College BFF’s and Overspending at Costco

I am not the best at being early to most events in my life but I am really good at being early to meet my friends for froyo because that means I have plenty of time to kick back (yes, Vans shoes ARE still cool…especially if they are 7 years old and dirty) and sample all of the flavors and watch for them to come in the door and jump up and go crazy when I see them.

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Once upon a time when I was 19 years old a gorgeous blonde moved into my apartment.  We went to the same high school but never really talked because we were in different grades.  The first night she moved in we stayed up all night talking and became instant best friends, she makes me laugh so hard it hurts.

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Where else would we go?

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After hanging out at Yogurtland for a few hours I headed home right when Billy was getting home from his run and we HAD to go up to Costco to refill on the necessities.  We went a little crazy yesterday and spent more than double what we normally do.  All is right in the world because I am restocked with grapes and cottage cheese!  I am also pretty stoked about the chicken nuggets hiding under the eggs and the frozen fruit for smoothies.

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Yeah, and we also picked up one of these, actually two of these because clearly we can’t go more than 36 hours without eating pizza plus each pizza was $3 off, you just can’t walk by a deal like that.

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Will you be watching the Superbowl on Sunday?  Any good food you are looking forward to on Sunday?

-While we were at Costco they had a million different ‘Superbowl’ samples and they got me really excited for it (the food, not the football)!

What shoes do you wear the most often?  What brand?

-Toms and Vans….flat and comfortable.   For my running shoes…..I have been sticking to my beloved Mizunos.

Favorite grocery store to go to?  Do you enjoy grocery shopping or dread it?

-Costco and I absolutely love it.

What type of run do you have today?  Recovery, speed, long, hills, fun, with people, alone?

-Alone (Billy’s day off), slow and short.

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I loooove Toms…I actually just got my first pair for Christmas and now I’m hooked! For running shoes, I’ve always gone with New Balance.
And I love Costco as well. I usually just go for the free samples and end up buying tons and tons of other things! It’s amazing.
Have a great Friday!


Yep, it is all about the free samples…that is how they suck us in! YAY for getting hooked on Toms. Hope you have an amazing day too Kaitlyn!


I just bought Toms after XMAS and I love them. I may wear them more than my beloved heel! I shop at BJ’s (I think that stemmed from my dad always saying they had better meats) & Shaw’s (since its less than a mile away from me). No run today (strength yesterday + long run tomorrow)


WAHOOO glad you are loving the Toms! I have never heard of BJ’s or Shaws! Enjoy your strength day and rock your long run tomorrow!


BJ’s is just like Costco – wholesale prices, large quantities, sucks you in.

Shaw’s is just the local grocery store like every other one.

I’m dog sitting this week – I hope the little guy can handle 10 miles with me tomorrow :)


I really want a pair of Toms! They look comfy- did you know they just released Toms ballet flats? :) My running shoes are trusty Nike Vomeros… I don’t get injured with them (touch wood) so I am sticking with them!

I love to grocery shop. When I visit a different city or country, I can literally spend an hour just wandering the aisles :) In the US I like trader joes and when visiting cali, ralphs.

Today I am going to run 6-7 mile easy :)


Are you serious?!?! I need to have the ballet flats! TJ’s is the bomb. IT IS ALMOST YOUR BIRTHDAY!!


First, I really want a pair of Toms….I think they are cute! and we aren’t really into football, which makes me sad because of all the good food that goes with superbowl – so we have no plans, yet! Today is my rest/xt day, yay! I hopped on the stairmaster, and am hoping to get some Jillian in. I very much dislike grocery shopping, although I wish we had a costco closer, because I would probably enjoy that. Happy Friday!!!


You should just make a bunch of good food and not even watch the game…that is my idea of heaven! Enjoy your Jillian time!


Superbowl Yes, yes, yes, the Pats are in it. I may have a heart attack watching so check in with me on Monday. We will be home with the normal snack food, nachos, homemade pizza, homemade cupcakes.

I wear Toms in the summer and Uggs most of the winter for comfort. I do have a pair of Vans also.

Favorite grocery stores are Trader Joes and Whole Foods.

Rest day for me tommorrow is 10-12 miles with my running club at 6am.


HA I will cheer for your team just so that you can be happy:) YUM…nachos! Have an amazing long run tomorrow with your running club!


