Running Cliff Notes and Fried Chicken

Did you really think I wouldn’t make it up to yogurtland on my birthday…you know that was on my MUST DO list and if I didn’t do it then t refused to grow any older.

Todays trip to YL was EXTRA SPECIAL!!!!

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Meet my new BFF, Lauren.  Lauren and her husband are visiting from N. Carolina and they let me take up some of their vacation time by hanging out with me.  Um, Lauren is incredible…she will be running Boston (BQed with her FIRST marathon) in April and trains HARD along with her full time job and a million other things that she does.  She will even be doing a 28 miler training run as a long run before Boston! Pretty much, I want them to move here so we can run and eat together every day.

Cliff notes version of our run after Yogurtland:

1.  We ran on a dark road for 3 miles= I was staring at the ground the whole time= tree branch right in the face which made me laugh really hard.

2.  The stop lights knew it was my birthday and magically made it so that we only had to stop once.

3.  I listened to the hip hop station on pandora= I felt super cool and fast.

4.  Birthday runs are the best and I was even more optimistic than my normal self.

5.  I totalled 15 miles yesterday which felt pretty good considering the fact that it was a work day….just what I wanted on my bday.

6.  I love running with Billy because I want to copy him as we are in our matching running tights with his stride.  It forces me to make smaller strides which makes my legs very happy.

6.  It looked cold out but it felt absolutely perfect on my nose and cheeks.

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We got ready in record timing after our run and headed on up to Goodwood for literally my FAVORITE salad in the world (okay, Billy says I say that about a lot of salads but I swear this is my favorite one…two words….fried chicken).  Did you know that I have a special place in my heart reserved for battered and fried chicken?

The honey mustard is excellent and so are the grilled red peppers and homemade croutons, I was in heaven.  See the cornbread in the back?  FILLED with jalapeños:)

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Second best part of Goodwood….free dessert and you get to CHOOSE what dessert you want.  Just in case you lost track, yesterday I DID in fact eat ice cream 3 times and the one below rocked because of the hot brownie (no nuts…they do not belong in baked goods) on the bottom.

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I don’t know if you can tell but Billy and I really like to talk to people. We became good friends with our server and he was wondering about the food pictures and I told him about this blog.  He wanted to be featured, so….everyone, meet Tyler:)  He was an awesome server and he better leave a comment if he is reading this.  He even pulled up a chair and talked to us for a while!

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The slip of paper is his name and signature:)

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE….my Valentines Day card to you will be up in just a few hours.  Thanks for all the bday wishes and for being my friend…my mom and Billy must pay you a lot.


What are some notable things/lessons from your last run?  Ever ran into a tree branch like me?  Ever fallen while running at night?

Do you believe that nuts do or DO NOT belong in baked goods…cookies, brownies, bars etc?!?!

Favorite fried foods or do you not like fried foods?

Ever been a waiter or waitress?  Did you like it?

-Yep, for about 5 years!  I really did like it, it was tiring but fun.

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Tried to run yesterday through some discomfort and now I can barely walk… lesson = listen to your body. I’m just not meant to be a runner! I’ve waited tables on the weekends since I was 15 – my dad owns a few small restaurants. :)


OH CLAIRE!! i am truly so so sorry about the pain and discomfort…where is it? That is so cool that your dad owns some restaurants!


It’s either ITBS or runners knee (based on my self-diagnosis). No fun either way! :(


I am having the same problem! Training for a half that’s in 31 days :(


ahhh that sounds like a wonderful birthday! I love it when I make friends with my waiter/waitress… fun! Happy day after your Birthday! :)


Thanks so much Kaitlyn…you are the best!


One of my favorite salads containing fried goodness is at Cracker Barrell! Their croutons are amazing and so is their ranch dressing! Just talking about it makes me want to go there!

