Thoughts rolling around in my brain

What is rolling around my brain on February 1st:

1.  I have a tough decision to make.

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I have a student selling Girl Scout cookies and I just can’t decide what kind to get.  Try something new? Samoas? Thin Mints? One of all of them and risk Billy thinking I am crazy for spending $35 on cookies?

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2.  These new Skittle riddles are the best thing that ever happened to me.  It takes the stress off of skittles eating because of the fact that I with the regular packs I eat all of my favorite flavors at the beginning and by the end just have the yellows and oranges.  Now I get to try and guess what flavor I am eating and not eat the best flavors first, it is a whole new world.

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3. The spider that came down on Monday to hang out while I was running on the treadmill came and visited me again this morning.

4.  Lately I have been getting a few emails from people suffering with running-related injuries and it truly breaks my heart.  Injuries are painful physically but even more painful mentally when one of your favorite activities and coping mechanisms is taken from you! As I was writing a sweet girl suffering from finding out that she had a femoral stress fracture and can no longer run Boston, I started crying.  I truly felt again for her what I went through last year.

As I was thinking about mental tips to help her get through this tough time I asked myself if I could go back in time and change what happened, would I?

NO.  As much as I hated my dang femurs at the time, as painful as it was to simply put on my pants in the morning and as jealous as I was of everyone around me enjoying running, I would not change going through that experience.  I learned more during those few months than I could ever imagine and I could never take those things back.  Certain things that happened because of that injury have brought me more joy than I could imagine.  It was worth it.

Basically, in my brain today I have been thinking about how WE ALL go through hard things, sometimes you may struggle alone and sometimes everyone around you may know about what you are going through but the key is that we can get through them, we can learn from them and become better wives/daughters/moms/dads/sisters/co-workers because of our struggles.  We can choose to be the rock and hit the ground and stay there or be the bouncy ball and bounce back after we hit the bottom (easier said than done right;) Let’s be the bouncy balls.

PS listening to Kelly Clarkson’s song, ‘What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger’ tends to help:)


Ever missed out on a race because of an injury?  Which race?

What kind of Girl Scout Cookie should I get….this is an emergency, I have to fill out the form tonight. Are you getting any this year?

Favorite Skittle or fruity candy flavor?

-Grape, purple skittles create happiness.   If we are talking about Starbursts….pink all the way.

Who signed up for the Chicago marathon!?!?!

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I have just been diagnosed with bursitis in my ankle!! Such a bummer because I am used to running every day and it is very difficult to stop cold turkey.. :( Since I found out I have been running a few times thinking it wouldn’t hurt that bad, and then the next day I am limping in pain. My boyfriend says, “I told you so.” But he doesn’t get it! I NEED to run. I am starting physical therapy next week, and the doctor will probably tell me to quit running, AGAIN. So frustrating.


Oh Erinn!! I am so extremely sorry about your bursitis. That breaks my heart! I completely understand and I also understand how frustrating it can be when non-runners don’t understand. Let me know how PT goes, keep me updated because I will be worrying about you!


I swear, I always happen to click over to your blog RIGHT when you post your afternoon post…I think I’m psychic. :) A guy at my work was taking Girl Scout cookie orders for his daughter and I got a box of Samoas and a box of Thin Mints…couldn’t resist! LOVE that last part about going through hard things…I NEED that right now in my life…I want to be a bouncy ball!


hahahaa I think those skittles are such a bad idea. I’d be pissed if I went to eat a red or a purple and it was a yellow or green :(

and who knew the girl scouts had so many options?!?!?!?! our Canadian ones sure dont. I vote one of each!


My daughter is a GS (her first year), so we will be overflowing with cookies this year! I ALWAYS order Samoas & Thin Mints, but I’m anxious to branch out and try them all. (We had to order 18(!!!) boxes to get her to 300 :-) ) One of her customers suggested freezing the Tagalongs – she said the frozen peanut butter was to.die.for. I can’t wait to try it!

Orange skittles (and starburst, actually) all the way!


LUCKY! If you get sick of them….you know where to send them:) Good call on the frozen pb. Oh yeah and I will send you my orange skittles and you send me your purple and red ones. Thanks:)


Thin mints are the best hands down :)


Mint thins are always my fav! Samoas always look good too!
I love any gummy type candies but the little penguins are my favorite – not sure the flavor though.


I SIGNED UP FOR THE CHICAGO MARATHON!!!!!!!!!!!! And that skittle riddle thing sounds so neat! Oh and thin mints and tag-a-longs. most def.

Reply All of them. Wonder if the new lemon ones are good? I bet they are :) I am in so much trouble!!!



