Writing a post while on a runner’s high is really fun.

I know some people don’t believe me but it is true, I really love running.  I am actually typing this first part of my post right after my morning run and so that is why you may get the impression that I am a little too happy…. runner’s high.  Even though we didn’t go to bed until midnight (I made Billy stay up with me and watch the SERIES FINALE of Felicity with me) when my alarm clock went off really early this morning I was stoked to get up.  I only went 4 days without the beautiful act of running but I missed it.  I don’t know what it is but running just makes me feel so alive and yes, I am completely addicted to the endorphins.  You caught me.

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While I was running I almost lost my pre-run banana…not because of running but because I was watching the Bachelor and Ben is killing me.  I just can’t.  At the same time I can’t stop watching.  The seven miles flew by and before I knew it Billy was standing behind me asking if I was going to go to work;)  Sometimes he forgets that I take approximately 6 minutes to get ready (3 of those minutes are spent making sure my lunch is all packed and I didn’t forget anything), silly boy.


I really wanted to start today to try and balance out my food intake a little more and increase my protein.

(PS I am totally counting the two grams of protein in my milky way bar that a student brought to get out of one of their running drills.  Since it is a king size bar, go ahead and double that 2 grams and bada bing bada boom…a whopping 4 grams of protein in my candy bar alone….I am on fire;)

Photo 2

This morning I started with a greek yogurt, peaches and grapes mixtures and a fried egg a little while later.

For lunch I grilled a chicken breast last night and threw in a baked potato and corn.  Random mixture but oh so good and I can already feel my muscle fibers being happy with me for actually eating protein.

My biggest cooking advice:  Add bbq sauce (doesn’t matter if it is the cheap walmart brand) to everything, mix it all up and it will be delicious.

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Billy and I found a killer coupon for our favorite pizza restaurant and we are going there for dinner tonight.  I am that person that looks up the menu at 9 a.m. so that I can start now to make my decision instead of staring at the menu for 30 minutes when we get there.

I am debating between the Calzone and the beautiful pesto pizza below.  I think I am going to ask them to make the pesto pizza into a calzone, win-win-win.  (The third win is for Billy, life is not good for him when I don’t get the perfect entree).

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Do you buy the off brand items at the grocery store to save money?  Do you ever grocery shop at Walmart?

Bachelor fans…what are your true thoughts about Ben?

When was the last time you experienced the runner’s high?  How often do you feel the runner’s high?  Is it only after a certain amount of time/distance of running?

Pizza or calzone?!?!

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Hahaha! I love that the brand is “Great Value”. That cracks me up. I shop at Sprouts which is like a cheaper version of Whole Foods so they have various “health food” brands but they don’t have any generics. The cheaper the better, though!

The way this season is playing out feels like a job interview. Ben is acting very “professional” on group dates and it just seems so odd. Obviously he’s not very professional as he’s making out with all of them, but the way he acts is just bizarre to me. I don’t like it.


OH MY GOODNESS…you nailed it with the job interview analogy. I feel so awkward and I am just watching it, I can’t imagine how the people LIVING this are feeling! I have never heard of Sprouts, sounds awesome!


I almost always buy the store brand. It’s all about saving money! Oh, and I always look at the menu to a restaurant way in advance too. I like to mull it around in my mind so I know I’m choosing the perfect thing.

Last runners high was two days ago. It was only a 4-mile run, but I felt on top of the world.


Good to know I am not the only crazy menu person!! So happy that you had a recent runners high:)


hear ya on the runner’s high. i was out 2 weeks with an injured/unhappy foot/calf and ran for the first time on weds….. then again on thursday… still joyful and floating :)


AHHHH SO HAPPY you are back to running and enjoying that runners high!


Always buy the off brand. There are a few exceptions:
Mac & Cheese has to be Kraft.
Lucky Charms has to be General Mills (This is for the boy)
Mayo has to be Kraft. I buy so little of it a higher price once a year doesn’t matter.
Oatmeal & grits has to be Quaker. That is MY rule.

I don’t watch the bachelor, I don’t handle drama well!! There is plenty at my job for me!!