And I think baked goods are better with nuts! Brownies, banana bread, cookies… Is peanut butter not counted in this category? I think just about everything tastes better with peanut butter!! :)

And Happy Birthday! It sounds like you had a great day! Ice cream 3x? Who could ask for more :)


I LOVE Cracker Barrell…I need to try this salad that you are talking about. I will give you all of my baked goods that have nuts in them:) THANKS SO MUCH for the bday wishes!


Happy Birthday! Mine is tomorrow!
I am having a similar salad from my favorite resturant tomorrow–Pappadexu’s–they have this HUGE salad with fried chicken on it. Its amazing.
I hope you had an AWESOME day, and thanks for always being positive! The joy of the Lord definatly shines through you!!!


AHHHH Happy bday tomorrow Allison! What will you guys be doing for your bday?!?! Um…I need to try this salad you speak of. Thanks for your sweet words, you made my day!


Sorry J but nuts DEFINITELY belong in baked goods..the nuttier the better! I am so tempted to chuck in a TWSS comment but I’m going to refrain! Sounds like you had a delicious birthday and ice cream 3 times?? You are officially my hero…oh and the fact that you run like a beast also contributes to that!


Bahahah I will send you my baked goods that have nuts in them. I wanted to add in the TWSS too but then I remember my mom reads my blog:) Hope you have an amazing day my good friend!


Glad you had a great b’day- lots of miles and lots of desserts sounds perfect.

Not a huge nut fan, less when they are in my sweets. Keep em out I say! :)

I had a great run yesterday, I learnt that even if you have a few bad runs- be patient and it will get good again :)


THANKS SO MUCH JOSIE!! Thank you for agreeing about keeping the nuts out of the sweets;) I am so happy that you had a great run yesterday wahoo!


Happy Belated Birthday!!

I like nuts in most baked goods, especially walnuts in brownies!

Favorite fried foods include chicken strips and french fries (deep fried is the same idea right?!?)

I was a waitress for one summer and I wasn’t very good. Not sure why but I couldn’t balance that damn tray!!


Thanks so much Samantha! I will forgive you about the walnuts thing:) Chicken strips are the BEST right:) HA…those trays are hard!


My last run was when I got injured so it was a hard lesson to learn, BUT I get to start again from scratch with better habits than before now :)

Well I usually do NOT like nuts in baking. I hate fruit loaf taste, though i like many fruits in baking I just dont like the dark sticky thick ones in fruit loaf. I love cherry loaf and rasperry cake though etc etc etc. There is one exception to the no nuts rule, and I think thats actually Brownie! Sorry J!

Ha ha I refuse to lie, I love fried goods. And chocolate. And coffee. And steak. And things that are all le terrible for the body.

I was a waitress for years! And now im a Starbucks barista. And to be honest even though I have complainy days I love chatting to everyone who comes in and giving people smiles :)



YAY for better habits, we all learn….it just took me a long time to learn:) I can’t stand fruit loafs. I will send you my next brownie that has nuts in it:) STEAK…now you have me craving that. I want to come to Starbucks and have you make me a hot chocolate:)


Happy Valentine’s Day!
I once tripped on a cord while running outside and did a awesome face plant, thankfully into the grass and not the cement! Too bad it was in the day light and I am just clumsy.
Nope because I love peanuts!
I cannot eat fried foods, the hurt my stomach. But I love baked chicken fingers if that counts?! ;)
Never was a waitress, again too clumsy. haha


A CORD….OUCH!! I am glad you were on the grass….ha, I fall in the daylight too:) Baked chicken fingers totally counts! have an amazing day! PS I LOVED YOUR LOVE STORY!! Happy 1 year and 5 months:)


Glad to know I am not the only one ;) haha
Thank you!