Skittles! Love the rainbow kind. I’ll have to try those! Love GS cookies too – I used to love getting the Samoas. I didn’t sign up for Chicago this year but guess what’s coming up…the Marine Corps Marathon – opens March 7th 3pm ;-) hint hint


Oh, and yes have missed a race…had a DNF…it’s hard but I wouldn’t change a thing. Only makes us stronger!


I missed the CDA half marathon and Missoula Marathon due to my hip cartilage tear…and every race so far this year. I am trying so hard to be patient!!


Oh Ali!! I really am so sorry! That is so hard. How long is your doc saying you will be out of racing for? YOUR HIP came out of the socket twice this week?!?! PS your cookies look incredible!


Cookie choice- Thin Mints, but I am craving Trefoils for sure. Shortbread is really only the non-chocolate cookie I will eat.

No injuries here, but I do have an achy knee I am doing what I can to keep it from getting worse.


I LOVE that new Kelly Clarkson song…speaking of–need to go get that one!

I love grape flavored candy too-esp skittles. How cool is that guessing game for skittles?!!

Agree with the bouncy ball comment–let’s keep on BOUNCIN’ friend!


I haven’t missed out on a race for an injury, but missed plenty of soccer games and a big tournament when I tore my ACL in High School… Not fun!

Did that order sheet say Dulce De Leche cookies? I think just drooled a little bit if it did! :) I would get those… Samoas, and tagalongs! Yummy! I need some now!! Haha!

My favorite skittle flavor? Does the entire purple package count?! So good!! I love the blue ones eaten with the purple out of the purple package that it! :)


The only grape flavor of any candy that I like are Skittles! But I would choose the red ones over them 9/10 times.

“Let’s be bouncy balls today”! I love it! It may create some confusion out of context, but I still love it :)


Don’t waste your time on Savannah Smiles!

I went old school–Thin Mints (four boxes…whoops).


Thanks for the heads up….I would be so mad if I spent 3.50 on those!


Aaaah poor girl!! That sucks, but she went to the right person to talk about it!! I missed two half marathons last year because of injury…there’s 100 quid I’ll never see again! :P Seriously though, I was so so upset at the time, but looking back being injured was such a good thing for me! I used to kinda think I was invincible…well not anymore haha!

I love the green and purple sweets the best! The orange and yellow are the worst!!

Have an amazing day!! <3


Woah that’s so weird!! The only name that is the same by me is the thin mints! Our tag alongs are called peanut butter patties and our samoas are called caramel delights. As for the others, I have no clue!!


I 100% agree with you about injuries. I know that they are a pain and that they can really break you mentally, but they also give you the opportunity to gain perspective and provide a great growth opportunity. I haven’t been injured in several years, but that’s only because I learned the hard way how to care for my body. We all have limits and the body isn’t meant to be drilled into the ground, but most of us have to learn that through experience. Wisdom never seems to come free.

What are dulce de leche cookies? They sounds amazing. I love the samoas.

Signed up for CM12! Super excited that the hubby will be accompanying me this year too. You should consider running it, it is $105 cheaper then NYC and Chitown is amazing!


Thin Mints! :D


i’m all for the samoa and tagalong girl scout cookies. thin mints are good too, but i gotta be in the mood for them. a little girl just came by our house the other day, and we ordered a few too many boxes… i couldn’t resist!


Thin Mints!! But I’ve never had Dulce de Leche and they sound amazing!
I almost have trigger finger to sign up for Chicago but I don’t know if I’m up for it…eek!
I love the purple skittles the best. I haven’t seen the riddles in the store yet here. My friend is obsessed with the crazy core ones but I haven’t tried those either. I better up my candy game. ;)


I LOVE the red skittles, followed by grape. They are the best. Although, I don’t discriminate against any flavors. I will happily eat an entire bag (PS the lemon and lime ones taste really good together!)


I remember crying when I got home from the PT appt when she said I couldn’t run for 8 weeks. Ugh. Injuries suck.


Samoas are the bomb! I also had a girl who I coached for Girls on the Run give me a box of ‘Thanks a Lots’ for an end of season gift, it was so cute and clever!! I also registered for Chicago, woohooo!!!


I missed out on a 5k, which was when I was diagnosed with a stress fracture in my right femur in October. I still get occassional pains if I try anything more than 3 miles. As for the cookies- If I were you, I’d go with the Do-Si-Dos and Samoas! :) My favorites!


You are still feeling pain….what does your doctor say about that!??!


He told me to stop if I felt pain. I usually just attempt to run once a week to see if I feel any pain and stop if I do.


Tagalongs!!! Although, I just took a Thin Mint from our office kitchen and it was ridiculously good.


I ordered $28 worth of cookies (6 boxes total up here, no tax) – so no you are not alone!


