One of those runs where everything goes right.

I found a good breakfast to eat before my long runs.  Oh wait, this is pretty much my breakfast every morning.  Orange juice, grapes and cottage cheese were eaten approximately 7 minutes before I started running and they were great fuel.


Today’s run felt awesome.  I woke up with a lot of energy which is necessary for a successful run now that I can’t have caffeine.  We did 10 miles with an average pace of 8:25.

Photo 2

I took my handheld water bottle that the cutest Britt gave me and I absolutely loved it. My left arms is going to be incredibly strong now too, seriously though…it is kind of sore now.  I guess I could switch off hands to hold it with throughout the run but that would take too much thinking.  The pocket on the side made it easy to store the necessities in life: chapstick and gum oh and the car keys.  It was really nice to have water so easily available the second I felt like I needed a drink.

Photo 1 2

Bilster ended up staying with us the majority of the time and was so excited for his Peanut Butter flavored Gu.  I hate Gu as it is as and peanut butter is on my disgusting list lately so the idea of eating this……   I know I will now be shunned from the blog world for not liking peanut butter.


Photo 3

Don’t you hate it when you don’t realize how incredibly short your shorts are until you look at the picture of yourself.  Yeah, sorry about that.

Photo 4

I wore my ON shoes that the company sent me and will do a full review next week.

We are now hanging out at my Mom’s house because my brother leaves tomorrow night and I must soak in as much quality time with them as possible.  Added bonus is that my mom has at least 7 times as much food here as we do.

Our next half marathon is in a little less than a month.  Do you think I could get by with just doing ten milers each Saturday until then or should I try to get in an 11, 12 or 13 miler?

Do you eat/drink caffeine before you run?

What kind of GPS watch do you use?  Anyone else have the Garmin 305?

-I will always love the 305, I refuse to upgrade until I am forced.

For you gu lovers…what is your favorite gu flavor?  Have you tried the PB?

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I MUST have coffee before a run! I didn’t like the peanut butter gu,I like plain or vanilla. I have a arm computer aka garmin 305, I thought about getting a newer version but I’m cheap and it does the job. Plus I already know all the functions. You look great & good job on your run!


I might need to try the vanilla and see if I like it. BAHAHAH I love that you called it the arm computer:) It really is huge but it makes it easier to see right. You are so sweet, thanks Kamaile.


It definitely helps me when I have some kind of caffeinated beverage before running! Why are you cutting out caffeine?

I can’t eat and go though, I have to wait at least 15 – 20 minutes so the food can digest… I don’t have a super runner body (digest & run at the same time) like yours lol


Just while I am pregnant I am not going to have any caffeine. HA usually my body doesn’t let me eat right before either…something weird is going on:) Hope you are having an amazing day JoJo!


gosh how did I not know? You are barely showing!
I just read bunch of your baby posts, how exciting. Congratulations!
It’s hard to cut stuff out of your diet, but it’s all worth it in the end :D


I never do caffeine before running- that would be a recipe for multiple stops for me! I always like to train to 13 for a half marathon- mentally it just makes me feel better!!
Powerade Vanilla GU is the BEST! I am not a fan of the GU brand


I have to have one cup of coffee before I run- nothing more, nothing less!

It took me forever to convince the hubs to let me buy a GPS watch (something about me not taking care of my possessions…) but I found the Garmin 405 on sale on I love it!

My favorite GU flavor is tri-berry… but then again I don’t think I’ve tried any other flavors!


I have not tried the Gu…my texture issues make me think I wouldn’t like it


I definitely think you could get away with just doing 10 milers if you are not up for doing 13 mile training runs. You are in great shape as it is and your body knows what to do, and you don’t plan on setting a PR;-)
I can’t stand gu, or any gu like fuel. they make me want to puke. I even have a really hard time with the chomps. bleh! I usually don’t need caffeine before I run, and I haven’t really been using fuel for the long runs.
I have the Garmin forerunner 110, so I think I have the most basic model! I’m not going to upgrade until it dies, because it works great for me.
Have a GREAT time with your family today!!!


