Time to really start modifying things and RIPPING my shoulders.

After school I started to take a nap sprawled out on the couch (making it so that Billy had to sit completely still and not move a muscle) and my phone rang and woke me up….how rude.  So instead of spending my life napping I decided to go hang with my sister and go for a walk.  I didn’t get the memo to wear athletic gear or shoes without holes in them.

She had already been walking for a while (she is just getting over the cold that I gave to her) so I joined her for the last mile and like usual our time together is always a good time.

Photo 1

I drove her home and dropped by my parent’s house at the exact perfect time.  The pork chops were being taken off the grill as I was walking in the door.


After I got home (my parents eat at five thirty so I still had most of the day left) I hung out with the billster and as he was leaving for his run I decided to head over to a RIPPED class.  As I was walking there I saw the Y that we hiked to on Saturday and just looking at it made me out of breath.

Photo 2

I went to the class mainly just to get in some strength training because I only last on my own for 4 minutes.

The first 15 minutes were all things that I had to modify (in my language that means sit there, stare and take pictures of everyone sweating bullets) because they were doing things that involved laying on their stomachs.  Not comfortable at all right now:)

Photo copy

I also modified a lot of the cardio because I was feeling lazy but by the end of class I was dead (in a good way).  She kicked my trash even though I did 40% of what she did.

Photo 3

I love my bumble bee outfit, yellow shirt and black everything else.

Now it is time for a tough decision.  Late night snack of my 4th string cheese of the day, ice cream,  granola or a baked potato.

Answer:  All. In the same order that I listed above.


Do you buy frozen veggies?  What types?

-My mom always makes frozen peas  or frozen green beans for dinner and I absolutely love them.

Do you enjoy going on walks? How often do you go on walks?

-I love them but BIlly doesn’t really so I am always looking for walking buddies.

Would you rather do upper body weights, lower body weights or abs?

-In order: Upper body, lower body and abs….I have never liked doing core work.

Now that I am caught up with the Biggest Loser and the Bachelor is over, I need new shows to watch on Hulu or Netflix while I run…  any suggestions?

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I am so impressed with how hard you work while pregnant. With my pregnancies I lounged in the pool daily and called it swimming. The frozen steam veggies are awesome and are often on sale for $1 a bag. I grab a freezer full of them then.


Hahaha….give me exactly 37 more work days and that is exactly what I will be doing:) Seriously, I fill our freezer with the $1 bags too when they are on sale!


I love keeping the frozen veggies stocked – right now my favorite are sugar snap peas. I also love broccoli (which I know is on your no no list right now;-)) and brussel sprouts.
I do love a good walk. I really enjoy walking with the kids in the jogger, but my little guy doesn’t like to sit still and the girls just want to ride their bikes now! (and I think I have the same shoes your sis is wearing:))
I think my weight preference is the same as yours – I do abs last because I feel like they always get a little work out with everything else – especially the running!
Love the TOMS – I’m about to order a pair, and can’t decide which ones! They also make ADORABLE ones for babies/kids!
Have a great day!!!


Usually when I buy frozen veggies, I buy brussel sprouts or broccoli.

Not a big walker outside, but on days when I’m struggling to motivate myself to walk out, I walk on the treadmill, taking big strides and holding weights in my hands. Great hip flexor stretch (with the big strides) and full body workout.

I LOVE lifting. I love upper body exercises the most, because I guess I figure I already get enough lower leg exercise between biking and running. I hate doing exercises where core is the main focus, but I try to incorporate it into every exercise I do, so that I sneak it in without really focusing on it.


Ugh I’m like you … I hate doing core work. It’s my least favorite thing!

I eat at 5:30, like your parents. Tell them they can invite me over anytime!! ;)


I totally will!!! Don’t be late because literally they will start without you. 5:30 or bust ha:)


Sounds like a good night!
I love going for walks and don’t do it often enough just to enjoy it.
I really like doing ab work, upper body then lower. Have a great day girl!!


I hear Saved by the Bell is on Netflix streaming :)


And you just saved my life. Thank you times a billion.


I have to admit, I get tired of walks because I HAVE to take Tals on them so often. Kinda takes the fun out of them :)

Have you ever seen the early 90s tv show called Northern Exposure? I think season one is on Netflix streaming (not sure about Hulu) and it’s pretty funny!


