The Food of St. George

One of my favorites things in the whole wide world is eating out WHILE ON vacation, even better while on a RUNcation.  Whenever my sis and I are down in St. George we always drive by a place called Bear Paw and say that we HAVE to go there.  We finally did on Saturday after the race.

I am not usually very hungry right after a race but I was seeing double because I was so hungry on Saturday when we got in the car to leave.  Billy and his bro weren’t very hungry and I determined it was because I was running for more minutes than they were, that makes perfect sense right even though we all went the same distance.

I had to get the Belgian waffle with strawberries and whipped cream with all the good sides.  I thought that the waffle was what I really wanted but I downed the salty things first.

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After some ice baths, stretching, and calling Billy’s parents to tell them how he got a 16 minute half-marathon personal record, we met up with some gorgeous runner/reader/awesomeness girls and their families for fro-yo.

Amy, Jillian and Megan!! Amy and Jillian also ran Dog Town and they absolutely rocked it!

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Jillian treated me to froyo which means she needs to come up to Provo so that I can take her on a date for froyo!

Fresh fruit and bobo balls always sounds good after running.

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No, I am not done yet with the days worth of food.  It is possible to still eat more and more.

After froyo we went on over to the mall and walked around for a while followed by Texas Roadhouse.  We got a coupon for a free appetizer at the running expo and you know that coupons are the best marketing tools for us.

That would be a bloomin onion in the background, those things are out of control good.  I also had a side salad and determined that eggs are a must on salads and that honey-mustard dressing is also a requirement.

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I couldn’t figure out which picture to post.

The one with me at an awkward angle thinking I am really funny or

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The one with the greasiest bangs in the whole wide world.

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By the time we got to our entrees we were already pretty full.  The waitress tried to warn me as I was ordering the chicken crispers that it was WAY too much chicken and I should order the kids meal crispers instead.  Both Billy and I looked at her and laughed and told her that she didn’t understand my eating capabilities.  She was right…that tower of chicken was a little too much after the fresh rolls with honey butter, appetizer, peanuts and salad.

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So we had it for brunch the next day with eggs and apple cinnamon muffins.  I was given the job by our MARVELOUS hosts to finish off the 32 ounces left of orange juice and I fulfilled my duties.  I can’t get enough of that stuff.  PS I kind of want to move in with the above couple, they are hilarious and take such good care of us.

Were you wondering what was behind my water?

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We bought these at Costco the day we got down to St. George.

I hate consequences.  My whole mouth is one big canker sore now, I will never learn my lesson when it comes to sugary coated candy.


What was the last candy that you ate?

Where is your favorite place to go for bfast? What do you usually order?

Have you ever been to Texas Roadhouse?  Did you like it?

How long do you wait to run after a 1/2 marathon?

-Since we weren’t racing, I think I will run today but if I was racing i would wait about 3-4 days until I went on an easy run.

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Oh wow what delicious eats- especially that waffle! I tend to go for eggs when I’m breaking the fast out :)…or I’ll get something sweet with a side portion of egg-whites! That all being said, breakfast is the one meal I rather eat at home- I just enjoy my oatmeal too much!


What are your favorite oatmeal add ins? I want to enjoy it more! Ps restaurant eggs are the best…they are always so fluffy!


All of that just made my grapefruit semi-unappetizing right now! Looks like a great time – I love The Roadhouse! Tell them its your birthday and the bring a “mechanical” bull over to you to sit on while they sing. Congrats!

Candy – Swedish Fish – Breakfast – Eggs Benedict!


Ahhhhhh it was my bday a few weeks ago, that totally counts right! I may have to go back tonight so I can get the mechanical horse ha! Ps grapefruit is so delicious!


Love your day of eats on Saturday;-) Awesome job to all of you on the HM!

I had sweedish fish for the first time on Saturday during a long run….and I thought of you and SR;-)

I usually wait 2-3 days after a HM to run and then make it a short/slow run.


Your first time?!?! What did you think of them? Aren’t they incredible???


