Weekly Goal, Making Pretzels and a Video.

I think that the cold weather (which for the first year of my life I am absolutely loving how cold it is…I don’t know what my deal is, I need to stop being optimistic or something) is influencing us in a very good way.

(Church parking lot Sunday morning….it is a miracle that I did not fall)

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The cold weather is influencing us to bake more than we have in the last 3 months.  We have gone through a whole bag of white flour and half a bag of wheat flour in 24 hours.

Please excuse the awkwardness of the below photo;)

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I fell asleep on my family room floor yesterday afternoon (as weird as that is, that is my favorite place to take a nap) and when I woke up they were making soft-pretzels?!?!  Billy and his bro were watching football and I bet a fan on the tv was eating a soft pretzel and so they decided they needed some in their life too.

I attacked the cinnamon sugar ones.  They used THIS recipe and I couldn’t believe how good they were!  I just need a little frosting to dip them into.


My mom has the stomach flu but we still decided to go over for dinner, don’t be surprised if I start complaining that I am deathly ill again this week, I just couldn’t miss a Sunday with my family.

This is what it looks like when my mom isn’t in charge…..she is the most organized person in the world and so I thought it was pretty funny that this is what it looks like when we are put in charge.

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We had roast, potatoes, veggies and homemade biscuits because I clearly needed more carbs after waffles and pretzels.

Just in case you ever wondered what little curly actually sounds like, I thought I would include a short video of her.  Her two key phrases lately are: “You BUSTED” and “You a SNEAKY _____”


What is your goal for this week?!?! It can be anything….fitness/nutrition/social/life!!

-My goal is to not just focus in on running this week but find more of a balance in my flexibility (yoga 2x this week) and strength (Jillian 3x this week) and then kick it back into high gear with running the following week.

Would you call yourself organized?

-No, I was TOO organized as a kid and I rebelled as a teenager and never figured out how to be organized since then.

What was the last delicious carb you ate?  I mean most of us are runners ya know…..we thrive off of these babies!

-A bedtime snack pretzel.  Billy, I will was the cinnamon sugar off of our bed spread today, I promise.

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I just want to eat her face. Seriously – well, not seriously – but still, she’s ridiculously adorable.


Oh man I cannot believe they actually made pretzels- waking up to that scent must have been heavenly! The last delicious carb I ate was a pizza topped with mozzarella, olives, sundried tomatoes and artichokes….oh man I want to rewind time so I can eat it all over again :)


Wow girl- those pretzels look amazing and that niece of yours is adorable! I’m not really organized, I do try to be, but I have ADD which makes it close to impossible.. Last night I made some stuffed pizza, lots and lots of carbs :)


Little miss curly is TOO FREAKIN CUTE. How do you resist the urge to kidnap her?

My goals for this week are to GET organized and get to work on this semester. I have been dragging my feet because I still want it to be winter break (and for some reason, boycotting homework makes me feel better about this). I also need to decide whether I am going to commit to a 10k race that is coming up! (I have only done 5ks).


My goal for this week is to clean my room, which happens to be fitness (there’s a lot of junk to haul in here), nutrition (my mom said she would bake me cookies when I’m done), and social (She also said she’d unground me). Am I organized? No. Not at all. Hence the room goal. Last delicious carb? Cinnamon Log from Bread Poets. Absolutely to die for.


My goal is to be friends with Jillian again – curious though which DVDs of hers you like or recommend?


Pretzels look yum. I like mine salty and dripping with butter. Healthy carbs all the way right? ;)

My goal this week is to get more energy- sleep more, eat better etc! Plus lots of running.

Organized? hahaha.. I mean… I am working on it :)


That’s funny – I was going to post the same thing – I am going to take it easy with running this week and just do my Jillian DVD and focus on strength and stretching. My body is BEGGING for it!!


Curly is sooooooooo cute!


I’ve gone through so much flour these past couple of weeks. The cold weather is definitely making me want to bake!

I wouldn’t say I’m organized, but I would say I’m tidy. Everything is put away, I just don’t necessarily know where it all is.


For the first time in my life, I am loving cold weather too! I thought it was because it’s my first winter back in the midwest and it isn’t as brutal here as on the northeast and I blacked out how bad “real cold” is…but maybe it’s a national phenomenon!