That would take the fun out of it. I haven’t heard of that show but guess what I will be watching tomorrow morning:) Thanks Heather!


Do you buy frozen veggies? What types?
– Since my mom bought me a collection of pampered chef products for christmas, I have a freezer filled with corn, peas, broccoli, and my favorite – mixed veggies.

Do you enjoy going on walks? How often do you go on walks?
– Walking is my thing. I enjoy it most though when I am able to go with my husband, but due to our schedules we hardly ever get to go together.

Would you rather do upper body weights, lower body weights or abs?
– Upper and abs. But then I do love lower body workouts….this is a toughy.
Can I use a lifeline?


New shows you must watch: Once Upon a Time, Revenge, New Girl, Long Island Medium. ALL fantastic in their own way.

I like buying frozen edamame. I might turn into an edamame soon.


I really enjoy walking, but I rarely do–with two workouts most days, it’s hard to find the time or energy to just.. walk. This spring, my goal is to actually hike a few of our local trails, instead of running on them. It sounds so relaxing!


Girl!!!! I hope you did not forget “Make it or Break it”!! The new season came back on this week and I just caught up on the new episode last night!!! Olympics year! :-D

I also have just started watching Ashley Judd’s new TV show “Missing.” I am obsessed with all of her action movies and the series so far is GOOD, I am hoping it doesn’t get cancelled!!


ARE YOU SERIOUS. You just made my morning. I had no idea the new season started this week. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I have had a countdown going!! :) Make sure you make a note on your thoughts of it…none of my friends watch it so I can never get anyone else’s opinions on epsiodes!!


I love your Tom’s. Are they comfortable?
I usually buy frozen carrots because the kids will eat them. I do not like peas. The are my least favorite veggie.
I love going on walks with my family. We haven’t walked lately thought because of my plantar fasciitis. :(
Have a great day!


Watch Modern Family!!!! It’s hysterical!

And I do really enjoy going on walks – it does depend on what mood I’m in, because I tend to like to go all out with a run, or just sit and do nothing, but sometimes I’m in that “middle” where walking is lots of fun :)


We always have frozen peas and corn in the freezer, mainly for casserole type dishes but I prefer buying fresh veggies.
I do not walk enough! That is a goal of mine this summer – walk more! And it helps that there is a fro-yo place opening 3km from my house, so my deal is I want it, I walk there and back. haha
Lower, upper, core/abs.


You need to start Downton Abbey if you haven’t already. I wasted a lot of time watching every episode of Friday Night Lights while running, but I would say it’s not worth your time. I kinda wish I had mine (the time) back.


I couldn’t agree more- I watched both series in less than a week!


Good to know! I have heard about Downton Abbey, can’t wait to start watching it!


YES to Downton!!! My mother got me hooked…I am so sad that the third season doesn’t start for a while!!


I love frozen peas and frozen stir fry mix! So much easier.

I love going on walks especially when it’s nice out. Last night I wandered aimlessly with the boyfriend on a nice night stroll. perfection :)

Abs & upper body… that’s my goal to focus on the next month.


So glad you had such a great walk with the bf last night. You’ve got this..you are going to rock your abs and upper body this month!


I have the same toms…good taste!
this weekend I watched a few episodes of SMASH from NBC, and loved it.


They really are the best ones, they match with everything. I have heard SMASH is good, I will totally be watching it, thanks.


I wish we lived closer… We could totally be walking buddies! I love going for walks but my husband isn’t a big fan either.


Seriously… how can they not like walks?!?! They are the best. Um, please move here and be my walking buddy.


I’ve started listen to Jillian Michaels’ podcasts during my workouts- a great alternative to Biggest Loser during season breaks!


And you are brilliant! Thanks girls!


If you haven’t been watching New Girl, that one is absolutely hilarious. I love it! Modern Family is also amazing. Those are both newer shows, so not sure if they are on the sites yet. You could also check out my favorites from HGTV – House Hunters and House Hunters International. I love those shows!!


I haven’t, done and done. Thanks so much! Okay HHInternational is probably our favorite show in the world. I have to find it online now!


wait what???? you MUST watch Modern Family. Must.


My biggest guilty pleasure besides The Bachelor/Bachelorette is the RHO of most cities. I don’t know why – but I LOVE IT.