What a great day full of food! That used to be my go to meal, chicken crispers, but I just can’t do it anymore – probably because that’s all the kids eat when we go out! I am still working on my bag of swedish fish:-) We don’t ever go out to breakfast, but I love a good egg sandwich. I don’t think I’ve been to Texas Roadhouse, but to something similar with an awesome salad bar. I love those all you can eat salad bars! I usually take the day after off, just because. I ended up running yesterday, which was the day after and will probably do some sort of cross/strength training today – my muscles need a good workout!
Have a great day!!


Enjoy your cross training day, two days after your killer half! Egg sandwiches really ate the absolute best!




My in-laws bought my son a 3 pound bag of peanut butter cups from Costco, so I have been eating those lately. I should probably move them off the counter, so I don’t eat as many!
That waffle looks awesome! I love going out to breakfast! I usually order a veggie skillet – layers of hash browns, eggs, veggies, and cheese. Not the healtiest, but so good!


Whatever…a VEGGIe skill has to be healthy:) 3 lbs of pb cups, I am extremely jealous!


I ate starburst yesterday. I ran two haves in two weekends, so I think I am going to swim today, bike tomorrow, and run Wednesday.
Way to go on your race!


Two halves in two weekends….you are incredible, way to go! Enjoy your swim!!!


You ATE girlfriend! That’s awesome and it sounds well earned. Congrats on the PR!


We have a really good breakfast place by us. The whole place is decorated in flamingos. It’s totally weird, but delicious.

The last candy I ate were gummy hearts on Saturday.

I usually run the day after halves to shake out my legs. I don’t do anything crazy, though, mileage or speed-wise.


Flamingos…that is awesome! Gummy candy is the absolute best! Hope you are having an amazing day! I need to make another vlog for bungee:)


Wine gums. My husband bought me a bag for Valentine’s Day.
I actually like to cook breakfast at home the most! But in the city where I went to University there was a place called Cheesecake Cafe that had the most amazing brunch ever, so if I could I would go there!
Nope, never been!
And 3-4 days usually.


Cheesecake cafe sounds amazing but you are right, making Bfast at home is the best and way cheaper! Plus you can stay in your pjs:)


my husband and i love texas roadhouse. it’s easily my husband’s favorite restaurant. they have the best rolls ever! as for my favorite place for breakfast, i’d have to choose mimi’s cafe. totally an “old person’s place”, but i love it. :)


I love it too! They have the best bran muffin! Now I need to go there! I am pretty sure I could live off of the roadhouse rolls and honey butter!


I was just about to say I don’t eat candy. Then I realized I keep a bar of dark chocolate with sea salt in my freezer. I have a piece nearly every day. My favorite breakfast place is this cafe down the road from my house. Yesterday I dominated their banana walnut pancakes.


Those pancakes are making me drool….I need to try that place! Putting candy in the freezer is the best! Have a great day!


I was just telling my husband that eggs are a must on salads– which is why Texas Roadhouse is my #1 favorite salad place. Yummy!


Seriously!!! They really do have the best salads! Have you tried their actual meal salads? I wanted to but I wasn’t sure if they would be good!


The last candy I ate was swedish fish on my long run Saturday. I usually like to run or get the elliptical the day after a race or long run. But, I felt myself getting sick with a sore throat and runny nose after my long run and into yesterday, so I am taking a few days off to play it safe.


Hope you get feeling better ASAP!!! Good for you to listen to your body and take some time off! Very good call on the Swedish fish during your run!


I think it was obvious Saturday that my favorite breakfast place is Bear Paw ;) Mmmmm. It makes me want to drive back down there for breakfast just thinking about it.
I actually haven’t had any sweets since the fro yo trip. That could possibly be a sign of the apocalypse.
I actually really love the salmon at Texas roadhouse. Probably some of the best I have had.
I love your food extravaganza while you were there. Pretty much I plan my vacations AROUND the food I want to eat. Normal, right?


I totally agree with your hunger after the race theory, since I’ve slowed down the pace of my long runs, I’m so much hungrier afterwards even though it’s the same distance!