Your birthday looks just perfect! I am so glad you had fun :) Lauren and you are beautiful…it’s such a great picture! Like Billy and you, I love making friends with my waiter/waitress. I am sure that you guys were the highlight of Tyler’s night. :)

Where did you waitress? I was a waitress at Friendly’s! I don’t know if you have them near you but they are a restaurant/ICE CREAM parlor!! Everyone told me that after I would hate ice cream after working there for a year but, despite eating 2 or 3 3-scoop sundaes after every shift for 2 years, I still love ice cream. My co-workers obviously didn’t know I was an unshakable ice cream lover :) I think you would have loved working there. 1) It’s called Friendly’s–and you’re friendly and 2) Ice cream, gummy worms, sweedish fish, and other toppings are in abundance.

I hope your students remembered that birthdays are TWO day events!! :) Happy Valentine’s day!


Kristin, thank you so so much!! Isn’t it the best to talk to the servers:) I waitressed at a sushi restaurant, mexican restaurant, pizza restaurant and an american food restaurant ha…pretty much ever. I want to be a waitress at Friendly’s NOW…um, that sounds amazing! I am SO happy you still love ice cream…I need to work there…GUMMY WORMS, yes please. Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!


Go big or go home…3x ice cream sounds like a HAPPY birthday to me.

I HATE rasins in baked goods. I love carrot cake, but hate it when people ruin it with rasins.


You are so right. Yep…agree about the raisins, it just isn’t right….I only like them in my raisin bran! Have a great day Sierra!


I love how embarrassed Billy always looks in pics. :-) Is he a bit shy? My husband is also always young to everyone we come upon and I get so embarrassed. On our cruise, by day 3, I swear he knew everyone on the ship…by name. Lol.


He is a tiny bit shy but he is totally used to it by now….I think he kind of likes it now! HAHAHAH I love that about cruises, so many people to talk to and from so many different places!


Talking to…sorry, promise to start proofreading.


Happy Valentine’s Day! Never been a waitress, but my sister has been for almost 5 years now. I love listening to the stories she comes home with. People are unbelievable. Everytime I go out to eat now I try to be the best customer because of all the crap she has been put through!


The stories are the BEST!! That is how I am, I always overtip because I know what the servers go through. Happy Valentines Day to you too!


Happy Valentines day!
I don’t know who ever came up with the idea of putting nuts in brownies or cake…not cool. It’s not nice. same thing with fruit. I do love fried foods – probably onion rings would be at the top of my list – or fish and chips.
I waitressed through college – I agree, tiring! but good money….and I don’t ever really want to do it again!
Jealous of the 15 miles on a weekday!!;-) must have felt great.
Have a great day!!


Okay… fish and chips is the best thing in the whole world! You are so right about fruit in baked goods, it is just mean!


Nuts absolutely belong in desserts! For christmas this year, I was in charge of making two nut-free desserts to accommodate my allergy-ridden cousins. It was one of the hardest things EVER!!

And yup, I’ve been a waitress. I mostly loved it but every once in a while, I’d get a customer that would make me want to rip my hair out!


WHAT….I will send you any desserts I receive that have nuts in them:) Yep…I had those customers too!


15 miles on a work day? I’m impressed! I really need to find more friends close by that run.


Happy Valentines :)


happy valentines!! I would totally eat ice cream 3 times on my bday.
I’ve fallen while running! It was in the morning though I busted my butt in front of a bunch of cars haha
I don’t mind if nuts are in baked goods. Usually like walnuts or something in brownies.
Fried foods aren’t my favorite but I’d have to say either french fries or fried pineapple. It sounds weird but I had it at a restaurant one time and loooved it.
I have been a waitress and I liked it but the hours were just annoying.


Nuts have NO place in baked goods – YUCK! Nothing worse than someone bringing you a brownie and getting all excited and then realizing it has nuts interrupting the chocolate-y goodness.

I was a waitress for…2 days. Yea, not really my skill set. I think it was something about being a vegan at a soul food/bbq restaurant that just put me off the whole experience.