I have a big meeting today about a possible promotion so that is what I’m focusing on! EEK!


oh my goodness gracious, little curly is the cutest thing ever! i seriously always love all the photos you post of her, and this video is even better!
my husband was just asking me the other day if we could make soft pretzels at home as we got a sample of one at the mall… i should use this recipe!
have a great day my friend! :)


Those look amazing! Happy MOnday :)


I’m starting a 30 Day nutritional cleanse this week, so I will be focusing on that! I’m extremely excited about it! I’m a pretty organized person and can be a bit OCD about it at times. Last night I ate some delicious fries from WingStop.


my goal for the week is to start running again. i have been out (and freaking out!!!!) for the last two weeks due to mysterious foot/heel/calf pain AND i have a half marathon to run in 2weeks….. a little backwards on the taper….. wish me luck!
also, carbs and me = much love. made a cinnamon walnut quickbread yesterday afternoon…yum!


GET UP when the alarm goes off. Already failing at that one.
Yes, I am organized.
Had baked ziti for dinner last night!

Do you have a race on the horizon?

The Kidless Kronicles


I’m messily organized. I know where everything is, but no one else can understand my filing system. It allows me to be entirely secretive.


Those pretzels look amazing… You’re killing me, I’m losing count of the number of foods I’ve craved this week because I’ve seen them on your blog!!

I’m just kidding.. I love it :) Have a great day!


To try at least one new workout!
I am very organized, my job as a event planner basically depends on it. Sometimes I wish I could be a little less organized though! It can complicate things ;)
I had a peanut butter peanut cookie yesterday, best cookies ever and they have no flour!


Gosh darn she’s the cutest little thing!

This week I want to start my readings and not get behind, eat cleaner, get good rest, and focus on good running after missing my long run :(

I am a bit OCD when it comes to color coding my planner.. but my room is a nightmare so I’m a happy medium :)

I had a pb & nanner sandwich yesterday yumm!


My goal is to do more core and strength training- starting this week and forever more!
The last delicious carb I ate was this pear crumble my friend made on Saturday night- so amazing.
And I am not organized. It is my new years resolution every year and I’m still working on that one…

Your video is soooo adorable.


I try to be organized, but it’s difficult when traveling. I really want to get back into a routine this week and get a longer run (9-1o miles) in.

I had really delicious pizza last night with thick chewy crust. I prefer thin crust pizza, but this was quite amazing.


My goal this week is to focus on my diet and stick to eating well. I have been doing a great job working out but I am not seeing results because my diet is still lacking. This is the week! :)


HAHA I love the video! She is, as always, adorable!!

Those pretzels look delicious! Even better if they were dipped in FROSTING. Too far? Oops :)

This week, my goal is to FINALLY finish packing for Paris! GAH.


Delicious carb = garlic mashed potatoes last night (drool)
goal for the week = get lots of sleep (i have been lackin lately)
organized = most definitely NOT! ahh that is one of my 2012 goals though!
And those pretzels look SO good. And little curly is adorable, she seems like such a little character.


those pretzels look YUM!

goal for this week is to make foam rolling my business…i want to feel better so badly!

i’m organized in my own, cluttertastic way. lol

last delicious carb=TONS of pizza last night…so much that im still full this morning. my run will be well fueled today, haha.


Aww Curly is so cute!! I’m sure she LOVES you! ‘busted’ hahaha

Good luck with all your Jillian this week! My goal is to fit in at least one 6mi+ run (my longest) and to be completely prepared for my BIG work trip next Monday (eeek!)

No way… I do too many things at once I”m scatterbrained all over the place. I have organized ‘piles’ lol

I love these Artisan Breads Costco makes fresh! I toasted it and dipped it in a HOMEMADE Lobster Bisque I’m super proud of!


hahaha Curly is too cute!

I love soft pretzels! Cinnamon sugar ones dunked in caramel sauce!


She is so, so cute!! Good luck with your goals for the new week.
Now that I am healthy again, I want to pick up and complete my tasks on my running schedule and do some more strength training.
I am very, very, organized, just some times I am too lazy. But I am actually a little OCD about filing things and putting them at correct places, stuff like that. I hate anything clutter.
And my last “meal” was rice waffles – I love them!


My goal this week: start running again! I took last week off because of my hip and busy work schedule, but I think I’ll start my next marathon training….today?

Organized? Nope, I even “lost” my new sponges last week and then discovered I had stored them away in the fridge with my vegetables (more about my dementia issues last week on my blog)

Last good carb? Vegan (although I am not vegan) pizza from Whole Foods and a hazelnut chocolate truffle to top it off. Yummmmm


She is way too cute for words!!

