Buns Burner and Running in the Wind

Today’s workout didn’t start until 11 a.m.  I won’t be able to sleep in like that for too many more months, I have to enjoy it while I can:)  When it is stormy outside it stays really dark in our house and I am pretty sure we could sleep all day but luckily someone texted us and we realized half the day was over so we finally got up.

I headed to the gym and did some weights, the stairclimber and ran a total of 6 miles (3 outside).  There is a wind warning here today and it was crazy how hard it was to run in that.  I am pretty sure those 3 miles outside count as at least 9 miles of running on the treadmill.  Note to self:  when a bug comes flying towards your eyeballs in the wind, close your eyes.

I tested out my new sports bras from Old Navy today.  I don’t know if they are having the same sale where you are at but each sports bra was only $10 and I REALLY liked them a lot.

Photo 21

As I was running along trying to think that the wind was a fun challenge instead of that it was really trying to kill me I kept wondering why my buns were so sore.  It hit me………..

We did this move in RIPPED on TUESDAY and I am still feeling it.

Place a weight on the outer part of your leg.  First lift your leg directly up and then

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move it forward 6 inches and then back 6 inches and then back to its original position.  Repeat as many times as you can until your lower half is numb.

I need to go put my eight layers of self-tanner on.

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Even though it is cold outside, I am wanting a smoothie for lunch big time!  Hurry and tell me what I should put in it, I haven’t made one forever and needs some creativity from you.

Is it windy and cold where you are?  What are your tips for running in the wind?

Who is racing this weekend?  Who already raced this morning?

Where did you get your last sports bra from?  Favorite sports bra color?

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Oh girl, I’m here with you in Utah and I went running in the ridiculous wind this morning with my sister. She brought her 2 yr old in a jogging stroller and we switched off pushing and let me tell ya, I have a new found respect for how hard core moms are! You are going to be ripped when you have a little one to take on runs with you!


I just made one with frozen bananas, greek yogurt, vanilla almond milk, almond butter, cinnamon, cocoa powder, flax, vanilla extract and ice. Yum!


I have a 5K tomorrow! I’m hoping I can kick this little cold so I can run it at a half decent pace:) That leg workout looks fantastic, I might have to try it tonight! It is actually unseasonably beautiful for CT today – 60’s and sunny, and I think 70 tomorrow! My girls just had to get out their bathing suits and play in the hose:)
My sports bras are usually from Target – the c9 ones, I LOVE them. The ones with the skinny straps. I am pretty much completely flat and really don’t need to wear one in all reality, so I’m not too picky about them.
Have a great night!


it truly is windy out there today! i didn’t even try to run outside today… the wind and i are just not friends at all. i ran on the treadmill and called it good. i was totally craving a smoothie today too, and it was SO good! i can’t wait for the warmer months when i crave them every day. :)


I find myself looking for your cute little adorable baby bump :)

…But I guess I’ll just have to wait to admire the cute little one, I guess it is still a little too early!


It IS windy and cold where I am, the rest of the country sucks for being all warm and spring-like! It even SNOWED. AGAIN. Am I always whining to you about that? Yes, yes I am. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


I like frozen raspberries, frozen peaches, yogurt and milk. (If you have sherbert, throw some in ;) )


Ok miss Janae, I am running my first 5k EVER tomorrow and I am stressed out about it! Any last minute advice? I’m in Oregon and it might snow on us, which is just unacceptable to me; I love the sun!! Seriously, any advice will do. And btw, you have to remember you are allowed to sleep as much as you want because you are sleeping for two now ;)


Are you running the shamrock run? I am in oregon and running my first 5k tomorrow. I’m scared!


Oh my gosh – YES!!! It’s your first 5k too?? I’m sure we will both be fine, but let me know how you do. If you’re on twitter mine is @kateraineri … GOOD LUCK!!


Good Luck to you too! I am not on twitter but I will check back in if I survive! If you see me collapsed on the road will you drag me to the finish line please?


How did you do Kate?


It’s been in the 70s/80s and sunny all week in Minnesota! Very uncharacteristic March weather for us.

I ran a PR in my 5K this morning! A post-high school PR, that is, but whatevs. I take was I can get :) One day I hope to be speedier than I was back then!

I got two Nike sports bras from Foot Locker a couple months ago. My fluorescent orange one is my fave!


Ahhhh congrats on your 5k pr! You are incredible!!! Enjoy that weather:)


Bananas+cocoa powder+greek yogurt+milk +a little sweetener = thick chocolately goodness. I don’t have a blender while I’m at college so I’ll have to live vicariously through your smoothie!


It’s an amazing 85 degrees here. We go directly from winter to summer. I just switched out my closets—boots and jackets up, sandles and shorts out!! I an now predicting a cold front to come through next week.


Ooooh I like that move! Going to incorporate it into a lower body workout next week, I think :)


I live in Wisconsin – and we are having AMAZING unseasonable weather… it’s 78 right now at 5:42pm!!! AMAZING.

I have a six mile training run for my half marathon this weekend. I had to miss the regular training run this morning due to bridesmaid dress shopping – so that’s what’s on my plate for the 76 degree weather tomorrow!