Where I live a runner’s high is not determined by the run but the weather….when it is cooler weather = major runner’s high!!! Those 4 days are great. ;0



Okay, you are SO SO RIGHT about the Kraft brand of Mac and Cheese…..no off brand with that one. Hopefully you get 5 days of cooler weather this year:)


On a runner’s high right now, having just completed ten miles (and currently stuffing face with food while trying not to get the keyboard messy)

I am losing all respect for Ben, because he keeps falling for that devil, Courtney!! Grrrrr


I live in the boondocks of Upstate NY so really Walmart is our only option sadly. I love runner’s high and normally write all my posts that way so that is makes me seem more joyful HA! ;)


I can tell that all of your posts are made while on your runners high. PS I loved your waffle video:)


I’m probably a little overly concerned about getting enough protein in my diet – I probably need to chill a little bit! I watched the bachelor for like 15 minutes for the first time the other night, and I couldn’t stop saying to my husband how much I couldn’t stand Ben- I don’t think I will watch it again because he was so disappointing! and annoying. just me:-) I would say after a great workout I get a runner’s high – probably 7-8 miles+


Good to know I am not alone with being annoyed with Ben. Teach me your protein ways:)


Oh man, Ben equals boring. He is like my grandpa but younger. But I still don’t stop watching the show.

Had major runners high after my marathon this weekend. Or during the marathon. I couldn’t stop smiling, which is different from some long runs where I can’t stop cursing running.


BAHAHAHA I don’t know why we can’t stop watching it, it is driving me CRAZY! Congrats on your amazing marathon and enjoy that runners high as long as possible!!!


Ben….he has terrible hair.


Yes and Yes. I can’t look at it anymore.


Why isn’t ABC telling him to CUT IT???


Oh, and you got so worked up over Ben that I forgot to answer the most important question: DEFINITELY pizza! And even though I’m from Chicago, it’s gotta be THIN crust!


ENJOY EVERY SECOND of your runner’s high:) I agree about the Courtney thing….she is crazy sauce. I am all about thin crust too! Have a great day Julia!


i shop for certain things at walmart, cereal being one! always much cheaper there and i LOVE my cereal :)

ben is….blah. He is a sweetie and i’m sure he would make an amazing boyfriend/husband, but too boring for TV. hes too nice to be on a show like the bachelor!


Also, he totally looks like Francine from that kid show Arthur. I kid you not. (google it)


OH MY GOODNESS….I saw the Francine/Ben side by side picture on Pinterest and could not stop laughing! Agreed that he is too nice for that show!


I agree with you on the Bachelor! I have a love/hate relationship with Courtney. The show would be slightly boring without her. She brought a whole new definition to the phrase “Winning!”

I got bar-b-q sauce from Rite-Aid today to make cocktail smokies with. No hate for the value brand :)


You are right…all of the other girls like each other and so without her there would be no drama:) ENJOY your rite-aid purchase!


I get a runners high quite frequently. Especially if I haven’t been running much. This morning I came back from a run and was just smiling/chuckling to myself. I’m sure people thought I was crazy… but I was happy and didn’t care :)

I generally find 30 min+ is when it starts to kick in.

Seriously, how cool are endorphins?!? I wonder if non-runners knew about them them would take up the sport :)


Oh Josie! I am so so happy that you had an amazing run this morning and how happy it made you!


I buy the generic about half the time. There are some things where it makes no difference and other times it makes all the difference in the world. Great Value Cheerios? Bleh. Mac & Cheese? No way. But all my baking stuff like salt, flour, sugar – of course!

Ben is soooo boring. That is why they have to bring all the unstable/psychotic girls in – to create drama and make me want to watch. I want to throw up just looking at his nasty hair. What was with him acting like he knew how to ride a horse and fly fish? Ummmm clearly him flopping all over the place when he was riding in = he knows nothing. And all the cliches. And the girls saying they ‘know’ him or are already in love…after 2 GROUP dates. Seriously?!
Yet, I still watch. lol. WINNING ;)

I get a runners high on anything more than 3 miles. It doesn’t take much and I experienced it this morning!

Pizza all the way. I am glad to know there is someone else out there who looks up menus way in advance too :)


I think it is the hair that made me gag this morning, I just can’t do it anymore. I don’t know how they all fall in love so quickly!! So happy you had a runners high this morning!! Menu lookers unite! Have a great day Megan.