I enjoy walks – they always say as a runner don’t forget the benefits of a good walk!!


I have heard that show is amazing/hilarious:) Which city is your favorite and I will start with that one!


They are all very different. Right now is the OC – I love them for their simple cattyness. This season is very real though with one of the daughters having serious surgery/cancer. There are typically my favorite cast.

NJ is VERY VERY dramatic with the screaming – it can sometimes be unbearable (train wreck I can’t look away from).

NY is a favorite – SINCE I live in NY :)

Beverly Hills is awesome as well. Some of my favorite hosuewives of all time are there.

I DONT like Miami or DC (DC was discontinued).

A really good suspense show – Revenge.


I buy frozen veggies all the time from Trader Joe’s. I usually buy green beans, broccoli, asparagus. I guess I like green veggies. As for TV shows I have two recommendations: Dancing with the Stars and Revenge.

If you haven’t watched Revenge it’s a must and the season finale is on in April :)


THANKS ELIZABETH, I will totally be watching Revenge, you are the best!


oh man, i SUCK so hard any time i take an actual class…the thing is part of the problem is i lack any coordination and for the life of me can never get the move to look like the instructor. :P

great job for u out there…hey, 40% is better than 0% …hehe!

i buy frozen veggies a lot, i’m a fan of the broccoli/cauliflower mixes. :)


Oh we should go to a class together because I was so confused during the interval sections ha…this is why we run, no coordination necessary!


exactly!! that’s what i always tell people…i think i can manage just taking those left turns round the track, thank u very much. :)


Love Frozen Vegetables, especially from Trader Joes.

Love walks, but never make enough time for them.

I love shows….Lost, Friday Night LIghts, How I Met your Mother, The Big Bang Theory…soo funny


TJ’s does have amazing frozen veggies. Big Bang Theory is hilarious. I can’t wait to try out Friday Night Lights and How I Met your Mother. THANKS SARAH!


i love your bumblebee outfit too! :)

i actually buy more fresh veggies now then frozen…but when i go for frozen its usually corn, edamame, lima beans…and maybe chopped spinach if i’m making spinach dip since its easier to work with then fresh ;)

i do like going for walks but dont do it as much as I should…i’m sure when the weather gets nicer i’ll be dragging the chihuahuas and kevin outside for some outdoor time!

i’d say weight training is the same exact order you have…i barely work on my core even though I should. its hard enough just getting in the upper and lower body weights though, lol.

i’m watching parks and recreation on DVD right now and its pretty funny..I heard community is really good, and me and kev are obsessed with 2 broke girls..its really fun!


Ahhh thanks:) I love frozen edamame. I am sure when the weather is better you will be out walking all the time. I have seen a few episodes of that show, I will totally be watching it while running now, thanks girl.


I buy frozen greens (brocolli, beans, peas) IF they fresh ones aren’t looking great or aren’t on sale. I will only buy frozen corn, peppers, onions (cooking) b/c the fresh ones are so expensive.
No to walks!!! I want to RUN!!
I LOVE core work. LOVE. I swear I could do it all day long—my twice daily 15 min classes are not long enough—even though my participants would disagree! :o) I’m crazy strong in my upper body and enjoy working it out, too. I prefer to “save” my legs for cardio!
I just started watching this season’s Dancing w/ the Stars this am on the treadmill.


Teach me to love core work, pretty please! I hear ya on saving your legs for cardio. Good call with Dancing w/the Stars!


I can do frozen corn, peas and broccoli – though I still prefer fresh – I keep them on hand in the freezer .

I go on walks a couple of time a week. Especially in the Summer with the kids :) I did walk a lot during my pregnancies and I had to beeeg my husband to come with me. He too thinks walking is about the most pointless thing ever. Whatevs.

I think my weight preference is the same as yours. And it shows. lol. I will never have a flat stomach.

I was just having the same dilemma about the lack of shows (due to no more cave groban on Monday nights). Some shows I have loved in previous years of my life include: Roswell (oh ya. I loooved this show back in hs. Go WB!) Pushing Daisies (I almost threw a remote at my tv when they canceled it), Arrested Development (I could watch it 1,000x & never get bored) Better Off Ted (also canceled too soon) and Revenge (just started this year and it is my guilty pleasure). So many parantheses! Geesh!