Great run!!! I am a 305 user, too, and love it. A couple of weeks ago I thought it died. I didn’t want to spend a ton of money (my Garmins tend to last just until the warranty is up. I don’t know how I kill them, but I have a talent!) and so I did some research. I ordered a $99 Soleus GPS 1.0 based on reviews. It simply measures distance, speed, pace, and time and you can’t even upload to your computer. Guess what? I really like it. And guess what? My 305 came back from the dead. :) I’ve been using them both, and I guess it doesn’t hurt to have a back up.

I caffeinate… I have trouble with food before I run. If it’s a long one I am usually OK with a liquid supplement with some sugar and protein in it (I’ve been using Twin Labs Endurance Fuel for the past couple of years). I also tend to make sure I eat more the night before a long run or race. It seems to carry over to the next morning.

I think all the GUs are kind of gross but I like the berry flavored ones OK. Chocolate always SOUNDS like a good idea to me, but…. :-P

Just catching up on your blog from the past few days. I missed you! Love the new bump picture. :)


I think you are an awesome runner and sticking to 10 miles will be fine if that’s what you wanna do!
I have the Garmin 405- but I think the 305 is easier to use. At the time I thought smaller was better! I like chocolate and vanilla Gu but the best gels are the apple cinnamon flavored carb boom energy gels. Also, I love coffee before runs…. and after..


305 all the way, bebe.

Totes think you can get by with some 10-ers. You’ve got this.

I always drink a cup of coffee before I run and on long runs, I have caffeinated gels. My favorite is CLIF Shot Mocha. Yum. How’d Billy like the PB flavor? I really want to try it, but I don’t think it’s caffeinated…or did I make that up?


Yay for the great run! And considering your running history and the miles under your belt, you can totally do it with “just” the 10 milers :)

I use hydration belt and I love the GU Chocolate Outrage and Espresso Love, I don’t think we have Peanut Butter here in Europe :(

I have Garmin 110 and am looking to upgrade to 910XT once I am able to save enough money for it … like in trillion years … it is kind of expensive to fuel a marathoner’s body. I guess you know a quite some about this :)


I’ve never even seen PB GU! I bought a variety pack on Amazon and so far haven’t encountered a flavor I don’t like!


You could probably get away with more 10 milers as long as you keep your weekly mileage up, right? If it was me I’d prefer to get in a 11, 12 or 13.

Usually I run after work and I rarely drink caffeine/coffee late in the afternoon so no. However today I drank 2 double espressos and I had what I’d consider one of the best runs I’ve had in months. So will I continue to? Only on the weekends.

I recently bought the Garmin 405. LOVE IT. I’m an analyst by nature and trade, so comparing numbers and graphing performance is a must for me. Oh and I don’t really like the GU’s but if I do have one it’s the vanilla bean one =/

And beautiful scenery in the pic with the mountains in the background. :D


dude i dont know if i can keep up with you, you’re STILL killing it on the runs, long and fast! im impressed. i kinda thought people died or fell off the face of the earth when they were pregnant but i guess not?


I love that amazing mountain background! I go to school in a part of Texas with zero hills, and I miss the landscape!

And I am going to have to put grapes in my cottage cheese- I’ve never tried it before but after you’ve been raving about the combo I’ll have to!


What did Billy think of the PB Gu? I only ever have chocolate brownie but I’m starting to get kind of sick of it. Peanut butter sounds like it could be pretty nasty though…


HE LOVES the PB gu…like really likes it! Try the cc and grapes cottage cheese and let me know what you think:)


I definitely need coffee before a run! & I agree the pb gu is gross! Great run!


Coffee is a must. I also take a cold shower before a race or a long run..super weirdo over here.

Gu? Yep, more caffeine. Espresso Love is my favorite and I can also do Chocolate Outrage. The fruit flavors are gross and the Clif Shots are not my thing.