I’m kinda not feeling the love for Ben this season! I liked him on The Bachelorette but he just seems all weird now….no bueno!


Pizza for sure :)


Ahh the runner’s high…it’s one of the main reasons why I run! I love it so much I even bought a Nike Dri fit shirt that says “runner’s high”. I pretty much feel that anytime I run but especially on the runner’s crack high after a really long run or a marathon.

Have fun on your pizza date!


Yum!! I love pesto sooo much, but with calzones you get more delicious bread, so that is quite a tough decision you have in front of you. I can’t believe Milky Ways are your favorite though, I mean they’re okay but …..! Snickers and almond joys are way better. :-). Have fun tonight!


I absolutely look at the menu way too far in advance so I have plenty of time to make my choice. Its just the smart thing to do! Sometimes I shop at walmart, they are good for staples but their produce kinda sucks (at least at mine).


I do the same thing and look up the menu before going! Otherwise all my dining companions have already decided and I still need another half an hour and then get majorly stressed when the waitress gets to me.

And I vote pizza all the way!


Ben is sooooo unattractive. He seems nice. Not very funny but none of them really seem funny now that I think of it…


hahahaha I loved this comment = best thing I’ve read today! so true, I told Colin “who is this Bachelor??? it’s like “average guy season” where anyone can be the bachelor”


Always grocery shop at Walmart, haha. I price-match other stores there. And yes to the off-brands…Double-yes to the BBQ sauce on lots of stuff! I’m with you on the running love – and people not understanding it! I just blogged about the BEST runners high I had during and after my last race – I’m in love. :) I was SO excited to run yesterday for the first time in a few days – and I watched the bachelor during it too…
OMG, Ben…he’s so boring when he talks about the girls! It’s like ‘yeah, I like how things are going…let’s make-out’ with ALL of them. And the thing with Courtney where he’s all – I need to give her a rose cuz she’s all insecure…but then he’ll say that he really wants a secure girl. Ugh, I need to not care, but it’s like a train-wreck, haha.


Everytime you mention Felicity I have to look at the date thinking I somehow clicked on some random old blog. I loved that show! I have never been into the Bachelor shows but my sister in law got me hooked at Christmas. Those chicks are insane. My eyes hurt after watching from rolling around in my head so much but somehow I can’t stop.


I always get a runners high after a race!! And also when I can tell I’m going faster than usual…when I have “wings on my ass” haha. I havne’t started watching the Bachelor quite yet. I try to wait until there’s only a few left because before that I can’t handle all the drama. I have to save that for my other trashy shows…Jersey Shore and Keeping Up With The Kardashians.


Ugh I am so disappointed in Ben! I really liked him last season, but now it seems like all he does is go “she’s a good kisser” “oh I really like her because she can kiss” “she’s outdoorsy and can kiss” IS HE IN 5th GRADE?!

I do some of my grocery shopping at my Target since it’s a SuperTarget and who doesn’t buy brand items, half the time they taste better!


We don’t have a Walmart near us, but I often grocery shop at Target. It’s a dangerous thing, though, since I can’t just buy groceries. Random things always make their way into my cart. How does that always happen??


Funny that you asked about Walmart groceries. There is a Walmart Market right by my house and I almost never go there but I bought groceries from there the other night because it was on my way home. There were definitely some Great Value products in my cart. I need to shop there more often! I am thinking pizza for dinner tonight too YUM! Runner’s high is no joke, i’m addicted for sure. Have a great night!


I do shop at Walmart but frankly I hate it there!!! Pizza!


I buy tons of generic items at the grocery store but I try to avoid wal mart. I just hate that place. However, I go there anyway every few weeks to buy things that are significantly cheaper there than they are other places (like cereal and toothpaste).

I would choose the calzone. I adore calzones.


I always buy off-brands! And FYI great value cranberry sauce is the best there is.


When I don’t shop at Trader Joe’s I’m all about the store brand when I can.

I’m due for a runner’s high …


I know your love for Costco…
Have you ever seen their giant tub of Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ sauce? It is arguably the best BBQ sauce basically ever…and the giant tub is $5. I don’t think there’s any beating that.