I just went to TX roadhouse for the first time a couple months ago and it was fabulous!!
I love going to cracker barrell for bfast – i usually get the eggs in a basket (overeasy with wheat toast) and fried apples YUMMMM


Sounds like a super fun trip- and the food looks amazing!

I usually wait a few days after running a race- it’s nice having a few days off, especially since no matter how many times I run the race course before the race or the distance in training, I ALWAYS have crazy stiff legs in the days after the race! I might go for a short recovery run today just to get the blood flowing and some of the lactic acid out of my muscles though.

Candy… funny story. I was smack talking my boss about how I could eat WAY more candy than him and more smack talk ensued and now there’s a candy eating contest at my office tomorrow! $75 worth of candy (do you know how much candy $75 can by at Wal Mart?!), me, my boss and one other employee and an eating contest… This is not going to be pretty! I see some sugar comas and possibly diabetes in my future :-P


those chicken crispers look DROOLWORTHY!

last candy I ate was reeses pieces :)

favorite place for breakfast is this cute little place near us called Le Peep..i love that they serve water and OJ in carafes. I love ordering the biscuits and gravy there..its amazing.

usually I wait 2 days before running again after a half…the last one I raced pretty hard so my legs were like jello for those 2 days but then i felt good..if you didnt race it i’m sure you’ll feel fine.

p.s. billy is a beast, i cant believe his time for this one. congrats to him, all the training paid off!!


I absolutely adore belgian waffles – YUM!


what in the world are those translucent little pink balls in your froyo, they look very interesting, perhaps delicious


They are called bobo balls and they are amazing! There is fruit juice inside of them! You have to try them!


The husband and I go to a local breakfast place called AJ’s.. while the place hasn’t been updated since it opened (which I kind of think adds to the charm) they have awesome food and its super cheap. Usually I’ll order an egg white and cheddar omelet and homefries (they are super greasy and amazing!) and either italian toast (I only eat the middle buttered bite, lol) or english muffin.. Then I make the husband order chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream to “share” and eat them on him..


Wow!!! What a day of eats. That chicken dish is serious!! Every Saturday a group of my aerobic class members and I eat breakfast at a local deli. It’s such a fun ritual. We run a 1/2 marathon (mileage wise), power through my 3 classes, and then sit a talk while drinking coffee for 2+ hours.
I’ve never eaten at TX Roadhouse even though there is one very close to my home. Oh…and no candy here. I’ve never liked it! How’s that possible…idk!!


I am really bad about waiting. I usually run the next day at this point. I used to wait 2 or 3 days… oops


I honestly just loved going to Panera for breakfast- love me a huge bagel with tons of cream cheese. YUM!


That waffle looks SOOOOO good! I love going to brunch when we are on vacation. I like to get some breakfasty items and then some lunchish things too, and plus at brunch they have dessert. :) One of my favorite breakfast items is bagel with freshly smoked salmon, cream cheese, and capers. Granola always suckers me in too!


I want everything that you ate in this post–waffles, candy, chicken fingers! yum!

I remember getting those sour punch straws at the gas station as a kid…we’d ride our bikes their and cough up our allowance to rot our teeth. Best summer days ever!

The last candy I ate was part of Andy’s Crunch bar that my grandma gave him for Valentine’s day. He didn’t know that we were supposed to share it ;)

Favorite breakfast place is homestyle places where I can get homemade waffles or pancakes!

Never been to TX roadhouse but we have driven past them many times!

I usually take a couple days off after a half marathon–then get back into running and cross training!


I used to LOVE sour punches. My Mom would buy them in bulk at Sam’s. And I got lots and lots of canker cores from them!