I have the Garmin 405. I like it, but the battery life is not great.


I always eat Ezekial toast with just a little peanut butter before a run. It fills me up without feeling like a brick in my stomach :) And only water, no caffeine, ever.
I think you would be fine capping your long runs at 11 miles. When I trained for my first half marathon 11 was my longest, and I wasn’t even pregnant! You’ve done a lot of miles so you don’t need to be overloading your self with extra miles.
I have the Nike GPS watch- I get to view a map of where I ran which I am way too entertained by! lol
I only eat Clif Shot Blocks. I tried a GU once and spit it out because the texture reminded me of Aloe Vera…ewww


I don’t really like gu, but we have some at home that I’m trying to use up on my long runs. I did 14 miles this morning and had one pb gu which was surprisingly not as disgusting as I imagined, like really sugary pb with weird texture.

For all of my half marathons my longest training run was only 10 miles. I think you will be fine no matter what, maybe just go by how you feel . I have the same garmin and after my run today my left arm muscles started to cramp up! I was laughing about it with my husband and the only thing we coul think of was that my garmin was on that arm! Maybe it was too tight? I have no idea…


I just recently got the Garmin 910 and I love it! I’m also doing the SLC half, first race back after multiple injuries including a stress fracture, I’m sort of terrified for it.


I am so happy you are back!! I would love to meet you!


BREAKING NEWS….I am at my grandpas house (he is 96 and basically only eats dessert) and this lady just dropped off a dessert that looked like it was on top of a waffle but it was actually cake made in a waffle iron. Whaaaaa? It looks delicious and I KNEW I had to tell you!!


Natalie!! Try it right this second and tell me how it is! That is a great idea:)


Waffle brownies are the best. Regular brownie mix…. Cooked in a waffle iron! Sometimes I make BLACK BEAN brownies in there, and my hubby doesn’t even know the difference! Brownies + protein + fiber? Yes please!
I worked at Starbucks for 5.5 years before leaving to do photography full time. I have coffee with every meal! :)
P.S. 305, all the way


Have to have caffeine for my long runs, especially if I don’t sleep the night before. Usually take half of a five-hour energy drink. Disgusting taste, great effects.

My husband got me the Garmin 210 for my birthday after I subtly hinted to never get me a present again unless it was a Garmin. I love it, especially the heart rate monitor. I surprise myself by using it all the time.


So excited for you that you had one of those great runs today! There’s nothing like them!


One of the presenters at Run Like a Girl said to eat Peanut M&M’s on your long runs, that they are the perfect fuel! Sounds amazing to me!! :)


Great long run! It’s so inspiring to see that you are still able to put in some good mileage. It gives me hope for a year or two down the road when I might be pregnant. I am not a fan of gu at all… I’ve been using sport beans or random candy. And as for your half? I think you would be fine with 10 milers, your base is definitely strong enough to carry you through. :-D Have a great weekend!


I LOVE the 305!!! I got it for sale from someone that wasn’t using it anymore. :)

I noticed you also have a fancy one with a HR monitor on your gear page… you don’t use it?


Isn’t it the best! The fancy one is Billy’s:) he loves it!


I’ll be curious what you decide regarding your runs before your half … I bet you’d be completely fine just doing 10 milers, but I’m by no means the expert! ;)


I don’t run anymore but when I was training for my half marathon, I used the Garmin 305 and loved it. I tried GU once and almost puked. Therefore, no flavors are my favorite. :)


My solo long run this morning was great, and I usually struggle on my own. I think if you can get an 11 mile run in it would help, but you are in such great shape it shouldn’t matter too much.

I always have a cup of coffee before a run of more than 6/8 miles.

I have a Garmin 405, hate the bezel, it is less than 2 years old and the battery life is horrible. I just purchased a 210, I can’t justify the price of the 610 and it seems great for what I need.

I usually use sports beans or Heed gels, but have used GU I have not seen the PB one yet.

Love the baby bump!