You are enabling me:)


No shame in spending $35 on Girl Scout cookies! After all it’s only once a year (that’s what you can tell Billy). Last weekend I bought Thin Mints and Thanks a Lot and they are already gone. Guess I will have to make another trip! I’m thinking Tagalongs.


I haven’t heard of the Savanna Smiles or the Berry Munch ones so you have to try those and report back to me…I mean us :) Then also get 12 boxes of Tagalongs! :) Billy won’t mind at all


oh Janae what a great post.I actually found your blog last year when I got my tibial sfx and had to bail on Boston.It took *forever* to come back(I am still doing pretty low mpw) but really it was a huge great learning experience for me.I really thought I was invincible before that.As much as it hurt to sit out some races,it forced me to try new things-which I ended up loving.It forced me to eat better,rest better-everything.In a way,I am so grateful,although I never thought of myself as anything but “a runner”-now I am signed up for a triathlon:).
And,btw,your blog was a great source(and still is) of inspiration,while I was “out”.

Thin Mints,mmm…I like Samoas too.Actually they are all good.Where are the GS’s in my neighborhood???

Sour skittles are my fave:)


OH CAIT!! I remember when you were dealing with that tibial sfx! I completely agree about it forcing us to eat and rest better! AHHHH I am so so stoked for your triathlon and I want to hear all the details! I should send you some thin mints:)


Thin Mints all the way! I could finish an entire box of those babies in about 5 minutes flat. (But, I am an equal opportunity cookie eater – I eat them all!)

I’ve suffered two knee injuries in my running career, the first on my right knee in college and the second on my left knee last spring. The first only took about a month to heal, but the second required rehab and little or no running for five months. It was the most frustrating experience I’ve ever gone through to want to be out there running so badly but physically unable to do so. I’ve definitely learned my lessons, though – the biggest being that we are not invincible so not to train too aggressively, and that yoga and stretching are extremely important.

I signed up for Chicago today – my first marathon ever! I’m super excited and also nervous, but I’m already so inspired by hearing stories from the dozens of people that are doing it. I’ve heard so many people say that the crowd just carries you to the finish line in Chicago, and I am already starting to get it. =) I hope you decide to run Chicago, too!!!!!!!!!!


I get sad everytime I even hear Chicago Marathon because I trained so hard for it last year and couldn’t run — thanks Tendonitis! I can’t afford to do it this year because of Boston.

Poor girl with the femoral stress fracture. It breaks my heart for her too! I totally understand how it feels. Last year I had flights booked, hotel booked and everything for chicago and wound up injured. Luckily I have family there to make the trip worthwhile but it’s still devastating.


Thanks for the bouncing ball reminder. So much better than a rock. :) I’ve been a bit more rock-like than I want to lately. My pelvis/hip is just not playing nice, and it’s going on 10 months…I’m tired of it.

I’ve had a rough couple of days. I had planned to run the Chicago Marathon this year, but decided that it and any other marathon was out for me this year. I thought I was OK with it, but then registration opened up and I found out I really wasn’t OK. I know it’s the right decision and I stick by it – so I don’t understand why this should be this hard. (To answer one question, in 2011 I missed a marathon and a 10k that I signed up for do every year, and so many more I didn’t sign up for, but had planned on. Not my best year, and I don’t want to repeat that in 2012.)

However, all that being said, I do agree that this adventure has taught me A LOT. Things I probably would’ve never learned otherwise. I am grateful for that.

Anyhow… Tagalongs all the way! Although I admit I’ve never met a Girl Scout cookie I didn’t like. :)

For fruity candy – cherry, watermelon, lemon… Eh I probably like all of them, too! Candy never goes to waste in our house.

Thanks, Janae, for being you. And I mean that very sincerely. You are a beautiful lady inside and out. :)


Kim, your comment absolutely made my day. Thank you for your kind words! 10 MONTHS…I truly am so sorry that you have had to go through so much with your hip and pelvis. That breaks my heart. If it makes you feel better I won’t be doing Chicago either. You are a great bouncy ball. It really is amazing how much we learn from these injuries. Oh yeah, watermelon is amazing! Have an amazing day!


I may have ordered 9 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. My husband may have ordered 4 boxes. The Tag A Longs are the best. Or the Samoas. Or the Thin Mints. I’m just calling it fuel for my upcoming races.
Injuries stink. I’ve only dealt with minor things but it can slow you down.


Samoas, and RED Skittles all the way. Grape are a close second though ;)


I will send you my reds and you send me your purples:)


It’s a plan :)


Missed the Twin Cities marathon last year because of ITBS :( I am determined to run my first marathon this year though- seriously contemplating registering for Chicago!