We were just talking about the Super Bowl this morning – the funny thing is we have been discussing the menu and the commercials all week but not the actual game (the menu is Chicken Quesadillas, Buffalo Chicken Dip, and some dessert thing that has: mini pretzels, 2 sticks of butter, light brown sugar, chocolate chips and fun sprinkles)

I have been wearing my Brooks lately – one shoe is mostly red and one shoe is mostly yellow – Husband says he is most embarrassed by them.

Have a Great FRIday!


BAHAHA we are the same way…we are all about the food and figuring out the best menu, not so much about who wins ha. Your menu sounds incredible…maybe we will come over to your house!


Happy Friday!

Whenever I see chicken nuggets I crave BBQ sauce;-) I love any grocery store–I go at least 3x/week, most of the time i just browse for deals (odd I know).

Either 7 miles at MP or 10 easy. Time crunch today and tomorrow. I am hoping the husband will get home from work early enough so I can do 10 miles before I go to work and the little one won’t have to go to daycare. Then I only need to squeeze in 7 miles tomorrow morning before 9 a.m.


BBQ sauce and chicken nuggets MUST be eaten together:) I hope you get to get your 10 miles in today and your 7 tomorrow. You are one BUSY woman!


Superbowl?: Yes. You can see Giant Stadium (Oh right, it’s MetLife stadium) from where I live. ’nuff said there.

Shoes: I have only recently learned about Toms shoes. Funny story I will tell you at some point. I LOVE my Merrels.

Grocery Store: I hate grocery shopping. The Costco near me is just madness. I always go to the “quiet” supermarket. I’ve been hit too many times by old ladies pushing shopping carts.

Workout: Already done! I did an easy 4 mile run on the treadmill this morning.

This post is making me want to go get some of that Root Beer Float flavor yogurt at TCBY…
Happy Friday!


You need to go get more root beer float froyo! Great run girl and way to get it done early! AHHH that is awesome you can see the stadium from your house! I need to hear this story of yours:)


We will be watching the Superbowl and eating some sort of food that is bad for us!
Nine West and Nike are my most worn shoes.
I don’t mind grocery shopping. But the bill doubles and triples when Michael goes with me. We do a lot at Costco as well.
LONG RUN today! For me, that means 12.

The Kidless Kronicles


You can’t eat healthy foods during the SuperBowl…it has to be bad for us:) Have a blast on your 12-miler today, you are going to rock it!


A big fat no on the 12 miles. It was an ADD run. I was all over the place. And the trail was closed halfway around so it was a 7 miler. Oh well.


Today = easy run (at this point I’m just THRILLED to be running again!) and alone.. But I had the BEST day ever yesterday – 1) I ran an easy 2 miles (that’s huge because I haven’t been able to move for 10 days with back spasms.. baby steps!) and 2) I met with a running coach to design my first marathon training plan!!! YIPPPEEE!

Have a fabulous friday! :) :)


I am so happy that you are running again!!! WAHOO for your best day yesterday and NO back spasms. I want to hear all about your running coach, that is so exciting!


I have you have BBQ sauce for dippage- it’s only right when chicken nuggets are involved! I looove grocery shopping- clearly a little too much :)


BBQ sauce is a requirement for chicken nuggets!


Im a big Wegmans fan … we just got one and its AMAZING… although I spend WAY WAY WAY too much money there!


I have never tried Wegnmans! I am going to have to find one asap!


I still have really old vans too! They’re comfy so I could care less how dirty they are :)
I’m watching the superbowl! My good friend is throwing a huge party at his house with a bunch of food, drinks, and people. I’m excited :D
Toms and flip flops! I love my rainbow flip flops when I’m not wearing my toms.
I loooveee going to whole foods but of course I don’t go there for every day necessities because that would just kill my wallet. I really need to go to costco!
Today is a cross training day for me. I did a hilly run yesterday though. I haven’t done hills in a while.


I could easily spend my whole paycheck at Costco on food and funsies! It’s like a foodies amusement park :P Fave grocery stores: Costco, TJ’s, and Whole Foods…

Sunday is a sports packed day- we’re going to the Caps vs. Bruins game and then tuning into the Super Bowl… Not sure what will be on the menu but most likely there will be bowls of snacks and pizza!

Most often I wear flats to work and sneakers all other time… Comfort > fashion!


I love grocery shopping!! My favorite place to go to is Trader Joes, but it’s about three blocks from my apartment (no car) so I usually just go to the really overpriced grocery store right across from my place. You’re definitely paying for convenience there, but it’s nice for the bigger shopping days to just cross the street and I’m home!