I love Champion double dry sports bras… any color that I can find on clearance or sale!! :)


This smoothie: http://www.keepinghealthygettingstylish.com/2010/07/alternative-sunday-lunch-and-super.html

(Scroll down) Very refreshing post-run, I would imagine :)

Eh, I have such trouble finding sports bras. Most of my ‘flesh’ appears to be under my arms as opposed to being at the front where it should be.



I have two sports bras from old navy (both bought on sale) and I like them both. I have a normal sized chest and they work pretty well. :)


I am on the other side of the world (NZ) so we are just getting into autumn and the weather is still pretty nice. If I have to run in the wind I try to make it an out and back loop so I at least get the benefits of a part tail-wind.

I got my last sports bra from Nike. I don’t know what they are called but i really like them.


Great workout! So glad you guys to the opportunity to sleep in.

I was totally craving a smoothie after my workout this morning too! Actually, I wanted one before I was even done! It is warm and was sunny here today, absolutely a beautiful day! Anyway, I had frozen mango, banana, strawberry and a few blueberries. I also use skim milk and greek yogurt plus throw in a bit of cinnamon and flax and chia seeds. So yum! Have you tried putting sliced almonds or walnut pieces in your smoothies? I love the crunch and added fat/protein.

Hope you had a great day!


It’s always windy in Chicago! But I just left Colorado Sprigs and it had been windy there the past couple of days. I HATE running into the wind, I get do frustrated!


haha if you got a bug in your eye, you should read what I wrote about almost eating a bug the other day….lets just say…it hung around awhile…

this morning I did a St. Pattys 5K and it was my roommates FIRST RACE EVER!!! I t was so exciting getting to run along side her during her first race!

p.s. im trying that move right now


I really dislike wind, I always get something in my eye haha. Thanks for sharing that leg move, I am going to slowly startbdoing leg exercises now that my femor has healed and I am finally crutch free after three months. My injured leg will really need to gain strength back. Cute sports bras, I have a green one from old navy ( thin strapped) and idk why but it is my face and the material is super soft. Maybe you tried a green smoothies for st. Patricks day? ;)


Great question! I am experimenting with Green Monster Smoothies. DELICIOUS. Spinach. Pineapple. Banana. Strawberries.
Spinach. Cucumber. Kiwi. Celery. Strawberries.
Greek Yogurt. Banana. Pineapple.

Have a good St. Patrick’s Day!


It was 80 degrees and sunny out today in Georgia! I loved it!! We just ate dinner outside, which always makes me happy!

And P.S. I put multiple layers of self-tanner on today, too! ;)


We had a lot of wind on my run Thursday. Was not fun! Especially when we reached the top of an overpass, the wind started blowing dirt & sand at us. I had it in my eyes, mouth and sadly, in my freshly applied chap stick. Yuck!

I am shopping for a new bra myself. Last one I bought was a C9 Extreme Support at Target. I hate it! I need something with great support and comfortable. This bra is not it!


Apples, banana, cinnamon and chocolate milk! Delicious smoothie!


Shamrock Half this morning in Saratoga Springs. WINDY! Oh my!! I felt like Mario trying to avoid and jumping over tumbleweeds! lol!!


Running my second half of the year tomorrow! I love C9 sports bras from Target.


I’m going to have to try that exercise!
It was hot in Atlanta today! I am running the marathon tomorrow. Eeek! Excited but nervous too.
My last sports bra was a Handful. I’ve always been curious about the Old Navy ones though. Most of mine come from Target and I’m not sure if I have a favorite color. :)


I just bought some workout tanks and compression bottoms at Old Navy. I’ve never bought their workout gear and I was really suprised about how much I loved the fit…. espically for the great price! I was beginning to think I was going to have to give up chocolate and Swedish fish just to afford some new gear :)


I’m usually not an Old Navy fan for myself(love their baby and kids clothes) but I picked up some of their sports bras recently. Love ’em! Super affordable, supportive and comfortable. I’ll have to check out my store to see if they are having the same sale.


I get my sports bras from Target. Today I wore my green one of course :)
Ran a 50K in the mud today! I have no tips for running in the wind, but I’m sure it’ll help with training. Like running hills I guess??
And what’s the deal with bugs? I’ve killed two bugs with my eyeballs so far. It is NOT pleasant.


I made it 12 miles in the wind yesterday before coming back and finishing up 6 on the treadmill. Some of the gusts were blowing me off of the bike path. I hate running in the wind. I don’t know what I would do if I had to run a windy race.


I raced! I did my first 1/2 marathon complete with hills- thought I was going to die, but it ended up not being as awful as I thought, guess I was more prepared than I thought. Even did better than I hoped. So excited, not super sore now, but we’ll see tomorrow. I can’t wait for my next one in June. I just have some fun races before that. 10$ is a great price for sports bras. I always have trouble not getting enough support or that it kills my shoulders, but I found a great one at a running Expo, it’s boring in color, but maybe I’ll try out ON. Happy St. Patrick’s day. Hope you ate something green:-)


I raced this morning! 3rd overall female….a 16yr old and 10yr old beat me! I stayed with the 10yr old and talked her through it for 2miles. I coached her older sister for XC for 4 years. So I did not want to beat her. It was my first race back from an injury and I actually ran it faster than any race I did last year!! It was 70 degrees today here today…not the normal at all. My last sports bra is from Old Navy I love them!