Samoas are my personal favorites, with thin mints coming in a close second ;)

Red is always my favorite- whether it’s Skittles, Starburst, or BlowPops!


That IT Band can be so rude! DO CHICAGO!! I have to agree with you and samosa:)


Tag-a-longs and Thin Mints all the way! Samoas – bleh!

I’ve never had a running injury(knock on wood) but I can imagine how devastating it would be to miss out on a big race.


I wait all year for Girl Scout cookies. The only girl scout I know, is one of my husband’s co-workers daughters. Thank God.
This year I ordered thin mints, tagalongs, and do di dos. It’s my first year ordering the do si dos. But I say the more peanut butter the better!!
I saw on Pinterest that one of the ingredients listed in the thin mints (I think) is crack. It was pretty funny seeing crack on the ingredient list. I can’t wait to check my box.


I signed up for Chicago!!! WOO-HOO I am so excited! I have a group of running friends from when I lived in Manhattan who run it every year and now I get to run it withhhh themmmm!!

I really enjoyed your very thoughtful post this afternoon! I know I have been in some very difficult, even painful, situations in the past but they have ultimately made me the person I am today, and dare I say, a better person?!?


Awww…I feel the pain that others go through when injured and can’t run. I have been there many times and each time learn many things. It is hard to not “feel left out” when not being able to run. I feel for those in this position now and encourage them to remember, “This too shall pass”.
I even feel a bit bad about announcing this, after hearing about those injured but
I signed up for Chi town today! And my favorite color Skittles are the orange!


I had to recently drop out of the LA Marathon and miss a half marathon as part of the training leading up to it! It stinks but I let my kids (10 and 7) train for the 5k that went with the half and cheered them on and my friends! Trying my best to run Ragnar Del Sol healthy in a few weeks.

You can never go wrong with Thin Mints.

Orange skittles are super yummy, lemon Starburst are the best but peach jolly ranchers rule all.

I LOVE Kelly Clarkson!


I always go for the Samosas! Sooo good.

For the majority of my running life, I didn’t race, so I’ve never missed a race from injury, but I’ve had my fair share of injuries.


Thin Mints are definitely yummy. Can’t wait to get some! I haven’t had Skittles in a long time, but I used to eat them mixed with m&ms. Have you tried that?


About the Girl Scout cookies … They’re all yummy (spoken like a true former scout) but I’m a Samoa (Caramel Delight) addict myself … My mom always orders several extra boxes of them and hides them to give me later during the year. Otherwise, I’d seriously sit down and eat a box a day. I’m. Not. Joking.


The red & purple Skittles are definitely the best! As for Girl Scout cookies I’d have to say that Thin Mints & Tagalongs are the best hands down. My co-worker usually buys 10 boxes of each!


I LOVE your last paragraph- it’s SO true. I think that even though we struggle, it is meant to make us stronger. Like with this Crohn’s disease that I have- yes, it’s a pain in the butt (literally) & yes, I have some REALLY hard days with it…but on the same token, it DOES make me stronger..and it challenges me everyday to MAKE myself stronger.
On a lighter note, I NEED to find those Skittles- I haven’t seen them yet…..but now I’m on a mission ;)


I’m on week 7 on crutches, no exercise at all because of this stinking femoral stress fracture I have. Thank you SOmuch, this post was just what I needed to read, today has been a rough day but I am really trying to be a bouncy ball :). Although it sucks, you are so right about it being learning process and being stronger in the end I am so grateful to read your blog each and every day, you such a huge inspiration!!!! Oh, and yay for girl scout cookies, I say one of each type for sure! :)


Oh LILLY!! I am truly so sorry that you are dealing with this right now! that is so awful. WEEK 7!!! THank you for your sweet email! Can I send you some cookies to help you heal faster?!?!


I eat my skittles with a particular method. I put the orange, yellow, and green together…then the red and purple. I match them up in groups…so I eat one orange, yellow, and green together….one red and purple. I eat the extras first…never mixing citrus with red and purple. Then I eat the groups. Its like a party! And uber delicious! (I’m only OCD about Skittles…weird right?) Bottomline: they are all equal in my book.


Jenna….we need to be best friends. I love that you have a skittles eating method!


I love Girl Scout cookies and this year no one’s kids are selling them at work, so I had to have my sister order me some tagalongs from one of her students lol Hey do what you gotta do to get those cookies and support the Girl Scouts!


I want to know why girl scouts by me sell the boxes for 4$ each when yours are clearly 3.50$ !!! what is up with that?! I got 4 boxes-yup allll for me!! think mints, samoas, tagalongs, and dulce de leche <3


I thought of you at the store today! They have Skittles Blenders now – 2 flavors blended together in one skittle. I bought them. A whole box was only a dollar.