Me neither and I am okay with that ha. Um, we need to go on walks together. Okay, pushing daisies is one of my all time favorites and I can’t wait to check out all of the other shows you mentions (ps I love all the parentheses:)


I wish I had a walking buddy in my town! I live in a walking city and yet everyone I know always prefers to drive. I would love to take nightly walks after dinner with a friend. Maybe my fiance and I just need a dog :)

Hmm tv shows (aside from BL)…Modern Family, Parenthood, Vampire Diaries (yeah I’m 27 and I still love it!), and I just started watching Fairly Legal.


Hey no shame in enjoying teen shows…I do! Thanks for the recommendations, I can’t wait. MOVE TO UTAH and I will be your walking buddy!


Janae, my order would be upper body, lower body, and then abs. i HATE doing crunches. i’m convinced the running keeps my abs in shape. although i do enjoy my 8 Minute Abs video circa 1994. Love their old school spandex outfits!


I totally agree….running gets that core more than a few crunches! BAHAHA I used to do that 8 minute abs video too!


We don’t eat a lot of frozen veggies – I prefer everything fresh, even if it is more work!

Ab and core work makes you feel like a BEAST, I love it!

Hmm… Lost is amazing, I’m loving it (I know I’m about 8 years late getting into it haha!), the Big Bang Theory is awesome, or Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition (I think that’s what it’s called!) It makes me want to be an awesome personal trainer :)


We buy frozen veg all the time. We roast a full bag and eat it like candy. So yummy.


My girls and I go for walks often. We live in a small town so everything is in walking distance.

I would rather have an abs workout. My tummy is sore today from yesterday’s Pilates class.


Parks and Recreation. My sister had me get into this show over the weekend and watched a few seasons on Netflix. Its such funny!


i second that!


I do love walking(definitely with someone else) but I don’t have much time to do it a lot.
I myself prefer upper body weights but we have to do both upper and lower.
I am sorry but because I’m not American, I don’t really know what veggies are!!!
Please explain it to me.Thanks!


I love walks, and I love to chit chat while walking (probably why Chris is not a huge fan, could it be I dominate the conversation??) My mom and I call eachother to walk instead of talking on the phone. I love that. I can be a better daughter when I am walking, I feel more present in the conversation.

37 days, I think mine is 45 but who’s counting? and is this your last 37 days?……taking some time this fall with the baby and/or moving?
Wish you were here to chit chat our prep period away!


HEY GORGEOUS. 45 days WAHOO!!! I will definitely be taking some time off in the fall. It is my prep period right now too. Wish we could go on a walk and snack on food and talk about everything. How is your running? I think that is why Billy doesn’t love walks either. THat is so neat that you and your mom go on walks together to talk. LOVE IT!


I signed up for a 20K today for the beginning of May!

I’m thinking you pushing a baby stroller will still kick my speed up a notch….. I’ll tell Chris to fund my running training trip to Utah this fall :)


My Toms are wearing through too!! Makes me sad :( but now I just need to go buy another (eight) pairs.

Remember that lower body move you showed on your blog, I think … last week? When you laid on your side, with the weight on your leg … lifted it up, and then moved it forward and back? I did it yesterday … and can barely walk up the stairs today. So thank you :)


OH MY GOODNESS, I am so happy you tried out the move. That makes me happy ha…it worked:) I think you deserve to go buy 8 pairs of toms!


I LOVE going on walks. It is like effortless exercise and you can talk the whole time. I have gone on super long walks just because I don’t want the conversation to end. You MUST watch Once Upon A Time. I LOVE that show but I never have anyone to discuss it with. You will not be disappointed


Shelby thank you so much for the recommendation, I am totally going to start watching it and we can discuss it together!


Ripped class sounds fun! Wish I had joined you. I did Bodypump then some turbokick last night and thought of you! It was a lot of fun!!

I like the frozen edamame that comes in the steam-able bag. They are also preseasoned…so yummy!


I usually *love* frozen veggies but I think I got food poisoning a few weeks ago after eating two (yes, two) bags of frozen broccoli with one of my meals. My husband didn’t get sick, and broccoli was the only thing he didn’t eat (huge shocker there), so now I am a little scared of them.

