Man Vs. Food…..Jacobs Style.

I am more than just a little proud of the fact that I was able to make the most unhealthy dish in the whole wide world.  Twice-Baked Potatoes.  Directions:  Take everything in your fridge that is bad for you (sour cream, butter, bacon and cheese) and mix it with the insides of a baked potato, put it back into the skins of the potato and bake until cheese is melted.

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I am sure you have seen a million pictures of Super Bowl food already but ours was the best ever so I have to share too.  Those pink things on the end are delicious ham rolls (ham, cream cheese and jalapeños), in the middle are jalapeño poppers and Billy’s 7-layer dip (pre-cooking it).

Billy’s brothers dared him to eat a spoonful of jalapeño seeds, his stomach hurt for a long time.  Don’t try that at home.  Billy, you need to learn that you don’t have to do EVERY dare especially if it is detrimental to your health.

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There was also corn dip, loads of chips and a million other things that my food coma does not allow me to remember.

How cool are these little suction animals that my SIL has so that you know which cup is yours. Little kitchen gadgets are my favorite things.

It was a root beer kind of night.

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Dessert involved stuffed MILKY WAY cookies (even better than with the pb cups) and upside-down mini pineapple cupcakes, recipe HERE.

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Billy was proud of me because for the entire game I was only on my computer for ten minutes and only checked my phone 17 times.  I actually kind of enjoyed watching a football game.  Mom, I know you won’t believe this but I am a changed woman.

I am sure all of this cheese and butter is going to feel extra good on my stomach during my run this morning:)


What did you think about the half-time show? Did you watch it?  Favorite commercials?

-How does Madonna move like that at 55 years old?  My favorite commercials were the Doritos flying baby and the baby speed dating commercial….apparently I think babies are hilarious.

When and if you drink soda….what is your flavor of choice?  PS do you call it soda, pop, coke or something else?

-Root beer and I call it soda.

What are THREE things that you are doing today?

-Work, watching The Bachelor and plucking my eyebrows….it has gotten out of control.

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Three things I’m doing today: washing my hair (long overdue), a killer HIIT run, and continue reading my book! Those ham and cheese rolls bring me back to my childhood- I used to inhale them! I can’t believe I forgot about them- must make soon!


BAHAHAH I need a good hair washing too:) What book are you reading? I did inhale those ham rolls ha!


We dared my sister to eat a jalapeno the other day. It was not pretty.

I kind of wish that they’d have someone actually sing at half-time rather than lip sync. I feel like it makes it seem like less of a performance.

I loved the sketchers commercial with the racing french bulldog. too cute!!!


THANK YOU….I kind of felt awkward watching her lip sync! Oh my goodness, I forgot about that commercial…we were laughing so hard when he moonwalked across the finish line!


I agree in general about lipsynching, but in football stadiums it’s almost impossible to perform live because the sound echoes back to you, and you would get way off the music pretty quickly. That’s why so many of the national anthems are pre-recorded also.


Oooohhh that food all looks so good, you’re making me hungry!! And yes, I agree – Madonna is amazing! She looks fabulous and she’s got some wicked dance moves! It was quite the show :)

Happy Monday!!


I don’t know how she still looks like that at 55 years old….she must workout all day long. I hope you have an amazing day Jenn!


YESS watching The Bachelor is Monday night must!!! Courtney needs to go home.
And those twice baked potatoes sound delicious!!!!


I KNOW….I don’t know how he doesn’t see how crazy she is but I think she will stay for a while because she is so gorgeous. We need to have a blogger chat room or something while we all watch the show:)


Soda. Always.




We did watch and my fav was the VW commercial with the dog.
It’s soda and either diet pepsi or ginger ale.
Work. Run. Empty the dishwasher.