Happy Valentine’s Day and Belated Happy Birthday!!! Glad your birthday rocked! I enjoy running in the dark. It hides the various looks of pain and despair on my face ;) I was also a waitress a long time ago. I think it prepared me for my current career! Have a great day!


Happy Valentine’s Day!!!! You get back-to-back days of candy cake and more candy every year. That’s awesome!! I also love that you had ice cream 3 times, you are my HERO! Brownie Sundaes are my most favorite thing ever. No nuts.

No fried foods. Hurts my tummy. I do like french fries on occasion though. Never worked in a restaurant, I worked at a vet office in high school and taught horse back riding lessons in college.


This is funny because I have fallen while running…during the day! I tripped on a huge raised crack in the road on my street, at first I was shocked that I fell before the sting set in, I even have a couple of scars to show for it!

White chocolate macadamia nut cookies and Monster cookies are the best and both have nuts, so I think that nuts are good additions to SOME baked goods. I do not eat fried foods because my tummy hates them and even though I have a ‘real’ job I am still young (and single) and work at a local bar and grill a couple of nights a week, it is so fun!

Have a great day!!!


I was only a waitress for a year, though I grew up in a restaurant since my parents owned one my first job was at a DIFFERENT restaurant. I just wasnt a fan. I did work part time as a barista at a drive thru coffee hut for 4 years though which i LOVED and miss!


I was the absolute WORST waitress ever!! To the point where they were counting down the days for me to turn 18 so they could stick me behind the bar haha!!

Also…reading your blog this weekend made me want froyo so bad so i dragged my husband to a new place near our house and guess who is hooked?! He wants to go tonight! Gotta love it!


Where do you live that you were able to be behind the bar at 18?


It was in New Hampshire during college. You can start at 18 but obviously no sampling!


Interesting. In Missouri you can serve wine and beer at 18, but you can’t serve hard alcohol until you’re 21. Which, well, doesn’t always stop those under 18 from serving wine and beer, or those under 21 from serving hard alcohol…


3 ice creams in one day sounds like my kinda vacation! I never have servers that don’t act like they hate us… it me?

I hope you have a splendid V-Day, Janae!


I was a waitress for like 2 months. It was not for me!! :)


I’m not a fan of nuts in brownies, I’m just not expecting it in my gooey chocolatey brownie, but they are fine in oatmeal cookies because they blend well with the texture. Or macademia nuts are fine because they are softer. And 15 miles!? Sounds like a good birthday to me! You make me want to run more!


I constantly run into things and fall while I run. actually, it’s amazing I’m still able to run thinking back on it…


Janae! I’m still thinking about our amazing Yogurtland visit with you and Billy. I’m so glad you enjoyed your birthday runs :) Can’t wait for our next visit! Have a great Valentines!!!!


Hmm. I have no problem with nuts in baked goods really.. But what I do have issue with is dried fruit in cookies and cakes! Never, never, never should those two ever mix. Yechhh.

Great job getting 15 miles in on a work day! I struggle on work days to get in any more than 5, so that’s really really impressive! And on your birthday! I have a rule that calories don’t count on birthdays (or fridays) and though I LOVE running, I usually can’t squeeze it in with the million birthday plans that I make. I definitely won’t be able to do it once I convince my town that the Parade is really necessary. It’s tough!


Happy V-Day! Loving how much you ran! I always get motivated when I read your blog ~ thank you :)
I have indeed run into a branch in the past – very embarrassing. I deliberately did not look up though, for fear of how many people saw me do it…
I used to be a nutella fiend, so I guess for me hazelnuts do belong! However, I have to avoid things like that else I just wouldn’t stop (zero self control).
I was a waitress, and it was okay for the most part, but finishing at midnight-1am then having to be up again at 7 started to kill me…
Have a great day :)


I am really happy to hear you had a great birthday!