I was not in the office when the girl scout order was placed. Luckily my coworker texted me and I was able to place an order but I only got two boxes, thin mints and peanut butter, bc I couldn’t really think of all my options. I wish I had been there to look at the list and order more! Go big.


I will…just for you:)


I blogged about Kelly Clarkson too! Her song is getting me through my calf injury. I loves it, and I’d get every box of GS cookies. When I was in Girl Scouts, me and my mom would end up eating my families cookies and my mom would have to pay them back LOL! :-)


Samoas and thin mints. Two boxes isn’t too crazy! :D


you and your candy addiction never ceases to make me laugh. i think that is why you are so dang fast though….i tried swedish fish before my run today and i was FLYING! i definitely thought of you :)

SAMOAS!!!! they are hands down my favorite. coconut + caramel + chocolate = how could you go wrong?


Hahaha, the other day at work there was a sign-up sheet for Girl Scout cookies and I didn’t want to have to deal with deciding so I didn’t – just ordered random amounts of random cookies. All I know is that it came to $21… and every crumb will be worth it!

Are you running Chicago? I think I might if I don’t do NYC. I wonder how quick it fills up.


My students just came to me selling cookie dough today. I feel bad ordering from one and not the others. So I may end up with 42 pounds of cookie dough.


Samoas are my favorite, but this year I ordered tagalongs from my niece. They are my second favorite, but I’m hoping Daniel eats them all except for two. :)

I like the red skittles the best (I typically like red fruity candy), but I also like to eat the purple & yellow squished together. Try it! I love pink starburst!!!


:( For the last few weeks, everytime I run for about a mile, my Achilles Tendon starts hurting like crazy. I tried to back off for a few days and give it some rest, compression and icing hoping it will heal. But when I ran again the next time, it hurt just as bad. The other day I was running with my hubby and my friends and I just broke into tears in physical and emotional pain realizing that this injury might be much graver than I thought at first and could keep me off running for a while :( I just hope I can still run my 2nd full marathon in June(Rock n Roll Seattle)


OH NO! I am so sorry about your Achilles issue! I cried so so so many times during my injuries and so I completely understand your break down! Please let me know what I can do to help!


Loved this post—let’s be bouncy balls!!! I’m currently suffering through a second hamstring tear. I didn’t run for 7 wks with my first one. I totally caused the first one b/c I didn’t rest the day after a 20 mile adventure race (I was crazy sore). I ran a marathon the next day and immediately jumped into my ca got a 6 hour drive home…no stretch, ice, etc. DUMB. I basically did the same insane w/outs a caused my other legs hammy to rip. I’m devastated but am trying to ignore it and run while pumped full of Advil. Ahhhhh.
Regarding the cookies…. Get an old fav for “safety” and a new type for an adventure!


SECOND hamstring tear….NOOOO!!! Wow, Colleen you really are hardcore, a marathon after a 20 mile adventure race! I am thinking about you and your hamstring and hoping it gets better asap!! Please keep me updated!


Grape and the yellow are my favs. I like to put one of each in my mouth at the same time. The green are my least favorite, though that never stops me from eating them.
Can you go wrong with any GS cookies? Buy 5 for you and 5 for “Billy”, then you will have all ten. Or tell your mom to buy the ones you don’t :) (that’s what I do).


First of all, tagalongs and samoas all the way. Thin mints in a pinch. Our 10+ boxes have already been ordered. Second, injuries suck, we all know it. Sooo much. I missed the 2009 inaugural Seattle rock n roll full because of a fibula stress fracture I ran on until I broke it ALL THE WAY. YES I AM THAT DUMB! So we feel her pain! Literally and figuratively.


OH MY GOODNESS……broke all the way….that is out of control. I can’t even imagine what you went through!


hehe my mom and I bought a box of every kind of girl scout cookies….we came home and my dad gave us this ridiculous look and shook his head hahaha. But whatever, he’s totally eaten half my samoas so he doesn’t get to judge!

I feel ya on the running injuries!! I was out for six months earlier this year and I’m still making my very slow return. It sucked to be out for that long, but I learned SO much in that time, about nutrition, recover, proper training etc…it even helped me discover what I really want to do as a career! So I wouldn’t give any of that up to have those six months back. Its only six months, in the grand scheme of things. I’ve got more than ten years left to be competetive, and an entire lifetime of running ahead of me! If not running for six of those many many months brings me all the knowlege I have now, well, you bet I’m gonna take it!


I only buy Tagalongs, I put them in the freezer. I end them straight out of there. The crazy thing is, that here they are $.50 more a


I love the Samoas and Thin Mints!