Soft pretzels are soooo yummy!! I’ve never tried cinnamon ones though! I better get on that ;)


I gotta get my grocery list written and the groceries bought or the kids might fire me.
The last carb I ate was an everything bagel with garden vegetable cream cheese. It was wonderful.


My goal this week is to survive lol. It’s homecoming week, and we are having early morning and afternoon practices every day this week. I can already tell my voice is about to go. I’m also teaching my regular 7 fitness classes this week, so my other goal is to get as much rest as possible and not waste any time. Oh, and I’ve got to focus on drinking LOTS of water and not eating sweets like I have the past several days.

Little curly is so precious – love it!

I’m pretty organized as far as time management goes and scheduling, and I stay very organized at work. However, when it comes to my closet, things are arranged by color and what not, but I’m not the best about putting my clothes away…


ahhh your niece sounds exactly as i pictured her! so cute!!


My goal for this week is to find joy in the daily routine of life. If you can find happiness there, you’re setup for a happy life!
I am an organized person – a little bit too much for Dear Hubby. No OCD, but order is good.
I ate TONS of whole wheat pizza yesterday – good the memory still haunts me


I can never keep my room clean but I am super organized about everything else. I color coded all of my school stuff last semester!


Thatt parking lot looks like an accident waiting to happen I probably would have fallen.
Last carb I had: oatmeal for dinner
My goal for the week is to make it through the first week of class and get back into a routine.


ahaha, I love that curly headed little babe. and I was ALSO too organized as a child… now, I’m a little more messy and can’t quite seem to get my crap together.

I have GOT to make pretzels. liiiike… right now.


Love the pretzels! :)

My goal this week is to lay off iced coffees, and mochas from Mcd’s. It’s not my first choice, but they are right next door to where I work. I just feel like I drink WAY too much of them. This is also in addition to my morning coffee at home. Too much. :)
I am organized, so much that I bug the mess out of people sometimes! I can’t stand clutter……Just call me Monk.

Hmmm carb….probably my English Muffin this morning! :)
Have a fantastic day!


Omg she is sooo cutee!!! Those cinnamon pretzels look AMAZING. I used to love the ones from Auntie Annies or whatever that place is in the mall.
My goal is not to get sick. I have a bit of a sore throat and runny nose, I don’t want to get sick!
I’m organized in a messy way if that makes sense? Lol. I like things neat but I like them spread out how I want them. Other people may think it’s messy but I know where everything is.
I had granola / cereal this morning!


I’m lovin’ your cute niece & the snow. It snows here about every 20 years & then we literally have to shut down the whole county.

My goal this week is to do my long run Sat with no issues! I also plan to clean some things around the house that are more “deep cleaning” thingys.

I’m very organized, the family knows not to disturb my organization. ;0

Ate Mexican food Sat night out with hubby, to many carbs to list, plus fresh guacamole…yum!


Soft pretzels go down as one of my all-time favorite foods. Come to CA so we can make some!


Love your sense of humor!!! Cracks me up :] Have a great week, hope you’re feeling better! xo.


I am determined to hit up the gym tomorrow morning (which means a 4am wake up calin the cold, windy rain).


Goal for the week is to figure out my thoughts on intuitive eating. If I really follow my body clues……after a week or so, I question if I am doing a good enough job at nutrition, fueling for workouts etc.

Best carb of the weekend. Persian doughnut with eqaul parts frosting and doughnut……delish.

Bedtime snacks are ment to be eaten in bed right?


curly makes me die of cute. for real. I die of the cute. plus-her hair is identical (only blonde) to mine as a tot. I feel her future pain.


My big goal this week is my long run this weekend: 11 miles and it’s the furthest I’ll have ever run! I’m pretty amped about it…


You can’t stop being optimistic!! Remember when you said you loved that I said sometimes my optimism hurts?? Feel the pain, Janae, feel the pain. PS: my goal is also yoga twice this week. I went yesterday for the first time in a while and feel so great now – must keep this up!!


I am SO going to come hang out with you every weekend if you keep baking like this. Seriously.

I am not super organized at home, but I try to be super organized at work, it makes everything easier.

My goal this week is t not get hurt! My half is on Sunday, so it’s kind of a taper week. My shins didn’t hurt at ALL on my 11 miles yesterday, so I am going to focus more on cross training too, using the bike for my warm up/cool down, and then easy runs. I am so excited!!