Happy Valentine’s Day, Janae! Looks like you had a great birthday yesterday too. You deserve it :)

Nuts do NOT belong in baked goods of any sort. Ick! Who would want to take away from the chocolatey goodness


From my 12 miler – it was the first time I had ever run in the snow. Ok, it was like 2 flakes. But still. I have never fallen, but it is bound to happen now that I have said that.
Nuts DO NOT belong in baked goods. Unless it is sticky finger bars. Then they do.
I do believe wings are technically a “fried” food. So there you go.
I loved being a waitress (server). Paid my rent in college.

The Kidless Kronicles


Definitely not a nut girl– I always pick them out of my desserts!

I was a waitress for a few years up in Steamboat–had to pay the bills somehow!! It could be exhausting, but I actually made more job doing that than I did teaching at the middle school!


BAHAHAH I did to when I worked at a sushi restaurant but teaching is more mentally rewarding for me plus working nights and weekends is not fun! Have an amazing day Heather!


i waitressed at TGIF for a few years, up until they introduced the hat policy – i do not wear hats so i quit after that.

the more nuts the better. yum!

favorite fried food – crab rangoons!

and happy vday my friend!


Happy Valentine’s Day! I ran last night and one thing I learned was definitely listen or watch inspirational clips while running. It is such a great motivator!
I’m weird, I like nuts by themselves, but the only time I like nuts on any dessert would have to be icecream. I don’t like them in brownies or cookies. I love fried food. I grew up in the south, so fried foods are like comfort food. Fried chicken (without bones because I’m weird like that, french fries, egg rolls, hushpuppies, you name it, or definitely fried oreos!) I waited tables all through college. I loved the people, and made good money, but they were long days and my feet always hurt by the end of the night.


I used to hate nuts in baked goods too but now I don’t mind in certain things. I wish I could have eaten ice cream 3 times with you yesterday!!! Looks like you had an amazing day! Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Billy!!


Happy late birthday to you!!!!!!! Seems like you did all the things you love and that hopefully made it a great day :D


Thanks so much! You are right…I DID:) Have an amazing day!


UM yep, definitely have fallen while running! I was doing my last long run before a 1/2 marathon and, while running with my dad at like 8 at night, with only a couple more miles left, i tripped on the sidewalk and landed on my knees!! Ouuch!

And i LOVE baked goods woth nuts in them!! But i HATE when things have raisins…ewwwww

Glad you had such a fun birthday!!!


Oh! I sounds like you had such a great birthday!! <3
I'm a fan of nuts in baked goods :-) I like the crunch.
I love fried stuff… Chicken fingers are one of my favorite foods! YUM!!!


I like some nuts in certain desserts. Pecans and walnuts are definitely okay with me in most cookies.

I love eating fried foods, but I rarely do for the obvious health reasons. Fried chicken, fried fish, corn dogs (from the fair!), and fried potatoes. Mmmmm.


Oh my goodness, you make me laugh!! I hope you had a wonderful birthday & just like you want to be like Billy, I want to be like you! You are a real inspiration when it comes to running! I hope I can say I ran 15 miles on my birthday in June.


Thanks so much Cristin! Your comment made my day and you better let me know when your bday is because I want to hear all about it:) Have a great day!


Glad you had a great birthday!

I once walked smack dab into a giant tree branch when I was on an intense hike with my bootcamp class. I was so embarassed that I pretended it didn’t hurt, but it did!

As for nuts in desserts, the only time I like them is when they are salted (and usually chopped) peanuts on ice cream or frozen yogurt.


OUCH….I do that too out of embarrassment and then cry when I get home! I can get on board with the salty peanuts on ice cream but that is it!


Happy Valentines Day Pretty Girl! And Happy belated Birthday! I meant to say it yesterday but was busy doing flower arrangements all day for the Big V Day today!
I don’t like nuts in baked goods, but like them in general!
My favorite fried foods are fried green tomatoes and fried avocados! So so yummy!
I have never waitressed.. Always wanted to though!