I missed the ING Miami Half Marathon 2 years back due to hip pain. Luckily, it was the best decision I ever made. Went back to swimming and cycling until I was healed. I’ve done the race the 2 years since then and PR’d!


WOW!! That is awesome!! Good for you to get into swimming and cycling and those things helped you pr! WAHOO!


I am so glad to see this post… thanks Janae, I didn’t realize how much better it would make me feel just to hear it from someone who has been through injury and not being able to run. You really don’t realize how much running becomes a part of who you are and how you define yourself as a person until it is taken away and you feel like a part of you is missing.

I’m lucky in a sense because my injury is temporary and I will hopefully be back on my feet in a few days.. I have fairly severe back problems from a head-on collision 2 years ago. Most of the time running helps, but every few months I throw my back out completely and I can’t move for 2 days to 3-4 weeks at a time and it’s insanely frustrating because I’ll barely be able to get off the couch when it happens.

Anyway, I didn’t mean to write so much! Thanks for the post.. it gives me hope. Bouncy ball it is!!


JENN!! I am so happy that this post helped you out a little:) OH MY GOODNESS…..a head on collision, that is so scary and your poor back!! Is there any way that it will fully recover and you won’t have to deal with this issue anymore. I can’t imagine how frustrating that would be. Thinking of you!


Thanks Janae :) it’s probably never going to completely heal, but I’ve been so lucky that I’ve recovered as much as I have. Until I started running, I was in really bad shape and needed a lot of painkillers to do anything.. I started exercising, swimming and running, and the improvement in my quality of life has been incredible. The body is capable of so much when you take care of it and keep it healthy! I truly believe that being fit and active has gotten me to this point where I live a mostly normal life now, except for occasional flare ups.I wish doctors would encourage more chronic pain sufferers to get active!


Ok girl scout cookies are anew concept for me – what are samoas? Also red and purple skittles for the win…orange is pretty good too but yellow is just nasty!


You have to get Samoas of course! I love Thin Mints, but they have the same thing basically at the grocery store for much cheaper. NEVER try the new stuff. Better to let someone else drop 5 bones on some nasty cookies and tell you about it later.




Ever missed out on a race because of an injury? Which race?

Missed Grandma’s in 2007 because of a torn meniscus in my knee. :(

What kind of Girl Scout Cookie should I get….this is an emergency, I have to fill out the form tonight. Are you getting any this year?

OMG Thin Mints. (btw my phone corrected mints to kings. Sounds right)
You guys don’t have Lemonades in Utah??? They are soooooo good!

Favorite Skittle or fruity candy flavor?



TORN MENISCUS…..ouch!!!! I have never heard of lemonades…I must find them, they sound delicious!


By the way, girl scout cookies have a different name here (and Utah) than they did where I grew up in MN.


I was a girl scout for so many years and I am so glad that there are still some people that LOVE buying cookies as much as I do. My family usually buys 5 boxes of thin mints, 5 boxes of dos-i-dos (peanut butter sandwich cookies) and 10 boxes of Samoas! Then we freeze them and try to make them last! :D


skittles and starbursts all the way!!!! i love the skittle riddles that is so much fun! i’m a sucker for anything pink and red when it comes to those candies :)


I think I want a Janae Jacobs poster on my wall, one where you are running while eating froyo, skittles, and girl scout cookies simulateously, with a caption that says “Let’s be bouncy balls!”

Thanks for the post, and the emails. You’re awesome.


Ashley, thank YOU!! Good idea on the poster…I will tell billy to start making some for me:)


I hate to add to your list of sadness but Im injured right now and I cant run at British unis because of it. its one thing after another recently!!! Im currently in the middle of a 48 hour exam and feel like im going stir crazy through cabin fever.

I dont know what these flavours are for cookies but my heart says Do SI Do cause they SOUND so fun and tasty :)

Ooh skittles sours are my favourite, to me they taste like summer. But in the classic ones the red ones just mysteriously disappear with me around… Wonder why…



This breaks my heart!!! I am so so sorry about your injury and I wish I could take it away for you! 48 hour exam…I have never even heard of such craziness. You are so right about skittles tasting like skittles…one more reason I eat them so much:)


I know, its an ITB strain and I was so so sad :(! Another guy got mumps too so he wont be attending either!

Yes, 48 hours, it cant be okay under the Geneva conventions surely…

Ha ha Janae, “skittles taste like skittles”? that they do! I know what you meant though. :) x


‘We can choose to be the rock and hit the ground and stay there or be the bouncy ball and bounce back after we hit the bottom (easier said than done right;) Let’s be the bouncy balls.’