Your neice is seriously adorable. Love it!! The pretzels look amazing…yum!! Now go out and buy you some frosting to dip those babies in. :)

Goal for the week is 100 pushups a day. I might die.


Ohmygoodness how cute is she?

Last carb I ate…I had some lifesavers gummies yesterday I’ve been craving those like crazy lately…all gummy candy really. Guess that’s more incentive to continue running.

Those pretzels look so yummy!

Exercise goal for the week is to log at least 25 miles this week (taper time! – 2 weeks away from the marathon!) and get a couple of days of cross training in. Really trying to focus on running and rest in these last days though.


I’m trying to add more yoga into my routine and I’d like to cut back on the cross training and run more. The running has been slowly getting less and less in my life and I hate it!


Now I’m pretty much going to die of I don’t get a pretzel stat!!!! Thanks a lot! :-)


Those pretzels look so good!! I actually don’t like hard pretzels but soft ones are such a treat!


Ohmygoodness CURLY is the cutest. Your family time totally melts my heart! Isn’t it funny how weather inspires eats…plus, using the oven keeps your house warmer!! Another Sunday-funday Janae!


I happily/ guiltily admit that I am OCD organized… Color-coding, organizing, ohhh yeahhh haha!

Fave delic carb that I recently ate: a La Brea Bread French baguette! And it was so good I bought two more to bring home for later consumption- tonight perhaps?!


Curly!! Loved the video!
And Janae, I was the same as you when we were kids–I was very organized! I don’t know who that kid was bc now I have trouble making the bed in the mornings and putting my clothes away.
Those pretzels. Wow. I want one now.


I’m organized to a fault. It drives the hubs crazy.


Your niece is seriously the CUTEST….

I love making home-made pretzels, but it’s alot of work. Those looks way better than the ones I make.


those pretzels look amazing! hmmmm – my goal for the week is to eat really clean and stay hydrated. it’s easier to drink more water when it’s hot outside. by the way, I am LOVING cold weather for running. this morning it was 44* and I wish it had been colder!


My goal is to stick with my training plan for my first half marathon. Last week was the first week and I am not going to lie and tell you it was easy!


What are the temps like where you live? Some days it is VERY cold here.
Your niece is just so precious and SO cute!!
I’m also trying to incorporate more strength training and strectching apart from my running… I really need it!


If I could, I would live off of carbs. Just give me bread, bread and more bread. Sounds heavenly.


cutie niece Logan loved every second of that vid :)


My goal is to not lose my mind before the end of the week and hopefully PR at my race on Sunday


Curly is so cute!! And those pretzels look delicious


I love homemade pretzels…yummy!!!! Hope you have a wonderful Monday!


She is so unbelievably cute. I think I would just sit around all day, telling her phrases to say! ;)

And is it just me, or have you been cooking/baking more and more recently?? I’m impressed with your culinary skills!


awww!! what a cutie!


Those pretzels look incredible! I just checked out the link and they’re only 196 cals each?! (not counting the cinnamon sugar ;))

My fitness goals for the week are to run 6 miles without stopping, and do some Jillian strength training 3 times, too! She makes my abs burn.


Hey chica – LOVE the shots of your E3 water bottle with your spin bike! What a surprise! Hope you guys are liking it for our training xx


Those pretzels look delicious! Mmmmm…… carbs…… :)


OMG! I think I HAVE to make those soft pretzels! I even have some bread flour I would like to get rid of. It’s perfect!


Curly is so stinkin’ precious! (And so is her sweet sister, sitting all pretty at the table!) I wish I could have one of those pretzels right now…the cinnamon sugar ones look so good!


My goal this week is to make it through the week without going crazy. It’s going to be jam-packed!

Your niece is SO adorable!! I love the “You sneaky aunt!”


I can’t believe they made pretzals from scratch. I love soft pretzels…I may need to make some for the superbowl!


Ugh! Now I have to make those pretzels! They look so yummy.

Your niece is just too cute! She reminds me of my girls at that age. They were both blond curlies.

My goal this week? Run 3x and yoga or Pilates 2x.


Soft pretzels are the BOMB! Seriously, one of my favorite carbs. Not counting anything dessert-related, of course!


Our church parking lot looked exactly the same! They had guys outside helping us all in though which was nice. I for sure would have biffed it had they not!

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