We are watching it! But to be honest I am only doing so for the commercials and food! I am making mini corn dog muffins – soo excited :)
Love TOMS if only I would wear them year round :) Or any ballet flats! For runners Nike’s or Mizuno’s.
Costco is the bets around here but when I am the States, Trader Joes.
No run today, but cross training at the gym tonight.


Those are the same reasons I am watching it. Your muffins sound incredible! Enjoy your cross-training!


Your blog makes me so hungry! haha

We go to Sam’s club and get giant bags of frozen fruit – makes me so happy, I love smoothies.

Any favorite smoothie combinations to share? Right now we just do the typical mange/pineapple/strawberry frozen fruit mix with a banana and oj … need something with protein and would be willing to try something with veggies that still tasted good (aka not like veggies haha).

So I tried a spin class yesterday and have realized you are evil – underneath that adorable exterior you can only be evil to do that to people lol. Same with our isntructors… cute couple, in their 50s, more muscular than I will ever be. So nice and smiley… but tried to kill me with an instrument of torture called a spin bike.
But yes… I will be going back next week… not because I enjoy it, but because it will be good for me… I hope, haha.


HEY YOU!! Yay for Sam’s club!! We are super boring with our smoothies, fruit, yogurt, ice, milk and protein powder. Sometimes I will add a little raw oatmeal to make it a little more dense but we NEVER add veggies…I just can’t do that! BAHAHA I am kind of evil when it comes to spin, I am so happy you are going back! You will learn to love it!


Heck yes I will be watching the game. I might cry when it’s over because it will be months before I see football again. I think I lime it more than my husband does. I have a recovery run today and a long run tomorrow.


I love TOMS, I have too many pairs. Between my TOMS and Uggs I might never have to tie laces again (Except for my workout kicks). I cannot wait to get the new ballet flats, they are kind of pricey so I am saving up.

Just 4 miles for me today.


I love costco too. Since you are a froyo expert, have you had it at Costco? If so, what is your take on it?


HEY YOU!! I love the Costco froyo…so so good! We never have cash with us and the food court only takes cash so I rarely get it:( What is your take on it?


I love it! It doesn’t taste non fat at all. At our Coscto it is only $1.10 (I think), you need to come prepared! Also…I might start bringing toppings…do you think we would get kicked out? ;)


I would’ve been super excited had my Packers made it… but I want both teams to lose. But since that can’t happen I am rooting for the Pats (that hurts to say..) only because I have a bet for a free meal placed on them :)

More and more I find myself in my running shows (Brooks Adrenaline..) but this girl loves her Sperrys & Toms!

I LOVE Costco.. I actually need to stop out there soon! Plus the free samples are bomb dot come.

I did a short 3 miler on the dreadmill… thank goodness it’s a step back week in mileage because I have been feeling cruddy lately on the running.


everytime i step into costco i overspend ;) i am watching the superbowl on sunday, even though i hate both teams playing. but me and kevin will be making alot of food to drown our sorrows in…happyface for me!

i wear converses all the time. my favorites are the pairs that are old, dirty and lovingly worn in. running shoes, i just bought my first pair of mizunos last night!! i’ve faithfully worn brooks, but i hated the new adrenaline 12 so time to make a switch..i’m hoping its a good one.

wholeheartedly agree, i LURVE me some costco. oh and whole foods is fun too :)

no run today..spinning this morning. long run on the agenda tomorrow, yay!


Wow, so many great questions today! I will indeed be watching the Super Bowl and am looking forward to slurping down a big ol’ bowl of guacamole (especially after the earlier discussion of avocados!)

For running shoes, I always used to wear Nikes (I’d get them from the outlets). I finally go pro-fitted for shoes last November and they put me in Asics. Then I’d heard so much about Mizunos so went out and got myself a pair of Wave Rider 15s. So I now rotate between three pairs (which I love, it’s fun picking the shoe of the day!)

LOVE grocery shopping! I look forward to buying something new every time I go! I also love the feeling of having a well-stocked pantry and fridge at home!

No run today. I did a 3.5 mile fartlek run yesterday, and am feeling some heel pain today so today’s a rest day. Maybe some yoga, though.


