion. Clearly. :)


I love parantheses too. I have a lot of side thoughts that I’m SURE make the post even funnier.

I am not a swimmer but I took swimming lessons three years ago to learn. I can swim on my back. I am getting back in the water over the next fews weeks to train for my first-ever sprint triathlon. It is a way to force me to learn swimming and cross-training. All I normally do is run.


I love Meb! He’s my favorite. I have a ton of heels in my closet, but very rarely wear them — usually only for a few hours if I do (I once got severe shin splints that was partially attributed to heels so I stay away as much as possible).


AHHHHH love LOVE THIS! I drink chocolate milk to refuel (I really do!) and I love how it tastes. It’s the best after-workout drink.

I like wearing heels–and almost never wear any flat shoes. But 6 hours is a long time.

I WANT that jacket. So bad. Could they send me an extra?!


Awesome experience! Although, I’m pretty sure Meb won the 2009 NYC marathon not 2011 :)


OOPS!! I totally wrote the wrong year, thank you so much Jenny!


WOW! What an event!! Again, you looked stunning in your dress-classy and absolutely beautiful.

I would have lost my words around athletes like that crew–Dara is my hero, ageless–and I love Meb’s smile.

Billy is such a good sport-but thankfully he is around some amazing people and events!

Hardly ever wear heels–6 hours?! Ouch!


Ummmm soooooo I’m feeling pretty proud that I get to call myself a Team Refuel Athlete just like you and all these badasses.

yeah, I said it.


SOOOOOOOO cool!!!!!!


It was great to meet you! :) You’re so sweet! let me know when you’re in town and I’ll give you that swim lesson. haha :)


Wow, that is awesome that you got to talk to all these great athletes! All of them would be great to hear from and interview! Especially Meb! I’ve only met him once back in 2010 before Rock N Roll San Jose, he was a really nice guy and it was awesome to meet him.


I hate swimming but LOVE Dara Torres!!!! I love watching my son swim. He just competed in AZ states as an 8 year-old this past weekend. He got all that from his dad!!!


This post is so cool!!! I have to say Im jealous!


I’m learning to swim. It’s not easy! And I’m very bad about getting to the pool, since the closest one is about 40 miles away! And I have a tri at the end of June…


LOVE SWIMMING! I randomly tried it in middle school and instantly fell in love. Its really all I can do. Since I swam throughout high school and college, I would say i know HOW to be athletic ;-) I tried running and I even told myself I would run a half this year. Welp that plan is gone already! I swear! I can get myself up early to swim 4-5 times a week, but I couldnt make myself run barely once a week. I really feel you find your passion!!

BTW, LOVE your dress and so jealous you met those athletes!!


Wow your dress is beautiful! Where did you get it?


I got it At nordstrom:) thanks!


You look so cute in the jacket! Looks like you had a great time!!


Love those refuel jackets! I’m super jealous =)

I think like most New Yorkers, the only swimming I can do is dipping my feet and doggy paddling to shore.


You have the best smile and personality! I’m sure you made an awesome correspondent!


You look beautiful, as always, and I love your dress!!! I bet you were in Heaven all weekend as you love these athletes so much!


Yeah heels and running =/. I can do heels when I am on a break from running (yay injuries!) but when running, the soreness and ouchness is like no other. Stupid feet!

So wild that you got to meet Meb. You have met/talked to SO many famous athletes lately, runners especially! Next on your list: Ryan Hall and Kara Goucher!


This is SO totally awesome that you got to do this! Loved every second of it!

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