Isn’t it sad that I can’t remember the last piece of candy I ate. I’m guessing it was at the beginning of January and it was probably a snickers or twix bar. There are two places that I love to go for breakfast and both are in my hometown outside of Houston. One is called Tony’s and it is an old diner that serves breakfast 24hrs. They have the best eggs, hashbrowns, toast and bacon. My other all time favorite spot is The Bagel Cafe. It’s this little bagel shop with some of the best bagels I’ve ever had, delicious coffee, and they also serve lunch that is great. We love TEXAS ROADHOUSE! The rolls are mouth-watering with the cinnamon butter, I could fill up on those alone. I also love their salads, the crutons are great! There isn’t one thing that I’ve gotten off the menu that I didn’t love. Plus if you go on your birthday, they embarass the heck out of you and make you sit on a saddle and act like your are riding a bull. We have some funny pictures of friends doing that when we were in college. After a half marathon, I would wait probably three days before going on a short run again.


The waffle you ordered looks so good!

The last candy I ate was chocolate. Anything chocolate is my fav.
I love eggs, hashbrowns and bacon!
After running a half I kinda just see how I feel. I might take off a day or two. Then go an easy run.


I ate about half a bag of Red Vines after Ragnar. They just tasted so good.
Texas Roadhouse’s bread and honey butter are the BOMB! I ate at the one in St. George after a triathlon I did there!


That is so so cool! What tri did you do? I really want to go down and watch the St. George ironman! Red vines are the perfect post race treat!


I did the Kokopelli Triathlon at Sand Hollow. It was a fun race with great people. Loved it!


I love candy.
I live in Texas and don’t really like Texas Roadhouse. If you come here I will take you to a real Texas steakhouse and you will love it so much you will want to permanantly relocate here. Just saying.
I know it’s a little redneck but I really love Ihop breakfast!


Whatever…not redneck at all, I LOVE ihop! I am taking you up on he real deal Texas steakhouse:)


I always get waffles with whipped cream & strawberries. I also add a side of chocolate milk. I never believe there’s a thing as too much sugar.


I think we are soul mates! There really is no such thing as too much sugar!


We went to the Bear Paw after we did the Snow Canyon half and ordered four breakfasts for two people because everything sounded so good. If I’m ever in St George again I am definitely going back!!


It really is amazing! I have been thinking about running snow canyon half, would u recommend it?


I loved that race! But, I think it depends what you really value in a race. It was really, really small so that has advantages (not crowded, no corrals or starting line congestion, easy parking, etc.) and disadvantages (not super well supported though pretty decent, they were literally picking up the starting line as we crossed it even though we were on their bus to the start line so shouldn’t have been considered late). Overall, I thought it was great, though. The course was GORGEOUS (a lot of your pics remind me of it) but you are running straight down a canyon so it’s rough on your legs afterwards. All in all, I actually loved the race but I think it depends on what you really value in a race. Some people like what big race events offer but I think I prefer the smaller ones overall so I loved it!! Sorry for the essay :)


Thank you so so so much! That is exactly what I was hoping it would be like! Big races are fun but small races are so stress free and I love the scenery down there so I really think I have to run it! Thanks so much for writing back and I hope you are having a great day!


Also, I have no idea what the weather is normally like there during that time of year (I live in LA) but it was so beautiful the day we ran it!! Pretty much the most perfect running weather and it totally made me want to move to Utah. Also, it was my boyfriend’s first half ever and it totally got him hooked – he’s about to run number four next month in NYC and it’s pretty much all because he loved Snow Canyon so much!!


That is so so so exciting that he is running NYC next month, wow!!! So good to hear that this race had such a positive impact on both of you!!


Can I just tell you how happy it made me to read about you and your sister running together. Love love love when atletes can find a balance between when to race and when to just love running with others. You’re awesome!


Nice work Janae!!! On both the running and the eating:) I love how much you love spending time with your sister. There really is nothing better than family! New Haven has an AMAZING place for brunch called the Pantry. When Billy comes to Yale for law school I will take you there and you will love New Haven;)


All your food looks delish! I have been eating St. pattys day Hershey kisses filled with mint. I also topped my froyo on Saturday with several lbs. of candy after my long, long run. :) I usually wait 3 or 4 days also after racing a half to start running again. Have a great week!