I love rotating running shoes too, that is awesome!! GUACAMOLE…I am so looking forward to that too:) Great run yesterday and I am so sorry about the heal pain, keep me updated on how it is feeling!


i want that pizza STAT.

ohh not sure about the superbowl – i hate the pats (even though i live in boston, im from NJ and like the giants) – i might be at home making homemade pizza.

i wish boston had something like yogurtland! i havent seen anything like it here yet!

i only run alone – i like the quiet – helps me sort out my thoughts. tonight i have an easy 45 minute recovery run, then hitting up a 2 hour hill run tmrw!


I had a girls night last night with my college gals too! Love those girls and spending several hours with them burns more calories from laughter then doing a tempo run!

About to head out for a long run, maybe 14 miles, with my new running buddy. And I will not be watching the super bowl this weekend.


Girls nights really are the BEST!! I am so glad that you had so much fun with them! YAY for a new running buddy:) Now go rock your 14 miles speedster!


I normally wear some type of casual sneakers….that’s because I’m constantly wearing my compression socks…


I love my coral Toms wedges and for running I’m obsessed with Brooks.

The Reading Half Marathon which I am supposed to be running on 1st April (injury dependent) is sponsored by Mizuno and if you are wearing a pair then you get automatic access to a VIP area! It’s enough to make a girl want to buy another pair of running shoes!


I want some Toms wedges, that is awesome! I think you need to get a pair of Mizunos for the VIP area, that is so cool!


“where are my clothes?” but in my spice laden head I heard “where are the clveos?” and I said “don’t worry about that. Use some nutmeg instead”.I think he thinks I said something raunchy. Oh, yep. I just asked him. He did.


overspending at costco is SO easy to do!! i always get sold on those samples too… i love costco’s take ‘n bake pizzas – we always get them when they’re on sale!

i usually wear Toms or Vans too… i especially love my Toms – so comfy!


Seriously, their pizzas are so so good!!!! I need every color of toms:)


I so miss the veggie section at Costco….oh how I miss it!

xoxo from Trinidad


I love my Toms but it’s just to chilly for me to wear them here right now! Haha basically anything flat is right up my alley. And I have a slow 3 miler today, although I might make it 4… I’m on a “pull back” week. No long run :(


i love grocery shopping. to me, it is therapeutic. i could walk down the aisles happily for a good hour!

as much as i hate it I am taking a rest day today…ran 9 miles last night after work on the treadmill. I am hoping to go for a long run tomorrow because it’s supposed to be in the mid-40s and sunny! have a great day janae!


You are totally is therapeutic! Good for you to take a rest day and it will help make your long run tomorrow even BETTER!! Mid 40s and sunny…wahoo!! Hope you have a great day too Mallory!


As it turns out, the cop will be flying out to work it, so me and the kids will be kind of watching at home and eating a lot of dip.

I wear toms, boots, and moccassins. flat. comfy. easy.

I am thinking of a short 4. maybe 5 if it stays sunny.


Booo that he is leaving! Hope it stays sunny for ya!


I like your shoes!! I just got my first pair of Toms for christmas and I am OBSESSED. I like them and Sperrys, just plain simple flat things that go with everything! I’ve had the mizunos for years, but the 15’s model really don’t agree with my feet, so now I wear Brooks Ghost and LOVE them. Your posts also always make me wish I had a Costco near me! gahh I could live off grocery stores with free samples haha.


Aren’t they the best!?!? Okay, Sperrys are amazing too and I really want to try the Brooks Ghost out!


I STILL havent been to costco ever. geesh i need to get there apparently.
my fav grocery store is one right down the street, lowe’s foods! love it!


Reading your blog literally inspired me to get a Costco membership to satisfy my produce cravings and luckily my husband gave in! Pretty sure you should get some royalties or something!

We usually have a party for the Super Bowl, but my hubby and his friends are unhappy with the match up so we’re having people over on Saturday for the Jazz games instead.

No run today. Rest before my loooong run tomorrow morning :-).


Lizz….I am stoked your husband gave in, you are going to be obsessed with it. I don’t need royalties, just the satisfaction that you will get the happiness that I do from that store is all I need. Have a blast watching the Jazz game!! Yay for rest day and enjoy your long run!


Yes, we love watching the SuperBowl, especially the commercials. I’ll be making a 7 layer dip and my spicy parmesan artichoke dip. I recently saw that SuperBowl Sunday is the second highest food consumption day with Thanksgiving being the first. I wear my new balance shoes the most during the winter and flip flops or sandals during the summer. I love to grocery shop. I used to beg my mom to take me every Saturday afternoon when she would go. My all time favorite is Whole Foods Central Market, followed by Trader Joes and HEB. However, I probably spend most of my time at Krogers and Costco.
I’m so excited because I have been running for the past four days. I’m still easing my way back into it, but I am loving how I feel and the results!