That handheld water bottle sounds like a great idea! I did 10 today too, and it felt amazing! Glad we both had great runs. I like the chocolate Hammer gel (it tastes like chocolate syrup), but I would definitely try the peanut butter.


Yuck, after my experience with GU at the NYC marathon this year, the thought of a peanut butter GU grosses me out, too! Can’t believe you’re still logging long runs at such a strong pace, you’re awesome!


I don’t drink coffee before I run at like 5:30 on weekdays but if I have to drive anywhere to run, coffee is a necessity for survival. I was SO excited for PB Gu and I tried it during a marathon and thought it was disgusting. What a let down.

You’re good to go with 10 milers, unless you are like me and need that “I know I can do it” mental boost of getting in 12 or 13. You are way faster than me pregnant, which is awesome (for you).


Janae hi! That was so funny to see you this morning during your run. Where did you guys start and end? I don’t have a garmin and I thought riverwoods to bridal veil would be about 7 miles but I am thinking it was more. I tried to use mapmyrun but it’s not good for the provo river trail. Congrats on the pregnancy too :)


HEY YOU!! So fun to see you! We parked by Bajio and ran up a few minutes past the waterfalls and it was 10 miles…you did way more than you think you did:) We need to run together! Thanks for the congrats, we are so excited!


Awesome run!! You are amazing.

I have the garmin 110 because I was afraid I would get frustrated trying to use anything more complicated. I do love it though.

I do not do Gu. I love sports beans though, especially the ones with a little caffeine boost.

I usually have oatmeal or a granola bar before my run and sports beans mid way through.

Have a great weekend!


With your running history, you’ll be fine with 10 miles :-) Although if you have the urge to go farther, go for it!

I have a similar water bottle contraption! If I’m not running toooo far, I like it.

You have the most amazing running scenery ever!! Although I do like the farms here in MO :-)


I have the 305 and love it and don’t see a reason to upgrade. I love gus because they are easy, but it gets expensive. I try to get the ones with caffeine so that it’s a double bonus. I can’t believe how fast you are still running, that’s unreal!


Hello, yes, you amaze me too with how much you are running and preggers. No excuses for me lol! You go! Also, I hate PB too, never liked it. I think it’s a texture thing, but the thought of a PB sandwich makes me want to gag. I’m not a huge fan of the smell either. Weird thing is, I can eat reeces pieces and if I’m desperate, I can eat a PB cup, like if we have no other chocolate in the house. I don’t like the GU either, again the texture thing for sure. I’ve been interested in the handheld water bottles. I have a refuel belt which I like, but am always opting to try something new, pockets are always a huge plus. I have pockets on my shorts, shirts and even bra lol. Cute ON sneaks, I’m interested in hearing your review! Happy Weekend!


I love Peanut Butter, but just the idea of a peanut butter flavored GU just grosses me out. Ugh.

Lululemon has an Amphipod right now that’s a plastic bottle instead of metal… you should try that if the metal just get’s to be too much :)


I gave up caffeine with my first but now I have half a cup, cut with water, in the morning. It’s kind of necessary with a toddler to chase! Besides, I’m not about to give up chocolate and there’s caffeine in that too :) I tried a vanilla Gu and a chocolate Gu today on my run and loved them – tasted just like icing!


I don’t function without coffee. Period! :)

I have the Garmin 305 per YOUR recommendation! Btw, thanks for that because I do love it and I still can’t believe it was only $138. I’m with you– I’ll keep this one, old and bulky, until it dies. It is so easy to use!


I also love my forerunner 305- it is awesome! No fancy bevel twisting 405 will make me upgrade either. I had a great 16 mile run today and I also do not like GU very much. I do enjoy the Power Bar Energy blasts because it is more like a GU version of a gusher. I did take your advice today on eating swedish fish while running and it was great:) I am hoping I can con my way out of my teacher training on April 21 so I can run the SLC half.