The Kidless Kronicles


I don’t remember that one….I am going to have to find it on youtube:) Dishwasher….what is it like to have one of those ha…..someday;) Have a great day Nicole!


school, making black bean soup, flirty girl fitness class :)


FUN…I want to come to that class. You better post your black bean soup recipe on your blog. Have a great day at school!


ohhh i LOVE twice baked potatoes! yum!

i sure had my fill of cheese and butter yesterday too… still feelin’ it this morning! like you said, my workout is gonna be interesting this morning. lookin forward to some fruits and veggies today!


Yep, I am feeling it this morning too!! Enjoy your fruits and veggies today gorgeous girl!


We don’t bake our 7 layer dip. ec


Do you eat it cold?


Yes it’s delicious. It has refried beans, guacamole, sour cream, cheese, salsa, lettuce, tomatoes, black olives ,cheese, green onions I think. Something like that anyway. Delicious. Give it a try! It looks so great too in a glass container. Have you ever been to Arkansas?


Looks similar to the foods served at my house yesterday, glad we have leftovers! Today I plan to get my run on, work, and catch up on some past due reading. Have a great Monday!


Seriously….leftovers are the BEST!! Hope you had a great run and you catch up on your reading! Enjoy some leftovers too:)


Root beer is the best SODA (never pop)! We ate legit tamales yesterday with our friends from Mexico, so we were too full for all of our Super Bowl snacks. Sad life.


YOU DID…I am so jealous…..we should have come over for your tamales! RB really is the best and add some ice cream for a float and I am in heaven:)


My favorites commercials were the Volkswagen dog one, M&M one and Doritos Bird of Prey.
Pop – and if I drink it I like Gingerale the best, I had really good green tea Gingerale yesterday!
Going to work – going to the gym and then laying on the couch… I am outta control too ;)


Oh the M&M one was absolutely HILARIOUS!! Thank you for reminding me about that one! I will be laying on the couch too….I look forward to it all day long ha! Have a great one Lindsey!


I burst out laughing when the red M&M said Oh its that type of party?! And then ripped off his clothes and busted a move! I think I need to watch it again! Thanks – you have a great day too!


um. yeah. missed it and so watching it now. I’m allergic to chocolate so I live vicariously through all you fools who get to eat chocolate and through the commercials.


I think I’m saying adios to the bachelor and watching The Voice instead. Bachelor Ben has kinda been driving me nuts anyway so I’m psyched that I have something else to watch!


He really is so hard to watch but I can’t stop!! Was The Voice on last night after the game?


Yup, but I guess that was just a special hour or something. It’s on tonight too, before that new show Smash w/ Katherine McPhee. I’m sensing my Monday night line up right there!


I loooveed the commercials. I could care less about either team in the Superbowl (and I live in NY HA) but I enjoyed the commercials and the halftime show and of course being with friends.


It is all about the food, people and halftime show right:) I bet all your friends were happy about the outcome though!


None of the commercials really wowed me. I had high hopes!
There is always next year.
In Texas, we call everything coke.


That is what we thought….there were some funny ones but nothing compared to previous years! You even call root beer coke!?!?


Yep! We say “do you want a coke?” if they say yes, we ask what kind!


3 Things I am doing today:
Meeting with my advisor about a recent research grant
Making soup in the crockpot


SKIING….can I come!?!?! You better post your soup recipe on your blog so I can try it out!


Your wish is my command-check out my post on the 13 bean crock pot soup that I made today before heading out to ski.


How is it that I can go to bed and my eyebrows aren’t horrible, but the next day they are hairy little beasts?
Spin, library, figure out dinner
Hope you have a great week-


I KNOW…they are out of control. I don’t know how they grow so fast! Hope you have a great week too and that you had a killer spin class!


Madonna was incredible!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh! And I loved that Cee Lo made an appearance!

I agree that the flying baby was once of the best commercials. I also liked the “Here we go” dog!


Cee Lo made me so happy especially in his choir robe! YES…the beer fetching dog was hilarious….sad looking but hilarious. Have an amazing day Jamie!