Guess I really needed that after yesterday, which was one of the worst days of my life (I say that a lot but they tend to surpass themselves recently). I’m so squishy I really should be a bouncy ball, instead of always being the rock. This metaphor is so appropriate because I’m stubborn as a rock (and dumb as one…) and rigidly stuck in my routines. Despite being physically as flabby as a bouncy ball, I have none of its felxibility.

I’ve missed two marathons in the past, one with IT band syndrome and one with a double stress fracture (pelvis), and now I have some evil ankle/foot tendinitis coupled with plantar fascitis, the latter probably caused by all the excess weight I’m carrying. So I’m scared they’re going to make me miss my next marathon too :(

Skittles, I’d always go for the red flavour, same with Starbursts. I always had to eat both in colour order, least favourite to favourite (best for last): yellow, green, purple, orange, red.



My dearest Jessica!!! I just want to let you know that you are my hero! You have been through so many injuries and you keep on going, you keep pushing yourself and keep RUNNING! I am truly so sorry that you had such an awful day yesterday. I know that you think you have gained weight and you don’t feel good in your own skin but ANY picture I see of you makes me jealous and I think, “DANG, that woman is ripped”…you are pure muscle and so lean. Hope today goes better and please let me know how I can help….I will send you some red skittles and starbursts:)


Aww, shucks. Thank you!

The really frustrating thing is that the reason I keep getting these injuries is because I am not smart like you and don’t tend to learn from them – the minute I encounter any remote form of stress my mileage goes sky-high, even though I know my body can’t cope with it. Sillyness.



Great post! (as always). I really needed to hear this and I felt God used you to send this message. I have been VERY down lately (we’re talking wanting to die type of down). Thanks for the reminder that “We can choose to be the rock and hit the ground and stay there or be the bouncy ball and bounce back after we hit the bottom.” Now, if only I can figure out how to bounce out of all my “problems”.

As for cookies, my hubby and I bought thin mints for him and tagalongs and samoas for me. Yummy!

No running injuries. I just started running about 2 months ago and am only up to 3.5 miles a day. I hope to one day be able to run more.


Karla!!!! your comment broke my heart. I am so so sorry that you are going through such a difficult time in your life. I would love to be email pen pals….I make an awesome friend and would love to do anything possible to help you! You are rocking your running….3.5 miles A DAY! That is awesome!


Love this post as I am riding a recumbent bike like a bad a**!!!


Sour skittles are the BEST!!!


i missed i think two races bc of injuries – 1 was a half-mary bc of a stress fracture in my tibia, another was a sprint triathlon bc i had the flu :(

um samoas. 100%.

and i thought of you this morning. a daddy long legs was on the ceiling of my bedroom…i sprayed it with windex until it fell down and then i smacked it with a running sneaker.


AHHHH KIM, I am so sorry that you had such a SCARY experience this morning. Good call with the windex. I agree with you about the samosa! Those darn tibias of ours…no fun!


Did you sign up for the Chicago Marathon?? I’m not running it but I’m going to be on the sidelines cheering on all my friends! (I’m building a base this year to come back stronger next year!) :)


I didn’t sign up…gotta save some cash:) I am shooting for 2013 though! Maybe I will come watch with you!


I like that idea! I know the course pretty well so I’m going to try to coordinate cheering spots along the way with lots of big balloons, signs, and obnoxious cheerers! YAY :)


Thankfully, I’ve never missed a race due to injury. I may be missing Boston this year due to pregnancy though! :-)

Thin Mints & Tagalongs!!!!!!!

Jelly Belly brand jelly beans, sour patch kids, starbursts

No Chicago this year. Maybe 2013.


STEPHANIE!! Congrats on the pregnancy, that is so so exciting! You are still doing an incredible job on your workouts, way to go. You have a tough decision going into Boston…..walk it:) Keep me updated. Let’s do Chicago 2013 together!


I am hoping I can walk it. I just need to clear flying at 32 weeks pregnant with my doctor. :-)

And it’s totally on for Chicago in 2013!!


OMG, I SERIOUSLY hope you ordered samoas and tagalongs. I could demolish both of those in a heartbeat!


Runners world this month has a good article about how completely resting is the best way to heal – pretty much a dont go back to soon article


Love what you said about struggles, really needed it today. Thanks Janae! xo


You are so welcome Jess…let me know if you need anything!


I had to miss the Rock-n-Roll Half in New Orleans last year because I had to have surgery for a staph infection under my arm. I cried for days.


