What Americans Will Be Eating Today.

I don’t know how I did it, but it did…..I cleaned our house yesterday.  What came over me?  I promised myself that I could be extremely lazy and watch my new favorite show after I did my chores.

Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition (you can watch it HERE on Hulu).  This show is so awesome.  You know I love Biggest Loser but the drama girls this season are driving me crazy.  With this show they follow ONE person over a year and the lady below lost two hundred lbs.  They transform a room in the persons home into an incredible gym and the trainer lives with them for the first three months.  If they reach the weight that the trainer sets for them at 3 months they get amazing prizes like a car.   I think that it is much more realistic than the Biggest Loser because they are at home and still have their families and jobs (for the last 9 months) while they are losing weight.  The best part is that you get to see the entire transformation in just 43 minutes….not 16 episodes.

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Billy and I made our way up to the grocery store, along with the rest of the city, to fill up on the best foods for today.   Yes, that would be more skittles, I have a problem that I am not willing to give up.

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For dinner last night we fulfilled Billy’s craving.  Two weeks ago as he was sitting in class the guy in front of him was wearing an In-N-Out shirt and ever since then Billy has wanted/needed a burger and fries.  One entire tray of french fries has got to be really good for us.

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Here is an interesting article about how the Superbowl is killing us between the stress and the junk food we are eating!

Want to see what America will be consuming today? (Article HERE)

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Here’s another…. (source)

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Papa Johns hopes to sell more than 1 million pizzas today, that is 8 million slices of pizza!! (source)

Heather is having a Giveaway HERE!


What foods from the above list are you going to be having this Super Bowl Sunday?  What foods are you most looking forward to whether or not you are watching the game today?

-Doritos (not on the list but should be) and avocados.  I am really excited for Billy’s 7-Layer dip!

What was the last craving that you had and fulfilled?


What day of the week is your cleaning day?  Do you clean multiple days or wait until it needs a good scrubbing?

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I am ALL about the 53.8 million pounds of avocado – yeaaahhh!! Everything else? not so much.


Wow, that’s pretty scary! Makes me need a good workout this morning. Unfortunately, the husband is sick so I don’t know if we’ll make it to a Super Bowl party :(

I clean the apartment every Friday morning. It’s just the husband and I, so our small apartment take about 2 hours to clean. Doing it all once a week prevents it from ever getting really dirty and it’s so relaxing to have a clean place all weekend!


I do love guacamole! I made a cookie dough dip for the game today that I can’t wait to dig into too :)


YUM!!! Cookie dough dip….that sounds incredible. Please tell me that you dip cookies into the dip:)


wow that seems like a lot. I am making ribs and queso dip :)

I normally clean on the weekend, but I am really tired of having to do it. So I am debating on cleaning during the week, or at least pick up all week long.


Ribs are my FAVORITE….I want to come over?!?!


Cleaning day is whenever I can’t stand to be in my house anymore. I cleaned yesterday too! and man does it feel good to have an awesomely clean apt!


WAHOOO for cleaning day yesterday….it really makes me feel so much better, why don’t I do it more often?


Cleaning day? Ha! I usually wait until I can’t stand it anymore and then do a big cleaning.

Craving = pb banana french toast. Eating right now :-)


Now you have me craving pb banana french toast…..time to make it for myself!


Hahahahaha my favorite is the increase in antacid sales!! And I am most definitely looking forward to guac/avocados!


I saw Chris Powell the Extreme Makeover trainer! I was walking to the gym near Union Sq and he got out of a car on University Place with his wife and baby and did a double take before staring for about 5 minutes. I *almost* went up to him but didn’t want to bother them. He’s so cute in person, albeit very short!


YOU DID…that is the coolest thing in the world! I was wondering if he was short!


The last food craving I had and fulfilled was Chicago-style deep dish spinach and mushroom pizza at Gino’s East. SO ADDICTING!!!!!