The way I make my twice baked potatos, is to only use a bit of milk, salt and pepper to mash the potatos, then sprinkle with low fat cheddar (sharp is the best)

What are the ham roll-ups made out of???


YUM…your potatoes sound a lot healthier, I will have to try those. For the ham you just take a slice of ham, spread cream cheese on it and put a green onion and or jalapeños and roll it up…so so good!


3 things i dislike today:
I have a stain on my shirt that I didnt notice until I got to work
our tech support at work, they have been moving slooow
i loved madonnas show! fav commercial… thats a tough one. I liked the doritos ones and the M&M one


Oh yes…the M&M one was INCREDIBLE!! It made me so so happy! BOO to the stain on your shirt, if it makes you feel any better….I have a stain too:) I hope that your tech support picks up their pace ASAP!


Didn’t watch it. Soda. Diet coke. Work. Take care of baby. Grocery shop.

Ok those potatoes look so good!


You should try them..they were amazing. Have fun with Pixie….she really is the cutest little thing in the whole world!


i have a love affair with twice baked potatoes…YUMMO

half time show was not a huge madonna fan, but i give her props, she put on a good show in my opinion.

i like diet cherry coke and i call it soda…im trying to quit it though!

i am working, running, and probably tweezing myself later tonight..its a dreaded necessity, blah


I know…the concept of the potatoes is just incredible. Cherry coke…YUM!!! I forgot how good that stuff is. Why is it such a chore to do our eyebrows ha!?! Have an amazing day gorgeous girl!


Madonna is amazing… I hope I look half that good when I’m her age!!

I always called it pop growing up in Michigan but since college I’ve called it soda :) and my favorite is Diet Coke.

Today I have the day off to hang out with my mom – running, lunch, being a couch potato.


SERIOUSLY…how many hours a day do you think that she works out? I am so happy you get to hang out with your mom, that is the BEST…enjoy ever second Clare!


so happy the giants won! even though i live in boston, i’m from NJ – and i hate hate hate boston sports teams (and many of the fans – they can be such cocky people!) i ordered chinese food (chicken lo mein, crab rangoons and peking raviolis). i thought madonna was awesome for being…53?! i dont like that new song though.

three things im doing today – working, biking and TRXing!


I am happy that the Giants won just because you wanted them! YUM…now I need some chinese take-out, like today! I liked her old stuff better too! Have a blast at TRX and biking…I want to go biking with you!


I don’t drink soda much anymore, but if I do, then probably sprite. And today I have class from 8:30 to 6:00… yay.


Sprite is a winner…especially mixed with lemonade! WOW..that is a long day of classes…hope it goes by fast for you and you have plenty of snacks!


I really need to do my lesson plans. really really. I also really need to finish printing my labs.

I always call it soda now, I used to call it “pop”.

At least Billy didn’t try the cinnamon challenge.


I think I will dare him to do the cinnamon challenge tonight..thanks for the idea. I bet your lesson plans are INTENSE…I like making PE lesson plans ha. Have a great day!


I, unfortunately, missed most of the commercials… I went to a “Super Bowl” party, but, well, the Super Bowl was kinda not really a part of the party… sad. But I saw the baby doritoes commercial. It was okay… But I *think* someone recorded the Super Bowl for me (like, an hour after it started…) so I can go watch it at some point.

And I call it soda. I do like Root Beer…. but mainly if I drink soda I drink diet coke with rum… ha. And now that I’ve said soda so many times I feel like I should refer to it as coke… hum…

And my day… uh… workout… and, um, that’s about it. =\


I hope you get to watch the Super Bowl today!! Enjoy your workout Shannon!


Ahh everything looks awesome! I seriously feel like I HAVE to do every dare. I cannot turn one down. Except that jalapeno one sounds awful.
The half time show was awesome I thought! I loved the speed dating one too!
I don’t really like soda, but I guess something light like sprite if I had to. I call it soda.
I went to the gym, class, studying. Fun …..