Have a fabulous Valentines!


yeah, nuts do NOT belong in baked goods. I don’t like walnuts at all and have never figured out why people thing they should be anywhere near brownies, cookies, etc. YUCK. My family puts nuts in fudge at Christmas time and it drives me bonkers.
I love pretty much all fried food. I know that’s terrible. Fried zucchini and really, really good jalapeno poppers are my fave. I gross out healthy eaters.
Looks like a fabulous birthday!!


Yum both that salad and that ice cream dessert look delicious. Is Goodwood a chain? And your friend is going to run a 28 mile training run???!!!! So hard core, wow. Happy Tuesday!


I KNOW…she is amazing! I think it is a chain….at least I know there are a few of them in Utah:)


Happy Valentines Day! I love chicken any way that I can have it! :) Especially dipped in honey mustard. :)
How adorable is Tyler?! I worked as a carhop at Sonic for like 5 years…I thought I would never find another job. It was great for a first job, but I thought that I would never find another job!


You worked at SONIC…did you roller skate? I love sonic shakes so very much! Hope you are having an amazing day Brandi!


Lol! No, I sure didn’t. :) Hope you’re having a great day too!


FRIEND!!!! it looks like you had the most perfect birthday ever! seriously…i can’t imagine a more perfect day for you :) and ummmm i have NEVER seen that chicken tender salad before. omg. my stomach is growling so loud right now and my mouth is watering. i NEED THAT SALAD. not to mention the brownie ice cream as well :)


I will go with you ANYTIME YOU WANT!! I am serious, it really is so good! When are you free?!?!


sounds like a great girl, great time and great run! :) happy valentines


YAH for running on your birthday!!! Sounds like you had a GREAT day :) Happy V-DAY to you <3


PS: waitress for a long time. LOVED IT!


Sounds like the perfect Birthday! I am laughing so hard about the server thing….see just how famous you are Janae!!! Love you so much and am so glad you had an amazing b-day. The salad looks so so good. :)


Fun day all around-new friend, froyo, running, dinner w/ Billy! Yes, I think EVERYONE should be a server at some point in their life–it makes you appreciate them more! Serving is hard! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!


I love that you ate ice cream 3 times on your birthday! That = the best. ;) And I’m with you – NO NUTS in my baking, please! Kinda ruins a good sundae for me. :D Looked like a great all around day; I’d also agree with lots of miles on your bday! Awesome way to celebrate being alive.


Am I the only one scanning the comments for Tyler’s comment??? :)

My most memorable thing about my run (two runs ago) was it was on a cruise ship!! yay!! :)

I’m indifferent about nuts. Usually leave em!

I was a server for many many moons– I miss it at times, but I do enjoy knowing EXACTLY what my paycheck will look like each time as opposed to the unknown.


Fried pickles —– Ahhhmazing!


Sounds like a perfect birthday!! So glad you enjoyed YOUR day :)
Now come to FL so we can run & go get frozen yogurt together!! Pretty please…with a swedish fish on top ;)


Ice cream 3 times in one day seems pretty fair to me! I like fried pickles, onion rings, dough boys (or maybe you call them fried dough where your from?) and I enjoy French fries every once in a while :)
I am a server at Denny’s, and most of the time it isn’t too bad, but the bad times are the ones you remember the most! Hey it’s good money and I don’t have to work a lot, so I can appreciate it for that!


Just had some fried chicken fingers today and they threw a party in my mouth. I swear its the only thing I’d miss if I became a vegetarian again. :(


I love nuts!! I think they belong in everything. :-P

I love some fried chicken. But lightly fried, I like to still taste the chicken.

I was a waitress for years in college. A great experience, but I wouldn’t like to do it again. Woo, Bugaboo Creek!


I was a waitress all through college and LOVED IT. It was THE best job. Good money, fun times, always moving around and getting to ‘sell’ . I’m still on the website of my old restaurant. You’d love it! It’s thin crust artisan DELICIOUS PIZZA and Italian food
to find my picture, just click on the pizzaantica wooden board sign on the bottom left :)
Happy Valentines DAY!