Our son was born at 27 weeks gestation (about 3 mtohns early) in 2007. Like you, I’m a tech and certainly can relate to how a lifelong passion for computing technology unexpectedly takes a back seat. During our 3 mtohns of visits to the NICU, I was surprised to learn that synthetic surfactant has been one of the big game changers in survivability of preemie babies. I would be interested in reading your posts about the technology in the NICU.


I really liked the GU’s with caffeine when running, the chocolate was my favorite. Caffeine before running is almost a no go for me, but after it is a must!
I have a Garmin but not sure which model, the old clunky one! haha I have not used it in months and not sure where it is ;)
Never tried the PB GU, the only one I currently like is the chocolate.


Janae I’m the crazy stalker that yelled at you during your run this morning. Haha I felt like I saw a celebrity since I’ve been following your blog for months now and have never met/seen you in person. My family thought I was crazy cuz I was so excited about it. Haha anyway, I’m training for my first marathon (Provo city on may 5- my 5 yr wedding anniversary) and you give me lots of motivation! Thanks!


KATIE!!! OH MY GOODNESS….I can’t even tell you how happy you made me, you literally made my morning! Can we pretty please go to Yogurtland together? I AM SO EXCITED for your first marathon!! I will be there cheering you on. Can I have more details about your training? PS our anniversary is on May 5th too…gotta love Cinco De Mayo:)


Yes let’s please go to yogurtland. I would love to pick your brain about everything running. You’re so speedy! I’m just following Hal higdon’s novice marathon training program so nothing too crazy. I’ve done half marathons but I’m so nervous to do a full. When do you wanna go to yogurtland?


Look at you and your adorable baby bump – I love it!


Since you are not going for a time, but rather to intro your baby to the joy that comes from organized racing, you can do 10 milers, no problem…….promise!


WHOA-fast pace –nice job lady!

I love grapes. SO tasty!


i had the 305 and just got the 610….just as good but so much smaller !!!!


I neeeeeeeed coffee before anything no matter what I’m doing so yes, I always have it before I run :)
I think you could easily get by doing 10 milers!!
I’m weird because I actually really like the gu’s. They taste like candy to me :) I’ve tried vanilla bean, strawberry banana, and chocolate and I loved all three!


Yeah, I JUST (like as in November 2011) got the 305 and I LOVE it. Never tried the Gu. And I totally think you could get by with 10 milers!


I prefer Hammer Gel instead of GU. It has a more natural flavor and is made with real fruit. I LOVED the raspberry one, super tasty.


I am doing my first half marathon next month, and the training program I’ve been “following” only has 10miles as the longest run you do, so I’d say you’ll be fine! Good luck with your race!


Janae!! Can I just say that I absolutely love your cute little baby bump!! :)
AND… killer run!! :)


A few things:
-Your little baby bump is so darn cute.
-(from a previous post) I am a teacher and am also already looking forward to the summer.
-My favorite Gu is the espresso flavor, but I had Tri-Berry this morning and it was pretty good.


I love the Garmin 305! I’ve had it for 3 or so years and it won’t die yet. Also LOVE peanut butter GU (it’s the only one I like) but I wish it had caffeine. I drink coffee before a run if I have to, but try not to since it makes me hafta pee! (TMI? Sorry)


I’ve just finished my long run and so happy to be reading yours and I love the beautiful hills scenery you have as a background. I can’t stomach even a drop of caffeine before a run and I don’t know why it makes me sick if I do.
Try the Hammer Gels they taste like fruit puree. I can’t eat any GU it makes me feel like gagging because it’s so sweet and thick ..yuck!


I hate GU! The only flavor I can somewhat tolerate is the vanilla, but even that sometimes makes me gag. I do like that they are small though…and easy to carry during a race. I’ll have to try the PB flavor and see if I like it better. I have the Garmin 205 which looks just like yours but is dark blue. I’m sure the 305 has some fancier features I don’t know about but the 205 suits my distance measuring needs just fine. I’m pretty sure I got it for under $100 on Worth every penny!


I definitely think you can get away with just 10 milers before the half. I did the same thing earlier on in this pregnancy and it worked out fine for me.