Yum! Looks like you had a delicious day celebrating the half-marathon! I love trying out new places when I go out of town, so fun!


I have some leftover vday candy in the freezer that I have been rationing out to myself at night. Reese’s hearts and hugs. Delicious…

Breakfast out in my favorite meal. I love fluffy pancakes and perfectly poached eggs.


mini PB cups and cheesecake bites on my froyo last night!

there is a super cheap diner in NYC we go to and i get egg whites, 7 grain toast, homefries and coffee! or if we go to a bagel place its a pumpernickel raisin bagel with bacon egg & cheese :)

texas roadhouse is AWESOME- that salad with eggs and honey mustard is what i always get! im always so full from the rolls and peanuts i never get an entree!

i cant answer the 1/2 mary question til May 6th… MY 1st 1/2 MARATHON!! :-)


Post race food is the best. Everything always tastes better. I almost always have a bagel toasted with peanut butter in the mix. Somewhere around mile 10 that’s all I can think about. Breakfast sandwiches are also pretty awesome after long races.

Glad you had a fun race. It’s always extra special when you can run with family!


Thanks, Janae – can’t wait to read your recap when you do run Snow Canyon!! Have a great day and week!


Looks like the weather was beautiful?!! Yes? I’m in the midst of 4-5 inches of snow…the team is “trying” to play baseball today…hmmm. I might have to eat lunch at 10:30 AM now! :) Good eats!


I’ll take some of what you had. Any of it.

I will run a couple of days after. Just depends on how I feel.

The Kidless Kronicles


I LOVE going out to breakfast, and if there’s an eggs benedict on the menu, I usally get that :) There’s this place down the street from my house called the Wild Grape, and they have these homemade donut holes for brunch, with dipping sauces. AMAZING. We should go!


Does Milky Way Cake count as the last candy I ate? There are however 11 milky way bars involved. Never been to Texas Roadhouse and Park Cafe in SLC is my all time fav. bfast spot. I always order the French Toast Foolishness.


Note to self – no more pics with skinny people and COVER those arms! :) Anyway, I had a lot of fun chatting with you guys. You and your sis are even more beautiful and funny in person. Your BIL is CRAZY for pushing himself that hard (okay, I secretly admire him; I stop long before I collapse). And thank you, Jillian, for letting me know I wasn’t the only one that felt a little stockerish. :) Missing the warm weather yet?


I came across your blog when I saw St. George, as I am a resident here so I was drawn! Bear Paw is one of my favorites to go for breakfast here! So delicious, and the portions are huge!!! I love that place!

P.S. where you not completely disappointed by our mall?! not too much goin on there! ha


Janae, just curious what face makeup u use? I’m super oily. Your skin always looks amazing.


Hey Amy! Thank you so much! I use almay smart shade foundation and a bronzer by physicians formula:) I get both of them at Walmart let me know if you have any other questions!


I had the strangest craving for sour skittles last night! I haven’t had candy in a long time and I just could NOT resist my urge to stop at the store on the way to my boyfriend’s house last night. Totally hit the spot!

My favorite place to go to breakfast is a diner in our small town. It’s like the perfect hangover cure, that and eggs, bacon and homefries costs like $4.00!


There’s a brunch place in Chicago called Frannie’s which serves the most amazing blueberry pancakes. There’s another place in Chicago called Wishbone which has the most amazing grits and eggs benedict. In general when I go to breakfast/brunch, my husband and I will split our orders where one of us will get pancakes or waffles, and the other will get some kind of eggs.

Last candy I ate was three of those mini Kit Kats from the office candy jar! Too bad the purpose of the mini-sizes are defeated when you eat three of them at once, LOL.


OMG! I’ve never commented on your blog cause I find it semi annoying to go through all the hassle putting in the stuff to comment on blogs. Yes I’m totally lazy. I’m all over posting on FB. Anyway I read your blog all the time and find you hilarious and addicting. You remind me of my friend Megan. So today I was reading about you eating at bear paw and once again thinking how you are meant to be BFFs with Megan because she loves that place. I scroll down take not one but three looks at your picture with Megan in it. Of course I had to call her right away to confirm this was in fact her. This totally put a smile on my face. Keep on rockin it girl!