Emily, now you have me craving that pizza….yum!!! Can you send me one;)


Thanks so much for mentioning my giveaway – I appreciate it.

I can’t believe all that food! I’m making taco dip that I’m pretty excited to eat. I’ve been pretty much giving into all my cravings this weekend – pizza, cake, potato tacos. I hope to get back on track tomorrow!


Menu is: sausage dip and chips, wings, ranch, sweet potato fries and something for dessert. Haven’t decided what yet.
Cleaning day is just about every day of the week. And I have monthly projects to work on (January was closets).
Craving: not sure.

The Kidless Kronicles


Oh my goodness I discovered Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Addition about a month ago and I think I watched every episode in a week…so good! A few of them may or may not have made me cry.
My last craving filled was swedish fish and peppermint patties….(when I bought the swedish fish I thought of you/your blog/your love of swedish fish!)
Happy Superbowl Sunday!


We’re not doing anything special for the Super Bowl this year. I think I’m making Orange Shrimp tonight for dinner, but that has nothing to do with football! ;)

And my craving for ice cream was satisfied last night at Coldstone! Cake batter ice cream with brownie mixed in. Yum!


OMG we need to go to Coldstone together :). But boo, you won’t be home anymore when I come home! Guess I’ll be coming to Atlanta at some point hehe


Orange shrimp…that sounds incredible! Can I come to Coldstone with you two gorgeous girls!?!?!


That is insane to think about! Not big on the superbowl or those foods here to be completely honest, but Sunday night is always about good food no matter what is on TV!
Cleaning day – almost always Saturday afternoon.


Football foods today : quesadillas, queso dip, buffalo chicken dip, tostitos

Craving satisfied : 2 giant coffees yesterday

Cleaning day: we pick up everyday but honestly we have a cleaning lady :) she comes every other Tuesday (I haven’t cleaned a toilet in 5 years)


The list of food is interesting… and a little scary! Makes me feel good about running 13 miles today instead of eating junk.. though I ate enough junk this week to make up for it, lol!

Happy superbowl Sunday!


What foods from the above list are you going to be having this Super Bowl Sunday? What foods are you most looking forward to whether or not you are watching the game today?

– I’m on the avocado front. Not in guac, probably in a salad next to chili as I studiously don’t watch the super bowl.

What was the last craving that you had and fulfilled?

– Haribo gummy bears. The one and only gummy bears in my mind. Nothing else compares.

What day of the week is your cleaning day? Do you clean multiple days or wait until it needs a good scrubbing?

– I get cleaners in once a month. In between I…do nothing.


Okay, those are the best gummy bears in the entire world…now I am craving them! Ha, I won’t be watching the game either….I will be on my computer the whole time!


I would be super content with just some tortilla chips, hot sauce, guacamole, and some 7-layer dip!! No sharing of course (:

I cleaned yesterday too! I was a little amazed with myself. I try to clean throughout the week but I must say that once I am done teaching for the day and I get a workout in, it’s surprising for anything else to get accomplished, I am just too tired! What about you?


Sharing is NOT allowed! Yay for cleaning yesterday!


Here’s our menu for today:

veggie platter
cream cheese dip with fruit and cinnamon pita chips
artichoke/jalepeno dip
Pioneer Woman jalepeno poppers
pulled pork sliders
baked mac and cheese
lemon cupcakes
girl scout cookies

I’ve been craving sushi for weeks and am meeting a friend for it tomorrow night. I can’t wait. I’m bad about real cleaning. I pick up the house every day (you have to with 2 young kids), but only do scrubbing type cleaning when I can tell it needs it.


JANA!!! Seriously…..Billy and I are coming over for your party…what time should we be there!The baked mac and cheese made me drool. Enjoy your sushi tomorrow night!


Holy cow! That is a crazy amount of food!


Wow, that’s a heck of a lot of food! I lose all control when I get around chips and salsa or that yummy several layer bean dip.