Ah, how I miss my runners high…since it’s been a month since I last could run without pain. I miss it and it definitely perks me up!

No Walmart anything for this girl; I try to eat as organic as I can!


Sometimes I’m so excited for long runs I can’t sleep the night before, you know, in the “that’s totally healthy and normal” type way.

I’m going to be in SLC next month. Yes, change your plans now.


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I think that the walmart brand bbq sauce is one of the best tasting bbq out there! It is awesome on ribs!


Where I used to live the only options I had to buy groceries were a Walmart and a Kroeger-type store. I shopped the majority of the time there, b/c the prices were so much lower there than the other store. Since moving to a bigger area, I have more options, and even though there is one within 5 min from me, I tend to shop more at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s, and Super Target.


Yay, you’re back to running!

We aren’t very brand loyal and will buy whatever’s the cheapest at the grocery store.

I think my last real runner’s high was after the marathon in October. I need that feeling NOW.


I LOVE getting a runners high, no one understands why I love running! I usually hit it around 4-5 miles, which is why I love longer runs. And I’ll always buy the off brand if I can!


ahhh you finished felicity! i loved that show so much. i miss it!
i’m all about the off brands to save money. i’m totally cheap. unless i know for a fact that the name brand stuff is significantly better, i’ll always buy the generic!
oh ben… his hair drives me bonkers and he’s way too nice!! i still somehow continue to keep watching the show though… ha!
pizza vs. calzone is a tough choice! i think i’d go for the pizza normally, but your pesto calzone combo sounds amazing!


Basically…a great run after a few days off gives me a runner’s high. And I usually come home and blog about it. :)

Calzone would probaby be my choice…why not go for even more carbs?


I do the same thing with menus! My boyfriend always says I’m ruining the surprise and excitement that comes with deciding when I get there. But I know he would be mad when it takes me an hour to decide :-)


I love a runner’s high, then the fatigue usually sets in ha ha. I am not a HUGE fan of Ben, don’t know what it is but I am just not that into him…



(even though I prefer to make Calzone, I prefer to eat Pizza)


I feel pretty confident that Ben and whoever he picks will NOT last. He doesn’t even seem that serious about it … he doesn’t really talk about marriage or anything.


I save money where I can, I just make sure that no HFCS is in it.


I feel so much better now knowing that I am not the only one who looks at menus online way in advance. I am super indecisive and usually everything sounds good!
I buy target-brand stuff sometimes and yep I do shop for food at wal mart (eggos and ben & jerry’s americone dream ice cream are my fave)
I need another runner’s high. I don’t think I’ve had one for a few weeks now. I’m sure I look crazy running down the street with a big smile on my face.
I vote PIZZA!


I buy the off brand all the time. I like to save a penny whenever I can! My last runner’s high was Wednesday morning. I noticed the runner’s high is even better when I get up really early to get my run in. It’s taper week for me, so I’m missing those endorphins a little, but enjoying the taper time too.


COUPONS!! I don’t care if I look completely crazy, I’m obsessed with coupons and I get sooooo much stuff for cheap/free!


Most BBQ sauces (like the one in your hand) contain high fructose corn syrup, one of the number one ingredients to avoid-ALL THE TIME! It is a synthetic processed sugar that is linked to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. If a store brand product contains high fructose corn syrup, it is worth the 50 cents to buy an organic brand that uses natural sugar.
(Sorry for the tangent, HFCS is my soap box food topic)


I am a little sad, I can’t see your blog on my browser anymore :( I have to use internet explorer. I know I love you because I never use IE.
Are you kidding me, I can tell you exactly what I am going to get before we get to the restaurant. That is one of the best parts of eating out, the anticipation of going!
BBQsauce on everything, yes please. I will eat any brand but Sweet Baby Ray’s is my favorite and I stock up when it is on sale.


WEIRD!! Can you tell us what browser you can’t see it in….Billy is going to fix it! I need to get some Sweet Baby Ray’s…that kind is my favorite!


Um, I used to think Ben was great, but now I think he is stupid and crazy. He seriously only cares about looks and the glamour factor instead of actually being a nice person as well, which is horrible. Also, it’s not like the rest of the girls are ugly hahaha. Also, I think Courtney’s obnoxious and her top lip does not move AT ALL. It’s so weird.


i LOVE runner’s highs!!!! Wahoo!