Oh my goodness that is the funniest thing in the world!!!! Made my day! Megan was so so fun! Do u live in the area…we need to go get froyo!!! Ahhh your going to be a teacher and coach! If u get a chance to email me I would love to talk more!


One more thing. I know Megan because we were in the same program at Utah State, Community Health Education. Since reading your blog you have inspired me to go back and get my teaching degree and be the cross country coach. Honestly I probably would just be happy being the coach but don’t you have to teach or something to have that opportunity? Maybe someday after all my babies are grown.


You and Billy are too cute!

Never been to TX Roadhouse…heard it’s good!

I had some hot tamales this morning for breakfast! I’m pretty sure that breaks some kind of rule…

I typically take the next day off after a half marathon and get a massage/actively recover with cross training…but what I love most about running the half distance is that you are able to recover so quickly and you can jump back into running without worrying about injury and etc.

Congrats again to you all. Sounds like you had a fun-filled weekend!


Ahh! I used to get those containers of Sour Patch Straws all the time as a child! Those and Shock Tarts always had my mouth cursing me afterwards! lol. The last candy that I ate was a TJ’s Dark Chocolate bar that had cookie butter filling. YUM! My favorite place to go for breakfast is probably Panera just for a big cinnamon crunch bagel with hazelnut cream cheese!


Texas roadhouse is pretty awesome once you get past the long line of high schoolers you need to wait through.

Best steak for the price!

I usually wait 2 days or after a half before I run again. Then I do a short run about 5-6 miles.


fried chicken is one of the things i miss sometimes after deciding to be vegetarian. it’s always the greasy, wonderful, heavenly bits that i crave.

and it isn’t candy, but the last dessert i keep going to is fudge tracks ice cream with peanut butter smushed on top. i had so much after lunch, i don’t think i’ll be able to have dinner before yoga tonight!


Hmm… My last candy was a frozen York peppermint patty after dinner. Before that, it was a Reese’s peanut butter egg after lunch!

That waffle looks AMAZING. I’m a sucker for really delicious breakfast foods – waffles, French toast, cheese eggs… Mmm. Just thinking about it is making me hungrier!



I ran 13 miles Saturday and brought along some swedish fish too!! Loved them!!


My favorite breakfast joint is this place in Houston called The Buffalo Grille. You should check out the menu just for fun….

I was first exposed to Texas Roadhouse in college. We would go there a few times a month. Love the free peanuts while you wait and the honey butter is out of this world good. :)


I live in Denver, CO. I will be out that way for the Ogden marathon in May so maybe then? However, I’m all about the real hard stuff so I’ll have to see if I can talk you into Cold Stone. How about if I BQ (which is a huge huge if) cold stone it is but if not I will try froyo. I will definitely hit you up if I ever really decide to teach and coach. I’m at home with my babies for now and planning on making more so it will be awhile. Right now my coaching desires are being fulfilled coaching the ladies in my ward how to run a 5k.


I do that.ALL.the.TIME with sour candy. OUCH. but YUMM. Hah.


I love your blog! You just keep me entertained! I wish we could meet in person someday!!! :)


My favorite place to eat breakfast is Morning Glory. I always get their Gorgonzola Omelet with Toasted Walnuts, Caramelized Onions, Fontina Cheese. Words cannot describe how amazing this omelet is! The omelet comes with your choice of hash browns, white cheddar polenta, buttermilk pancakes, tomatoes, and toast or muffin. I usually get the polenta and muffin.

And now I want to go there tomorrow!!


Are ice baths normal after races?


Great job on the half! Sounds like a beautiful course. I can’t wait to come up to Utah in May for the Zion 100 race. Also definitely going to check out that breakfast place!



If I am marathon training and the half is shorter than my current long runs, I don’t wait to resume training. If it’s my end goal, I rest.

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