I like GU’s, but only if they’re chocolate or mocha flavors. No others ever!

Oh, and I’ve never used a Garmin and don’t think I ever will. I know myself well enough to know that I would stare at it the entire time and be constantly counting down and concentrating on the time too much.

Great job on your run today!


Oh my gosh … with baby on board you are thrice as fast as I will ever be … that is not fair :) just kidding …

I just upgraded my 305 to the 910! I love it …

… after that splurge … I now need to buy shoes again … oh and just paid for my daughter’s college registration! $$$$ Help!


I was down in Provo going to the temple this morning and there were a BILLION runners! Holy Hannah! I couldn’t believe it. I hate the taste and texture of GU, but it’s the only thing that doesn’t bother my stomach while running. I’m not a fan of peanut butter unless it’s in a Butterfinger or Reese’s Cup, so I would definitely pass on the PB GU.

I think 10 miles is plenty before a half. Especially since you won’t be “racing” it.


I take caffeine before really hard workouts or races… you have to be careful to not take too much and make your heart explode :-) But its definitely a (legal) performance enhancer.

I saw the PB GU in REI last night. Ever since we hiked the John Muir Trail (where Andrea and I each ate a jar of peanut butter over the course of that week) I can’t eat PB anymore (I can’t eat it straight up – in candy form its still great!). When I saw that they combined it w/ something else I don’t exactly love (GU!), I wanted to throw up… haha.


I looooove my garmin 405. It’s seriously amazing! Nice runs; you are awesome! :)


I have the 405 – it is the first Garmin I ever had, so the bezel, etc. was al new to me and I love it. I call my watch Garmy, it is my fav running bud :)

And unlike most of the commenters, I LOVE gels! GU brand is my favorite, though I will also eat Clif Shots, and Honey Stingers. I don’t care for Powerade or Hammer brands. My fav GU is choc mint, also love PB (soo good! i hope they do choc PB next), peppermint stick. all the coffee and fruity ones are yum, but i really hate strawberry banana. it feels like eating candy to me!


You don’t like peanut butter??? For shame, Janae :) jk! My love for if has weakened lately too! As a marathon is not a PDR for you, I definetely think you can get away with sticking to 10-milers as your long runs! Mentally you have it in u and if you’re feeling it physically, remember you can always slow down!


I love peanut butter Gu, actually it is the only one I like.
I have had my Garmin 305 for six years and love it. I love even more that it still works (maybe I don’t use it enough?).
You are so cutest pregnant girl ever.


Coffee before….always! Depends on how early I am running and how long. Full breakfast if I dont get up early, early long runs is less or I get sick. I just got the pb gu and cannot wait to try it! I have the Garmin 610 and Love it, a b day gift from my hubby : ) Cant train without it


I have a Garmin 305, and I can’t figure out how to make it show me my splits :( Is it easy to do? It’s driving me crazy!


i dont drink caffeine anymore (since im preggers i gave it up…guess i didnt have to? haha) i usually just have a banana with pb (im so sorry btw, that ur hating pb!). i love gu’s!! honestly though ive only really had like, 1 flavor…i dont remember what its called but super chocolatey..never tried the pb flavor will have to check it out! congrats on the great run! i love those!!


Yay for awesome runs!! I have a Garmin 305 and I love it too. I also have a water bottle like Billy’s that I carry for long runs and I have to remember to switch arms. I swear it changes my form, but I am kinda special like that.

Have so much fun with your family tomorrow at the blessing (your niece is adorable BTW ). I made.cinnamon rolls for our brunch tomorrow and I am very much looking forward to it :)

I like the mocha flavored gu. Sssshhh.


Thinking you’ll be fine with just 10 milers…really :) And as for the Gu…I used to like chocolate until the water thing happened in Vegas…so now I associate Chocolate Gu with getting super sick and hanging out in Denny’s bathrooms for extended periods of time :P LOVE my 305…especially love that it feels like a VW beetle is parked on my super scrawny wrist!