Cleaning? I wish I cleaned regularly, it tends to build up until I randomly feel inspired.

In and Out? I still need to experience this properly, because I was not a fan the one time I went. How should I order the burger??


My comments on your blog keep going to spam:( UM…..I need to take you to in-n-out. I am boring and just get a hamburger but add pickles and grilled onions…SO GOOD! Hope you have a great Sunday!


Oh my goodness those statistics are crazy!!! And I’ve only watched extreme makeover weight loss edition once (I always forget about it), but you’re right- it’s way better than biggest loser. AND the trainer is pretty hot so I don’t mind staring at him for an episode ;).


I love jalopeno poppers and I like the extreme makeover show too. I agree that Biggest Loser is way too caddy this season. I clean over the course of the week. A little each day.


YUM…we are having jalopeno poppers tonight too!


Cleaning day is Friday- I hate to clean, but love a clean house. I’m currently mastering the art of speed cleaning. Bring on the Clorox wipes!

I think we are having chicken mini tacos, maybe some guac and cookie dough dip, but i’m still trying to decide what to eat before a 5 mile race at 2pm…2pm who has a race at 2pm- that’s when I need a nap!!! I don’t like weird race times.


HEY YOU!! Clorox wipes make everything so much easier. YUM for mini tacos..that sounds great. Good luck at your 2 pm race, you are going to rock it. I tried leaving a comment on your blog but I think it went to spam!


now im hungry for guacamole…..rats – i don’t have any. :-(


I love that show too, did they start a new season? I watched it last year, but then all of a sudden it dropped off the face of the Earth! What time/night?


hahah WOW that’s a lot of food! typical americans hah. I’m not having a party or anything but I will be making my own pizza!!


This past weekend I’ve had the biggest hankering for smoked salmon…tonight’s dinner of smoked salmon & cream cheese on rye nailed it :)! Enjoy the Doritos, I hope you’re going for cool ranch or tangy cheese!


I’ve never been to a super bowl party (we’re not football fans and prefer hockey -typical Canadians, eh?) but that doesn’t mean I’m immune to snacking :)


You better still get your snacks on today:)


Those stats are wild! I’m going to a friends party so i’ll be eating whatever is there!


Lol I won’t be eating any of those foods or watching, I’m super busy today plus not really invested in either of the teams enough to go over to my brother’s to watch. I would, however, LOVE an In N Out burger!!!


Glad im not the only one feeling annoyed by this season the Biggest Loser. I can;t stand the drama, that is not what the show is supposed to be about!


HEY BETHANY!! Seriously the drama is driving me insane. I love your blog and I tried to leave a comment but I think it went to spam, save me:)


Weird! I’m still figuring out all the details…I will look into it!


Last craving was a Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee (this morning)….fulfilled this morning immediately after being done at the gym! :)


Have you watched “I Used to be Fat” on MTV? Obviously it’s got a bit of a teenager spin and there’s always lots of teenage drama but it just follows one person per episode so it’s nice for ADHD people like me. I love the Biggest Loser but that show needs to be an hour, the way they drag out every. single. thing to the maximum possible time drives me crazy. We don’t need to spend an extra 30 minutes watching the weight on the scale fluctuate people! And a commercial after every person!?! Ridiculous. Enjoy Superbowl!


I FORGOT ABOUT THAT SHOW…I love it, thanks for the reminder so that I can start watching it again!! Oh my the weighing part at the end takes forever and it drives me NUTS!


I`m tracking down the Extreme Makeover series available to watch in Europe, because I really want to see it! Sounds interesting.
And I`m craving french fries… hope it will be satisfied soon!


I found it online! This is a great show, you get it all at once!


AHHH Anna, I am so happy you are enjoying it. You better get some french fries asap!


Last craving fulfilled : fro-yo, twice this week!! I clean everyday, have to do at least 2 loads of laundry a day.


You are my kind of girl…froyo twice a week:) EVERYDAY and laundry….wow, you are my hero!