You and Billy are a lot alike! Great job going to the gym so early and have a blast at class and studying!


ahh all that food looks great janae! ummm 3 things im doing today:
-driving back to MA from home
-Catching up on work (on my day off :(


AHHH Let me know what you think about the Bachelor!! Drive save and good luck catching up on everything!


I call it soda and I definitely love root beer! I don’t drink it very often so it is a nice treat when the occasion comes. Three things I am doing to day are getting the oil changed in my car, going to my sister’s basketball game, and some light cardio to loosen up some of the soreness in my muscles!


Oil change….yeah, I should probably do that soon:) Enjoy your light cardio and I hope your sis wins!


is that a Tervis tumbler? we LOVE those cups! I loved the Detroit Clint Eastwood Chrysler ad…so amazing! BUT..I am partial.. lol

How’d the run go? Im saying mine for this evening…. :-)

xoxo from Trinidad


I have those glass markers, they’re awesome! I thought Madonna was awesome , Like a Prayer I mean cmon’ you can’t go wrong with that song. I’m not a big pop drinker but when I get a craving I like diet Pepsi fountain pop… and I call it pop:)!
Today I am working, putting myself through a 60 minute spin ride on my lunch break (I LOVE my bike), and then tonight I am heading to yoga! Have a great day!


Is it me or were there some incredibly risque commercials by prime time advertising standards? The David Beckham commercial is the first one that comes to mind.

I loved the VW commercial with the dog that couldn’t fit through the door, so it spent all season working out to be able to run alongside the VW.

I also liked the Coca Cola commercial with the polar bear sliding all across the ice, knocking everyone else down, trying not to drop the Coke bottle.


Emily….I could not agree more. The Go-Go Daddy ones made me sick and angry…also the D. Beckham one, out of control! Hope you are having a great day and commercials with dogs are always the best!


I didn’t turn the football game on. Not even for a second. And, I’m pretty sure that was the best thing ever.
I’m an addict. I’m trying to break it. I call it soda. And it’s diet pepsi.
Today I will work (most of my 8 hours), watch hoarders so I can feel better about my not so Martha Stewart house, and I’ll take my little dog for a walk for as long as he can stand the cold.


Three things I am doing today after school
-Grilling burgers for dinner since its unseasonabley warm

Favorite soda, which you know, is DIET MT DEW!!!!! love.


I wish that we could watch the Bachelor TOGETHER…wouldn’t that be amazing! Enjoy your run and BURGERS, now I need one:) I think you need a DMD:)


I drink Dr. Pepper.
I grew up calling it pop. When I got older and moved into the city I started calling it soda because it is way more sophisticated and grown up. hahaha


I agree, Madonna can move like no other 55 year old I know. I enjoyed the half time show, but mostly because I great up listening to half of those songs. Like a Prayer is my all time favorite song, so I enjoyed it. Adam on the other hand was not impressed. My favorite commercials were the baby speed-dating as well. I was a little dissappointed that there weren’t more funny commercials this year. In college I gave up soda, and if I drink any carbonated beverage, it upsets my stomach. Down in Texas, everyone calls it coke. I’ll be working out during the girls nap time, followed by researching laptops. Mine completely died on me as I watching Make It or Break It on Netflix Saturday night. It’s old and it’s not worth fixing it. Thank the Lord, that I just backed everything up the week before, especially since I hadn’t done it since August. I could have lost all of the pictures from Peyton’s birth and I would have been devistated. Then I’ll be playing with the kids.


I kind of liked the half time show – Madonna is in phenomenal shape.
I was super disappointed in the commercials. The Dorittos ones were slightly amusing and I liked the Ferris Bueller but I can’t even remember the other ones.
3 THings:
1) Sit in 6 hours of lecture (my bum is sore thinking about it)
2) 5 mile tempo run – I can’t wait
3) Nordstrom Rack with the hubs. We are shopping for him but it would be a shame not to hit the racks for me too.