Someone may have already said this in the comments, but it’s so important to put things in perspective. I had my third stress fracture from running this past summer and there were a lot of tears and plenty of feeling sorry of myself. It sucked. However, I know many people who are dealing with much more serious things: cancer, ALS, sudden death of a family member due to a heart attack, etc. I realize I was so incredibly lucky to “only” have a stress fracture. My advice to my fellow injured runners is to think of someone in your life dealing with a TRULY serious illness, say a prayer for them, and thank your lucky stars that you “just” have a running injury. It immediately would make me snap back into reality and realize it was selfish of me to be so angry about my broken bones when my friends were dealing with true losses. Perspective is everything!


Erin, thank you so much for your comment and you are so right about putting things in perspective. THIRD stress fracture, wow! You are so right, there are so many other things in the world that are even more awful and we have to focus on the things we are grateful for! Your comment was perfect, thank you so much for sharing.


I tell myself that A LOT. As crummy as they are, these injuries are temporary. I also think a lot about people who will never walk, let alone run.


Thanks so much for the shout out and the appreciation and empathizing with the pain them I am in, emotionally (more so…) and physically. Kelly Clarkson’s song has been deemed the theme song I sing to my femur on a daily basis. I have had so much reigning support with co-workers and in the internet world, it really makes you realize how much people care and know you. I never knew how many people were aware of my passion for running. There will be more Boston’s, but first, I want to get to the bottom of this fracture… bone density?? 25 and fractured femur… come on!


You are so welcome, I didn’t want to include your name just in case you wanted to keep it more personal but I am thinking about you a lot and just know that I am always here and I completely feel for what you are going through!! Yes, get the bone density scan. I did but had normal results, sometimes things just happen! You are amazing and you will love running that much more when you are back from your injury!


I can’t wait… ugh.. I want to run so bad. It is hard not keep the world from crashing down around you. But like you said, this is definitely a humbling experience and will be a better runner for it.
I think all of the ice and snow had something to do with it… so many surfaces.
Michael Phelps better watch out as much as I am in the pool!


I had ITBS flare up pretty badly a couple years ago while training for the Broad Street Run (10-miler) in Philadelphia. I signed up and even picked up the t-shirt but the pain in my knee from the ITBS was so bad, it hurt to walk through the Expo in SO MANY ways.
The PT I did helped a lot, and I sorta tried to stay off it…I think I rested during at least 2-3 weeks of PT then picked it back up slowly.
Stuff like ultrasound or electronic stim or whatever never helped the IT band much. Massage did a little. I still try to do the exercises I learned in PT, especially when training for something big. Foam roller too.
I finished my first marathon in November and it was fine during training but flared up horribly in Mile 23 to the end, forcing me to walk. Oh well.

Tagalongs are the best…around me they call them Peanut Butter Patties. Samosas are Caramel Delights. I only can distinguish them because they are still assigned the same colors (red and orange, respectively). I don’t know why in Philly they name them for exactly what they are but in other places they call them something different. We are a simple folk, I guess. :)


Totally not fair that GS cookies are only $3.50 a box in Utah….they’re $4.00 a box here in Pennsylvania. I think I need to relocate.


so this weekend, i was driving down the road and i start seeing all these signs for a Girl Scout Cookie DRIVE THRU! i drove by it… then did a u-turn… then ordered the thin mints. those kids are geniuses!


I’m running Chicago!! I can’t WAIT!! I’m so excited! It’ll be #3 for me & my first travel marathon. Hubby & I are making it a vacation! You should run it too!


Ok I have to say it – and I’m only partially joking – are the Skittles Riddles basically the reject Skittles they couldn’t use because the flavors weren’t right? haha!


I think you may be right!! YOU ARE HILARIOUS!


You should do what I do when it comes to Girl Scout cookies. Buy a whole bunch and then stuff them in the freezer so you can eat them throughout the year. Thin Mints taste 10 times better frozen and even better if you crumble them up in ice cream!


The Savannah Smiles are A-MAZING!!!


Totes LOVING me some K. Clarkson “Stronger”!!! Order some samoas and save one for me ;P


Missed out on my FIRST marathon because of patellar tendonitis… and it’s still bothering me… seriously, had to stop at 2.5 miles today because it hurt so bad… And, yeah, I’m too the point where I just really don’t know if I’ll ever run again.

Samoas all the way!

And for skittles, in the regular packet I like the purple and reds, when there’s pink and blue I like those, too. If green is apple I like green, but if it’s lime… yuck…


Definitely the Do Si Dos and dip them in peanut butter or Thin Mints and crunch them in ice cream!


I missed out on pretty much all races in 2011 due to my broken neck from sledding and incubating our small child…while it was hard not to run during some of those months, it was definitely worth it in the end to rest, recovery, heal and let our baby grow. :) what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger indeed! 2012 will include a half marathon again for me, I hope!!

I always go for thin mints….best eaten fresh outta the freezer!

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