Have fun tonight :) Pizza. Definitely.


pretty sure it is a fact of life that walmart makes the best dressings. try the fat free italian- i eat it like every night on my salad


This is my first year actually watching The Bach (why am I doing this to myself?) so I don’t know if my thoughts are as valid since maybe it’s always like this? But oh my word Ben, while he seems very nice, also seems sort of condescending and creepy? Just me? I guess how WOULD you act with a house full of beautiful girls supposedly in love with you?


Um, I only buy store brand on SOME items, some you just have to splurge on :)
Ben is an idiot… whatshername is suuuuuuuch a b, and I can’t believe he doesn’t see it. This is the first season I’ve watched and I totally regret it but I can’t stop! ACK! I like Casey B. :)


Love it and definitely get a ‘runner’s high’ or biker’s or swimmer’s!

I wanted to tell you a funny story about bribes with students…I’m a middle school teacher and my students often forget something in their lockers, but don’t realize until after class is well on its way. So, my rule is that if I give them the privilege of going back to their lockers and missing part of instruction…they have to give me something in return. I don’t take candy bribes, because my body can’t handle the sugar/fat, so I request fruit. I put their names and type of fruit they are bringing me on the white board until I receive my prize. Most days, I used to get one to two pieces of fruit. Lately, the number of students “needing” to go back to their lockers has become an epidemic, because they LOVE bringing me a piece of fruit and getting notoriety for it! All week I’ve had or more different fruits on my desk :0) It’s obviously awesome, but I am creating monsters and one student remarked that now I need one of them to pay me back with a fruit bowl!
Anyway, good times. I agree about Ben and since he and his girls are so silly this season, I’m not even watching.
TGIF soon!


Natalie. You are absolutely brilliant. That happens to me all of the time too and now I have a way to make it a good thing rather than an annoying thing. I will be copying your amazing teaching strategy ASAP!


we just really need to get the Pi-zzone to catch on, right?!?! i’m all about the crust anyways so any way to get more dough in there i’m IN!!!

okay, i love me my running high…seriously, we need to get more runners and there would be an end to the ‘drug wars’….lol


I am right there with you on the pre menu-looking! It’s actually a favor for my dining partners…consider it a way of streamlining the ordering process ;)!


UGH! Ben! I am in total agreement that I basically hate the show, but CANNOT STOP WATCHING. He is totally just trying to promote his winery, and I am pretty sure 99.9% of those girls are just trying to get their 15 minutes of fame, especially that horrible Courtney who is totally vying for her own reality show. Bleah! And his hair! AAK!

On a related note– the website “Reality Steve” has all of the spoilers for The Bachelor. I totally love his take on the whole shenanigan, but beware, the does give away ALL the endings!! (which I like, as I hate mysteries or surprises! :) )


I always have a debate about buying the generic or brand name. I hate when I’m craving something very specifically and try to save money by going with a different brand. Iget so upset that it wasn’t exactly what I wanted. I may have had to resist crying at times when I got home and the food was not perfect. If I’m not craving it then I don’t really care, though, and go with the cheapest option.


Calzone!!! ohhh sounds delicious right now…where or where can I get one!




Voting for pesto pizza! Had major runners hight after my tread mill tempo run, followed closely by bakers high (buns filled with sweatened sour cream and dried appricots-yumm). Do you actually get a kind of high after strength workout?


I don’t usually get a high after a strength workout unless there is a lot of cardio involved. RUNNERS HIGH plus BAKERS HIGH = heaven! That is so cool!


I always buy the essential/value style brands for a lot of things. I have no vested interest in paying for a pretty label, but if there’s a difference in quality then I go for the branded item. Such as what I wash my clothes in, I buy a more expensive brand because I like the scent better :)
I get runners high every time I run! Maybe I’m easily pleased but I just love the feeling of having used my lungs. It gets especially good when we sprint finish and I win! ha ha :))))
I am pizza all the way. With anchovies all over it.
Happy Friday to you!