HEY YOU!!! My comment on your blog went to spam…save me!! Um, you better get some stuff at Nordstrom Rack..that store is amazing! 6 hour lecture, you better bring some delicious snacks. Have a blast on your run!


Ah, the jalapeno seeds are the worst!

Three things I’m doing today: work, workout at the Y with my Dad and bro, and cooking dinner. Wow, sounds like a fun day, huh? ;)


I work in commercials so my favorite part is seeing which airs … but I wasn’t impressed with many this year.

3 things: work. sports nutrition seminar with TFK. and I most definitely should add eyebrows to the list too.

I don’t drink much soda anymore but was always a big Diet Coke drinker.


My husband decided on a trip to the grocery store a few years back to take a huge bite of a habenaro pepper while we were shopping. He immediately grabbed a roll from the bakery but it didn’t help. The best part is he took the pepper home and had his best friend do the same thing! Boys :)

Three things: working, housework, council meeting.


Yummy the food looks delicious!! I have to admit that I hardly watched the super bowl and instead spent the day with my grandparents. I did however enjoy some super bowl food. :)

You look so pretty in the picture with the baked potatoes! Have an amazing week friend.


I watched the game, and my husband got irritated with me for tweeting during the commercials! LOL! The halftime show was decent, though I’ve read mixed reviews. I thought Madonna looked fantastic, and don’t really care if she was singing or lipsync-ing!

I’m a mountain dew girl, and it’s soda here!

Three things I’m doing today – working, running, sleeping – still recovering from last night :(


i enjoyed the superbowl but now none of my usual sunday shows are on the DVR for me to watch today :(

today I ran, will grocery shop, and go to work

i call it coke and either drink Coke zero or now DP 10–its super good


Dorritos commercials rocked, but the bridge stone was pretty funny too. The Etrade babies always crack me up.

I was totally digging Madonna’s old stuff (the start and the finish). Didn’t love Nicky Minage and MIA so much. I don’t think the pom poms were necessary : )


It’s SODA for sure :) ANd I don’t drink it–but once every year or so I drink a diet Coke with Lime!

3 things I ‘m doing/did: 1. taught BodyPUMP 2. working 3. teaching Zumba

Have a good day!!! You look cute in that first pic, btw!


Madonna looked good but I didn’t like the lip synching. It was so obvious and no one can sing that well while running around and being in a huge stadium. Your Super Bowl food looks sooo yummy, the hubs and I just made hot dogs for the game. Don’t get me wrong, hot dogs are delicious. :) 3 Things I’m doing/did 1. swim workout 2. clean bathrooms 3. plant my butt on the couch tonight for The Bachelor. Train wreck here we come!


Those pototoes look awesome. I haven’t drank pop since September 14, 2009 (yes, I know the exact date). But sometimes I smell my husband’s coke. Is that weird or what?
Today, I’m going to BodyPump, getting healthy groceries, and watching my niece.


Your food looks so good! Ours wasn’t as good but we DID have some really delicious wings and I had a few too many cookies! I loved all the dog commercials, like the Wego one. You love babies, I love dogs. :-)


Looks like delicious food…good job!! We had SO MUCH food at our party last night–we were worried we wouldn’t have enough but we probably had enough for 500 people. It was amazing.

Those baby commercials were great. I also loved all the ones where dogs were running–the skechers one with the dog in sneakers (so adorable) and the VW one where the dog was training to race the car, and was on the treadmill. I LOLed sooo much last night!


Also, it was scary for me to find out that Madonna is two years OLDER than my mom! Even though my mom looks amazing, I could never imagine her performing on stage like that hahahah!


Your hair looks fabulous in that first photo!


Claire…thank you so so much, you made my day!


I feel the SAME WAY about Madonna. She is amazing. And beautiful. And strong!