I love those runs when everything goes great. My runs have been awful lately. :(
I don’t like gu or shot bloks. I just can’t get into them. I always have a coffee before my runs. I don’t eat too much though. I have the Garmin 205. I love it.
Cute picture. You look adorable.


i’m addicted to caffeine (coffee) really bad lately, so yes, i have to have it before my run.

well, you know how i feel about GU. :) wouldnt that be funny if i start craving GU when im preggo one day? Hah. you’ll be the first to know!!

i got my garmin 405 from santa (ben) for christmas, and i’m still getting the hang of it. the bezel touch-thingy drives me crazy!!! i kind of missing running “naked”–i find myself checking my pace all the time instead of zoning out. i make it a point to run at least once or twice a week without it.

i think (well, i KNOW) you will be totally fine for your half if you are running 10 milers now. you are such a superstar!!! xoxx


I love caffeine before working out :)


I love my 305 as well. My running friends joke about the computer on my wrist, but I love it. Plus I can’t see, so I need a screen the size of Montana so I can obsess over my pace.


I was using shot bloks but yesterday they did not digest at all on my 15 miler and I got hard core sick :( I think I’m going to switch back to GU because they worked for me last year. My favorites were vanilla and chocolate. Both taste like icing!


I am so glad I took your advice to get the 305, I am in love with it. I will not upgrade unless I have to… especially since I had the 405 and hated it. I think you have a strong enough base that keeping it at 10 miles would be fine :)


I have the same Garmin and love it! Typically I can’t drink anything but water before my run and during it and I am huge fan of the GU gels!


I’ve yet to try the PB Gu. I really hate Gus, but they work and I do love peanut butter, so maybe I might actually like it.

I have the Garmin 405 and kind of hate it. It never actually seems to work for me. I seem to have that effect on technology.

I don’t usually have caffeine before I run, but the times I do I feel awesome for the run, so maybe I should do it more often.


I cannot have caffeine before I run. If I do I get really nauseous. I want to get a garmin or the motoactiv. Still debating between the two.


You hate peanut butter right now???!!! Can I have all of your share?!


Ahh I desperately need a running water bottle with a little handle like that! What brand is that or is there another one you would recommend?


Always have caffeine before I run! It helps me get in a zone. I have tried GU – I have a feeling it will upset my tummy – but I love sports jelly beans. I am sure you’ll still take names at your half doing 10 miles each Saturday :)


I love those runs where everything just feels GOOD :) I wish I had them more often!


I’m forever a lover of my 305!!!
yay to yalls run!


No caffeine for me almost ever.

I have the 305 and love it. I feel that the size of it could also double as a weapon if I’m ever attacked.

I don’t like the gu brand, and although I enjoy PB, I would never want it in gel form. My fave is Poweraid gel in Vanilla (and caramel before they discontinued it).


I’m glad you are a hardcore 305 user. I feel like so many people just LOVE the 405 (and whatever fancy thing it out there), but the 305 is my baby. It has big numbers and I understand it!

LOL on the short shorts. Wore mine today. I SHOULD have apologized to everyone who ran by me.


Wait…they make PB gu??? Where have I been? This is entirely new info to me!

Glad you are getting good use out of that hand held and that as you clock your miles your arms are getting a bit more svelte ;) I think that most of the time while running my shorts are too little, my shirts are too tight, and in the summer when I rarely ever sport a top that people probably wonder what my deal is. I sweat like a beast and hate being hot with excess clothing so to those people all I can say is…suck it. That’s nice isn’t it?


Yay for 10 miles! I did a 5 mile yesterday, but my garmin died on me before the run was over, so I can only GUESS that it was 5…or I could lie and say it was more ;)


Ahhh you don’t like peanut butter now nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


I don’t like peanut butter either.


Hey Janae!
I have to carry my water bottle on runs longer than 4 miles. I switch hands when my Garmin beeps every mile. That way I don’t have a sore arm! Works for me!

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