YUM!!! Those dips both sound absolutely INCREDIBLE, I need them! What!?!? Okay, I totally believe that..we always go overboard on Superbowl Sunday! HEB..I have never heard of that place! You are right about flip flops!


I can send you the recipes for both! HEB is a Texas based grocery store found in central and south Texas.


I am so excited to make guacamole or as I like to call it guacajulio down by the schoolyard!!!

My go-to shoes for all occasions are my LL Bean moccasins – everyone get a pair, they are the most comfortable things ever and everything from LL Bean comes with a LIFETIME guarantee! I should really be their spokesperson.


I wear seven year old vans, too (checkerboard). They have holes on the top and bottom but I refuse to buy a new pair. I am often mistaken for a homeless person when I wear them.


BAHAHAH I totally understand. Erin, I think that is AWESOME you are sporting your vans!


Oooh that pizza…looks so good! I’ve been carb loading for Sunday’s marathon all week but could definitely go for more pizza!

I had fro yo yesterday and thought of you! You and your BFF are just too cute.


Love Super Bowl parties! Although like you, it’s mostly because of the people & the food :) The game is fun to watch, but mostly it’s the people and the food that make the party!


I hate grocery shopping. If I had the money, I would pay for someone to shop and deliver my groceries!
I am looking forward to the food this Sunday. I’m making taco dip and my sister-in-law is making corn bread muffins with the top scooped out and filling them with chili! It’s such a good idea!


I also went to Yogurtland last night but in Cali. We had dessert before dinner. I mostly wear my TOMS and Mizuno to run. I really want a pair of the new TOMS ballet flats. So cute.

My favorite store is Trader Joes. They have the best snacks and great prices.

I did a 5 mile recovery run this morning. I actually ran with a running group for the first time this morning. It was so nice to have company on the run. It felt so much easier.


I have never owned vans. I always admired the cool people that did…


I’m getting a Costco card soon and I can’t wait! I love that place.
We’re going to a SuperBowl party on Sunday and I’m planning to make pepperoni pretzel sticks to take with us. Stuffed with pepperoni and mozzerella cheese, I think they’ll be fantastic!


LOVE Costco because I can shop with ease with my kiddos sampling all the food :) I had a rest day today so I did bodyrock! Ever tried it? Anyway I have 18 tomorrow and I’m excited to try my new Nathan water belt, no more drop waters along my route! Have a great Friday!!


MONICA!!! Good luck on your 18 miler tomorrow, you are going to rock it! I have never tried Bodyrock…should I!?!? Enjoy your new water belt!


I always love your random combination of toppings in your frozen yogurt :) I’m jealous that your fro yo place has WAY more toppings than mine…I think I need to make them aware of all of the toppings we are missing out on here in Orlando!
I LOVE my Mizunos too- they are my favorite. I used to be a hard core New Balance fan, but then they changed their shoes so much. It sucked, but then I discovered Mizunos :)


Yay for a fun fro-yo date!! You put so much stuff in your cup, I love it!


I lovveee grocery shopping, I really do. We are going to Costco tonight and I can’t wait for the samples haha. Loser, I know. And now I want pizza after seeing that picture of yours! Have a GREAT weekend!!


Check it out! Here’s the link


I have yet to go to Costco but want to every time I see you blog about it! Yum, fro-yo is on my agenda for tonight!


You and your friend are absolutely gorgeous. Seriously so so pretty!! Isn’t Costco such a money suck? Geez I always spend way too much there. :)

Have so much fun in St. George this weekend.!!!! :)


Of course we’ll be watching!!! I’m excited for the game, the food, and the commercials. I’m not exactly sure what we are eating yet, but I’m sure it will be good!

Shoes…I wear heels every single day to work (my feet hate me, but it’s okay, I can’t feel them anymore lol), and they are random brands. I do love wearing my Uggs at home (with shorts, Daniel thinks it’s weird but I love it), and I wear my Nike zumba shoes and my Nike air max a lot.

TRADER JOE’S!!!!!!!!!!! I also love Whole Foods, Fresh Market, and Sam’s.


I really want Toms, too… I love the idea behind the company. Just bought my 2yo a pair, but she’ll be out of them before long! :( Today is my off day, or maybe some easy cross training, then long run tomorrow. Have a great weekend!