As for walking, I LOVE to walk, I feel that it’s a great way to stretch out my legs after a morning workout. I usually walk every day after work with my baby, and sometimes a friend joins us too. Get a BOB stroller, it is the best running stroller and great for walking too! I will sometimes walk to the grocery store and store things underneath in the basket if it isn’t too much stuff, or you can get a “mommy hook” and hang bags from there.


AHHH That is so scary. PS I love that you eat two at a time…that makes me happy. I have heard that the BOB is the best. I need to invest. Thanks so much Robin.


I buy frozen veggies when they are on sale :) I like to stock up.
I lOVE walking, my husband not so much.. I try to get my sister to go with me whenever possible.
I’m not very good at doing weights by myself, I typically do upper body as I have more of an idea on what to do. For legs I do squats and lunges and then run out of moves. Clearly I need help with weights!


You should watch Glee! I thought it would be dumb but I am addicted and I love it! I am half way through the first season and cannot stop watching!


I am so impressed with your motivation to go to the gym *after* dinner!

I personally hate walking. Every time I have to walk somewhere, I always wish I could run there instead! Maybe it’s because I’m impatient or always in a hurry?


my newest obsession is Friday Night Lights! my coworker reccommended it to me and I plowed through three episodes the first night. I keep wondering how this show was not on my radar when it was on TV!


I was just going to suggest Friday Night Lights! One of my fave all time shows and it’s on Netflix :) I also love Pretty Little Liars (abc family). Revenge and Downton Abby. Yes, I watch too much tv !


Switched at birth, psych, and once upon a time (that one can’t be watched out of order though!) are all really good! I hope I look like you when I’m pregnant!! You’re still so itty bitty!!! Love your blog as always btw!


I buy tons of frozen veggies ( salt free) and make them for my daughter ( puréed) and the hubs and I. Corn and peas are the best.
We almost ways go on a walk in the evening, love walks!
I watched all of Ugly Betty on Netflix (actually pretty good) and now watching How I Met Your Mother. I recommend both.


You know Make It or Break It started again on Monday???

And I am obsessed with Smash. It’s amazing.


I should do upper body weights since I have the strength of a preteen girl in that department.

I walk the dog a couple times a day, but that’s the only going for walks I really do, unless you count hiking.

We buy frozen chopped onions, spinach, and zucchini. We don’t use them a lot, but they’re good to have just in case you need to throw a meal together.


Move to So Cal and I will totally be your walking buddy. I can’t run anymore (on crutches with my THIRD round of stress fractures) so I’m looking forward to a long lifetime of serious walking (and biking). :)


i’m thinking light hearted and upbeat right?
Netflix (avoid commercials, right?)
Parks and Recreation & 30 Rock !
oh and The Office is available streaming if nothing else.
i heard How i met your Mother was good and plan to start on that soon. its streaming.
as for Hulu?
Being Erica on Hulu is a really great show. I had never heard of it but its really good!
Perfect Couples <– so funny.


Yes. Broccoli and Edamame.

Sometimes. I like walking with Brittany and her baby Emma because she lets me pull the stroller. Otherwise I’m all about the elliptical for chat time.

Lower body weights. I don’t mind pushing my legs weight wise since they are so strong…even thing else sucks! but I try anyway.

VAMPIRE DIARIES! My fave show ever! and The Lying Game…but I’m not sure if it’s on that yet. I just started watching Mad Men. It’s not near as exciting as I like my shows to be (hence my love for the CW and ABC Family), but it has somehow tricked me into full day marathons.


My husband and I love frozen brussels sprouts! I used to hate them but now I really love them. Especially fresh ones! I love going on walks and before we got a dog my husband hated them too. But we have a Jack Russel so she has to get walked (I also run with her, but only for three miles). Now he doesn’t mind them! I like doing upper body work the best, but mostly because I see results so quickly. And lastly, you should totally watch Parenthood. Though be warned it’s very emotional, but each episode leaves me such a happy feeling in my heart.


I buy corn, green beans, asian medley, etc…. Nothing wrong with frozen if you can’t get them fresh!

I rarely go on walks but I see a lot of them in my near future with my baby once she is born.

Abs, Upper and lower – in that order. I never do lower body even though I know running isn’t enough to build those muscles!


Not sure if you have ever seen Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution (I have not yet), but I just learned the whole first season is free on Hulu if you want to check it out. I am scared, but intrigued by the series..