Tomorrow’s National Frozen Yogurt Day!!! Get free fro yo at Yogurtland from 4-7pm :)


Doritos are tortilla chips so they were included :)


Wow, I struggle ha! Thanks Kat!


last craving? PB straight from the jar! :-)


I didn’t have anything in mind, but popcorn or chex mix sounds good to me! Last craving was my hubby’s leftover Wacky/Crazy cake from his birthday with oreo ice-cream. So good! Recipe is on my blog. You would love it.


Okay, great. Now I am craving In N Out!!

We’re going to the in-law’s for Super Bowl, and my mother-in-law always makes like 5 different kinds of soupo (get it- SOUP-er Bowl?) So yeah. It’s pretty darn cute. And delicious. And -gasp!- healthy!! Although, who am I kidding, there will be plentyyyy of junk consumed too. Potato chips and onion dip is kind of my favourite Super Bowl food everrr.

p.s. tomorrow, you can get FREE yogurt at yogurtland!!! I instantly thought of you! Here’s the link! So you know, after eating a footfall field worth of 7 layer dip, we can all have yummy fro-yo :)


AHHHH Katie, you made my day big time. Thank you so much for the link. You know what I will be doing tomorrow. I want to come to your MIL’s with you..that sounds AWESOME!!


Those stats make me slightly sick! We actually aren’t going to be super bowling this evening for the first time in a long time. Instead we have lots of homely chores to do today and I’ve got some work I need to get done too. But I do live me some potato chips!


I definitely will help contribute to the avocado consumption! We’re also having shrimp and queso dip. Not together. But that actually could be kind of good.

I need to watch the extreme makeover you mentioned! I also have been annoyed with the girl drama on the biggest loser this season. I like it when everyone on the show loves each other and I just want everyone to be happy :-)


I just imagined what a football field full of guacamole would look like…it might kill me but WHAT a way to go!!


that kind of makes me want to puke knowing how much people eat. bleh.

i usually clean all in one day, but i change the day…just depending on when i actually feel like it, i usually out it off until the last minute


Those stats are nuts, I did just have some guac so I contributed to that stat :)

Sunday is usually my cleaning day but I’m out at my roommates parents house to do laundry.


Satisfied my chipotle craving today…yay! Ran a 5K this morning and they were giving away buy one-get one coupons. Meant to be!


I just whipped up some hummus for the game! I don’t even care about football, but I love the commercials.

Sunday is usually my cleaning day! I love a fresh start to the week


holy cow that is a lot of junk food! :) I kinda glad that I don’t watch the Super Bowl for those very reasons…:)
I love skittles. My sugar weakness is the starburst jellybeans. Thank the Lord they only sell them during Easter. :)
I LOVE the Extreme Makeover Weight Loss edition! I wish that it would come back on again!


Avocado!!! I made healthy chocolate chip cookie dough dip and Daniel is smoking quail for the party we going to tonight.

Last fulfilled craving was SUSHI!

I must admit, I rarely clean our house. I do laundry and dishes, but Daniel does the cleaning. Since I work nights, he cleans on Thursday nights before I get home from work. Yes, I am incredibly lucky. If he has plans on Thursday nights, we clean together on Friday or Saturday.


Craving today was a large half hot chocolate and half coffee from Tim hortons! It was delicious!

We are currently eating mozzarella sticks and jalapeño poppers!

Cleaning is done whenever I get around to it :).


OMgoooooodness, the FEET in Avocados is just crazy!! I made Spinach Artichoke dip I love love love dips for Super Bowl :) It’s my splurge haha


So I watched the first episode of EM-WLE, oh my goodness SOB fest. I am sure that my husband will want to thank you for introducing me to another show. :)


That’s a pretty cool show, I might have to check it out. I like that it’s a little more realistic than Biggest Loser and I totally agree with all the drama, I’m over it, but for some reason I can’t stop watching it! lol

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