As I’m reading this, the wind is howling outside right now. I swear our backyard is a wind tunnel. It’s not cold here today, but it did rain.
Today we celebrated my daughters 3rd birthday. Our little St. Patty’s baby loved having a very pink day! I don’t have a favorite sports bra, but I will have to try Old Navy’s. My favorite sports bra is a fuschia pink.


I’m a new runner and a new reader — I’m really enjoying your blog!
It was 88* here in Alabama today and gorgeous. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to run because we worked in the yard for 8 hours today.
I picked up another of my fav sports bras today. Jockey makes a great one, really stretchy and fun colors. I got a charcoal grey one at TJMaxx for $13.


I ran a 5k this morning! I could’ve pulled off a great PR but ran slower to encourage a friend who has been sick but really wanted to run. Way more rewarding than a PR any day just to cheer her across the finish line! It was really warm and humid in Charlotte NC this morning. No wind though, thank goodness…I agree that running in the wind is definitely twice as hard!! I just bought some amazing Nike and Adidas sports bras and other gear at TJMaxx like Kristen…they are having a huge end of season clearance on sports gear!


I ran today for the first time outside since having my baby(been using my treadmill). I’m here in UT too! The wind was relentless, I did 6.5 miles. I hope the sale at Old Navy is still going when I go on Monday, I NEED a new sports bra bad, and of course it’ll be purple, my fav color!


I just updated my sports bra collection…one of the few things I can justify spending on as I know I will more than make use of it!


I actually just bought that exact same sports bra. I bought that color and the black. I’ve been in serious need for some new ones since all of mine are from Wal-Mart and probably no less than 4 years old.


way to push through the wind girl! i always try to go with it. if i`m going downhill and the wind is pushing me a little bit, then i feel like i`m flying!

my all time favourite sports bra is the tata tamer from lululemon. the girls don’t move at all in that sucker!!


Its windy and rainy here in california. I have been treadmilling like a bau5

I wanted to but I had to take john to the airport this morn so it eliminated any fun st paddys day runs

Last sports bra was from Marshalls and my fave color is Neon Green!


dang, don’t blow away out there!!! there were a few times in OR where i was slightly afraid i’d get blown into the road….i’m not a huge fan of running in gale force winds! so maybe stick to the tready for a bit! :P


I wore a new sports bra yesterday too :P It was from Lulu and it was absolutely fabulous! Now if only I could get another one on sale…


I love Old Navy’s workout clothes! I just bought some tanks from there. Love that they are cheap too- that definitely makes them even nicer ;)
It’s 85 degrees here today..doesn’t get much colder- just hotter. FL is always a hot box! :)
Hope you have a good weekend!!


I like the champion sports bras from target (I don’t have much to support) – especially the neon colors. Neon yellow/green and hot pink are my favorite ones. I also like my Zumba sports bra – nothing moves at all in that baby.

We’ve had crazy winds lately, but it’s insanely warm here. It’s usually in the upper 50’s lower 60’s right now, but it’s been mid 80’s nearly every day. I’m not complaining!


I just bought a sports bra from Target for an 8k I’m running next Sunday. It’s a shamrock race and I was looking for green and it’s neon greenish, so hopefully it’ll do the job. I’m a bit questionable about how many washes it will be able to withstand and if the elastic will keep on all of those sweaty lakefront days here in Chicago, but my chest is itty bitty so there isn’t much movement anyhow.

Love that move, such a good one for runners with knee pains to strengthen those hips and butt muscles!


Oh my gosh I’ve done a similar exercise but with an ankle weight instead of a handweight on my leg and it seriously is killer!


I love old navy sports bras. I also love their shorts. I went last week and stocked up during the sale!


Ooh i may have to check out old navy! i get my sports bras from forever 21 (because they are ridiculously cheap and cute!!) and target. my favorite color is HOT pink, like hilighter pink!!

i just did that leg workout!! it’s intense. i’m looking forward to the burn tomorrow ;)


I have that same exact sports bra and I love it! It totally supports even the small-chested ladies like myself lol


I did my first 5K race today! It was a lot of fun and I was happy I was within range of time I was aiming for. I’ll post about it later in the week when I have more energy. :)


Running in the wind…holler. Washington weather has been nothing but wind and rain!

Per your blog recommendation, I went and bought the 3/4 work out capris from Old Navy. They are awesome! So glad I didn’t go spend $100 at Lulu. Baller on a budget : )


I am in the market for a new sports bra! The last two I purchased at Wal-mart, and they have done the job, but I really need some new ones. I might have to check out Old Navy!


Ooh, $10 for a good sports bra is a great deal!


Forever 21 has my favorite sports bra – lime green!


That is a great deal on the sports bras. I am going to check that out. Thanks!

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