I love going on walks! I used to walk miles and miles before I took up running! And I don’t eat many frozen veggies anymore, but I have a bag of peas for icing my heel! haha


GCB is new and hilarious =)


I have all the eps of The Walking Dead on my dvr and pretend that I’m running away from zombies despite being stuck on a treadmill ;) I love all strength workouts, but in order it’s prob: lower, upper, abs. I just went to Trader Joe’s last weekend and stocked up on some frozen vegs I can’t get at Kroger. Most of the time I stick to the $1 bags for my greens.


I love upper body workouts. My trainer explained to me that because of the leanness in our shoulders and arms, women see progress quickly in those areas. I love anything that shows progress quickly! :)

Have you ever watched the show Drop Dead Diva? It seemed like a far-fetched premise at first, but it’s entertaining and pretty funny :)

Also- I’m a huge fan of taking my iPad to the gym with me for long TM sessions. Netflix is AWESOME! I find all sorts of amazing, informational, and inspiring health documentaries on there.


i love working on my arms..i just like seeing definition in those babies..makes me feel strong!! i need to get back on strength training..its kinda gone by the waist-side since im training for a race (only running!). i know doing strength exercises is important..especially for my legs…but there’s only so much time in the day! maybe today ill go…u inspired me!


I usually buy fresh veggies but I’ve recently started adding frozen peas to boring pastas for some green. I just put the peas in with the boiling water and they are cooked!

I love walks. It’s actually one of my favorite things to do with my boyfriend. We just walk, and chat and I think it’s great for our relationship! You’ve got to get Billy to start walking with you!

You should watch Revenge on Hulu. I made fun of this show when I first saw the previews. But I love it! And Amazing Race. And The Voice. And 30 Rock.

Now that I am caught up with the Biggest Loser and the Bachelor is over, I need new shows to watch on Hulu or Netflix while I run… any suggestions?


I love frozen veggies! We always have them stocked in our freezer, perfect for last minute meal decisions.

I LOVE going for walks. I go on one almost daily all year go around. If I don’t go for a run, I go out for a walk. I walk ridiculously fast, so my husband doesn’t enjoy keeping up with me and the dog.

Upper body. Thinking that’s what I am going to do when I get home. I need more leg work, but it’s hard. (said in my best whiny voice)


Once Upon a Time! I love that show! Also, New Girl, Psych and How I Met Your Mother.


I love my tv shows, as you know ;) I’m LOVING GCB. It is HILARIOUS. New show on ABC- Sunday nights at 10pm. (wayyyy to late for me, but I tape it & watch it the next morning) Also, Revenge- SO SO SO good. I just got into it- caught up on all of the episodes about a month ago- it’s on Hulu. I think you would really like it.
Girl, I am SO SO SO impressed with your workouts while pregnant. Seriously you are my hero. I need some of your energy. I am SO tired ALL of the time.


Why do TOMS shoes all do that?
And I love the fact that you took a pic of yourself after class. I took a sweaty pic of myself after my workout today and thought…only a blogger does this. Ha ha.
I became ADDICTED to Downton Abbey on Hulu. Being the hopeless romantic, I just LOVE that show!!


while I run, I watch Suburgatory and Community on Hulu or
Arrested Development, Bridezillas, and Destination Truth on Netflix

I’d rather do upper body than anything else


You need a pup! Ours is 4 months old and she is my walking buddy!


I buy most veggies frozen – it allows me to have a greater variety without them going bad before I use them up.

I also vote for Dowton Abbey, Once Upon A Time & Revenge . I’m re-watching Mad Men (but missed last weeks season premiere).


Hi Janae! I love your blog! Congrats on your pregnancy! I just became addicted to the show Battleground on hulu. It’s a Hulu original series that just began and new episodes are available every Tuesday. If you like the office you’ll love this show!


GOSSIP GIRL! So addicting and so easy to watch!


I love yellow.

Definitely lower body weights! My shoulder/back hurt so bad sometimes that upper body is difficult, but I love the look of muscular shoulders. I just finished Chalean (similar to P90X, also made by beach body), and need to get back to some more weights so I don’t lose any of my muscle…

And you should watch Smash, Dancing with the Stars, Switched at Birth, Vampire Diaries, and The Lying Game.


give Once Upon A Time a shot! The back n’ forth of fairytale times and present day keeps it interesting and the little boy Henry is so cute!

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