Today is my off day! Me and some girlfriends are going in a Staycation in Del Mar. This means going out for mexican food and sitting in a hot tub and waking up to go for a nice long walk on the beach before breakfast. Yipee!

Mmmm pizzza! yum yum!


I love free samples grocery stores—-so any of those ones :)

No run today–but taught ZUMBA this a.m.–FUN!!


I definitely wear Toms more than anything. Everyone at work asks if I’m wearing slippers to work.

I probably won’t be watching the super bowl. Mike will be out of town, so I’ll be celebrating my birthday with Bungee and trashy tv.


I will be “watching” (talking to friends) at a friends house. I’m thinking of making 7 layer Dip and maybe Smore sticks!! I don’t have a membership to costco- I do have sams but I don’t think it’s worth the savings- they rarely have my brands. Think I might try costco though! I’m doing the elliptical until I can talk to a PT about hip pain :(


Will you be watching the Superbowl on Sunday? Any good food you are looking forward to on Sunday? – I’ll be watching. Go Big Blue! Actually, I’m more excited to see MADONNA!!!! And have pulled beef mini-sandwiches

What shoes do you wear the most often? What brand? – Old running sneakers and flip flops (yes, even in the weather in NY)

Favorite grocery store to go to? Do you enjoy grocery shopping or dread it?
-I love Costco but I spend most of my paycheck in Stop n Shop.

What type of run do you have today? Recovery, speed, long, hills, fun, with people, alone? – None, worked out with trainer this morning.


Ahhhh girl I am SO JEALOUS, I am absolutely dying for a Costco here!! We have Sam’s Club but it’s on the other side of town so I have never become a member. I love love love grocery shopping, but don’t love it when I am trying to get out in a hurry I love to wander around and make impulse buys.

I’m running 16 miles tomorrow with my team in prep for our marathon! And then Utah Valley will be my next marathon after that one! Woot woot


Is it the Superbowl this weekend? We’re not watching. The shoes I wear most lately are my Old Navy flip flops. My pregnant body needs something comfortable and that’s just the ticket. My running shoes are Sauconny. Love them.

I love grocery shopping if it’s a different store from my normal, like Trader Joes. BTW, the cottage cheese I always see on your blog always looks so good I decided to try it again since informally don’t like it. Result? Unfortunately I still don’t like cottage cheese. It made me gag.

Today’s my long run, so anywhere between 6-9 miles today.


summer – flip flops, winter fake uggs :)

your friend looks cute. I love reminiscing with my college girls :D


I am going to Costco tonight. God help me.

I love flats!!! No high heels for me. I particularly like my Privos. Super comf.


Probably pizza during the Super Bowl, we’re lazy like that. Lately I have been wearing Lucchesse cowboy boots almost every day and Saucony Triumphs to run. Our only grocery store is Sam’s Club; I live in BFE. Today I had an easy run. It was one of those easy runs that felt SO hard though.


No run for me, still recovering from ING Miami. Grocery shopping is my least fave.


Ok…I love my TOMS, have 3 pairs now and they just came out with ballet flats- there goes my paycheck. SO excited. We also have Vans, me and the hus. He looks better in them than I do.

Used to love going grocery shopping when my husband and I were dating and needed a break from studying. Now, we don’t have time, so it’s more of a drag lol….but I do love Costco and the samples and their amazingly huge and cheap hotdog….yum!


I think I’ll be watching the superbowl if I have nothing better to do =) I have been wearing imitation Toms a lot lately, plus my new sandals. Fave grocery store: Trader Joe’s!


Run today? Short 5 miler on the treadmill VERY early in the morning. Favorite grocery store: Whole Foods. Although I can’t afford to buy regular food there. We just go for their amazing Salad Bar. Huge fan of Trader Joe’s.


Trader Joe’s is always a great time =)


No football for me … the girls have become fans … but my husband and I stick to good old soccer … I am excited to cook something for the girls to take for her respective parties though ;)

5 – 6 days out of 7 I wear heels! No Toms or Vans for me … but my girls love them :) …

I love shopping at Trader Joes and Harris Teeter … I do not have membership at Costco … I don’t like having to buy in bulk … I know … one of the few …

Rest day today for me!


Just a fun run earlier today with a friend at the gym on a treadmill! Happy Weekend, Janae! :) :)


NACHOS for superbowl Sunday. I have to be in the mood and I am already in the mood! I rock the Nikes all around town or the Uggs..even in the summer.

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