Favourite commercial was the M&Ms one with the LMFAO song. So gold.

I am back to drinking Diet Coke after taking about a year off from it. It is like crack. So so bad. And I used to call it pop because I’m Canadian but since moving to Connecticut I now have converted and I call it soda. (Don’t worry mom, I still say grade three, and spell it ‘favourite’).

My three things: run 5 miles, shower, clean. Exhilarating, I know.


i wanna party with your family. you got the lockdown on good food!


Looks like some great eats! :) Alas, I think I am the only one that didn’t watch the Super Bowl, or go to a party. I did hear about Madonna’s performance on news though. It must be all of the Yoga that she does. :)

Oh man, when I did drink soda’s, Mt Dew was my poison! At least 3 or 4 a day!

three things: Work, study, sleep. :)


Your hair is looking all sorts of gorgeous in that picture. It’s been looking marvelous for the past few months. I keep thinking, “does this girl have a salon in her house?”


WOW…Anna thank you so much for your sweet words…you made my day! Maybe it is because I only take pictures when I do it ha! Hope you are having a great day!


Your cookies look amazing! I tried making them the other day. I made them with Rolos sans chocolate chips, but they were very flat. They were still yummy! Thanks for sharing.


I am glad you like them!! It calls for soft butter but I just use cold butter straight from the fridge and I don’t over beat them and hopefully that will help! I need to try rolos, YUM!


If/when you try the rolos, just a heads up they go through an awkward teenage stage.


Ah, SUPERBOWLS are a cheat day, right?! I do hope Billy’s stomach doesn’t have a hole in after those seeds- Ack!!! I’m not a football girl either, but the game was GOOD! That and good food = happy day! How did your run go??? Butter, fueled run!


FYI — Free yogurt day at Yogurtland. 4-7 pm.




Sadly, I was just teased with it by ILoveFreeThings on FB. I don’t have one nearby! Sucks to be me.


Hi Janae!
Quick question from someone fairly new to distance running. Whenever I run more than 8 miles or so my stomach is messed up for the entire rest of the day. I’m not hungry even though I know refueling is important and my tummy just feels all around upset! Have you ever experienced this and do you have any tips?


HEY KATRYN!! Congrats on running SO FAR wahoo!! Oh girl, I definitely have experienced this and so did my sis. We call it runners flu…basically your organs/intestines are bouncing around for a long amount of time and therefore mess everything up inside. It goes away after doing longer runs for awhile and your body gets used to running for 90 minutes plus! Runners flu came back to me after my injury and not running for a few months but then after a month or two of running long again it went away. I think that could be it but there are also a million different things it could be. Stick to VERY SIMPLE foods that day and hopefully after a little while it goes away!


Thanks so much girl! That helps. :-)


Oh my goodness… those twice-baked potatoes look amazing!!
And I say POP. We just had a discussion about that at the dinner table last night… I think most Canadians say “pop” and most Americans say “soda”!


I liked the M&M commercial and the two commercials with the dogs working out. Three things I’m doing today: Finishing Mile Markers (got that book suggestion from you), cycle class, and hopefully a nap.


Have you liked the book? ENJOY your cycle class and you better get a deserve it!


Doritos flying baby commercial & naked M&Ms were my favorites. :)

1. working
2. teaching cardio dance & abs
3. teaching blacklight zumba (SO PUMPED!!!!!!!!)


Your Super Bowl spread looks delicious!
Especially the cookies!
And the potatoes!

Ok, it all looks delicious :)


Love it, everything looks delicious!

I made something new this Super Bowl, I mixed a spicy lentil hummus with defrosted spinach, it was pretty tasty!


Mmm…root beer. I have a root beer addiction, and I call it soda.

Stuffing yourself into a food coma is my favorite part of the Super Bowl, hehe.


Spot on with this write-up, I really really feel this amazing website needs a lot much more attention. I will most likely be returning to see more, thanks for the information!

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