15 miles on your birthday?! That is so awesome!!

I love french fries! I think that counts as fried food…YUM


I’ve never been a waiter or waitress, but I did work at JCPenney in customer service for several years when I was in high school. I believe that everyone should work in customer service at some early point in their lives because it makes you realize how tough it can sometimes be to deal with the general public. Now I am so nice to waiters, waitresses, cashiers, customer service representatives, etc., because I know exactly how it feels like on the other side!


Lesson reminded: stretch more! I’ve never ran into a tree but ducked from many branches, running on NYC sidewalks I’m always dodging something/one. So far I’ve left falling to daylight walking.

Mixed thoughts on nuts in baked goods.

I’m not a big fried food person – definitely sweet over fried.

I catered throughout high school & college – I apply those skills more in my office job than I ever thought I would (quick on your feet / customer service)

Happy belated Birthday!


I fell in college while running with the rest of the xc team at night. I still have the pants i fell in with the huge hole in the knee!

No fried foods here…KFC ruined that for me years ago.
I lasted as a waitress for a week…tips were a plus but drunks were not.

Happy belated bday!


Janae, I have to tell you… I spent WEEKS reading your blog from the first post until this most recent. And I know that sounds super stalkerish, but I wish I lived in Utah so we could be running BFFs! I’ve been running for about a year now and I am doing a half marathon this coming Saturday! Sometimes, reading your blog makes me realize how exciting running can be, instead of dreading it. But it’d just be nice to have a running friend to talk to during those miles! Also, to increase my stalkerdom, I have to admit that I have a total hair crush on you. Don’t block my IP, okay?!? :)



AMANDA!!! Your comment made my day! Thank you so much for your sweet words and I am SURE we would be running BFFS!!! AHHHH What half marathon are you doing? I want to hear all about how it goes!! Ha…I would NEVER block you…remember we are bf’s:)


Yay! :) I live in Georgia, and it’s the Berry College Half Marathon in north Georgia. It’s not my very first marathon (I did one in 2005 without a lot of training), but it’s the first one I have trained a lot for, so I am hoping to do well. My goal time is 2:30 (I’m a slowrunnergirl!). :)


I totally got smacked in the face by an overgrown palm tree on one of my first looong runs. One of the places I run around my house has a narrow side walkp with lots of cracks in the road. On this particular run, I was running with my dad, so there wasn’t much room on the side walk.. not that my dad is chubbers or anything, there was just no room! Anyway, not only did my toe catch one of the cracks in the side walk at mile 3 & I totally ate it. But at mile 9, a huge palm tree that my dad pushed out of HIS way slapped me in the face… yeah… epic win right there:)


Ahhh I hope you told that girl not to do a 28-miler!! Nobody should do that for a marathon, not even elite runners do!! I hope she doesn’t get injured before Boston :(


I love when I have a nice server! He looks sweet. Falafel is my favorite fried food!! YUMM!

I can’t believe you got in so many miles on a week day! WOO HOO! Good for you!


and a big BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I’ve been so swamped and I’m just now catching up on blogs. :) Sounds like you had an amazing day.


Ah! I am so sorry I am a day late, but what a wonderful article! I am so glad that I was so lucky to spend a little bit of time with you on your BIRTHDAY!! How exciting is that!? You and your husband are the nicest, cutest, and greatest couple I’ve served. I hope I was able to make your experience a little bit better and I’m so, so glad that you were able to have that Brownie Sundae. Funny enough, it is suppose to come with nuts but I never do because I am a firm belieber…I mean believer that nuts do not go on brownies. No way, Jose.

I hope that you will come in again to see me! I work Monday nights. That goes for all the other 2.4 million people that commented!

I hope the Hubby and you had a great Valentine’s day! Wish you both the very best! :)


hi tyler!!!

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