I don’t run a ton, usually just 2-3 days a week, with a max of about 6 miles…but I haven’t been able to run in 5 weeks due to re-injuring my knee. I miss the runner’s high so much. I do a lot of other things (spin, eliptical, revolving stairs, walking on incline, etc.), but nothing makes me feel the same way as a great run! I miss it so much! :(

Also, random…and possibly creepy, but I teach 5th grade math, and am always making up word problems. I like to use non-traditional names, and yesterday you were the star :) The students weren’t sure how to pronounce Janae at first, but quickly were using your name just fine and explaining what your quiz average would be if you scored a 90,85, 100, and 95..haha! :) Happy Friday!!


GINA!! That is so cool that you teach 5th grade math and it made my day that you used my name in the word problems…SO SO COOL!!! Thanks for telling me about this. I AM SO SO SORRY ABOUT YOUR KNEE……is it feeling any better?


:) Thanks for replying! It’s probably my meniscus…I had acl and meniscus repair surgery two years ago, and they think the meniscus re-tore. I’ll have an mri next week, with dye injections apparently so they can see past the scar tissue and artificial surgical “stuff”. I’m just happy it’s not my acl and that I can still do some exercise (trying to stay positive ;) )
Thank you for asking and have a fantastic weekend!!


I love pesto pizza! We are enjoying a snow day today, so think I will make some homemade pizza dough for supper!
What did you think about the ending of Felicity????? Now, you need to find Friday Night Lights.
Sweet Baby Ray’s is the best. We have to go to the States to get it, but worth trip!


I don’t know…I definitely have mixed feelings about Felicity. 1st and 2nd season are still my favorite:) I will be starting Friday Night Lights asap…thank you!! I should send you some Sweet Baby Ray’s:)


We are the king and queen of the Costco/Walmart brand at this house – it’s so strange to see anything else around here. Anything that is namebrand tends to be from Mom’s kitchen =)


I will buy a store brand sometimes. Not often. And I do grocery shop at Walmart. They are usually a lot cheaper than the grocery stores.
I don’t want the Bachelor.
Runners High after I finished my 9 a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully I will feel it again tomorrow after 10.
Pizza. Definitely
The Kidless Kronicles


felt runner’s high last night! after a shitty month/week/day – i went out for an hour and a half – lots of snow flurries coming down – i ran along the Charles and just felt so happy!!!!!

i dont have a walmart around me, but i do shop at Target!!

and pizza over calzone 100% of the time.


I always look up the menu before I go out to eat! I have to check for coupons too :)


ha! did you see Ben on Ellen? I love that she can’t help trying to warn him about courtney.



Thank you thank you thank you for that link…it made my day! GO GO ELLEN, I love what she said!!


I freaking love getting a runner’s high!!! I get so happy after a great run :)
I buy the grocery brands a lot. They are so much cheaper ! I have shopped at Walmart and still do once in a while. I won’t get meat there, that freaks me out for some reason.
I actually really like Ben (aside from his hair). The girls are just craaazy this season.
I always get a runners high. As long as I have a decent run :)


You always remind me how FUN running is supposed to be! Thank you. And, now I’m itching to watch this week’s episode if Ben is making you gag…now I’m curious!

I totally pre-menu view too–something to look forward too!!


I have become the queen of shopping at budget prices! I shop at Walmart every grocery trip and I coupon like crazy! 2012 is the year of budgetting and saving money!


We have exactly two grocery options here: Kroger and Walmart. So, yes, unfortunately I do have to do some of my shopping at Walmart, as much as I loathe the place!

I’ll buy the store brands of SOME things but not everything. Depends on the ingredients. Canned/dried beans? You betcha. That BBQ sauce? Nope. I’ll bet you a king-size Snickers bar that Great Value sauce has high-fructose corn syrup in it! So for that, I go with a brand name that doesn’t.


Funny story. I was running with my hubby today (he’s waaaay faster than me.) I was miserable trying to get a negative split and keep up with him and you popped into my head. I thought about how much you love running and how sad you were when you couldn’t run.. then I thought about the fact that you coach runners, and how you’re probably such a positive, bubbly coach. Next thing I know I’ve got half a mile left and I’m a full minute less than my first mile. I’m glad I blog stalk you! ;)


I love the bachelor, just dont like the bachelor this season!

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